Collective Letters Web [ COL 3] IFA [ COL 3] Local [ COL 3] Received 2014-03-26 Source SG02 Title Meeting of Study Group 2, Geneva, 28 May to 6 June 2014 Destination N/A Title Report of Working Party 2/2, Geneva, 17-26 September 2013 Determined Recommendation ITU-T E.161, Annex A - Arrangement of digits, Korean Character set and symbols Report of Working Party1/2, Geneva, 17-26 September 2013 Report of the Study Group 2 Meeting, Geneva, 17-26 September 2013 Questions Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 N/A Title Report of Working Party 2/2 (Telecommunication management and network and service operations) Report of Working Party 1/2 (Numbering, naming, addressing, routing and service provision) Report of the ITU-T Study Group 2 meeting (Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management) Questions Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 Reports of the previous meeting Web [R7] [R6] [R5] [R4] IFA [R 7] [R 6] Local [R7 ] [R6 ] Received 2013-11-29 Source SG 2 2013-11-28 SG 2 [R 5] [R 4] [R5 ] [R4 ] 2013-11-29 SG 2 2013-11-28 N/A Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 QALL/2 Reports of this meeting Web [ R 10 ] IFA [R 10 ] Local [R 10 ] Received 2014-12-02 Source SG 2 [R9] [R 9] [R9 ] 2014-12-02 SG 2 [R8] [R 8] [R8 ] 2014-12-02 SG 2 Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 QALL/2 Contributions Web [ C 67 ] [ C 66 ] IFA [C 67 ] [C 66 ] Local [C 67 ] [C 66 ] Received 2014-05-16 Source Egypt 2014-05-15 [ C 65 ] [C 65 ] [C 65 ] 2014-05-15 [ C 64 ] [C 64 ] [C 64 ] 2014-05-15 European Communications Office European Communications Office Sweden [ C 63 ] [C 63 ] [C 63 ] 2014-05-15 Sweden [ C 62 ] (Rev.1) [C 62 ] [C 62 ] 2014-05-15 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Industry and Information Title CPND, CLI and OI and Number Spoofing ECC REPORT 212 - EVOLUTION IN THE USE OF E.212 MOBILE NETWORK CODES Evolution in the Use of E.212 Mobile Network Codes and proposed changes needed in E.212 Minor enhancements in E.-series Recommendations concerning numbering s Information document - Report on proposed mixed use of 2 and 3 digit MNCs under Sweden's MCC 240 The proposal to add energy management in the network management architecture. Questions QALL/2 Q1/2 Q1/2 Q1/2 Q1/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 [ C 61 ] [C 61 ] [C 61 ] 2014-05-15 [ C 60 ] [C 60 ] [C 60 ] 2014-05-15 Technology (MIIT) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Russian Federation [ C 59 ] [C 59 ] [C 59 ] 2014-05-14 Saudi Arabia [ C 58 ] [C 58 ] [C 58 ] 2014-05-14 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) [ C 57 ] (Rev.1) [ C 56 ] (Rev.1) [ C 55 ] [ C 54 ] [C 57 ] [C 57 ] 2014-05-14 ZTE Corporation [C 56 ] [C 56 ] 2014-05-14 ZTE Corporation [C 55 ] [C 54 ] [C 55 ] [C 54 ] 2014-05-14 Voxbone SA 2014-05-14 KDDI Corporation [ C 53 ] (Rev.1) [ C 52 ] [C 53 ] [C 53 ] 2014-05-14 [C 52 ] [C 52 ] 2014-05-14 [ C 51 ] [C 51 ] [C 51 ] 2014-05-14 [ C 50 ] (Rev.1) [ C 49 ] [C 50 ] [C 50 ] 2014-05-14 [C 49 ] [C 49 ] 2014-05-14 [ C 48 ] [C 48 ] [C 48 ] 2014-05-13 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) The conformance testing specification for the MTNM interface in Recommendations M.3170 series Q7/2 Propose amendment to ITU-T ?.101 "Definitions of terms used for identifiers (names, numbers, addresses and other identifiers) for public telecommunication services and networks in the E-series Recommendations" Proposed amendment to "Draft Terms of reference on Joint Rapporteur Group studying the Economic aspects of deploying IP addresses" Proposal to add information about "safety confirmation systems that process user queries to register selfsafety information" to the requirements for the disaster message board Propose amendment to ITU-T M.3160 "Generic, protocol-neutral management information model" Propose amendment to ITU-T M.3020 "Management interface specification methodology" Fraud to E.164 number resources Q1/2 Proposal of careful consideration based on concerns about the assignment to non-operator of MNC in