Document 13194491

LDC FUNDING FOR RESEARCH ACTIVE STAFF NETWORKS APPLICATION FORM PART A Details: Name: Roswitha Gostner / John Meadows Job Title: Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) Research Fellow / IAS Global Research Fellow Staff No: 1274863 / 0674240 Department/Centre/Unit/Faculty: Division of Biomedical Cell Biology, Warwick Medical School & IAS Departmental Administrator (name): Wendy Coy (Medical School) / Rachel Corke (IAS) Purpose / Objective of the Research Staff Network: We propose a series of 9 talks to be held on one day on the topic of microtubules, including both theoretical and experimental perspectives on the subject. Such a meeting will foster inter-­‐disciplinary networking by Warwick-­‐based research staff working on microtubules but who are in different departments across the University (Warwick Medical School, School of Life Sciences, Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry and the Centre for Systems Biology). Establishing a cross-­‐campus network around the theme of microtubules will lead to genuine scientific insight and translate to novel inter-­‐disciplinary approaches, increased research income and, in the longer term, benefits to patient health. Additionally, such a network will provide a platform for Early Career Researchers and graduate students to network with local, National and International professionals in the field; such a series of talks is a great opportunity to informally discuss Internships and Fellowships which can greatly strengthen future employment options and joint Fellowship applications. Details of the Skills/ Development Activity(ies) (Max 500 words): The format of the meeting will be a one-­‐day workshop to be held on the 7th May 2014 in Warwick Medical School. We plan to have 9 internationally recognised invited speakers (see below), each making a 30 minute presentation. Accommodation and travel arrangements for the speaker are funded by the IAS, the Division of Biomedical Cell Biology and possibly a Scientific Meeting Grant (application submitted to the Company of Biologists). Frequent catered breaks (3 coffee break during the day and a catered lunch) will provide an informal platform to discuss and disseminate ideas. All external speakers will be offered accommodation before and after the workshop and a conference banquet will be provided for the speakers and invited delegates. Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013
Brief outline of the meeting’s subject & speakers Microtubules, by virtue of their physical properties and interaction partners, have a staggering variety of intracellular functions. They are involved in cellular migration, maintaining structural integrity, chromosome segregation, cell division, vesicle transport, cell polarity and developmental pathways. Unsurprisingly, given this range of functions the study of microtubules, has huge implications for human health – for example, the use of taxanes to stabilise microtubules in cancer chemotherapy. In parallel with sophisticated experimental cell biology approaches to unravel microtubule function, a growing community of mathematical modellers has helped to make significant advances in understanding the dynamics of microtubule behaviour in silico. Microtubules: Experimental & Theoretical Perspectives
We have invited a mix of internationally renowned experimental cell biologists and mathematical
*Prof Fred Chang
Columbia University, New York, USA
Prof Ken Sawin
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology,
University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Thomas Surrey
Cancer Research UK London Research Institute,
London, UK
Dr Bernard Piette
Durham University, UK
Prof Nigel Burroughs
University of Warwick (Systems Biology), UK
Dr Andrew McAinsh
University of Warwick (Medical School), UK
proposed – not yet confirmed
Prof Isabelle Vernos
Centre de Regulació Genòmica, Barcelona, Spain
Prof Marileen Dogterom
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Prof Rob Cross
University of Warwick (Medical School), UK
* We are applying for a “Scientific Meeting Grant” to fund Prof Chang’s travel and accommodation
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he can attend this
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give the plenary talk. Prof Chang is a world expert on
the cytoskeleton in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. He is also an expert and
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Medical School. If you have a website, please give the URL: In development and will be available by the end of January 2014. Please state which events will be open to other University of Warwick research staff: All talks will be open to all University of Warwick research staff (numbers will be determined by an online registration process). Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013
