Collective Letters Web [ COL 4] IFA [ COL 4] Local [ COL 4] Received 2015-12-04 Source SG3 Title Meeting of Study Group 3; Geneva, 22 February - 1 March 2016 Destination N/A Title Report of Working Party 3/3, Geneva, 16-20 March 2015 Report of Working Party 2/3, Geneva, 16-20 March 2015 Report of Working Party 1/3, Geneva, 16-20 March 2015 Report of the Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 16-20 March 2015 Questions Q3/3 Questions Q10/3 Reports of the previous meeting Web [ R 12 ] [ R 11 ] [ R 10 ] [R9] IFA [R 12 ] [R 11 ] [R 10 ] [R 9] Local [R 12 ] [R 11 ] [R 10 ] [R9 ] Received 2015-03-25 2015-04-08 2015-04-01 2015-04-07 Source ITU-T SG 3 ITU-T SG 3 ITU-T SG 3 ITU-T SG 3 QALL/3 Q1/3 QALL/3 Reports of this meeting Web [ R 21 ] IFA [R 21 ] Local [R 21 ] Received 2016-03-24 Source ITU-T SG 3 [ R 20 ] [R 20 ] [R 20 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 [ R 19 ] [R 19 ] [R 19 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 [ R 18 ] [ R 17 ] [R 18 ] [R 17 ] [R 18 ] [R 17 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 ITU-T SG 3 [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 Title Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.261 on principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.97 on methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates Determined Revised Recommendation ITU-T D.271 on Charging and accounting principles for NGN, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.53 on International Aspects of Universal Service Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.52 on Establishing and connecting Regional IXPs to reduce costs of International internet connectivity Report of Working Party 3/3, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 [ R 15 ] (Rev.1) [ R 14 ] [ R 13 ] [R 15 ] [R 15 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 Report of Working Party 2/3, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 [R 14 ] [R 13 ] [R 14 ] [R 13 ] 2016-03-24 ITU-T SG 3 ITU-T SG 3 Report of Working Party 1/3, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 Report of the Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 22 February - 1 March 2016 2016-03-24 2016-05-25 Q8/3 Q1/3 Q6/3 Q6/3 Q9/3, Q8/3, Q3/3, Q10/3 Q7/3, Q2/3 Q6/3, Q1/3 QALL/3 Contributions Web [ C 238 ] IFA [C 238 Local [C 238 ] Received 2016-02-10 Source India Title Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international Questions QALL/3 ] [ C 237 ] [ C 236 ] [ C 235 ] [ C 234 ] [ C 233 ] (Rev.1) [ C 232 ] [ C 231 ] [ C 230 ] [ C 229 ] [ C 228 ] [ C 227 ] [ C 226 ] [ C 225 ] [ C 224 ] [ C 223 ] [ C 222 ] [C 237 ] [C 236 ] [C 237 ] 2016-02-10 India [C 236 ] 2016-02-10 [C 235 ] [C 234 ] [C 235 ] 2016-02-10 Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Oman, Sudan, Tunisia Tanzania [C 234 ] 2016-02-10 Paraguay [C 233 ] [C 232 ] [C 231 ] [C 230 ] [C 229 ] [C 228 ] [C 227 ] [C 226 ] [C 225 ] [C 233 ] 2016-02-09 Brazil [C 232 ] 2016-02-09 Guinea [C 231 ] 2016-02-09 [C 230 ] 2016-02-09 Côte d'Ivoire, Guinée, Niger, Tunisie Iran (Islamic Republic of) [C 229 ] 2016-02-09 [C 228 ] [C 224 ] [C 223 ] [C 222 ] telecommunications services and networks Importance of mandating transaction costs for Mobile Financial Services for financial inclusion The use of the words Affordable vs. Competitive in IMR Q2/3 Q7/3 Impact of Internet Exchange points deployment in Tanzania Q6/3 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Series D "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" ITU-T Draft Recommendation on Competition Policy and SMP Q3/3 Recommendation ITU-T TD<<XXX>>, concerning amendment of Annex I to TD245 Contribution 116 Gouvernance des TIC et environnement des affaires Q10/3 Draft Action plan on establishing and connecting regional IXPs Q6/3 Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs Q9/3 2016-02-09 Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago Q1/3 [C 227 ] 2016-02-09 Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago [C 226 ] 2016-02-09 Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago [C 225 ] 2016-02-09 Bahamas, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago [C 224 ] 2016-02-09 Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago [C 223 ] 2016-02-09 Brazil, Paraguay Draft Recommendation on international aspects of Universal Service Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" Draft new ITU-T Recommendation on establishing and connecting regional IXPs A draft Recommendation on Amending the Methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates Text relating to Small Island States in the Draft Recommendation on International Mobile Roaming" ITU-T Draft Recommendation on Competition Policy and SMP [C 222 ] 2016-02-09 Honduras, Paraguay Draft Recommendation on international aspects of Universal Service Q1/3 Q10/3 Q3/3 Q2/3 Q6/3 Q7/3 Q7/3 Q10/3 [ C 221 ] [C 221 ] [C 220 ] [C 219 ] [C 218 ] [C 221 ] 2016-02-09 Honduras, Paraguay ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs Q9/3 [C 220 ] 2016-02-09 Brazil, Paraguay Q6/3 [C 219 ] 2016-02-09 Brazil, Paraguay [C 218 ] 2016-02-09 [ C 217 ] [C 217 ] [C 217 ] 2016-02-09 M2M Roaming Q7/3 [ C 216 ] [C 216 ] [C 216 ] 2016-02-09 [C 215 ] [C 214 ] [C 213 ] [C 212 ] [C 215 ] 2016-02-09 Roaming Rapporteur Group Draft Recommendation on international mobile roaming rates - The Use of "Affordable" vs "Competitive" M2M Q7/3 [ C 215 ] Bahamas, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Bahamas, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Bahamas, Brazil, Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago GSM Association Draft new ITU-T Recommendation on establishing and connecting regional IXPs Draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" New questions for the next Study Period [C 214 ] 2016-02-09 GSM Association International Mobile Roaming Q7/3 [C 213 ] 2016-02-09 OJSC 'Multiregional TransitTelecom' Q2/3 [C 212 ] 2016-02-09 Dem. Rep. of the Congo [ C 211 ] (Rev.1) [C 211 ] [C 211 ] 2016-02-09 Russian Federation [ C 210 ] [C 210 ] [C 209 ] [C 208 ] [C 207 ] [C 206 ] [C 210 ] 2016-02-09 GSM Association [C 209 ] 2016-02-09 United States Unification of price-lists for the international telephone traffic exchange Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Series D "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" Harmful consequences of cost modelling and pricing interventions in mobile money services Views on proposed work on IoT/M2M Roaming [C 208 ] 2016-02-09 United States Q7/3 [C 207 ] 2016-02-08 Ghana [C 206 ] 2016-02-08 Ghana Comments on Annex 1 of TD292, International Mobile Roaming Recommendation Guidelines on e-Money to create an enabling regulatory environment for Financial Service Guidelines on Agent to create an enabling regulatory environment for Financial Service [ C 220 ] [ C 219 ] [ C 218 ] [ C 214 ] [ C 213 ] [ C 212 ] [ C 209 ] [ C 208 ] [ C 207 ] [ C 206 ] Q2/3 QALL/3 Q7/3 Q3/3 Q3/3 Q2/3 Q7/3 Q2/3 Q2/3 [ C 205 ] (Rev.1) [C 205 ] [C 205 ] 2016-02-08 International Telecommunications Users Group [ C 204 ] [C 204 ] [C 203 ] [C 202 ] [C 204 ] 2016-02-04 Kenya [C 203 ] 2016-02-04 Kenya [C 202 ] 2016-02-04 [C 201 ] [C 200 ] [C 201 ] 2016-02-03 [C 200 ] 2016-02-02 Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan, Tunisia Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Burundi, Kenya [C 199 ] [C 198 ] [C 197 ] [C 196 ] [C 195 ] [C 199 ] 2016-02-02 Korea (Rep. of) [C 198 ] 2016-02-02 [C 197 ] [ C 194 ] [ C 193 [ C 203 ] [ C 202 ] [ C 201 ] [ C 200 ] (Rev.1) [ C 199 ] [ C 198 ] [ C 197 ] [ C 196 ] [ C 195 ] Recommended international approach to roaming charges and suggested edits to draft recommendation reference TD251 as amended 16-17 September 2015 Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" International Mobile Roaming Recommendations for other Regions Based on EAC Experience Including additional cost elements in the new IMR recommendation Q7/3 The Impact of OTT Services on Telecommunication Industry and the Framework of Solutions Comment réduire le coût des services de l'itinérance mobile : « Cas de la création du réseau unique (One Network Area) au sein des pays de l'Afrique de l'Est. » A case study on Korea's Mobile Financial Services Q9/3 Korea (Rep. of) Proposal to study regulatory measures on OTT services Q9/3 2016-02-02 Korea (Rep. of) Proposal on the further study of Mobile Financial Services Q2/3 [C 196 ] 2016-02-02 Korea (Rep. of) Current Final version of D.271 (2016. Feb) Q1/3 [C 195 ] 2016-02-01 Senegal Q2/3 [C 194 ] [C 194 ] 2016-01-29 [C [C 2016-01-29 Algérie Télécom SPA, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sonatel, Sudan, Togo, Tunisie Télécom, Zimbabwe Chad, Côte Développement fulgurant des services financiers numériques en Afrique SubSaharienne: Coûts et caractère licite des transactions, contrôle, encadrement, confidentialités des données et Réglementation Harmonisée Draft new ITU-T Recommendation on establishing and connecting regional IXPs Economic impact of the transition from Q6/3 Q2/3 Q7/3 Q7/3 Q7/3 Q2/3 Q6/3 ] 193 ] [C 192 ] 193 ] [C 192 ] 2016-01-29 [C 191 ] [C 190 ] [C 189 ] [C 191 ] 2016-01-29 [C 190 ] 2016-01-29 [C 189 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 188 ] (Rev.1) [C 188 ] [C 188 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 187 ] (Rev.1) [C 187 ] [C 187 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 186 ] (Rev.1) [C 186 ] [C 186 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 185 ] [C 185 ] [C 185 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 184 ] [C 184 ] [C 183 ] [C [C 184 ] 2016-01-29 [C 183 ] 2016-01-29 Chad, Gambia, Malawi, Niger, Uganda Togo [C 2016-01-29 Burkina Faso, [ C 192 ] [ C 191 ] [ C 190 ] [ C 189 ] [ C 183 ] [ C 182 d&#127;Ivoire IPv4 to IPv6 Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Guinea, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Tunisie Télécom, Zimbabwe Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Niger, Senegal Central African Rep. Draft Recommendation on international aspects of Universal Service Q1/3 Problems of universal access to telecommunication/ICT services Q1/3 Universal service development in lowincome rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa Measures to encourage investment in white spots Q1/3 Guidelines on universal service obligations and best practices only the French has been revised for a translation issue Q1/3 Quantifying Cross border Market Power in Telecommunications Q10/3 ITU-T Draft Recommendation on Competition Policy and SMP Q10/3 Support for Contribution C 116 concerning the base text for the draft ITU-T Recommendation on competition policy and SMP, which modifies Annex 1 to Temporary Document TD 245, proposed to ITU-T Impact of emerging dynamic tariffing on market competitiveness and regulation Analysis of the roaming market in Togo Q10/3 Reference to D98 in the