Annual mee ngs prove a produc ve me for... Sept./Oct. 2013 Volume 4, Issue 3

Sept./Oct. 2013 Volume 4, Issue 3
Annual mee ngs prove a produc ve me for all
The presence of the Vanderbilt Department of Anesthesiology, through session leadership, key roles in panels and educa onal courses, and presenta ons of cu ng‐edge research and case studies, con nues to grow at the American Society of Anesthe‐
siologists Annual Mee ng and related mee ngs. This year in San Francisco was no excep on. There were 106 presenta ons and other ac vi es by depart‐
ment members, as compared to 82 presenta ons and ac vi es in 2012. At right, Vikram Tiwari, PhD, Department Chair War‐
ren Sandberg, MD, PhD, and Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, were honored when their research “Evalua ng Improvements in First‐Case‐On‐Time Starts Using Process Control Methodolo‐
gies,” was featured in a media release and radio interview by the ASA. The news was picked up by media outlets around the world. See addi onal ASA coverage on the following pages.
Updated Department Profile posted online A great deal has changed since the last Anesthesiology Department Profile was published! We’ve got some great new leaders within our ranks, faculty members who have assumed exci ng new leadership roles at VUMC, and we’ve even formed new divisions: the Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, as well as the Vanderbilt Anesthesiology & Periopera ve Informa cs Research (VAPIR) Division. The Department Profiles were put to good use at the recent ASA Annual Mee ng, as they were handed out by the Office of Educa onal Affairs to prospec ve medical students at the meet and greet event. The profiles will be given out throughout the year to prospec‐
ve recruits and to visitors wan ng to learn more about our program of work. If you need a copy for a guest, please contact Communica ons & Marke ng Coordinator Jill Clendening at The Department Profiles are always
available for download (PDF) on the homepage of the Department of Anesthesiology website: . ASA in Photos, Pages 2-4
VIA Ranch Party, Pages 6-7
Lights, Camera Action, Page 8
Volume 4, Issue 3
Annual mee ngs provide outlet for sharing successes, knowledge Enjoy images from the 2013 ASA Annual Mee ng and Alumni Recep on. Special thanks to Dr. Michael Pilla for being our photographer of note at the events, and to all other a endees who shared photos as well. The Alumni Recep on was held at Town Hall restaurant this year, and was co‐sponsored by our colleagues at Emory University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Front row: Drs. Hannah Lovejoy, Elizabeth Embury. Second row: Drs. Jenna Walters, Andrea
Westman, Amanda Williams, Medical Student Ariana Tabing. Third row: Drs. Jane Easdown,
Cross Dudney, Tucker Mudrick, Brandon Lopez, Tyler Pagel, Marc Lopez, Jonathan Weaver,
Ma McEvoy.
At le , VU Medical Student Ariana Tabing
greets visitors at the VU Anesthesiology table
at the Medical Student Meet & Greet event at
the ASA Annual Mee ng.
At right, Drs. Joel Musee, Daltry Do , and
Rasesh Desai speak to a endees at the
Medical Student Meet & Greet event.
At le , Anesthesiology Department Chair Dr. Warren Sandberg chats with a student from
Mercer University School of
At right, Dr. Jane Easdown
speaks to a resident from
University of Texas.
Volume 4, Issue 3
At le , Dr. Brian
Rothman leads a
workshop on the impact
of HITECH and Meaningful Use on Anesthesia
Prac ces.
At right: Dr. Arna
Banerjee teaches during
a workshop led by Dr.
Ma McEvoy on
Periopera ve ACLS
Simula on.
Le to right, Drs. Reid Phelps, Ma hew Hamilton, Tyler Pagel,
and Stephanie Reed.
Dr. Tucker Mudrick presented an MCC: PEA Arrest Due to a
Tension Hemothorax: A Case Study.
Dr. Kara Siegrist presented an MCC: Re-do Off Pump Coronary
Artery Bypass in Jehovah’s Witness With End-stage Renal
Dr. Reid Phelps presented an MCC: Lingular Tonsilar Hyperplasia and Difficult, Awake, Nasal Fiberop c Intuba on.
Volume 4, Issue 3
Drs. Tom Aus n and Humphrey Lam were part of a team that
presented a late-breaking abstract at the ASA Annual Mee ng.
Global Opportuni es during Residency and Beyond forum leaders Dr.
Mark Bicket (Johns Hopkins), Dr. Kelly McQueen (Vanderbilt), and Dr.
Brian O'Gara (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center).
At right, Dr.
Doug Hester
taught mul ple sessions of
a popular
Flexible Endoscopy for Lung
Isola on. His
workshop coinstructors
were Dr. Amy
Robertson and
Dr. Dan Roke.
The ASA Alumni Recep on was at Town Hall restaurant and was co-sponsored
by our colleagues at Emory University and the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Some a endees: Back row, le to right, Drs. Ma McEvoy, Tyler
Pagel, Brandon Lopez, Kara Siegrist, Sara Walls, Shannon Dare, Tucker Mudrick,
and Daltry Do . Front row, Drs. Jesse Ehrenfeld and Letha Mathews.
At le , Drs. Stephanie Reed
and Kara Siegrist presented
medically challenging cases
at the Annual Mee ng.
