How accessibility-focused public procurement can be used to improve


ITU-T Workshop on

“Telecommunications relay services for persons with disabilities ”

(Geneva, 25 November 2011)

How accessibility-focused public procurement can be used to improve the quality of future relay services

Mike Pluke,

Leader of Specialist Task

Force STF416

Geneva, 25 November 2011

What is ETSI (1)?

A European standards organization

Officially recognized by EU & EFTA

Setting globally-applicable standards for

Telecommunications, in general

Radio communications, especially mobile

Broadcasting, and

Related topics


Geneva, 25 November 2011

What is ETSI (2)?

Active in all areas of ICT

An independent, non-profit organization, created in 1988

Offering direct participation of all members

ETSI has more than 15,000 publications available for free!

Geneva, 25 November 2011


How to ensure that a relay service meets the needs of its users?

Simple answer:

1) Find a source of requirements that define what such a service needs to deliver.

2) Follow the requirements laid out in that source.

The service should always be tested after this, but that is another story …


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Europe has a suitable source

In 2009 ETSI published

ES 202 975 (V1.2.1): "Human Factors

(HF); Harmonized relay services“

“It is intended to give information suitable for incorporation into contracts between commissioning agents and service providers.” (ES 202 975 Scope)

This was the result of a long and thorough programme of work …


Geneva, 25 November 2011

The provenance of ES 202 975 (1)

In June 2000 a Technical Report

(TR 101 806) was published: it covered relay services for text telephones and was based on NFTH

4/1998: "Nordic guidelines for

Telecommunications relay services“ and actual US experience of running relay services


Geneva, 25 November 2011

The provenance of ES 202 975 (2)

ETSI saw the need to consider a wider range of relay service types

(some not yet implemented) changes in the available technology changes in the telecommunications environment (many parties may be involved - not just a national operator) what operational relay services existed in Europe and internationally


Geneva, 25 November 2011

The provenance of ES 202 975 (4)

As ES 202 975 was intended for use in procurement it needed to build on the extensive work done for

TR 101 806 include performance targets that are realistically achievable

ETSI members provided feedback that ensured that ES 202 975 met its objectives


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Breadth of relay services

ES 202 975 gives requirements for: text relay services speech to speech relay services sign relay services lipreading relay services captioned telephony services text to text services facsimile relay services

Geneva, 25 November 2011


Providing a standard is not enough

It is currently unlikely that all new

European relay services will follow ES

202 975 because: there is no guarantee that those specifying relay services know that

ES 202 975 exists if they know of ES 202 975 there is no requirement that they should follow it

Enter Mandate M 376 …


Geneva, 25 November 2011

What Mandate M 376 is

M 376 is a standards mandate to the

European Standards Organisations


Its remit is

"European Accessibility Requirements for Public Procurement of Products and

Services in the ICT Domain"


Geneva, 25 November 2011

What Mandate M 376 delivers

M 376 will introduce technical requirements and test methods for eAccessibility which will apply to all ICT products and services sold to the European Public sector

(in EN 301 549) details of conformity assessment related to these requirements an on-line toolkit


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Motivations for M 376

Inclusion of people with disabilities

Ageing society and workforce

Fragmentation of technical requirements

Access to skilled workforce who may be barred from entry to employment

UN Convention on the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Why M 376 work is important

This EC/EFTA co-funded work will lead to common eAccessibility requirements across the EU/EFTA

It aims to minimise conflicts with existing accessibility requirements

It will support and enable developing

European policy

It encourages eAccessibility through public procurement


Geneva, 25 November 2011

The M 376 Work and Standard

An ETSI Specialist Task Force

(STF416) and a CEN Project Team are jointly doing the work

STF416 will deliver

EN 301 549: “Human Factors (HF);

Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe” providing functional accessibility requirements necessary for the public procurement of ICT


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Mandate 376 and relay services (1)

The latest draft of the standard (EN) has a requirement that states that publicly procured communications systems:

"shall not prevent access to relay services for incoming and outgoing calls so as to achieve functionally equivalent communication access by persons with disabilities."


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Mandate 376 and relay services (2)

The latest draft of the EN also has a requirement for public bodies wishing to procure relay services that: directly points to the clauses of ES 202

975 that apply to the type of relay service being procured allows the procuring body to specify key service variants that they want e.g. specify a 24 hour or limited hour service

(such options are built into ES 202 975)


Geneva, 25 November 2011

M 376 puts ES 202 975 in the spotlight

The EC is proposing that including accessibility requirements in public procurement should be mandatory

EN 301 549 will be the source of those requirements

Referencing ES 202 975 from the EN: places an obligation on those procuring relay services to include the ES 202 975 requirements in their calls for tenders


Geneva, 25 November 2011


All of the ETSI work on relay services has been led by Wally Mellors

If you need to understand more of the background to the work, please contact him at:

There’s nothing he doesn’t know about the subject!


Geneva, 25 November 2011

How to monitor or contribute to M376

By commenting on the drafts at

Via your National (European) Standards Body your trade association (Digital Europe for the

European ICT sector) user and consumer organisations your (European) government procurement body

By contacting the Joint Working Group directly at


Geneva, 25 November 2011

Thank you for your attention

For further information on Mandate

376 activity or the work of the ETSI

Human Factors Technical Committee please contact me at:

And a reminder that Wally Mellors

(the ETSI relay services guru) can be contacted at:


Geneva, 25 November 2011
