LOW LATITUDE ISLAND BEACH PROCESSES. by Munesh Munbodh. Project Report submitted to Marine Resource Management Program School of Oceanography Oregon State University 1981 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. LOW LATITUDE ISLAND BEACH PROCESSES. by Munesh Munbodh. Project Report submitted to Marine Resource Management Program School of Oceanography Oregon State University 1981 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Contents Introduction 1 Uses of the beach 1 The dynamic nature of beaches 3 Islands and beaches 8 Beach composition 9 Grain size of beach materials 11 Sediment formation from the reef 13 The littoral sand budget 15 Erosion , 17 Effects of storms on beaches 20 Effects of recreation on beaches 22 Other processes 23 Beach and shoreline protection 24 Effects of sand mining 28 Mauritius coast and beaches 30 Concluding remarks 39 Appendix • LOW LATT2UDE ISLAND BEACH PROCESSES Introduction Beaches form the interface between the land and the sea in most parts of the world except where the coast ends abruptly in cliffs. The relation of the beach to its environment is at first sight not apparent and , we may be tempted to think of it in isolation. However, the beach is an integral part of the coastal zone and must be understood in the context of that system. This paper describes beach processes in general with emphasis on subtropical and tropical regions. A section on the effects of sand dredging in the lagoon is included as this activity is very important due to its direct and indirect effects on the beach. Uses of the beach The beach is a constant attraction for people on holidays and those just touring the country. Pleasant weather conditions prevailing in subtropical and tropical areas make it possible for people to enjoy the beach year-round. Creation of facilities for people visiting the beach has resulted in much of the coastal development found in many places. - The development of good internal and external transportation systems has made it easier for more people to spend some 2 time on the coast. Holidays and vacations have become closely linked with spending some time on the beach for many people. Some people use the beach for sunbathing. Others find it a convenient place to relax and listen to the swash of the waves. Children often find pleasure in digging and making sand castles in the sand. Other people still enjoy strolling along the beach and beachcombing for flotsam. Sea shells and coral debris attract their attention and are collected. The value of the beach to swimming, boating, sunbathing, surfing and diving activities are, of course, obvious. The beach provides a very interesting environment for scientists, students and other people who are inquisitive about physical and biological processes on the seashore. Poets and artists have often found the beach environment a source of inspiration. Such demandsupon and activities on the beach bring it under tremendous pressure. It may be noted that there is only 13 cm of shoreline for every person in the world (Inmann and Brush, 1973). The coastline considered included Artie and Antartic shores which, we would agree, are not shores generally available for a desirable form of recreation. The beach length per person is reduced further if only coastlines suitable for recreational purposes are considered, not to mention that private ownership makes many prima 3 recreational beaches unavailable to the general public (Burka, 1974). The dynamic nature of beaches Beaches are dynamic features and there is a continuous flux of materials between the beach and its surroundings. They are continually changing in composition, structure and volume seasonally, yearly and over longer periods of time. These phenomena are related by a complex series of equilibria with the rates of sand production, longshore transport and loss. Combinations of these processes may lead to accretion, erosion or equilibrium of the beach. A typical beach profile and terminology used is shown in Fig. 1. Figure •1 The terminology used to describe the beach profile. (From Komar, 1976). Cyclic fluctuations may be most pronounced between seasons both in the vertical profile (Fig. 2) and the horizontal configuration (Fig. 3). Diurnal, semidiurnal and • 4 fortnightly fluctuations are also common. Noncyclic changes due to tsunamis, hurricanes, storms or cyclones are also often observed. swell (summer) profile swell profile shoreline Figure 2, The storm beach profile with bars versus the profile with a pronounced berm that occurs, under swell wave conditions, kFrom, storm profile shoreline erm Sea Cliff meon water level --- ...- bar trough / // bar storm (winter) profile Komari1976). HEADLAND WINTER ACCRETION SUMMER EROSION SUMMER ACCRETION WINTER EROSION PLA N Fig.3.TYPICAL SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS OF BEACH sal:=4:7 ma/5=A (From U.S. Army C or Ps of Engineers,1979). In summer or during swell conditions the beach profile is characterized by a wide shoreward portion (the berm) and a smooth offshore profile with no bars. In winter the berm is narrow and bars are formed offshore. Clearly these profile 5 changes involve movement of large volumes of sand. Komar (1976) gives a good review of the various mechanisms proposed for these changes. Mention will be made here of the explanation proposed by Bascom (1980). Waves with . steepness (steepness being the ratio of wave height to wave length) smaller than 0.025 have been observed not to form bars. Such waves move sand shoreward with orbital currents. Sand particles are picked up, movedforeward and set down. Although the orbiting water returns seaward an equal distance, the sand particles do not. Friction with other sand particles and existence of non-turbulent flow at the bottom keep the sand from moving quite as far as the water does and thus completing the orbit. The net motion of sand is, therefore, landward when wave steepness is small. In storm conditions, wave steepness increases and the energy expended on the beach by waves is considerably higher than during swell conditions. There is a general flow of water shoreward at the surface. This flow is balanced by an equal flow seaward at the bottom. The high frequency of waves arriving at the beach keep the bottom saturated and not much water is lost into the sand. The bottom flow carries with it a sandy suspension which is deposited in.the breaker zone where landward-flowing currents are generated. The berm is thus reduced in width and offshore bars are formed. Waves set up onshore-offshore transport of sediments. 6 As waves shoal on the beach they steepen. This steepening causes their crests to be separated by wide troughs. Particles in these waves do not move in closed orbits as in deep water waves. There is a mass transport in the direction of wave advance. Orbital motion under the crests are of short duration but high in velocity while the return flow under troughs are slower but longer in duration. The shoreward component will be more effective ih carrying coarser materials toward the beach because of the higher power exerted on the bottom. Finer particles like sand and silt move in both directions equal distances. More sand is transported shoreward on the beach because of frictional drag on the wave swash and water percolation into the beach. Gravity tends to move sediment particles seaward as a slope is formed. At equilibrium the two opposing forces are equal such that the slope of the beach is, tan IS = tan cp ( 1-c ) where tan (1) is the coefficient of internal friction of shearing of the beach material and c = local offshore energy dissipation. local onshore energy dissipation Waves also play an important role in the longshore transport of sediments. They cause particles to move above the bottom in a to and fro motion. If a unidirectional current 7 is superimposed on this motion, the suspended material will be carried in the direction of motion. Such a current can be generated when waves arrive at the beach at an angle or can be due to winds and tides. Komar (1976) gives a relationship from Bagnold (1963) in which 8 = K' w Ue u; where i is the immersed-weight sediment transport rate per unit bed width in the direction A determined by the unidirectional current U e . w is the available power from wave motion which supports the sediment above the bottom and U0 is the orbital velocity of wave motion. K' is a dimensionless constant. Another form of littoral transport known as swash transport occurs when waves break on beaches 'at an angle to the shoreline. Longshore currents are generated which transport suspended particles (set up by orbital motions of the waves) before the particles settle out again. Repetition of this process results in a saw-tooth transport of sediment along the beach (Fig. 4). • 8 ZIG ZAG MOVEMENT OF SAND PARTICLES RESPONDING TO UPRUSH & OOWNRUSH OF WAVES PLAN Fig.4. LONGSI-IORE LITTORAL TRANSPORT (From U.S. Army Cor p s of Engineers,1979). Islands and beaches Beller (1973) has emphasized the ecological, economic and cultural fragility of islands. The small size of an island fosters close critical relationships between its cultural heritage, economic status and ecosystems. This leads us to suppose that island beaches would be more vulnerable to change than their continental counterparts, given the small sizes involved. Island beaches in the tropical regions cannot be viewed in isolation from the lagoon and coral reefs. Most of these beaches are derived from material almost wholly from the reefs and the lagoon. The latter acts as a sediment reservoir. The presence of fringing reefs around islands protect the shore from large oceanic swells; they influence the flow of the