Intelligent agents Search Reflex agent Problem-solving agent TDDC65 Artificial intelligence and Lisp Percept Action If I see… …then I do: Peter Dalenius Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University A B C D Problem 2 1 1 3 Search 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1 A sequence of actions Problem-solving agents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where am I? What is my goal? Which actions can I take? Find a sequence of actions that will take me to the goal! Execute the actions! Problem-solving agents Goal and problem formulation Search Execution The components of a problem I’m in Arad, Romania. Where am I? I want to go go to Bucharest. What is my goal? Go from town A Which actions can I take? to town B. Find a sequence of actions that will take me to the goal! Searching… Execute the actions! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oradea Initial state – What does the world look like at the beginning? Actions – What actions are available, and what are the results of these actions? Goal test – How do we know that a given state is a goal state? Path cost – What is the cost of each action? STATE SPACE Road map of Romania Neamt 71 75 87 Iasi 151 Zerind 92 Arad 140 Sibiu Fagaras 99 118 80 Rimnicu Vilcea 142 Timisoara 211 Lugoj 111 97 146 Mehadia 85 101 138 75 Urziceni Pitesti 70 Drobeta Vaslui 120 Craiova Hirsova 98 86 Bucharest 90 Eforie Giurgiu 1 Romanian route finding The initial state Arad After expanding Arad Arad SEARCH SPACE Some definitions – state – a description of (some aspect of) the world configuration – action – changes the world from one state to another – state space – the set of all possible states EXPANDED GENERATED Sibiu Timisoara Sibiu Arad Oradea Fagaras Zerind Arad After expanding Sibiu Timisoara Rimnicu Vilcea Zerind FRINGE General search algorithm The static part (problem definition) The dynamic part (search for solution) – search space – the result of exploring all possible actions – node – a part of the search space, corresponding to a state, but contains more information Example: Crossing the river function TREE-SEARCH(problem, fringe) returns a solution or failure fringe ← INSERT(MAKE-NODE(INITIAL-STATE[problem]), fringe) loop do if EMPTY?(fringe) then return failure node ← REMOVE-FIRST(fringe) if GOAL-TEST[PROBLEM](STATE[node]) then return SOLUTION(node) fringe ← INSERT-ALL(EXPAND(node, problem), fringe) • Everything must cross the river. • Only one thing can fit in the boat, besides the farmer. • The lamb will eat the cabbage, and the wolf will eat the lamb, if left alone. START Problem formulation Initial FW | LC state – Everything to the right STATE SPACE | FWLC FL | WC FC | WL F | WLC | FWLC L | FWC Actions – Farmer and maximum one passenger may cross Goal | FC FWL | C FLC | W LC | FW test – Everything to the left Path WL FWLC | W | FLC C | FWL cost – Each step costs 1 FWC | L WC | FL FWLC | 2 Search strategies A strategy is defined by picking the order of node expansion. Strategies are evaluated by: – – – – Classes of search strategies Completeness: Does it always find a solution, if one exists? Time complexity: Number of nodes generated Space complexity: Maximum number of nodes in memory Optimality: Does it always find the cheapest solution? Time and space complexity are measured by: – b (maximum branch factor of the search tree) – d (depth of the cheapest solution) – m (maximum depth of the state space, possibly infinite) 1. Bredth-first search Uninformed Informed Bredth-first search all nodes at level n before expanding nodes at level n+1 Generated nodes are placed in a FIFO queue (first in, first out) Bredth-first search D A B B C C remove here A FIFO Queue insert here FIFO Queue E D C E FIFO Queue Bredth-first search C D B search (heuristic search) – Strategies have additional information whether non-goal states are more promising than others Expand A search (blind search) – No additional information besides what is in the problem definition – Can only generate successor states and compare against goal state B D E F G C E F G 3 Analysis of bredth-first search BFS space and time complexity Complete? – Yes, we will always find a solution, provided that the branching factor b is finite. – – – – Optimal? – Yes, if the path cost is a nondecreasing function of the node depth (e.g. when path cost is uniform). Space complexity? – O(bd+1) Time complexity? Branching factor b Root: one node Level 1: b nodes Level 2: b2 nodes Level n: bn nodes Assume that the goal is at level d The number of nodes processed is 1 + b + b2 + b3 + … + bd + (bd+1-b) = O(bd+1) – O(bd+1) Complexity analysis Big O notation or Ordo notation is used in complexity