From research to innovation: a European perspective on Internet of places

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”
From research to innovation: a European
perspective on Internet of places
Geointelligence for society
Dr. Eng. Raffaele De Amicis
Managing Director @ Fondazione Graphitech
GEO and GEOSS with their holistic, multidisciplinary and
inclusive approach claim to have a key role to play in
ensuring peace, prosperity and safety for 7 billion and more
people within the boundaries of planet Earth
Increasing world population
Industrial development
Environmental problems
• environmental
• socioeconomic
A sustainable development pathway for humanity? Source: Global Footprint Network
A paradigm shift is needed
Sustainable and inclusive development, respecting
planetary boundaries
A fundamentally different understanding of prosperity
(“beyond GDP”)
Holistic multidisciplinary approach, including
• Natural sciences
• Natural and social sciences
• Science and policy making
Key requirements
Shared vision,
based on
joining all
sectors of
knowledge base
Shared Global Environmental
Information System
Analytic reasoning
Tactic analysis
Scenario building
Decision Support
Digital Right Management & Access policy
User policies
Data access and Processing
Public repositories
INSPIRE services
Sensor data
Satellite data
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39 partners in more than 20 countries
since 2010 …
Geographical Information Processing for
Environmental Pollution-Related Security
within Urban Scale environments
Who is who
• Participating institutions:
• University of Montenegro, Montenegro
• Fondazione Graphitech, Italy
• EMESCO – Emergency & Security Solutions, Israel
• University of Maribor, Slovenia
• Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
• End user: Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, Montenegro
• Duration of project: 30 months
The challenge:
Improving preparedness in case of emergencies
caused by very high pollution lelvels
Forest fires
Pollution from traffic
Industrial air pollution
Objectives of GEPSUS
Support decision makers
• Support to disasters management
Improve preparedness
• Improve deployment of countermeasures
Interoperable access to data
Connect different data providers
Extensible to several scenarios
Contribution to security, stability
• Will help confront catastrophes in Montenegro and Western
Balkan area.
• Enhance ability to evaluate positive and negative impact of
planned urban projects and ongoing planning activities.
• Contribute to avoiding negative impacts of air pollution.
• Serve as a pilot project in Montenegro, which may trigger
other countries in the region to undertake similar actions and
Contribution to security, stability
• Triggering research in this subject in Montenegro and
Western Balkans. Current research is negligible.
• Establishment of different university curricula on disaster
management and environmental protection.
• Organisation of thematic seminars, workshops, etc.
• Improving the capacity building of Montenegro and Western
Balkans for related international research cooperation.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
BRIdging SErvices, Information and Data for Europe
BRISEIDE aims at delivering:
BRISEIDE is an ICT Policy Support Programme
- time-aware extension of data models
project within EU. It involves 15 EU partners on
- value added services for spatio-temporal data
the development of spatio-temporal web
- Deployment of pilots in operational scenarios
processes for geospatial application
(e.g. Civil Protection)
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
BRISEIDE The consortium
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Liaison campaign
Other initiatives
EU project
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Provide user-friendly access to interoperable geoprocessing services & analysis tools
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Expected results
 To contribute to the GI community promoting
the use of time as variable.
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Expected results
 To foster wider use of spatial data, by public and
private organisations, through value added
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Expected results
To promote use and re-use of harmonised and
interoperable data sets, related to a number of themes
within annexes I-III of the INSPIRE directive, made or
being made available, through eContentPlus projects.
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
Expected results
 To implement processing services using related
standards (WPS).
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
BRISEIDE’s goals
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
1) Extend current data model to support time
INSPIRE so far consider only :
 The temporal extent of a given resource (the time period covered by the resource)
 The resource’s date of creation.
 The resource’s date of publication.
 The resource’s date of last revision.
Example: Satellite Image of
Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull
volcano streams.
No reference to when the event
has occurred, its time-wise
evolution etc.!
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
2) Compensate for lack of spatio-temporal operators
Current geo-processing libraries cater for
standard GIS operators (e.g. Buffer etc.)
No spatio temporal operators are
available as web service
Including the temporal dimension in the
Geo-information and analysis.
Developping value added services on top
of OWS
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
WMS Time Support
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
WMS Time Support
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
WCS Time Support
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
3) Fill in the gap in terms of scenario-driven simulation
Image of Recent floods in Czech Republic
No pilot-specific
processing based on webservices is available today
Recent quake on 16th August 2010, Eolie Islands, Ml = 4.5
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
W W W . B R I S E I D E . E U
4) Integrate processing service with current SDIs
Provide interoperable access to processing features as remote
service (WPS)
To deliver enabling services for visualisation, processing and
querying of time-varying information.
BRISEIDE is supported by the CIP / ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission.
interoperable Smart City services through an Open
Platform for urban Ecosystems
is supported by the
Objective identifier 5.1:
Open Innovation for Internet-enabled services in 'smart' cities’
Duration: 36 months
budget: 4.040.000,00 €
The consortium
Relevance of the Project objectives
• The latest generation of 3D Urban
Information Models (UIM),
created from accurate urbanscale geospatial information, can
be used to create smart web
services based on geometric,
semantic, morphological and
structural information at urban
scale level.
• Based on interoperable 3D UIMs,
i-SCOPE delivers an open
platform on top of which it
develops, within different
domains, various ‘smart city’
services. These will be piloted
and validated, within a number of
EU cities involved in i-SCOPE
Description of the issue and proposed
• i-SCOPE aim to deliver an open source toolkit for 3D smart city services
based on 3D Urban Information Models (UIM), created from accurate
urban-scale geospatial information. The smart services proposed address
the following three scenarios:
– 1) Improved inclusion and personal mobility of aging people and diversely
able citizens;
– 2) Energy dispersion & solar energy potential assessment;
– 3) Noise mapping & simulation.
φSolDiff = 30?
φSolDiff = 90?
d: Sonnenstrahl-Richtung
ca. 67%
φSolDiff = 0?
(volle Bestrahlung)
φSolDiff > 90?
φSolDiff :
Winkel zwischen dem
Dachflächenormal und der
n: Dachfläche-Normalvektor
Farbkodierung (Dach)
(im Beispiel: 45?)
kalt, verschattet:
(senkrecht auf die Dachfläche)
φSolDiff = 45?
Involvement of city administrations
• The geographical
distribution of partners is
such that each city
administration can closely
cooperate with a technical
partner at all stages of the
project, creating an
environment where users
and producers co-create
innovations within a PublicPrivate-People Partnerships
(PPPP) for user-driven open
innovation typical of Living
VUB real-time noise mapping
technology by VUB to create realtime noise maps (both mobile client
and server);
technology by CEIT to automatically
create semantically rich routing
instructions to visually impaired users
technology by MOSS to create 3D city
models at urban scale (as CityGML)
from geospatial data (e.g. LIDAR);
technology by MOSS for noise
OpenLS compliant routing technology
based on OpenStreetMap data;
3D geobrowser by Graphitech (both
web-based and mobile devices);
Starting point: Existing
prototypes and services
i-SCOPE Pilots
i-SCOPE Value added services
EU Projects (services)
Contact details
Dr Raffaele De Amicis
Fondazione Graphitech, Managing Director
Graphicsmedia.Net, Vice President
Nato Country Gepsus Project Director
Briseide EU Project Coordinator
I-SCOPE EU Project Coordinator
skype: rda_gt
Thanks for