6c-C OCT 2 2 1985 college of LIBRARY MARINE SCIENCE CENTER OREGON STATE UNIVERSIT$ WPWPI -MT °KO,'" $7745 OCEANOGRAPHY A COMPILATION OF OBSERVATIONS FROM MOORED CURRENT METERS VOLUME XV CURRENTS, TEMPERATURE, AND PRESSURE COLLECTED NEAR THE EMPEROR SEA MOUNTS June 1982-November 1983 by R. D. Riilabury OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY J. S. &Otero E A_ Seifert D C Root Data Report 118 Rel stance Orr 13 September. 1905 National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE 80-18227 College of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 A COMPILATION OF OBSERVATIONS FROM MOORED CURRENT METERS VOLUME XV • CURRENTS, TEMPERATURE, AND PRESSURE COLLECTED NEAR THE EMPEROR SEA MOUNTS June 1982 - November 1983 by R. D. Pillsbury J. S. Bottero E. A. Seifert D. C. Root Data Report 118 Reference 85-13 September, 1985 National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE 80-18227 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Description of Processed Data 2 Introduction References 5 Installations Mooring A 7 Mooring B 25 Mooring C 71 , 44° ip < 2000 m < 3000 m KM < 4 0 0 0 m * MOORING STATIONS 180° 176° 172°E 168° I 164° i 160° 0\, V / N4 N rrl t k, WI f,Ni 1/1 'AN-- 44° t if; 40° 0 0''4‘ r n, 4 D ® Cr) ,49 36° N ei/fr — C r1 h. 'n4 <ZS) 11 41 a.v, ef", * 40° P irD 0 C a) p .............. ilk: -i ifr N. •.--. %,:;INA , ,sakikv_ "v.•;:ft. 32° cna 164° / --x. — B* A* 160° ,,,cr\ v ,t...r1 168° 172°E i ' \\\.‘ \‘‘ ‘.:.'4ffilr41\cs, ce— 32° fit .? ••,:ii 176° 180° Introduction Emperor moorings A, B, C, and D were installed on Cruise No.11168 aboard the R/V THOMPSON in June and July of 1982. They were recovered on Cruise No. 178 aboard the R/V THOMPSON seventeen months later in November 1983. Moorings B and C were recovered in their entirety. Mooring A had been severed just below RCM 3135. The remaining line had dropped and become tangled in the rest of the mooring line below the acoustic release. When the release was fired the mooring rose slightly then fell back down. The bottom meter on mooring A was eventually recovered by dragging. During recovery mooring D behaved in the same manner as Mooring A. In all, eight meters were recovered. Seven gave good data, one flooded. While the amount of data recovered from this experiment was not as complete as we would like, there are several reasons for the data loss. Due to a change in ship schedule the moorings were deployed 17 months rather than the 12 months initially planned. The deployment period exceeded the capacity of the current meters for data storage and for battery life. The recovery cruise was made in severe weather under tight time constraints. These conditions made grappling for mooring D impossible. An attempt made a year later was not successful. These moorings were installed to collect data as a part of a more extensive experiment which included hydrographic 2 observations and analysis of historic data in the region of the Emperor Seamounts. The Emperor Seamount Chain is the major topographic feature which the Kuroshio and Subarctic fronts cross. The data from the moorings will provide a picture of changes in mean and eddy kinetic energy and velocity shear between the basins separated by the Seamounts. For the reader who is not familiar with the operation of the Aanderaa current meter, the general calibration techniques for these meters are presented in Pillsbury,et al(1974). The pressure calibration techniques and the latest techniques for compass calibration are presented in Pillsbury,et al(1980). The general design of the mooring follows that of the intermediate mooring developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Heinmiller and Walden, 1973). Description of the Processed Data For each mooring a header page summarizes the mooring information and meter performance. On that page the depth of the instrument is recorded. Depths were obtained by one of two methods. Meters equipped with pressure sensors were assigned depths corresponding to the minimum recorded pressure in decibars. The minimum pressure was determined from unfiltered data. Conversion of decibars to meters was done with a relationship developed by Professor J. L. Reid of Scripps: z(m) = (0.992446)P - (2.28717x10 -6 )P 2 +(2.08213x10-11)P3 3 This equation is based on a world ocean average density profile. The