Temporal Variability of Rain-on-Snow Events in the Western United States Gregory J. McCabe1, Martyn P. Clark2, and Lauren E. Hay1 ABSTRACT VARIABILITY OF RAIN-ON-SNOW EVENTS The temporal and spatial variability of the monthly frequency of rain-on-snow (ROS) events for 280 sites in the western United States (U.S.) are characterized for the period 1981-2003. The ROS events were identified using daily snow-telemetry (SNOTEL) data and were defined as days when precipitation occurred at a site and snowpack decreased. Results indicate that for most sites analyzed the largest number of ROS events occurred during the months of March through June when snowpacks are prevalent and temperatures become warm enough for rain to occur rather than snow. During these months with the greatest frequency of ROS events there is little correlation with elevation. However, during the winter months, the frequency of events is strongly related with elevation, such that the largest number of events occurs for low elevation sites. In these instances winter temperatures at only low elevation sites are warm enough for rain to occur. Correlations between the frequency of ROS events and spring/early-summer temperature and precipitation indicate that the frequency of ROS events is greatest for periods that are cool and wet. In addition, the periods with high ROS event frequencies are related to periods with increased zonal atmospheric flow over the western US which increases the intrusion of moist air from the North Pacific Ocean into the western U.S. The frequency of ROS events for most sites is largest for the months of March through June (Figure 2). It is during these months that snowpacks are prevalent in the western U.S. and temperatures become high enough for rain to occur rather than snow. After June, although temperatures are high enough for most precipitation to be rain, snowpack accumulations are depleted for most sites. (1U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, 2University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado) During the 1990s not only was there an increase in the frequency of ROS events, but ROS events also represented a greater proportion of all precipitation events (Pevents) in the western U.S. (Figure 5). Figure 5 Figure 2. Mean ROS event frequency (days per month) for the period 1981-2003. The increased frequency of ROS events during the 1990s was driven mostly by an increase in the frequency of Pevents rather than by increased temperature (see Table 1). Analysis of climatic records indicates that the temporal variability of ROS events is positively correlated with precipitation and negatively correlated with temperature, which indicates that for the period analyzed, high-thanaverage ROS frequencies occur during cool/wet periods (see Table 1). RELATIONS WITH ELEVATION There is only a weak correlation between the annual frequency of ROS events and elevation, however on a monthly basis there are strong correlations between monthly ROS frequencies and elevation (Figure 7). During cold season months (i.e. October through April) there is a strong negative correlation between ROS frequency and elevation. It is during these cold months that temperatures only at low elevation sites reach high enough temperatures for rain to occur rather than snow on some days. Thus, correlations between the number of ROS events and elevation across all sites produces significant negative correlations during these months. During summer months (e.g. June through August) the correlations between ROS frequency and elevation are positive and weaker than those for the winter months. The positive correlation with elevation results because during the summer months only the highest elevations continue to have snowpacks on which ROS events can occur. Figure 7. Correlations between elevation and the mean monthly frequency of ROS events for sites in the western U.S. DATA Daily SNOTEL data for the years 1981 through 2003 were used for the analysis. SNOTEL data provide observations of daily precipitation and snowpack (expressed as snow water equivalent (SWE)). An ROS event was defined as a day when precipitation occurred but the snowpack was diminished. For these days precipitation amount and snowpack reduction were computed. Table 1. Correlations between ROS event characteristics and climate statistics. Figure 1A illustrates the location of the sites used in the analysis and figure 1B shows the number of sites with nearly complete data (not missing more than 30 days of data in any year) for periods ending in 2003, but with different beginning dates. The period 1981-2003 was chosen for analysis yielding 280 sites. EFFECTS OF ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION Figure 1 The mean monthly number of ROS events averaged for all sites in the western U.S. (Figure 3) clearly shows the concentration of ROS events during March through June (MAMJ). These data also suggest that there was a period of increased ROS event frequency during the 1990s. In addition to examining the frequency of ROS events, the magnitude of SWE loss for ROS events also was examined. On average the largest SWE losses per ROS event occurred during the summer months when temperatures are warm (Figure 6). Results also indicate that the magnitude of SWE loss per ROS event is strongly positively correlated with temperature (see Table 1). Figure 3 Figure 6. Distributions of mean SWE losses for ROS events for all sites in the western U.S. Because temperature measurements were limited for SNOTEL sites before the 1990s, monthly temperature and precipitation data for the 84 climate divisions of the western U.S. were used to compute mean temperature and precipitation for the western U.S. The frequency of ROS events is related to atmospheric pressure patterns over the eastern Pacific Ocean and North America. During years with few ROS events atmospheric pressure anomalies were positive over the western U.S. (Figure 8A). This anomaly pattern indicates a strengthening of the high pressure ridge that normally exists over the western U.S. and indicates an increase in atmospheric subsidence which results in a drying and warming of the air. In contrast, during years with frequent ROS events the atmospheric pressure pattern indicates lower-than-average atmospheric pressures that extend from the eastern Pacific Ocean across North America (Figure 8B). This pressure pattern suggests an increase in the frequency and/or the magnitude of storm events. Figure 8. Mean 700-hectoPascal height anomalies (in meters) for MAMJ periods with (A) low and (B) high frequencies of MAMJ ROS events.