Standardization Activities on Smart Cities in ISO and IEC Dr Yoshiaki Ichikawa, Chairman of ISO/TC 268/SC 1 and IEC TC 111 1 Structure of ISO/TC 268 Structure Scope TC268 Sustainable Development in Communities Officers Chairman: France Secretary: France WG1 Management System Convenor: France WG2 Global City Indicators Convenor: Canada TC268/SC1 Smart Community Infrastructures WG1 Infrastructure metrics AHG1 System Aspects TC:Technical committee, SC: Subcommittee, WG: Working Group, AHG: Ad-hoc Group Chairman: Japan Vice chairman: China Secretary: Japan Smart Community Infrastructure Metrics Common framework for development and operation of smart community infrastructures Convenor: Japan Convenor: Japan 2 Scope of ISO/TC 268/SC 1 • Standardization in the field of smart community infrastructures, including basic concepts to define and describe smartness of community infrastructures as scalable and integrable systems, harmonized metrics for benchmarking, usage of the metrics for application to the diverse types of communities, and specifications for measurement, reporting and verification, ensuring avoidance of overlaps and contradictions with ISO/TC 268 deliverables. • The proposed standards will focus on technical aspects of community infrastructures including energy, water, transportation, waste and ICT that support the operations and activities of communities. • The concept of smartness is addressed in terms of performance relevant to technologically implementable solutions, in accordance with sustainable development in communities as elaborated in 3 ISO/TC 268. Outline of ISO/TC 268/SC 1 Title Smart community infrastructures Creation 2012 Chairperson Dr. Yoshi Ichikawa (JP) Vice-Chair Dr. Biyu Wan (CN) Secretary Mr. Isao Endou (JP) TPM Mr. Gerrit Harjung (ISO/CS) P-Members (16) Argentina, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom O-Members (09) Brazil, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, India, Malaysia, Singapore, United States, UAE Liaisons ISO/TC 207, IEC/TC 111, ITU-T, GCIF, OECD, WBCSD Meetings • • • Preliminary meeting: May 2012, Tokyo, Japan 1st plenary meeting: July 2012, AFNOR, France 2nd plenary meeting: July 2013, Bornholm, Denmark 4 General Understanding on the Smart Community Infrastructures in TC 286/SC1 (1) Example of “Community Infrastructures" 1 Energy Power grid, Gas, Fuels (gas station), ... 2 Water Water treatment process, Industrial water, Treated water, Water Reuse 3 Mobility Road traffic, Railroad, Airport, Port, River, ... 4 Waste Waste recovery, Recycling, .. 5 ICT Multi-purpose big data, Distributed sensors, Monitoring, Wifi (2) "Performances" reflected to Smartness 1 Residents viewpoint Reliability, Availability, Service quality, Safety, etc 2 Community managers Operational efficiency, Resilience, Expandability, Security, etc viewpoint 3 Environmental viewpoint Climate change, Biodiversity, Resource efficiency, Air pollution, Water shortage, etc Smartness should be discussed taking into account the balance between multiple viewpoints of residents, community managers and environmental 5 Recognize the difference or gap between “Community needs or issues” and “Infrastructure performance or requirement” Infrastructure Performance Community Issues Perspective Trade-offs Residents Community Manager Environment Items Convenience Comfort Safety Resilience Efficiency Economic vitality Demographic sustainability Climate change Conservation of natural resources Biodiversity … Note: Items in the tables are indicative examples. Items (indicative) Service quality Operational efficiency Colloquial description Example (indicative, for discussion) can be used in anywhere Population per public tap or standpipe Area coverage rate of mobile phone network Average distance to nearest public transport station/stop can be used any time no need to wait ease of use Maintainability everyone can use no limit of use no congestion (sufficient supply) Resilience tasty can use as expected or scheduled … … Operating hours (24h365days) Frequency of train services Information Extent of complexity of the procedure to use (contract, payment,etc) Extent of barrier-free multiple language Energy consumption per capita Congestion level (e.g.120% of capacity) Bandwidth, speed of communication Amount of materials that have negative effect on taste Rate of train delay … Proposed roadmap for deliverables TR 37150 Review of existing activities - Review of relevant activities - Directions for future standardization 2013 (expected) TS 37151 General principles and requirements 2014 (expected) -Basic concept in community level -Neutral against specific infrastructure Application to particular types of community infrastructures - Apply the general principles & requirements (PWI 37151) to energy, water, transportation, waste and ICT as the first step Application to diverse types of communities - Apply the general principles & requirements (PWI 37151) to typical categories of communities Related areas - MRV, System aspects, etc. 7 IEC SEG on Smart Cities SEG (Systems Evaluation Group) on Smart Cities will be set up to; 1.Make an inventory of existing standards and standardization projects in progress in IEC, ITU-T and ISO. 2.Monitor TC/SC work in IEC to highlight any overlap of work or potential inconsistencies, 3.Liaise with ISO, ITU, and other organizations, fora and consortia. Represent IEC in the coordination and cooperation with other organizations, fora and consortia in the field of smart cities. 4.Draw a roadmap in IEC with a timeline that includes a reference architecture and prospective standardization projects. 5.The evaluation group’s tasks also includes alignment of terms and definitions in electrotechnical field referring to smart cities, providing an efficient and transparent platform for information exchange and communication between IEC and other relevant stakeholder groups. 6.Participation in SEGs is open, but specific invitations will be made to ITU-T and ISO to take part in the Smart Cities SEG. For more information 8 Additional explanation available on the WEB ichikawa Thank you for your attention E-mail: