Name: Dr Carolyn Dawson
Job Title: Research Fellow
Staff No:
Department/Centre/Unit/Faculty: IDH (WMG)
Departmental Administrator (name): Mrs Glenda Kershaw (Finance); Miss Sallyann Edwards (IDH)
Purpose / Objective of the Research Staff Network:
What drives Warwick WIS?
The latest House of Commons report (2014) highlights the continuing problems and barriers faced
by Women In Science (WIS).
The aim of Warwick WIS is to help identify and provide tools around key themes recognised by the
WIS network targeted at overcoming such barriers.
We have identified three key areas that may help our network overcome specific barriers in their
careers (see Table 1 for example applications):
Table 1: The 3 WIS Themes as applied to example barriers known to affect Women In Science (WIS)
WIS Theme
Example barriers this can target
Feeling that “science” is not a viable career option – from early in life
(school age), to long-term decisions (post-graduate, post-doc).
Lack of Women being PIs, heading research groups/teams, submitting
funding applications, leading departments/institutions
Isolation, perceived lack of ability to self-promote (imposter syndrome),
inhibited networking skills, perceived tokenism leading to diluted effect
of equality/diversity policies
Our annual event, WIS A Day With…, (already successfully held in September 2013 and 2014) aims to
bring together the network to celebrate the success of Women Scientists at Warwick, and also offer
the opportunity to identify which barriers, issues and opportunities network members would like
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
explored going forwards. As with all WIS activities, WIS A Day With… is open to the whole Warwick
community and is not exclusive to females. Attendee records from 2013 and 2014 recorded male and
females individuals from both within and outside the Faculty of Science.
WIS A Day With… 2014 was funded by Student Careers and Skills (£600), allowing 50 network
members access to experts speakers from Warwick, a range of well-attended breakout sessions
facilitated by internal specialists, and an opportunity to meet and discuss their own on-going
challenges and strategies for success.
The new initiative going forwards from 2014, Seasonal WIS, aims to provide the network with a
forum to explore these identified areas in more depth, using regular, informal sessions, which may
lead to further spinout events.
Details of the Skills/ Development Activity(ies) (Max 500 words):
Following the success of WIS A Day With… 2013 (funded by the LDC) the WIS committee focuses on
two main themes of feedback: (i) network growth (ii) the need for future events.
Through increased publicity and a new communication strategy the WIS network has grown by 40%
over the past 6 months, with participation widening to include additional Warwick departments and
members from outside the Science Faculty. We have also established links with other Warwick
networks (i.e. Working Parents Groups) with who we have identified areas of similarity in terms of
member requirements.
We now wish to deliver on the secondary aim of providing future events, which are tailored to meet
the needs of WIS. A sub-committee has been appointed, and feedback from WIS A Day With… 2013
and WIS A Day With… 2014 has allowed various topics for future focus to be established (see Table
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
Table 2: Identified areas around which Seasonal WIS network events will be formed
WIS Theme
Potential Discussion Points
WIS in the Community:
STEM with Schools – a co-ordinated approach?
Public Engagement activities – the role of WIS?
Available Conferences/Workshops – delegates AND presenters/hosts?
Practical Workshops/Opportunities to produce outputs?
Successful Funding/Research Protocols:
ECR Fellowships – practical guidance, key contacts across the University
Funding Body grants - practical guidance, key contacts across the University
University Ethics – BSREC process
Moving from CI to PI – key skills, requirements
WIS as a Network:
Inter-departmental activities
Intra-departmental activities
Cross-Universities – linking with other WIS/equality & diversity groups
Exploring International links
Also – linking across seniority, informal and formal mentoring systems
A WIS skill directory – who would I call for help on…?
Quarterly, informal, discussion based events are planned to tackle a selected theme, to provide
network members the opportunity to outline their views and experiences, and then develop a plan of
how best to create a strategy to overcome/cope with the identified challenges. This plan may lead to
spinout activities drawing on skills/resources from inside the University (e.g. LDC, RSSP). Where
possible such spinout activities will include existing events being provided by the University,
identified through network members. This will increase participation/attendance at potentially
undersubscribed events/seminars, and reduce duplicated resource requirement.
Our first event, based around Imposter Syndrome, will take place in December.
Date of your activity/event(s), if known:
Throughout the year (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) with additional spinout activities as
identified, including collaborations with existing Warwick networks.
If you have a website, please give the URL: www.warwick.ac.uk/WomenInScience
Please state which events will be open to other University of Warwick Research Active staff or if
relevant to a specific facility or department.
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
All events will be open to the entire Warwick Community, as many of the issues raised have common
themes for which cross-departmental and academic/non-academic discussions will be of key benefit.
Is this a new network or existing network?
