AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF for the degree of ARIEL E. SOLANO-BORREGO presented on GEOPHYSICS in Title: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY September 28, 19814 CRUSTAL STRUCTURE AND SEISMICITY OF THE GORDA RIDGE Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy We have determined the seismic crustal structure of the northern part of the Gorda Ridge using signals generated by explosive charges and recorded on Ocean Bottom Seismometers. The shot pattern forms two parallel lines, one on the east flank and the other along the median valley. Inversion of the travel time data and synthetic modelling of the signals resulted in two compressional velocity structures: the model for the flank indicates a 1 .6 km thick upper crust characterized by high velocity gradients and 3.6 km thick lower crust characterized by a low gradient. A sharp mantle transition exists at 5.2 km depth with an upper mantle velocity of 7.6 km/sec. The median valley velocity model has a thicker high gradient upper crust of 3.0 km and a lower crust of at least 3.5 km thickness. No upper mantle velocities were detected beneath the median valley. We have also monitored the seismicity of the ridge during 15 days with two arrays of OBS and detected -14 events/hour. coordinates were determined for 1140 earthquakes. Epicentral Most of them lie within the median valley and show spatial clustering. Intraplate seismicity was also detected in the Gorda Basin with three of the earthquakes big enough to be reported by land stations. They suggest that the Gorda Plate is presently undergoing deformation. Good control over the focal depth was possible for -80 earthquakes occurring on the ridge, and there the seismic activity appears to be pervasive throughout the upper 20 km suggesting that the the brittle lithosphere is at least this thick. From the earthquake shear-wave data we have obtained a value of 1 .73 for the Vp/Vs ratio. Moments of the well constrained events derived from the spectra of the waveforms are of the order io20 dyne-cm and suggest an average fault width of 300 m. The refraction data is consistent with the earthquake results, and all the evidence suggests that a large magma chamber underlying the axis of spreading does not presently exist at shallow depths. CRUSTAL STRUCTURE AND SEISMICITY OF THE GORDA RIDGE by Ariel E. Solano-Borrego A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements ror the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed September 28, 198!! Commencement June 1985 APPROVED Redacted for Privacy Assistant Professor of Geophysics in charge of major Redacted for Privacy of College of Oceanography Redacted for Privacy Dean of G Date Thesis is presented September 28, 19814 Typed by Donna Moore for Ariel E. Solano-Borrego TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. 1 THE OSU ANALOG OBS 10 The Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Response Coupling 10 214 CRUSTAL STRUCTURE 29 The Experiment Flank Structure Median Valley Structure Conclusions 29 114 35 145 50 SEISMICITY 514 Previous Studies The Experiment Data Processing Earthquake Location Method The Results Hypocentral Depth3 Earthquake Source Parameters DiscussIon 514 55 62 70 79 88 88 103 SUMMARY, SYNTHESIS AND SPECULATIONS 108 REFERENCES 120 APPENDICES. Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix A. B. C. D. The OBS Response Record Sections Earthquake Data Spectra Calculations 126 130 1143 181 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Gorda Ridge, Gorda Basin and vicinity. 2 2 Present plate configurations near the Gorda Ridge. 3 The OSU analog ocean bottom selsmometer. 12 Frequency response of the OSU analog 053. 18 5 Shot and receiver locations for the refraction experiment. 31 6 Record section for OBS 1, hydrophone. 36 7 Record section for OBS 2, hydrophone. 38 8 Synthetic seismograms, WKBJ and REFLECTIVITY. 143 9 Record section for OBS 14, hydrophone. 146 10 Record section for OBS 3, vertical. 148 11 Flank and median valley velocity models. 51 12 OBS location for the seismicity study. 57 13 Temporal distribution of events. Array 1. 63 114 Temporal distribution of events. Array 2. 65 15 Earthquake #1 as recorded by the first array. 68 16 Vp/Vs calculation. 71 17 Epicentral resolution of the arrays. 75 18 Flypocentral resolution of the arrays. 77 19 Earthquake locations for the first array. 80 20 Earthquake locations for the second array. 82 21 Swarm activity on the Gorda Ridge. 85 22 Seismogram of one earthquake located by land stations as recorded by our first array of OBS. 89 23 Hypocentral depths. 91 14 14 214 Noise power spectrum. 914 25 Hydrophone amplitude spectral density. 96 26 Spectra for earthquake shown on Figure 15. 99 27 Seismic moment versus source radius. 1014 28 A model of the process of ocean crust generation on the Gorda Ridge. 116 29 Record section for OBS 1, vertical. 131 30 Record section for OBS 2, vertical. 133 31 Record section for OBS 2, horizontal. 135 32 Record section for OBS 3, hydrophone. 137 33 Record section for OBS 14, vertical. 139 314 Record section for OBS 14, hydrophone. 1141 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Gorda Ridge seismicity study, first 59 array. 2 Gorda Ridge seismicity study, second 60 array. 3 Earthquakes located by land stations and by the first OBS array. 87 14 Earthquake source parameters. 102 5 Data for the Vp/Vs ratio. 