At right, Vice-Chair for
Educa onal Affairs Dr. Ma
McEvoy, Jonathan Smalley,
and Jordan Halasz set up a
popular simula on training
course on periopera ve
Volume 4, Issue 3
Significant delirium research earns major media interest
A New England Journal of Medicine ar cle published in early October by Vanderbilt’s ICU Delirium and Cogni ve Impairment Group, including lead author Pra k Pandharipande, MD, MSCI, professor of Anesthesiology and Cri cal Care, and senior author Wes Ely, MD, professor of Medicine, was covered signifi‐
cantly by media across the globe including:
The Wall Street Journal, CBS Evening News, The Tennessean, HealthDay, MedPage Today, CBS Radio, IMNG Medical Media, CBS Newspath, NBC Newschannel, Agence France‐
Presse, HealthLeaders Media, The Wall Street Journal Radio Network, and NPR. Significant media coverage con nued for several weeks following the publica on of the research, and it Senior author Wes Ely, MD, professor of Medicine, and lead author Pra k Pandharipande, MD, MSCI, professor of Anesthesiology and Cri cal Care.
con nues to be picked up by wire services around the world. Their study found that pa ents treated in intensive care units across the globe enter their medical care with no evidence of cogni ve impairment but o en leave with deficits similar to those seen in pa ents with trauma c brain injury (TBI) or mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that persists for at least a year. Read NEJM ar cle here: h p://
full/10.1056/NEJMoa1301372 Congratula ons to Drs. Pandharipande and Ely and the other members of Vanderbilt’s ICU Delirium and Cogni ve Impair‐
ment Group for this achievement and their commitment to improving the care of cri cally ill pa ents. Save the Date: Holiday Events
Holiday Open House: December 15th, 1-4 pm,
Sandberg Residence. More details coming soon!
Holiday Breakfast & Department Meeting:
December 11th, 6:30 am,
Light Hall Lobby/Room 208
Volume 4, Issue 3
VIA Ranch Party proves to be family‐fun fundraiser
The VIA Ranch Party in October was a great day of fun, fellowship and fundraising for Vanderbilt Interna onal Anesthesia, and best of all, nearly $16,000 was raised to support the program. A very special thanks to Dr. James Blair for allowing us to use his property and for all the hard work preparing the grounds for the event. Big thanks also to Dr. Andrea Westman and all the other resi‐
dents who got some fabulous items donated for the auc ons and assisted in countless ways with the fundraiser. Special thank you to Dr. Tucker Mudrick for the incredible cra beers served at the event. Thank you to all the staff that worked many hours to make the event run smoothly, including Nicki Binkley, Jill Clendening, Betsy DeMarcus, Callie Hanks, Rachel Herrmann, Marsha Moore, and Joyce Speer. Thanks also to all the brave volunteers who were dunked in the tank to raise funds for the cause. Thankfully, the weather was perfect for a soaking! If you were not able to a end but would s ll like to make a dona on to this worthy cause, you can give online by CLICKING HERE. The link takes you to a secure online giving page with VIA noted as the recipient. Make sure you put “VIA Ranch Party 2013” in the SPECIAL COM‐
MENTS sec on, so your gi can be noted as being part of this special event! Thank you for all you do to support VIA as this program con nues to save lives and improve medical care in underserved areas of the world! Plans are already in the works for next year’s Ranch Party, so start sav‐
ing your nickels now for auc on bidding. 6
Volume 4, Issue 3
Volume 4, Issue 3
Training videos created by internal talent
Two videos were recently created by the Vanderbilt Department of Anesthesiology to support an ini a ve to improve pa ent safety in areas of the world with high periopera ve mortality, as well as a lack of trained medical providers and a deficiency of basic medical equipment. “Train‐the‐trainer” videos with scenar‐
ios on the use of Lifebox pulse oximeters and the World Health Organiza on Surgical Safety Checklist were filmed at Vanderbilt and were used during an ASA Annual Mee ng workshop led by Dr. Kelly McQueen for medical volunteers travelling to Central America. The videos will soon be posted to the website for the ASA Commi ee on Global Humanitarian Outreach, where they can be accessed by workers de‐
ploying to medical missions around the world. Dr. Michael Pilla, a mul ‐talented anesthesiologist/
photographer/cinematographer, provided all equip‐
ment and served as the “sound man,” while Trisha Pasricha, a medical student at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, filmed the scenarios. Trisha gradu‐
ated from Harvard University with a B.A in film produc‐
on. Prior to studying medicine, she worked for CNN with Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and for Golden Globe‐winning movie director Mira Nair. Above, Dr. Kelly McQueen supervises the proper
use of a Lifebox pulse oximeter during the recent
video shoot.
At le , VU medical student Trisha Pasricha
captures the ac on.
Below, standardized pa ents and CELA staff
were the actors for the scenarios.