New / Existing
Scope/ Evaluation / Impact of activity(ies) proposed
(Please give us an estimate of the numbers of staff who will be involved and an indication of how you will measure the impact of the
activity/activities. If you intend to follow up the activity by disseminating information, or using the outcomes to support other staff
development activities, please also let us know this)
Each Seasonal WIS event will be limited to a maximum of 15 network members, to ensure a
discussion based scenario is encouraged. Attendee numbers identified for spinout activities
(workshops, seminars etc.) will be determined on a case by case basis, guided by the facilitating
experts (e.g. LDC, RSSP, host department).
Feedback and outputs from each event will be disseminated via our WIS mailing list (>130
members) and a blog piece will be available on our open access website
(www.warwick.ac.uk/WomenInScience). Key outputs from each event will also be tweeted via our
Twitter account (@WarwickWIS).
How do you plan to let Research Active Staff know about your events/meetings (LDC RAS
website or RAS e-newsletter can be used)?
Seasonal WIS will be promoted via our WIS mailing list, and sign-up will be required via the
Warwick WIS website, which will also have a page dedicated to the event.
We will also use our existing network of departmental links (Admin/Academic Staff) to circulate
emails within each department of the Science Faculty, and look to extend this service to nonScience Faculty members.
As previously, we will look to use the University Digital Signage facility, both within the library and
across the external campus screens.
We will continue to Tweet updates of Seasonal WIS, and will request inclusion in the LDC enewsletter.
How do you plan to share the learning / best practice with other University of Warwick Research
Staff Networks?
We currently collaborate with a number of other UoW Networks and our aim with Seasonal WIS is
to enable both the use of shared resources and outcomes. Our members will be encouraged to
discuss how challenges/proposed strategies may fit in (or not) with their specific
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
departments/areas of work, and spinout activities may be developed which work specifically with
identified Research Staff Networks to overcome identified challenges.
What is the benefit of your activity/activities to:
The University
Your department/organisation
Research agenda
The University
Encouraging discussion around Women In Science enables potentially “unseen” challenges
and areas of improvement to be highlighted, with motivated, skilled individuals keen to be
involved and take ownership of improving the Warwick community where they work. This
directly feeds into the University themes of Equality and Diversity, and its ambition to
deliver on its Athena Swan Charter standing.
Your department/organisation
WMG benefits by continuing to show commitment to the theme of Women In Science, a
particularly pertinent topic to a research department working with key industries where
female representation in acknowledged to be poor (Engineering and Manufacturing).
Challenges, and strategies proposed to overcome them, highlighted through Seasonal WIS
events may thus be of interest to both academic staff and industrial partners.
Research agenda
Warwick University will benefit from the support provided by Warwick WIS in exploring
why female scientists are less likely to be retained within academia (or industry), be less
likely to lead on research applications, and be less likely to hold prominent, visible
positions within academic (or industrial) institutions.
Encouraging open, positive discussion around these topics aims to deliver more research
applications and outputs. As female PIs increase, promising female ECRs are encouraged
to remain within the University community, and visible female experts are seen as realistic
role models for young women.
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
Total amount of funding requested:
Breakdown of funding requested (approximate):
£ 600 refreshments for four Seasonal WIS events (4 x £150)
£ 275 refreshments for additional spinout event for up to 30 people
£ 225 to cover travel expenses/costs for 1 x external speaker/resource for spinout event
*Signature of Applicant: …………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………...
Head of Department’s signature:
Head of Department:
(please print)
Date: ……………………………...
Please send your completed form either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks
(Sandy.Sparks@warwick.ac.uk) in the Learning and Development Centre, University House.
If you have any queries, please contact Sandy to discuss (either via email at the above address or on
extn 74121).
*You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the application which will be taken as your signature.
**Your HOD can either sign a hardcopy, scan in their signature or send an email to Sandy Sparks stating they support your
For LDC use
Approved by: ……………………………………………………..……..….
Date: …………………………….
Amount approved: £………………………………………….……………
Budget Code: ……………………..
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Research Active Staff Network Funding
PART B (sent post event)
Funding awards are conditional upon a report being produced after the event or activity which
reflects on the value and impact of the activity in order to share best practice. We ask you to do this
by completing Part B of this form within 2 weeks of the event or by 31 July 2015 for a series of
events. (Please note that funding may be retracted where reports are not produced).
Please tell us:
How you felt the event/activity went:
How many research staff were involved in
a) the organisational process:
b) presenting at the event itself:
How it has contributed to the Department/ University/ Research Agenda:
What has been learnt:
What would be done differently next time:
Budget (provide breakdown of amounts spent):
*Signature of Applicant: ………………………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………….
Please send your completed report either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks
(Sandy.Sparks@warwick.ac.uk) in the Learning and Development Centre, University House.
*You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the report which will be taken as your signature.
For LDC use
Report received (date): ………………………………..
Sandy Sparks, LDC
Amount spent: £ ……………………………………
Research Active Staff Network Funding