CONFERENCE REGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE Instructions: Unless otherwise instructed, answer each question by circling the number on the same line as your answer. Thank you for your time! (1) Are you visiting here to attend a convention? Yes……………...................1 No.........................................2 IF YOU ARE ATTENDING A CONVENTION, ANSWER QUESTIONS #2, #3 and| #4. OTHERWISE, SKIP TO QUESTION #5 (2) What type of convention are you attending? Association..........................1 Governmental......................2 Professional.........................3 (3) At what level is this convention? National...............................1 Regional..............................2 State….................................3 Local...................................4 (4) Is this convention being held city-wide or just in this hotel? City-wide.............................1 Just in this hotel...................2 IF YOU ARE NOT UNDER A SPECIAL PRICING PROGRAM, ANSWER QUESTION #5. IF YOU ARE UNDER A SPECIAL PRICING PROGRAM, ANSWER QUESTION #6. (5) Are you traveling on business or leisure? Business.............................1 Leisure...............................2 1 (6) Under which special pricing program is your room being charged? Senior Citizens………......................01 Sports Groups..................................02 Military.............................................03 Corporate Group (Booked by hotel)...04 Corporate Rate by Company…….....05 Government Employee Rate.............06 Travel Agent Employee....................07 Hotel Employee................................08 Airline Employees..............................09 IF YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A SPECIAL PACKAGE OR PROGRAM, ANSWER QUESTION #7. OTHERWISE, SKIP TO QUESTION #8. (7) What special program are you taking advantage of on this trip? Weekend Package…………….........................1 Honeymoon Package.......................................2 Tennis Package...............................................3 Golf Package...................................................4 Franchise-wide Frequent Traveler Program….5 Individual Hotel Frequent Traveler Program...6 FIT Tour.........................................................7 Tour Operator Tour........................................8 Other Special Program....................................9 Specify__________________________ (8) Did advertisements in any of the following help you to decide to stay in this hotel? (CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER) Yes No Newspaper….........................1…….....2 Outdoor….............................1..............2 Radio.....................................1….........2 TV.........................................1….….....2 Magazine...............................1…….....2 Inflight Magazine..................1….…....2 Online....................................1….........2 (9) How many are there in your travel party? (CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7+ 2 (10) For each room you reserved, indicate whether it is a single, double, triple or quad. (CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER. IF YOU HAVE RESERVED MORE THAN FOUR ROOMS, ANSWER FOR THE FIRST FOUR ROOMS.) Single Double Triple Quad Room #1..........1…….......2...............3..............4 Room #2..........1...............2...............3..............4 Room #3..........1...............2...............3..............4 Room #4..........1...............2…….......3..............4 (11) What is your sex? Male.....................................1 Female..................................2 STOP HERE. DO NOT ANSWER THE REMAINING QUESTIONS. THIS INFORMATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY HOTEL PERSONNEL. TO HOTEL PERSONNEL: IF THIS PARTY DID NOT MAKE HIS/HER OWN RESERVATION, COMPLETE QUESTIONS #12 to #15. (12) If the reservation source was a Travel Agent, was it a FIT Package.....................................1 IT Package........................................2 Franchise Reservation System.........3 National 800 #..................................4 (13) If the reservation source was a Corporate Travel Department, was it a FIT Package.....................................1 IT Package........................................2 Franchise Reservation System.........3 National 800 #..................................4 (14) If this reservation was made on an Individual Hotel Incentive Program, was it a Secretary's Clubs..................1 Other Program......................2 Specify_______________________ 3 (15) If this reservation was made on an Hotel Company Incentive Program, was it a Special programs for high volume producing companies..1 Other Program....................................................................2 Specify______________________________ COMPLETE QUESTION #16 FOR ALL TRAVELING PARTIES. (16) Rate paid for each room reserved (FOR THE FIRST FOUR ROOMS) Room#1......................____________ Room#2......................____________ Room#3......................____________ Room#4......................____________ 4