E.212 Analysis of Caller ID delivery in China Q1/2 Description of modifications for M.rcsm Q5/2 Description of modifications for M.occm Q5/2 Requirements for Cloud Service Management Q5/2 Overview of Cloud Computing Management Q5/2 Proposed changes to Number Portability Supplement Q2/2, Q1/2 Q1/2 Q3/2, Q1/2 Q7/2 Q7/2 Q1/2 Q1/2 [ C 47 ] (Rev.1) [ C 46 ] [ C 45 ] [ C 44 ] [C 47 ] [C 47 ] 2014-05-12 Korea (Rep. of) Proposal of a new work item on "User interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors" Proposal of a primitive draft on onscreen keyboards for ICT devices Comments on TD219 Q4/2 [C 46 ] [C 45 ] [C 44 ] [C 46 ] [C 45 ] [C 44 ] 2014-05-12 Korea (Rep. of) 2014-05-10 United Kingdom 2014-05-09 United Kingdom Proposal to update Maritime Mobile ITU-T Recommendations E.210 and E.217 Revision to E164.1 Q1/2 [ C 43 ] [ C 42 ] (Rev.1) [ C 41 ] (Rev.1) [ C 40 ] [C 43 ] [C 42 ] [C 43 ] [C 42 ] 2014-05-09 United Kingdom 2014-05-09 Proposed handling of seven FGDR&NRR deliverables QALL/2 2014-05-06 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) United States [C 41 ] [C 41 ] U.S. Comments on TD 0219 QALL/2 [C 40 ] [C 40 ] 2014-04-16 Orange Q7/2 [C 39 ] [C 39 ] 2014-04-16 Orange [C 38 ] [C 38 ] 2014-04-03 Congo (Rep. of the) Proposal to add a new clause to Recommendation ITU-T M.1400 with function codes for Optical Transport Networks Proposal to modify Gigabit Ethernet function codes in Recommendation ITU-T M.1400 Operational aspects of telecommunication services provision and management [ C 39 ] [ C 38 ] Q4/2 QALL/2 Q1/2 Q7/2 Q4/2 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 461GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 460GEN ] [ TD 459GEN ] [ TD 458GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 457GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 456- IFA [ TD 461GEN ] [ TD 460GEN ] [ TD 459GEN ] [ TD 458GEN ] [ TD 457GEN ] [ TD 456- Local [ TD 461GEN ] [ TD 460GEN ] [ TD 459GEN ] [ TD 458GEN ] [ TD 457GEN ] [ TD 456- Received 2014-06-06 Source Chairman, SG2 Title LS/o on SG2 activities pertinent to PP Resolution 178 [to JCA-Res178] Questions QALL/2 2014-06-06 Chairman JCAAHF Draft meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 30 May 2014 QALL/2 2014-06-06 WP2/2 chairman LS/o on the Recommendations which should not be maintained by SG2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 2014-06-06 Chairman, SG2 Proposed amendments to the Draft Terms of Reference for Experts Group on International Numbering Resources (INRs) Q1/2 2014-06-05 Convenor of Telecom Finance Draft document about Overview of Telecom Finance Q3/2 2014-06-05 Chairman, WP 2/2 Proposed meeting report of Working Party 2/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, GEN ] [ TD 455GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 454GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 453GEN ] [ TD 452GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 451GEN ] [ TD 450GEN ] [ TD 449GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 448GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 447GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 446GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 445GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 444GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD GEN ] [ TD 455GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 455GEN ] [ TD 454GEN ] [ TD 453GEN ] [ TD 452GEN ] [ TD 451GEN ] [ TD 450GEN ] [ TD 449GEN ] [ TD 448GEN ] [ TD 447GEN ] Q5/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Proposed Q7/2 meeting report Q7/2 [ TD 454GEN ] [ TD 453GEN ] [ TD 452GEN ] [ TD 451GEN ] [ TD 450GEN ] [ TD 449GEN ] [ TD 448GEN ] [ TD 447GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o on Progress status on the pilot project for M.3170 series conformacne testing Q7/2 2014-06-05 Chairman, WP2/2 Telecommunications management and OAM project plan Q5/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Q6/2 meeting report Q6/2 2014-06-05 Convener AHG on Resolution 64 QALL/2 