Vanderbilt is a passionate backer of a campaign to pro‐
vide Lifebox pulse oximeters to areas of need, having already purchased and distributed 37 of these devices interna onally. Dr. McQueen and others wit‐
nessed a need to educate those going to areas where there have formerly been li le or no pulse oximeters to ensure these devices are used effec vely to improve pa ent safety and save lives. The same need for training was iden fied regard‐
ing the WHO Sur‐
gical Safety Checklist. Our materials high‐
light the im‐
portance of always using the WHO checklist to improve pa ent safety. The Center for Experien al Learning and Assessment (CELA) was the site of the videotaping of realis c scenarios of clinicians providing care in low‐
resource se ngs using pulse oximetry and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. Actors, as well as CELA staff, portrayed doctors, nurses, and pa ents, while Dr. McQueen oversaw the day’s shoot. The scenario scripts were wri en by Dr. Joe Schlesinger, assistant professor in the Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Medical student Trisha Pasricha, who also has a degree in film
produc on from Harvard University, volunteered her talent to Care Medicine, and by Dr. Anna Allred, a clinical fellow in the Division of Anes‐
tape the ac on. Dr. Michael Pilla supplied the camera, lights,
thesiology Cri cal Care Medicine. The edi ng was done by Alan Johnstone, a sound equipment, and his skill in capturing audio.
CELA simula on technologist. Many thanks to all who provided assistance throughout this project! 8
Volume 4, Issue 3
Wagner gets to heart of ma ers during school visit
Reprinted with permission from the blog of Overbrook
School, Nashville, Tennessee.
Fi h‐graders got a lesson on par with many medical stu‐
dents last week when they were able to prac ce examin‐
ing a bea ng heart with an echocardiogram simulator. Dr. Chad Wagner – father of Overbrook students Emily, Mason and Peyton – works in the ICU at Vanderbilt Medi‐
cal Center. He brought an echocardiogram simulator to Mrs. Carrie Pinkston’s fi h‐grade science class last week as a part of the unit on the human body and the circulatory, diges ve and respiratory systems. Dr. Wagner explained to the class that echocardiograms are performed on pa ents to see if there are problems with the func oning of the heart. “Having a picture (of the heart) helps you figure out what’s going wrong,” Dr. Wagner said, adding that the simulator is the piece of equipment doctors use to take those moving pictures of the heart. The simulator he brought to school al‐
lowed students to try their hand at performing the medical test and to prac ce iden fying parts of the heart as it is seen in the echocardiogram. One by one, students were able to use the simulator to view an image of a pumping heart. Students could see the right and le ventricles, the le atrium bringing blood in from the lungs and then the valves as they opened and shut to allow blood to pass through. Students asked Dr. Wagner ques ons as they took turns. Chad Wagner, MD, led students at Overbrook School through training with an echocardiogram simulator used at Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine to train medical students.
“What would the heart look like if a person had a problem or a heart a ack,” one student asked. “How do you find the heart when you are doing the test?” another student asked. “Have you ever had someone whose heart is not in the right place?” yet another student asked. “That’s why this is so helpful to our training,” Dr. Wagner re‐
sponded, adding that medical students use this equipment to help them prepare for doing echocardiograms on real pa‐
ents. Mrs. Pinkston said she was thrilled that her students got a lesson that is usually reserved for medical students. Schlesinger wins SCCM Educa on Specialty Award
Joseph Schlesinger II, M.D., an assistant professor in the Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Care Medicine, is the recipient of the Society of Cri cal Care Medicine’s 2014 Educa on Specialty Award for his abstract “Effects of Mul sensory Training on Pitch Percep on of a Pulse Oximeter.” He was awarded free registra on for the 2014 SCCM Congress in January, where he will present his research. Dr. Schlesinger partnered with the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, the Department of Psychology, and the Vanderbilt Brain Ins tute to examine ways to improve an anesthesiologist’s ability to recognize and respond to auditory and visual cues in the opera ng room. His mentor is Mark Wallace, PhD, Director of the Vanderbilt Brain Ins tute and Professor of Hearing and Speech Sciences. Dr. Schlesinger plans to con nue researching ways to improve audiovisual vigilance of anesthesiologists, and he hopes to develop a training compo‐
nent based on his research that can become part of residents’ training. His research had previously received third place in the clinical medicine poster category at the Joseph Schlesinger II, MD
American Medical Associa on’s Research Symposium in 2012. Their study was also published in Anesthesiology: Effects of divided a en on and opera ng room noise on percep on of pulse oximeter pitch changes: a laborato‐
ry study. Stevenson RA, Schlesinger JJ, Wallace MT. Anesthesiology. 2013 Feb;118(2):376‐81. Congratula ons to Dr. Schlesinger on this achievement! 9
Volume 4, Issue 3
As our department grows and we add members or as individ‐
uals assume new roles, these changes will be announced via email, as well as in our newsle er. 
Claudia Benkwitz, MD, PhD, joined the department in August as an assistant pro‐
fessor in the Pediatric Anesthesiology Divi‐
sion. 
Eva Cassedy, BA, joined the department in August as a research assistant II with the Center for Research and Innova on in Systems Safety (CRISS). 
John Dulong, BS joined our department in October as associate director in Administra on.
Tammy Jones, BA, joined our depart‐
ment in September as an administra ve assistant III. She is working in the Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Care Medicine for Dr. Lee Parmley. 
Anthony “Tony” Threa , BA, M Arch,
joined the Center for Research and Inno‐
va on in Systems Safety (CRISS) in Octo‐
ber as a postdoctoral research fellow.
