A Guide to the ABTA’s 2013 Medical Student Summer Fellowship Application Please be aware the submission process has changed. All applications for the 2013 American Brain Tumor Association Medical Student Summer Fellowship must be completed online through www.abtagrants.org. The application submission deadline, including all supporting documents and letters, is Thursday, March 7, 2013, 3pm EST/ 2pm CST/ 12pm PST. ABOUT THIS AWARD ABTA Medical Student Summer Fellowships are $3,000 grants to medical students wishing to spend a summer conducting brain tumor research. The fellowship is to be conducted in a neuro-oncology laboratory with a mentorship setting that will provide an introductory learning experience. Studies are to be conducted at laboratories in the United States or Canada. The fellowship start date is determined by the mentor and should extend 10-12 weeks over the summer. A student authored outcomes report is due upon completion of the Fellowship, and must be received by October 1, 2013. Medical Student Summer Fellowship Eligibility: • Current enrollment in year 1, 2, or 3 of medical school; • The institution at which the fellowship training will be performed is located in the US or Canada; and • The planned research experience will extend 10-12 weeks over the summer. Conditions for Fellowship Support Further Include: • A final written outcomes report is required at the conclusion of the summer research experience. This report is due to the ABTA no later than October 1, 2013. • Acknowledgement of American Brain Tumor Association support must be included in any media releases, journals, publications, abstracts, podium or poster presentations generated by this award. Please send notification of these communications to grants@abta.org. Applications must be completed and submitted by March 7, 2013. Selected students will be notified by May 1, 2013. We appreciate your interest and participation in this important neuroscience program. If you have any questions, please contact us at grants@abta.org. MAIL WEB 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE 773.577.8750 FAX 773.577.8738 www.abta.org EMAIL info@abta.org Gathering the following information/documents in advance will expedite the completion of your online application. Please see the sample application below for specifics on each requirement. Note – PDFs should not exceed 5 MB each. • • • • • • • • • A one page PDF describing your career goals Your CV or biosketch in PDF format. A template for and an example of the NIH- format biosketch format can be found here. A letter from your sponsor with his/her NIH-format biosketch in PDF format The names and e-mail addresses for one reference from your current medical school faculty or administration. This individual will be asked to write a reference letter for you, to be uploaded in PDF format by the reference letter authors. The letters are blinded to the applicant. Applicants may opt to submit one supplementary letter from a previous academic institution. The supplementary letter will be accepted in addition to the sponsor letter and the letter from your current medical school faculty/administration. A description of the institutional support, equipment, resources for data set analysis and other critical resources available for the proposed project. We encourage applicants to work with their sponsor to describe the institutional support. A text box is provided online. A 250 word, publishable summary of your study for a non-expert reader. A text box is provided online. The tumor type and topic area to which your research relates. A one page description of the research you plan to engage in this summer in PDF format. See the application for details. The name and e-mail address of the grant officer, within your institution, who will certify your application. All applications must be certified by a grant officer prior to submission. Uncertified applications cannot be submitted. Contact your sponsor if you are unsure of the Grant Officer for the award. A note about grant officer edit and submission authority: The applicant can choose to give the grant officer the authority to edit/change the application, and can choose to allow the grant officer to submit the application, once complete. These authorities can be managed once a grant officer has been entered by editing permissions in the named grant officer section. ABTA’s new grant portal provides personalized user views. Applicants and grant officers see all questions and responses, but they do not see the content of reference letters. Sponsors can see all questions and responses, they do not see the content of reference letters, and cannot edit the application. Reference letter authors see only the applicant name, the institution at which the research will be done, the project title, and the sponsor’s name. Please direct all questions and inquiries to grants@abta.org. Sample ABTA Medical Student Summer Fellowship Application Questions The status of the application is displayed in the ‘Application Center’. The status on the application will change from ‘Initiated’ to ‘Grant Officer Reviewed Not Approved’ to ‘Grant Officer Approved’ to ‘Submitted’ as the steps are completed. Note that if any changes are made to the application after the Grant Officer Approval, the status of the application will revert back to Initiated, and it will need to be reapproved by the Grant Officer and/or resubmitted. Applicant Tab Applicant First Name Applicant Last Name Credentials MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org Email Please enter your permanent home address City State / Province Postal Code Country Phone # 1 Home Phone (format=xxx-xxx-xxxx) Phone #2 Mobile Phone (format=xxx-xxx-xxxx) Medical School Name Current Year of Medical School Background Tab Have you ever been awarded funding from the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)? Please Select If yes, please indicate the type of ABTA funds previously received. Multiple selections are allowed. Medical Student Summer Fellowship Basic Research Fellowship Discovery Grant Translational Grant Other ABTA Funds If you are currently funded by ABTA, will that funding conclude prior to the start of the award for which you are applying? Please Select Have you applied, or do you intend to apply, elsewhere for salary support? Competitive awards for salary support are acceptable but cannot exceed your regular salary. No Yes If yes, where? (Text box follows here) Career Goals Upload, in PDF format, a one page description of your career goals. Include an explanation of how an ABTA award would contribute to the development of your career. This is one of the key pieces of your application, and it must be completely authored by the applicant. Biosketch or CV Upload, in PDF format, your biosketch or CV. MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org Reference Letters Tab Additional References: In addition to the sponsor letter, one additional letter of reference, from a member of the faculty or administration at the medical school in which you are currently enrolled, is required. The letter of reference from a member of your current medical school faculty or administration must be dated no earlier than October 2012 and appear on letterhead. Applicants