inshore water thereby affecting the deposition of sand which is needed for forming and maintaining the beach. Beach composition "The beach is an accumulation of unconsolidated sediment (sand, shingle, cobbles and so forth) extending shoreward from the mean low tide line to some physiographic change such as a cliff or dune field or to the point where permanent vegetation is established." (Komar, 1976). The range of composition of the beach is very broad. In temperate regions rivers and streams supply most of the sediments found on beaches and the nature of the hinterland has a direct control on their composition. Quartz and feldspar grains are found on most beaches of continents. They are derived from granitic-type rocks--schists and gneisses that are abundant on continents. In localized areas erosion of seacliffs and headlands can become a major source of sediments for beaches (Katz and Gabriel, 1977). Beaches on volcanic islands may be composed.entirely of volcanic debris derived from andesites and basalt lavas. In some cases sediments may be derived from olivine or basalt glass (Moberly et al., 1975). Quartz and potash 10 feldspars, very common minerals of sands in other parts of The world, are absent along Hawaiian shores. Beaches on Hawaii and other volcanic islands range from black volcanic sands to white sand composed entirely of calcium carbonate. Moberly et al. (1965) found that most Hawaiian beaches are highly calcareous. Foraminifera predominate in most beaches, followed by mollusks, red algae and echinoids. They remarked that "coral sand" is a misnomer for Hawaiian beaches as sand derived from coral was fifth in general order of composition of the beaches. Foraminifera made up from 3 to 20% of grains in the biogenous fraction (Inmann et al. 1963). Guilcher (1969) also found that calcareous algae such as Halimeda and Porolithon, foraminifera, echinoderms, bryozoans, gastropods, crustaceans and sponges all contribute to sediment supply to the lagoon and beach. Other supplies come from sand transport by wind or calcareous oolites formed by precipitation. Studies of sediments on tropical island beaches led Guilcher (1969) to hypothesize that the content of terrigenous and organic particles depends on the ratio of the catchment area on the island to the surface area of the lagoon surrounding islands with barrier reefs. Thus beaches bordering the relatively small central island in the Society Islands have carbonate percentages ranging from 88 to 99% even in places where basalt outcrops immediately behind or 11 above the beach. The influence of the central volcanic island is practically negligible. Terrigenous particles are much more numerous at Tahiti (a larger island) and the calcium carbonate content from the inner lagoon ranges from 25 to 94%. Grain size of beach materials Grain size in beach sediments can vary from very fine sand (0.125 mm) to particles larger than boulders (256 mm). Boulders and cobbles can be found in pocket beaches, especially in the vicinity of rocky headlands. However, the more familiar type of beach is made up of sand size particles , of 0.25 to 2.0 mm. The mean grain size of beach sediments is controlled by the sediment source, the wave energy level and the general offshore slope on which the beach is constructed (Komar, 1976). The largest sediment particles are usually located at the plunge point of the breaking waves with a decrease in size both toward deeper water and shoreward across the surf and swash zones. Various explanations have been given for this, the most notable being that of Miller and Zeigler (1958). They visualized the breaker zone to have a net vertical movement of water and sediments. Finer particles are easily lifted and carried up the beach face whereas coarser ones stay in the breaker zone. Komar - (1976) further • 12 remarks that the relationship between source and grain size is more apparent in carbonate than in quartz-feldspar beaches. This is because the carbonate is derived from biological activity and often grain size corresponds to certain species of plants and animals. Folk and Robbles (1964) observed that sediments found on the west coast of Isla Perez, Yucatan, are composed of the following constituents: well-sorted coral sticks with a mean length of about -5.5 cp** (45 mm); well-sorted 0 (P (1.0 mm) sand, largely Halimeda segments and well-sorted 2 (i) (0.25 mm) sand largely coral grit. Carbonate mud is produced by the black snails, Battileria minima, browsing on coral and forming faecal pellets and abrasion of Halimeda particles. The grain size distributions of Isla Perez beaches are, therefore, often multimodal, reflecting their diverse biological sources as well as physical processes. The latter may sort out particles at some locations such that particles are 100% Halimeda fragments or 100% coral debris. The mean diameter of sand samples on Kauai, Hawaii, were 0.25 to 0.8 mm and significantly coarser in places more exposed to wave action (Inmann et al., 1963). Bimodality of The diameter in cp units is equal to the negative lo:garithum to the base 2 of the diameter in millimeters. 13 grain distribution was attributed to mixing of sediments from different parts of the coast. Grain diameters of 0.2 to 0.5 mm have been noted on the Oregon coast. The source of sediments here is the erosion of seacliffs composed of Pleistocene terrace sands. Grain size of sand particles may determine their rate of transport by currents. Komar (1977) notices selective transport rates of different size of sand grains along El Monero Beach, Mexico. The fraction centered round 1.19 mm moved alongshore the fastest with a mean advection rate of 0.31 cm/sec. The rate of movement of sand grains of 0.30 mm diameter was four times less. Finer sand grains swash up high on the beach face and move at slower rates. Komar (1978) also found that 75% of total drift in the surf zone is due to bedload transport. The remaining 25% is transported in suspension. Sediment formation from the reef Beaches in most tropical areas are accumulations of detritus of organic origin. Studies have shown that the coral reef is the principal source of sediments in such situations. The processes involved are mainly biological but physical processes are not to be disregarded, especially storms. Guilcher (1969) found that large amounts of sand are 14 produced by coral reef fishes such as the trigger fish, Balistapus undulatus, the algal browsing fish Acanthurus achilles, the snapper, Monotaxis grandoculis and puffer fish Arothron nigropunctatus. Similar bioerosion processes caused by parrot fish, echinoids, endolithic algae, fungi and other boring organisms are reported for Carribean reefs (Stearn and Scoffin, 1977; Frydl and Stearn, 1978). Stearn and Scoffin (1977) studied the carbonate budget of a fringing reef in Barbados. Productivity was estimated at 163 x 10 6 g per year. 3% of the destruction of the reef was caused by worms such as sipunculids, polychaetes and cirripeds. The most important agents of hard tissue boring were the sponges, particularly Cliona species, but the sea urchin Diadema was the most important erosive agent. Diadema grazes on corals for epilithic algae. Estimated bioerosion was 189 x 10 6 g per year of which half was due to Diadema. Hunter (1977) found that the echinoid D. antillarum produced about 97 metric tons/ha/year of sand on a Barbados fringing reef. Approx imately 65% of this was very fine sand to silt size and was quickly winnowed out of the sediment. The remainder was fine to coarse sand and probably the largest source of sediment on the reef. Waves and tidal currents are important transport, mechanisms of sediment from the reef into the lagoon. Studies of Clack and Mountjoy (1977) on sediment transport from the 15 reef in Cariacou, West Indies, showed that sand particles are first carried away from the reef by waves into the lagoon where tidal currents become the major means of transport and distribution. The littoral sand budget The relationship between the quantity of sediment on the beach and its environment can be better explained if the sources and sinks of the sediment are understood on a quantitative basis. As we have seen, sources of input are longshore transport, river transport, sea Cliff erosion, onshore transport, biogenous deposition, wind transport onto the beach and artificial beach nourishment. Losses of sand from an area can be through longshore transport, deposition in submarine canyons, aeolian transport inland, paralic sedimentation (e.g. lagoonal, shallow neritic, transportation of sand into deep water via submarine canyons), beachrock formation, solution, abrasion and mining activities. The balance of these factors will be either accretion, erosion or equilibrium of the beach. Littoral cells may be identified (Fig. 5) which limit the length of the beach and are usually found between two rocky promontories. Sand budgets can be formulated for each cell. Where no such compartments exist, it would be necessary to choose arbitrary boundaries. • 16 F0 0 LU BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY (Reef Contribution) u_ (+) (,) cc 01)11111, 11 11 (+) Iti COASTAL '4 D EROSION(+) PARAL1C SEDIMENTATION H BEACHROCK (-) FORMATION ea (-OH WIND COASTAL STREAMS ( ) (Hinterland Contribution) LOSSES FROM LITTORAL SAND BUDGET PARALIC SEDIMENTATION BEACHROCK FORMATION WIND FIG. H=(-1-) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LITTORAL SAND BUDGET COASTAL STREAMS COASTAL EROSION BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY WIND 5. Hawaiian littoral cell. (From Chamberlain,1968). Particles produced by the reef flora and fauna are frequently transported through a complex series of reef