EXHIBIT B Section 330-05 Date: 11/16/98 Page 1 of 2 Date prepared: BUSINESS AGREEMENT REQUEST AND DATA SHEET (Campus departments; see page 2 for UCDHS departments) Initiating department: DaFIS Org # Department contact for information: Phone: Principal investigator (if applicable): Phone: Other party's name and mailing address: Acct # Does money need to be liened? ( ) Yes (notify Accounting Office) ( ) No Are funds available? ( ) Yes ( ) Not presently (explain) Extramural fund source (agency, contract/grant title, and number): Other party's Social Security # or Federal ID #: Other party's contact for information: Phone: Has the other party provided a written contract or purchase order? ( ) Yes, attached ( ) No If the other party is a University employee, does he/she or a near relative propose to sell goods or provide services to the University, or own or control more than 10% interest in the business that proposes to sell goods or provide services to the University? ( ) Yes (refer to P&PM 350-90) ( ) No DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT Period of agreement: Explain nature and purpose of agreement, including all relevant details: From______________ To_______________ ( ) Expense ( ) Income Amount______________________ Attach payment schedule if applicable. If income, specify: ( ) Rate approved by Planning & Budget ( ) Budget attached Location of property/site of work: JUSTIFICATION Describe how this work will benefit the University or relate to the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Does the initiating department require any additional space, personnel, or equipment to perform this work? ( ) Yes If yes, explain how requirements will be met, and provide necessary additional approvals below. ( ) No APPROVALS Department head/designee Date: Dean or vice chancellor/designee Date: Planning & Budget (required for campus leased space requests): Name and title: Date: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Is a draft agreement attached? ( ) Yes ( ) No Please attach any additional information necessary for an agreement to be written. (Departments should copy this form as needed. If necessary, use back of form or attach additional sheets.) EXHIBIT B Section 330-05 Date: 11/16/98 Page 2 of 2 Date prepared: BUSINESS AGREEMENT REQUEST AND DATA SHEET (UCDHS Departments) Initiating department: DaFIS Account Number Are funds available? ( ) Yes ( ) Not presently (explain) Department contact for information: Phone: Other party's name and mailing address: Extramural fund source, if applicable (agency, contract/grant title, and number): Other party's Social Security # or Federal ID #: Other party's contact for information: Phone: Has the other party provided a written contract or purchase order? ( ) Yes, attached ( ) No If the other party is a University employee, does he/she or a near relative propose to sell goods or provide services to the University, or own or control more than 10% interest in the business that proposes to sell goods or provide services to the University? ( ) Yes (refer to P&PM 350-90) ( ) No DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT Period of agreement: Explain nature and purpose of agreement, including all relevant details: From______________ To_______________ ( ) Expense ( ) Income Amount______________________ Attach payment schedule if applicable. If income, specify: ( ) Rate approved by _______________ ( ) Budget attached Location of property/site of work: JUSTIFICATION Describe how this work will benefit the University or relate to the University's mission of teaching, research, public service, and patient care: RELATED REQUIREMENTS Are any materials being used that are toxic, explosive, radioactive, narcotic, or pathogenic? ( ) Yes If yes, provide Environmental Health & Safety approval: _________________________________________ ( ) No APPROVALS UCDHS Chief Operating Officer/designee: Date: Department head/designee Date: Medical Sciences Planning (required for UCDHS leased space requests): Name and title: Date: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please attach any additional information necessary for an agreement to be written or special factors of which contract analyst should be aware. (Departments should copy this form as needed. If necessary, use back of form or attach additional sheets.