depths of the meters which did not have pressure sensors were estimated from the bottom depth (in corrected meters) and the mooring line lengths as determined by a computer model that calculates line tension and the amount of stretch. Again, minimum rather than average or maximum depths were estimated. In every case the depths were rounded to the nearest ten or fifty meters depending on the range and accuracy of the pressure sensor. Each meter has a serial number assigned to it by the manufacturer. Each successive tape recorded by that machine is numbered with the serial number and the tape number. Thus, 485/10 indicates the tenth tape recorded by machine 485. The table of statistics following the header page gives arithmetic mean, standard deviation, maximum value, minimum value, and the number of hourly values of the record length for each variable measured. Positive east (u) is the true east-west velocity component and positive north (v) is the true north-south velocity component. Progressive vector diagrams, speed, direction, temperature, and pressure histograms; progressive vector diagrams; stick figures; real time plots; rotary spectra; and conventional power spectra follow. 4 The stick figures and the time series plots were made from filtered data. Although the original measurements were made every hour, plots which show each point are too long to be easily included in this report. To reduce the plots and still present the important low frequency fluctuations, the hourly data were filtered with a 60 + 1 + 60 Cosine-Lanczos filter with half-amplitude at 40 hours and half-power at 46.6 hours. The data were then resampled at 6-hour intervals. Time series plots of u, v, T, and P are presented. The stick figures were made from filtered u and v. For clarity only two sticks per day are plotted. The rotary (two-sided) spectra have 32 degrees of freedom, which yields a 95% confidence interval of about 4.3 decibels. Confidence intervals for the other spectra (kinetic energy, temperature, and pressure) vary with frequency and are shown explicitly on the plots. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The funds for the current meter mooring work and this data report came from a National Science Foundation grant OCE 80-18227 which is gratefully acknowledged. Appreciation is also expressed to the Captain and crew of the R/V THOMPSON. The installation of the moorings was done under the supervision of E. A. Seifert. He and Dennis Root along with members of the WHOI buoy group are acknowledged for the effort on the recovery cruise. 5 References Heinmiller, R. G. and R. G. Walden. 1973. Details of Woods Hole Moorings. Woods Hold Oceanographic Institution Technical Report 73-71. 19pp. Pillsbury, R. D., J. S. Bottero, R. E. Still and W. E. Gilbert. 1974. A Compilation of Observations from Moored Current Meters, Vol. VI, Oregon Continental Shelf, April-October 1972. Oregon State University, School of Oceanography, Corvallis. Data Report 57. Reference 74-2. Pillsbury, R. D., F. Sciremammano, Jr., J. S. Bottero, R. E. Still. 1980. A Compilation of Observations from Moored Current Meters, Vol. XII, Currents, Temperature and Pressure in the Drake Passage during FDRAKE '77, '78. Oregon State University, School of Oceanography, Corvallis. Data Report 82. Reference 80-11. Radio Buoy •• • •• • •• •• • RCM4 No.1326 at 650m RCM4 No.3135 at 1350m EMPEROR Mooring A 35°17.38'N 167°03.07'E Installed : 28 Jun 1982 Recovered : 17 Nov 1983 RCM5 No. 500 at 3650m Acoustic Release No. 723A 5730m EMPEROR MOORING A Position: 35°17.38 N, 167°03.76 E Depth of Water: 5730 m Set at: 0447 UCT 28 JUN '82 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Retrieved at: 1932 UCT 17 NOV '83 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Data Interval: 0903 UCT 28 JUN '82 to 2303 UCT 9 SEP '83 Instrumentation Depth 650 m 1350 m 3650 m Serial No./Tape No. RCM4 1326/ RCM4 3135/ RCM5 500/62 Instrument 1326 was not recovered. Instrument 3135 was not recovered. Instrument 500 recorded speed, direction, temperature and pressure until 2303 UCT 9 SEP '83 when the battery apparently failed. Due to instrument malfunction one section of the temperature record has been set to zero: lines 6664 ( 0003 UCT 2 APR 83) through 8434 (2303 UCT 14 JUN '83). 