environments before being brought onto the beach as observed by Chamberlain (1968) for Hawaii. He identified two types of reservoirs through which the sand passes as it is transported from the reef: the nearshore and beach reservoirs. Any channel or depression across the nearshore zone acts as a trap for the sand. The largest channels across the reef, some of which are ancient river courses, contain reservoirs 17 of sand that can be measured in millions of cubic yards. Depressions in the reef flat also trap sand and the volume of sand found in locations such as the Waimanalo Reef in Hawaii can be several millions of cubic yards per square mile of reef. Sand reservoirs can also be found in the river mouths of islands. It has been suggested (Tait, 1972) that sediment loss from the reef could be due to water circulations set up by breaking waves on the reef. This model showed that water levels on the outer edge of sea-level reefs may be raised by as much as 20% of the incident wave height above the mean water level just seaward of the reef. This wave set-up creates water circulation through passages in the reef. This hypothesis is supported by observations of Inmann et al. (1963) who suggested that the channel through Kapaa Reef on Kauai, Hawaii was subject to scour from rapid currents heading out to sea. However, Moberly (1968) has attributed channels to lower sea stands of sea-level. Erosion The phenomenon which is most striking and of concern to people living near the beach is erosion. The factors which lead to erosion have already been mentioned above and they may act singly or in combination. In tropical areas, erosion may be observed if there is a decrease in biological activity • 18 of coral reef organisms leading to a reduction in sediment supply. Low precipitation on the hinterland may result in a reduction in transport of weathered basaltic materials that streams carry to the beaches. Abrasion can be a significant process for losing sand (Moberly, 1968) as experiments have shown that calcium carbonate particles are easily abraded (Kuenen, 1966). Longshore transport can be significant in erosion in certain places. McGowen et al. (1977) reported that about 60% of the Gulf shoreline of Texas was in an erosional state. Erosion was more rapid along peninsulas and deltaic headlands because waves approach them at an angle. Longshore currents are thus generated which transport sand away from the area. As wave direction is closely related to wind direction, shifts in wind direction can cause changes in the shoreline. Emery (1963) observed that erosion of certain sand beaches on the east side of Kauai, north side of Oahu and Maui, Hawaii, was probably due to a shift in wind directions as noted between 1908 and 1925 and 1925 and 1943. Harvay (1978) noted an average dune recession between 1948 and 1977 of 27 metres at Waihi Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Sand-loss rates averaged 3.4 m 3 per metre of beach per year. The basic reason for beach erosion here was attributed to a lack of sediment to supply the littoral drift. Natural processes at some beaches, however, can maintain 19 them in long-term equilibrium. Campbell (1972) made an assessment of selected Hawaiian beaches for the period 1962 to 1972. A plot of total volume of beaches against time (Iig. 6) showed no major long-term change on any of the islands. Individual gains and losses tended to balance out for each island. 2.0 a a • 1 .0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 4 8 1962 12 4 8 1963 12 12 1971 4 8 1972 MONTH OF MEASUREMENT FIGURE 6. Size of selected beach-sand reservoirs, Hawaiian Islands. Measurements of 1962-63 compared with those of 1971-72. (From Campbe11,1972). 20 Effects of storms on beaches Storms can have far-reaching geomorphological effects on coasts and beaches. During storm surges waves_can break material or erode beaches further - up the beach and pile u p depending on circumstances. Severe erosion of Siletz spit,on the Oregon_coast during the winter of 1972-73 resulting in the destruction and damage to houses was reported by Komar and Rea (1975). The causes of erosion werestorm-generate d rip currents hollowing out large embayments on the beach. Siletz beach is a pocket beach and it was suspected that sand mining had disrupted the natural beach sand budget. As the volume of beach was • decreased it was unable to protect coastal property from wave attack. Storm erosion of Siletz spit was again reported in 1976 (Komar and McKinney, 1977). There are many reports of changes brought to shorelines in tropical and subtropical areas by storms. Ogg and Koslow (1978) found the following changes on the beaches of Guam after the passage of a typhoon on the island in 1976. The north and eastern sides were exposed to wave heights of 4.5 to 8.0 metres above MLLW. Most of the vegetation to a height of 3 to 4 metres above MLLW was removed. Preztyphoon beach slopes of 8° to 10° decreased to gentle 3° to 5° slopes and the beach extended seaward by 5 to 10 metres. Fig. 7 shows the modification and recovery of a typical beach profile 21 on Guam. An estimated 20 m 3 of material per metre of beach face was removed. Morton (1976) reported that erosion due to a hurricane at Florida was as much as 30 m 3 per metre of beach face and Tanner (1976) found an average lowering of the beach profile of over 0.8 metre. PEREZ BEACH PROFILES RECOVERY NEARLY COMPLETE 10° 4 2 10 20 30 40 50 6}0 70 80 90 100 110 120 METERS FIGURE 7: Typhoon modification and stages of recovery of typical beach profile. The typhoon waves swept Banc seaward to form a wide, gently sloping beach. Surf and wind action had begun to move the displaced sand landwarC at the time of the survey, creating a beach ridge. This landward transport will continue until the beach regains iti pretyphoon profile. (Prom Ogg una KoSIOW,1978). Formation of a nearly continuous rubble rampart 18 Km long on the outer edges of the south-eastern reef flats on Funafuti Atoll was reported by Maragos et al. (1973) after the passage of a cyclone. An estimated 1.4 x " 10 6 m 3 of 22 material originating from submarine reef slopes was moved. However, only 5% of this was derived from recently living reef corals Acropora, Pocillopora and Pavona. The material which was separated from the island by a moat 2 to 50 metres wide was gradually being moved ashore and it was presumed this process may play a significant part in accretion of and formation of atoll islets. Effects of recreation on beaches The beach is not only a place for recreation for people but often it also becomes a parking lot for vehicles. Though not apparent immediately such uses may affect beach processes. Carter (1980) studied the effects of recreation pressure on geomorphic processes on the Northern Ireland coast. He found that both people and vehicles alter the beach environment. Disturbance of the sand caused changes in moisture content, salt cohesion between small grains, increased compaction and resulted in affecting wave run-up and tidal translation. The beach was thus rendered more susceptible to surge and spring tides and resulted in foredune erosion. In undisturbed areas natural beach erosion and accretion tended to balance out. Adverse effects of off-road vehicles on beach and dune ecology are also reported by Godfrey and Godfrey (1980) for Cape Cod. 23 Other processes Coastlines in tropical areas are sometimes beach and dune deposits or reefs and shallow sediments that have been indurated by intertidal cementation subaerially. Notches found at the base of such structures have been attributed However,the to waves and solutional processes (Russel, 1963). (196 )show that these factors are only of Neumann s studies secondary and came to increase erosion already started through the activities of marine organisms. He noticed that the carbonate cliffs in Harrington Sound, Bermuda, were undercut by as much as 4 to 5 metres by a notch whose flat roof coincided closely with the level of extreme low tides. r The notches could not have been formed by physical processes as wave energy at that position would be relatively low. - mp , oratory experiments showed that the sponge Cliona la Lab found in the notches, is capable of destruction rates of 2 per 100 days or an erosion rate of 1 metre to 7 Kg per m 6 in 70 years. Fig. 8 is an attempt to show typical shore profiles, zonations of physical and chemical processes affecting carbonate coastlines. Profiles on the left are typical of the higher energy coastline of Bermuda's north and south shores. 24 1._JBA.ER I AL ZONE LITHO! OGY SPRAY ZONE 'INTERSTITIAL Cti ALGAE BEACHROCK REEFROCK EOLIANITE MARINE LMS. ----.., ALGAE r-P,' BRYOZOANS , WORMS A e-'‘T----. tg'. CORALS L ' ,..__ r,;;- 4-''''''',-'1,:,.. c.,,..r.--:.--..: MOLLUSCS LOW ENERGY t— 1.:f.e.„..— FIG. 8. Illustration of the general coastal morphology and zonation observed at Bemnida including notation of biological agents and processes associated with coastal erosion. (Fr om Neumann, 1 9 66 ) Beach and shoreline protection There are many beach and shore protection structures which have been evolved including seawalls, groins and breakwaters and each structure can be used in many different forms. