Sibling Rivalry and Strategic Parental Transfers Author(s): Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman Source: Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 71, No. 4 (Apr., 2005), pp. 821-836 Published by: Southern Economic Association Stable URL: Accessed: 31/01/2010 19:43 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Southern Economic Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Southern Economic Journal. Southern Economic Journal 821-836 2005, 71(4), Sibling Rivalry and Strategic Parental Transfers and Dennis Chang* Yang-Ming L. Weisman| a noncooperative two siblings compete Nash model in which for their parents' paper develops contest" and using a Tullock-Skaperdas financial transfers. Treating sibling rivalry as a "rent-seeking more are success we derive resources contest the conditions under which financial function, This transferred that the to the sibling with lower earnings. We as an institution serves as an family find that parental "income are compensatory a sequential transfers equalizer." transfers and Within and game we characterize of parental link it to parents' the endogeneity framework, income, or child services). and children's altruism, supply of merit goods (e.g., parent-child companionship We show that merit goods are subject to a "moral hazard" problem from the parents' perspective. Classification: JEL Dl, C7 H3, 1. Introduction with Beginning to paid Several analyzing empirical studies documented altruistic purely Another inter of resources are more amounts transfer transfers (i.e., to be likely living to children lends child's recipient with and Ohlsson, earnings recipient the between transferred 1995; Hochguertel and and transfers transfers attention has been 1981), considerable (1974, parental vivos (McGarry and Schoeni, between relationship between relationship that financial income high the seminal works of Becker the earnings. low rather This 2000). to Becker's support have persons) than inverse model of transfers. prominent on parents study and children is by Becker and Tomes (1976). examine They investment in the human capital of children and its implications for earnings capabilities and for the distribution intrafamily with children transfers larger inter (e.g., of income vivos to achieve gifts) to achieve The seminal works of Becker not allow for "merit care). The pioneering that argue * goods" Department f Department that transfers of Economics, Kansas corresponding author. of Economics, Kansas they Specifically, in human "efficiency" in income "equity" show capital that parents invest more investment and then are render to their parents (e.g., (1976), however, do services, to the exchange between or parental visits, Shleifer, and Summers (1985) and Cox related in use distribution. (1974, 1976, 1981) and Becker and Tomes children studies of Bernheim, intergenerational; children. among endowments parent (1987) further and a child for State University, 319 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-4001, USA, E-mail State University, 246 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS, 66506-4001, USA, E-mail The authors are grateful to the editor, Laura Razzolini, and an anonymous referee for numerous and critical insights that led to substantial improvements in the paper. The usual caveat applies. Received December 2003; accepted October 2004. constructive suggestions 821 822 Yang-Ming merit family-specific Pollak's (1988) and Dennis Chang as such goods child that parental finding of by are studies Empirical a "bribe" to induce inter of vivos Most theoretical and develop models children an without alternative and parents offspring behavior. income, strategic services. success children's the underlying Cox child evidence that income among the to parents. altruistic transfer to attempt and toward We rent-seeking We family. siblings goods between siblings. in a financial of equally of merit are the we In this paper, between is common within between relationship interactions interactions which choice siblings the the children. intergenerational children by parents' supply that premise only redistributing the the Moreover, provide emphasize function," activities in exchange between intragenerational characterize and altruism, on Based emphasizes not transfers also transfers interactions a "contest parental We strategic considering "transfer-seeking" of role the also analysis to examine examine that or goods related (e.g., Cox 1987; Cox and Rank 1992; Cox intergenerational explicitly but the into of approach children, incorporate literature, parents' parallels of particular to provide them and transfers transfers and recipient earnings may be positively and Jakubson 1995; Lillard andWillis 1997). parents consideration consumption (1989) contend