Groundwater-mediated Holocene hydrologic variability in the Northern Rockies: the Ovando Valley Mark Shapley Emi Ito Limnological Research Center University of Minnesota Joe Donovan Dept of Geology and Geog. West Virginia University Research Questions 1) How do stable isotope and solute dynamics in groundwaterdominated lakes govern climate paleorecords ? 2) What modes of Holocene variability are visible through the ‘groundwater filter’? Why not avoid the paleorecord complexities of groundwater influenced lakes? 1) There is important information to be gained about hydrogeologic response to climatic variation. 2) MOST lake paleorecords in continental climates are influenced by groundwater fluxes. Better to work with it. 3) Sedimentological signals are actually simpler in lakes DOMINATED by groundwater fluxes. o nd va V. oot V. t on Fr O Bitter r Missio n V. ai n ount Rocky M Northern Great Plains Why Ovando? Hydraulics generate wide geochemical variation useful for comparative study Hydrology and water management issues make paleo-groundwater history interesting (Neither is unique, both are well-met) Daily mean discharge, ft3/sec 10000 Runoff 1000 2002 data 100 1-Jan 1-Mar Groundwater-supported base flow 1-May 1-Jul 1-Sep Period of record: 1898-2003 1-Nov - average base flow ~ 750 cfs - typical drought year base flow 400-500 cfs - water rights actions 700 cfs - survival of T&E fish species impacted - ?? cfs 31-Dec Archive: CaCO3 minerals precipitated from lake waters Data sets: Isotopic composition, elemental composition, mineralogy Information carried: (Something about) fluid balance (Something about) solute balance (Something about) groundwater recharge and fluxes Calcite and aragonite: CaCO3 polymorphism Elevated Mg:Ca (threshold disputed) suppresses calcite precipitation, allowing aragonite formation to proceed Mg:Ca is increased by CaCO3 formation (either polymorph) If alkalinity initially exceeds Ca++, evaporative concentration favors CaCO3 formation and resulting Ca depletion relative to Mg (until Mg phases rreach saturation) Bottom line: lacustrine inorganic aragonite is (usually) an indicator of elevated lake concentration 18O in evaporative lakes Inflow composition weighted mean of all sources Lighter isotopes fractionate preferentially into vapor phase; δ18O and δD in water rise systematically Endogenic carbonate minerals incorporate oxygen from water molecule (another fractionation); signal of water composition locked in (barring diagenesis!) Qpi, δ18Οpi Qe, δ18Οe Qgi, δ18Οgi VL, δ18ΟL Sediment storage Qgo, δ18Ο (~ δ18Ο L) Oxygen isotope balance components gas evasion Qpi, Cpi Qeo, Cgo (~ 0) CL(con) Qgi, Cgi Sediment storage Qgo, Cgo (~CL(cons)) Solute balance components Core imagery ‘bar code’ corrleates with endogenic mineral content δ18O(carb) δ13C(carb) δ18O(carb) Modeling 18O and 2H sensitivity in lake water Model Structure: Transient fluid and isotope balance Monthly climate and lake state forcing Solute-constrained groundwater fluxes Lake basin hypsometric model Equilibrium and kinetic fractionation Evaporation: climatically dumb, isotopically not-so-dumb What are the messages? 1) Groundwater fluxes express lots of Holocene variability 2) There is a (noisy) multidecadal periodic component 3) The implied hydroclimatic (recharge) variation is not trivial 4) Only the latest Holocene was consistently as dilute as the modern era 5) Amplitude of geochemical variability was enhanced during the mid-Holocene Collaborators: Emi Ito Joe Donovan Eric Grimm Research support from the following sources is gratefully acknowledged: -Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN), funded by the US Department of Education. -The GeoFluids Program of the Department of Geology and Geophysics, funded by the National Science Foundation. -The Paleorecords of Global Change RTG, a UM interdepartmental initiative -The UM Quaternary Paleoecology Program. -The Montana Department of Environmental Quality. -Interested citizens of the Ovando Valley, Montana. -Moral and intellectual support from numerous LRC friends and from the PRAIRIe consortium.