analysis to indicate the most important factor. T(n) = O(f(n)) if T(n) < kf(n) for some k, for all n > n0 If time complexity is O(n2) this means that for some k the time used will always be less than kn2. Big O notation gives a rough answer to the question How bad can it be? 2. Depth-first search Always Extension: Uniform-cost search Always expand the node with the lowest path cost Complete and optimal if the cost of each action is at least ε (i.e. no ”free” actions) Depth-first search insert here expand the deepest node in the fringe Generated nodes are placed in a LIFO queue or stack (last in, first out) A LIFO Queue (Stack) B B C C remove here 4 Depth-first search A Depth-first search D C B D A LIFO Queue (Stack) E H E C B D E H Depth-first search A D H CI E C C E I Analysis of depth-first search LIFO Queue (Stack) EI B LIFO Queue (Stack) C C E C C E Complete? – No, if the tree has infinite depth we will never get an answer. Optimal? – No. If the optimal goal is in the right subtree, we will find any non-optimal goals in the left part first. Space I complexity? – O(bm) Time complexity? – O(bm) DFS time and space complexity Extension: Depth-limited search How Introduce many nodes must be kept in memory? – All unexpanded nodes, b nodes at each level. In total: bm + 1 = O(bm) How many nodes must be accessed? – In the worst case, all nodes in the tree. In total: bm = O(bm) a depth limit l and treat nodes at depth l as if they have no successors. Not complete or optimal, but at least we can guarantee that the algorithm does not get stuck in an infinite loop. Can be useful if we know something about the problem that can help us choose l. 5 3. Iterative deepening search 4. Bidirectional search Combines the benefits of bredth-first and depth-first. Does a depth-limited search with increasing depth limit l until a goal is found. Two Uninformed search strategies Informed search strategies simultaneous searches: one from the intitial state, one from the goal state and backwards Reduced complexity How can we search backwards? Bredthfirst Uniformcost Depthfirst Depthlimited Iterative deepening Bidirectional Complete Yes 1 Yes 1,2 No No Yes 1 Yes 1,4 Optimal Yes 3 Yes No No Yes 3 Yes 3,4 Time O(bd+1) O(b1+k) O(bm) O(bl) O(bd) O(bd/2) Space O(bd+1) O(b1+k) O(bm) O(bl) O(bd) O(bd/2) Use problem-specific knowledge beyond the problem definition itself. Always select the ”best” node, based on an evaluation function f(n). The additional information encoded in the evaluation function is called a heuristic (rule of thumb, way of making educated guesses). Different informed search strategies use different heuristics. m = max depth, l = depth limit 1) if b is finite 2) if step cost ≥ ε 3) if uniform step cost 4) if both directions use bredth-first search b = branching factor, d = depth of goal 5. Greedy best-first search to expand the node that we currently believe is closest to a goal. Uses the following heuristic: Greedy best-first search Tries – h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest path from node n to a goal node A B 65 78 C Priority queue 54 C B 54 65 remove here insert here (sorted) 6 Greedy best-first search Example: Romanian road trip Arad A 78 Sibiu B C 65 54 B F G B 44 65 51 65 remove here F 366 Priority queue G 44 insert here (sorted) 51 Arad Oradea 366 380 Timisoara 329 253 Fagaras Zerind 374 Rimnicu Vilcea 176 193 Sibiu Bucharest 253 0 Stages in a greedy best-first search for Bucharest using the straight-line distance heuristic. Analysis of greedy best-first search 6. A* search Complete? Same Optimal? – No. Just like depth-first search we will try to follow a single path and backtrack when we hit a dead end. Space Time complexity? complexity? – O(bm) – With a good heuristic this can be reduced, but the worst case is the same as for depth-first search. Example: Romanian road trip Arad Sibiu 393=140+253 Arad Oradea Fagaras 646= 280+366 671= 291+380 415= 239+176 basic principle as greedy bestfirst search Uses the heuristic g(n) + h(n) – g(n) = the cost to reach node n – h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest path from node n to a goal node Pronounced ”A-star” Proof that A* is optimal Will n or G2 be expanded? 366=0+366 Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 f(n) = g(n)+h(n) ≤ g(G1) f(G2) = g(G2)+h(G2) = g(G2) > g(G1) n Rimnicu Vilcea 413= 220+193 Sibiu Bucharest 591= 338+253 450= 450+0 Stages in an A* search for Bucharest. G2 suboptimal goal Craiova Pitesti Sibiu 526= 366+160 417= 317+100 553= 300+253 Bucharest Craiova R. Vilcea 418= 418+0 615= 455+160 607= 414+193 G1 optimal goal If h(n) never overestimates the cost, then A* is optimal. We call h(n) an admissible heuristic. 7