that parents attempt tomanipulate andMorris offering to a child's tied This services. (1992) contend that parental transfers can be interpreted as a way of "buying" and Rank services. children their or companionship transfers services that parents value. Kotlikoff behavior L. Weisman in affecting link it to parents, the and their sibling-rivalry model developed in this study implies that children whose earning capabilities or earnings are higher supply less services (or exert less effort) in acquiring financial resources from their parents. In other parental transfers words, more transfer parents are compensatory resources in the Beckerian to children sense, with lower the fact despite In this earnings. that the models case, of Becker (1974, 1981) and Becker and Tomes (1976) do not allow for merit goods. We compare differences in income between siblings before and after parental transfers and find that in equilibrium the income differential is reduced. This finding supports the proposition that the family as an institution serves as an "income (e.g., good lower ability under conditions altruistic hazard by transferring sibling transfers cooperative with problems merit a recipient and for parental rivalry parents more the parents. We further in transfers and children's by solution equal, being child's may analyze also services. also utility discuss related. maximizing Nash attention Special "insurance" be positively earnings the noncooperative compare of to that child. We we other ability, a type provide resources transfers, a child's for proxy good then proportionately amount the transfer to examining financial the child which In addition is a reasonably capability in labor markets) fortune for the with If earnings equalizer." factors equilibrium is paid to moral goods. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 develops a simple model of sibling competition for implications of characterize the alternative parental resources parental transfers endogeneity games a family Consider make a total have their proportion of Sibling transfers of time children two of M each sibling play. compete to distribute Rather, expends the In game. between and transfers 4 Section for Parental siblings dollars unconditionally. that may Nash differentials financial Rivalry in which amount income parents' and that parents 2. A Nash Model parents of in a noncooperative for this In siblings. the compare summarizes we section, 3, of the outcomes and discuss section we two concludes. Transfers for financial to the parents in rendering The siblings. divide services from transfers the parents, "prize" to their M their The parents. however, do not according to the parents. Specifically, Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers the amount let et denote of the prize time of and is pi(ei,e2), = /, / that sibling for 2, sibling to his For 1, 2, devotes parents.1 = 1 where P\(e\9e2), success 1 is a "contest literature Tullock (e.g., 1980; * e\ + In other 1996). (!) e2 to similar function" Skaperdas 1, the share sibling it is p2(eue2) Pi(eue2)= Equation 823 those words, in used commonly rent-seeking a "transfer-seeking orchestrate parents the contest" between siblings to induce their supply of services and to determine the distribution of the financial transfer. to Equation According and ex, services, on positively on his time of 1, sibling l's share of the prize, M, depends positively on negatively time 2's sibling ex. It can on e2 and negatively of services, e2. Similarly, be verified easily that 2's sibling the marginal effect share depends of et on ph p\ = ? = 1, 2, / dpi(e\9e2)ldei ^ j. ejl(e\ + e2)2, is positive but is subject to diminishing returns, where /, j For analytical simplicity, each sibling is assumed to be risk neutral and has T units of time for working available of capabilities market wage The the rate siblings for the service for to services providing rates the wage by / be w? > their and family are reflected sibling choose siblings of outside they command to maximize their the in the Earning parents.2 labor markets. Let the 0. allocations individual incomes, expected which are given by Fi = (T -ex)wx + aLlel, (2) +pl(eue2)M and Y2 = where of We the altruism time spent with coefficient, ai9 represents the parents. Note that 0 < assume (T -e2)w2-\- a,- < wi9 which that [1-pl(eue2)]M-\-ct2e2, the monetary if a?- > ensures 0, an valuation sibling interior (3) that / "enjoys" spending (et > solution sibling 0). The on / places each unit time with the parents. first-order conditions (FOCs) for sibling l's and sibling 2's optimization problems are given respectively by 6l JT=, dei (4) ,2M-Wl+<*!