2014-06-05 Convener, SG2 Vice Chairman LS/o to ITU-T SG3 on Draft Terms of reference on Joint Rapporteur's Group studying the Economic aspects of deploying IPv6 addresses [to ITU-T SG3] Meeting Report of the SG2 Ad Hoc Group on Resolution 64 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Q4/2 work programme Q4/2 2014-06-05 Chairman, WP 1/2 Meeting report of WP1/2 Geneva June 2014 2014-06-05 Associate Rapporteur Q3/2 work programme Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 Q3/2 [ TD 446GEN ] [ TD 446GEN ] 2014-06-05 Associate Rapporteur Progress report for Question 3/2 Q3/2 [ TD 445GEN ] [ TD 444GEN ] [ TD [ TD 445GEN ] [ TD 444GEN ] [ TD 2014-06-05 Associate Rapporteur LS/o about progress work on Telecom Finance Q3/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteurs LS/o/r on NGMN Project NGCOR on Publication of Deliverables Q7/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r on Overview and Work Plan on Q6/2 QALL/2 443GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 442GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 441GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 440GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 439GEN ] 443GEN ] [ TD 442GEN ] [ TD 441GEN ] [ TD 440GEN ] [ TD 439GEN ] 443GEN ] [ TD 442GEN ] [ TD 441GEN ] [ TD 440GEN ] [ TD 439GEN ] [ TD 438GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 438GEN ] [ TD 437GEN ] [ TD 436GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 435GEN ] [ TD 434GEN ] [ TD 433GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 432GEN ] [ TD 431GEN ] (Rev.1) Smart Grids 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r on "Call for Contributions for the SACM Information" Q6/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r on Quality of Service Metrics Q6/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Q4/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur [ TD 438GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur [ TD 437GEN ] [ TD 436GEN ] [ TD 437GEN ] [ TD 436GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r to SG16 on comments and requests for proposed primitive draft on 'on-screen keyboards for ICT devices' [Ref: SG16 LS 90 -E] LS/o/r to SG16 on LS/i on comments and requests on proposed new work item on user interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factor (ref.: SG16 - LS 89 -E) LS/o/r to JCA-AHF on LS/i on Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band (ref.: JCA-AHF - LS 31 - E) LS/o/r to JCA-AHF for incoming "LS/r to LS on publicizing character input methods for various ICT devices" (ref.: JCA-AHF LS 30 - E) Progress report for Question 4/2 [ TD 435GEN ] [ TD 434GEN ] [ TD 433GEN ] [ TD 432GEN ] [ TD 431GEN ] [ TD 435GEN ] [ TD 434GEN ] [ TD 433GEN ] [ TD 432GEN ] [ TD 431GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r on joint meeting between Q4/2 and Q21/16 including Q26/16 (COM2-LS-27) (ref.: SG16 - LS 59 -E) Q4/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r to JCA-AHF on LS regarding accessibility issues and "Captcha" (ref.: JCA-AHF - LS 28 -E) Q4/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteurs LS/o/r on Approved Draft #4 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification Q7/2 2014-06-05 Chairman JCAAHF Draft meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 06 Nov 2013 QALL/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Q.1/2 work programme Q1/2 Q4/2 Q4/2 Q4/2 Q4/2 [ TD 430GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 429GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 428GEN ] [ TD 427GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 426GEN ] [ TD 425GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 424GEN ] [ TD 423GEN ] [ TD 422GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 421GEN ] [ TD 420GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 419GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD [ TD 430GEN ] [ TD 430GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Progress report for Q1/2 Q1/2 [ TD 429GEN ] [ TD 429GEN ] 2014-06-05 Editors E.OKID "On-screen keyboards for ICT devices": Initial draft Q4/2 [ TD 428GEN ] [ TD 427GEN ] [ TD 426GEN ] [ TD 425GEN ] [ TD 424GEN ] [ TD 423GEN ] [ TD 422GEN ] [ TD 428GEN ] [ TD 427GEN ] [ TD 426GEN ] [ TD 425GEN ] [ TD 424GEN ] [ TD 423GEN ] [ TD 422GEN ] 2014-06-05 Editors E.FAST "User interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors": Initial draft Q4/2 2014-06-05 Editors A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation E.OKID Q4/2 2014-06-05 Editor A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation E.FAST Q4/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o/r on response for Carrier Ethernet Services for Cloud IA Approved Draft Q7/2 2014-06-05 Vice Chair of the SG2RGEACO Meeting Report of SG2RG-EACO QALL/2 2014-06-05 Editor Q7/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Draft X.783 (ex. X.wiics): Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statements proformas associated with Web Servicesbased management systems (for consent) Report of Meetings of Question 5/2 [ TD 421GEN ] [ TD 420GEN ] [ TD 421GEN ] [ TD 420GEN ] 2014-06-05 Chairman, SG2 Comments on the Ad-hoc output regarding Draft Terms of Reference for the Experts Group on INR Q1/2 2014-06-05 Rapporteur LS/o on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan Q5/2 [ TD 419GEN ] [ TD 419GEN ] 2014-06-05 Rapporteur Q1/2 [ TD [ TD 2014-06-05 Editor LS/o/r on Maritime Mobile Service Identities in relation to Public Switched Telephone Networks and the potential revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.585-6 Proposed amendment to ITU-T M.3020 Q5/2 Q7/2 418GEN ] [ TD 417GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 416GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 415GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 414GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 413GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 412GEN ] [ TD 411GEN ] [ TD 410GEN ] [ TD 409GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 408GEN ] [ TD 407GEN ] [ TD 406GEN ] 418GEN ] [ TD 417GEN ] [ TD 416GEN ] [ TD 415GEN ] 418GEN ] [ TD 417GEN ] [ TD 416GEN ] [ TD 415GEN ] [ TD 414GEN ] [ TD 414GEN ] [ TD 413GEN ] [ TD 412GEN ] [ TD 411GEN ] [ TD 410GEN ] [ TD 409GEN ] [ TD 408GEN ] [ TD 407GEN ] [ TD 406GEN "Management interface specification methodology" (for consent) 2014-06-04 Chairman FGDR&NRR, Rapporteur Q1/2 Editor of Number portability LS/o on treatment about FG-DR&NRR deliverables Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 Transfer of stable document of E.164 Supplement 2 Q1/2 Draft Terms of Reference for Experts Group on International Numbering Resources (INRs) Q1/2 2014-06-04 Convenor, Adhoc on Experts Group for International Numbering Resources Editor Suggested changes to E.101, and Amendment 1 for the Appendix inserted, after June 2014 ITU-T SG2 meeting Q1/2 [ TD 413GEN ] [ TD 412GEN ] [ TD 411GEN ] [ TD 410GEN ] [ TD 409GEN ] 2014-06-04 Editor Report from the E.212 session Q1/2 2014-06-04 TSB ITU Workshop on Caller ID Spoofing QALL/2 2014-06-04 Rapporteur The Q7/2 virtual meeting (on M.mrvicc) report - part 2 Q7/2 2014-06-04 Rapporteur The Q7/2 virtual meeting (on M.mrvicc) report - part 1 Q7/2 2014-06-04 Rapporteurs LS/o on Evolution of Recommendation E.212 Q1/2 [ TD 408GEN ] [ TD 407GEN ] [ TD 406GEN 2014-06-04 TSB Information on SG2 Sharepoint site QALL/2 2014-06-04 Convener of AHG Resolution 64 Agenda for AHG on Resolution 64 QALL/2 2014-06-04 Editor Proposed revised Recommendation ITU-T M.1400 Q7/2 2014-06-04 2014-06-04 (Rev.1) [ TD 405GEN ] [ TD 404GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 403GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 402GEN ] [ TD 401GEN ] [ TD 400GEN ] [ TD 399GEN ] [ TD 398GEN ] [ TD 397GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] [ TD 394GEN ] ] [ TD 405GEN ] [ TD 404GEN ] ] [ TD 405GEN ] [ TD 404GEN ] [ TD 403GEN ] [ TD 402GEN ] [ TD 401GEN ] [ TD 400GEN ] 2014-06-04 Editor Suggested changes to E.212 after June 2014 ITU-T SG2 