may opt to submit one additional letter of reference from a previous academic/undergraduate institution. Enter the contact information for each individual who will be providing a letter, then click the ‘Add’ button. (The 'Add' button also saves the reference letter authors' contact details into the 'Summary and Certification' tab.) Click on the 'Notify' link to send a portal-generated email to the named individual. The reference letter author will need to use this link to access the application portal, the email also contains instructions for uploading letters. As each letter is added to the portal, the 'File Uploaded No' indicator next to each reference letter author name will change to 'File Uploaded Yes.' All letters must be either uploaded by the reference letter author, or mailed to the ABTA office by the application deadline date. (We will upload them to this file as they arrive.) Applicants will be able to verify receipt of each letter, but will not be able to see the letters. Letters must match the named individuals; substitutions or additional references will not be accepted. We encourage applicants to personally contact the reference letter authors to request their letter. Be aware that the ABTA email notifications are portal-generated; therefore, we cannot guarantee email delivery through systems utilizing restrictive email filters. Applicants will be unable to submit their application without at least one letter of reference uploaded to the system. To change the reference letter author names or details, delete the entry using the orange 'minus' button, then reenter the correct information. First Name Last Name Credentials Institution Email Identified Reference Letter Authors Reference Letter Authors List Appears Here with E-mail Addresses Institution Tab Institution where the research will be done Department MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org Please enter the city, state/province and country of the research institution City State / Province Country United States Describe the institutional support, equipment, resources for data set analysis and other critical resources available for the proposed project. Indicate any unique features of your scientific environment, or collaborations from which this research could benefit. (Text box follows here) Research Tab Title of the proposed research study Summary Provide a 250 word, publishable summary of your study for a non-expert reader. If your study is funded, this summary may be provided to ABTA's constituents as an explanation of the research. (Text box follows here) To which type of tumors does your research relate? Glioblastomas Oligodendroglioma Non-benign Meninigomas Medulloblastoma Malignant gliomas Pituitary Tumors Ependymoma Low grade gliomas Metastatic Tumors Other Brain Tumor Type Meningiomas Brain stem gliomas All CNS Tumors General Oncology Please indicate all topic areas that relate to your proposed research. Angiogenesis Signalling Apoptosis / Cell Death Biomarkers Cellular Differentiation or Transformation Drug Therapies/Experimental Therapeutics Therapy & Viral-Based Therapies Neuropathology/Classification Systems Please select your primary area of research Cell Metabolism Cell DNA Damage/Repair Mechanisms Epigenetics Genetics Cell Cycle Imaging Proteomics Drug Delivery Gene Expression/Transciption Immunology/Immunotherapy Radiation Therapy Gene Invasion/Motility Stem Cells Other please select Description Upload, in PDF format, a one page description of the research in which you plan to participate this summer. This description should be written in your own words and be completely authored by you. Sponsor & Training Tab List your proposed sponsor/s and their information below. Sponsors will receive an email notification of this application. All applications must have at least one sponsor and no more than two sponsors. First Name MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org Last Name Credentials Institution Email Sponsor Phone Sponsor Title Department City State / Province Country Identified Sponsors Sponsor List Appears Here with E-mail Addresses Sponsor Letter of Support Upload, in PDF format, a current letter of support, and acceptance, from the sponsor that describes the nature of the supervised brain tumor research experience and mentorship to be provided. The sponsor’s NIH-format biosketch (three page limit) should be uploaded with the letter. If there are two sponsors, a letter and biosketch is needed from each. Grant Officer Tab Please identify the Grant Officer who will have oversight of this application within the institution at which the summer project is planned. (If you do not know the appropriate Grant Officer for this application, contact your sponsor.) The named Grant Officer is required to approve institutional support for this application prior to its submission, and upon funding, provide payee information and original signatures. Enter the Grant Officer’s contact information below. Click the ‘Add’ button. This will add the Grant Officer to ‘Named Grant Officer’ section. Once a Grant Officer has been added, click the ‘Notify’ link to send a portalgenerated email to the Grant Officer. That e-mail provides the Grant Officer with the steps and instructions on how to approve the application once it is complete. We encourage applicants to personally follow up and work closely with the Grant Officer to ensure timely application submission. Be aware that the email notifications are portal-generated; therefore, the ABTA cannot MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org guarantee email delivery through systems utilizing restrictive email filters. If you or a Grant Officer have questions on how to edit or submit, email grants@abta.org or call the ABTA at 773-577-8750. First Name Last Name Credentials Institution Email Edit and Submission Authority I authorize the named grant officer to edit, change and upload documents. No Yes Application Submission Authorization (You must select one) I will be submitting this application on my behalf. I grant exclusive authority to the Grant Officer to submit this application Please be aware that applicants will not be notified of changes made by the grant officer. All applicants are responsible for reviewing the entire application and attached documents prior to submission. Identified Grant Officer Named Grant Officer appears here with e-mail address Summary & Certification Tab A list of all questions and the responses appears on this tab, followed by an application certification box. Application Certification Please disclose any significant contributor(s) to the content of your application and their contribution. Contributions by others does not disqualify - we simply request disclosure. I certify that I understand the conditions of support for this award and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements set forth by the ABTA. I acknowledge ownership for the content submitted and certify that I am the author or have provided a delegated author with the content submitted in this application. (Updated on January 31, 2013) MAIL 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Suite 550 Chicago, IL 60631 PHONE FAX EMAIL 886-659-1030 773-577-8738 info@abta.org WEBSITE www.abta.org