The Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Company Ignacio Dizy EVTF Co-founder The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 1 Content 01 Energy Efficiency and EV strategy of Telefónica 02 The challenge 03 ICT solutions focus for EV penetration The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Energy Efficiency and Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy of Telefónica The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Telefónica overview Mexico y Centro America Brazil UK & Ireland Andean Region Industry leader Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 2010 Central Europe Region Sur 281 Million Clients Notes: - Central America includes Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and Nicaragua - Total accesses figure includes Narrowband Internet accesses of Terra Brazil and Terra Colombia, and Broadband Internet accesses of Terra Brazil, Telefónica de Argentina, Terra Guatemala and Terra Mexico The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Spain Energy efficiency and climate change strategy Telefónica, as an ICT company leader in the field of climate change abatement, spreads the energy efficiency culture To find new income opportunities To reduce energy comsumption by the development of new products and services for energy efficiency. through internal efficiency practices The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 ICTs for energy efficiency and climate change Identification of ICTs potential to reduce emissions in other sectors 2008 Communication of benefits and identification of existent services 2009 2010 Initial methodology development to asses benefits. 2011 2016 Apps Green 2011 Development of new P&S The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Electric Vehicles 2012 Climate Change Information 2013 Smart Grids 2014 Smart Connected Smart Cities Cities & users Electric Vehicle Task Force of Telefónica (EVTF) o To bring new EV ICT service innovation o o o o closer to the core business. To help all business areas to acknowledge that EV is a reality. To encourage EV ICT services innovation from research to sales and vice versa. To foster an end to end EV service development approach. To promote the delivery of in house services for EV owner employees. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 2010-2011 Services and Projects Telefónica ICT Services Projects o Phone booths with EV o Santander Smart o o o o o charging stations. Payment methods. Content Delivery Networks. Automotive Fleet Management and M2M Global Platform. Virtual EV application*. City traffic information. * Under development The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 City. o MARTA Project. o Electric demand message. o Mobility pattern recognition. The Challenge The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 EVTF to capture innovation stars/glitters o It looks like a great business but… • How much per car/driver/passenger? • How many years from now? • Look at some history… Vehicles sold in Spain 1.200.000 Gasoline 1.000.000 Diesel 800.000 600.000 400.000 200.000 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 o Is crucial to have a full vision on the EV business, based on usage monitoring information, to guide and glue ICT services innovation projects. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Environmental & health impacts o The results obtained (on the study) demonstrate the need to implement measures to reduce PM 2.5 concentrations in the atmosphere in large cities Impact of particulate matter within diameter of less than 2.5 microns [PM 2.5] on daily hospital admissions in 0 to 10 years old in Madrid (2003-2005) (1) Cristina Linares y Julio Díaz, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 ICT solutions impact on EV penetration The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Forecast and EV adoption growth o Spain’s Department of Industry and Transport Forecasts 254.000 EVs by 2014. EV market growth 120 100 MITyC forecast 80 60 40 20 2010 The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 x1000 EVs Working toward critical mass o The Automotive and ICT industries are making great efforts oriented to connect the car to the Infrastructure and vice versa. o But… Infrastructures and cars do not decide what to pay for or how much, people do. o We have to help EVs to become connected to their future owner and the occupants. o So far choosing a car it has been quite emotional, if not fully. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 Focus on EV adoption 2011–2012 EV ICT Service focus Accept EV as a possibility Verify that it works for you 2011–2016 Assign budget Drive and recharge Purchase Replace o Rationally, Electric vehicles play an positive roll on environmental quality in our cities; pollution/odour and noise/vibrations. o But… There is too much uncertainty in car buyers and users about VE o We have to demystify the use of VE. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 EV ICT Company: the way forward o We need EV-Ready companies, governments, institutions to foster EV users. o Embed EV culture across organizations (campus, fleet migration, employees). o Extend in place innovation programs to handle end to end EV process services. o Promote public-private ICT partnerships to accelerate EV penetration, as we do with connected car projects. The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011 The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 2-3 March 2011