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1979) categorize erosion-control measures into non-structural and-structural. Non-structural measures include no-action, regulation of shoreland uses, relocation of existing buildings away from eroding land, beach fill and nourishment, providing piling 25 support for a house and planting vegetation. Structural solutions include revetments, seawalls, groins, breakwaters and other devices which protect the shoreline from direct wave attack and control sand transport. Nordstom and Allen (1980) divide beach protection measures into static and dynamic categories. They remark that shorefront residents continue to retain a preference for static measures like seawalls and groins which give a feeling of permanence and appear to be a good return on investment. Yet an increased emphasis for improving beaches for recreation and wildlife habitat, as well as for protection, demands the consideration of more environmentally compatible methods. The major problems of static structures pointed out are that they often result in an irreversible commitment of resources, reduce attractiveness of the shoreline for recreation and many of them do not favor the formation of a beach. Dynamic measures are distinguished from static ones in that their forms are allowed to be freely worked by waves, currents, winds and biological processes to achieve a dynamic equilibrium between the features and the environment. The habitat and recreational functions of the beach are not destroyed. Nordstom and Allen (1980) summarize data for static and dynamic methods for beach and shoreline protection in Tables 1 and 2. They propose beach fill as a solution to Table Static measures of shore protection. (From i. ordstom and. Alleu, 1980) Form of Protection Function Traditional Method of Construction Traditional Construction Materials Groins Barrier to movement of sand alongshore. Intended to reduce rate of longshorc transport. Creates wider beach on updrift side and starves downdrift side. Impermeable, extending perpendicular to shoreline from backshore into water normally beyond breaking waves. Stone, riprap, concrete, wood, sheet pile, cribs Prevent undermining and slumping of backshore surface. Protect backshore from attack by swash and small waves. Stabilize shoreline position. Do not favor beach creation. Impermeable, parallels . shoreline at contact between beads and upland. Same as groins. None Same as above plus chemical soil solidification, synthetic nylon mat, plastic erosion control fabric, woven wire netting. Prevent attack of backshore by large waves and stabilize the shoreline position. Do not favor beach creation. Same as bulkhead. Usually, riprap or concrete but other materials as above. None None-few of the construction materials above offer sufficient strength. Revetments Dissipate wave or swash energies on sloping, immobile surface. Secondary function as seawall. Do not favor beach creation. Variable Same as seawalls None See groins and bulkheads Breakwaters Energy filter designed to dissipate wave energies and reduce erosive effects of waves. Energy shadow favors deposition from updrift sources and starves beach downdrift. Offshore in depths which cause waves to be reflected without breaking or submerged to allow larger waves to break (not directly on the structure). Usually stone riprap but can be other materials as indicated under groins. Construction with unconsolidated material (see "mounds" in Table 3). Floating breakwater, bubbling breakwaters, artificial seaweed. Materials mentioned above, sand mounds, stretched polypropylene foam strands (artificial seaweed), plastic reeds attached to concrete base, floating tires. Foreshore obstructions (Perched Beach) Low cost, beach parallel structure designed to create swash zone deposition. Development stage N/A Located within swash zone (some permeable) creating perched beaches. Concrete blocks, gabions, filled bags, Longard tubes. Bulkheads Seawalls Non-Traditional Method of Construction Impermeable or very • low, creating baffle for deposition or allowing some transport to downdrift beach. New Construction Material Gabion mesh baskets filled with stone, Longard tubes (permeable polyethylene), acrylic or nylon bags filled with sand or grout, asphalt, nami rings, artificial vegetation, compressed solid waste, junk cars, ships or barges are possible but unsightly. • 27 Table 2 Dynamic methods of shore protection (see CERC, 19771 for jnore complete dis- cussim( From Nordstom and Allen,1980). Purpose Construction Materials Beads fill Increase protection afford. Hydraulic pipeline or ed by beach and provide trucking with recreational space bulldozing. Sand Dunes Barrier against flooding, reservoir of sand to replace beach losses. Sand (plus structures) to interrupt air stream Offshore mound Dampen wave energies, Dumping from barges Sand (larger particles provide a reservoir of would be static) sand for eventual onshore migration Vegetation Stabilize slopes, make Planting unconsolidated sediments more resistant, damper wave, swash, and wind energies, trap sand, improve habitat Provide wind break (fences, vegetation), bulldozing Seedlings the severe erosion problem occuring at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. This beach is losing sand at the rate of 270,000 m3 per year. Dunes 6.1 m high are planned as a source of beach material during periods of erosion and for protection of property on the backshore. These recommendations agree with those of Carter (1980) who suggested that some flexibility must be retained in beach protection measures to allow both physical and biological processes room to operate. He noted that erection of solid barriers only leads to further changes of the shoreline. The following quotation from Burka (1974) is worth noting here: "In no area of coastal management is the futility of man's efforts more evident than in his struggle to control 28 the shape of the shoreline. He has erected concrete barricades against the sea; he has constructed jetties far out into the ocean; he has piled rocks in the water; he has tried to trap precious sand with groins of every design; and he has even diverted the course of rivers. His few successes in shaping the contours of the seashore are insignificant compared to the untold acres of beach which have been lost because of man's activities. Erosion is a function of natural processes--primarily the supply of sand and the intensity of wave action--and the only truly effective means of controlling erosion is to cooperate with these natural processes." Effects of sand mining Sand recovery from the beach can have direct effects on it by a reduction in its volume as not only is the sand budget disturbed but the ability of the beach to give protection to the backshore is reduced as observed by Komar and Rea (1975). Sand recovery from the lagoon can have direct and indirect effects on the lagoon and the beach. Indirect effects will result from the alteration of the lagoon and reef environments thereby adversely affecting flora and fauna contributing to sediment formation. Sand dredging activities appear primarily to affect the environment by turbidity increases of the water and deposition • 29 of fine particles. Coral growth has been observed to be reduced by suspension of particles (Dodge, 1974). Brock et al. (1966) found that there was a significant decrease in the growth of corals, echinoderms and fishes in the lagoon of Johnston Atoll. Suspension of fine sediments continue long after the end of the dredging activity and cause coral mortality (Grigg, 1970). Preliminary observations (S. Seeneevassen-MacKay, personal communication) on the effects of sand dredging in the lagoon in Mauritius indicate that the flora and fauna are adversely affected by fine silt deposition and anaerobic conditions. Conditions were observed to improve after the passage of a cyclone, thestorm flushing the area affected. Salvat et al. (1979) made a comprehensive study of the effects of sand dredging on the lagoon of Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia. They found direct and indirect effects. Madreporite corals were slowly buried and could not resist the high load of fine sediments in the water. Algae readily colonized the modified environment. The diversity of molluscs decreased, certain species like Tridacna maxima having disappeared; herbivorous species, viz. Cypraea obvelata, C. moneta and Cantharus fumosus increa s ed considerably. Fish species diversity declined with increase in numbers of Pomacentridae, Mullidae, and Scorpaenidae. Nursery areas of lagoon fish were certainly damaged and could 30 have adverse repercussions on adult fish stocks. Use of the Submarine Sand Recovery System (SSRS) developed by Casciano (1973) for sand dredging in Hawaii did not cause any turbidity or siltation problems (Maragos et al., 1977). The effects were localized and temporary. But mechanical damages were done to the coral communities by the settling and dragging of anchors and steel cables used to anchor the platform and buoys during the operation. No direct harm was done to fish populations and no erosional effects were noted on the beaches. The contrasting observations of Salvat et al. (1979) and Maragos et al. (1979) lie in the different methods used for sand recovery, the one used in Hawaii being adapted to lessen effects on the environment. Sand dredging in the lagoon should be looked at with skepticism as the method which may be used is most likely to be less environmentally compatible than that used in Hawaii. Mauritius coast and beaches Mauritius is located in the South-East Trades belt and eighty percent of the wind blows from the Southeast and east. Swells, therefore, arrive from these directions generally but can also Come from the west due to the presence of anticyclonic cells formed in the subtropical high (also called the Mascarenes High) during winter. The fetch is • 31 exceptionally long from any direction as the island occupies an isolated position in the ocean. A number of cyclones pass near or over the island every year and the associated wind systems generate swells which may arrive at the coast from any direction. The coastline of Mauritius is 208 km long. Fig. 9 shows the different coastal forms that can be found on the 57',7 I 30' I I 1 Mauritius x 45' I xv„ix. x x I x COASTAL FORMS x xx • Z 0̀.