=(), {ex+ e2y and eX ffi= de2 (ei + e2f .M-w2 + ?2=0. (5) The FOCs indicate that each sibling's service time is optimally chosen so that the expected marginal benefit of exerting one more unit of service time equals itsmarginal cost (in terms of wage income forgone) for net a maximum of the altruistic coefficient (i.e., are as a result of satisfied p\M the = strict wt ? ol?). The concavity of sufficient, the contest second-order success conditions functions. 1 The variable e?may be variously interpreted as time, frequency of parental visits, or the level of care supplied The results of the analysis will not be affected if T is normalized to unity. 2 to parents. 824 Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman It follows from Equations 4 and 5 that 6 implies Equation 5 that - if wx wx e\ w2 c*i ? (6) cc2 amount the relative coefficients, ax > w2 ? of services supplied the by oc2 then > H^M' (ex+ e2) r^r^M (ex+ e2) which ? related to their relative market wage. Furthermore, it follows from Equations 4 siblings is negatively and the altruism that, given e2 (7) implies that ei < amount the Hence, of child services is e2. (8) to related inversely the market of (net wage the altruism coefficient). we Next, FOCs examine in Equations ex respectively, the equilibrium of behavior 4 and 5 implicitly define = and ex(e2,M,wx,0Lx) e2 = the and siblings its economic two The e2(ex'9M,w29a2). The implications. the reaction functions for sibling reaction 1 and sibling 2, functions the noncooperative Nash equilibrium solution, denoted by the two-tuple 4 and 5, we solve for the Nash equilibrium levels of child services: Equations determine jointly (e\9e\). Using (9) -H^-_Mi [(wx ai) + (w2 -a2)] and e\ =-^=^--2M. [(wi -oii) (10) + (h>2-a2)] It follows from Equations 9 and 10 that (H^-wO + ^-Ob) e*_4= Equations 9 and 10 further imply the following Be* k<0> where /, j = from following (a) The Be* Be* ^>0< ^>(=)<0< (12) ^>o, a?>H<o, their parents Nash game to a Tullock-Skaperdas according two in which contest success a financial for compete siblings we function, have the results: of supply services a by sibling decreases with his wage rate and increases with his altruism ce ter is paribus. in the increase supply of total services, The findings related comparative static derivatives: Be* 1. In a noncooperative coefficient, (b) An Be* _ (u) (w2-a2)] 1, 2, / ^ j. This analysis suggests our first proposition. Proposition transfer + [(wx-ai) to a child's amount in Proposition earnings of parental transfer encourages both siblings to increase their ce ter is paribus. 1 imply that the supply of child services to parents is inversely capability but is positively related to the child's altruism toward the Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers Also, parents. strategically who parents induce a greater have ("bribe") more to supply resources more to allocate ability children their to their 825 can children services. that the expected parental transfer to sibling / isM* = p*M, where p* = e?l(e\ + e*2), it follows from Equations 9 and 10 that Given m; = 7?^F^?-m, (wx -ai) + (w2-a2) (is) and AC=7-^T1-&. K -ai) "?>?. Boii fUo, awj aw i ^<o, /, j = 1,2, / ^ y. Inspection of Equations *** ha* M\-M2=)-i-?j-'-M. are There (14) (w2-a2) 13 and 14 yield the following comparative static derivatives: Equations where + cases three of "?<* Boij a? BM ^>o, 13 and 14 reveals that (^2-Wi) + (0li -0l2) (wx oil) + (w2 a2) (16) interest: = ot2,then e\ < e2andM\ < M2. (17) (i) If w\ > w2 and oti (ii) If w\ > w2 and oti < ot2,then e\ < e2andM\ < M2. (18) ? (iii) If wx > w2 and ax > a2 + (wi w2),then e\ > e*2andM\ > M2. One is that the expected observation equilibrium for each compensation unit of time (19) spent with par ents is equalized across the siblings. To see this, divide M* (=p*M) by e* to obtain the following result: M* M* ?i = ?^=(wl-OL1) e2 e\ We + (w2 - oe2)> 0. (20) summarize these findings in the following proposition. Proposition 2. (i) If both the high-wage and the low-wage siblings are equally altruistic toward their parents, the more transfer parents resources to the child low-wage than the high-wage child, (ii) If the high-wage child is less altruistic toward his parents than the low-wage child, the result in (i) is compounded, (iii) If the high-wage child, (iv) child is "sufficiently" more altruistic toward the parents than the low-wage the parents Parents transfer a greater that have more ability resources to offer to the high-wage a larger prize, sibling, transfer more resources to their children, or dM*/dM > 0. (v) In the noncooperative Nash equilibrium with a transfer-seeking contest, the financial compensation per unit of time of child services is equalized across the children. The findings in (i) and (ii) of Proposition 2 imply that there is a negative relationship between parental resulting transfers from and ability a recipient and human child's capital