155 CRUSTAL STRUCTURE AND SEISMICITY OF THE GORDA RIDGE INTRODUCTION The Gorda Ridge is a submarine cordillera 300 km long, located 200 km off the southern Oregon and northern California coast (Figure 1). This ridge played an important role in the early develop- ment of the plate tectonic theory that has changed so drastically our understanding of the earth. There, Raff and Mason (1961), con- ducted an investigation of the magnetic field, and detected the presence of linear trends parallel to the ridge. This discovery gave support to the idea of submarine ridges as spreading centers where oceanic crust was being formed. This idea stands today as a pillar of the plate tectonic theory, and within this framework, the ridge is the boundary between the Pacific plate and the Gorda plate, a remnant of the old Farallon plate now subducted under the continent (Figure 2). At least part of those plates are believed to have been created at the Gorda Ridge. To complement the theory of plate tectonics, an understanding of the process of creation of oceanic crust and lithosphere is needed. Much effort has been expended to use all the available information to obtain the best picture of the mechanism. Thus, further study of the magnetic anomalies have been undertaken by Vine & Wilson (1965), Atwater and Mudie (1973), and Riddihough (1980). These detailed studies reveal that the anomalies to the west are parallel to the ridge, and those in the east fan out toward the continental slope, suggesting a differential spreading rate and 2 Figure 1. Gorda Ridge, Gorda Basin and vicinity. Lines A and B are the only refraction profiles done on the ridge (Thrasher, 1977 sonobuoy recording) before our work. (After Wilde et al., 1978) Figure 2. Present plate configurations near the Gorda Ridge. Numbers are spreading rates based on magnetic anomalies. (Modified after Atwater and Mudie, 1973) 5 130° 134° 126° 122° 15 PACIFIC 420 p 29 IJ$GbRDA 1 PLATE PLATE Undeformed Spreading t Deformed Spreading 2.9' -.1.2 MENDOCINO FRACLUE ' 40° 38° FIgure 2 ZONE :.. possible crustal distortion on this side. Bathymetric studies of this area have been performed by McManus (1967), Atwater and Mudie (1968) and Heinrich (1970). Topographi- cally the ridge resembles the Mid-Atlantic ridge, with water depths around 3.14 km on the median valley, and steep valley walls which form the crestal hills with over 1 km relief. The inner walls are made up of a number of long block-like steps parallel to the median valley that Atwater and Mudie (1968) interpret as the result of large scale normal faulting. The ridge consists of three segments offset by short transform faults. Malahoff et al. (1981) using the SEABEAM swath map bathymetry tool have shown the presence of a 250 meter high ridge located centrally within the valley in the northern part of the ridge. They interpret this small inner ridge as the site of active submarine volcanism and hydrothermal activity. Holmes et al. (19814) using the SEAMARC have shown that very long fractures (>100 km), occur on the inner flanks of the valley walls, and Clague et al. (19814) have presented 19 seismic reflection pro- files uniformly spaced across the entire ridge with several of them showing small volcanic cones or domes in or near the valley axis. Bottom samples from the ridge have been described by Duncan (1968), and Fowler and Kulm (1970). The cores retrieved indicate that sediments are present on the Escanaba trough, but the northern part of the ridge is devoid of turbidites. al. More recently Clague et (19814) have collected 15 dredges along the median valley. All the recovered samples were pillow fragments, and their composition indicate that hydrothermal activity is widespread along the axis of the northern two thirds of the Gorda Ridge. 7 Gravity studies by Dehlinger (1969) and Dehlinger et al. (1971) show that the median valley is characterized by a long linear negative anomaly (-35 mgals approximately), but that it averages to zero over the ridge, and they conclude that the ridge must therefore be in isostatic equilibrium. Regional gravity models have been con- structed from the gravity data at 12.5°N (Thrasher, 1977) and at LI1°N (Couch, 1980) with the ridge itself being only coarsly modelled. A better knowledge of the ridge structure can be obtained with seismic refraction and/or reflection techniques, however the rapidly changing topography of these areas and the use of sea surface and drifting detectors of very short range (sonobuoys) dissuaded most researchers of using the seismic method in mid-ocean ridges. Only one refraction study was done in the Gorda Ridge before the one presented here. That study (Thrasher, 1977) consisted of two 20 km long lines using sonobuoys. The model obtained is very poor since it is heavily based on second and third arrivals picked in very noisy records. The recent development of Ocean Bottom Seismographs (085) has given us a tool for refraction studies directly on the ocean floor. OBS are not subject to the drift of the sonobuoys, they have an increased range of detection and eliminate at least one water path, allowing us to collect data of much better accuracy, quality and resolution. In the summer of 1980 we deployed OBSs on the Gorda Ridge. A complete knowledge of the instrument response is very important to separate instrumental effects from the recorded waveforms. Thus Chapter I of