10 EMPEROR MOORING A 3650 METERS MIN MEAN MAX SD N S(cm/sec) 0.70 3.67 16.80 2.98 10527 u(cm/sec) -8.80 0.15 14.90 2.24 10527 v(cm/sec) -16.70 -2.14 8.90 3.56 10527 1.44 1.46 1.52 0.01 8756 3702.00 3769.10 4201.00 62.92 10527 T(°C) P(decibars) 11 150 KM - -900 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING R. 28 JUN 82 - 9 SEP 83. 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING R. 28 JUN 82 - 9 SEP 83. I IMEAN 0. 40 O. 30 O. 20 O. 10 O. 00 0 I 12 16 SPEED. CM PER SEC 20 24 I I 28 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING A. 28 JUN 82 - 9 SEP 83. O. 10 - 0. 08 - O. 06 - O. 04 - O. 02 - 0.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 DIRECTION. DEGREES TRUE 270 300 330 360 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING A. 28 JUN 82 - 9 SEP 83. It 0. 60 - MEAN 0. 50 0. 40 O. 30 O. 20 0. 10 0. 00 1. 42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1. 5 TEMPERATURE. DEGREES C. 1.52 1.54 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING A. 28 JUN 82 - 9 SEP 83. ‘1 MEAN PRESSURE. DECIBAliS NORTH 20 - 10 - 0 -10 - --20 JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JRN FEB MRR RPR MAI JUN JUL RUG SEP 3650 METERS RT EMPEROR MOCKING R. LLP FILTERE_1 CURRENT 20 10 0 -10 -20 1 1 1 1 1 -I- I JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 3650 v ETEBS AT EVPEBOB NOORI LLP FILTERED U COvPONENT G R. 20 - 10 C) hi 0 c-i -10 -20 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL RUG SEP 3650 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING A., LLP FILTERED V COMPONENT 1.60 1.55 1.50' U) CC: uJ 1.45 C3 1.40 1. 3 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAT 1------1 JUN JUL AUG SEP 3650 METERS AT EVPERrR VCCRING A. LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE 4200 4100 1000 3900 3800 3700 JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV OEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 3650 METERS AT EMPERCR MOCHING A. LLP FILTERED PRESSURE UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING A. 1000 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 22 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING R. 1000 100 10 1 U1 O 0. 1 0.01 0.001 95 PERCENT 0. 0001 O. 01 0. 1 1 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DRY 100 23 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING A. 0.001 95 PERCENT 0.0000001 0.01 I I 1111111 0.1 1 1 1111114 1 11 111111+ 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DAY 1 I 1111111 100 24 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 3650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING R. 1000 0. 01 95 PERCENT 0. 001 0. 01 1 1 1 1 11111 O. 1 I I I 111111 1 I I I IIIIII 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DRY 1 1 1111111 100 26 Radio Buoy •• • ••• •• RCM5 2129 at 420m •• • RCM4 3185 at 1100m EMPEROR Mooring B 34° 19.71' N 167° 02.15' E Installed : 30 Jun 1982 Recovered : 16 Nov 1983 • • • RCM5 2265 at 3400m Acoustic Release No. 723A 1•11n01R 5730m • • • • 27 EMPEROR MOORING B Position: 34°19.71°N, 167°02.15'E Depth of Water: 5730 Set at: 0406 UCT 30 JUN '82 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Retrieved at: 0119 UCT 16 NOV '83 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Data Interval: 0800 UCT 30 JUN '82 to 0102 UCT 16 NOV '83 Instrumentation Depth 420 m 1100 m 3400 m Serial No./Tape No. RCM5 2129/3 RCM4 3185/9 RCM5 2265/17 Instrument 2129 recorded speed, direction, temperature, and pressure until 2100 UCT 13 AUG '83 after which time the battery apparently failed. Instrument 3185 recorded speed, direction, temperature, and pressure until the instrument was recovered. Instrument 2265 recorded speed, direction, temperature and pressure until 0000 UCT 13 JUN '83 when the battery apparently failed. The raw direction histogram showed spikes at multiples of 32. These values were removed by interpolation. The resulting distribution of directions still shows an anamalous periodicity. 28 EMPEROR MOORING B 420 METERS MAX SD N MIN MEAN S(cm/sec) 0.80 16.45 45.90 10.26 9829 u(cm/sec) -45.50 3.73 43.80 13.61 9829 v(cm/sec) -39.90 4.35 40.80 12.56 9829 5.30 7.55 13.25 1.95 9829 428.20 442.73 563.30 20.89 9829 T(°C) P(decibars) 1100 METERS S(cm/sec) 0.80 6.55 23.60 3.45 12089 u(cm/sec) -23.40 0.18 20.10 5.40 12089 v(cm/sec) -18.50 0.36 18.40 5.04 12089 2.69 2.96 3.50 0.17 12089 1135.50 1155.59 1267.70 21.16 12089 T(°C) P(decibars) 3400 METERS S(cm/sec) 0.80 3.18 12.70 2.03 8345 u(cm/sec) -8.30 0.13 10.50 2.55 8345 v(cm/sec) -10.40 -0.71 8.40 2.69 8345 1.46 1.49 1.54 0.01 8345 3425.00 3439.27 3478.00 6.58 8345 T(°C) P(decibars) 2000 KM -500 420 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 AUG 83. 