earnings. differentials Parents by compensate transferring for more labor earnings financial differentials resources to the Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman 826 less-endowed sense. children. The Under economic these intuition circumstances, behind is straightforward. services to parents is higher for the high-wage less proportionately in caring time for are compensatory transfers parental this finding The opportunity the high-wage child. Consequently, the parents and a lower receives concomitantly in the Beckerian cost of rendering child supplies transfer. parental The finding in Proposition 2(iii) implies that there can be a positive relationship between parental transfers and the earnings of the recipient child when the high-ability child is sufficiently altruistic his toward In this parents. to the payments simple The finding resources for for children transfers, parental the are and more compensatory of reflective parents tend to transfer more indicates that high-income low-income parents less to the parents. rendered 2(iv) than do are transfer parental services in Proposition to their rivalry case, special child Moreover, parents. toward "unbiased" within their the framework children. This of sibling nondiscrimination result derives from the fact that the "equilibrium price" of child services?measured in terms of to of the child for the for each unit time with the identical spent parents?is compensation siblings. we Finally, each compare income sibling's the financial and after before to determine transfer whe ther the implied participation constraints are satisfied. Let the posttransfer income for child /be denoted by Y*. Substituting e\ and e\ in Equations 9 and 10 into the objective functions in Equations 2 and 3 yields , v* = t Yx v* = Y2 (w2-a2)2M Twx H-2 [(wx-oii) + (w2-oi2)] >L -\-2 t Tw2 (wx-ctx)2M + [(wi -ai) 21 Equations and 22 that w? > provided or F* > that each indicate these a,-. Under > Twx, (21) a financial has sibling each conditions, > Tw2. (22) (H>2-a2)] to participate incentive sibling's posttransfer in the "contest" income expected increases, Tw?. It is instructive to examine how the income differentials between the siblings are affected by the to the transfer-seeking transfers. Prior ? After the transfer-seeking Twx Tw2. parental simply contest, the income contest, the income differential between is differential the ? Yx Y2. is siblings It follows from Equations 20 and 21 that + (?i V ;= [^-^) -*2)]m.v J(23) -rw2) [(wi-oii) + (w2-a2)] V ' 2) (y;-yd-(ty* For the case implies wx > in which that Conversely, w2 income differential for the case in which ot2, the sign between wx > the siblings actually widens. We w2 the and of the expression siblings o^ > a2 in Equation is reduced -f (wx the by ? the w2)9 23 success contest function, parental transfers may or may not reduce the income the siblings, depending upon their wage differential and the difference toward when children parents. the Using differential in the degree of the parents. the symmetric M\ ?M\ between differential thus have the following. altruism and Y\ This contest. transfer-seeking income between For is negative. 3. If sibling rivalry for a financial transfer from their parents is based on a Tullock Proposition Skaperdas otx < and the ? in which oti = = w2, we ot2 and Wi have = e\ e\ and In this p\ =p*2. case, are equally divided among children Y\. These results imply that parental transfers are the case equally symmetric interesting behavioral productive case as in the a benchmark, labor markets our findings and are equally in Propositions implications for the role of the family. Assuming altruistic 2 and toward 3 the suggest that children are equally 827 Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers toward altruistic to more transfer resources financial transfers compensating of a contest the design their parents, to the supports the idea with child the that sense in the Tullock-Skaperdas lower earnings as an family leads institution the parents This capabilities. may of finding as serve an income equalizer. Another is implication interesting potentially that parents the high-wage nature, is also child ability child proportionately more financial protection for lower wage if high-wage Finally, instead may parents a positive In the have reality, parents Consequently, We sibling contest.3 parents commit and we of timing a specified as an the compensate low the former is exogenously or nonmarket intrahousehold the of money or insurance levels In of are the child's exists earnings. in the model. transfer the stage, that maximize their that maximizes of the financial In the first to their distributed In in a utility-maximizing is as follows. second services there case, exogenous amount transfer game be children, low-wage