Yield Improvement of Oilseed Rape Through Genetic Manipulation of Rhizosphere Exudation Gary Bendinga, Graham Teakleb, Paul Huntera, Sally Hiltona, Hendrik Schafera, Jonathan Moorea, Dave Pinkc, Mark Barrowd a; School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, b; Warwick Crop Centre, c; Harper Adams University, d; Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick A. Healthy plants roots exude organic carbon compounds (rhizodeposition), which can influence the structure, function and microbial community of the soil close to the root. The ability to manipulate rhizodeposition could: increase yield B. Plants are grown in sterile hydroponic systems (1) Exudates are analysed using Mass Spectrometry (MS) (2) & Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (NMR) (3) by collaborators at Rothamsted Research. Selected lines are used for high resolution profiling by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance MS (FTICR) (4) in Warwick Chemistry Department. increase natural protection v. pests and pathogens reduce agricultural input by improving; N & P availability soil structure & water retention This project will focus on Brassicas (well studied major UK crops), and will: (2) ESI Mass Spectrometer assess variation in Brassica exudates identify the underlying genes assess the impact of specific compounds on rhizosphere microbial diversity & function, plant nutrition & yield. (1) Sterile hydroponic systems r-1-nin-9/03/bj-3102-11rpA/2371 1_03_bj-3102-11rpA r-3-pat-8/06/bj-3102-11rpA/2371 1_06_bj-3102-11rpA r-1-nin-9/03/bj-3102-11rpA/2371 1_03_bj-3102-11rpA r-3-pat-8/06/bj-3102-11rpA/2371 1_06_bj-3102-11rpA Compound Nin P. Average µmol/g root Carboxylic acids 53.3 Malate 0.049* 26.4 Succinate 0.009** 3.2 Citrate <0.001*** <0.1 0.002** <0.1 Tap 00.5 52.5 00.005.5 00.157.5 00.2 00.3 (5) Two regions of the NMR profiles of two oilseed rape lines showing contrasting profiles 00.4 Fumarate Sugars Sucrose 4.1 0.003** 0.4 (3) +H-NMR Spectrometer (4) FTICR Mass Spectrometer C. MS & NMR profiles (5) and multivariate analysis (6) showed significant differences between lines. NMR quantification also indicated which compounds were different between the lines (7). The most informative segregating population (6 - red dots) was further assessed for exuded malate (associated with P uptake) & sucrose (a microbial energy source) levels. Lines with high & low levels of each compound have been sown in field trials, using a bulked segregant approach Other Compounds Choline (6) MDS plot of multivariate analysis of NMR exudate profiles 0.031* 0.8 (7) NMR quantification of exudate components showing significant differences (by ANOVA) between plant lines and average concentrations Associated publications: Hunter et al.,(2014) doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00027 Website: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/lifesci/research/rhizodeposition// Contact: Gary Bending: 02476 575057,Gary.Bending@warwick.ac.uk We would like to thank Prof. Mike Beale and Dr. Jane Ward at Rothamsted Research for the metabolomics, Mark Nightingale at Elsoms Seeds for the field trials and BBSRC for funding (BBSRC CIRC Grant BB/J019690/1) D. Next generation sequencing will provide rhizosphere microbial community profiles from all the Brassica lines. The field trial will provide: seed yield, oil yield & plant nutrition data rhizosphere microbial community composition plant & microbial function (meta-transcriptomics) Transcription profile differences in the field lines will be identified and compared to QTL associated with exudation. 14C carbon budgets & FTICR-MS will identify differences in the amount and composition of exudates from selected lines. Warwick Crop Centre www.warwick.ac.uk/go/wcc