450 KM -150 -300 1100 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 16 NOV 83. 31 -50 KM - -250 3400 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 JUN 83. 420 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 AUG 83. ‘1 MEAN 0.01.111141111111 0.00 0 10 20 30 SPEED, CM PER SEC 40 II SO 1100 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 16 NOV 83. If 0.16 - MEAN 0.14 0.12 0.100.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 I 0 1 1 14 5 F141141-I 10 1 I 15 SPEED, CM PER SEC I I f 1-1r--"°11,'"nn•1--1-1 20 25 3400 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 JUN 83. 11 MEAN 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 SPEED, CM PER SEC 10 12 14 420 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 AUG 83. 0.070.06 0.05 ••n••••• 0.04 0.03 0.02 0. 0 1 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 1100 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 16 NOV 83. 0.045 0.040 - 0.0350.030- 0.025 -0.020 - 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 3400 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 JUN 83. 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 - 0.040030.02 0.01 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 420 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 AUG 83. ‘11 MEAN 7 0.04- 7 0.020.00 4 6 8 10 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C 12 14 1100 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 16 NOV 83. I t MEAN 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.24 0.020.00 2.6 2.8 3.2 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C 3.4 3.6 3400 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 JUN 83. MEAN 0.35 0.30 - 0.25 0.20 - 0.15- 0.10 0.05 - 0.00 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.5 1.52 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C 1.54 1.56 420 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 AUG 83. 0.70 I/ - MEAN 0.60 - 0.50 - 0.40 - 0.30 - 0.20 - 0.10 - 0.00 400 i I i 420 440 i I 460 I 17 480 500 PRESSURE, DECIBARS 520 540 560 580 1100 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 16 NOV 83. ‘1 MEAN 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 1100 1150 1200 PRESSURE, DECIBARS 1250 1300 3400 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 30 JUN 82 - 13 JUN 83. It MEAN 0.700.600.500.400.300.200.100.00 3400 3420 3440 3460 PRESSURE, DECIBARS 3480 3500 NORTH 40 30 20 U cr) 10 0 10 —20 —30 40 JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR 420 METERS AT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED CURRENT APR MAT JUN JUL RUG 20 - -20 NORTH JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAT JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1100 METERS PT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED CURRENT T 10 NORTH E -10 JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3400 METHS AT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED CURRENT FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 403020 - 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 420 METERS AT N'OORING B LLP FILTERED U COMPONENT JUL AUG 20 - U r U -20 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 11 00 VETERS AT MOORING B LLP FILTERED U COvPONENT SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 3400 METERS AT MOORING B LLP FILTERED U COMPONENT MAR APR MAY JUN U U) U JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 420 METERS AT VOORING B LLP FILTERED V COMPONENT 20 -20 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1100 METERS AT MOORING B LLP FILTERED V COMPONENT U z U SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 3400 METERS AT MOORING B LLP FILTERED V COVPONENT MAR APR MAY JUN 14 - JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAT 420 METERS AT MOORING B., LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE JUN JUL RUG 2. 7 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1100 METERS AT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE . 60 - . 55 50 . 