Figure S1. CPP site, with tower at a location in... time of the wind measurements, the wind was blowing almost...

Figure S1. CPP site, with tower at a location in the trough between two megaripples. At the
time of the wind measurements, the wind was blowing almost parallel to the orientation of the
crests of the megaripples. JRZ photo, 12/5/10.
Figure S2. White Barchan site, with tower between two megaripples. Wind was blowing
perpendicular to the megaripple crests. JRZ photo, 12/5/10.
Figure S3. Purulla site with tower at the base of the lee slope of the megaripple. A nonlogarithmic wind profile was observed here, perhaps the result of the tower being within a
separation bubble downwind of the megaripple. JRZ photo, 12/6/10.
Figure S4. Incahuasi site with tower located well downwind of the nearest megaripple. The
wind was blowing perpendicular to the megaripple crests. JRZ photo, 11/19/13.
Figure S5. Crest of CPP GM megaripple, vertical view. Note the close packing of the gravel
particles, which are comprised mostly of lithic fragments at this location. JRZ photo, 12/5/10.
Figure S6. Trough between two CPP GM megaripples, vertical view. Note the considerable
open spaces between the gravel particles, as compared to photo S5. JRZ photo, 12/5/10.
Figure S7. Crest of White Barchan granule-coated megaripple, vertical view. Milky quartz
particles are concentrated on the stoss side of the megaripple, with dark lithics and a few small
pumice particles on the lee side. JRZ photo, 12/5/10.
Figure S8. Crest of Purulla GM megaripple, vertical view. Note the close packing of the gravel
particles, with bright pumice particles accumulated on the downwind (lee) side of the
megaripple. JRZ photo, 12/4/10.
Figure S9. Crest of Incahuasi GM megaripple, vertical view. Note the close packing of the
gravel particles, with dark lithic fragments on the stoss side and crest, and an increased
abundance of pumice (high reflectance) fragments on the lee side. JRZ photo, 11/19/13.