meeting Q1/2 2014-06-03 Rapporteur Q2/2 [ TD 403GEN ] [ TD 402GEN ] [ TD 401GEN ] [ TD 400GEN ] 2014-06-03 Rapporteur LS/o on transfer of ITU-T SG5 Q15/5 work item on how submarine repeaters equipped with scientific sensors can be used for climate monitoring and disaster risk detection (ref: ITU-T SG5 - LS 38) LS/o/r on Proposal to joint cooperation on a new work item of Q17/5 related to energy management 2014-06-03 Rapporteur ETNO Reflection Document on "Draft ECC Report 212: Evolution in the Use of E.212 Mobile Network Codes" Q1/2 2014-06-03 ITU-T Study Group 3 LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to COM2LS38) [to ITU-T SG2] Q5/2 2014-06-03 ITU-T Study Group 3 Q1/2 [ TD 399GEN ] [ TD 398GEN ] [ TD 397GEN ] [ TD 399GEN ] [ TD 398GEN ] [ TD 397GEN ] 2014-06-03 Co-convener of Correspondence Group LS/i/r on a joint Correspondence Group on Studying the economic Impact of callback, refiling and inappropriate hubbing and other forms of alternative calling procedures, as well as origin nonidentification or spoofing (reply to COM2LS39) [to ITU-T SG2] Calling Party number delivery (E.157) 2014-06-02 ITU-T WP3/5 LS/i on Proposal to joint cooperation on a new work item of Q17/5 related to energy management Q6/2 2014-06-02 Rapporteurs LS/o/r on response for Collaboration on Cloud Computing Management [Ref: SG13 - LS 64 - E] Q7/2, Q5/2 [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] [ TD 394GEN ] [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] [ TD 394GEN ] 2014-06-02 Associate Rapporteur Agenda for Q.3/2 Q3/2 2014-06-01 Chairman, ITUT SG2 Proposed template for topics on which contributions are invited Q1/2 2014-05-30 TSB Patent statement and licensing declaration on E.161 Annex A QALL/2 Q6/2 Q1/2 [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] [ TD 389GEN ] [ TD 388GEN ] [ TD 387GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 386GEN ] [ TD 385GEN ] [ TD 384GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 383GEN ] [ TD 382GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 381GEN ] (Rev.1- [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] [ TD 389GEN ] [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] [ TD 389GEN ] 2014-05-30 Chairman, FGDR&NRR The final report to SG2 on the activities of FG-DR&NRR QALL/2 2014-05-29 IETF LS/i on "Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to ITU-T SG2" QALL/2 2014-05-29 Editors Requirements for Cloud Service Management Q5/2 2014-05-28 ITU-T SG16 QALL/2, Q4/2 2014-05-28 ITU-T SG16 [ TD 388GEN ] [ TD 387GEN ] [ TD 388GEN ] [ TD 387GEN ] 2014-05-28 TSB LS/i on comments and requests for proposed primitive draft on on-screen keyboards for ICT devices [from ITU-T SG16] LS/i on comments and requests on proposed new work item on user interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factor [from ITU-T SG16] Highlights of the RevCom meeting held in Geneva, 16-17 January 2014 2014-05-28 Rapporteurs Proposed agenda for Q.5, 6, 7/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 [ TD 386GEN ] [ TD 385GEN ] [ TD 384GEN ] [ TD 383GEN ] [ TD 382GEN ] [ TD 381GEN ] [ TD 386GEN ] [ TD 385GEN ] [ TD 384GEN ] [ TD 383GEN ] [ TD 382GEN ] [ TD 381GEN ] 2014-05-28 Rapporteur Report of the Q7/2 interim meeting on Methodology harmonization with 3GPP. Q7/2 2014-05-27 Chairman, SG2 Outgoing LS to JCA-Res178 on request for input (Ref: JCA-Res178 - LS 1- E) QALL/2 2014-05-26 JCA-AHF LS/i on Assistive Listing Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band QALL/2, Q4/2 2014-05-23 TSB Recommendation ITU-R F.1105-3 - Fixed wireless systems for disaster mitigation and relief operations QALL/2, Q3/2 2014-05-23 WP1/2 Chair WP1/2 Agenda 2014-05-23 Rapporteur Draft agenda for Q.4/2 meeting Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 Q4/2 QALL/2, Q4/2 QALL/2 3) [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 370GEN ] [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] 2014-05-22 JCA-Cloud LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing roadmap QALL/2 2014-05-21 Rapporteur