Lana Sain, BBA, joined the Vanderbilt Anesthesiology & Periopera ve Infor‐
ma cs Research (VAPIR) Division in Octo‐
ber as a data intelligence analyst. 
Lorrie Lee, MD, joined our department in September as professor and chief of the newly formed Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 
Maryann O o, MD, joined our department in August as an assistant professor of clini‐
cal anesthesiology in the Division of Ob‐
stetric Anesthesiology. 
John Barwise, MD, assistant professor of Clinical Anesthesiology, is serving in a new role as the Medical Director of the Veter‐
an’s Administra on SICU. Sarah “Sally” Bagge e, ACNP, joined the department in July as an acute care nurse prac oner in the Division of Anes‐
thesiology Cri cal Care Medicine, Endo‐
vascular Surgical Neuroradiology.
Volume 4, Issue 3
Peter Chin, MD, has been appointed as Director of Pediatric Sedation for the Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Congrats, Dr. Chin! 10
Sujay Kharade, PhD, joined our depart‐
ment in October as research fellow in Dr. Jerod Denton’s lab. FACULTY 
Jennifer Klecan, ACNP, joined the depart‐
ment in October and is working as an acute care nurse prac oner in the Van‐
derbilt Preopera ve Evalua on Center. 
Suanne Daves, MD, chief of the Division of Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesiology, has been named vice chair for Pediatric An‐
esthesiology. environment, and especially the sustained investment the department has made in the B.H. Robbins Scholars Program and mentored research training grants over the past decade. The grant, with a proposed budget of $1.99 million and a possible start date of January 2014, will train basic and physician scien sts in mechanisms and management of pain, periopera ve stress biology and outcomes, health service and transla onal research, and personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics. Items listed in the Department Update are self‐reported by Division Chiefs and all department members, and any omis‐
sion is not inten onal. Items include all ac vi es by depart‐
ment members since the last published newsle er. If you have an ac vity or accomplishment to be listed, please email informa on to Marke ng/Communica ons Coordinator Jill Clendening, Monthly e‐mail reminders are sent reques ng these updates. Accomplishments of Note
Chris Hughes, MD, has been nomi‐
nated for the Society of Cri cal Care Medicine’s Research Cita on Award for his abstract, “Role of Endothelial Dysfunc on and Blood Brain Barrier Injury in Acute Brain Dysfunc on.” 
As a Research Cita on finalist, he will present his research during the 43rd Cri cal Care Con‐
gress in January. Research Cita on Award winners re‐
ceive complimentary registra on to the 2015 Cri cal Care Congress. Chad Wagner, MD, was featured in The Reporter for his role in bringing hemodynamic transesophageal echo‐
cardiography (hTEE) to the CVICU. A miniature, disposable echo probe is used in hTEE to monitor a pa ent’s heart over an extended period of me, be er informing physicians caring for advanced heart‐failure pa ents. Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, was featured in The Reporter for his efforts in making VUMC a leader in LGBTI health care equality. Dr. Ehrenfeld is co‐director of the Program for LGBTI Health in the Office for Diversity in Medical Edu‐
ca on. VUMC was recognized for the second year by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Healthcare Equality Index.
CRNA John Shields graduated from the Vanderbilt doctorate of nursing prac ce (DNP) program in August. Congratula ons to John ! Eric Delpire, PhD
Ma Weinger, MD
Ed Sherwood, MD, PhD
The department’s T32 training grant applica on for TIPS:
Training in Periopera ve Science, led by Eric Delpire,
PhD, and with contribu ons from Ma Weinger, MD, Ed
Sherwood, MD, PhD, and the rest of the basic science faculty, received an outstanding impact score of 18 (scale 10‐90). This would be one of the few Anesthesiology T32 grants in the country, and the high score on ini al round is a testament to the quality of the faculty, the research 
ASA Global Humanitarian Outreach Commi ee Chair Kelly McQueen, MD, traveled to Nica‐
ragua this year to assess pulse oximeter needs and meet with the Nicaraguan Society of Anesthesiologists. Anes‐
thesia in rural Nicaragua is o en provided by a technician alone, without pulse oximetry, greatly increasing the risk of anesthesia‐related morbidity and mortality. The ASA GHO will deliver 200 pulse oximeters to Nicaragua, as well as provide training, in November 2013. 11
Volume 4, Issue 3
Accomplishments of Note
Jason Kennedy, MD, coordinated and implemented a day‐long ECHO Boot Camp in August for Anesthe‐
sia Cri cal Care, Surgical Cri cal Care, and Cardiothoracic fellows to increase their knowledge and clini‐
cal skills in thoracic ultrasound, TEE, and TTE. Presenters were:
Anne Marie Thompson, MD; Antonio Hernandez, MD;
Jason Kennedy, MD; Jeremy Benne , MD; Julian Bick,
MD; and Nahel Saied, MD. Plans are already in the works for another course in the spring. 
Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, and Kristen Eckstrand, PhD, a Vanderbilt MD/PhD student, (above) were invited to the White House Briefing on Obamacare and the LGBT Community conference. The conference focused on how to provide the LGBT community access to the Health In‐
surance Marketplace to shop for a health care insurance plan that best meets their needs. 
Elizabeth Heitman, PhD, who holds a secondary ap‐
pointment in the Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Care Medicine, has been named to the Na onal Academy of Sciences Board on Life Sciences. This is a three‐year ap‐
pointment. 12
Volume 4, Issue 3
Jason Lane, MD; CRNA James Boggess; CRNA Shuhanna
O’Bryan; and former faculty member Shannon Hersey,
MD, went on a week‐long surgical mission trip in August to Guatemala City sponsored by the Shalom Founda on. There, the team performed pediatric dental surgery on 100 children in just four days. 
Kelly McQueen, MD, MPH, par cipat‐
ed in leading a four‐day Austere Sur‐
gery and Anesthesia Training Course for the Na onal Cri cal Care and Trau‐
ma Response Centre in Northern Aus‐
tralia. This effort is combined with US na onal and interna onal plans for be er standardiza on of and prepara on for responding to disasters and humanitarian crises with surgical teams. 
The Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence is now an integrated society of the Interna onal Society of Sur‐
gery, and Kelly McQueen, MD, MPH, (founder of ASAP), is serving as the first president of the new group. The society represents anesthesiologists, obstetricians, sur‐
geons and public health specialists advoca ng for the role of surgery and safe anesthesia within global health. Dr. McQueen spoke during the society’s 6th annual mee ng in September. 
Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, recently took part in a lively debate hosted by the American Medical Student Associ‐
a on: “Does physician assisted suicide cons tute a breach of the Hippocra c Oath for the par cipa ng phy‐
sician?” Par cipants (above) included: Deanna Dicker‐
man (VMS‐II), Perrin Considine (VMS‐II), Dr. Ehrenfeld, Accomplishments of Note
Nathaniel Bloodworth, Melissa Harintho, Dr. Wes Ely, and Jake Abell (Vanderbilt Divinity student). 
Presence (ASAP): building sustainable surgical systems.
World J Surg. 2013 Jul;37(7):1460‐1. Frederic T. (Josh) Billings IV, MD,
MSc, presented a talk, "Sta ns to pre‐
vent AKI," at the Southern Acute Kid‐
ney Injury Inves gators mee ng in September. He is also presen ng an abstract at the American Society of Nephrology annual mee ng tled “The effect of Coenzyme Q10 dose‐
escala on on oxida ve stress in hemodialysis pa ents.” 
Blum J, Stentz M, Maile M, Jewell E, Raghavendran K, Engoren M, Ehrenfeld J. Automated aler ng and recom‐
menda ons for the management of pa ents with preex‐
is ng hypoxia and poten al acute lung injury: a pilot study. Anesthesiology. 2013 Aug;119(2):295‐302. 
Bruehl S, Denton JS, Lonergan D, Koran ME, Chont M, Sobey C, Fernando S, Bush W, Mishra P, Thornton‐Wells TA. Associa ons Between KCNJ6 (GIRK2) Gene Polymor‐
phisms and Pain‐Related Phenotypes. Pain. 2013 Aug 27. 
Bruehl S, Burns JW, Gupta R, Buvanendran A, Chont M, Kinner E, Schuster E, Passik S, France CR. Endogenous opioid func on mediates the associa on between labor‐
atory‐evoked pain sensi vity and morphine analgesic responses. Pain. 2013 Sep;154(9):1856‐64. Note: This list includes publica ons from late June through October, as submi ed by authors or as published in PubMed. 
Alamanda V, Delisca G, Mathis S, Archer K, Ehrenfeld J,
Miller M, Homlar K, Halpern J, Schwartz H, Holt G. The financial burden of reexcising incompletely excised so ssue sarcomas: a cost analysis. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Sep;20(9):2808‐14. Epub 2013 Apr 30. 
Brummel N, Jackson J, Pandharipande P, Thompson J, Shintani A, Di us R, Gill T, Bernard G, Ely E, Girard T. Delirium in the ICU and Subsequent Long‐Term Disability Among Survivors of Mechanical Ven la on. Crit Care Med. 2013 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print] 
Axt J, Abdallah F, Axt M, Githanga J, Hansen E, Lessan J, Li M, Musimbi J, Mwachiro M, Newton M, Ndung'u J, Njuguna F, Nzioka A, Oruko O, Patel K, Tenge R, Ukoli F, White R, O'Neill JA Jr, Lovvorn HN 3rd. Wilms tumor survival in Kenya. J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Jun;48(6):1254‐62. 
Bulka C, Cassedy E, Sandberg W, Ehrenfeld J. A survey of modified rapid‐sequence induc on and intuba on in Canadian academic centers. J Clin Anesth. 2013 Sep 2. pii: S0952‐8180(13)00208‐0. doi: 10.1016/
j.jclinane.2013.03.016. [Epub ahead of print] 
Barr J, Pandharipande P. The pain, agita on, and deliri‐
um care bundle: synergis c benefits of implemen ng the 2013 pain, agita on, and delirium guidelines in an inte‐
grated and interdisciplinary fashion. Crit Care Med. 2013 Sep;41(9 Suppl 1):S99‐S115. 
Card E. Emergence Delirium – A Pa ent Safety Concern. Breathline – The Newsle er of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. 2013 Sep‐Oct; Vol 33, No 5: 6‐7. 
Corey J, Bulka C, Ehrenfeld J. Is Regional Anesthesia Associated With Reduced PACU Length of Stay? : A Retrospec ve Analysis From a Ter ary Medical Center. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print.] 
Denton J, Pao A, Maduke M. Invited Review ‐ Novel Diure c Targets. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2013 Jul 17. 
Ehrenfeld J, Agarwal A, Henneman J, Sandberg W. Es ‐
ma ng the incidence of suspected epidural hematoma 
Bick J, Demaria S Jr, Kennedy J, Schwartz A, Weiner M, Levine A, Shi Y, Schildcrout J, Wagner C. Comparison of Expert and Novice Performance of a Simulated Transesophageal Echocardiography Examina on. Simul Healthc. 2013 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Bickler S, McQueen K. Proceedings of the 4th annual mee ng of the Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia 13
Volume 4, Issue 3
and the hidden imaging cost of epidural catheteriza on: a retrospec ve review of 43,200 cases. Reg Anesth Pain
Med. 2013 Sep‐Oct;38(5):409‐14. 
Ehrenfeld J, Dexter F, Rothman B, Johnson A, Epstein R. Case cancella on rates measured by surgical service differ whether based on the number of cases or the number of minutes cancelled. Anesth Analg. 2013 Sep;117(3):711‐6. 
Epstein R, St Jacques P, Stockin M, Rothman B, Ehren‐
feld JM, Denny J. Automated iden fica on of drug and food allergies entered using non‐standard terminology. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Sep 1;20(5):962‐8. 
Fleming A, Cutrer W, Moutsios S, Heavrin B, Pilla M, Eichbaum Q, Rodgers S. Building Learning Communi es: Evolu on of the Colleges at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Acad Med. 2013 Sep;88(9):1246‐1251. 
Franklin A, Hays S. Successful management of a thoracic cerebrospinal fluid cutaneous fistula in a two year old child using a thoracic epidural blood patch. J Clin Anesth.
2013 Jun;25(4):331‐4. Franklin A, Lorinc A, Donahue B. Malignant Hyperther‐
mia‐Like Manifesta ons in a Two‐Month‐Old Child with Holt‐Oram Syndrome Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. J Car‐
diothorac Vasc Anesth. 2013 Sep 5. pii: S1053‐0770(13)
00161‐4. [Epub ahead of print]
Hester D. Request Case. Anesthesiology. 2013 May 31. 
Hester D, McGrane S, Higgins M. Respiratory parame‐
ters as a surrogate marker for dura on of intuba on: poten al applica on of automated vital sign collec on. J Clin Monit Comput. 2013 Oct;27(5):561‐5. 
Hughes C, Girard T, Pandharipande P. Daily seda on interrup on versus targeted light seda on strategies in ICU pa ents. Crit Care Med. 2013 Sep;41(9 Suppl 1):S39‐
45. 
Kaufmann K, Romaine I, Days E, Pascual C, Malik A, Yang L, Zou B, Du Y, Sliwoski G, Morrison RD, Denton J, Niswender C, Daniels J, Sulikowski G, Xie X, Lindsley C, Weaver C. ML297 (VU0456810), the First Potent and Se‐
lec ve Ac vator of the GIRK Potassium Channel, Displays An epilep c Proper es in Mice. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2013 Sep 18;4(9):1278‐86. 
Kay H, Sathiyakumar V, Yoneda Z, Lee Y, Jahangir A, Eh‐
renfeld J, Obremskey W, Apfeld J, Sethi M. The Effects of ASA Physical Status on Length of Stay and Inpa ent Cost in the Surgical Treatment of Isolated Orthopaedic Frac‐
tures. J Orthop Trauma. 2013 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Maltais S, Costello W, Billings F, Bick J, Byrne J, Ahmad R, Wagner C. Episodic Monoplane Transesophageal Echocardiography Impacts Postopera ve Management of the Cardiac Surgery Pa ent. Journal of Cardiothoracic
and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 27, No 4 (August), 2013: 665‐669. 
McPherson J, Boehm L, Wagner C, Ely E, Pandharipande
P. The authors reply. Crit Care Med. 2013 Sep;41
(9):e237. 
Mirzakhani H, Nozari A, Ehrenfeld J, Peterfreund R, Szabo M, Walsh J, Jiang Y, Sandberg W, Rosow C, Wang J. Profound Hypotension A er Anesthe c Induc on with Propofol in Pa ents Treated with Rifampin. Anesth Analg. 2013 Jul;117(1):61‐4.
Morandi A, Vasilevskis E, Pandharipande P, Girard TD, Solberg L, Neal E, Koestner T, Torres R, Thompson J, Shintani A, Han J, Schnelle J, Fick D, Ely E, Kripalani S. Inappropriate medica on prescrip ons in elderly adults surviving an intensive care unit hospitaliza on. J Am
Geriatr Soc. 2013 Jul;61(7):1128‐34. 
Nguyen M, Lee D, Delpire E, McDonough A. Differen al regula on of Na+ transporters along nephron during ANG II‐dependent hypertension: distal s mula on coun‐
teracted by proximal inhibi on. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2013 Aug;305(4):F510‐9. 
