Document 13202636

Transla'ng UK-­‐India research into improved brassica food produc'on Indian mustard is a staple mul0ple-­‐use food crop throughout south Asia, and a major income source for smallholding farmers Pathology Gene-cs White blister rust causes 20-­‐60% annual losses in Indian mustard Disease resistance is the only op0on for control Breeding New White Blister Rust Resistant varie'es Warwick Crop Centre Contact: Contact: Partners: Dehli University Amity University GB Pant University TSL-­‐JIC Agri-­‐Food Canada ADAS; Rothamsted Res HOME-­‐GROWN HARICOT Cul-va-ng an idea . . . Staple Food Novel Crop Not currently grown in UK Applied Gene0cs To adapt varie'es for UK climate Poten0al growing zones Grower & Farmer benefits Adapted from Dodd. Ann Appl Biol 119:521-­‐531. 3 1 • Short season rota'on crop • Soil management (nitrogen fixa'on) • Weed control (black grass in cereals) 2 Consumer benefits • Nutri'ous vegetable protein source • Healthy op'ons for home cooking • New recipes/ new products . . . growing a food supply chain Warwick Crop Centre Contact: Contact: Partners: C Leakey (Peas & Beans Ltd) N Coy (Seeds Express Ltd) P Lilley (Hammond Produce) C Young (ADAS) • • Our Materials & Methods Natural gene0c varia0on Experimental popula0ons Ideotype & phenotype data • Seed color, size, shape • Human nutri'onal quali'es • Cooking & processing quality • Cold tolerance, for seedling establishment • Mul'ple disease resistance (bacteria, virus, fungal) • Plant architecture (e.g., height, pods/plant) • Drought tolerance & root architecture • Early maturing (harvest in 100 days or less) • Nodula'on efficiency for nitrogen fixa'on Suppor0ng biochemistry Recombinant Inbred Lines Hypothesis driven modeling Genome-­‐wide DNA sequence data Sta0s0cal gene0cs tools • Hypothesis tes'ng methods (e.g., Chi-­‐square) • Genome-­‐wide linkage (QTL) mapping • Genome-­‐wide associa'on mapping • DNA sequence comparison (e.g., BLAST search) Warwick Crop Centre Contact: Contact: 