OUR TEAMS  Student Centre

Student Centre
Student Disability Services
Student Psychological Services
UCL Chaplaincy
Student Advisory and Events Services
o Student Support and Events Team
(Graduation Ceremonies, Opening of Session, Support and Wellbeing Events)
o Study Abroad
o International Student Support
Student Centre
The Student Centre is part of UCL's Student Support and Wellbeing services and acts as the first point of contact for
all student enquiries Student Records Enquiries
 Research Degree enquiries and thesis submission
 Statements of Student Status
 Help and advice on Council Tax Exemption and opening a bank account
 International Student Support
 Examination Enquiries
 Fees and Funding Enquiries
UCL Student Centre
Email: studentcentre@ucl.ac.uk
Location: Chadwick Building Ground Floor
Opening Hours: 10am-4pm Monday to Friday
Student Disability Services
Supports students with physical and sensory impairments, specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders,
mental health difficulties and long-term health conditionso Free, confidential drop-in sessions and consultations
o Study Skills Information Sheets
o Information on Disabled Students Allowance
o Access to the SEnIT Suite
o Alternative assessment arrangements
Email: disability@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)207 679 0100
Student Psychological Service
The Student Psychological Service is dedicated to helping UCL students with personal, emotional and psychological
Student Psychological Services can provide:
o A consultation regarding your emotional and psychological needs
o Short-term emotional and psychological support through workshops and one-to-one counselling
o Psychiatric assessments and advice on medication
o Referrals to other psychological services (NHS or fee-paying) or support services
o A wide range of self help books and materials
o Letters of extenuating circumstances if you have had counselling or psychiatric support with the service
Email: g.nandagopal@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1487
Chaplain & Interfaith Advisor
Reverend Charlotte Bradley is UCL’s Chaplain and Interfaith Advisor, providing advice and support to those looking to
explore or discuss their faith or religion.
Students of all cultures and faiths are welcome to make an appointment to see her at any time.
UCL Fitness to Study Procedure
The UCL Fitness to Study Procedure is intended to be used where students are not able to continue or able to return
to continue the level and intensity of study required in spite of reasonable adjustments having been put in place and
cannot study, work and live co-operatively and in close proximity with others as well as conduct themselves in a
manner which does not impact negatively on those around them. It also applies where UCL has been unable to
balance the needs and rights of an individual student against the need to protect the wellbeing of fellow students
and staff.
The Procedure aims to ensure that decisions about a student’s ability to study are made through a supportive
process, after appropriate consultation and in the best interests of the student.
Medical Evidence Guidance
Medical evidence is used by the relevant UCL student services to assess students who have a disability or medical
condition in order to arrange support, apply reasonable adjustments to teaching or living space, or to make changes
to registration for medical reasons.
Student of Concern
There are many sources of support for students who are having difficulties whether they are academic, emotional,
financial or physical, however sometimes it is hard to know how to help a student who appears to be struggling,
particularly if you feel they are unwilling or unable to seek the help they need.
If you are concerned about the behaviour of a student or if a student has stopped engaging completely and there is a
welfare concern, please contact us. The easiest way to do this is by completing the online UCL Student Cause for
Concern Form www.ucl.ac.uk/current-students/support/wellbeing/student_of_concern
You can also email studentofconcern@ucl.ac.uk
UCL Procedures for Student of Concern
Within 24 hours of receiving a Student of Concern form Student and Registry Services will send a request for a
meeting with the student. The person who submitted the form will be notified of this action.
Student and Registry Services will then work with the student and other services to support the student's physical,
mental and emotional wellbeing.
Where a student appears to be missing Student and Registry Services will work with Security Services and the Police
to try to ensure the student is safe.
More information on supporting students in crisis can be found at www.ucl.ac.uk/support-pages/crisis_support
In a situation where you are concerned a student is in immediate danger of hurting themselves or others you should
phone 999 or take them to any Accident and Emergency Department.
Student and Registry Services Enquiry Form - www.ucl.ac.uk/registry-admin/support/open
This form is designed to:
 Appeal a Disciplinary Decision - If you wish to contest a library fine or penalty relating to a misconduct;
 Report a Student of Concern - If you are worried about a student's welfare;
 Report an Incident of Sexual Assault or Harassment - For reporting sexual assault, violence or harassment;
 Report an Incident of Harassment or Bullying - Report incidents relating to race, sexuality, disability or
 Report an Incident in Halls of Residence - For serious incidents occurring in UCL accommodation;
 Request an Appointment - For advice regarding women's issues, funding issues, support and wellbeing, faith
and belief or student complaints.
Other Ways to Support and Protect Students:
 Student Funding Welfare Adviser
If a student finds they are in financial difficulty UCL’s SFWA can advise and help them manage their money and
regain control of their financeso Budgeting money & money saving tips
o UCL Financial Assistance Fund
o Student Loan Company funding
o External sources of funding
Online Booking Form (Appointment with SFWA): www.ucl.ac.uk/srs/financialassistance
 UCL Security gives students GPS alarms (tracking the movements of the student across UCL) in cases if
stalking, previously assaulted, and vulnerable (including students who are medically vulnerable – e.g. a
student who has big seizures from epilepsy).
 studentofconcern@ucl.ac.uk email address is monitored during college closure
 UCLU Rights and Advice for a broad range of issues
 UCL is affiliated to Nightline
 Student Minds – www.studentminds.org.uk
 Information for Parents and Guardians - www.ucl.ac.uk/srs/parents
 UCL Occupational Health Service – www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/occ_health/faqs/index.php
 Gower Place Practice (As of 18th April 2016, Gower Place Practice will be moving to Ridgmount Street and
renamed to Ridgmount Practice) – www.gowerplacepractice.nhs.uk/
 Out of hours support provided by Care first - Information and counselling are provided via telephone from
Monday to Friday from 5pm to 9am, at weekends and during Bank Holidays and College closure periods. UCL
students currently abroad on a study abroad programme have access to Care first services 24/7.
To use the Care first helpline, students should call 0800 174 319. The service is paid for by UCL and is
available only to UCL students. This means that students will be required to provide their name, date of birth
and UCL student number in order for a Care first specialist to be able to assist. Further information about
Care first can be found here.
More information can be found on the UCL Student Support website