Rasmussen S, Saied N, Bowens C Jr, Mercaldo N,
Schildcrout J, Malchow R. Dura on of Upper and Lower Karsanac C. It just doesn’t make good business sense. Anesthesiology. November 2013, Vol 119, No 5: 1225‐
1227. Volume 4, Issue 3
Extremity Peripheral Nerve Blockade Is Prolonged with Dexamethasone When Added to Ropivacaine: A Retrospec ve Database Analysis. Pain Med. 2013 Jun 11. 
 Rothman B, Dexter F, Epstein R. Communica on latencies of apple push no fica on messages relevant for delivery of me‐cri cal informa on to anesthesia providers. Anesth Analg. 2013 Aug;117(2):398‐404. 
Sanders R, Coburn M, Pandharipande P. Neural and Immune Consequences of Trauma c Brain Injury: Does Propofol Reduce the Impact? Anesthesiology. 2013 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print] 
Family Members: Specificity and Thermodynamic Characteriza on. Biochemistry. 2013 Jul 30. [ Wanderer J, Anderson‐Dam J, Levine W, Bi ner E. Development and Valida on of an Intraopera ve Predic ve Model for Unplanned Postopera ve Intensive Care. Anesthesiology. 2013 Jun 10. Wanderer J, Charnin J, Driscoll W, Bailin M, Baker K. Technical communica on: decision support using anesthesia informa on management system records and accredita on council for graduate medical educa on case logs for resident opera ng room assignments. Anesth Analg. 2013 Aug;117(2):494‐9. Schumann R, Mandell S, Michaels MD, Klinck, Walia A. Intraopera ve Fluid and Pharmacologic Management  Wanderer J, Ehrenfeld J, Sandberg W, Epstein R. The and the Anesthesiologist’s Supervisory Role for Nontradi‐
changing scope of difficult airway management. Can J onal Technologies During Liver Transplanta on: A Sur‐
Anaesth. 2013 Oct;60(10):1022‐4. vey of US Academic Centers. Transplanta on Proceed Was A, Wanderer J. Matching Clinicians to Opera ve ings, 45, 2258‐2262 (2013). Cases: A Novel Applica on of a Pa ent Acuity Score. Appl
 Schumann R, Mandell M, Mercaldo N, Michaels D, Rob‐
Clin Inform 2013 4 3: 331-339 ertson A, Banerjee A, Pai R, Klinck J, Pandharipande P,
 Watson P, Pandharipande P, Gehlbach B, Thompson J, Walia A. Anesthesia for liver transplanta on in United Shintani A, Di us B, Bernard G, Malow B, Ely E. Atypical States academic centers: intraopera ve prac ce. J Clin
Sleep in Ven lated Pa ents: Empirical Anesth. 2013 Aug 29. doi:pii: S0952‐8180(13)00228‐6. Electroencephalography Findings and the Path Toward 10.1016/j.jclinane.2013.04.017. [Epub ahead of print]
Revised ICU Sleep Scoring Criteria. Crit Care Med. 2013 
Sigakis M, Bi ner E, Wanderer J. Valida on of a Risk Stra fica on Index and Risk Quan fica on Index for Predic ng Pa ent Outcomes: In‐hospital Mortality, 30‐
day Mortality, 1‐year Mortality, and Length‐of‐stay. Anesthesiology. 2013 Jun 13. Aug;41(8):1958‐1967 Accepted for Publica on
Solis C, León P, Sanchez N, Burdic M, Johnson L, Warren H, Iddriss A, McQueen K. Nicaraguan Surgical and Anesthesia Infrastructure: Survey of Ministry of Health Hospitals. World J Surg. 2013 Jun 12. Josh Billings, MD, MSc, and Chad Wagner, MD, had a manuscript accepted for publica on in Cri cal Care Med‐
icine: “Early bispectral index and seda on requirements during therapeu c hypothermia predict neurologic re‐
covery following cardiac arrest.”  Randall Malchow, MD, had a review on “Morbid Obesity Tiwari V, Dexter F, Rothman B, Ehrenfeld J, Epstein R. in the Free Standing Ambulatory Surgery Center" accept‐
Explana on for the near‐constant mean me remaining ed by Current Reviews in Anesthesiology. in surgical cases exceeding their es mated dura on, nec‐
 Jonathan Wanderer, MD, and Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD,
essary for appropriate display on electronic white MPH, had a le er to the editor regarding the August 1 boards. Anesth Analg. 2013 Aug;117(2):487‐93. Jaber ar cle, accepted by the New England Journal of  Wafer L, Tzul F, Pandharipande P, Makhatadze G. Novel Medicine Interac ons of the TRTK12 Pep de with S100 Protein 
Volume 4, Issue 3
CRNA Randy
Hillis and wife Natalie wel‐
comed a baby boy, Becke Anson Hillis, on July 15. He weighed in at 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. 
Svanah Mar n, daughter of Dawn
(Admin Division) and Kelly Mar n, was crowned the Youth Show Pleasure World Champion in August at the 75th annual Tennessee Walking Horse Cele‐
bra on in Shel‐
byville, Tennessee. She was riding her horse In A Danger
Zone. Svanah began taking riding lessons at five years old, and she told her parents and grandpar‐
ents then that she would be a World Champion by the me she was 12. She achieved that predic on. Congrats to Svanah and her family! 
