Document 13216278

CONTENTS, Volume 1(1&2) 1996
Volume 1 Number 1 (Spring 1996)
The Mediterranean, education and the millennium / Ronald G. Sultana;
The Circulation of European educational theories and practices: the Algerian
experience / Mohammed Miliani;
Is there a semiperipheral type of schooling? State, social movements and education in
Spain / Xavier Bonal & Xavier Rambla;
Banking on key reforms for educational development / Keith Watson;
Teaching languages in a culturally diverse environment: the case of Israel / Devorah
Moroccan academic woman: respectability and power / M’hammed Sabour;
The rating of educational aims by Greek and English student-teachers / Elias
Matsagouras with Stewart Riding;
Pour un dialogue culturel rénové: mémoire sélective et systèmes educatifs / Paul Balta;
La Méditerranée et l’Europe / Predrag Matvejevic;
Mediterranean Europe / Marco Todeschini.
Volume 1 Number 2 (Autumn 1996)
Recent trends in Portuguese higher education / Maria Manuel Vieira da Fonseca;
Cultural myopia: a challenge to Spanish education / Bryan J. Cowan & Servando
Teacher education in Albania / Jenny Sainsbury Leach;
Primary teachers’ perceptions of policy for Mathematics curriculum reform in Cyprus /
Leonidas Kyriakides;
Language-in-education policy and planning: The Case of Lebanon / Ghazi M. Ghait &
Kassim A. Shaaban;
National denial, splitting, and narcissism: group defense mechanisms of teachers and
students in Palestine in response to the Holocaust / Yuval Dror;
Evaluation of science laboratories in Palestinian Schools / Khawla Shakshir Sabri;
A global dimension via the teaching of the Ancient World / George Hourdakis;
Cultural Exchange between French and North African parents in two interactive
contexts / Elisabeth Regnault.
CONTENTS, Volume 2(1&2) 1997
Volume 2 Number 1 (Spring 1997)
Research and advisory centre for international education: an approach for sending
countries / Abdurazak Grady & Michael Locke;
Religious diverstity and the future of education in Lebanon / Helen Tannous;
Living together: the impact of the intifada and the peace negotiations on attitudes
toward coexistence of Arab and Jewish pupils in ethnically segregated and mixed
schools in Jaffa / Ruth Zuzovsky;
Introduction of systemic quality assurance in Slovenian higher education / Sonja
The role of various social support variables on Turkish children’s anxiety level / Füsun
Akkök, Oya Güneri, Günseli Oral & Zeynep (Hatipoglu) Sümer;
Motivation and learning preferences of high school students learning English as a
foreign language in Morocco / Chris Kyriacou & Naima Benmansour;
Knowledge and attitudes of French and Israeli 12th graders in agricultural or rural
secondary schools about water and irrigation related issues / Amos Dreyfus,
Daniel Jacobi, Yossef Mazouz & Jean-Louis Lacroix;
Dietary fats and oils: knowledge and preferences of school-aged children in Greece /
Eleni Zimvrakaki, George Makris & Kyriakos Athanasiou.
Volume 2 Number 2 (Autumn 1997)
Modern languages and interculturality in the primary sector in England, Greece, Italy
and Spain / Fernando Cerezal;
Global dimensions in the educational legislation, social studies curriculum and
textbooks of Greek compulsory education (Grades 1-9) / George Flouris;
Mismanagement, ambiguity and delusion: Training primary teachers in Greece / Bryan
J. Cowan & Emmanuel Koutouzis;
Teaching and learning in middle school social studies in Turkey: an analysis of
curriculum implementation / Ali Yildirim;
Traditions versus changing Bedouin attitudes toward higher education: how do
Bedouin college students perceive their family’s attitudes to higher education? /
Blossom Wiesen;
State, society and higher education in Cyprus: a study in conflict and compromise /
Anthony A. Koyzis;
An analysis of the content and questions of the physics textbooks of the basic
education level (ages 13-15) in Libya / Suleiman Khoja & Frank Ventura;
Higher education in the Mediterranean: managing change and ensuring quality /
Ronald G. Sultana.
