June 12, 2008 Dear Case Manager Thank you so much for the business you have sent us through the years. We appreciate you and the patients that you bring to us and want to continue the good relationships that we have with all of you. Your participation in the care of our patients is important to their outcomes and we value your collaboration. We are sending you this letter in an effort to make certain we communicate recent policy changes to you. We have been asked by Medical Center Administration to make certain that all case managers who come to patient appointments or visit an inpatient in our hospital be easily identifiable and have photo identification visible on them at all times. At the same time, we were notified that our Utilizaton Review office will be moving. These two situations provide us the opportunity to revise our check-in process for the institution to one that we feel is more streamlined and secure. In order to accomplish this we are partnering with the Vendor Liaison Program to provide you with the required facility name badge. Upon receipt of this email, we are requesting that you complete the attached registration and confidentiality forms and contact Lacy Hunter at 615-343-5453 or lacy.l.hunter@vanderbilt.edu to schedule a convenient time to have your photo identification badge made. Corporate Health Services will be absorbing the cost of the name badges. Your photo ID badge will have your name, your company name, and your photo on it. Lacy will also give you a tutorial on how to log into the Vendor Liaison website. This entire process should take no longer than 10-15 minutes of your time. Lacy will be scheduling appointments immediately. Please fax your completed registration form and confidentiality agreement to our office at (615) 936-6077 as soon as possible after receiving this notification. Your name badges will need to be renewed annually and a new registration form/confidentiality agreement will need to be completed each year. We are also partnering with Lacy's department to ease the check in process for inpatient visitation and outpatient visits. Prior to coming to the hospital or any outpatient clinics to obtain information or visit your injured worker, log into the Vendor Laison website, complete the required fields, and print your site visit form. This log should be completed on the same day that you plan to visit. You will no longer have to check in at the Utilization Review office for inpatient visits. For any visit (inpatient or outpatient) you will simply take your site visit form to the appropriate inpatient unit or to the front desk in the outpatient clinic area where your claimant is receiving care and present the paper to the front desk staff member. You will be required to wear your photo identification and bring your site visit form any time you are on the Vanderbilt campus OR in any of the onsite or offsite Vanderbilt Clinics. Failure to do this may result in your inability to access the information you need on your patient. The Vendor Liaison website is: www.vanderbilt.edu/procurement/procurement/liaison.shtml. Please bookmark this site on your computer for future use. We realize that this is a big change and appreciate your patience and cooperation as we move to a more streamlined, secure process for onsite visits. Please contact us if you have questions and thank you again for the business that you send to us! Terry Parker, RN, CRRN, CCM Assistant Director Vanderbilt Corporate Health Services Vendor Registration Form Vendor Representative Home Address Name Title Address City State Zip Code Home Phone Home Fax Beeper Cell/Mobile Phone E-Mail Voice Mail Corporate/Regional Company Address Company Specialty Address City State Zip Phone Fax Case Management Manager/Supervisor Home Address Name Title Address City State Zip Home Phone Home Fax Beeper/Cell Voice Mail I have been oriented to and understand the new Vanderbilt University Medical Center vendor visitation procedures and I agree to market my service in accordance with these procedures. Case Manager Signature Vendor Liaison Signature Date VANDERBILT MEDICAL CENTER CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS POLICY As a business partner of VUMC you may see, hear, or have access to “confidential information.” The purpose of this agreement is to help you understand your duty regarding confidential information as described in this policy. Measures must be taken so that all information captured, maintained, or utilized by VUMC and any of its off-site subsidiaries and affiliates can only be accessed by authorized users. VUMC has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard the privacy of all patients and to protect the confidentiality of their health information and all other types of confidential information. Patient information is confidential information regardless of how it is obtained, stored, utilized, or disclosed. As a business partner, you are required to conduct yourself in strict conformance to all applicable laws and Vanderbilt University and VUMC policies governing confidential information. Your principal obligations in this area are explained below. You are required to read and to abide by these duties. The violation of any of these duties may result in the revocation of your authorization to do business with VU or VUMC, and may subject you to legal liability as well. As a member of the Vanderbilt community, you may have access to and use confidential information in any or all of the following categories: • Patient information (such as charts and other paper and electronic records, demographic information, conversations, admission/discharge dates, names of attending physicians, patient financial information, etc.); • Information pertaining to members of the Vanderbilt community (such as salaries, employment records, student records, disciplinary actions, etc.); • Vanderbilt University and VUMC information (such as financial and statistical records, strategic plans, internal reports, memos, contracts, peer review information, communications, proprietary information including computer programs, source code, proprietary technology, etc.); and • Third-party information (such as insurance, business contracts, vendor proprietary information source code, proprietary technology, etc.). Last Revised: 02/05/05 VUMC CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT As a condition of and in consideration of my use, access, and/or disclosure of confidential information, I, , understand and agree to the confidentiality requirements outlined in this agreement. I understand that these confidentiality requirements and my responsibility to protect the security of information apply to when I’m working from home or off-campus as well as at VUMC facilities. 1. I will access, use, and disclose confidential information only as authorized and necessary to perform my contracted duties for VUMC. This means, among other things, that: a) I will not in any way access, use, divulge, copy, release, sell, loan, review, alter, or destroy any confidential information except as properly and clearly authorized within the scope of my job and as in accordance with all applicable Vanderbilt policies and procedures and with all applicable laws; b) I will report to the Privacy office any individual’s or entity’s activities that I suspect may compromise the confidentiality of confidential information as prescribed in OP 10-40.01 "Confidentiality of Protected Patient Information”. 2. I understand that it is my responsibility to be aware of VUMC privacy policies, and other policies that specifically address the handling of confidential information and misconduct that warrants immediate termination of my relationship with VU and VUMC. I have reviewed and am familiar with these policies. 3. I understand that any fraudulent application, violation of confidentiality or any violation of the above provisions may result in disciplinary action, including loss of system and information access privileges, as well as other appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including termination of affiliation with VU and VUMC. My signature below indicates that I have read, accept, and agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound by it. Date: Signature: Print Name: Company Name: Company Address: Phone / Pager: Last Revised: 02/05/05