Section Four
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
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— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
BY COUNTY - 2012/2013
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— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
BY COUNTY - 2012/2013
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— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
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Atlantic County
z A total of 9,375 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Atlantic County during 2013, a 3 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 2 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 3 percent.
z The crime rate for Atlantic County was recorded at 34 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 3 percent compared to
the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 29 in 2012 to 8 in 2013. Rape decreased from 74 in 2012 to 38 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 471 in 2012 to 521 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,814 in 2012 to 1,731 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 669 in 2012 to 657 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Atlantic County amounted to $14.4 million, of which 10 percent was recovered.
z There were 14,102 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 4 percent to 13,066 and juvenile arrests decreased 16 percent to 1,036 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 23 percent; juveniles were responsible for 9 percent of those cases.
Bergen County
z A total of 11,344 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Bergen County during 2013, a 7 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 6 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 7 percent.
z The crime rate for Bergen County was recorded at 12.3 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 7 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 7 in 2012 to 6 in 2013. Rape decreased from 32 in 2012 to 25 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 298 in 2012 to 295 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,071 in 2012 to 1,649 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 525 in 2012 to 487 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Bergen County amounted to $33.2 million, of which 29 percent was recovered.
z There were 20,911 persons arrested during 2013, an increase of 1 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests increased 3 percent to 18,929 and juvenile arrests decreased 16 percent to 1,982 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 25 percent; juveniles were responsible for 7 percent of those cases.
Burlington County
z A total of 8,448 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Burlington County during 2013, a 3 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes increased 6 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 4 percent.
z The crime rate for Burlington County was recorded at 18.7 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 3 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 2 in 2012 to 9 in 2013. Rape remained the same in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 247 in 2012 to 284 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,945 in 2012 to 1,807 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 344 in 2012 to 338 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Burlington County amounted to $12.7 million, of which 15 percent was recovered.
z There were 20,604 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 4 percent to 19,155 and juvenile arrests decreased 11 percent to 1,449 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 22 percent; juveniles were responsible for 11 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Camden County
z A total of 17,434 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Camden County during 2013, a 12 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 5 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 13 percent
z .The crime rate for Camden County was recorded at 33.9 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 12 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 71 in 2012 to 69 in 2013. Rape decreased from 116 in 2012 to 104 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 1,183 in 2012 to 1,078 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 3,983 in 2012 to 3,229 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 1,771 in 2012 to 1,729 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Camden County amounted to $20.9 million, of which 22 percent was recovered.
z There were 26,587 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 7 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 4 percent to 23,975 and juvenile arrests decreased 32 percent to 2,612 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 27 percent; juveniles were responsible for 7 percent of those cases.
Cape May County
z A total of 4,175 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Cape May County during 2013, a 11 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 3 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 11 percent.
z The crime rate for Cape May County was recorded at 43.4 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 11 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 2 in 2012 to 0 in 2013. Rape increased from 12 in 2012 to 22 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 53 in 2012 to 63 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,055 in 2012 to 833 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 188 in 2012 to 163 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Cape May County amounted to $3.3 million, of which 14 percent was recovered.
z There were 7,879 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 4 percent to 7,339 and juvenile arrests decreased 15 percent to 540 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 21 percent; juveniles were responsible for 8 percent of those cases.
Cumberland County
z A total of 7,688 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Cumberland County during 2013, a 1 percent increase when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 2 percent while the nonviolent crime category increased 1 percent.
z The crime rate for Cumberland County was recorded at 48.5 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, an increase of 1 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 7 in 2012 to 4 in 2013. Rape increased from 32 in 2012 to 41 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 315 in 2012 to 381 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,034 in 2012 to 1,755 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 512 in 2012 to 425 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Cumberland County amounted to $7 million, of which 22 percent was recovered.
z There were 10,536 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 2 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 1 percent to 9,671 and juvenile arrests decreased 8 percent to 865 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 27 percent; juveniles were responsible for 5 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Essex County
z A total of 25,720 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Essex County during 2013, a 5 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes increased 13 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 9 percent.
z The crime rate for Essex County was recorded at 32.7 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 5 percent compared to
the previous year.
z Murder increased from 121 in 2012 to 147 in 2013. Rape decreased from 131 in 2012 to 102 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 2,962 in 2012 to 3,865 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 4,849 in 2012 to 4,334 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 2,035 in 2012 to 1,800 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Essex County amounted to $54.7 million, of which 67 percent was recovered.
z There were 35,878 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 5 percent to 33,256 and juvenile arrests decreased 4 percent to 2,622 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 15 percent; juveniles were responsible for 13 percent of those cases.
Gloucester County
z A total of 7,425 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Gloucester County during 2013, a 8 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 25 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 7 percent.
z The crime rate for Gloucester County was recorded at 25.6 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 8 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 7 in 2012 to 6 in 2013. Rape decreased from 27 in 2012 to 12 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 171 in 2012 to 153 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,768 in 2012 to 1,575 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 253 in 2012 to 174 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Gloucester County amounted to $10.6 million, of which 17 percent was recovered.
z There were 15,190 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 13 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 13 percent to 14,415 and juvenile arrests decreased 23 percent to 775 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 31 percent; juveniles were responsible for 6 percent of those cases.
Hudson County
z A total of 13,952 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Hudson County during 2013, a 10 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 7 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 10 percent.
z The crime rate for Hudson County was recorded at 21.4 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 10 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 16 in 2012 to 24 in 2013. Rape decreased from 84 in 2012 to 62 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 1,338 in 2012 to 1,161 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,668 in 2012 to 2,059 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 1,505 in 2012 to 1,480 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Hudson County amounted to $30.9 million, of which 33 percent was recovered.
z There were 19,087 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 1 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased less than one-half of one percent to 17,769 and juvenile arrests decreased 17 percent to 1,318 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 21 percent; juveniles were responsible for 10 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Hunterdon County
z A total of 1,070 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Hunterdon County during 2013, a 7 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes increased 18 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 8 percent.
z The crime rate for Hunterdon County was recorded at 8.4 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 7 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 3 in 2012 to 2 in 2013. Rape increased from 2 in 2012 to 8 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 4 in 2012 to 8 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 266 in 2012 to 214 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 36 in 2012 to 35 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Hunterdon County amounted to $3.1 million, of which 16 percent was recovered.
z There were 2,900 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 7 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 3 percent to 2,727 and juvenile arrests decreased 44 percent to 173 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 22 percent; juveniles were responsible for 5 percent of those cases.
Mercer County
z A total of 9,360 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Mercer County during 2013, a 6 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 7 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 5 percent.
z The crime rate for Mercer County was recorded at 25.4 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 6 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 26 in 2012 to 41 in 2013. Rape decreased from 50 in 2012 to 31 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 762 in 2012 to 685 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,436 in 2012 to 1,964 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 816 in 2012 to 779 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Mercer County amounted to $14.5 million, of which 24 percent was recovered.
z There were 14,958 persons arrested during 2013, an increase of 2 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests increased 4 percent to 13,337 and juvenile arrests decreased 8 percent to 1,621 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 19 percent; juveniles were responsible for 13 percent of those cases.
Middlesex County
z A total of 14,567 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Middlesex County during 2013, a 4 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 9 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 4 percent.
z The crime rate for Middlesex County was recorded at 17.7 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 4 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder remained the same in 2013. Rape decreased from 75 in 2012 to 66 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 582 in 2012 to 535 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 3,157 in 2012 to 2,747 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 704 in 2012 to 633 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Middlesex County amounted to $30.4 million, of which 20 percent was recovered.
z There were 20,706 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 9 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 8 percent to 19,543 and juvenile arrests decreased 28 percent to 1,163 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 18 percent; juveniles were responsible for 11 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Monmouth County
z A total of 12,451 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Monmouth County during 2013, a 6 percent decrease when compared to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 5 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 6 percent.
z The crime rate for Monmouth County was recorded at 19.8 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 6 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 10 in 2012 to 12 in 2013. Rape decreased from 86 in 2012 to 45 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 363 in 2012 to 426 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,558 in 2012 to 2,124 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 648 in 2012 to 566 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Monmouth County amounted to $22.4 million, of which 18 percent was recovered.
z There were 26,376 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of less than one-half of one percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests increased 2 percent to 24,857 and juvenile arrests decreased 30 percent to 1,519 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 25 percent; juveniles were responsible for 8 percent of those cases.
Morris County
z A total of 5,268 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Morris County during 2013, a 5 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 6 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 5 percent.
z The crime rate for Morris County was recorded at 10.6 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 5 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder remained the same in 2013. Rape decreased from 38 in 2012 to 27 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 104 in 2012 to 129 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,145 in 2012 to 860 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 211 in 2012 to 176 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Morris County amounted to $12 million, of which 17 percent was recovered.
z There were 10,589 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 3 percent to 9,685 and juvenile arrests decreased 17 percent to 904 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 24 percent; juveniles were responsible for 7 percent of those cases.
Ocean County
z A total of 10,485 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Ocean County during 2013, a 11 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 15 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 11 percent.
z The crime rate for Ocean County was recorded at 18.1 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 11 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 5 in 2012 to 7 in 2013. Rape increased from 30 in 2012 to 41 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 155 in 2012 to 162 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,660 in 2012 to 2,105 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 411 in 2012 to 299 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Ocean County amounted to $16.2 million, of which 11 percent was recovered.
z There were 16,731 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 5 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 4 percent to 15,697 and juvenile arrests decreased 21 percent to 1,034 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 18 percent; juveniles were responsible for 8 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Passaic County
z A total of 12,358 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Passaic County during 2013, a 9 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes decreased 2 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 11 percent.
z The crime rate for Passaic County was recorded at 24.6 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 9 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 29 in 2012 to 22 in 2013. Rape increased from 43 in 2012 to 46 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 1,211 in 2012 to 1,191 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 3,098 in 2012 to 2,559 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 1,152 in 2012 to 1,138 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Passaic County amounted to $16.7 million, of which 24 percent was recovered.
z There were 15,138 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 7 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 7 percent to 12,954 and juvenile arrests decreased 8 percent to 2,184 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 16 percent; juveniles were responsible for 16 percent of those cases.
Salem County
z A total of 1,627 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Salem County during 2013, a 4 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 5 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 4 percent.
z The crime rate for Salem County was recorded at 24.7 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 4 percent compared to
the previous year.
z Murder increased from 1 in 2012 to 4 in 2013. Rape increased from 13 in 2012 to 16 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 47 in 2012 to 39 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 489 in 2012 to 446 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 110 in 2012 to 103 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Salem County amounted to $2.4 million, of which 9 percent was recovered.
z There were 5,183 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 8 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 7 percent to 4,813 and juvenile arrests decreased 17 percent to 370 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 46 percent; juveniles were responsible for 6 percent of those cases.
Somerset County
z A total of 4,301 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Somerset County during 2013, a 8 percent decrease when compared
to 2012.
z Violent crimes increased 4 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 9 percent.
z The crime rate for Somerset County was recorded at 13.1 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 8 percent compared to the previous year.
z Murder increased from 2 in 2012 to 3 in 2013. Rape remained the same in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 109 in 2012 to 105 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 1,027 in 2012 to 936 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault increased from 92 in 2012 to 103 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Somerset County amounted to $9.2 million, of which 16 percent was recovered.
z There were 7,722 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 6 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 5 percent to 6,987 and juvenile arrests decreased 17 percent to 735 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 15 percent; juveniles were responsible for 12 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —
Sussex County
z A total of 1,510 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Sussex County during 2013, a 20 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 27 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 20 percent.
z The crime rate for Sussex County was recorded at 10.2 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 20 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 5 in 2012 to 1 in 2013. Rape decreased from 9 in 2012 to 3 in 2013.
z Robbery decreased from 21 in 2012 to 8 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 425 in 2012 to 292 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault increased from 48 in 2012 to 49 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Sussex County amounted to $2.6 million, of which 7 percent was recovered.
z There were 3,758 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 10 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 7 percent to 3,559 and juvenile arrests decreased 43 percent to 199 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 22 percent; juveniles were responsible for 9 percent of those cases
Union County
z A total of 12,663 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Union County during 2013, a 6 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes increased 3 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 8 percent.
z The crime rate for Union County was recorded at 23.3 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 6 percent compared to
the previous year.
z Murder decreased from 28 in 2012 to 20 in 2013. Rape decreased from 74 in 2012 to 72 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 971 in 2012 to 980 in 2013. Burglary decreased from 2,620 in 2012 to 2,222 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault increased from 846 in 2012 to 910 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Union County amounted to $34.2 million, of which 38 percent was recovered.
z There were 18,709 persons arrested during 2013, an increase of 9 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests increased 10 percent to 17,477 and juvenile arrests decreased 3 percent to 1,232 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 15 percent; juveniles were responsible for 10 percent of those cases.
Warren County
z A total of 1,693 Crime Index Offenses were reported to the police of Warren County during 2013, a 3 percent decrease when compared to
z Violent crimes decreased 8 percent while the nonviolent crime category decreased 3 percent.
z The crime rate for Warren County was recorded at 15.7 victims for every 1,000 permanent inhabitants, a decrease of 3 percent compared
to the previous year.
z Murder remained the same in 2013. Rape increased from 9 in 2012 to 12 in 2013.
z Robbery increased from 17 in 2012 to 18 in 2013. Burglary increased from 316 in 2012 to 354 in 2013.
z Aggravated assault decreased from 57 in 2012 to 46 in 2013.
z The total value of property stolen in Warren County amounted to $2.2 million, of which 11 percent was recovered.
z There were 4,025 persons arrested during 2013, a decrease of 2 percent when compared to 2012.
z Adult arrests decreased 2 percent to 3,804 and juvenile arrests changed 0 percent to 221 in 2013.
z The total clearance rate for Index offenses was 28 percent; juveniles were responsible for 6 percent of those cases.
— County Offense & Supplementary Data Overview —