this dissertation is devoted to the OBS response and to the discussion of their coupling to the seafloor. We have also fired explosives on two 60 km long lines one on the median valley and the other on the east flank, and recorded them on the OBSs. The travel times obtained have been modelled and a velocity structure for the ridge has been obtained. The description of the experiment and the results are presented in Chapter II. The most direct signal of present tectonic processes, however, is earthquake activity. Every year several earthquakes are known to occur within the vicinity of the Gorda Ridge, but their location with respect to the ridge appears to be shifted by about 20 km toward the continent (Northrop, 1970). Since most of the activity is believed to be associated with the mechanism of spreading, the mislocation has been explained as the result of poor geometry of the land stations with respect to these earthquakes and/or to the poor knowledge of the velocity structure. Several attempts have been made to partially resolve this location problem using anchored hydrophones or sonobuoys (Northrop 1970, Jones and Johnson, 1978). The problem inherent to these instruments, again, are reduced with the use of OBS and we have studied the earthquake activity of the ridge with two arrays of five and four instruments deployed for over three weeks combined total recording time. We have located over 200 earthquakes with at least 50 of them with depths accurate to within 1 km. Our knowledge of the instrument response has allowed us to calculate spectra and source parameters for many of the earthquakes. This experiment and the results are the subject of Chapter III. The last chapter summarizes the major points of this dissertation and presents some speculations on ridge processes that can be supported by our data. 10 CHAPTER I: THE OSU ANALOG OBS THE OCEAN BOTTOM SEISMOMETER The acquisition of seismic data at sea has been in a state of constant evolution since its beginning, with the continuing improvement of both better sources of energy and reliable detectors of the seismic disturbances. Until the mid-1960s, the standard technique for refraction work at sea made use of separate ships for sending and receiving acoustic signals. Such work involved considerable expense because of the cost of operating two ships. The development of sonobuoy receivers (free floating and moored, either self recording or transmitting by radio) allowed single-ship refraction operations, lowering the overall cost. of their own. However, sonobuoys have problems These include their drift, the inability to detect shear waves, and the short range imposed for the radio detection of signals. Since the creation of the seismic world network, there has been a need for a more uniform geographical distribution of seismic monitoring observatories and this includes the ocean. For these reasons much thought has been given by marine seismologists to the construction of' simple, reliable and relatively inexpensive ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). Their early development can be traced back to the mid-1930s, but only the advances of micro-electronics in the 1960s have brought a partial success. Today more than twenty research groups have become involved in OBS design (Loncarevic, 1983). The main advantages of Ocean Bottom Seismometers over sono- buoys and alike are: the fixed location of the receiver on the -Li ocean bottom thus allowing a fixed geometry during an experiment; the possibility of using a variety of sensors (pressure, horizontal and vertical motion) to help identify the different arrivals on the detected waveform; and the extension of the range of seismic refraction lines well beyond the usual radio range of transmitting sonobuoys. Furthermore, the elimination of at least one water path is advantageous for the study of the fine structure of the upper crust. At Oregon State University building of OBS was started in the mid 1970s. The instrument, a free fall direct recording package was described in its early stages by Cranford et al. (1976) and Johnson et al. (1977). Several modifications have been performed since those descriptions. Some of them are: its physical appearance (Figure 3), longer recording periods (18 days) and inclusion of horizontal sensors. Anchors are made of concrete and released by electrical motors that turn mechanical arms. The necessary flota- tion for the instruments to surface is now provided by glass spheres. Today the OSU marine seismic group is still continuously improving the instrument and the main emphasis is on developing a digital version for wide dynamic range and better fidelity, and the use of acoustic transponders for accurate positioning and control of the experiment. These last two modifications were not included in the instrument that we used to collect the data included in this dissertation. 12 Figure 3. The OSU analog ocean bottom seismometer. 