Pacific Decadal Oscillation 0.6 0m Freeze Core University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall Department of Geosciences, Lincoln, NE 68588 -0.6 Negative Phase Positive Phase (Modified from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab) Drought Frequency Varve Ages 0-2773 ybp +PDO/-AMO +PDO/+AMO Multidecadal changes in sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean basins have been shown to have a profound influence on long-term drought frequencies in North America. Together, the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation explain more than half of the temporal and spatial variance in pervasive drought in North America (McCabe et al. 2004). Arrows on the diagram to the left indicate the position of Foy Lake, Montana. 1m Lake-Climate Response Foy Lake, MT 1954 Foy Lake, MT 1937 Sediment Chronology Foy Lake is a deep lake located in the northern part of the Flathead River Basin, inside the Rocky Mountains. The lake is roughly a mile across and the basin is isolated in the hills to the west of Kalispell, Montana. Foy Lake Age Model The age model for Foy Lake is based upon varved sediments, radiocarbon dates, and ash from two volcanic events (Mazama and Glacier Peak). An annually-resolved varve chronology was compared with Pb210 dates for the last century to verify that varves represented annual laminations. Radiocarbon dates in the late Holocene were used to provide chronological controls and verify age estimations. Increasing aridity As lake levels fluctuate, diatom habitat areas change. Decreasing lake levels always reduce planktic habitat area, but benthic habitat area (black margin) may increase or decrease because of basin slope. Full Stage Complete Isolation -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 -12000 -14000 Dated Material Varved Samples 100 Age Model 2m 25% = Normal Drought Frequency Needle (3989 -40/+40) 200 (Modified from McCabe et al. 2004) Late Holocene (0-1350 ybp) 500 700 Mazama Ash (7550) -0.1 -2 -0.3 -4 -0.5 -0.7 Dry More Benthic 300 1100 2000 1980 In northwestern Montana, regional drought (represented by the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index for Climate Division 1) is strongest during the positive phase of the PDO and long-term moisture increases are associated with negative phases of the PDO. Drought variations remain in-phase with low-frequency changes in the PDO throughout the past century (data from the NOAA website). Early Holocene & Late Glacial (9701-13187ybp) 3700 500 1200 11700 40 25 29 6700 22 25 20 1100 12200 33 6200 29 1000 50 5700 33 11200 67 5200 50 40 900 10700 100 4700 67 700 10200 200 4200 200 100 600 200 12700 10200 300 3200 Benthic 400 5m lla 600 ith Su rr ire em io id br eb iss on ii 500 Ep Ps eu do sta ur St os au ira ro br sir ev a ist el ria li p ti c ta a St (s au e ro ns u O sira H th aw co er or Fr nst th ru ag ) en i la Ac ria s v a Achn r. ve hnant nt h O an es er th th z e e C r e s i oc A ro gl co ch s er An ne na ens i om is s nth toc oe pp. es kii on ei sc os ta ta C ra tic ul a ha lo ph ila N av ic u la di lu vai N na av icu la Pi nn cf. ul ar oblo ia Am br nga eb ph iss or on a ii l ib yc Am a p Am ho r p ap C hor ed y m a ic be thu ulu ll a m s cy ens m is bi fo rm C is ym b C e ll ym a d C bell elic ym a at be lep ula lla toc su ero ba s O eq th ua er li s En Cy cy mb o O ne ella th m e a En r En ev cy cy erg o o l N nop nem adi av um s a ice is s l la p p pu . N sil itz la sc hi oi d an ia C na yc lo te la C oc yc el lo la te ta ll a C ste yc ll i lo ge te ro la id cf. es bo da ni ca St va ep r. ha le no m an di sc ica us m Fr in ag ut ul il a us ria ca pu cin Fr a ag cf. i la va ria uc te he ne ria ra e 1960 3200 400 4m Glacier Peak Ash (13100) Tychoplanktic m ich ig a C yc lo te l 1940 Needle (11200 -310/+350) 0 700 500 1000 800 900 1500 2000 6m Wood 7210 -205/+95 1000 3700 4200 4700 5200 5700 6200 6700 10700 11200 11700 12200 12700 1100 200 67 100 50 40 200 100 2500 67 50 40 33 29 25 22 Frequency (years) Frequency (years) 20 200 100 67 50 40 33 29 25 Frequency (years) 3000 Evolution of Diatom-inferred Drought Frequencies in Northwestern Montana Through Time -6 3500 1917 1922 1927 1932 1937 1942 1947 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 Years Evolutive spectral analyses show that drought has not consistently reoccurred at the same frequencies throughout the past 13,000 years. Prior to the early Holocene (far right panel) diatom-inferred drought frequencies are poorly developed and are generally strongest at lowfrequencies. As the transition into the early Holocene occurs, weak trends become significant frequencies (black contour) developing strong spectral ridges at frequencies around 36, 45, 60-80, and some low-frequency ridges around 285. In contrast, the mid-Holocene shows a series of well-developed ridges that continue throughout nearly the entire period from 7000-3000 