Climate Influences on, and Interannual Variability of, Natural Avalanches in Three Avalanche Paths in Glacier National Park, Montana 1,2 and C. J. Caruso2 B. A. Reardon1, D. B. Fagre1, G. T. Pederson1,2 1U. Background ABSTRACT: We compiled chronologies of natural avalanche activity in three avalanche paths in John F. Stevens Canyon, at the southwestern corner of Glacier National Park, for a 97-year period (1910-2005). Natural avalanche activity in these paths is concentrated in January and February, so we compared avalanche occurrence in each path with mean January through February Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and ENSO Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices and March 1st snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth anomalies at a nearby Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) snowcourse. We ranked the climate indices for the 97-year period, then grouped them into terciles. We then tallied the frequency with which an avalanche winter occurred in each tercile for the individual paths and for the paths as a group. The results show that avalanche occurrence in the individual paths has few consistent relationships with the climate indices and snowpack anomalies. Considered as a group, however, avalanches occurred more frequently in winters with negative PDO indices, neutral ENSO indices and positive SWE and depth anomalies. Avalanches occurred in 18 of 32 negative PDO winters, 21 of 30 ENSO neutral winters, and 16 of 25 winters with positive snowpack anomalies. During the 97-year period, there were 17 winters in which avalanches occurred in more than one of the three avalanche paths; eight of these coincided with PDO negative years or years with positive snow depth anomalies and seven with neutral ENSO conditions. The coincidence of positive SWE anomalies, negative PDO and neutral ENSO indices with winters with avalanche years common to two to three avalanche paths suggests that above-average snowfall driven by climate oscillations may result in more widespread avalanche activity throughout a winter, with correspondingly greater economic and ecological effects. Thus, natural avalanches may be a mechanism through which climate has large scale and long-term ecological effects on montane forests. S. Geological Survey Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center 2Big Sky Institute - Montana State University Are avalanches more common in some climate patterns? To investigate this question, we compared avalanche occurrence in Stevens Canyon with seasonal scores for two climate patterns. •We developed avalanche chronologies for three avalanche paths for the 1910-2005 period by combining tree-ring chronologies with historical records. We also compiled a historic record of all avalanches that disrupted transportation in the canyon during the same period. Do climate patterns influence the variability of natural snow avalanches? •Generally considered random natural hazards. •Known to have important ecological effects. •For each path, the paths as a group, and the canyon as a whole, we designated each year as either an avalanche year or a nonavalanche year. •May be mechanism by which climate shapes montane forests. Answer requires long-term record of natural avalanches. •Most records of natural avalanches from sites where avalanches controlled through explosives or skier compaction •Because natural avalanche activity in Stevens Canyon is concentrated in January and February, we calculated mean January through February PDO and Nino 3.4 scores for each winter, as well as a combined PDONino 3.4 score for each winter. •Transportation infrastructure in Stevens Canyon, at southwestern corner of Glacier National Park, provides nearly century-long record. What climate patterns might influence natural avalanche variability? •We ranked the seasonal scores for the 97year period, then grouped them into terciles. The highest terciles correspond with warm phase PDO or El Nino conditions and the lowest with cool phase PDO or La Nina conditions. •Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is the primary source of interannual snowpack variability. •El-Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), particularly the Nino 3.4 region, is a secondary influence on snowpack variability (McCabe and Dettinger, 200?; Selkowitz et al, 2002). Study Site and Data Sources Historic Record •97 winters (1910-2006) •Compiled from variety of primary sources •Great Northern Railway records •Glacier NP ranger logs •Montana Dept. Of Transportation logs •Local newspapers •No consistent period of record or data recording