Agenda for Q1/2 Q1/2 [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] [ TD 370GEN ] [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] [ TD 370GEN ] [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] 2014-05-20 TSB Recommendation on INR issue approved by the Council 2014 Q1/2 2014-05-20 TSB Letters exchanged with ICANN on registering numeric string under .TEL gTLD Q1/2 2014-05-20 Rapporteur Progress report of Q5/2 virtual meeting on 16, April 2014 Q5/2 2014-05-20 Convenor of Telecom Finance Telecom Finance draft document and report Q3/2 2014-05-19 Chairman, WP1/2 Proposal to Amend ITU T Recommendation E.157 "International Calling Party Delivery Number" Q1/2 2014-05-15 Editors Q7/2 2014-05-15 Editors 2014-05-15 Correspondence Group Leader Draft X.wiics: Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statements proformas associated with Web Servicesbased management systems (V0.3) Draft M.mivrcc: Requirements and analysis for management interface of virtualized resources in cloud computing (V0.3) Requirement for Disaster Relief Mobile Message Service 2014-05-15 SG2 Chairman ITU membership requirement for applicants of shared international E.164 and E.212 resources Q1/2 2014-05-13 MEF LS/i on Carrier Ethernet Services for Cloud IA Approved Draft Q7/2 2014-05-13 MEF LS/i on Approved Draft #4 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 Q7/2 Q3/2 [ TD 367GEN ] [ TD 366GEN ] [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] [ TD 361GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 358GEN ] [ TD 357GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 356GEN ] [ TD 355GEN ] [ TD [ TD 367GEN ] [ TD 366GEN ] [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] [ TD 361GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 358GEN ] [ TD 367GEN ] [ TD 366GEN ] [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] [ TD 361GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 358GEN ] 2014-05-13 TSB Response to ITU-T SG2 report TD025 REV.3 of 17th - 26th September 2013 meeting from EACO QALL/2 2014-05-13 TSB E-learning course on Recommendation ITU-T A.1 : Working Methods of ITU-T Study Groups QALL/2 2014-05-13 TSB Guidelines on establishment of a National Standardization Secretariat QALL/2 2014-04-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on Overview and Work Plan on Smart Grids - request for feedback QALL/2 2014-04-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) standardization overview and work plan QALL/2 2014-04-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on new work item on Generic Information Model for management of transport NE QALL/2 2014-04-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to COM2LS38) Q5/2 2014-04-22 ITU-T Working Party 2/13 LS/i on request for Collaboration on Cloud Computing Management QALL/2, Q7/2, Q5/2 2014-04-16 JCA-IoT LS/i on IoT-Roadmap, IoT-work program, contacts and invitation to participate in IoT-GSI events QALL/2, Q1/2 2014-04-04 ITU-T SG5 QALL/2 [ TD 357GEN ] [ TD 356GEN ] [ TD 355GEN ] [ TD [ TD 357GEN ] [ TD 356GEN ] [ TD 355GEN ] [ TD 2014-03-19 ITU-T SG11 LS/i on transfer of ITU-T SG5 Q15/5 work item on how submarine repeaters equipped with scientific sensors can be used for climate monitoring and disaster risk detection [to ITU-T SG2] LS/i on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs 2014-03-10 FG-DR&NRR Q3/2 2014-03-10 ITU-T SG11 LS/i on Information about "safety confirmation systems that process user queries to register self-safety information" [to ITU-T SG2] LS/i on "Technical Report on Counterfeit Equipment" 2014-03-07 ITU-T SG16 LS/i on progress of draft New Q3/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 QALL/2 354GEN ] 354GEN ] 354GEN ] [ TD 353GEN ] [ TD 353GEN ] [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD 349GEN ] [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] [ TD 353GEN ] [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD 349GEN ] [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] 2014-02-26 FG Innovation 2014-02-26 