Marcos Lopez, MD, and wife, Amanda Snowden, welcomed son, Lucas, above, on August 14th. 
On August 20, Jon Wanderer, MD, and his wife Tatyana welcomed TWINS (below)—baby girl Norah, 6 pounds, 10 oz., and baby boy Ellio , 7 pounds 7 oz. Not seeing
The Anesthesia Monitor, the Vanderbilt Department of Anesthesiology newsle er, is a reflec on of the ac vi es and successes of our faculty, staff, and alumni. We would love to share what’s going on in your division, as well as the significant milestones in your life. News can include anything from recent publi‐
ca ons and professional awards/achievements to personal news and accomplishments. Send all the details to Marke ng/
Communica ons Coordinator Jill Clendening: If you have a photo or two to go along with your news, that’s even be er! 16
Volume 4, Issue 3
Nearly four centuries of service recognized
These faculty represent 145 years of Vanderbilt experience! 5 Years: Thomas Aus n Frederic “Josh” Billings IV E Jane Brock Suanne Daves Douglas Hester Christopher Karsanac Randall Malchow Daniel Roke Sarah Starr 10 Years: Nathan Ashby Cur s Baysinger James Berry Jill Boyle Susan Eagle Steve Hyman Amy Robertson Sco Watkins 20 Years: Ramachander Pai
Patricia Juoza‐Clark Sheila Sitarich Rhonda Tucker CRNAs
These employees represent 125 years of Vanderbilt experience! 15 Years: Lewis McCarver 5 Years: Margaret Boone LaTorya Burton Chris na Cro s Amanda Dickert Emily Donegan Vali Hammers Susanne Horton Mariah Light Kathy Mitchell Rachel Murray Andrew Phillips Donald Quandt Elizabeth Stephan Julie York 10 Years: Whitney Frankenfield Staff
These 9 employees represent 120 years of Vanderbilt experience!
5 Years: Kris n Bell Jill Clendening Christopher Eldridge Chris ne Goldsberry Rachel Herrmann 10 Years: Elisabeth Hudson 25 Years: Donna Nelson Deborah Nelson‐Rouse 35 Years: Kelen Taylor (Wow!) Please send us your news to share with other Vanderbilt alumni and faculty. News can include personal news, accomplishments, and achievements. In addition, send us your mailing address, e‐mail address and other current contact information so we can keep you updated on all the latest news and upcoming events. Please send news via e‐mail to Communications/Marketing Coordinator Jill Clendening at: , by calling 615‐322‐4841, or by mail to: Vanderbilt University Department of Anesthesiology 1211 21st Avenue South 722 Medical Arts Building Nashville, TN 37212 17
Volume 4, Issue 3
New VAPIR Division to Bolster Use of Informa on Technology
A new Departmental Division has been established: the Van‐
derbilt Anesthesiology & Periopera ve Informa cs Research (VAPIR) Division, led by Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH and Jona‐
than P. Wanderer, MD. Formerly known as the Periopera ve Data Systems Research (PDSR) group, the VAPIR Division fo‐
cuses on u liza on of informa on technology within the peri‐
opera ve environment to improve pa ent safety and the quality of care delivered. The mul disciplinary group has grown from three full‐ me research support staff in 2010 to eight, and its members manage more than 70 ac ve clinical research projects. This growth led to the logical move to form a defined division. The division’s members have taken the lead on developing methodologies for evalua ng the impact of technology and informa on management systems within the opera ng room. Major achievements have included successful compe ‐
on for a grant from the Anesthesia Pa ent Safety Founda‐
on (APSF) and a complete redesign of the Periopera ve Da‐
ta Warehouse (the eleven‐year historical archive of data from the Vanderbilt Periopera ve Informa on Management Sys‐
tem). Addi onally, VAPIR has supported a number of im‐
portant opera onal ini a ves, such as the development, launch, and maintenance of the Anesthesia Op mal Care Score Dashboard and the Periopera ve Dashboard Project, which provides a real‐ me overview of a series of OR man‐
agement and cost metrics to front‐line managers and clini‐
cians. In addi on, discoveries made by researchers in the VAPIR Division have led not just to the crea on of new knowledge, but in many cases, have resulted in the direct improvement of care and opera ve outcomes of Vanderbilt pa ents — and thousands of pa ents undergoing surgery and anesthesia worldwide. Examples include improved intraopera ve glu‐
Volume 4, Issue 3
Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld , MD, MPH, on le , and Jonathan Wanderer, MD,
direct the VAPIR Division.
cose monitoring, a study to reduce anesthesia‐related costs for opera ve cases, and a study to decrease post‐opera ve complica ons including hospital readmissions. If you would like to suggest projects or collabora on with the
VAPIR Division, please contact Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld. VAPIR Team Members Dr. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld – Medical Director Dr. Jonathan P. Wanderer – Associate Medical Director Damon Michaels – Director, Clinical Trials Research Michaelene Johnson – Database Administrator Christopher Eldridge – Health Systems Database Analyst III Catherine Bulka – Research Analyst III Lana Sain – Data Intelligence Analyst (joining team in October) Dylan Snyder – Business Intelligence Analyst I 