Document 13204999

12/02/16 You, yourself as customer
Paul Tasker HAT Data Exchange (HATDeX) T: +44(0)7801-­‐714619 Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer Servitization
•  Adding service to product – rooted in GD-­‐Logic •  AdopQng SD-­‐Logic – customer integrated / “true service”? •  Complex Service Systems and •  Consumer Services Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer 1 12/02/16 The Internet of Things?
•  “Things” connected to the Internet –  LiWle interconnecQvity – the “things” don’t talk to each other •  But not an Internet of Things – yet •  Devices providing lots of data – about us – to manufacturers? •  But we have liWle visibility of this – no sense of our “digital self” •  Need to put the consumer at the center Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer Customer service
•  B2C / retail adding customer services – like serviQzed manufacturers –  Club cards –  Smart meters •  Not engaging with the customer, not pu_ng the customer at the center because there is no context to the consumpQon –  Don’t empower the customer in any real way …. HAT can help Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer 2 12/02/16 HAT – the Hub-of-All-Things
•  A £1.2m RCUK research programme at WMG and five others •  To create a new mulQ-­‐sided market in personal data – “the HAT” •  Powered by the HAT plaiorm technology –  A database schema, APIs and “hyper-­‐data browser” •  Allows an individual to collect / control / re-­‐combine / contexturalize / share personal data in a privacy-­‐preserving way •  Individuals can “see” all their personal data together, organize it, and permit others to share it Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer The HAT marketplace
•  The HAT technology puts individuals at the center of their devices, and the way in which they use their data on the Internet –  Combining data from any “silo’d source” •  It provides a clear view of your “digital self” –  Pu_ng consumpQon and needs, or wants in context •  HAT provides: –  Individuals with opportuniQes dealing with firms, and –  Firms with new market opportuniQes •  HAT puts the individual consumer, and the use-­‐value he demands, at the centre of the firm’s business model Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer 3 12/02/16 Putting the customer at the centre
•  The HAT empowers individuals to “reclaim their data” •  It puts their data in their life context – or use-­‐value •  Enables intent casQng •  InnovaQve firms will develop opportuniQes based on new customer-­‐centric business models – “true service” rather than “customer services” •  Also enables new opportuniQes for crowd-­‐sourced informaQon and analyQcs for societal benefit Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer HATDeX mission
•  To enable roll-­‐out of HAT personal data plaiorms to many individuals, to rapidly create a very large ecosystem •  HATDeX is the operaQonal arm of the HAT FoundaQon, established as a social enterprise dedicated to empowering people everywhere to reclaim their data •  Working with “plaiorm partners” to do this. IniQally –  EnableiD –  NogginAsia •  Launching at The Shard on 16th February Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer 4 12/02/16 but back to “complex service systems”
•  HAT provides the technology and protocols to put individuals at the centre of consumer services •  Provides a “glue” transforming “things on the internet” to an “internet of things” with the individual at the centre •  One of the issues with large-­‐scale serviQzed manufacturing is with sharing (sufficient) proprietary informaQon across the service network •  Some moves to deal with this through large scale – third party “confidenQal” data and analyQcs warehouses •  Perhaps we just need a HAT? Your data, your way, with you at the hub of all things ESRC 160202 -­‐ You Yourself as Customer 5 