CONTENTS, Volume 3(1&2) 1998
Volume 3 Number 1 (Spring 1998)
Ancient Greek logos: an invitation to historical-comparative discourse on education /
Pella Calogiannakis;
Job satisfaction, stress and coping strategies among Moroccan high school teachers /
Naima Benmansour;
What influences students to choose the elementary education major: the case of
Cyprus / Constantinos Papanastasiou and Elena Papanastasiou;
The impact of measures to promote equity in the secondary education certificate
examinations in Malta: an evaluation / Frank Ventura and Roger Murphy;
Policy and model analysis: the case of Soviet immigrant teacher re-training in Israel /
Iris Geva-May;
The structuring of the Mediterranean space within the education system in Australia /
Yiannis Dimitreas;
Les représentations sociales de la ville chez les écoliers de deux villes Européennes,
d’Arles et de Sparte: une approche comparative / Aegli Zafeirakou;
Peace education in Israel - encounter and dialogue / Dov Darom.
Volume 3 Number 2 (Autumn 1998)
Social relations and school choice in Spain / Xavier Rambla;
‘It’s their job, not ours!’: Home-school relations in Cyprus / Helen Phtiaka;
The gap between intention and attainment in policy implementation: a syndrome
revisited. The case of the reform in technological studies in Israel / Iris Geva-May
and Isaac Levin;
Greek-Cypriot pupils’ understanding of narrative historical concepts / Tryfon Skouros;
Cultural and ethnic diversity, cooperative learning and the teacher’s role / Miguel A.
Santos-Rego and Servando Pérez-Domínguez;
Teachers and their collective mission / Devorah Kalekin-Fishman;
Teachers as trainers: the case of teaching repatriated adults in Greece / Zoi
CONTENTS, Volume 4(1&2) 1999
Volume 4 Number 1 (Spring 1999)
Motivational orientations, self-efficacy, anxiety and strategy use in learning high
school mathematics in Morocco / Naima Benmansour;
Structure and identity of the European and the Mediterranean space: students’
perspective / Christos Theophilides and Mary Koutselini-Ionnides;
Pre-service EFL teacher training programmes in Jordan: responding to changing
circumstances / Fouza al Naimi;
Authentic educational leadership for 21st century Malta: breaking the bonds of
dependency / Christopher Bezzina;
Teaching for social change: a Palestinian-Israeli case-study of peace education / Ruth
Zuzovsky and Ruth Yakir;
L’exclusion sociale commence à l’école / Théodoros Mylonas;
Teachers’ attitudes toward their job and professional development in Turkey: an EFL
perspective / Ayse Akyel;
Mondialisation et identité culturelle dans les pays du Maghreb: rôle de l’éducation /
Ahmed Chabchoub;
Towards a critical multiculturalism in the Mediterranean / Peter Mayo.
Volume 4 Number 2 (Autumn 1999)
Special Issue on Higher Education in the Mediterranean (Guest editors: Sara GuriRosenblit and Ronald G. Sultana).
Editorial introduction: higher education and the Mediterranean / Sarah Guri-Rosenblit &
Ronald G. Sultana (1-5)
The Euro-Mediterranean and its universities: an overview of trends, challenges and
prospects / Ronald G. Sultana (7-49)
Higher education and state legitimation in Cyprus / Panayotis Persianis (51-68)
Management in Greek system of higher education / Christos Saitis (69-90)
Restructuring the boundaries of Israeli higher education / Sarah Guri-Rosenblit (91-114)
Changes and challenges in Spanish higher education / José-Ginés Mora (115-132)
The Turkish higher education system in the 1990s / Hasan Simsek (133-153)
Towards an innovative university in the south: institutionalizing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research and higher education / Jorma Kuitunen (153-179)
Special issue reports:
Des diplômés Algériens parlent de la formation universitaire / Faris Boubekeur;
Universities in Italy: trends of change / Mario Todeschini ; Recent developments in
higher education in Malta / Godfrey Baldacchino; The system of higher education in
Morocco: a brief introductory report / Ahmed Meziani; Recent developments in the
Portuguese higher education system / Belmiro Cabrito; The impact of cultural and
economic globalisation on the planning and function of higher education in North Africa
and the Middle East / M’hammed Sabour.