45 .40 .35 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 3400 N'ETERS AT MOORING B LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE MAR APR MAY JUN 560 - 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 JUL I AUG I 4 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 420 METERS AT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED PRESSURE MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1280 1260 1240 1220 1200 - 1 1180 ► 1160 - JIIVVI\ 1‘ 1140- 1120 \k.11 I I I ► 4 I ► 1 4 4- ► f I , 1 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT NOV 1100 METERS AT MOORING B. LLP FILTERED PRESSURE 1 3470 - 3460 3450 Y 3440 3430 Ifqk JUL AUG SEP OCT 11\ NOV OEC JAN 3400 METERS PT MCOHING B. LLP FILTERED PRESSURE FEB MAR APR MAY JUN UNFILTERED CURRENT. 420 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 10000 0. 1 -3 -2 -1 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY UNFILTERED CURRENT. 1100 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 1000 = 111\AAS‘A 0. 1 -3 -2 0 1 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 2 3 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3400 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. MO% 0. 01 -3 -2 0 1 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAT 2 62 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 420 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 10000 = =Mit MINN 95 PERCENT 400 WOO ONE 0. 01 0. 01 1 1 1 1 1 1111 0. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1111 1 11 1 1 1 1111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY I I 1 1 1 1111 100 63 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 1100 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 1000 100 95 PERCENT O. 001 1 0. 01 11 1 1 1 1111 O. 1 I 1 1 I 1 1111 1 I 1 1 1 1 1111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 1 1 1 1 1 1111 100 64 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3400 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 100 10 0.01 0.001 95 PERCENT 0.0001 1 0.01 I 1111111i 0.1 I 111144 1 I 11111111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DRY I 11111111 100 65 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 420 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 100 = 0. 0001 = =I= 95 PERCENT 400 0. 00001 O. 01 t I 1 1 11111 0. 1 I 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 1 1 11111 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DAY 1 1 I 1 11111 100 66 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 1100 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. moo ••••n 0. 000001 = 95 PERCENT 0. 0000001 O. 01 0. 1 1 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 100 67 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 3400 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 0.001 = 0. 0000001 = 95 PERCENT ••n•n• 0.00000001 1 0.01 1 1 1 11111 0.1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 11 1 1 11111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 1 1 i 1 11111 100 68 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 420 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 10000 = O. 1 = ONO 0.01 = 95 PERCENT IMO O. 001 0. 01 1 1 1 1 1 1111 O. 1 1 1 1 1 X1111 1 I I 1 1 1 1111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DRY 1 1 1 1 1 1111 100 69 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 1100 M AT EMPEROR MOORING B. 10000 1000 100 10 0. 1 0.01 95 PERCENT 0.001 1 0.01 f 1 1111111 0.1 1 1 1111111 1 1 1 1111111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 11 1111411 100 70 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 3400 M RT EMPEROR MOORING B. 1000 100 95 PERCENT O. 001 I 0.01 1 I 1111!11 0.1 11 1 111111 1 1 I 1 111411 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DRY 11 1 111111 100 72 Radio Buoy ••• •• • •• •• • RCM5 1323 at 950m RCM4 1807 at 1650m EMPEROR Mooring C 38°58.20' N 171°05.95' E Installed : 14 July 1982 Recovered : 23 Nov 1983 •• • RCM5 1324 at 3950m RCM5 2266 at 5450m Acoustic Release No. 743A . • . •••• .