Draft Q7/3 Côte d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Sonatel Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe Burundi, Gambia, Kenya, Niger, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Uganda, Zimbabwe Côte d'Ivoire, Sao Tome and Principe Q1/3 Q10/3 Q10/3 ] 182 ] 182 ] [ C 181 ] [C 181 ] [C 181 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 180 ] [C 180 ] [C 180 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 179 ] [C 179 ] [C 179 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 178 ] [C 178 ] [C 178 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 177 ] [C 177 ] [C 177 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 176 ] [C 176 ] [C 176 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 175 [C [C 2016-01-29 Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Niger, Senegal, Togo Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches des Télécommunications (CERT), Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Côte d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Togo Burkina Faso, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Algérie Télécom Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015) Draft Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015) Q7/3 The need to reduce roaming tariffs Q7/3 The need to bring down roaming costs in a context of convergence of services Q7/3 M2M roaming Q7/3 Method for determining the financial cost Q3/3 The need for a method of estimating licence and frequency costs for African countries Q3/3 SG3 technical paper on Economic Q9/3 ] 175 ] 175 ] [ C 174 ] [C 174 ] [C 174 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 173 ] [C 173 ] [C 173 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 172 ] [C 172 ] [C 172 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 171 ] [C 171 ] [C 171 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 170 ] [C 170 ] [C 170 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 169 ] [C 169 ] [C 169 ] 2016-01-29 [ C 168 ] [C 168 [C 168 ] 2016-01-29 SPA, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Guinea, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Sonatel, Sudan, Togo, Tunisie Télécom, Uganda, Zimbabwe Algérie Télécom SPA, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d&#127;Ivoire Algérie Télécom SPA, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sonatel, Sudan, Togo, Tunisie Télécom, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burundi, Gambia, Malawi, Tunisie Télécom, Uganda, Zimbabwe Algérie Télécom SPA, Burundi, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Malawi, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisie Télécom, Zimbabwe Algérie Télécom SPA, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Tunisie Télécom, Zimbabwe Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, impact on OTT Support for contribution C129 (SG3 meeting - February 2016) on an initial text for a draft Recommendation on OTTs ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs Q9/3 Emergent Mobile Broadband Pricing Models and their Competitive Effects in African Markets Q9/3 Impacts of OTT Services on Telecom Operators: "OTT Bypass" Q9/3 Impact of OTT Services on Telecom Operators' Investments Q9/3 Requirements on big data and digital identity QALL/3 Support C142 by Tunisia, Uganda, India, Trinidad and Tobago and QALL/3 Q9/3 ] [ C 167 ] [C 167 ] [C 167 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 166 ] [C 166 ] [C 166 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 165 ] [C 165 ] [C 165 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 164 ] [C 164 ] [C 164 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 163 ] [C 163 ] [C 163 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 162 ] [C 162 ] [C 162 ] 2016-01-28 [ C 161 ] [C 161 ] [C 160 ] [C 161 ] 2016-01-28 Egypt, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Tunisia Algérie Télécom SPA, Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Zimbabwe Côte d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burundi, Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches des Télécommunications (CERT), Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Chad, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Burundi [C 160 ] 2016-01-28 Zambia [ C 160 ] Tanzania and Zimbabwe Questions for the coming study period QALL/3 Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" Q2/3 Support for Contribution C138 (SG3 February 2016) on costs and competition for mobile financial services Q2/3 Development of mobile money services and proposals in support of the work of the ITU-T Study Group 3 Rapporteur Group Q2/3 Revisions to the ToR for the SG3 Rapporteur Group on the Economic and Competitiveness Aspects of "Mobile Money" Services Q2/3 Proposal on the study of Mobile Payments Services Q2/3 International Internet connectivity The case of Burundi Q6/3 Case Study of Zambia - Dispute Resolution Related to Charging for Passive Infrastructure Sharing Rentals Q2/3 [ C 159 ] [C 159 ] [C 158 ] [C 157 ] [C 159 ] 2016-01-28 [C 158 ] 2016-01-28 [C 157 ] 2016-01-14 [ C 156 ] [C 156 ] [C 156 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 155 ] [C 155 ] [C 155 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 154 ] [C 154 ] [C 154 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 153 ] [C 153 ] [C 153 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 152 ] [C 152 ] [C 151 ] [C 