— ...,,;,7.71 7 , .,...- '''Cals'' Alternate low boulder headland lalheureux __, L' i.,.. 1 coral sand pockets . .-.F-K, ; 4, F_:---1 Low angle shingle - mud flat L7,g High cliff coast _ 1:::?7:.:] Coral sand beaches .d .X----° x— ..14 x — 0: oa x.<2.5-;„.. L Late Younger I Early }volcanic series I _23. )77X x Esperance --.:-:i s?. Older volcanic series.: •• — e"-- x l!.. n ilco; 4", x .cy PORT LOUIS A col ianite .-,: I • '.. • Ca erPsl'... c ? ..Beach -'J 'Y t4 rock • -70 '' A 0111110e (5!),.e;N TISO:a4b -• . '2, n " ,,R, N 15 VA , O n— 'C... .,;., 4., , 7Tho , "\ ahebourg 0 ,.._ LE,-1----: -.'C:1:1 -. 4 ----I l' x X x X 'General gctikNv after Sannson. 19701 5, :7 418V : ,.. _ x —s. CU REPIPE '. % glittoyo '/ ,,,, I 0 7, \ ...„, — II ' ''.' I , 1,.._s \'',-., X xxx - I 37 )1. . ,,:S, o /.." I Fig.9..Mauritius, index map.( o Imma=m•r. _ I —30' I ”. From McIntire , 1 961 ) . 32 island. Coastal processes are dominated by the presence of a fringing reef which encircles the island almost completely except for gaps on the south and west sides. The reef flat forms a complete barrier between the lagoon and the ocean as shown in the cross-section (Fig. 10) of a windward reef on the south-east of the island at Mahebourg. Oceanic swells break and lose their energy on the reefs, which thus protect the beaches and coast from these high energy waves. Semidiurnal tidal ranges are small with a mean range of 1.1 feet and spring range of 1.6 ft. at Port Louis. OUTER SLOPE GROOVE-SPUR ZONE REEF FLAT BOULDER ZONE ACROPORA ZONE PAVONA ZONE SEA GRASS. ZONE H5 a 2'31 s r11.10 Pavan° divaricata Pavona decussata Galatea fascicular's lyinadoCoa Syringoalvm 130ttlfallurfi o ° NWS a :WS "<\ Paroti than onkOdes Pia ty9yra Leptorio Pot illopora Acropora Favi tea Porto O SOm Fig. 10. onation of a windward reef, near Mahebourg, Mauritius. [After Pichon (1967).] ‘From Jones and Endean,1973). Beaches consist of sand, pieces of coral (Plate 1), basaltic gravel, boulders and mud. Terrigenous sediments BEACH 33 are important on the east coast in calm bays (Baissac et al., 1962). Beach rock formations are found in certain places. The volume of sand on beaches seems to be directly related to the presence of coral reefs in Mauritius. Beach development is most pronounced where the distance to the reef is shortest (Plates 1 and 2 ). Where the reef is distant from the coast, as in the south-east of the island, beach volumes are smaller and mud flats may occur in small bays. Pocket beaches are, however, present between headlands. Cliffy coasts exist in sectors along the south and west coasts where coral reefs are absent. Beach erosion in Mauritius has not been studied in a regular fashion partly due to lack of people trained in this field. Spectacular changes are reported in the news, however. Erosion of the Flic-en-Flac beach and foreshore was reported earlier in 1980 when spring tides coupled with swells from a distant cyclone laid the roots of Casuarina trees bare down to depths of three to four feet. The only published data on beach erosion are from McIntire and Walker (1961) who visited the island about five months after the passages of two cyclones near and on Mauritius in 1960. Tropical cyclones Alix and Carol passed 20 miles west of and across Mauritius respectively during January and February, 1960. The effects of Carol on the geomorphology of the island was much greater than for Alix. Plate 1: Sandy beach with coral debris,Trou aux Biches,Mauritius'i* Fe - , , „ • • .14, A \,1 _ ••`:, ▪ • 1. g"4; • • : • • ••,' -.; 5 ;", • • • • •,;: - , ■••_. - ; ;,i,..;.%:,.1-v!..1, ...‘,9;.,1,.;,,.!--_ , ..„-.:. d.- -, y ,, %I.-, , 4 ..;-;.-':_:r -,.:,.:4 0' )..;.,3 ,....-_.,..:,.....,..:.(xv:1;!•::4-.,;:,-.0,-tti". 6 .q-.;....1.V,, i': ,.-r...9:-.1_';'... 'eco•:.'N's,..$ 1.14-47:1,7‘•• -7]t --e..,,a‘...7. ..nL .-:. f.,' *,...-,...) - :N.o. ,IVA .';'T F.'.",;.,,t - -"...;-:,:v 'e,. -1. 4 -.471,...i..' '-‘` 1 '''-u.f:'-'7.4-i-t .. . %).... 7 '.' .f.. .,,:„,...^ b.L..r?1 0-.;3.;?"-'•:" , 1 .- i''-...',-4:--. Orr: - .. --- -0- ....".. 1 ;AV-.'1.7J0 '' 7;4; • •: ° ,...V i . eft r .:LI-L..ti„,...ro",;•wr:- ..-".7--. ' ...4c,..,..4,-Ve,:c7:i01.1.N4e4,....;•0-; .i.,...k., • .. r . ■.: , - _'7. ....$ ,.• -. -,..,;„.. " ': -- . 1': ■'• .-.Fle,.r...'';' .-"4.%Zrri-V'-' r . --0,-7r-tvre..., ;:-,7^1;,,I,Ir''':.',ir•-ii.. rte'4:•, .41'''?: VI ! ..t. i '''' tt-- • -C ...-j ,' .....,:,..•- ..r.• -... 4R-' r 4.— it• •+-. 4.....Wftit If ../.: : ; .40,.... . -4' '-• '% ' 4 ' '. i • .S,,..'''.1;C.. .... ••.:r..e. • . ..7'.. - : .-? ....•_ o-ip. --. : t.• ',1 ,,I..._ .1 ..........:_s , 4,-,r, e_. . ......• ..",..„,....,...1, .. ........ , :I. t,-r • :...L' ••• . ......a •, ..r'. ...r" .10.r-,0..,,. .1---, ..; ...-, . .1..P.'' • , /... ... .1. • • t, • 4*S. "'‘ • •••• " ••• - ......., -7 ■•••.-....:iii " ' -• • • • 4. • .s ' .* .. .'':.:A P . - ..• :..',K2 a. o,... . . -- -1. 7 •- .* •4"' r•Air • . • ,z • r , .rr •r. - • • .b.g4 7,.. l e • sp. k.-,,T44c • -r . ••• 1". - .en - !Al • - . . '0040. ••( • L. •-14,241. r •.. J . , - , 7 .11 ' • td ;Ire- - • I'. • • i: .■• - •ej:,P..r L 4•1•4• • 4.. • -1 "-* .•* ,C ;• .,•-• • • • '. - A 4." • 7: ▪ " rit- .4••1.11 w" ..-R• ( N.: . • • 1. 4' IN, ;.;•.„. • ..!: ; ;AX.,i7; 1•4 wk • '4.i. ' t . • 4 ' 01, -• . w• •, - • ' • • , • hi114 1,V•if f r • 't 1......44( • • - •• N • • L j. S • 4»p: %-r. "!• t , r- • "•4 4,.- 41v,.•,.r 11 •• 6. •• ' e• ,se,-;.1; • ,L Li „ •• . .7; -, • _ ''— 7. '. i - 111 - _. ...:"i■•• HC'rlt:..'; ,et.:,•-4:p •• . ,•^ .1 zo%.. A k..., . - - • iv_ • •+ • 7: • •■. 0 ; r d-■ -Pe . • 0.; r . aSr;i1r, . • •••• ‘ ka . '1- •/' 4 sl • R - -441 •-. 11 • ' " 'it' • h.. .:•-•••,, - ibr 7', • .0.1 • • ,741,1-1, - 1- •r!i , s - • IgZ.; .tt , t 1,1,1lraitt o Plate 2:Pronounced beach development,Tamarin,Mauritius. , • V.4 .1..ro, 36 During the passage of Carol, barometric pressure dropped to 942 mb and the tide record at Port Louis showed a rise of 2.75 feet. The total rise in water level over predicted high tide can be accounted for by the reduction in barometric pressure (taking 35 mb drop in barometric pressure as equivalent to a rise of 1 foot in water level). Flotsam heights measured round the island varied between 5 and 12 feet (Pig. 11). Highest levels occurred in places where reefs were absent in the south. Surveys of beach profiles were made around the island and compared with prestorm profiles. Fig.°12 shows the results obtained on some selected beaches. It was noted that the distance between the reef and coast was important. For short distances considerable erosion occurred. Beaches of low profiles such as a and c in F ig. 12 were overtopped by waves and sand was carried inland reducing the volume remaining on the foreshore. Where overtopping did not occur, the foreshore was widened and flattened during the cyclone. As the cyclone abated and the sea-state returned to normal, sediments accumulated on the foreshore. Gravel and small blocks of coral were transported and covered many poststorm beaches, in some cases, to the upper limit of wave wash. The wind transported sand to the backshore and deposited it in a thin veneer up to several hundred feet inland. Pre•storm Profile Post.storm Profile, Pori•storre Profile Post- tiorm Pod FEET storm Beach Crest . q0 ins 60 FEET . VS/. . . . . ' ..• •.•... Souillac 30 . . . • . :. • : .:* ''''' • h. Pte.d'Ariambel 10 I 0 Bench Rock I. MAURITIUS:. o Le Morne iclad 0 . Fite cn Flacq 10 k. Pte.aux Piments „.„ 11► • Crrta Sect. CS .LS11 poqstom - bench. profiles with accompanying maps to show location( and relationships McIntire and talker 1°64). .1 9 .10 ' etween the shore and reef-front distance. Carte Sect..CSI.LSU I. Cap Malheureux • 39 Concluding remarks General The beach is one element in the complex system of the coastal zone. In low latitudes it is intimately related to the lagoon and coral reef surrounding islands. The beach is both nourished with sediments from the reef and protected from high energy oceanic waves by the reef and lagoon. Beach protection on these islands becomes synonymous with protecting the lagoon and reefs, that is, the coastal zone. The components of the coastal zone are in delicate balance and any human activities imposed upon them should be such that they minimize the effects on the system. However, as Dahl (1977) has remarked, most tropical islands face an acute lack of understanding of their coastal processes. Ways of rapidly collecting information on these processes and making sound management decisions on coastal resources remain a challenge for such islands. Mauritius With a resident population of 900,000 inhabitants and a yearly influx of more than 150,000 tourists from foreign countries the available beach length per person is about 20 cm. Due to private occupation of beach fronts about less than 10 cm of beach is available to the general public. 40 Recreational activities bring lots of off-road vehicles on dunes and the beach scarp. Vegetation such as the filao, Casuanina equisetifolia and the grass, Stenotaphrum dinidiatum play crucial roles in stabilizing sand dunes but they are coming under increasing pressure from people and vehicles. Though sand mining directly from the beach is prohibited, sand quarrying in old dune deposits has been permitted, the sand being extensively used in the construction industry. The reef flat and sand bars behind the reefs are also exploited for sand in some localities especially on the east and southeast coast. However, as old dune deposits are becoming exhausted, the attention of companies is moving towards the lagoon sand reservoirs and mechanical sand removal using suction pumps. This will change the whole picture as not only will the volume of sand removed be at a greater rate but also widespread suspension of sediments may occur leading to unpredictable changes in lagoon environment and ecology. The present equilibrium between the lagoon sand reservoirs and the beach will be disturbed leading to erosion of beaches as the beach-lagoon system attempts to attain a new equilibrium level. Shorefront property will come under direct attack of waves and storm conditions will bring about even more destruction. 