this Game the endogeneity two-stage that will function. the total In the recipient of a financial to characterize or and transfers parental then parents children. transfer the amount sequential success their high-wage the parental that game the toward the to endogenize choose simultaneously child because in a Sequential assumed amount contest of to determine a sequential employ to Transfers it is important The If the parents child. altruistic the amount the discretion a Tullock-Skaperdas transfer resources analysis, previous utility. framework. more of Parental 3. Endogeneity or "insurance" (ability) children. are more between serve transfers children transfer relationship the high-ability than the high-ability then parental by nature, disadvantaged of type that the ability of a child is a random draw protection for children with differential abilities. Given from a provide children children their stage, the according to for compete functions. objective in prize the The parents do not distribute the prize until after they have received services from their children. This, in is the basic essence, As the parents equilibrium commit in the first in the previous parents' For preference theory, subgame the analysis altruistic that Hirshleifer stressed: (1977) we use backward decision analytical of stage simplicity, the size assume and services, the game. We section. on of choice then of As the prize, that the yp is the parents' and y represents the the "last for word." the subgame perfect Nash induction, we first solve for the solve for second to the first the stage stage total of of amount transfer the game the game that to is identical to examine the M. parents have collectively initial income, the utility valuation e2) + ?yFi + ?y72, ? u(yp M,ex,e2) the following altruistic is their own utility (24) as a function of income after 1) is the altruism coefficient attached to each child's utility, that the parents This section is the result of a suggestion by an anonymous of a financial transfer in a sequential game. 4 have to solve function4: transfer and children's services, ? (0 < ? < 3 then such, proceed U = u(yp -M,ex, where Parents induction in the sequential game. Consistent with backward equilibrium children's idea in game is standard place on each child's referee and the editor that we income.5 Define income after include an analysis of parents' choice 5 An additively separable utility function has been widely adopted to analyze various issues such as the "rise and fall of families" (Becker and Tomes 1979, 1986), the economic analysis of fertility (Becker and Barro 1988), the biological origin of altruism (Mulligan 1997), and residential choice of family members (Konrad, et al. 2002). Parents may be "biased" in that they place different values of ? and y across children. We rule out this possibility analysis on differences in children's earnings capabilities and their implications for parental transfers. and focus the 828 to 1. For normalized strictly concave u? positive /= but M. yp = own ? B^u/BI2 0, composite ? u(yp uei ? M,ex,e2) the following adopt < is a Hicksian there function, further = > B2u/BlBei that utility e2. We un Bu/BI>0, assume We the parents' in /, eX9 and uiei where ? I= as /, where transfer L. Weisman Dennis and Chang Yang-Ming = Bu/Be? u(I,ex,e2), and notation > = ue?e? 0, good whose we assume is price that it is assumptions: < c^u/Be2 0, 0, 1,2. The marginal utility of consumption of either the private good or the merit good is The diminishing. that assumption is nonnegative uIei implies that the parents' marginal utility of consuming the private good is nondecreasing in the merit good supplied by child /. The objective of the parents is to choose M to maximize the altruistic preference function in Equation 24, where ex and e2 are given by Equations 9 and 10, and Yx and Y2 are given by Equations 21 and 22. The parents' FOC is = m dU del -u^^m + de2 ^m + ? o dY\ + n &Y2= 0^ ^BM ^BM (25) where w2 Bex [(h>i BM cti) + wx Be2 ? ol2 (w2 ? - ' a2)]2 oti BYX_ BM~ ' oil) + (h>2 a2)]2 ? (w2 ot2) >0, [(Wl_ai) + (H;2-oi2)]2 BY2_ dM [(Wl_ai) BM [(ivi - and Assuming (wx-ax)2 + (w2-a2)]2 an interior and unique solution forM, >o the SOC (denoted as J) requires that ^ Bex Be2 Be2 dex fdex\ + + U f^e2\ K ?J = u?- 2u"> M + """[dM) 2"-2dMdM dM 2"'\dMJ Let amount the equilibrium of the prize that the parents commit be denoted /^^n (26) as M*. It follows from the FOC in Equation 25 that the effect of changes in the parents' income yp on the prize is ?') > p. ^ +^^ gg = 1L - "?'(?