152 ] 2015-12-24 [C 151 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 150 ] [C 150 ] [C 150 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 149 ] [C 149 [C 149 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 158 ] [ C 157 ] [ C 151 ] Burundi, Côte d&#127;Ivoire, Mozambique, Niger Egypt, Gambia, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe Zambia (Zambia Information & Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)) Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka Brunei, ETRI (Korea, Rep. of), India, KAIST (Korea, Rep. of), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka ETRI (Korea, Rep. of), Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka Brunei, ETRI (Korea, Rep. of), Economic impact of traffic diversion Q8/3 Redefining ACP services Q8/3 Reduction of International Mobile Roaming Charges through Inter Operator Tariff Reciprocity Q7/3 Proposal for development of Recommendation FW_services_policies "A framework for provision of services with required QoS in data networks of fixed and mobile operators using standardized methods of service/resource access speed measurements" Proposal for classification of telecommunication services in data networks QALL/3 Support for finalizing a new ITU-T Recommendation on SMP Q10/3 Support for finalizing an ITU-T Recommendation on International Mobile Roaming Q7/3 Text relating to Small Island States in the Draft Recommendation on International Mobile Roaming Editorial changes to the Draft Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015 Q7/3 Excessive (yet competitive) rates well above affordable levels for International Mobile Roaming Q7/3 Proposed revisions to the ToR for the SG3 Rapporteur Group on the Q2/3 QALL/3 Q7/3 ] [ C 148 ] [C 148 ] [C 148 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 147 ] [C 147 ] [C 147 ] 2015-12-24 [ C 146 ] [C 146 ] [C 145 ] [C 146 ] 2015-12-23 [C 145 ] 2015-12-23 [ C 144 ] (Rev.1) [C 144 ] [C 144 ] 2015-12-23 [ C 143 ] [C 143 ] [C 143 ] 2015-12-23 [ C 142 ] [C 142 ] [C 142 ] 2015-12-23 [ C 141 ] [C 141 ] [C 140 ] [C 139 ] [C 141 ] 2015-12-22 [C 140 ] 2015-12-22 [C 139 ] 2015-12-22 [C 138 [C 138 ] 2015-12-22 [ C 145 ] [ C 140 ] [ C 139 ] [ C 138 ] India, Indonesia, KAIST (Korea, Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa Cambodia, ETRI (Korea, Rep. of), Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Korea (Rep. of), Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan, United Arab Emirates Indonesia Economic and Competitiveness Aspects of "Mobile Money" Services Draft new ITU-T Recommendation on establishing and connecting regional IXPs Q6/3 Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" Q2/3 Proposal new resolution in implementation of Digital Financial Services 2020 and relevant activities Revisions to the ToR for the SG3 Rapporteur Group on the Economic and Competitiveness Aspects of "Mobile Money" Services Impact of OTT Services on Telecom Operators' Investments only the French has been revised for a translation issue Possible SG3 technical paper on transaction costs on mobile financial services Q2/3 Proposed questions for SG3 for the 2017-2020 Study Period QALL/3 Impacts of OTT Services on Telecom Operators: "OTT Bypass" Q9/3 Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, Sudan Proposal on the study of Mobile Payments Services Q2/3 ETRI, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), KAIST (Korea, Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka Brunei, ETRI (Rep. of Korea), India, M2M roaming Q7/3 Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Q2/3 Bahrain, CERT, Egypt, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan, Tunisie Télécom Tunisie Télécom Brunei, ETRI (Korea, Rep. of), India, Indonesia, KAIST (Korea, Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa India, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe Tunisie Télécom Q2/3 Q9/3 Q2/3 ] [ C 137 ] Indonesia, KAIST (Rep. of Korea), Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa Mongolia Financial Services (MFS)" International Internet Connectivity and access to broadband services Q6/3 Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan AICTO, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan, UAE India Proposals for development of a new framework recommendation concerning traffic management issues Q1/3 International Internet Connectivity Q6/3 Information on the consultation paper on OTT issued by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in March, 2015 Proposal of a general OTT definition and terms of OTT-based telecommunication services provision Q9/3 M2M roaming Q7/3 Development of SG3 Technical Paper on promoting Platform as a Service (PaaS) in leveraging competitiveness of OTTs IoT International Roaming Issues Q9/3 Proposal for Base text for an ITU-T draft recommendation on OTT Q9/3 Proposed initial text for the development of a Draft ITU-T Recommendation on OTT Q9/3 International Telecommunication Services Settlement procedure on a prepayment basis Q2/3 [C 137 ] [C 136 ] [C 137 ] 2015-12-22 [C 136 ] 2015-12-22 [ C 135 ] [C 135 ] [C 135 ] 2015-12-22 [ C 134 ] [C 134 ] [C 133 ] [C 134 ] 2015-12-22 [C 133 ] 2015-12-22 [C 132 ] [C 131 ] [C 132 ] 2015-12-22 Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan CERT [C 131 ] 2015-12-21 Indonesia [ C 130 ] [C 130 ] [C 130 ] 2015-12-21 [ C 129 ] [C 129 ] [C 128 ] [C 129 ] 2015-12-21 Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Tunisie Télécom [C 128 ] 2015-12-21 [C 127 ] [C 127 ] 2015-12-21 [ C 136 ] [ C 133 ] [ C 132 ] [ C 131 ] [ C 128 ] (Rev.1) [ C 127 ] Cambodia, ETRI (Rep. of Korea), India, KAIST (Rep. of Korea), Korea (Rep. of), Sri Lanka, Telekom Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam Azerbaijan, Beltelecom, Kyrgyzstan, Rostelecom, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan Q9/3 Q7/3 [ C 126 ] [ C 125 ] [ C 124 ] [ C 123 ] [ C 122 ] [ C 121 ] [ C 120 ] [ C 119 ] [ C 118 ] [ C 117 ] [ C 116 ] [ C 115 ] [ C 114 ] [ C 113 ] [ C 112 ] [ C 111 ] [C 126 ] [C 125 ] [C 124 ] [C 123 ] [C 122 ] [C 121 ] [C 120 ] [C 119 ] [C 118 ] [C 117 ] [C 116 ] [C 126 ] 2015-12-21 Mauritania International Internet Connectivity (case of Mauritania) Q6/3 [C 125 ] 2015-12-21 Sri Lanka Development of International Internet Connectivity Q6/3 [C 124 ] 2015-12-17 Korea (Rep. of) Proposal on the study of Mobile Financial Services Q2/3 [C 123 ] 2015-12-17 Redefining ACP services Q8/3 [C 122 ] 2015-12-17 Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan India Q2/3 [C 121 ] 2015-12-17 Bahrain, AICTO, Kuwait, UAE Information on steps taken by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRA)) with regard to Mobile Banking Importance of the Mobile Financial Services [C 120 ] 2015-12-17 Indonesia Q2/3 [C 119 ] 2015-12-17 Malaysia Indicative Target Timeline for Implementation of Interoperability of Digital Financial services Case study: Affordable Broadband Packages in Malaysia [C 118 ] 2015-12-17 Malaysia Assessment of Dominance in the Malaysian Communications Market Q10/3 [C 117 ] 2015-12-17 2015-12-17 Proposed Changes to ITU-T Draft Recommendation on Competition Policy and SMP Proposed Changes to ITU-T Draft Recommendation on Competition Policy and SMP (Base Text/SG3/TD245) Q10/3 [C 116 ] [C 115 ] [C 114 ] [C 113 ] [C 112 ] [C 115 ] 2015-12-17 2015-12-17 Support and Rationale for the development of a new ITU-T recommendation on OTT National Broadband Policy of Cambodia Q9/3 [C 114 ] Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan Cambodia, ETRI (Rep. of Korea), India, KAIST (Rep. of Korea), Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Telekom Malysia, Thailand, Viet Nam Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan Cambodia [C 113 ] 2015-12-17 Samoa Internet Broadband Services Q1/3 [C 112 ] 2015-12-17 Draft Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015) Q7/3 [C 111 [C 111 ] 2015-12-11 Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Sudan, United Arab Emirates Costa Rica Contribution on methodological elements to be considered among the Q10/3 Q2/3 Q6/3 Q10/3 Q1/3 ] [ C 110 ] [C 110 ] [C 110 ] 2015-12-11 Bahamas [ C 109 ] [C 109 ] [C 109 ] 2015-12-11 [ C 108 ] [C 108 ] [C 108 ] 2015-12-11 [ C 107 ] [C 107 ] [C 107 ] 2015-12-11 [ C 106 ] [C 106 ] [C 105 ] [C 104 ] [C 103 ] [C 102 ] [C 106 ] 2015-12-11 Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Rep., Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Rep., El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Brazil [C 105 ] 2015-12-11 [C 104 ] [C 101 ] [C 100 ] [ C 105 ] [ C 104 ] [ C 103 ] [ C 102 ] [ C 101 ] [ C 100 ] regulatory principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power Case Study of The Bahamas Regulatory Principles for Market Definition and Identification of Operators with Significant Market Power - SMP Proposed draft Recommendation on identification of relevant markets and SMP Q10/3 Q10/3 Draft text for terminology of "Mobile Money Services" Q2/3 The need for a draft Recommendation on methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates Q7/3 Mobile Payment Initiatives in Brazil Q2/3 Mobile Money Services and transaction costs Q2/3 2015-12-09 Honduras, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Honduras, Paraguay Possible regulatory measures for mobile money services Q2/3 [C 103 ] 2015-12-09 Cuba Q1/3 [C 102 ] 2015-12-09 [C 101 ] 2015-12-09 Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Nicaragua International conditions relating to compliance with universal service obligations Draft New Recommendation on International Aspects of Universal Service Broadband in Nicaragua Q1/3 [C 100 ] 2015-12-09 Draft Mobile Roaming Recommendation revisions based on TD251 (SG3) Q7/3 Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Rep., El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Q1/3 [ C 99 ] [C 99 ] [C 99 ] 2015-12-09 [ C 98 ] [C 98 ] [C 98 ] 2015-12-09 Nicaragua, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Dominica, El Salvador, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago OTT state of play and approaches Q9/3 Case Study: OTT in Trinidad and Tobago Q9/3 Temporary Documents (PLEN) Web [ TD 376PLEN ] [ TD 375PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 374PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 373PLEN ] [ TD 372PLEN ] IFA [ TD 376PLEN ] [ TD 375PLEN ] Local [ TD 376PLEN ] [ TD 375PLEN ] Received 2016-03-01 Source Chairman of SG3 Title Draft LS/o on big data and digital identity Questions Q6/3 2016-03-01 Chairman ITU-T SG3 Draft Anticipated Report of the Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 22 February - 1 March 2016 QALL/3 [ TD 374PLEN ] [ TD 374PLEN ] 2016-03-01 Rapporteur Q5/3 Draft report of meeting of Q5/3 "Terms and definitions" Q5/3 [ TD 373PLEN ] [ TD 372PLEN ] [ TD 373PLEN ] [ TD 372PLEN ] 2016-03-01 TSB Draft list of outgoing Liaison Statements