INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION JOINT COORDINATION ACTIVITY ON CONFORMANCE AND INTEROPERABILITY TESTING TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR JCA-CIT-I-027 English only Original: English STUDY PERIOD 2013-2016 10 April 2014 DOCUMENT (Ref. : COM 11 – LS 030 – E) Source: ITU-T Study Group 11 Title: LS/i/r on M.3170 series of Recommendations conformance testing pilot project (reply to COM 2-LS 29) [from ITU-T SG11] LIAISON STATEMENT For action to: - For comment to: - For information to: ITU-T Study Group 2, JCA-CIT Approval: ITU-T WP4/11 meeting (Geneva, 14-20 November 2013) Deadline: - Contact: Martin Brand Chairman WP4/11 Email: Contact: Dmitry Tarasov Rapporteur Q11/11 Email: At the November 2013 meeting, WP4/11 discussed two inputs from Study Group 2 (TD 214, TD 215) and one contribution C-84R1 which are related to the proposal to start a new Conformance testing Pilot Project on network management interface related Recommendations (ITU-T M.3170 series) in collaboration with SG2. WP4/11 welcomed the proposal and agreed to the following: 1. a new Conformance testing pilot project on “network management interface related Recommendations (ITU-T M.3170 series)” is established in collaboration with SG2 to gain experience, which would be input to the work of the correspondence group on “collaboration between ITU-T and Testing Laboratories for ITU C&I Programme”; 2. Mr WANG Zhili (WP2/2 chairman) has been appointed as focal point of this pilot project as well as associate Rapporteur for Q11/11 with the specific responsibility to manage this project. This Q11/11 associate Rapporteur could organize special sessions of Q11/11 Rapporteur meeting back-to-back or jointly with SG2 related Questions to progress the project work; 3. The pilot project is foreseen to complete its activities by SG11 meeting in 2015; 4. WP4/11 recognizes that SG2 would develop the related test specifications. _________ Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal ITU-T Document intended only for use by the Member States of ITU, by ITU-T Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU related work. It shall not be made available to, and used by, any other persons or entities without the prior written consent of ITU-T.