41 It would be advisable, therefore, to study our beaches now before any change is brought so as to understand their processes and predict any changes. Beach profiles, seasonal, yearly and irregular (due to cyclones) can be studied. Beach composition can be studied to find out relative importance of sources of sediments. Lagoonal circulations will have to be studied to predict effects of currents on sediment transport. These studies can be carried out jointly by the Ministry of Fisheries and the University of Mauritius. Suggested methods of study (Emery, 1961 and Stephen, 1977) for beach profiles are given in the appendix. In the meanwhile other sources of sand for the construction industry must be looked into. Rock sand is at present produced from crushing basalt boulders but sold at a price which is about 30% more than for "natural" sand. Moreover, we can expect the price of sand to increase as the sources on land are exhausted making rock sand more competitive on the market. Another possibility is to look for sand resources on the outer slope of the reef where sand recovery is expected to have no effect on the lagoon and beach environments. 42 Acknowledgments I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Dr. V. T. Neal for his help, suggestions and advice on working on this project. I am grateful also to Dr. P. D. Komar of the School of Oceanography for his comments and for reading the manuscript. My thanks to Joseph Farrell (former student in the Marine Resource Management Program) for his help and encouragement. In particular, my thanks to the Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program of the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, for having sent me literature related to this project. Thanks also to the Oregon State University and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (I.O.C.) of UNESCO for having sponsored my studies at this university. PP• APPENDIX. &,teL'it* (0 A SIMPLE METHOD OF MEASURING BEACH PROFILES ( Emery ,K C For at least 15 years the writer has measI tired profiles of beaches using a simple rapid method. Other students of beaches have frequently inquired about the method and /. its accuracy, indicating that the method is not well known. This summary is intended to satisfy both kinds of requests. The method requires .only two wooden rods, each 5 ft long and about one inch by fr.. 1. Sketch of equipment—two wooden ,- 5 ft long and marked off in feet and tenths of ;4 _41sed for measuring profiles of beaches. It .k. beach. The observer holding the land! rod rod aligns his eye with the top of the award rod and the horizon. He then reads ' of records the distance down from the top I; hi; own rod of the point which is inter' ,-f ed by this line of sight ( Fig. 1), interpo: e to hundredths of a foot. Assuming the ,..,e of sight to be level, this distance is a x asure of the difference in elevation of the the two points that are 5 ft apart ( in riiple of Figure 1, the difference in t , esil ch ;' .irent elevation is 0.53 ft 1. Where the l ,:^ ,i.j el, has a backslope, the difference in die.j. ion can be read by the same observer aligning the top of his own rod with the ,Y uen and reading the intersection on the ,ward rod. To continue the profile, one of r ods is moved to a point 5 ft on the oppo...side of the other rod and a second read-. ..•is made. Profiles can be measured either ,t -., ine rods toward the sea or away ...., movin g the sea. For fixing the direction of ....0 qe the convention has been adopted of .ii,,,4 the differences in elevation as minus I ...bts according to whether the leading rod , lo wer or higher than the following one. ,nail)', the differences in elevation are ,..tined up and plotted against horizontal ;,-13nCe in order to obtain a profile across ", m iole width of the beach. csually the profiles extend from the base j; sea cliff or a point on the landward side 41 beach to below water level. True eleva0 sometimes can he determined from a ...enientl)encli mark, but more commonly . ,,,,st lx' estimated from the depth of water , 1 96 1 ) . one inch in cross-section. Notches are cuts` 1-ft intervals along each rod, with smalls notches at 'So-ft intervals throughout! least a foot at one end. A minor elaboration is a small wooden pad about 4 in. squao nailed to one end of each rod to prevent the rod from sinking into loose sand. In use, the rods are held vertically one rod length apart in a line to be extended acrog at the seaward end of the profile as compared with a table of predicted tide. Where comparison of profiles at different times is desired, it is often sufficient merely to relate each set of measurements to a stake or other ix•rmanent reference point. As it test of the reproducibility and accuracy of the method profiles were measured three times, With three different readers, over the same line across a beach near Santa Monica, California ( Fig. 2 ). The results (Table .1) show a surprising consistency, with readings across individual 5-ft sections having a mean difference of 0.013 ft and a maximum of 0.05 ft. The greatest differences occurred on the soft upper part of the beach where the rods could sink slightly, on the steeper part where a small difference, of rod position made a large difference in elevation, or in the swash zone where water movement undermined the rods. When summed up as complete profiles (Table 1), the mean difference at any point was 0.035 ft and the maximum was 0.18 ft. The difference generally becomes greater with distance from the starting point because of the accumulative tendency of the errors; however, the maximum difference is less than twice the width of the line representing the profile on Figure 2. For somewhat more precise work an allowance should he made for the fact that the line of sight to the horizon is not quite horizontal, Owing to curvature of the earth surface. The angle between the horizon and a level line increases according to the height of the observer above the water, but on beaches this height is such that the angle is only a few minutes (Table 2 ). When curvature correction is applied to the measured profile, it is obvious that the true slope is slightly greater than the measured apparent slope. For the profile of Table 1 and Figure 2 the true slope is steeper by 0.12 ft in a distance of 160 ft, or by less than 0°0:3'. On profiles of several hundred feet length this correction may become important. Where the horizon cannot be seen, as from a lake beach, the true slope can still be obtained, hilt the approximate distance to the opposite shore or other reference point must 92 NOTES AND COMMENT TABLE 1. Horizontal distance 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 12.5 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 Comparison of beach profiles made with rods and and with plane table (1: Rod readings A B Elevations from rods C -.36 -.35 - .35 _ .90 _ .23 - .24 - .12 - .13 - .13 -.05 -.06 - .06 +.0 +.01 +.01 - .13 - .13 - .13 - .08 - .05 - .06 - .20 - .20 - .21 - .21 - .20 - .20 .49 - .50 - .50 - .69 - .68 - .68 - .76 -.78 - .77 - .70 - .70 - .70 - .76 - .75 - .75 .64 -.64 - .66 - .95 - .93 - .94 - .92 - .90 - .95 - .72 - .74 - .74 - .68 - .67 - .69 .63 - .64 - .66 - .57 -.56 - .57 - ..57 - .57 - .58 - .52 - .52 - .52 - .46 - .45 - .46 - .42 - .41 - .41 - .38 - .38 - .38 - .33 - .33 - .33 -.30 - .30 - .31 -29 - .30 - .29 24 - .21 - .20 - .22 .19 - .17 - .17 - .16 - .14 - .17 - .14 Varia- Corr. for Cumu- Corrected Elevation E.ev. by lion elevation lative memo elevation by per 5 ft Corr. C plane table Eev. b1 F. A B C A, B, C 15.00 14.64 14.92 14.30 14.25 14.26 14.13 14.05 13.85 13.64 13.15 12.46 11.70 11.00 10.24 9.60 8.65 7.73 7.01 6.33 5.70 5.13 4.56 4.04 3.58 3.16 2.78 2.45 2.15 1.86 1.62 1.40 1.23 1.09 15.00 14.6.5 14.42 14.29 14.23 14.24 14.11 14.06 '13.86 13.66 13.16 12.48 11.70 11.00 10.2.5 9.61 8.68 7.78 7.04 6.37 5.73 5.17 4.60 4.08 3.63 3.11 2.84 2.51 1.11 1.91 1.70 1.50 L33 1.16 15.00 14.65 14.41 14.28 14.22 14.23 14.10 14.04 13.83 13.63 13.13 12.45 11.63 10.98 10.23 9.57 8.63 7.68 6.94 6.25 5.59 5.02 4.44 3.92 3.46 3.05 2.67 2.34 2.03 1.74 1.54 1.35 1.19 1.05 0.00 .01 .01 .02 .03 .03 .03 .02 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .04 .05 .10 .10 .12 .14 .15 .16 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 .18 .17 .16 .15 .14 .11 he known in order to make the computations. A check on the profiles which were measured with rods was made by a telescopic TABLE. 2. Correction for curctiture of earth surface ( From Boss-ditch, American Practical Navigator ) Eye height (ft) Angle to horizon Vertical difference for 5 ft horizontal distance. 