Organization TDTS57 - Computer architecture Case study (VT’07)


TDTS57 - Computer architecture

Case study


Soheil Samii

Embedded Systems Laboratory

Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Linköpings universitet

Building B, Room 329:202







The course gives 3 points in total

Two examination items


Written exam (maximum 30 points)


Case study (maximum 10 points)

In total you can obtain maximum 40 points

Your points = exam points + case study points



Decides your final grade on the course (U, 3, 4, 5)

22 points to pass (3)

If not done you will only be able to get maximum 30 (out of 40) points, since your case study points will be automatically 0.

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Write a report (~15 pages)

Present a report

Oppose to a report

TDTS57 – Case study

What’s to be done Report



Write about an architecture and focus on a specific feature


UltraSparc II, Designed for networks


Athlon, 3DNow


Transmeta Crusoe, Power consumption


Pentium MMX, MMX technology


Intel 80960, Instruction cycle


Pentium 4, Pipelining


Mobile Intel Pentium 4, SpeedStep technology


Palm Tungsten (ARM), iPAQ h1910 pocket PC (Intel), Power consumption


More examples in ”Report guidelines” linked from the web pages

~15 pages

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Report (cont’d)






Start with a general introduction and set your topic in focus

Continue with a specific middle part with methods and results


Advantages/disadvantages with the features you’ve studied for the particular processor you’ve chosen

Finish with a more general part in the discussion





Try to picture yourself as the reader

Cite your information sources

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Presentation and opposition



~15 minutes oral presentation


All members must take active part

5 minutes opposition


Hand in a one page summary of the opposition (per group)




Dispose the presentation so that your message gets clear


Do not exceed the time-limit


Use visual aids (PowerPoint)


The goal of the opposition is to ask questions and present comments which lead to a discussion about the report

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Presentation (cont’d)


Presentation occasions


Tue 27 Feb, 17-19


Thu 1 Mar, 17-19


Fri 2 Mar, 8-10


There will be a projector and a laptop available at each presentation seminar


If you use PowerPoint (highly recommended)


Bring your own laptop, or


Bring your presentation on a memory stick, or


Send your presentation slides to

the day before your presentation seminar

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Case study examination


The three examination items in the case study will be given points by the course assistant according to the following:


Report 0-10 points


Presentation 0-5 points


Opposition 0-5 points


Final result on the case study (0-10 points) is calculated as follows


Let F = ReportPoints + PresentationPoints + OppositionPoints)/2


Your final result is the smallest integer value RES such that RES>=F


RES (which will be between 0 and 10) will be added to the number of points obtained from the exam


Each group member will obtain RES points for the case study


The resulting sum decides your final grade on the whole course

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Practical issues


Register a group:


Form a group, 3-4 members


Choose a topic (processor + feature(s))


Try not to choose similar topics as other groups


Send an e-mail to



The name, e-mail address, and personal number of each group member


The selected processor


The focus of your work


Deadline: 6 Feb 2007


When all groups are registered, the course assistant will, for each group:


Assign a group number


Assign an opponent group


Assign a date for presentation (indirectly also the opposition occasion for the respective opponent group)


As group registrations are received, the web page will be updated with the group information and chosen topics

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Before/after the presentation



Send your report (in pdf) to

and to all members in the opponent group


At latest 3 working days before the presentation seminar




Make changes to your report according to the comments received during the presentation seminar

Send the final version (in pdf) to


The ”Urkund” system will analyze (takes at most 1 day) your report and compare it to documents in a large database to check for

§ plagiarism, …

The analysis results and the report itself will be sent to the assistant


Deadline: 5 March 2007

TDTS57 – Case study

Questions along the way






Scheduled ”lesson” on 16th Feb 2007

Ask me when I’m in the office

In the worst-case: send an e-mail


Please read the information on the course web page carefully. You might find the answer to your question there.

TDTS57 – Case study