ybp. Between 4,500-4,000 ypb, most of the significant high-frequencies break down, leaving only a few scattered low-frequency trends, which is a pattern that appears to continue into the late Holocene. The apparent ‘plateau’ in the late Holocene occurs at a transition point in the diatom record when the isolated lake basins join and diatom-response is amplified as a result of a dramatic increase in benthic habitat area (Stone & Fritz, 2004). Periods shown are divided by diatom dissolution zones with a 3-dimensional view of the spectra and a plan view of the same time period with 90% confidence intervals contoured. Early, Middle, and Late Holocene periods are all high-resolution, but have slightly different sample spacing (7.5, 10, and 5 year intervals, respectively). Evolutive spectral analyses were run with a 100-point moving window with a 3-data-point offset (Mann & Park 1999; Mann & Lees 1995). 4500 7m Middle Holocene 5000 5500 Mazama Ash 7550 ybp 6000 HOLOCENE Years Before Present (1950) 4000 Fossil diatom assemblages from annually-resolved sediments from Foy Lake mimic both low-frequency trends and often high-frequency drought variability (represented by the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index for Climate Division 1). Diatom assemblages recovered from Foy Lake show a clear sensitivity to high-frequency drought occurences; decreases in the diatom index shown here usually represent very minor changes (3-7% shifts in relative dominance of planktic or benthic diatoms), while persistent drought (1930s-1940s) can produce a threshold response because of the unique lake-basin morphometry (Stone & Fritz 2004). 1920 1000 Dissolution Zone Planktic Diatom Index 0 2 1900 Age (years before present) 0.1 PDO Charcoal (9275 -185/+190) 900 Late Holocene 2 1 Age (years before present) 0.3 0 800 Age (years before present) 4 Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index 0.5 -6 Bulk Sed. 4835 -90/+30 Bulk Sed. (8440 -50/+150) Diatom Stratigraphy of Foy Lake, MT 6 -1 3m 40 Wet -4 600 50 More Planktic -2 -2 Wood (7210 -205/+95) 67 0.7 0 Middle Holocene (2202-7550 ybp) 800 Planktic 2 400 100 Diatom Response to Drought 4 Needle 3989-40/+40 Bulk Sed. (4835 -90/+30) 300 The varves are carbonate/organic in nature and occur sporadically through the Late Glacial and early Holocene and continuously through the late Holocene. The persistence of varved sediment in the late Holocene supports the diatom inference that modern lake levels are probably significantly deeper than any time since the early Holocene. Increasing aridity Partial Isolation 0 -PDO/+AMO 0 Depth (cm) During periods of pervasive drought, common in the late 30s and early 40s, the lake level lowered dramatically, exposing a broad shallow platform. At less than a meter deep, it effectively isolated the two sub-basins. With continued lake-level decline, these two basins become completely isolated. -PDO/-AMO Years (before 1950) 6 Div. 1 MT PHDI Dry Jeffery Robert Stone & Sherilyn C. Fritz 0 The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is an index of long-term trends in sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the northern Pacific basin. Positive and negative phases of the PDO have two frequencies, a shorter frequency of about 20-25 years and a longer multi-decadal frequency ranging from 50-80 years. Last-Century Comparison: PDO & PHDI Wet A 13,000-YR HIGH-RESOLUTION RECORD OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLIMATE CHANGE Sedimentology of the Foy Lake Core Teleconnections & Drought in Northwestern Montana 6500 7000 7500 8000 8m Bulk Sed. 8440 -50/+150 8500 Dissolution Zone 9000 9500 Early Holocene 10000 Increasing benthic area Increasing planktic area 4 6 8 10 12 14 1005 Lake Elevation (m) 9m 11000 Charcoal 9275 -185/+190 100000 LATE GLACIAL Diatom habitat areas can be estimated in lake basins by 1000 calculating the surface area of the lake (planktic) and surface area of 995 the lake basin and the depth of light penetration (benthic). The 990 availability of these two habitat areas can be modeled under different lake-level elevations to Photic 985 Penetration produce an estimate of the Depth proportional habitat area. The 3m 980 4.5 m result is a model of the relative 7.5 m 9m proportion of benthic and planktic diatoms that a lake is likely to 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Mean depth (m) support. By comparing changes in planktic:benthic ratios in lake sediment records to the model, it is possible to estimate past lake depths. At Foy Lake, the unique shape of the basin results in a threshold response with declining lake levels. As lake levels decline, relative benthic habitat area increases dramatically and then declines dramatically as the two lake basins begin to isolate. This threshold response is evident in the curve representing mean lake depth (Stone & Fritz 2004). 