0 5 10 15 0°00Ur 0°02'11" 0°03'06" 0°03'48" 0°04'23" 0°04'54" (1.0000 .0030 .0045 .0055 .0063 .0072 20 2,5 0.005 .00.5 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .003 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 .002 .002 .002 .002 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 0.00 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .06 .06 .07 .07 .08 .0t, . .08 .09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 15.00 14.69 14.40 14.26 19.20 14.20 14.07 14.00 13.79 13.58 13.08 12.39 11.62 10.91 10.16 9.49 '8.55 7.60 6.85 6.16 5.50 4.92 4.34 3.82 3.35 2.94 2.56 2.23 1.92 1.63 1.42 1.23 1.07 15.00 14.64 14.40 14.2.5 14.18 14.18 14.02 13.95 13.72 13.49 12.99 12.30 11.51 10.80 9.99 9.39 0.00 .00 .00 .01 6.10 5.46 4.86 4.29 3.76 3.30 2.88 250 2.14 1.87 1.50 1.36 1.20 0.95 .06 .04 .06 .05 .06 .05 .06 .06 .09 .05 .13 .06 .03 .12 .02 .05 .05 .07 .09 .09 .11 .11 .17 alidade on a plane table and a stadia rc The result (Table 1) shows differences th-: are the same order as those between r results obtained with rods by differe: observers. The use of a surveyor's alid2: or level avoids- the problem of aecumulat: error inherent in use of the rods, but it more subject to error of reading off elev, tion. Usually where an alidade or a level used, the beach profile is drawn on the bps of fewer points than are obtained with tr 5-ft rods. In addition to their greater spec. the wooden rods are useful in remote are; where heavier and expensive surveyor's i: struments may not he easily available. 93 15 0 ZS . 50 DISTANCE IN FEET 75 100 I 125 150 i J td la ..J W t: ol — . \ \ Z W I W C '''..'........„............„..„___......._,._....., I.Id Li) LL SWASH ZONE 0 I ; I 1 F ic . 2.. Profile of beach at Will Rogers Beach State Park about two miles northwest of Santa Monica, califomia, the site of repeated measurements of Table I. Rased on measurements of Table I by observer Cuxorr-xted for earth curvature. It is possible that other workers may find the simple wooden rods useful for measuring profiles of beaches to determine seasonal I nd other cyclic changes with respect to graves, to relate slope to grain size of sand, Ind for other purposes. For most such objectives the method appears to possess sufficient accuracy, particularly in view of the fact that the presence of cusps and other irregularities produce local variations in profile which are greater than the error of measurement by the rods. K. 0. EMERY University of Southern California Los. Angeles, California JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, VOL. 47, No. 1, P. 860-863 Flo. I, JUNE 1977 Copyright Q 1977, The Society of Economic Paleontologist. and Mineralogists (if) ONE-MAN PROFILING METHOD 861 A ONE-MAN PROFILING METHOD FOR BEACH STUDIES' W. J. STEPHEN' Terrain Sciences Division, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K IA 0E8 AssntacT: An instrument system is described whereby beach profiles may be surveyed by one man without the aid of a field assistant. The accuracy of the method is tested and shown to give results within about i .07 feet vertically with traverse legs less than .10 in Itoriconl it l distance. 'the procedure has additional appeal because the equipment Is Inexpensivefret and portable and the profile can usually be completed more quickly than by using a level and rod. INTRODUCTION EQUIPMENT Studies of the coastal zone nearly always inThe equipment (Fig. 1), consists of a dozen clude measurements of changes to the subaer- lengths of thin gauge aluminum tubing, each ial beach profile over time. Most commonly, 2/3 inches long by 1/4 of an inch in diameter. An these are carried out at times of low tide, with inch of brightly colored tape is wound around a telescopic level and a surveying rod. Breaks the top of each tube for easy visibility, and the in slope along the shore-normal profile are tops are numbered from one to twelve. marked. Starting with a backsight to a bench- Number 8 fencing wire is run through each of mark on the backshore to establish a "height the tubes so that about 8 inches protrude from of instrument," the survey rod is sighted at the bottom, and a loop is formed on the top of each break in slope as the rod man progresses the wire to prevent it front falling through the seaward as far as is prudent. Elevations are tube. The sighting instrument is a clinometer calculated by subtracting the rod readings manufactured by Suunto of Helsinki, arid is from the "height of instrument," and horizon- widely available. It is of the floating card type, tal distances between the stations are calcu- graduated both in degrees and percent grade. lated front the interval between the upper and A brass frame with a ball joint on the bottom lower stadia hairs. is mounted on a standard camera tripod from This method, with only minor modifica- which the pan head ltas been removed. The tions, is the one in most widespread use and frame holds the clinometer by means of a has much to recommend it. It is simple, rea- knurled grub screen, and is hinged so that the sonably fast, and accurate. K. 0. Emery has clinometer may be tilted with a slow motion also developed a useful method of profiling tangent screw. A stainless steel spring holds that uses two men and two wooden rods, two hinged sections together, and provides eliminating the need for a telescopic level atheresistance against which the tangent screw (Emery, 1961). turns. The brass frame is constructed so that The purpose of this paper is to describe an the hinge axis intersects the optical axis of the alternative method of obtaining beach profiles instrument. In this way, the "height of instruwhich, while not intended to replace either of ment" remains constant as the clinometer is the techniques mentioned above, offers impor- b rought onto the target. The hinge pin is tapped tant advantages III that it is quicker and requires only one man with a minimum of to accept a small brass machine screw from the center of which extends a 12 inch equipment to carry out the survey. length of nylon monofilament. A small glass ' Manuscript received January 8, 1976; revised spirit level, encased in plastic tubing for proSeptember 22, 1976. tection and scaled at each end with nylon l'resent address: Beak Consultants Limited, plugs 3530—I IA Street N. E., Calgary, Alberta T2 E 61117. at-Dent is permanently mounted on the moitufil- the system will show that it is important that FIELD METHOD The beach profile is surveyed by walking it the hinge axis of the instrument be horizontal and that its elevation be coincident with the four times. On the first leg, the number one rod is run top of each rod. Coarse adjustment to these into the ground at the base station so that the requirements consists of simply pushing the bottom of the tube rests on the station, and the appropriate tripod leg deeper into the ground. rod is vertical. At the first break in slope the Fine adjustment of the horizontality of the number two rod is similarly placed so that the hinge axis is done by means of the ball joint bottom of the tube rests on the ground. The which is then locked in place. The instrument remaining rods are placed consecutively down is then raised or lowered to the same elevation the profile at each break of slope until a rod as the top of the aluminum rod using the rack has been placed at the top of the swash zone. and pinion on the center post of the tripod. On An extra rod is left there for later placement clear days the sea-sky horizon is used as a shore-parallel horizontal reference. On cloudy seaward of the swash limit. On the second leg, which is a return trip to days, or when the horizon is obscured, the the base station, the slope distances between monofilament is laid across the top of the alustations are chained and entered in the field- minum rod and the center post racked up or book. A short length of wire attached to the down until the bubble in the spirit level is cenend of the chain and run into the ground at tered. The top of the next rod on the profile is each station anchors it firmly enough for the then sighted and the clinometer brought on tape to be tensioned. After the slope distance is target by means of the tangent screw. The verrecorded, a light pull is sufficient to release the tical angle is read to the nearest one tenth of a degree and entered in the fieldbook. These tape front the ground. On the third, seaward kg, the instrument is steps are followed at each station until the one set close to the right-hand side of each alumi- at the top of the swash zone is reached. here num rod. A consideration of the geometry of the instrument is set up as before . and the most • 862 W. J. STEPHEN TABLE I.-Levelled and clinometer-derived station elevations (51 Base 10 20 30 40 50 60 • (2) A a 100.00 98.50 98.43 97.71 97.99 97.69 97.66 98.54 98.46 97.79 98.01 97.60 97.75 98.52 98.46 97.74 97.87 97.60 97.75 98.48 98.46 97.64 98.01 97.69 97.75 (5) 98.51 98.38 97.79 97.87 97.60 97.64 98.52 98.35 97.79 98.01 97.69 97.54 (4) (5) High Low M 98 .51 +.01 -.01 +.04 -.04 -.05 +.03 +.04 +.03 +.08 +.02 0.0 +.09 -.02 -.08 -.07 -.12 -.09 -.12 .02 .04 .07 .06 .05 .08 98.42 97.75 97.95 97.64 97.69 (I) Stations. 