A NEW APPROACH TO CLASSIFYING CHD IN NORMOLIPODEMIC INDIVIDUALS USING HIGH PERFORMANCE LIPOPROTEIN DENSITY PROFILING Craig D. Larner, Ronald R. Henriquez, PhD, Ronald D. Macfarlane, PhD, Catherine K. McNeal, MD, PhD., Simon J. Sheather, PhD. Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, Scott & White Hospital Objective: Establish a high accuracy protocol for classifying individuals with high HDL and normal LDL for CHD based on their lipoprotein density profile. Tube Orientation Equilibrium Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation Improved Repeatability for NaBiEDTA Gradient 10 HPLPD Profiles of a Serum Sample - Overlaid 1150uL 0.18M NaBiEDTA, 6uL Serum, 10uL NBD C6-Ceramide, 200+ uL Hexane Layered NaBiEDTA 2500 TRL Total Intensities Sub-Class HDL LDL TRL LDL-1 LDL-2 LDL-3 LDL-4 LDL5 HDL-2b HDL-2a HDL-3a Average 21599.90 5549.40 10694.24 22825.52 43374.02 29382.13 28731.77 27625.28 33888.67 Std. Dev. 2187.66 176.80 HDL-3b HDL-3c 13360.83 12539.57 1.16 1.14 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.04 1.02 1.02 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Position 1 0̊ Rotation 1.06 1.04 1.00 %RSD 1.00 20 Intensity 1.16 Density (g/mL) Density (g/mL) 2000 0 2 4 Tube Coordinate (mm) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Position 2 90̊ Rotation Position 3 180̊ Rotation Position 4 270̊ Rotation Tube Coordinate (mm) Density Gradient Theory 1 2 4 3 2b 5 2c 3a 3.19 661.88 3.53 2.90 1198.99 1442.26 2.76 951.66 543.07 1577.78 922.73 541.77 3.31 1.97 4.66 6.91 4.32 Average %RSD 4.42 4.91 3c 3b 1000 0 Degree Rotation 90 Degree Rotation 180 Degree Rotation 270 Degree Rotation 2500 1500 10.13 377.06 Percent Intensities Sub-Class TRL LDL-1 LDL-2 LDL-3 LDL-4 LDL5 HDL-2b HDL-2a HDL-3a HDL-3b HDL-3c Average 8.65 2.22 4.29 9.15 17.38 11.77 11.51 11.07 13.58 5.35 5.03 Std. Dev. 0.73 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.35 0.52 0.23 0.25 0.53 0.28 0.27 %RSD 8.45 3.24 2.37 1.46 1.99 4.40 2.02 2.27 3.91 5.17 5.35 Average %RSD 3.69 2000 Intensity 500 1500 0 1000 3 + 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 500 Tube Coordinate (mm) Statistical Separation Analysis of CVD Patients 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 Tube Coordinate (mm) Increased Gradient Volume Study Parameters: Sample Size: 30 patients 15 Controls, 15 CVD Separation of Control and CVD Patients Controls: 5.00 Normal to Elevated HDL Cholesterol Normal LDL Cholesterol Clear Angiogram 1150 uL 0.18M NaBiEDTA 1000 uL 0.20M NaBiEDTA 2500 4.00 2000 Study Results: SAVE Analysis: Shows test groups being nearly disjoint in relation to each other. Most important variables: SAVE1: HDL-3a and HDL-3b SAVE2: HDL-3b and HDL-3c Intensity 3.00 1500 CVD: 2.00 1000 1.00 500 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 Tube Coordinate (mm) Original NaBiEDTA Repeatability Lipoprotein Subclass Density (g/mL) bTRL 10 HPLD Profiles of a Serum Sample - Overlaid 1000uL 0.20M NaBiEDTA, 6uL Serum, 10uL NBD C6-Ceramide, 200uL H2O Layered < 1.000 dTRL 2000 1.000 - 1.019 Original 1000 µL Spin H2O Layered 1800 LDL-1 1.019 - 1.023 1.023 - 1.029 1400 1.029 - 1.039 LDL-4 1.039 - 1.050 LDL-5 1.050 - 1.063 HDL-2b 1.063 - 1.091 HDL-2a 1.091 - 1.110 400 HDL-3a 1.110 - 1.133 200 2000 HDL-3b 1.133 - 1.156 0 1800 HDL-3c 1.156- 1.179 Intensity