CONTENTS, Volume 5(1&2) 2000
Volume 5 Number 1 (Spring 2000)
Services for preschool children with special needs in state day centres in Greece: Issues
and national policy directions / Eleoussa Polyzoi & Stavroula Polychronopolou (133)
The threat to excellence in teaching: teacher attitudes to the promotion programme in
Israel / Blossom Wiesen (35-53)
Greek teachers’ personal theory on writing at the elementary level: opportunity for
innovation or defense mechanism? / Panayiota Papoulia-Tzelpi & Julia A.
Spinthourakis (55-75)
Current and future missions of a university: an institutional case from Turkey / Hasan
Simsek & Ayse Balci (77-94)
Private and privatized higher educational institutions in Jordan / Mohammad Raji
Zughoul (95-117)
Not suitable for children: young Maltese children’s perceptions of adulthood and adultrated TV programmes / Joe Grixti (119-140)
Television coverage of issues related to global education in Greece / Nelly KostoulasMakrakis & Vasilis Makrakis (141-157)
Les medias, les jeunes grecs et l’éducation / Sophie Aslanidou (159-176)
Influences of empowerment dimensions in an educational context : an empirical
investigation amongst Maltese teachers / Vincent Cassar & Emanuel Debono (177189)
Volume 5 Number 2 (Autumn 2000)
Impact of centralised instructional supervision on teachers: a case study of a private
secondary school in Turkey / Ayse Bas Collins (1-18)
The need of specialist training in the education of deaf children in Greece: listening to
teachers’ perceptions / Magda Nikolaraizi (19-38)
Organizational deficiencies in school management: the case of Greek primary schools /
Anna Saiti (39-55)
The state of history teaching in private-run confessional schools in Lebanon: implications
for national integration / Kamal Abouchedid & Ramzi Nasser (57-82)
Motivation, satisfaction, success attribution and cheating among high school students in
Morocco / Naima Benmansour (83-102)
Education students’ attitudes toward gender roles / Aysentur Yontar Togrol & Atiye Onür
Distance education in Slovenia: a case study of innovation / Les Bregar & Margerita
Zagmajster (115-127)
The second Selmun Seminar in Mediterranean Education Studies / Ronald Sultana (129133)
CONTENTS, Volume 6(1&2) 2001
Volume 6 Number 1 (Spring 2001)
Special issue on Multilingualism and Education in the Mediterranean (Guest
editors: Rima Bahous & Ingo Thonhauser)
Editorial introduction: multilingualism and education around the Mediterranean / Rima
Bahous & Ingo Thonhauser (1-2)
The Maltese bilingual classroom: a microcosm of local society / Antoinette Camilleri
Grima (3-12)
Teaching English in a multilingual context: the Algerian case / Mohamed Miliani (13-29)
Shifts in environmental literacy in multilingual contexts: the Lebanese case / Martin
Cortazzi (31-47)
Multilingual education in Lebanon: ‘Arabinglizi’ and other challenges of multilingualism /
Ingo Thonhauser (49-61)
Cognitive-academic language proficiency and language acquisition in bilingual
instruction—with an outlook on a university project in Albania / Paul R. PortmannTselikas (63-80)
Current research in multilingualism and education in Lebanon: a report / Nabelah Haraty
& Ahmad Oueini (81-90)
Human capital formation in the Gulf and MENA region / Ken E. Shaw (91-106)
Teacher incentives in the Middle East and North Africa region: the shortcomings / Huda A.