471 Levelled elevations for each 'lotion. (3) Llevation. calculated 1,0111 tIlitometer readings for five observers, (41 Mean station elevations calculated from five clinometer readings, (51 Deviations of mean station elevations from levelled elevations. (6) Mall)11111111 deviations of clinometer-derived elevations from levelled elevations. (7) Alvan values of the absolute difference' between the levelled elevation for each station and Its elevation La derived by clinometer. seaward station is placed and chained as the backwash recedes. Depending upon a number of variables including the swash period, the solidity of the lower foreshore sediments, the beach slope, and the nimbleness of the field man, the vertical angle to the top of the last rod can often be read before the next swash advance. This completes the surveying of the profile, and all that remains on the fourth and final leg is to pick up the equipment. At this time, of course, any notes on surface texture, vegetative cover, occurrence of cusps, etc. may also be made and related to each station. The field notes contain vertical angles and slope distances between each pair of numbered stations. These represent one angle and the hypotenuse, respectively, of a series of right angled triangles. The horizontal distance between stations may easily be found by multiplying the slope distance by the cosine of the vertical angle, and the difference in elevation by multiplying the slope distance by the sine of the vertical angle. DISCUSSION • The amount by which the station elevations along the profile depart from their true value depends primarily upon the accuracy with which the vertical angle is read. Specifically, at 10 feet, an angular error of one tenth of one degree subtends a difference in elevation of .0175 feet, Accordingly a good deal of care is necessary in reading the vertical angle. Unfortunately, the Suunto clinometers used by the writer commonly had significant index errors. Despite scale divisions of one degree which 863 ONE-MAN PROFILING METHOD with care can be estimated to one or two tenths of a degree, the writer found that even new units are sometimes in error by as much as two degrees. Although regrettable, this problem is easily remedied. By considering up-slope readings to be positive and down-slope readings to be negative, it follows that the algebraic suns of two reversed readings taken on any plane surface represents twice the instrumental error. Correction factors for the range of slopes to be measured which cancel this error can therefore be calculated by halving the instrumental error and changing the sign. The corrected angles are then used in all subsequent calculations. The practicability of using this method of surveying was confirmed on a number of natural beaches, but in order to empirically quantify both the precision and accuracy of the technique at various sighting distances, and hence its potential for application under a wider variety of topographic conditions, a simulated traverse was set up consisting of a base station and six profile stations located at successive ten-foot intervals down the section. Each of the profile stations was sighted in turn from Use instrument setup at the base station. Other than this uniform station spacing, the equipment used and the procedures followed were us described above. Arbitrarily setting the elevation of the base station to 100.00 feet, the elevation of each profile station was determined to within ±.01 feet with a rod and telescopic level. Five observers, none of whom had previous familiarity with the technique, were then asked to survey Iho profile timing the clinometer, The surveys were run intlepen- dently. The calculated results, with the values expressed in feet, are shown in Table I. Column 5, which may be regarded as the residual error in elevation at each station which remains after operator bias has been minimized, shows that the mean of the clinometer-derived values are in fairly close agreement with the levelled values. However, inasmuch as operator bias can not usually be reduced in a set of observations, column 7 is more indicative of the actual errors that can be expected ut Increasing distances down the profile. For example, at the 60-foot station, although the mean elevation of all five observers Is reasonably accurate in that it falls within .03 feet of the levelled elevation (Column S), the precision of the measurements is rather low. Deviations about the levelled elevation range from .09 feet too high, to .12 feet too low (Column 6). The value of .08 in column 7 is the mean of these deviations from the levelled value for the five observers at this station. A comparison of columns 7 and 5 shows that, although the method possesses a certain amount of inherent accuracy out to 60 feet (Column 5), losses of precision (or visual acuity) appear to become important between 20 and 30 feet from the instrument (Column 7). If errors in elevation are to be kept to a minimum (i.e., <.07 feet), then the sighting distance from the instrument should be less than 30 feet. It will be clear from the foregoing discussion that as far as coastal work is concerned, this method of profiling is especially applicable either to high wave energy coasts where substantial volumes of material are reworked on the foreshore, or to coarse textured beaches where accurate surveying to within .01 feet is pointless when the beach face is composed of pebbles and cobbles. CONCLUSION In the light of other techniques for mapping beach profile configurations this method offers three main advantages. First and most important, the surveying can be done without the aid of a field assistant. This reduction in manpower in itself probably justifies its use in situations where either there is a scarcity of personnel or where it is desirable to map a number of profile sites contemporaneously. Second, a small amount Of inexpensive equipment is all that is required for the work. It is portable and both rugged and relatively maintenance-free. Finally, compared to three wire levelling, in all but those cases where only one instrument setup is required, the survey can be completed in less (line with the clinometer than it can with a level and rod. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The methods described here were developed by the writer while he was a Ph.D. student at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. Sandy Gall of the Geology Department at Canterbury deserves thanks for building the brass frame of the instrument. The writer is also grateful to C. F. M. Lewis of the Terrain Sciences Division, Geological Survey of Canada, for a critical reading of the manuscript. REFERENCES K. 0., 1961, A simple method of measuring beach profiles: Linmol. and Oceanog., v. 6, EMERY, p. 90-93. STEPHEN, W. J., 1974, Wave processes and beach responses on a coarse grained gravel delta: unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 395 p. Fr. 1 . Sketch of equipment—two wooden ,- 5 ft long and marked off in feet and tenths of —.....u.secl for measuring profiles of beaches. ar beach. The observer holding the land::rd rod aligns his eye with the top of the ,award rod and the horizon. He then reads ' A,irecords the distance down from the top / hi own rod of the point which is inter' ,-ted by this line of sight (Fig. 1), interpo,,c t o hundredths of a foot. Assuming the ,..,, of sight to be level, this distance is a ..i .sure of the difference in elevation of the ;ea ch at the two points that are 5 ft apart ( in example of Figure 1, the difference in cent elevation is 0.53 ft 1. Where the -,:" ,,a, has a hackslope, the difference in ele,eion can be read by the same observer. „ aligning the top of his Own rod with the wiiz on and reading the intersection on the cjward rod. To conthlue the profile, one of dis moved to a point 5 ft on the opporods ro .,.. 5 ide of the other rod and a second read... i s ... made., Profiles can be measured either ;,, movin g rods toward the sea or away ;.:,,,, t he sea. For fixing the direction of ;Iv t he convention has been adopted of .i i n g t he differences in elevation as minus j ..Aus according to whether the leading rod ilwer or higher than the following one. ;-r,.iliy, the differences in elevation are ..--,I Hned up and plotted against horizontal stance in order to obtain a profile across ,, – „.hole width of the beach. usuall C so y the profiles extend from the base j; sea cliff or a point on the landward side 4 , beach to below water level. True eleva;11 sometimes can he determined from a ..venient bench mark, but more commonly •,sust he estimated from the depth of water , f at the seaward end of the profile as compared with a table of predicted tide. Where comparison of profiles at different times is desired, it is often sufficient merely to relate each set of measurements to a stake or other permanent reference point. As a test of the reproducibility and accuracy of the method profiles were measured three times, with three different readers, over the same line across a beach near Santa Monica, California (Fig. 2 ). The results (Table 1) show a surprising consistency, with readings across individual 5-ft sections having a mean difference cf 0.013 ft and a maximum of 0.05 ft. The greatest differences occurred on the soft upper part of the beach where the rods could sink slightly, on the steeper part where a small difference of rod position made a large difference in elevation, or in the swash zone where water movement undermined the rods. When summed up as complete profiles (Table 1), the mean difference at any point was 0.03.5 ft and the maximum was 0.18 ft. The difference generally becomes greater with distance from the starting point because of the accumulative tendency of the errors; however, the maximum difference is less than twice the width of the line representing the profile on Figure 2. For somewhat more precise work an allowance should be made for the fact that the line of sight to the horizon is not quite horizontal, Owing to curvature of the earth surface. The angle between the horizon and a level line increases according to the height of the observer above the water, but on beaches this height is such that the angle is only a few minutes (Table 2 ). When curvature correction is applied to the measured profile, it is obvious that the true slope is slightly greater than the measured apparent slope. For the profile of Table 1 and Figure 2 the true slope is steeper by 0.12 ft in a distance of 160 ft, or by less than ,0°03'. On profiles of several hundred feet length this correction may become important. 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