10500 11500 12000 12500 60 122 10000 67 Power 2 42 49 44 53 Late Holocene 0-1350ybp 34 1000 23 21 100 99% 95% 90% 50% 13000 0 40 80 0 40 0 40 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 0 40 80 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 0 40 0 40 0 0 0 40 80 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 80 10 0 Percent Abundance The diatom stratigraphy of Foy Lake can be broken into several periods based on assemblage and preservational changes. During the Late Glacial, the lake was dominated by Navicula diluviana, a common pioneer species in oligotrophic lake systems. Roughly at the boundary with the Holocene, the diatom assemblage undergoes a major shift towards planktic and tychoplanktic species, including Stephanodiscus minutulus and numerous colonial Fragilaria species, indicating lake levels increased. This interpretation is strengthened by the sudden appearance of well-developed varves and dark sediment bands, suggesting undisturbed sediment, which is common in deep, alkaline lakes with anoxic bottom-waters. Around 9,500 ybp, planktic dominance begins to give way to tychoplanktic species and eventually benthic species and prolonged periods of diatom dissolution, suggesting increased alkalinity and lowered lake depth. Sediment laminations disappear and benthic diatoms dominate most of the mid-Holocene, punctuated by periods of planktic dominance, probably representing general aridity with numerous millennial-scale shifts in effective moisture. A brief period of increased planktic production is centered at 8.2k ybp, lasting roughly 300 years. The transition into the late Holocene is also marked by a period of prolonged diatom dissolution, with an apparent assemblage change resulting from differential preservation. By the middle of the Late Holocene, the assemblage has shifted to dominance by a planktic species similar to Cyclotella bodanica var. lemanica, suggesting the lake became much deeper as a result of greatly increased effective moisture. This interpretation is also supported by a the sudden reappearance of welldeveloped varved sediments, which continue throughout the remainder of Holocene. 1 100000 10m Spacing = 5yrs 1667 Needle 11200 -310/+350 Mid Holocene 2202-7557ybp 125 167 66 53 97 71 60 10000 Power 0 Common Drought Frequencies in Northwestern Montana Over the Past 13,000 Years 1000 43 46 32 100 10 Spacing = 10yrs 1 100000 588 10000 11m Early Holocene & Late Glacial 9701-13187ybp 285 65 111 Power Modeling Diatom Habitat Areas Ratio of Planktic to Benthic Area 1000 42 77 47 32 36 28 24 100 Spacing = 7.5yrs 99% 95% 90% 50% 10 Glacier Peak Ash 13100 ybp 1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Frequency (1/yr) 0.05 0.06 Multi-tapered spectral analyses of highresolution changes in fossil diatom assemblages (inferred drought) result in numerous significant frequencies throughout the past 13,000 years. Highfrequency periodicities center around 21-24 years and lower frequency occurrences typically ranged from 40-80 years, similar to both high-frequency and low-frequency variability observed in Pacific Decadal Oscillation (McCabe et al. 2004). In the past century, pervasive drought in northwestern Montana appears to strongly influenced by multi-decadal changes in Pacific SST, showing similar frequencies and remaining in-phase with major shifts. The presence of significant recurrences of drought at the same frequencies within all three periods analyzed suggests that teleconnective processes probably had a similar influence throughout the Holocene. (Lees & Park 1995) Acknowledgments & References We would like to thank Erik Ekdahl, who assisted with spectral analyses; Lora Stevens and Mitch Power assisted in the collection of the core, sampling, and the chronology; Joshua Campbell analyzed the freeze core and Brandi Bracht assisted with laboratory preparation of the samples. Lynn Brewster-Wingard of the USGS provided historical aerial photographs. This research was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Lees, J. M. & Park, J., 1995, Multiple-taper spectral analysis: A stand-alone C-subroutine, Computers & Geosciences: 21, 199236. McCabe, G. J., Palecki, M. A., & Betancourt, J. L., 1994, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean influences on multidecadal drought frequency in the United States, PNAS 101(12):4136-4141. Mann, M. E., & Lees, J., 1996, Robust Estimation of Background Noise and Signal Detection in Climatic Time Series, Climatic Change 33:409-445. Mann, M. E., & Park, J., 1999, Oscillatory Spatiotemporal Signal Detection in Climate Studies: A Multiple-Taper Spectral Domain Approach, Advances in Geophysics 41:1-131. Stone, J. R., & Fritz, S. C, 2004, Three-dimensional modeling of lacustrine diatom habitat areas: Improving paleolimnological interpretation of planktic:benthic ratios, Limnology & Oceanography 49(5):1540-1548. 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