Abdo (107-122)
Volume 6 Number 2 (Autumn 2001)
Special Issue on Special and Inclusive Education in the Mediterranean (Guest editor:
Helen Phtiaka)
Editorial introduction: special and inclusive education in the Mediterranean at the
beginning of the new Millennium / Helen Phtiaka (1-13)
The past, present and future of special education: the Turkish perspective / Füsun Akkök
Education trends in special education in Spain: the case of the deaf / Esther Fernandez
Mostaza (23-44)
Integration versus segregation—the case of Slovenia / Mojca Pecek (45-64)
Recent developments in inclusive education in Malta / Paul A. Bartolo (65-91)
Special and inclusive education in Israel / Michal al-Yagon & Malka Margalit (93-112)
Personality characteristics of Greek mothers of children with special needs who are
involved in special needs support centres / Evi Makri-Botsari, Fotini Polychroni &
Evi Megari (113-140)
Cyprus: special education and home-school ‘partnership’ / Helen Phtiaka (141-167)
CONTENTS, Volume 7(1&2) 2002
Volume 7 Number 1 (Spring 2002)
‘The soul of a nation’ – ‘Abdallah Nadim and educational reform in Egypt (1845-1896) /
Linda Herrera (1-24)
Changing classroom practice in science and mathematics lessons in Egypt: inhibitors and
opportunities / Martin Monk, Julian Swain, Mary Ghrist & Wendy Riddle (25-45)
Prospective teachers’ perceptions of the school psychologist’s role / Maria Poulou (4763)
Conflict and democracy education in Palestine / Maher Z. Hashweh (65-86)
Social background effects and academic achievement during transition to high school /
Ahmet Aypay (87-103)
Éducation, développement et école de demain en Méditerranée / Ronald G. Sultana (105114)
Homage to Pierre Bourdieu / M’hammed Sabour; Marvin Formosa (115-124)
East Mediterranean co-operation in adult education / Peter Mayo (125-131)
Volume 7 Number 2 (Autumn 2002)
Repatriated students in Cyprus and their prospects for tertiary education / Pavlos Pavlou
& Niki Christodoulou (1-20)
A look at school choice in Spain / Ana Villarroya (21-36)
Paradoxical images of the student in Spanish educational reforms (1990-2002) / Juan
Carlos González Faraco (37-60)
An EMIS for Palestine: the education management and information system in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip / Ronald G. Sultana (61-92)
L’impact de l’enseignement de la biologie sur la construction de la distinction entre
normal et pathologique chez les élèves du secondaire Marocain / Salah-eddine
Khzami & Daniel Favre (93-112)
Caring for future generations: an inter-religious Mediterranean educational agenda /
Ronald G. Sultana (113-118)
CONTENTS, Volume 8(1&2) 2003
Volume 8 Number 1 (Spring 2003)
Special issue: Learning in Science in the Mediterranean Region
Guest editors: Constantinos P. Constantinou and Michalinos Zembylas
Editorial: The role of science education in the Mediterranean region / Constantinos P.
