UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK INFORMATION SHEET Researcher Name: Supervisor Name: Participation Duration: Date: Researcher Email Student Name Supervisor’s Name 1 hour 12 March 2014 Supervisor E-mail Research Purpose We would like to understand the psychological processes that go on when people are making a strategic choice. Information on Research In this experiment you will be asked to make a series of decisions. If you choose to take part, you will be given written instructions. Please do ask the experimenter any questions you like! In the experiment you will be asked what you would do in a situation where there are two decision makers, you and another person who you cannot communicate with and know nothing about. Risks There are no physical risks beyond normal computer use. There is the small possibility that your data could be lost, but we will not record your name with the data. Benefits We are excited about what we can learn from your data and we will use the information to improve our understanding of human decision making. The research also has applications for use in public policy and industry. Confidentiality We will not share your identity with other participants, or vice versa. Data will be kept on a secure server after the experiment. The form signed at the end of the experiment is just for the accounts department to keep track of the University's funds. Compensation You will receive around £10 for taking part in the experiment, contingent upon the decisions you make. Voluntary Participation Your participation is voluntary. You do not have to finish the study if you do not want to. You can drop out of the study for any reason at any time. UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK CONSENT FORM Researcher Name: Supervisor Name: Participation Duration: Date: Student Name Supervisor Name 1 hour 12th March 2014 Researcher Email Supervisor Email I confirm that I have read and understood the Information Sheet for the above project and have had the opportunity to ask questions. I agree to take part in the above study and am willing to follow experimental instructions and procedures and complete all experimental tasks. I understand that my information will be held and processed for the purposes of publication in scientific journals and presentation on scientific conferences. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without being penalised or disadvantaged in any way. Signatures: Study Participant Print name__________________________ Signature__________________ Date______________ Signature__________________ Date______________ Person obtaining consent Print name__________________________