MONITORING CONDUCTIVITY IN HIGH ELEVATION STREAMS DRAINING THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA David Peterson, Madeline Solomon, Richard Smith, Stephen Hager, Fred Murphy, Iris Stewart, and King Huber "doing less with less" atmosphere March 2005 Conductivity (µS cm-1) 120° Sagehen Creek West Walker near Bridgeport Clark Fork Happy Isles 20 Sagehen Creek Happy Isles 0.20 0.15 Sagehen Creek Merced River +35 Merced River 0.10 rain events 0.05 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June 0 160 July Aug 2003 2003 Fig. 4 The inverse of river discharge is based on a linear transform though the inverse relation is nonlinear. Note the separation in red and green conductivity near the start of the spring pulse (Fig. 3). The same linear transform can be used to closely describe the pre-spring pulse segment of conductivity for SMD/conductivity observations in years 2000 to 2004. Fig. 2 Site map. In general, conductivity is the inverse of snowmelt discharge or as discharge increases, conductivity increases. 2004 120 80 40 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sample Number (x 104) Fig. 5 The Sagehen watershed above the creek gage is seventeen times smaller than the Merced River watershed above Happy Isles. Happy Isles, Yosemite National Park (2001) Merced River Discharge (m3 s-1) 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Conductivity (µS cm-1) 1.0 0.5 200 150 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Conductivity (µS cm-1) 100 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Conductivity (µS cm-1) ha rg e sc di g in in 450 ha rg e sc di g 250 cl ar ge rg e 400 sc h ha di sc de di 500 g rg e 550 300 in 1.5 ha 350 g 2.0 sc in di ris in rg e g 350 300 50 The watershed above the West Walker near Bridgeport has a high soil-to-bedrock ratio but lower runoff (lower rate of dilution), which further increases the river conductivity (Fig. 6). 70 ha in in Dissolved Si (µM L-1) sc cl ris ha rg e di rg e de sc g ha di in 0.2 2.5 sc g in di ris in cl g 0.4 de in in 3.0 ris 600 cl 0.6 400 de 3.5 0 0.8 Dissolved Ca (µM L-1) 5 The Stanislaus River above Clark Fork, however, was not glaciated at that time. Although the runoff is the same in both watersheds, the soil-to-bedrock ratios differ. Because of the loss of soil above Happy Isles, the soil-to-bedrock ratio is low compared to above Clark Fork. The rock and mineral surface area is greater in the Clark Fork than Happy Isles watersheds. The rate of supply of dissolved salts is greater in Clark Fork, as is the river conductivity, because the rates of dilution are the same. 60 70 Data courtesy of Dave Clow, USGS Hydrologic Benchmark Program. 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Conductivity (µS cm-1) Fig. 8 Sagehen Creek, 2002 Rising limb of the annual hydrograph are purple; the falling limb are green. a) discharge vs.conductivity, b) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) vs. conductivity. The clockwise hysteresis here likely reflects a flushing response in which solutes accumulated in the soil during the dry season are progressively flushed out as discharge rises. c) dissolved calcium versus conductivity, d) dissolved silica vs. conductivity. Note the strong linear correlation between conductivity and base cation concentrations. 250 Hourly Sample, 2003 River Conductivity (µS cm-1) spring pulse 40 discharge (SMD) correlate strongly with the variations in air temperature, and because the variations in air temperature are large scale, the SMD variations are large scale (Peterson, et. al., 2001) and because the variations in river conductivity correlate strongly with the variations in SMD (Fig. 4), we can extend the large-scale correlation in SMD to river conductivity (Fig. 5). variations in snowmelt discharge are a major source of the variations in river and stream chemistry. 122° 60 Fig. 3 The variations in snowmelt Fig. 1 The field monitoring is top-down because Runoff (m3 s-1 km2) Time soil 80 0.25 Conductivity (µS cm-1) Vernal Fall in spring, 2001 Conductivity (µS cm-1) t dis c ha rge Discharge Base Flow s river chemistry Spring Pulse now mel 50 DOC (mg/L) The interaction of climatic and geologic controls causes both broad similarities and specific differences in the seasonal and diurnal stream salinity records. The competing effects of salinity supply and dilution rates are evident in a comparison of high-flow and low-flow salinity variations in different watersheds and in the hysteresis evident in plots of salinity vs. river discharge. Monitoring and analysis of the salinity verses discharge behavior of high elevation rivers can contribute to the understanding of the individual contributions of snowmelt, precipitation, and groundwater to mountainous river and stream discharge and its susceptibility to climatic change. Temporal variations in conductivity are due to variations in rates of dilution via snowmelt discharge (climate). Spatial variations in rates of supply of dissolved salts are largely caused by geology. The soil and talus was cleaned from the Merced River watershed above Happy Isles during the last glacial episode, which ended 10,000 years ago. rain event Merced River discharge Observed Conductivity Scaled Inverse 100 Discharge (m3 s-1) In landscapes with low soil-to-bedrock ratios, salinity is relatively low during low and high flow. In landscapes with high soil-to-bedrock ratios, but with the same runoff, salinity is relatively high during high and low flow, and conductivity increases further in watersheds with decreases in runoff (dilution). 0.30 120 Maximum Discharge Merced River at Happy Isles West Walker River near Bridgeport Stanislaus River at Clark Fork 200 150 100 50 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Sample Number 140 River Discharge and Conductivity snowpack Here we present a preliminary analysis of high resolution discharge and conductivity measurements from several central Sierra Nevada streams. Stream conductivity (total dissolved solids, salinity) shows a strong inverse relation with discharge. In the central Sierra Nevada, climate is the major control on river and stream salinity dilution via runoff/discharge and geology is the major control on river salt supply via the soil-to-bedrock ratio of the watershed. As snowmelt discharge increases, river conductivity decreases because the salinity of snowmelt is low compared to base flow salinity. Merced River at Happy Isles River Discharge Conductivity Conductivity 2004 (min) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 Hourly Sampling Number (x104), 2000-2004 4 Fig. 6, The variability in river conductivity is due to the supply and dilution rates of dissolved salts. The watershed above Happy Isles has a low rate of dissolved salt. Peak river discharge is sufficient to drive the minimum conductivity to snow water values except in (dry) 2004, when the peak discharge was not high enough (Fig. 7), less salt was flushed from the watershed. The total salt flux was greater in 2004 than 2001 so the SMD magnitude and duration time scales are not yet understood (i.e., how does river salinity respond to a high SMD or long SMD?). Fig. 7 Can a simple conceptual model explain the hysteresis observed in conductivity versus discharge plots? An example from the Merced River at Happy Isles is shown as background in the poster. Note the change from a diurnal vertical to horizontal pattern, this is probably when the diurnal peak in conductivity shifts from after to before the diurnal peak in discharge (Peterson, et. al., 2004). Perhaps the greatest gap in this effort is the absence of shallow groundwater monitoring. The greatest help is the hydroclimate monitoring work of others (cf. DiLeo, et. al., 2004). For further information, please contact David Peterson, USGS 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 496, Menlo Park, CA 94025 email: dhpete, phone: 650 329-4525