Constantinou and Michalinos Zembylas
Science centers as sites for learning: the case of a Greek environmental center / Kostas
Dimopoulos, Spyridon Matiatos and Vasilis Koulaidis
Global science literacy: definition, needs assessment and concerns for Cyprus / Rosanne
W. Fortner and Constantinos P. Constantinou
School differences in physics examinations for grammar type schools in Malta / Suzanne
Lebanese students’ views of nature of science / Fouad Abd-el-Khalick and Saouma
Blunting the tensions between informal and formal education in science: reforming the
relationship between school and science museum in Greece / Demetris Koliopoulos
Mediterranean models for integrating environmental education and earth sciences
through earth systems education / Nir Orion and Rosanne W. Fortner
Some problems encountered in the introduction of innovations in secondary school
science education and suggestions for overcoming them / Roser Pinto, Jaume
Ametller, Digna Couso, Elena Sassi, Gabriella Monroy, Italo Testa, and Sara
Teaching and learning science in Palestine: dealing with the new Palestinian science
curriculum / Nader Atallah Wahbeh
Science education in the service of bridging the Israeli-Palestinian dispute over water
resources / Ruth Zuzovsky, Miri Levinger-Dressler, Ruth Yakir, Theo Wubbels, and
Harrie Eijkelhof
Volume 8 Number 2 (Autumn 2003)
Tribute to Edward W. Said: 1935-2003 / Joseph A. Buttigieg
Stratified students, stratified teachers: ideologically informed perceptions of educational
reform in Egypt / Nagwa M. Megahed and Mark B. Ginsburg
Social capital in a historic context of modernisation: its effects on choice making in
education / Marios Vryonides
Can clusters theory help realize Cyprus’s desire to develop centres of educational
excellence? / Paul Gibbs, George Christodoulides and Stavros Pouloukas
The impact of supervising teachers: are they really competent in providing assistance to
teacher candidates’ professional growth? Reflections from Turkey / Ercan Kiraz
School climate and student achievement in Greek higher secondary schools (eniaia
lykeia): a hierarchical statistical analysis / Athanasios Verdis and Thanos Kriemadis
The relationship between state and higher education: the case of Mulkiye College in
Turkey / Ahmet Aypay
Teaching critical thinking in the English language classroom: the case of Palestine / Dua'
‘Ahmad Faheem’ Jabr
CONTENTS, Volume 9(1&2) 2004
Volume 9 Number 1 (Spring 2004)
Lessons from Albania: professional development that transforms educators, schools, and
communities / Bardhyl Musai and James M. Wile
Preservice teacher training through action research: the case of a preservice science
teacher in change / Maha Al-Qura’n
Knowledge as a good in the educational marketplace: the case of the Liverpool
University Extension in Israel / Rachel Pasternak
Multi-dimensional change process in higher education: a qualitative investigation of
organizational change process in a public university in Turkey / Yasar Kondakci &
Ali Yildirim
Examining interpersonal conflicts among middle school students in Turkey / Abbas
Challenges of applying collaborative learning with a sample of Turkish students / Gulsen
Bagci Kilic
Apprendre la tolérance grâce au texte littéraire: de la compréhension littérale à
l’interprétation axiologique / Marc Weisser
Volume 9 Number 2 (Autumn 2004)
Socialization, learning and basic education in Koranic schools / Abdel-Jalil Akkari
Global themes in the social studies curriculum of Greek primary education: the case of
the 1982 and 2000 reforms / George Flouris & Maria Ivrinteli
Exploring beginning teachers’ perceptions of their preparation and professional
development in Malta / Christopher Bezzina, Nataline Rose Bezzina & Ritianne
International economic theories and educational reform in Greece (1976-77) / Anthi K.
‘How appropriate is this task for my class?’ Exploring teachers’ classroom decisionmaking processes as they waver between ‘practical’ and ‘ideal’ positions / Michael A.
The Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education / Giovanni Pampanini
CONTENTS, Volume 10(1&2) 2005
Volume 10 Number 1 (Spring 2005)
A study of student teacher experiences and expectations of teaching practice / Ahmet Ok
An assessment of 4th and 7th Grade Social Studies instruction in terms of historical
thinking skills / Ayten Iflazoglu & Erinç Çaydas (17-43)
‘What is art?’ for children around the world: a comparative analysis / Victoria Pavlou
The Pontian family from the former USSR in Greece: a comparative study / Yota
Xanthakou, Anastasia Tsamparli, Marios Kasseris & Maria Kaila (57-71)
The perceptions of pre-service teachers about effective teaching and effective teachers /
Melek Çakmak & Mehmet Bulut (73-89)
Relationships among self-regulated learning components, motivational beliefs and
computer programming achievement in an online environment / Erman Yukselturk &
Safure Bulut (91-112)
Volume 10 Number 2 (Autumn 2005)
Restructuring teachers’ labour process: the case of Greece / Dimitra Thoma (1-17)
Teaching democracy for political action: on the aims of democracy education in Palestine
/ Maher Z. Hashweh (19-38)
The dialectic of nationalism and feminism among Palestinian women student-activists in
Israeli universities / Ibrahim Makkawi & Nathalia E. Jaramillo (39-62)
An overview of the problems of pre-school education in the 2000s: a typical example
from Turkey / Ebru Aktan Kerem (63-79)
Sixth, seventh and eighth year students’ knowledge levels about greenhouse effect, ozone
layer and acid rain / Orcun Bozkurt, Halil Aydin, Suleyman Yaman, Muhammet Usak
& Kutret Gezer (81-95)
Cross-cultural perspectives on human rights and inclusive education policies: the case of
Cyprus / Anastasia Liasidou (97-114)
Teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the bullying problem in Lebanon / Jihan
Yasser Rabah & Barend Vlaardingerbroek (115-123)
Comparative Education in the Mediterranean / Peter Mayo (125-127)
CONTENTS, Volume 11(1&2) 2006
Volume 11 Number 1 (Spring 2006)
Ethnic disadvantage in the transition from lower to upper secondary education in France /
Héctor Cebolla Boado (1-29)
Critical thinking and the Kosovan educators’ views and beliefs about education, teaching
and professional development / Eda Vula & Merita Shala (31-47)
Education in conflict situations: Palestinian children and distance education in Hebron /
Ronald G. Sultana (49-81)
Comprehensive guidance and counselling programme practices in Turkey / Serap Nazlı
An overview of educational systems and labour markets in the Mediterranean region /
Ummuhan Bardak (103-125)
Developing assessment guidelines in higher education / Deborah Chetcuti (127-139)
Volume 11 Number 2 (Autumn 2006)
Growing up between cultures: linguistic and cultural identity among Maltese youth and
their ethnic counterparts in Australia / Joe Grixti (1-15)
Attitudes toward bilingualism: the case of two Greek islands / Nelly Kostoulas-Makrakis,
Eleni Karantzola & Elias Athanassiadis (17-34)
Face to face with Emmanuela: reflections on the uses of the memoir in exploring the life
story of a nineteenth century woman teacher / Simone Galea (35-51)
Learning styles and the selection of majors among Lebanese youth / Ramzi N. Nasser &
James M. Carifio (53-70)
Making inroads in educational leadership within the Euro-Mediterranean context: a
collaborative initiative between Italy and Malta / Christopher Bezzina, Angelo Paletta
& Daniele Vidoni (71-86)
Higher education and the employment market in the Arab world / Melita Cristaldi (8789)
CONTENTS, Volume 12(1&2) 2007
Volume 12 Number 1 (Spring 2007)
ICT in primary schools: explaining the integration in relation to the context / Christina
Hadjithoma & Nikleia Eteokleous (1-25)
University students’ readiness for the national workforce: a study of vocational identity
and career decision-making / Samer Khasawneh, Lana Khasawneh, Salah Hailat &
Mohhamad Jawarneh (27-42)
The American higher educational model in Lebanon: organisational cultures and their
impact on student outcomes and satisfaction / Diane I. Nauffal & Ramzi N. Nasser
Students’ satisfaction at Jordanian universities and its relation to some variables / Khalil