Shaded Relief Map of Stevens Canyon showing outlines of avalanche paths (blue), snowsheds (red), and transportation infrastructure. •Bias towards large-magnitude avalanches that damaged infrastructure, injured or killed workers, or disrupted traffic in canyon. Climate Records •PDO: •ENSO: Tree-Ring Record •Chronologies for three avalanche paths developed in previous studies Photos of the three avalanche paths that were the focus of this study: Shed 7 (a, top), Shed 10.7 (b, lower left), and Goat Lick (c, lower right). Photos by Darwon Stoneman. • We then tallied the frequency with which an avalanche winter occurred in each tercile for the individual paths, for the paths as a group, and for the entire canyon. Avalanche Path Shed 10.7 Goat Lick Shed 7 Any of 3 paths 2 or more paths Any path in canyon Highest Tercile 7 2 10 12 PDO Score Middle Tercile 11 7 7 16 Lowest Tercile 9 6 14 18 Highest Tercile 8 0 5 10 Nino 3.4 Score Middle Tercile 11 8 13 21 •Prior to conducting the T-Test, we examined each group for equal variance and normal distribution. Comparisons for PDO years involved 97 years; comparisons for Nino 3.4 and PDO + Nino 3.4 involved 92 years. Avalanche Path(s) Shed 10.7 Goat Lick Shed 7 Any of 3 paths 2 or more of three paths Any path in Canyon 27 avalanche years 15 avalanche years 32 avalanche years 49 avalanche years 18 avalanche years 54 avalanche years Est. of Diff: p-value: Est. of Diff: p-value: Est. of Diff: p-value: Est. of Diff: p-value: Est. of Diff: p-value: Est. of Diff: p-value: PDO Index Nino 3.4 Index PDO + Nino 3.4 index -0.0719 -0.0303 -0.149453 0.757 0.922 0.748 -0.608000 -0.509777 -1.32951 0.091 0.015 0.006 -0.363579 -0.294411 -0.787603 0.115 0.237 0.044 -0.392949 -0.131404 -0.593413 0.057 0.597 0.128 -0.388657 -0.476785 -0.994729 0.206 0.142 0.061 -0.420579 -0.353579 -0.804076 0.039 0.17 0.044 •Results again showed little consistent relationship between individual avalanche paths and climate scores. •Avalanche years showed greatest difference from non-avalanche years for the combined PDO + Nino 3.4 score. •Avalanche years tended to show more statistically significant difference from non-avalanche years as the number of avalanche paths increased, though test results were generally not significant or borderline significant at the 95% confidence level. Lowest Tercile 6 5 9 12 4 5 8 3 7 5 15 18 21 14 19 18 Individual value plots and boxplots for combined PDO and Nino 3.4 scores for Shed 7 (left), 2 or more of the 3 avalanche paths (middle), and the entire canyon (right). Though scores were generally lower for all three groups, the difference between avalanche and nonavalanche years was only significant for Shed 7 and the canyon as a whole. •Different methodologies and periods of records Conclusions 1990 •The precision of the data was not consistent at all levels of the analysis. Data for some avalanche paths, particularly Goat Lick, was biased towards large magnitude avalanches due to inconsistent recording and lack of tree-ring data. 1985 1993 Figure 7: Dated cross section taken from avalanche path Shed 10.7. Note the scarring, reaction wood and years that correspond to injuries and growth anomalies. To determine whether there was significant difference between avalanche years and nonavalanche years, we conducted 2-sample T-Tests comparing avalanche years for individual avalanche paths, the avalanche paths as a group, and all avalanche paths within the canyon. The results show that avalanche occurrence in the individual paths has few consistent relationships with the climate indices anomalies. Considered as a group, however, avalanches occurred more frequently in winters with negative PDO indices and neutral ENSO indices. (Butler and Malanson, 1985; Reardon et al, submitted). 1993 Are avalanche years significantly different than nonavalanche years? Examples of sources used to create the historical record: clipping from the Hungry Horse News, 1950 (top) and 1911 photo (bottom; courtesy of Stumptown Historical Society). •It appears that relationships with PDO and Nino 3.4 grow clearer and more significant when larger numbers of avalanche paths are included in the comparisons. This suggests that these climate patterns influence natural avalanche frequency by creating more widespread avalanche activity across a landscape. Graph showing sample depth by year and years avalanches recorded by trees in Shed 10.7 avalanche path. •An accurate assessment of how climate patterns such as PDO and ENSO influence interannual variability of natural avalanches would require tree-ring based avalanche chronologies from multiple avalanche paths in a drainage.