•6150m 73 EMPEROR MOORING C Position: 38°58.20'N, 171°05.95'E Depth of Water: 6150 m Set at: 0636 UCT 14 JUL '82 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Retrieved at: 2213 UCT 23 NOV '83 by R/V T.G. THOMPSON Data Interval: 0946 UCT 14 JUL '82 to 2102 UCT 23 NOV '83 Instrumentation Depth 950 1650 3950 5450 Serial No./Tape No. m m m m RCM5 RCM4 RCM5 RCM5 1323/23 1807/3 1324/9 2266/ Instrument 1323 recorded speed, direction, temperature, and pressure until 2346 UCT 5 AUG '83 when the battery apparently failed. Instrument 1807 recorded speed, direction, temperature, and pressure until the instrument was recovered. The instrument appears to have been running about one hour slow when recovered. Instrument 1324 recorded speed, direction, temperature, and pressure. Direction was recorded until line 6549 (0601 13 APR '83). Speed was recorded until line 6744 (1501 22 APR '83). Temperature and pressure were recorded until line 7094 2301 5 MAY '83. Instrument 2266 flooded. No data was recovered. • 74 EMPEROR MOORING C 950 METERS N MIN MEAN MAX SD S(cm/sec) 0.70 6.53 27.20 4.58 9303 u(cm/sec) -13.00 3.88 26.60 5.21 9303 v(cm/sec) -15.00 1.53 19.90 4.38 9303 2.98 3.41 3.79 0.14 9303 951.50 959.09 993.50 5.82 9303 T(°C) P(decibars) 1650 METERS S(cm/sec) 0.80 5.75 21.20 2.96 11940 u(cm/sec) -17.90 1.91 20.00 4.66 11940 v(cm/sec) -12.50 1.94 16.40 3.52 11940 2.10 2.25 2.41 0.05 11940 1658.20 1666.42 1698.70 5.88 11940 T(°C) P(decibars) 3950 METERS S(cm/sec) 0.70 5.62 17.30 2.99 6774 u(cm/sec) -4.60 4.19 15.40 2.78 6549 v(cm/sec) -5.10 2.85 11.60 2.34 6549 1.46 1.48 1.53 0.01 7094 4008.00 4012.32 4032.00 3.10 7094 T(°C) P(decibars) • 750 KM -250 250 500 750 1000 1250 -250 950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 5 AUG 83. 1500 KM 76 - 1000 KM 200 -200 400 600 800 1000 KM - -200 1650 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 23 NOV 83. 77 3950 METERS RT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 13 APR 83. 950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 5 AUG 83. 11 MEAN 0.20- 0.15- 0.10 0.05- 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 SPEED, CM PER SEC 20 24 28 1650 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 23 NOV 83. It 0.16 - MEAN 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 '11n 0 5 10 15 SPEED, CM PER SEC .141111 20 25 14 JUL 82 - 22 APR 83. 3950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. MEAN O. 30 O. 25 O. 20 - 0.15 0. 10 O. 05 0. 00 0 4 8 12 16 SPEED, CM PER SEC 20 24 28 950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - S AUG 83. 0.08- 0.08- 0.04- 0.02 - 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 1660 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 23 NOV 83. 0.08 0.06 0.04- 0.02 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 160 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 3950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 13 APR 83. O. 25 - 0.20 - O. 15 - 0. 10 - 0.05 - 0.00 11111111 0 30 60 1 90 111114 120 150 180 210 240 DIRECTION, DEGREES TRUE 270 300 330 360 950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 5 AUG 83. MEAN 0.20 0. 1 5 0.10 0.05 0.00 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C 3.6 3.8 1650 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 23 NOV 83. ‘1 MEAN 0.40 • 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C 2 . 4 2.5 3950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 81 - 5 MAY 83. It O. 70 - MEAN O. 60 - O. 50 - O. 40 - O. 30 - • O. 20 - 0. 10 - O. 00 1. 4 1.45 1.5 TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C. 1.55 1.6 3950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 5 MAT 83. It 0.70 - MEAN O. 60 - 0. 50 - O. 40 - O. 30 - O. 20 - O. 10 - O. 00 3990 4000 4010 4020 PRESSURE. DECIBARS 4030 4040 4050 950 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 5 AUG 83. ‘1 MEAN 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 940 950 960 970 PRESSURE, DECIBARS 980 990 1000 1650 METERS AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 14 JUL 82 - 23 NOV 83. 11 MEAN 0.50- 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1650 1660 1670 1680 PRESSURE, DECIBARS 1690 1700 20 — NORTH 10— U W cf) U 0 -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 950 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED CURRENT 20 NORTH 10 0 —10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1650 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED CURRENT T 20 - NORTH 10 0 -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3950 METERS AT MOORI\G C LLP FILTERED CURRENT FEB MAR APR MAY 20 - -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 950 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED U COMPONENT 