> (27) }( + dyP J\" [(Wl ?,) (w2 a2)f It is straightforward to show that ? (w2 ot2) )+ (W2 [(wx OLX y JBM* ?? J\ ? oil) (wi + 77-^-^-^ + Oli ) (W2 [(WX 0l2)]2 The findings of the analysis are summarized by the following proposition.6 6 See the Appendix for detailed derivations of the results in Proposition 4. >0. CL2)Y (28) Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers 4. Higher Proposition children than lower children than less Note consider. that altruistic How does Benthamite parents do. Also, the solution?8 choose the actions The BU = this + ?y BM more services their by resources uex+ ?y of to their Nash we game because self-enforcement with compare first M, ex, and are given FOCs = in the noncooperative the property we choose each characterize to a cooperative solution e2 to maximize respectively or the cooperative-utilitarian, the the altruistic preference by (29) 0, ei BU Be] parents the child equilibrium question, parents' -u} to induce transfer self-interest.7 Nash sequential of has game simultaneously 24. resources financial altruistic do. answer the parents in Equation more that maximizes To more offer noncooperative the two-stage in which function parents do not behavior pursues income parents the parents Moreover, individual game income 829 ? M wx + ?ye2M a? {e\ + e2y = (30) 0, {e\ + e2)' and BU = uei + ?y Be2 Denote the compares to the cooperative solution to the Nash equilibrium BU_ BM -u?(yp-M ei ? M w2 + ?yexM a2 0i + e2)' as game (M, ex, e2). To we M*9 transfer, (31) 0i +e2y rewrite see how the parents' the cooperative FOC transfer, in Equation M, 25 as follows: account the derivative Equation BU_ BM 25', BM* in Equation + ? u^ B + M* BM* + \e\ + e% e\ e*2 OL2] -(w2 BU/BM we BM u^j^ Bel ? + ?y Evaluating + ^ej 29 at the Nash 0. equilibrium, (M*, ei*9e2*)9 BM* BM* \e* + (25') taking into have: Bel ( Bel (M*,e*e*2) +?y Bel -(w2 -ot2) BM* + M* e" B < BM* \e* + e*2J 0. (32) It follows from Equation 32 and the strict concavity of the altruistic utility function that M <M\ 7 (33) (1974) was the first to introduce parental altruistic preferences into the analysis of family economics. Becker (1991, their own utility subject to the family constraints, they may be labeled p. 279) further observes that because parents maximize Pollak (1988) proposes the use of "paternalistic" preferences to "selfish," not altruistic, in terms of utility maximization. replace altruistic preferences in analyzing parent-child relationships and tied transfers. Becker 8 We are grateful to an anonymous referee for suggesting that we examine this important question. 830 As Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman for children's we services, compare 4 and Equations ex > 1 and find ?ye2M if ue* >-?~ e\ 30 (34) & + G)2 that . Similarly, a comparison between Equations 5 and 31 reveals that9 e2> e\ We ?ye*M if ue;> /^ / 2- (35) (e\ + e2 thus have the following: 5. Proposition then renders, If parental amount the total are transfers transferred on based a under the proportion of services that each sibling a noncooperative than under is less game cooperative Nash game. If the parents' marginal utility of enjoying children's services is critically "high," other things being than the equal, levels of services in the noncooperative those Nash The finding in Proposition children's the in which consuming than those and 35 are satisfied, not despite merit completely to determine "large," the amounts Nash game. are goods are greater game and sufficient undersupplied hazard" of from problem interest between when services. the For from gains utility are greater the parents in Equations conditions Nash case of supply their set by the goods if the the and goods in a noncooperative that a conflict surprising of to the compared transfers merit Alternatively, to a "moral is subject goods in the cooperative manner, on decisions power the critically in a noncooperative of merit perhaps are the goods in a noncooperative their parents' have parents choose game. behave they the parents 5 implies that parents allocate more financial resources to induce whatever accept simply case supply when services children that 34 game. Consequently, the the parents' perspective. It is parents and children arise may altruism. parental Becker (1974, 1976, 1981, and 1991) contends that a child, no matter how selfish, is induced by his altruistic allocation parent decisions. or family head In reply to to the the internalize comments The solution equilibrium each would Nevertheless, a family Pollak "ultimatum ten Kid sions of children cessively, 9 the parent's other resource on economists the (1977) states that (1985) contends game" (p. 506) equilibrium, with aspect unsatisfactory ? Theorem however a that Becker's Rotten Kid Theorem take-it-or-leave-it commitment. of my discussion, however, ? lamentable be they may altruism. "merit By goods," "merit goods" and that parents care about: whether ... marry well (p. 10) See the Appendix and (1977) on (1977) argues that the theorem is the solution to edition of his