A. Qaraeen, Aieman A. Al-Omari & Abdullah M. Abu-Tineh (67-92)
Relevance of English language textbooks to Turkish learners of English in Antalya /
Sultan Turkan (93-114)
Comparative analysis of social cohesion skills in Turkish immigrant children of primary
school age in Turkey and Switzerland / Adalet Kandır (115-124)
Volume 12 Number 2 (Autumn 2007)
Gramsci, the Southern Question and the Mediterranean / Peter Mayo (1-17)
Understanding student teachers’ effectiveness through journals at an English language
teaching department: a Turkish university case / Aysun Yavuz (19-43)
Parental involvement in education politics: the case of disabled children / Simoni
Symeonidou (45-67)
Awareness of sustainability issues among science education and vocational education
students at the Hashemite University in Jordan: an empirical investigation / Ahmad
M. Qablan, Samer A. Khasawneh & Aieman A. Al-Omari (69-89)
The implications of Lebanese cultural complexities for education / Linda Akl (91-113)
An analysis of equality, legislation, attitudes and values in education: the case of Greece /
Constantinos A. Vouyoukas (115-134)
CONTENTS, Volume 13(1&2) 2008
Volume 13 Number 1 (Spring 2008)
Pen/paper and electronic portfolios: an effective tool for developing reflective thinking of
Turkish EFL student teachers? / Zeynep Kocoglu, Ayse Akyel & Gulcan Ercetin
School-to-work transitions and the life-course: an ecosystems analysis of a cohort of atrisk youths in Malta / Damian Spiteri
Dialogue and hegemony: sociolinguistic analysis of ‘charlas’ for critique and praxis /
Joseph P. Zanoni
Problematising ‘cross-cultural’ collaboration: critical incidents in higher education
settings / Katrin Kraus & Ronald G. Sultana
Assessment of the English remedial programme at a private university in Lebanon /
Ramzi N. Nasser & Carol Ann Goff-Kfouri
Human rights education: a comparison of mother tongue textbooks in Turkey and France
/ Canan Aslan & Yasemin Karaman-Kepenekci
Implementing UNGEI in the MENA region / Ronald G. Sultana
Third MESCE conference in Malta / MJES Editorial Board
Volume 13 Number 2 (Autumn 2008)
Special Issue: Mediterranean Studies in Comparative Education
Proceedings of the Third Conference of the
Mediterranean Comparative Education Society
Editorial introduction / Carmel Borg, Peter Mayo, Ronald G. Sultana
Looking back before moving forwards: building on 15 years of comparative educational
research in the Mediterranean / Ronald G. Sultana
Global discourses and educational reform in Egypt: the case of active-learning
pedagogies / Mark Ginsburg & Nagwa Megahed
Knowledge and postcolonial pedagogy / JosAnn Cutajar
The permanence of distinctiveness performances and changing schooling governance in
the Southern European welfare states / Paolo Landri
Education and the teaching of history in the light of encouraging conflict resolution in
Cyprus / Isabelle Calleja
Dis/integrated orders and the politics of recognition: civil upheavals, militarism, and
educators’ lives and work in the Arab region / André Elias Mazawi
Developing comparative education in the Mediterranean space / Giovanni Pampanini –
1st MESCE President
From Catania to Sarajevo to Malta: a Presidential address/ Adila Pašalić-Kreso – 2nd
MESCE President
The Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education / Peter Mayo– 3rd MESCE
CONTENTS, Volume 14(1&2) 2009
Volume 14 Number 1 (Spring 2009)
Multiculturalism, citizenship, and education in Morocco / Moha Ennaji
Financial aid at private universities in the Middle East: its impact on persistence and
student satisfaction, the case of Lebanon / Ramzi Nasser, Diane Nauffal & Michael
Being a lesbian is no sin: religion, sexuality and education in the lives of female students
/ Joanne Cassar
Navigating religious boundaries at school: from legitimate to specious religious questions
/ Esther Fernández Mostaza, Gloria García-Romeral & Clara Fons i Duocastella
Student transition to vocational education from middle secondary school in Australia and
Lebanon: an exploratory study / Barend Vlaardingerbroek, Neil Taylor & Tom Haig