20 - 10 -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1650 V ETERS AT v OORING C LLP FILTERED U COVPONENT 20 - -1 0 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3950 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED U COMPONENT FEB MAR APR MAY 20 1 0 t.0 U 0 -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 950 METERS AT VOORI\G C LLP FILTERED V COMPONENT 20 — U cr) z U —10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1650 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED V COMPONENT 20 - 10 tvivItolk -10 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3950 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED V COVPONENT FEB MAR APR MAY 3 8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.2 3.1 3. 0 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 950 V ETERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE 2.35 - 2.30 - 2.15- 2.10 r 1 1 1 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV I 1650 METERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE I I 1 60 - . 55 50 . 45 .40 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3950 VETERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED TEMPERATURE FEB MAR APR MAY 980 975 970 I 965 it\ A 960 11/4\r`•Nritni\111 955 950 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 950 `D ETERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED PRESSURE 1690 1685 1680 1675 1670 • • 1665 1660 1655 JUL AUG SEP FEB MAR APR MAY 1650 VETERS AT MOORING C LLP FILTERED PRESSURE JUN 4080 4060 4040 4020 4000 3980 3960 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 3950 METERS AT VOORING C LLP FILTERED PRESSURE FEB MAR APR MAY UNFILTERED CURRENT. 950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 10 X 0. 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 2 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 1650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 1000 = 100 = 10 = 1 volisar rvf 0.1 -3 1 -2 -1 0 1 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DAY 2 3 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 10 0. 1 0. 01 -3 -2 -1 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DRY 108 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 10 0. 1 O. 01 95 PERCENT I I I I I WI 0.001 0.01 O. 1 I I I I I 1111 1 I I I HMI 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAT I I I HMI 100 109 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 1650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. W 0 WI 0.01 = 95 PERCENT ,MIIM.M•n• mEw NNW 0. 001 0. 01 I 1 t 111111 0. 1 I 1 1 111111 1 t, 1 111111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAT I 1 1 111111 100 110 UNFILTERED CURRENT. 3950 M RT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 = 10 = • O. 1 = 0.01 = O. 001 = 95 PERCENT 0. 0001 0. 01 I 111111 4 1 0 . 1 4- 4411-1-4-14 1 4- 4 141-1-144 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DRY I I 11 1 4111 100 111 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. O. 1 = 0. 00001 = 95 PERCENT I t 1 111111 0. 000001 0.01 O. 1 I 1 11 h tit 1 t t I I t I I I 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DAY I 1 I 1 11111 100 112 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 1650 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 0. 01 = 0.000001 = 95 PERCENT 0. 0000001 O. 01 0. 1 1 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAT 100 113 UNFILTERED TEMPERATURE. 3950 M RT EMPEROR MOORING C. O. 001 = 0.0000001 95 PERCENT .40 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.01 1 1 i 1 1 1111 0. 1 t t 1 14-1+4 1 1 1 1 1 1111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 1 I I I mil 100 114 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 = 0.01 = 95 PERCENT 0.001 0.01 1 11111111 O. 1 I 1 1 11111111 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DRY 1 11111111 100 115 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 1650 11 AT EMPEROR MOORING C.. 100 = .1. Oda 10= .1. .110 ••••• • mew 4 0. 1 = .1•• ORO No, =Ea 0.01 = Ono 1 One ••nnn•n • 95 PERCENT MOD 0.001 O. 01 0. 1 10 FREQUENCY. CYCLES PER DAY 100 116 UNFILTERED PRESSURE. 3950 M AT EMPEROR MOORING C. 100 = 10 = 1 I O. 1 = \i1111 0.01 = O. 001 95 PERCENT 0.0001 0.01 1 1 1 1 1 1111 O. 1 1- 1 1 I 14444 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 10 FREQUENCY, CYCLES PER DAY 1 1 1 1 1 1111 100