Evaluate the following integrals. Show your work' 1) alffi* X+I T r [--dxr8 *d:&f* n,F,,u flu-r 1a fx*r)e t;alJ' x-r { X*f r " k (v-f\hI -j ,, | --A d ..* Al v- l -l L I ( ry, h*\13*X'o €- als o XoW rl 4.;k * ]r{ t =L tr Lttt 4 3J e u '& , = ,l Q*hL qt* tLi b=e rh b \ Sa !a_ {uou& " -A au_kaL- 6eqq *6 {nVq =3uQr?-6"?u'+{nq< ( =eq "*n""{ 6*Z (Hint: Start by substitutin1 +F). .wd,, d^*i =1rt4*I e r f (g*td'n 4 +-L = o,(sut--6nnq,6)u-3 fT c) | -7dt J r Vr - -- t ,l.T r"=Ux-i y=4t1.I t \r_ J ,(t" = hql-t ,l d'r-*** d+ f ur ZIIxT- € (* l * c q@b,*, ((d+a *rE a>l&* r=o* tI t&-t:e,hs. I#nFr. *ffi J*- se*,9"tzL *s o*,ed*- \*.A* : ( ,tt',L,g-3 Jl{*gl ffi- ' 5ffi--- '\ vhe' -;i4 rn#' I #l fffl*e z (,r- * + C :- _ _L +Wo tIr_i'- fifur*1*n' E"grt'[*cr=xa+f '*& "*o t'c =*:*t-a-(- f lffi P& k7*,*4 2) For each of the following improper integrals determine, using a suitable comparisontest, whether the integral convergesor diverges. (You do not need to calculate the values of convergentintegrals.) State clearly what compa,risonyou axeusing, what function you compare with, and show that f < g, respectivelywork out the limit of f I g. No points wilt be given if no work is shown,or if only an argument of polynomial degreeswithout explicit comparisonis done. il|,*ffi* N ^ Ne-$il itile\ lrhu A-L co"ry<r,\ oo&" Jf Ll^ ./ ,r&+uu.r /#- - a/ \av -"frsr-qe, fv. CFe T%'&, tt = I G* {#{,"W4 * \fi I *l I \a #tt {+a -''L. Yd{sr*ff; ('/,-t),fuk ,2x = A, il ir+3 It ;t;fl I f{ery}qrffi "tg*t ! Y4F3k{.(( o)f, t*a* (^'4* f) d A-tny&{**/6 ,h^,G-'6* S il*[*r'*r*N. ,€* # $h" =L,WtL" /#J] = ,(' I+p +/,fu=fu f7uaq) f"tt(-) rotqx, fu,lq d-*;de*son**nl*n Mfr*4u J ft^a" /= fna { i E I $* ft&.,ry"sdr. <-E-* X 3) The following multiple choiceproblemswill be gradedcorrect answeronly. You do not need to show work, and no partial credit will be given. Record your answerin the answerblock on the front page. Answersglven on these pageswill not be scored. You also may tear off these pagesand do not needto hand them in. It is strongly recommendedthat you work out the problems until the correct answer is uniquely *intuition" or "guessing"- doing so is likely to result in determined and don't just try to solvethem by a wrong pick. Each correct arrwer is worth 6 points, each incorrect amsweris counted as 0 points. (Unanswered questions are L point, questionsin which more than one allswer is ticked are consideredto have been answeredwrongly.) What islim".-o ffil A) E-1 B) Eo tr'@3 E The limit doesnot exist Integrating / 2r arcsin(n)dnby parts, we obtain an expressionof the form A - I Bdr. What is B? E C) 12 t-rz 2r ,/L - rz E / ry z \ Il Y, ll. | arcsin(r)12 1 tr G712 haslimit L - 3. Determinethe an:ry,which Considerthe sequence smallest valueof .lf , for which lon-:1":4m /- for any n > N. E25E1ooE2ootr3ooq1p e,( D) Solvethe integral [ , ?' ,, O, J (u + 2)(n+ I)** -L xpc_,W'{ 9 ;*Ft+*E"til*ls""f"ll+ c _F 2tnlrl+ ?*+ |rz+ c h i" +n + E lr J l,i t1+c S$i{q-ii-trf.tL*T' H E) Let n be a number for which the improper integral f* dr J. rus;t; converges.Determine the value of the integral 1 L /"--* \ log n ri log n lal rel n* L Lur ; (tr;J tsiffi n_r \_/ F) Which of the followingsumsdoesnot equal 481632 r.4 +u;+2.8+g*+"' r n:l oo E 2 .2"(2n)l ( 2 n +2)l 2n r oo t hl rv l T /, (zn)(2n+ L) ? 2n*r rd $2"(zn-z)r +2) u 3 H Q" + L)(2n Qn)t rel Z-J Y "1(2" - L)(2n) If you are done and have time left, check your answers on all the problems. Is in each problem clear, what your answer is? Did you tick the correct boxes on the multiple choice questions? Do your calculated antiderivatives differentiate correctly to the original function?