QALL/3 2016-02-29 Base Text for an ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs (SG3/29.02.2016) Q9/3 [ TD 371PLEN ] [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 371PLEN ] [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 371PLEN ] [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD 2016-02-29 CoRapporteur on the economic impact of OTTs SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chaiman QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, new Recommendation ITU-T A.25, and new ITU-T A-series Supplement A.sup5 [to all ITU-T SGs] Draft LS/o/r on WTSA-16 preparations [to all ITU-T SGs, ITU-T Regional Groups] 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on ARIN IPv4 address pool depletion and IPv6 transition [from ITU-T SG20] Q1/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Draft LS/o/r on Telecommunication QALL/3 QALL/3 367PLEN ] [ TD 366PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 365PLEN ] 367PLEN ] [ TD 366PLEN ] 367PLEN ] [ TD 366PLEN ] Chairman Management and OAM Project Plan 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization Q5/3 [ TD 365PLEN ] [ TD 365PLEN ] 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman QALL/3 [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects Draft LS/o/r on green ICT standards landscape questionnaire [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 355PLEN ] 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on ITU inter-sector coordination QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on draft Recommendation ITUT A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab Draft LS/o/r on monitoring of study group activities 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC Draft LS/o/r on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [to ITU-T SGs] QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan QALL/3 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization Q5/3 [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2016-02-29 SG3 Chairman Draft LS/o/r on draft terms of reference for the Joint Rapporteur Group studying allocation and the economic aspects of deploying IP addresses (reply to SG3-LS029) Q1/3 QALL/3 QALL/3 QALL/3 [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 352PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] [ TD 343PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2016-02-29 SMP Rapporteur Draft Recommendation on Principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power SMP LS/o on Economic Impact of OTTs Q10/3 2016-02-29 ITU-T Working Party 3/3 [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] 2016-02-29 Corapporteurs on Mobile Roaming ITU-T draft Recommendation on methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates Q7/3 [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] 2016-02-29 Rapporteur Q5/3 Draft agenda for Question 5/3 Q5/3 2016-02-26 Chairman WP2/3 LS/o to SG20 on New work items on IoT Roaming and M2M Roaming Q1/3 2016-02-26 Rapporteur on New Questions Proposed list of questions for WTSA-16: Results of Drafting Session QALL/3 [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] 2016-02-26 OTT Rapporteur Report of the OTT Rapporteur Group Q7/3 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG3 Draft LS/o on Mobile Financial Services Q2/3 [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] [ TD 343PLEN ] [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] [ TD 343PLEN ] 2016-02-25 TSB Economic Impact of OTTs Q9/3 2016-02-25 D.271 Rapporteur Draft Revised ITU-T Recommendation D.271 Q1/3 2016-02-25 Chairman WP1/3 Q1/3 2016-02-25 Corapporteur, International Aspects of Universal LS/o -New work item "A regulation framework of delivering of ICT services with the guaranteed QoS and requested bit rate on the fixed and mobile data networks" Draft ITU-T Recommendation on International Aspects of Universal Service Q9/3 Q1/3 [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 341PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 338PLEN ] [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 336PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 341PLEN ] [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 341PLEN ] 2016-02-25 Rapporteur Q5/3 Summary of inputs on definitions proposed in new ITU-T SG3 Recommendations Q5/3 2016-02-24 Chairman of WP2/3 Proposed Merged draft for drafting Group Discussion on ITU-T Recommendation Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services Q2/3 [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] 2016-02-24 IIC Rapporteur Draft ITU-T Recommendation on IXPs Q6/3 2016-02-24 Chairman of Working Party 1/3 Draft LS/o on Technical Report on the economic impact of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 Q6/3 [ TD 338PLEN ] [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 336PLEN ] [ TD 338PLEN ] [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 336PLEN ] 2016-02-23 Chairman of Working Party 2/3 Presentation from the FG on DFS Q2/3 2016-02-22 Mobile Financial Services Rapporteur D.271 Rapporteur Report of the Mobile Financial Services Rapporteur Q7/3 Proposed final version of revisions to D271 Q1/3 [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] 2016-02-22 TSB Extract of WTSA-12 Resolution 2 : SG3 Mandates QALL/3 2016-02-22 Chairman SG3 List of Orphaned/Dormant Recommendations for SG3 QALL/3 2016-02-22 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation on international aspects of Universal Service Q1/3 [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 331PLEN ] [ TD 330- [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 331PLEN ] [ TD 330- [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 331PLEN ] [ TD 330- 2016-02-22 Corapporteur, International aspects of Universal SG3 Chairman Overview of Participation QALL/3 2016-02-21 TSB List of incoming Liaison Statements QALL/3 2016-02-19 IIC Rapporteur Summary of inputs to new ITU-T Recommendation on IXPs Q6/3 2016-02-22 PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 324PLEN ] [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317- [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 324PLEN ] [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317- [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 324PLEN ] [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317- 2016-02-19 2016-02-19 CoRapporteur on the economic impact of OTTs Rapporteur SMP Summary of inputs to new ITU-T Recommendation on OTTs Q9/3 Progress report of Relevant market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP Rapporteur Group Draft Agenda - SG3 Information Session for Newcomers (22 February 2016 @ 12:30) Q10/3 2016-02-17 TSB QALL/3 2016-02-09 ITU-T Study Group 20 LS/i on proposed text for the revision of Recommendation A.12 [from ITU-T SG3] QALL/3 2016-02-09 ITU-T Study Group 20 LS/i on Y.4000 series structure [from ITU-T SG20] QALL/3 2016-02-09 Proposed Work Plan for the Rapporteur Group on Dispute Resolution Related to Charging and Invoicing Q2/3 2016-02-09 Rapporteur on Dispute Resolution under Q2/3 TSAG LS/i on ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] QALL/3 2016-02-09 TSAG QALL/3 2016-02-09 TSAG LS/i on revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, new Recommendation ITU-T A.25, and new ITU-T A-series Supplement A.sup5 [from TSAG] LS/i on WTSA-16 preparations [from TSAG ] 2016-02-09 ITU-T Study Group 2 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] QALL/3 2016-02-08 ITU-T Study Group 2 QALL/3 2016-02-08 ITU-T Study Group 2 LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T SG2] LS/i on potential relationship between Alternative Calling Procedures and Calling Line Identity E.157 [from ITU-T SG2] 2016-02-04 FG DFS LS/i on Work on Mobile Financial Services in ITU-T Study Group 3 [from FG DFS] Q2/3 QALL/3 Q8/3 PLEN ] [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 313PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 313PLEN ] [ TD 312PLEN ] [ TD 311PLEN ] [ TD 310PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 308PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 306PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN 2016-02-01 ITU-T Study Group 2 LS/i about progress work on Telecom Finance (Finance 2.0) [from ITU-T SG2] Q2/3 2016-01-20 Mobile roaming Q7/3 rapporteurs Changes to TD251 base text (SG3-03/2015) as agreed by the Rapporteur Group meeting for Mobile Roaming held in Geneva, 16-17 September 2015 Q7/3 [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 313PLEN ] 2015-12-18 ITU-T Study Group 13 Q2/3 2015-12-18 ITU-T Study Group 11 [ TD 312PLEN ] [ TD 311PLEN ] [ TD 310PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] [ TD 312PLEN ] [ TD 311PLEN ] [ TD 310PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] 2015-11-27 ITU-T Study Group 5 LS/i on "Report on standard gap analysis", from ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT-2020 LS/i on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [from ITU-T SG11] LS/i on green ICT standards landscape questionnaire [from ITU-T SG5] 2015-11-27 ITU-T Study Group 5 LS/i on Announcement of closure of Joint Coordination Activity on ICT and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC) [from ITU-T SG5] QALL/3 2015-11-27 ITU-T Study Group 20 LS/i on new ITU-T SG20 QALL/3 2015-11-11 ITU-T Study Group 20 LS/i on progress on IoT accounting and charging standardization work [from ITU-T SG20] Q1/3 [ TD 308PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 306PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN [ TD 308PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 306PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN 2015-11-11 ITU T Study Group 20 LS/i on ARIN IPv4 address pool depletion and IPv6 transition [from ITU-T SG20] Q1/3 2015-10-22 FG DFS LS/i to ITU-T Study Group 3 [from FG DFS] QALL/3 2015-07-20 TSAG LS/i on ITU inter-sector coordination [from TSAG] QALL/3 2015-07-20 TSAG LS/i on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement QALL/3 QALL/3 QALL/3 ] [ TD 304PLEN ] ] [ TD 304PLEN ] ] [ TD 304PLEN ] [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 298PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] [ TD 296PLEN ] [ TD 295PLEN ] [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 293PLEN ] [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 298PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] [ TD 296PLEN ] [ TD 295PLEN ] [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 293PLEN ] [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 298PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] [ TD 296PLEN ] [ TD 295PLEN ] [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 293PLEN ] 2015-07-20 [ TD [ TD [ TD 2015-07-20 ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FGSSC) ITU-T RevCom A.collab [from TSAG] LS/i on Final