MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual

Policy and Procedure Manual
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Policy No. 0860
Effective Date: December 1998
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This policy meets the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 as defined at 34 CFR Part 85,
Sections 85.605 and 85.610.
It is the policy of MJI that it prominently posts its drug and alcohol abuse policy on bulletin
boards about its campuses. Additionally, this policy or references to it will be published in
relevant campus documents, such as the MJI Academic Catalog and Student Handbook,
the MJI Faculty Handbook, the MJI website at www.mji.edu and in the MJI Policy and
Procedure Manual (available freely in electronic copy and hard copy upon request to the
MJI Administrative Offices).
All MJI employees and students are oriented annually on this policy and procedure via
the above mentioned methods.
STUDENTS: All students can access the electronic MJI Academic Catalog and Student
Handbook from the time they are first admitted to the college. The catalog is available on
the MJI website at www.mji.edu.
On a routine basis, students also meet with MJI academic advisors to discuss their
program plans and academic progress. At these times, students receive a copy of their
individualized plans and are requested to sign a form indicating that they have received
the catalog.
MJI EMPLOYEES: All employees can access the MJI Policy and Procedure Manual
(including this policy) via the MJI intranet. Additionally, each academic year, faculty
members receive an orientation describing the new year and which also includes an
update on new MJI policies and procedures.
CASUAL VISITORS TO CAMPUS: This policy is posted as described above.
Revised 7/15/2014
Policy and Procedure Manual
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Policy No. 0860
Effective Date: December 1998
Page No.
2 of 3
The actual text of this policy as it is to be posted, follows:
The Michigan Jewish Institute (MJI) is committed to providing a safe environment and to
fostering the well-being and health of its students, faculty and staff. That commitment is
jeopardized when any MJI member illegally uses drugs or alcohol on the premises, comes
to MJI under the influence or possesses, distributes or sells drugs on the campus.
Therefore, MJI has established the following policy:
1) It is a violation for any MJI faculty, staff member or student to possess, sell,
trade or offer for sale illegal drugs or otherwise engage in the illegal use of drugs
on the campus.
2) It is a violation for anyone to report to work or class under the influence of illegal
drugs or alcohol.
3) It is a violation for anyone to use prescription drugs illegally. (However, nothing
in this policy precludes the appropriate use of legally prescribed medications.)
4) Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination or expulsion.
It is the responsibility of the MJI administration to counsel employees and students
whenever they see changes in performance or behavior that suggest an employee
or student has a drug problem or alcohol. Although it is not the administration’s
job to diagnose personal problems, the administration should encourage such
employees or students to seek help and advise them about available resources for
getting help. Everyone shares responsibility for maintaining a safe campus
environment and administration; faculty and students should encourage anyone
who may have a drug problem to seek help.
The goal of this policy is to balance our respect for individuals with the need to
Revised 7/15/2014
Policy and Procedure Manual
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Policy No. 0860
Effective Date: December 1998
Page No.
3 of 3
maintain a safe, productive and drug-free environment. The intent of this policy is
to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear message that
the illegal use of drugs is incompatible with employment or scholarship at MJI.
As a condition of employment and attendance faculty, staff and students must
abide by the terms of this policy and must notify MJI in writing of any conviction of
a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring on campus no later than five
calendar days after such conviction or violation.
Please refer to Addendum: Penalties for Violation of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Policy via MJI website.
Director of Academic Administration
Revised 7/15/2014
Human Resources Manager