Treatise responds to the critiques by concluding The most actions as a static Cournot-Nash in my is most paper simply interpreted noncooperative If an altruist and each beneficiary maximized the social income of the altruist, position. be maximizing his own utility, the behavior of the others; hence the solution given be a noncooperative would Becker game. noncooperative of his of Hirshleifer validity of the "Rotten Kid Theorem," Becker a Cournot-Nash effects for the detailed derivations they are lazy, Becker (1991) in the enlarged that is not but incorrect the failure I mean study should be interpreted as hard of the results that lead to Proposition particular at school, 5. application to combine of the Rot the discus traits or behavior visit often, drink of ex Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers In reviewing Becker's The Becker's for of (1977) and response to the critiques interactions to as the "last transfers But to the standard Compared two these is no there games Alternatively, incentive of a noncooperative advantage can use what do not choose or for "contract" in a sequential game follows is relevant Hirshleifer We game. a cooperative to move mechanism analyzing further independently on the supply of themerit mechanism Nash have in the sequential the parents one for essentially equilibrium the parents transfer methodology, a well-defined require determined endogenously The solution. analysis. generally the analysis First, Second, a financial in choosing principal-agent move in the sequential children never that Becker move noncooperative members. family in a sequential is twofold. consider the case that the children make their own decisions good. contends (2003) game that the Cournot-Nash between word" Nash noncooperative interactions, characterizing refers a employing parent-child (1977) Pollak economics, as a game. model advantage rivalry, sibling to family contributions the altruist formulates 831 actions of their game. bargaining enforcement because to the cooperative or move for examining framework bargaining family behavior with distinct preferences lies in the realization that theNash game of sibling rivalry is and self-enforcing Becker's the parents have a financial to make the discretion transfer. (1974) assertion that parental altruism necessarily ensures efficient family choices by all members, is not however, a matter As valid. generally of on fact, the first his of page book A Treatise on the Family, Becker (1981) observes that "Conflict between the generations has become more less that parental suggest findings are now and parents open, confident that they is not altruism can the behavior guide to conflict immune of or moral their hazard children." Our an problems, implication consistent with Stark (1995), Chami (1998), Bergstrom and Bergstrom (1999), and Cox (2002). By explicitly taking into account a merit good in a sequential game, our analysis of sibling and moral rivalry hazard an alternative offer may problems and potentially promising to the approach analysis of parent-child interactions. Our findings complement the studies by Lindbeck andWeibull (1988), Bergstrom (1989, 1996), Bruce and Waldman (1990), and Pollak (2003), that show that altruism does not automatically imply efficiency for child behavior and intergenerational interactions from the parent's perspective. 4. Concluding This Remarks affecting the nature In addition is emphasized siblings parental transfers altruism toward of literature and their to children this sibling on to focusing in the between of parental In behavior. offspring characterizing game.10 the role examines paper on vary analysis, we apply for competition economics, we to compete for family inversely with a also between investigate parental the children's income transfers. earnings among or rent-seeking transfers parental interactions intergenerational incentives in redistributing transfers in a parents and ability in to approach Nash noncooperative which children, interactions intragenerational Our and siblings contest findings suggest that with their and directly the parents. Though based on a simple model of a contest within the family, the sibling-rivalry analysis offers some unique perspectives linking parental transfers to children's earnings and altruism. The analysis also has implications for the design of effort-inducing schemes (or contests) for the role of parents in redistributing financial resources between children, and for intergenerational family relations 10 An extension of the analysis for the case of N > 2 siblings is straightforward. ... ,eN)= e?/(ei + ... + eN), where /? 