Control library for M833

Control library for M833
The list of files:
- M833.dll
- InstrumentManipulator_M833.dll
- sls_si_ctrl_bk.dll
- SpUsb01.dll
- SpUsb01.cnf
- SLS_SI_Calc.dll
- libgfl211.dll
- SpUSB.ini
- InstrumentCfg_M833.xml
Import libraries:
For Delphi:
- M833_i.pas
For C++:
- M833_i.h
- M833.lib
The control library MSA833.dll contains the following functions.
function M833_Init(hAppWnd: HWND; hIcon: DWORD; bDemo: BOOL =
False): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_Init initializes instrument control module. It should be invoked
before using all other functions from this library.
hAppWnd - the window handle of the main window of the application.
hIcon - the icon handle of the application
bDemo - if the parameter is True then instrument control module is started in
demo mode, without an instrument.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
procedure M833_Final; stdcall;
The function M833_Final finalizes instrument control module. It should be invoked
when the application is closing.
procedure M833_ShowWnd; stdcall;
The function M833_ShowWnd shows the instrument control window.
function M833_ResetGrating: BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_ResetGrating sets the grating in initial position.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_SetWL(wl: double; bReset: BOOL; iGr: integer): BOOL;
The function M833_SetWL sets the required wavelength.
wl - the wavelength in nanometers;
bReset - if value is True then - before to set the required wavelength the grating
is set to initial position.
iGr - the index of grating (for instrument with several gratings). The parameter id
used for grating selecting. if iGr equal to -1 then wavelength is set for current grating.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_GetWL: double; stdcall;
The function M266_GetWL returns a current wavelength.
function M833_GetStatus: DWORD; stdcall;
The function M833_GetStatus is used to check the status of instrument during a
control operation(new wavelength setting) is performed. It can return one of the
following constants:
STATUS_READY - the instrument is ready to perform next control operation
(new wavelength setting)
STATUS_EXECUTE - the control operation is executed
STATUS_ERROR - some error is occurred at executing time
This function should be invoked by cycle after start new control operation.
function M833_IsValidWL(wl: double): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_IsValidWL can be used to check wavelength value.
Parameter wl - wavelength in nanometers.
If the wavelength value is in permissible wavelength range then the return value is
True. If the wavelength value is out of permissible wavelength range then the return
value is False.
function M833_SetSlitWidth(slitID: DWORD; width: double; bReset: BOOL):
BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_SetSlitWidth sets new width of slit.
slitID - slit identifier. It can take one of following constants:
width - slit width in micrometers.
bReset - if value is True then - before to set the required slit width the slit is set to
initial position.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_GetSlitWidth(slitID: DWORD): double; stdcall;
The function M833_GetSlitWidth returns the current value of slit width.
slitID - slit identifier. It can take one of following constants:
function M833_SetMirror(mirrorID : DWORD; dwPos: DWORD): BOOL;
The function M833_SetMirror sets the mirror position.
mirrorID - mirror identifier. It can take one of following constants:
The parameter dwPos can take one of the following constants:
MRP_AXIAL - the mirror position for axial port;
MRP_LATERAL - the mirror position for lateral port.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_GetMirror(mirrorID : DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
The function M833_GetMirror is used to check current mirror position.
mirrorID - mirror identifier. It can take one of following constants:
It can return one of the following constants:
MRP_AXIAL - the mirror position for axial port
MRP_LATERAL - the mirror position for lateral port
function M833_SetFilter(FilterID : DWORD; iPos: integer): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_SetFilter sets the filter position.
filterID - filter identifier. It can take one of following constants:
The parameter iPos - index of filter on the filter wheel.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_GetFilter(FilterID: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
The function M833_GetFilter returns an index of selected filter on the filter wheel
filterID - filter identifier. It can take one of following constants:
If the function succeeds, the return value is more than -1. If the function fails, the
return value is -1
function M833_ShutterOpen (shuttered : DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_ShutterOpen sets the shutter in open position.
shutterID - shutter identifier. It can take one of following constants:
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_ShutterClose (shuttered : DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_ShutterClose sets the shutter in close position.
shutterID - shutter identifier. It can take one of following constants:
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_SetActiveGrating(nIndGrating : integer) : BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_SetActiveGrating is used to set active grating index.
nIndGrating - grating index (can get values 0, 1, 2)
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails,
the return value is False.
function M833_GetActiveGrating : integer; stdcall;
The function M833_GetActiveGrating is used to get active grating index.
Function return active grating index
function M833_GetGratingCount : integer; stdcall;
The function M833_GetGratingCount is used to get grating count in instrument.
Function return grating count in instrument
function M833_GetGratingPrm(nIndGrating : integer; var dGrooves,
dMaxWL, dMinWL : double) : BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_GetGratingPrm is used to get grating parameters.
nIndGrating - grating index, which params you want get
dGrooves - grooves count for grating with index nIndGrating (return
- max wavelength for grating with index nIndGrating (return
- min wavelength for grating with index nIndGrating (return
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails,
the return value is False.
function M833_GetDispersion: double; stdcall;
The function M833_GetDispersion returns the current dispersion value.
function M833_GetPixelClbr(dbCentrWL: double;
iCentrPixel : integer;
dbPxlWidth: double;
: integer;
var pxlWL
: double): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_GetPixelClbr is used to calculate the wavelength of requested
pixel on CCD-line.
dbCentrWL - the central wavelength in nanometers
iCentrPixel - the index of central pixel on CCD-line
dbPxlWidth - the pixel width of CCD-line in micrometer
- the index of requested pixel
- the wavelength for requested pixel (calculated value) in nanometers.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.
function M833_GetCalibration(dbCentrWL : double;
iCentrPixel : integer;
dbPxlWidth : double;
nNumPixels: integer;
: pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
The function M833_GetCalibration is used to calibrate CCD-line by wavelengths.
dbCentrWL - the central wavelength in nanometers
iCentrPixel - the index of central pixel on CCD-line
dbPxlWidth - the pixel width of CCD-line in micrometer
nNumPixels - the number of pixels (length) of CCD-line
pClbrArr - the pointer to array of wavelength calibration (calculated value).
Each array item represents a wavelength for corresponding pixel of CCD-line. The array
item with index 0 correspond to first pixel on CCD-line. The type of array is double. The
length equal to parameter nNumPixels.
If the function succeeds, the return value is True. If the function fails, the return
value is False.