UNIVERSITY OF MALTA PROVISIONAL AS ON 30/8/2010 FACULTY OF ARTS MASTER IN TRANSLATION (TAUGHT COMPONENT) TIME-TABLE ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011, SEMESTER 1 MONDAY 10.00-11.00 TUESDAY TIS 5034 Translation Practice 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TIS 5031 Language Analysis: Concepts and Skills Dates: 04/10/10 – 15/11/10 TIS 5037 Translation Practice 2 Dates: 22/11/10 – 17/01/11 11.00-12.00 Lecturers: CB/AA/JE Room Allocation: TIS 5034 Translation Practice 1 Dates: 07/10/10 – 20/01/11 Dates: 04/10/10 – 15/11/10 TIS 5032 Language Enhancement (Maltese) TIS 5037 Translation Practice 2 Dates: 05/10/10 – 18/01/11 Dates: 22/11/10 – 17/01/11 Lecturer: CB Room Allocation: Lecturers: CB/AA/JE Room Allocation: Lecturer: CTV Room Allocation: TIS 5031 Language Analysis: Concepts and Skills Dates: 07/10/10 – 20/01/11 Lecturer: CTV Room Allocation: TIS 5032 Language Enhancement (Maltese) 12.00-13.00 Dates: 05/10/10 – 18/01/11 Lecturer: CB Room Allocation: 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 TIS 5034 Translation Practice 1 TIS 5030 Translation Theories TIS 5036 Computer-Aided Translation Dates: 04/10/10 – 15/11/10 TIS 5037 Translation Practice 2 Dates: 22/11/10 – 17/01/11 15.00-16.00 Lecturers: CB/AA/JE Room Allocation: TIS 5034 Translation Practice 1 Dates: 05/10/10 – 18/01/11 Lecturer: CTV Room Allocation: TIS 5030 Translation Theories Dates: 7/10/10-21/10/10, 06/01/11-20/01/11 Lecturer: SP Room Allocation: TIS 5036 Computer-Aided Translation Dates: 04/10/10 – 15/11/10 TIS 5037 Translation Practice 2 Dates: 22/11/10 – 17/01/11 Lecturers: CB/AA/JE Room Allocation: Dates: 08/10/10 – Dates: 05/10/10 – 18/01/11 Lecturer: CTV Room Allocation: TIS 5033 Trans and Int. Instituti Dates: 7/10/10-21/10/10, 06/01/11-20/01/11 Lecturer: SP Room Allocation: Lecturers: SP Room Allocatio TIS 5033 Trans and Int. Instituti 16.00-17.00 Dates: 08/10/10 – Lecturers: SP Room Allocatio TIS 5036 Computer-Aided Translation 16.30-18.30 Dates: 28/10/10-16/12/10 Lecturer: SP Room Allocation: IT Lab Key to abbreviations TIS 5030 TIS 5031 TIS 5032 TIS 5033 TIS 5034 Translation Theories Language Analysis: Concepts and Skills Language Enhancement (Maltese) Translating for the EU and International Institutions Translation Practice 1 TIS 5036 TIS 5037 Computer-Aided Translation Translation Practice 2 Lecturer: Dr. Clare Thake Vassallo Lecturer: Dr. Clare Thake Vassallo Lecturer: Dr. Charles Briffa Lecturer: Dr Sergio Portelli (4 cr) (4 cr) (4 cr) (4 cr) Lecturers: Dr. Charles Briffa/Dr. Anthony Aquilina/ Prof. Joseph Eynaud Lecturer: Dr. Sergio Portelli Lecturers: Dr. Charles Briffa/ Dr. Anthony Aquilina/ Prof. Joseph Eynaud (5 cr) Room allocations will be announced later OH- Old Humanities Building LC – Lecture Centre IT- IT Services BENC - Faculty of the Built Environment Hall C (4 cr) (5 cr) N.B. Xmas Recess: 18/12/10-02/01/11 Examinations: 22/01/10- 08/02/11