1, 2, ..., N. the form of Pi(ex, In this case, the contest success function takes Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman 832 (i.e., serve to reduce altruistic Also, We also in which game between more altruistic determine equilibrium merit more parental goods resources amount transfer and to their the we transfer, is an increasing children in a noncooperative equilibrium the both of a financial choice the children's transfer parents the Nash compare parents children, the parent's to induce used altruistic children. that determines game resources income. parents. a cooperative that for equally differentials of financial of parental function less the amount that income of a sequential In the analysis find It is noteworthy interaction). parent-child transfers than with game levels of children's merit goods. We find that the amount of resources required to induce children's supply of merit goods under a under is greater moral which hazard from undersupplied equalizer for problems in the Nash noncooperative with a within the family Thus, despite perspective. different of merit supply arise problems the parent's children under than game abilities, goods the fact to their children in There are conditions that children's merit goods that the family serves an is not altruism parental from game. cooperative immune to moral are income hazard parents. Appendix of Proposition Proof parents' FOC in Equation 4. To prove Proposition 4 for the comparative static results of the sequential game, we rewrite the 25 as = 0. + -ul{yp-M,eue2)^uei(yp-M,e[le2)^ Taking the partial derivative ue2{yp-M1eue2)^+^^+^y^ of the FOC with respect to yp yields 1 dM* __ J dyD where M* is the Nash equilibrium -Un+ (Al) U?'?t)+U?\dM transfer. Substituting de, dM W2 ? 0L2 [(W]_ai) + (W2_a2); [(wj _ai) + (H,2-d2)f and de2 dM into (Al) yields dM'? ? ?1 a2) + m*2/(wi oti)l \j Uj]-^?ueiI(w2 > > J )"" + dyP oti) (w2 [(wi 0L2)f Next, taking the partial derivative respect to ? yields of the parents' FOC with dM* _ dyp 1 J (A2) ({dMJ y\dM Substituting dYx dM (w2 ? 0L2) + [(w, -ai) > 0 (w2 -oc2)f and dY2 _ dM (wi-oti)2 + (>v2-a2)]2 > 0 [(W]-0tl) into (A2) yields dM* d? / 1 [(w! - (w2 -a2f ai) + (w2 Q(2)]2 [(w, (h>!-oci)2 ai) + (w2 > 0. ot2)f QED. Sibling Rivalry and Parental Transfers 5. To prove Proposition 5, we first compare parental transfers in the two alternative games. game, the parents' choice of a financial transfer M satisfies the following FOC (see Eqn. 29): Proof of Proposition cooperative dO_ dM' In the sequential game, ? dU ,.* el \ de* = -U?(yp-M*,e\,e*2) d wt + ?y + uei ^ + uei ^ in Equation A3 dU/dM we have dU dM de\ 1 dM* (M*,e\,e*2) dM* (see Eqn. 25): . d dM *\e\+e*2) e\ + e*2 \ dM* dM* \e\ + e*2 (A4) _ (Af*, e\, e*2) and subtracting Equation A4 equilibrium de*2 'dM <9M* dM* \e* + < -(w2-a2)--2- <9M*+ M* ,<9M* V^?+ e2 ?y from the el d f de* The first two terms on the right-hand FOC e* x del + ?y at the Nash In the (A3) satisfies the following e* ( + dM* dM* M*?f^T)l=0. -(w2-o(2)^ \e\ +e*2J the derivative resulting expression, transfer M* de* * *x ? de*7 + ?y + ue2 ,eve2) + uex? ldM ?y + ?y + ?Y = 0. -ui(yp -Ai,ei,<?2) the parents' choice of a financial , =-u,(yp-M / Evaluating 833 (A5) side of Equation A5 are negative. To show that the derivative dU dM in Equation A5 term, which is it suffices is negative, to show that both the third and the fourth terms are negative. x de* / ?y dM* \e* + e*2) ? w2 ot2 -ai) + ai ) (w2 a2)]2 [ l(wi -?y(w2 ?y(w2 + (wi -ai) given M*[(wi a2) - (wi - a2) M* ? oti) + a2 (w2 - M* ? + 0C2)]2 (h>1 Oti)) + ?0 (w2 a2)] (wl otQ [(w! oti) + (w2 a2)] (w1-a1)+H [ - w2 -M* W! -a at \\ -?y(w2-oc2W---?? look at the third (V4 dM* -?y<-(wi = Iirt d First, we (W2 ?M2^ a2) 1 (w2-a2)J ? ) < o, (A6) (w2 -a2) that -MMy dM1 and that the Nash equilibrium (h>!-ai) (see Eqn. 14). Because (wi-ai) ? + a2 (w2-a2) transfer to sibling 2 is M* = negative. w2 (M*)2 > M* > M2 implies (wi -ai) + (w2 -a2) that M* - (M*2/M*) M* > 0, the sign in Equation A6 is unambiguously 834 Yang-Ming Chang and Dennis L. Weisman Similarly, we look at the last term in Equation A5, which - ?r ?-fa -^2)S:dM* L { + dM* (-?-, M'^\e\ + + [(wl -ai) w2 -?y(^i -ai) - = -?y(wi (w2 - (wi -ai) oti) + l (wi ai) + (w2 (w2 - a2) a2)J -a2)]-(w2-a2)] a2)] [(Wl-a,) + \ (wi a2)]2 a2 M1 r+ (w2 a2)]2 + ?M*[(wi -a1) cxi) ? "* '-AT - (w: (w2 o?j)+ [(wi ? e*2 w\ - ai -(w2-a2)--?? = is (w2 ?y(wi -ai) + (w2 -a2) (A7) (wi -ai) given that g \ ( 4 wi -aj dM* \?\ + e*2) and that the Nash equilibrium transfer to sibling + (wi -ai) (w2-a2) 1 is (w2 M\ 1 - a2) + (wi-ai) (see Eqn. 13). Because (M*) > M* > M? implies thatM* It follows from Equations A5, A6, and A7 that M* (w2-a2) (M\lM*) > 0, the sign in Equation A7 is unambiguously dU\ Um<,^)<0 dM Strict concavity of the parents' altruistic preference function (A8) implies that M <M*. (A9) Next, we compare children's services in the two alternative games. 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