Is this a new network or existing network? New Whilst this is the inaugural meeting of this type to be planned in our Division at the University of Warwick, we believe it could form the template for further cytoskeletal meetings taking place on an annual basis with the focus perhaps alternating between microtubules, actin and intermediate filaments. Scope/ Evaluation / Impact of activity(ies) proposed (Please give us an estimate of the numbers of staff who will be involved and an indication of how you will measure the impact of the activity/activities. If you intend to follow up the activity by disseminating information, or using the outcomes to support other staff development activities, please also let us know this) Due to the topic’s inter-­‐disciplinary nature we expect internal delegates from Warwick Medical School, School of Life Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Maths, Physics and the Centre for Systems Biology, as well as the doctoral training centres -­‐ MOAC (Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells) and Systems Biology. It should be noted that we will particularly encourage PhD students to attend and fully contribute to the meeting, and therefore expect approximately half of the audience to be graduate students. We expect an enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience composed of between 70 and 100 individuals including senior academics, post-­‐doctoral researchers and graduate students. Providing catered coffee breaks and lunch permits delegates and speakers to spend more time discussing topics and evaluating opportunities for future collaborations. How do you plan to let research staff know about your events/meetings? We plan to advertise the event via email, newsletter, posters and electronic noticeboards (Divisional, WMS and University). How do you plan to share the learning / best practice with other University of Warwick Research Staff Networks? We will provide Feedback to the Research Staff Forum. Moreover, we plan to record the event (with the support of the speakers), and provide sound bites or summaries of the talks on the event web page, either in blog or twitter format. What is the benefit of your activity/activities to: •
The University: The day of research seminars with National and International speakers provides an opportunity for senior academics, Early Career Researchers and graduate students to network with colleagues in different disciplines across the campus working on the same subject with radically different approaches. Networking with the National and International speakers will also be facilitated. The outcomes are dissemination of information, novel methodologies and increased collaborative paper & grant submission Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013
Your department/organisation A final Principal Investigator meeting at the end of the lectures series will evaluate collaboration between Warwick and other universities that may result in joint research proposal applications. •
Research agenda The one-­‐day workshop will bring together research staff from different disciplines, such as Life Sciences, Medical School, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry and the Centre for Systems Biology working on microtubule related research topics. This workshop is positioned at the nexus of theoretical microtubule modelling and experimental insight and the workshop brings together speakers and an audience composed of experts in both fields with the intention of nucleating collaborations. Total amount of funding requested: £1028 Breakdown of funding requested (approximate): We expect about 70-­‐100 people to attend the event, and are budgeting for 80. £240 for 3 coffee breaks (University Catering, based on current menu & prices). £788 for lunch (University Catering, based on current menu & prices). *Signature of Applicant: …………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………... Head of Department’s signature: Head of Department: John Davey…………………………………………… (please print) **Signed: ……………………………………………….…………….… Date: ……………………………... Please send your completed form either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks ( in the Learning and Development Centre, University House. If you have any queries, please contact Sandy to discuss (either via email at the above address or on extn 74121). *You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the application which will be taken as your signature. **Your HOD can either sign a hardcopy, scan in their signature or send an email to Sandy Sparks stating they support your application. Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013
Approved by: ……………………………………………………..……..…. (for LDC use) Amount approved: £………………………………………….…………… Sandy Sparks, LDC
Date: ……………………………. Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013
PART B Report: Funding awards are conditional upon a report being produced after the event or activity which reflects on the value and impact of the activity in order to share best practice. We ask you to do this by completing Part B of this form within 2 weeks of the event or by 31 July 2014 for a series of events. (Please note that funding may be retracted where reports are not produced). Please tell us: ! How you felt the event/activity went: ! How many research staff were involved in a) the organisational process: and b) presenting at the event itself: ! How it has contributed to the Department/ University/ Research Agenda: ! What has been learnt: ! What would be done differently next time: ! Impact/results/benefits: ! Budget (provide breakdown of amounts spent): £ £ £ *Signature of Applicant: ……………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………. Please send your completed report either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks ( in the Learning and Development Centre, University House. *You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the report which will be taken as your signature. Report received (date): ……………………………….. (for LDC use) Sandy Sparks, LDC
Amount spent: £ …………………………………… Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013