FG Innovation 2014-02-25 Rapporteurs 2014-01-29 Chairman JCASDN 2014-01-29 [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] [ TD [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] [ TD [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD 349GEN ] [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] [ TD Recommendation H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements for disaster information services" [to ITU-T SG2, SG17, FG DR&NRR, JCA-AHF] LS/i on New Standardization Activities for ITU-T study groups and ICT Innovation Panel [to all ITU-T Study Groups, ITU-D Study Groups and ITU-R Study Groups] LS/i/r Quality of Service Metrics [to ITU-T SG 2 and 12] QALL/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 Outgoing LS to SG13 and JCA-Cloud agreed to by correspondence on coordination of work for Cloud Computing Management (Ref: SG13 - LS 38 -E) LS/i on SDN standardization activity map [to all ITU-T study groups and TSAG] Q7/2, Q5/2 ITU-T SG5 LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (COM2-LS38) [to ITU-T SG2] Q5/2 2014-01-10 ITU-T SG13 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (ref: COM2-LS38) Q5/2 2014-01-10 ITU-T SG12 LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (ref.: COM2-LS38) [to ITU-T SG2] Q5/2 2014-01-10 ITU-T SG12 QALL/2 2014-01-10 ITU-T SG12 2014-01-09 ITU-T SG9 2013-12-12 ITU-R WP 5B LS/i on supplement E.SUPPL.FTSO: "QoS/QoE Framework for the transition from network oriented to service oriented operations" [to ITU-T SG2] LS/i on proposal to include Recommendation ITU-T P.381 as a candidate for C&I activity [to ITU-T SG2, SG11, and JCA-CIT] LS/i on Announcement: the intersector rapporteur group on audiovisual quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) has been established [to ITU-T all Study Groups, TSAG, ITU-R SG6, WP6C] LS/i on working document towards a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.585-6 2013-12-12 NGMN LS/i on NGMN Project NGCOR on Publication of Deliverables Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 2013-12-03 ITU-T Study LS/i on living list of key technologies, QALL/2 QALL/2 QALL/2 QALL/2 Q1/2 341GEN ] 341GEN ] 341GEN ] [ TD 340GEN ] [ TD 340GEN ] [ TD 339GEN ] [ TD 340GEN ] [ TD 339GEN ] 2013-12-03 ITU-T Study Group 11 2013-12-03 ITU-T Study Group 11 [ TD 338GEN ] [ TD 337GEN ] [ TD 338GEN ] [ TD 337GEN ] 2013-12-03 ITU-T Study Group 11 2013-12-03 JCA-Cloud [ TD 336GEN ] [ TD 335GEN ] [ TD 334GEN ] [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] [ TD 330GEN ] [ TD 336GEN ] [ TD 335GEN ] [ TD 334GEN ] [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] [ TD 330GEN ] 2013-12-03 JCA-Cloud 2013-12-02 ITU-T SG13 LS/r on coordination of work for Cloud Computing Management (Ref.: COM 2-LS 32) Q7/2, Q5/2 2013-12-02 JCA-AHF LS/r to ITU-T SG2 incoming LS on publicizing character input methods for various ICT devices (ref.: COM2-LS 26) QALL/2, Q4/2 2013-11-15 ITU-T Study Group 16 LS/i/r on joint meeting between Q4/2 and Q21/16 including Q26/16 (COM2-LS-27) [from ITU-T SG16] Q4/2 2013-11-15 ITU-T Study Group 16 LS/i on facilitating access of illiterate consumers to ICT and multimedia systems and services [from ITU-T SG16] Q4/2 2013-11-07 ITU-D SG1 LS/i on Agreed Working Definition of the Term "ICT" [from ITU-D SG1] QALL/2 2013-10-31 ITU-T JCAAHF LS/i/r on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 (reply to ITU-R Doc.5A/TEMP/111) [to ITU-R WP 5A, ITU-R WP 1A, ITU-R WP 1B, ITU-D SG 2, ITU-D SG 1, ITU-R WP 6A, ITU-R WP 5C, ITU-R WP 5B, FG AVA, ETSI Q4/2 [ TD 339GEN ] [ TD 338GEN ] [ TD 337GEN ] [ TD 336GEN ] [ TD 335GEN ] [ TD 334GEN ] [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] [ TD 330GEN ] Group 11 reference table of ITU-T Recommendations are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [to ITU-T SG2, SG3, SG5, SG9, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17 and JCA-CIT] LS/i/r on M.3170 series of Recommendations conformance testing pilot project (reply to COM 2-LS 29) [to ITU-T SG2, JCA-CIT] LS/i on Correspondence Group