Values in teaching and teaching values: a review of theory and research, including the
case of Greece / Evangelia Frydaki
Policy process and education reform in the Arab World / Munther W. Masri
Conference Report
First international conference on Educational Research for Development / Melita
Volume 14 Number 2 (Autumn 2009)
Understanding factors that influence teachers’ acceptance of technology and actual
computer use for teaching: the case of Greece / Victoria Pavlou & Marios
Implementing the first Palestinian English Language Curriculum: a need for teacher
empowerment / Dua Dajani & Sky McLaughlin
The North African educational challenge: from colonisation to the current alledged
Islamist threat / Pierre Vermeren
Jordanian early primary stage teachers’ self-reported practices to develop their pupils’
reading in Arabic / Ruba Fahmi Bataineh & Ali Al-Barakat
The birth of ‘citizenship and constitution’ in Italian schools: a new wall of
competences or transition to intercultural education? / Sandra Chistolini
Greek-Cypriot pupils’ representations of national others: a study of the impact of
‘Europe’ in a primary school curricular intervention / Philippou Stavroula
Aspects of the effectiveness of the Greek 'holoimero' (all-day) primary school /
Dionisios Loukeris, Athanasios Verdis, Zoi Karabatzaki & Ioanna Syriou
CONTENTS, Volume 15(1&2) 2010
Volume 15 Number 1 (Spring 2010)
Greek Cypriot adolescent attitudes toward immigrants and ‘enemy-others’in the context
of ethnic conflict / Michalinos Zembylas, Athina Michaelidou & Thekla AfantintouLambrianou
Teacher performance appraisal in Portugal: the (im)possibilities of a contested model /
Marıa Assunção Flores
Older adult learning in Malta: toward a policy agenda / Marvin Formosa
Togetherness, coexistence or confrontation – the impact of school climate and culture on
peer-to-peer social relations in Catalonia, Spain / Maribel Ponferrada-Arteaga &
Silvia Carrasco-Pons
Science textbook readability in Lebanon: a comparison between anglophone and
francophone learning milieux / Yasmine El-Masri & Barend Vlaardingerbroek
Culture and communication in academia: the views of faculty members / Sidika Gizir
Volume 15 Number 2 (Autumn 2010)
Special issue: Educators of the Mediterranean (1)
Ronald G. Sultana, editor
Bio-academic narratives and educators of the Mediterranean—an editorial introduction /
Ronald G. Sultana
Education against all odds: the Palestinian struggle for survival and excellence / Gabi
Searching for praxis and emancipation in an old culture / Murad Jurdak
A Syrian educationalist in the USA: reflections on human relations, practical skills, and
intellectual empowerment / Abdulkafi Albirini
Crossing borders: ambiguities and convictions / Devorah Kalekin-Fishman
Between enduring hardships and fleeting ideals / Mohamed Miliani
Retrospective and experiential perceptions on education in Morocco by an engaged
observer / M’hammed Sabour
Transforming education, transforming lives in the MENA region / Malak Zaalouk
Un voyage mouvementé / Marie Eliou
The educated person and the new capitalism—a Euro-Mediterranean reflection /
Franco Ferrarotti
CONTENTS, Volume 16(1&2) 2011
Volume 16 Number 1 (Spring 2011)
Special issue: Educators of the Mediterranean (2)
Ronald G. Sultana, editor
Reflections on education and transformation by a Jordanian-American scholar / Fida
The rise of the Phoenix in education / Ayla Oktay
The Bouazizi generation and education: from disillusionment to revolt /Ali Hechmi
Power and struggle for education in Libya: an insider’s perspective / Abdelbasit Gadour
Time, space and educational desire / Marianna Papastephanou
Emotions and rationality in political consciousness / Xavier Bonal
Between sociology and policy of education / Luciano Benadusi
On a hard rock: trying to be radical in a conservative context / Mary Darmanin
Travelling, not arriving: an intellectual journey / António Nóvoa
Education and the Arab ‘world’: the writing is on the wall / André E. Mazawi
Education as spaces of community engagement and a ‘capacity to aspire’ / André E.
The culture of despair: youth, unemployment and educational failures in North Africa /
Aomar Boum