Institute for Climate Change & Sustainable Development Ongoing Projects & Research

Institute for Climate Change
& Sustainable Development
Ongoing Projects & Research
Creates initiatives and conducts research that enhance Malta's quality of life
Promotes social sustainability
Conducts interdisciplinary research
Uses telemetry, IT tools, intelligent systems and modelling
Conducts monitoring, research, decision support and strategic planning
Transfers knowledge and raises awareness of initiatives on sustainable
development and climate change
• Interacts with enterprise and organisations
Institute for Climate Change & Sustainable Development
Green Travel Plan Initiative
• Promotes sustainable transport
• Encourages social responsibility
• Identifies the range and quality of travel choices
• Encourages healthier lifestyles
• Aims to improve the environment of the
University of Malta Msida Campus for
staff, students and visitors
Streets Project (STRatEgia IntEgrata per un Trasporto Sostenibile)
• Project tasks include interactions between Malta & Sicily on:
Analysis of territory, through road network and ports
Drafting a Joint Strategy
Planning & identification of intermodal means
Preliminary analysis of flow passengers & goods
Promote integrated & sustainable transportation
• Enhance working progress between all project
Cultural Mapping Project
• A joint project between Valletta 2018 Foundation & the
University of Malta
• Generates information and analysis on cultural use &
practice in public spaces & cultural venues
• The role of the ICCSD is to support the project using GIS
based technology through data inputting
Cleaner Technology
Amongst other initiatives, the Cleaner
Technology Centre within the Institute
organises award schemes to encourage and
raise awareness of environmental issues
amongst industry
In 2013 Wasteserv supported the second
edition of the Waste Minimization Award
Mr Anton Pizzuto, Director of the Centre
organised the event (fourth from left)
Dr Maria Attard chaired the event (sixth from
Institute for Climate Change & Sustainable Development
(Transport Information Systems and TelemAtics Research Group)
• An interdisciplinary group working on:
• Transport Geography & Policy
• Information systems supporting transport
• Communication systems
• Data processing & systems control
• The group participates in international fora
Transport Flows Simulations
• Assesses simulation programs that update
vehicle coordinates
• Quantifies & assesses network performance
• Uses the SUMO software package for traffic simulation
Example of SUMO simulation in Sliema, Malta
Data-Driven Modelling of Traffic & Air Pollution
• The study models traffic related pollution
• Spatio-temporal data are used to produce
mathematical models
• Models estimate road network traffic
• Traffic has a predominant effect on air
pollution behaviour
The Role of Public Transport in addressing Sustainable
Mobility for the Elderly Population in Malta
• Malta has an ageing population
• The study analyses whether the bus service in
Malta provides sustainable mobility for the
elderly, the case study is Luqa
• Analysis includes:
• Proximity to bus stops,
• Time, accessibility, comfort, information,
• The accessibility of the general hospital
• The study provides policy implications &
outlines old people’s suggestions
Buffer of the areas serviced by
bus stops
The Impact of Bus Reform on Attitudes & Bus use:
The Case of Malta
(Doctoral research conducted at University College London & is partly-funded by MGSS)
• Reforms are often used as interventions for behaviour
change when bus patronage is low
• This study shows that to increase bus use, reforms
are not enough
• The research is a natural experiment that combines
attitude theory & behaviour change theory to identify
people’s attitudes towards bus use and actual use of
the bus
A Story of Waste.
An examination of material flows, greenhouse gas
emissions and decoupling initiatives in the waste
management sector in Malta.
(Doctoral research conducted at the Universita Autonoma de Barcelona)
• The research examines existent waste-related:
• Management flows,
• Greenhouse gas emissions and
• Decoupling of GDP in Malta
• Focus is on a cardboard/plastic waste flow
to determine the carbon footprint & possible
methods of decoupling
Participation in
International Fora
Institute for Climate Change & Sustainable Development
COST Actions
Staff of the ICCSD supports the TUD Domain Committee of
COST and takes part in COST Actions
• TU1029 (Transport Equity Analysis), understands equity
implications of transport policies from a global perspective
• TU1102 Autonomic Road Transport Systems
• IC1203 European Network Exploring Research
into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing
(Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research)
• Membership in similar networks allows
interactions with academia & industry
• Presentations related to ongoing research at the
ICCSD were done in this year’s NECTAR conference
“Dynamics of Global and Local Networks”
(Royal Geographic Society – Institute of British Geographers)
• A poster presentation was done at the RGS-IBG
postgraduate forum in March 2013
• A presentation was also carried
out at the Annual International
Conference in August 2013
(World Conference on Transport Research)
• The conference provides the opportunity
to meet with international academics
• One of the largest gathering of transport
academics and professionals
• It provides insight on current
transport research
• Dr Maria Attard, the Institute’s Director
presented four papers showcasing
different aspects of her research
Annual Meeting of the TRB
(Transportation Research Board)
• Single largest gathering of transport practitioners,
academics, researchers and professionals in the
• Held every year in Washington DC, USA
• Dr Maria Attard has been actively presenting
research for the past five years
Institute for Climate Change
& Sustainable Development