on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme [to ITU-T SG2, SG3, SG5, SG9, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17 and TSAG] LS/i/r to ITU-T Study Group 2 on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to COM 2-LS38) [to ITU-T SG2] LS/i/r on cloud computing roadmap population and latest status on draft Recommendations ITU-T M.occm, ITU-T M.rcsmn and ITU-T M.mivrcc about Cloud Computing Management (ref.: SG2LS32) [to ITU-T SG2] LS/i on Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 QALL/2 Q5/2 Q7/2, Q5/2 QALL/2 [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326GEN ] [ TD 325GEN ] [ TD 324GEN ] [ TD 323GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 322GEN ] [ TD 321GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 320GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 319GEN ] [ TD 318GEN ] [ TD 317- [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326GEN ] [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326GEN ] 2013-10-30 JCA-AHF ERM TG 17, SG2, SG16] LS/i regarding accessibility issues and "Captcha" [from JCA-AHF] 2013-10-30 ITU-T Study Group 9 LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 [from ITU-T SG9] QALL/2 2013-10-30 Co-convenors of JCA on PP10 Resolution 178 JCA-AHF LS/i on JCA-Res178 requests your input QALL/2 QALL/2, Q4/2 [ TD 325GEN ] [ TD 324GEN ] [ TD 323GEN ] [ TD 325GEN ] [ TD 324GEN ] [ TD 323GEN ] 2013-10-30 LS/i/r on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 "Wireless communication systems for persons with impaired hearing" (reply to ITU-R Doc 5B/110) [from JCA-AHF] LS on Inputs on ICT Innovation Panel [to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 and ITU-T Study Groups 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17] Results of consultation with members TSB Circular 72 2014-03-10 Chairman, WP1/2 QALL/2 [ TD 322GEN ] [ TD 321GEN ] [ TD 320GEN ] [ TD 322GEN ] [ TD 321GEN ] [ TD 320GEN ] 2014-03-10 Agenda for the ad-hoc Group on Developing Country Issues QALL/2 2014-03-10 Chairman of the meeting on Developing Countries is Chairman, Ad hoc meeting on developing countries TSB LS/o on SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering, and Routing; Lead Study Group for Telecommunication for Disaster Relief/Early Warning [to TSAG] Report of the ad-hoc Group on Developing Country Issues Anticipated draft SG2 Report QALL/2 [ TD 319GEN ] [ TD 318GEN ] [ TD 317- [ TD 319GEN ] [ TD 318GEN ] [ TD 317- 2014-03-10 Chairman Draft Agenda QALL/2 2014-03-10 Rapporteur Report SNO October 2013 meeting Q5/2 2014-03-10 TSB Universal International Numbers (Period 13 September 2013 - 14 May 2014) Q1/2 2013-10-30 2014-05-20 2014-03-10 Chairman, FG Bridging the Gap from Innovation to S TSB QALL/2, Q4/2 QALL/2 QALL/2 QALL/2 GEN ] [ TD 316GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 314GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] [ TD 311GEN ] [ TD 310GEN ] [ TD 309GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 316GEN ] [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 314GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] [ TD 311GEN ] [ TD 310GEN ] [ TD 309GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 316GEN ] [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 314GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] [ TD 311GEN ] [ TD 310GEN ] [ TD 309GEN ] 2014-03-10 TSB List of participants QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Electronic working methods (wireless LAN,e-printing & list of documents) QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Council highlights QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Report on activities related to misuse of numbering resources Q1/2 2014-03-10 TSB Report on numbering issues, including NCT QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Incoming liaison statements list QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Work Programme QALL/2 2014-03-10 TSB Draft Timetable - ITU-T Study Group 2 Meeting, Geneva, 28 May - 6 June 2014 QALL/2