Deliverables of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FG-SSC) and Proposal of a New Study Group [from FG-SSC] QALL/3 LS/i on monitoring of study group activities [from Rev Com] QALL/3 2015-07-20 FG DFS LS/i to ITU-T SG3 [from FG DFS] Q2/3 2015-06-29 ITU-T Study Group 9 LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 pilot implementation in SG9 [from ITU-T SG9] QALL/3 2015-05-14 ITU-T Study Group 13 LS/i on Establishment of a new Focus Group "IMT-2020" [from ITU-T SG13] QALL/12 2015-05-14 ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/3 2015-05-07 TSAG LS/i on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITUT CASC [from ITU-T SG11] LS/i on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] 2015-05-07 TSAG management team LS/i on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [to ITU-T SGs] QALL/3 2015-05-07 ITU-T Study Group 2 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] QALL/3 2015-05-07 ITU-T Study Group 2 QALL/3 2015-05-07 ITU-T Study Group 2 LS on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T Study Group 2] LS/i/r on progress of work on Telecom Finance (reply to SG3-LS031) [from ITU-T Study Group 2] 2015-05-07 ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/3 2016-01-29 TSB LS/i/r on draft terms of reference for the Joint Rapporteur Group studying allocation and the economic aspects of deploying IP addresses (reply to SG3-LS029) [from ITU-T Study Group 2] Report of the Mobile Roaming Rapporteur QALL/3 Q2/3 Q7/3 292PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 288PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD 285PLEN ] [ TD 284PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 283PLEN ] [ TD 282PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] 292PLEN ] 292PLEN ] Group Meeting (RGM) held 16-17 September 2015 (Geneva) [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 288PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD 285PLEN ] [ TD 284PLEN ] [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 288PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD 285PLEN ] [ TD 284PLEN ] 2016-01-07 TSB Towards WTSA: Current List of Questions for SG3 QALL/3 2016-01-07 Chairman of SG3RG-AO Report of SG3RG-AO meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, 29 September-1 October 2015 QALL/3 2016-01-07 Chairman of SG3RGAFR Report of SG3RG-AFR meeting held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 19-21 January 2016 QALL/3 2016-01-07 Chairman of SG3RGARB Report of SG3RG-ARB meeting held in Manama, 30 November-2 December 2015 QALL/3 2016-01-07 Chairman of SG3RG-CIS Report of SG3RG-RCC/CIS meeting held in Baku on 4th December 2015 QALL/3 2016-01-07 Chairman of SG3RGLAC Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Nassau (Bahamas) 22-24 April 2015 QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB List of Rapporteurs of Study Group 3 QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB List of work items for Study Group 3 QALL/3 [ TD 283PLEN ] [ TD 282PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] [ TD 283PLEN ] [ TD 282PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] 2016-01-07 TSB Guidelines on national standardization secretariats QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB E-learning course on Recommendation ITUT A.1 : Working Methods of ITU-T Study Groups QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU Aseries Recommendation QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB WTSA-12 and WCIT-12: Significant items of relevance for the work of Study Group 3 QALL/3 [ TD 279PLEN ] [ TD 278PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 277PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 276PLEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 275PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 273PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 272PLEN ] (Rev.19) [ TD 271PLEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 270PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 279PLEN ] [ TD 278PLEN ] [ TD 279PLEN ] [ TD 278PLEN ] 2016-01-07 TSB General overview of SG3 and its Regional Groups QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB Dates of upcoming meetings of SG3 QALL/3 [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] 2016-03-01 Chairman WP3/3 Anticipated Report of Working Party 3/3, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 Q3/3 [ TD 276PLEN ] [ TD 276PLEN ] 2016-02-26 Chairman WP2/3 Anticipated Report of Working Party 2/3, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 Q2/3 [ TD 275PLEN ] [ TD 275PLEN ] 2016-01-07 Chairman of WP1/3 Anticipated Draft Report of WP1/3 Q6/3, Q1/3 [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 273PLEN ] [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 273PLEN ] 2016-01-07 TSB Electronic Working Methods QALL/3 2016-01-07 TSB Provisional list of participants QALL/3 [ TD 272PLEN ] [ TD 272PLEN ] 2016-01-07 TSB Draft Meeting Time Plan QALL/3 [ TD 271PLEN ] [ TD 271PLEN ] 2015-05-07 Chairman of WP3/3 Draft agenda for WP3/3 Q3/3 [ TD 270PLEN ] [ TD 270PLEN ] 2015-05-07 Chairman of WP2/3 Draft agenda for WP2/3 Q2/12 [ TD 269PLEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 268PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 269PLEN ] [ TD 269PLEN ] 2015-05-07 Chairman of WP1/3 Draft agenda for WP1/3 Q1/3 [ TD 268PLEN ] [ TD 268PLEN ] 2015-05-07 SG3 Chairman Draft agenda QALL/3