Math 369 HW #7

Math 369 HW #7
Due at the beginning of class on Friday, October 24
Reading: Sections EE, PEE.
We say that a square matrix M is similar to the square matrix N if there is an invertible matrix
A so that M = AN A−1 . Other terms for this: we say that N is a “change of basis” of M or that
N is “conjugate” to M .
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1. Suppose M =
(such a matrix is sometimes called a “scalar matrix”). Are there any
0 a
other matrices (i.e., not equal to M ), which are similar to M ? Find one if “yes”, and prove
that there can’t be any if “no”.
a1 0
. Are there any other
2. Suppose M is a 2 × 2 diagonal matrix, meaning that M =
0 a2
matrices which are similar to M ? Find one if “yes”, and prove that there are none if “no”.
3. Suppose M is similar to N . Is N similar to M ? Prove or give a counterexample.
4. Let f : R2 → R2 be the linear transformation which rotates objects in the plane around the
origin by 30 degrees counterclockwise.
(a) Give a matrix F for f with respect to the standard basis
( √ ! )
(b) Give a matrix G for f with respect to the basis
(c) Since the matrices in (a) and (b) are two different matrices for the same linear transformation, they must be similar. So find an invertible matrix A so that G = AF A−1 .
5. For each of the following, find the requested matrix and draw a picture showing what the
transformation does.
(a) Find a 2 × 2 matrix A for a linear transformation R having the property that R( u) = λ u
for some constant λ only if u = 0 . (Think of rotations)
(b) Find a 2 × 2 matrix
B for a linear transformation S having the property that S( u) = λ u
only when u =
for some a ∈ R. (Think of sheering maps)