Ethical Approval Application Form

Ethical Approval Application Form
1. Name of Student:
2. Name of Supervisor:
3. Project Title
4. Project Abstract
5. Project type (select all that apply)
Individual Decision Making
Group Decision Making
Strategic Interactions
6. Specific research tasks (select all that apply)
Revealed preference tasks
Strength of preference tasks
Memory tasks
Reasoning tasks
Judgement tasks
Cognition tasks
Confidence tasks
Discounting tasks
Time delay tasks
Coordination tasks
Debriefing tasks
Distraction tasks
Forecasting tasks
Structured and free-form communication
Experimental games
Strategic interactions
If other specific tasks, please provide details below:
7. General tasks (if any)
Demographic questionnaires
Ability measurements
Measures of understanding
Measures of attentiveness
Well- being and life satisfaction measurements
Personality scales
Explicit and implicit attitude measures
Knowledge elicitation tasks
Watching video or listening to audio
Behavioural tasks and questionnaires
If other general tasks, please provide details below:
8. Additional non-invasive tasks (if any)
Measurements of decision making time and reaction time
Tracking the positioning of the computer cursor/mouse
Electro-dermal skin activity
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Video and audio recording
If other additional tasks, please provide details below:
9. Participants
General public
Other participants
If other participants, please provide details below:
10. Number of participants
11. Recruitment method
SONA Recruitment System
On-campus advertisement
Newspaper advertisement
Online advertisement (other than SONA)
If other participants, please specify:
12. Indicate below whether you are planning to use deception:
Choose an item.
If yes, select all that apply
Telling participants that they play against each other while in fact they are
playing against a computer
Illusion of choice
Role deception
If other type of deception, please provide details below:
If you foresee any additional risks for participants or ethical issues not covered above,
please specify them here and explain how you will address them:
The information in this form together with any accompanying information is
complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I take full
responsibility for it.
I undertake to abide by the ethical principles underlying the Declaration of
Helsinki ( and to abide by the University’s
Research Code of Conduct (
alongside any other relevant professional bodies’ codes of conduct and/or
ethical guidelines.
If the research is approved, I undertake to adhere to the study protocol
without agreed deviation.
I am aware of my responsibility to be up to date and to comply with
requirements of the law and the appropriate guidelines relating to security and
confidentiality of participants’ personal data.
14. Student’s signature ___________________________
Date: _____________
To be completed by the supervisor
I hereby grant full approval for this project:
☐ NO
Supervisor name:__________________________________________________
Supervisor’s signature: _______________________ Date: _______________