November 23, 2015 School of International Service Global Governance Politics and Security

November 23, 2015
School of International Service
Global Governance Politics and Security
Spring 2016 Concentration List
Graduate Academic Affairs
Please Note
(1) The courses listed below are being offered during the spring 2016 semester. Please consult the current “Schedule of
Classes” for availability. For a full listing of all GGPS concentration courses, please visit the GGPS website.
(2) If you believe that a course other than those listed would fit the GGPS concentrations,
please contact the GGPS Program Director
Global Governance
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 628
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 628
SIS 619
SIS 751
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 620
SIS 676
SIS 750
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
Complex Interventions and Peacekeeping
Corporate Social Responsibility in a Global Context
Global Migration
Global Political Economy
Human Rights & Conflict
Intercultural Leadership
International Law and the Global Order
International Political Economy
Latin American Political Economy
Law of War
NGOs and Global Governance
Policy Analysis for GEP
Political Economy on MENA
Project Design, Monitoring & Evaluation
Regional Organizations: Security and Governance
State Building
The United Nations
Global Security
SIS 619
SIS 653
SIS 619
SIS 653
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
Adaptation under Fire
Bioterror in the 21st Century
Complex Interventions and Peacekeeping
Countering Terrorism
Cyber Warfare, Terrorism, Espionage and Crime
Economics of Violence and Peace
Environment, Peace and Conflict
Gender and Conflict
Human Rights & Conflict
November 23, 2015
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 653
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 619
SIS 653
SIS 653
SIS 653
SIS 619
Law of War
Migration and Security
Nat'l Security Resources
Regional Organizations: Security and Governance
Security and Insecurity: Conflict and Politics in a Global Era
State Building
Studies in Asymmetric Movements
Transnational Crime and Terrorism
Transatlantic Security
U.S. Defense Politics
USFP toward the Middle East
Youth and Conflict