LDL-3 dTRL LDL-1 800 600 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 2.0 CVD pilot 3.0 Linear (Control pilot) Original Width (mm) Difference 1.00 0.59 3.33 -1.17 3.33 0.19 2.00 0.93 2.00 0.51 2.66 0.28 1.33 -0.06 1.33 -0.15 1.00 -0.06 0.67 0.11 Gain (mm) 1.17 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 Tube Coordinate (mm) LDL-2 LDA and SAVE Results are Independent of: Most important variables: LDL-3 and HDL-2b Age Gender Smoking Habits Diabetes *Classification obtained with only a small sample size HPLDP Advantages: -Need only 6µL Serum Sample R² = 0.6943 -5.00 -6.00 -Hands-on sample preparation time of 15 minutes SAVE 2 -Homogenous gradient that doesn’t require layering steps during test Linear Discrimanation Analysis of Control and CVD Patients -Sub-class isolation allows for further studies on desired lipoprotein fractions LDL-3 LDL-4 LDL5 HDL-2b HDL-2a HDL-3a HDL-3b HDL-3c 18810.28 20958.33 29422.87 26470.50 16210.54 12366.82 25581.86 27897.27 12406.32 Std Dev 12834.55 13448.41 2514.21 4124.97 4332.17 6806.42 5453.73 2763.66 2130.59 5970.37 5845.40 2230.98 43.82 21.93 20.67 23.13 20.60 17.05 17.23 23.34 20.95 17.98 Avg. %RSD 2 -6 hour spin time in ultracentrifuge TRL HDL LDL 1.5 -10 samples per run 33 5737.19 25.39 1.0 Linear (Control pilot) 6uL Serum, 1150uL 0.18M NaBiEDTA, 10 uL NBD C6-Ceramide, 200+ Hexane Layered 44843.42 52969.99 28.62 0.0 1000 Average %RSD -1.0 2.5 Original H2O Layered 1150 µL NonLayered 1150 µL Hexane Layered Intensity bTRL -2.0 1200 Total Intensities Sub-Class -3.0 Linear (CVD pilot) Hexane Layering Affect 1600 LDL-2 New Method 1150 µL Spin 200+ µL Hexane Layered -4.0 Separates 83.3% of 30 samples correctly as CVD or Control Control pilot 0.00 -1.00 Width of Sub-Class 0.18M NaBiEDTA 1150uL Spin Volume(mm) 1.59 2.16 3.52 2.92 2.51 2.94 1.27 1.18 0.94 0.78 Sub-Class LDL-1 LDL-2 LDL-3 LDL-4 LDL-5 HDL-2b HDL-2a HDL-3a HDL-3b HDL-3c SAVE 1 R² = 0.7043 LDA : Elevated HDL Cholester Normal LDL Cholesterol Documented Atherosclerosis 1600 Control pilot 1400 1 1200 2 3 4 5 2b CVD pilot References: 1 3a 3c 2a 3b 1. Johnson, J.D.; Bell, N.J.; Dohahoe, E.L.; Macfarlane, R.D. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, (21), 7054-7061. 2. Caslake, M.J.; Packard, C. J., The Use of Ultracentrifugation for the Separation of Lipoproteins. In Handbook of Lipoprotein Testing, Rifai, N.; Warnick, G.R.; Dominiczak, M.H., Eds. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc.: Washington D.D., 1997; pp 509-529 3. Henriquez, R.R. Fluorometric Sedimentation Equilibrium for Lipoprotein Sub-Class Analysis. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2007. 1000 800 0.5 23.39 600 400 Percent Intensities Sub-Class bTRL dTRL LDL-1 LDL-2 LDL-3 LDL-4 LDL5 HDL-2b HDL-2a HDL-3a HDL-3b HDL-3c Average 18.88 13.31 2.25 7.61 8.49 12.08 10.03 4.58 2.97 7.02 8.30 4.49 Std Dev 1.98 1.97 0.93 1.33 0.87 1.52 2.44 0.63 1.01 1.78 1.32 0.76 %RSD 10.50 14.79 41.08 17.45 10.30 12.59 24.37 13.69 34.05 25.30 15.96 16.98 Avg. %RSD 19.75 0 200 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0 1150 µL 1150 µL Hexane/Ink 200+ Hexane Layered Layered 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Tube Coordinate (mm) Hexane Layered HPLPD Profile 33 Calculated LDA Value 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0