14 THE INSTRUMENT RESPONSE The ideal function of a seismic instrument is to provide a recorded facsimile of the original vibration data with the minimum loss of information. We would like to have perfect fidelity in the instrument in the sense that the amplitude frequency response should be flat over the frequency range of the input, and the phase frequency response should be linear over the same range. The input in seismology has a wide spectrum that goes from the low frequencies of the earth oscillations (.001 Hz) to the high frequencies (500 Hz) of Interest in shallow prospecting. Since it is practically impossible to have a single Instrument that operates on the whole range, the detection problem is broken down to bands of interest. The perfect fidelity criterion would be required only on those bands. Although commercial sensors that do not modify the particle motion at the frequencies of interest have been available for many years, the recording of this signal in a self contained capsule dropped on the ocean floor, will severely distort the original vibration due to several factors. The most important are: a) the background noise on which the seismic disturbance is superimposed. b) the characteristics of the sensors. c) the modification introduced by the recording and playback of the signals. d) the coupling of the Instrument to the ground. In the following sections we will discuss each of these factors. 15 Since the recorded seismic disturbances are distorted, the least we can do to recover the original motion is to obtain a know- ledge of the amplitude and phase frequency responses of each one of these factors. Then we can cascade them, multiplying all the ampli- tude responses, and adding all the phase responses, to determine their overall effect. In Chapter II in order to obtain actual seis- mograms, earth responses generated from velocity models are con- volved with the instrument response and with the source function. In Chapter III, in order to obtain source parameters, we will calculate spectra of the recorded signals, so, it is very important to know the distortion introduced to them by the instrumentation. The knowledge of the instrument response will then allow us to correct for it, and also it will give us a better feeling for the reliability of our results. a) Noise It is a well known fact that any instrument produces some out- put when there is no input, i.e., the system generates noise within itself. Although careful design is done to minimize it, the result is not always as good as intended. There are several sources of noise in the instruments: the first is the inevitable thermal noise introduced by random motion of electrons in any electrical circuit; its spectrum over the seismic band is approximately flat. The second is semiconductor noise, whose origin lies in the semiconductor devices used for amplification. The third is noise in the recording and reproducing process. Part of it is magnetic fluctuation noise In the magnetic heads and tapes. Since magnetic materials are not uniform, but consist of 16 large numbers of discrete magnetic grains, the magnetization process occurs as a superposition of many small steps. Therefore, small random fluctuations occur in the gross effect and these appear as noise. Usually noise obtained from all these sources directly is small. However, there are other sources of noise in our instruments which are not necessarily random nor small. introduced One of them is noise by the motor of the recorder, which peaks around 140 Hz, and another one is that introduced by the interaction of the ocean currents with the relatively high profile OBS. This noise is still poorly understood and seems to vary both spatially and temporally. Whatever the source of noise, it sets a limit for the detection and/or identification of the seismic information in the recorded signals. b) Sensors To increase our ability to identify phases in the waveforms it is found very Important to provide multiple versions of the seismic disturbance, by using multiple sensors within each ocean bottom seismic station. At OSU the marine seismology group has been primarily involved in the study of the propagation of signals from artificial sources and natural earthquakes in the frequency range between .7 Hz and 100 Hz. However, the lower limit of the frequencies to be detected is set by the available transducers of dimension small enough to fit inside the capsule as originally designed. The choice was thus, horizontal and vertical geophones with natural frequencies of 3.0 Hz (Mark products). The sensors are of the electrodynamic type or 17 velocity geophones, where a magnet is coupled to the ground, (and assumed to move with it in the presence of a seismic disturbance), while a coil suspended from a spring attached to the ground tends to A voltage is thus generated remain stationary, due to its inertia. in the coil, proportional to the rate at which the coil cuts the magnetic flux, that is, to its velocity with respect to the magnet. The response of these sensors, well known from the literature (ex.: Aki and Richards, 1980), is: 2 H() 22 w -w +2ibw 0 so that the amplitude response to velocity is R 2 JH(w)l = ____________ v'c2 2) 2 2 G(R +R C 1 We have included the transduction constant, G = .913 volts/(cm/sec) and the voltage distribution, where Rc = coil resistance (11480 and R1 = load resistance (14300 c2), which gives a total damping b = .7 . This response has been plotted as curve 1 in Figure 14. The instruments also included a pressure compensated hydrophone (Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences E-2PD) with an open circuit fre- quency response to pressure which is flat to within ± 1 dB from 0 to 5 kHz and a sensitivity G = 25 volt/bar. It was connected to a low impedance resistor (1 M2) causing a roll off below 3.18 Hz (3 dB Figure IL Frequ ncy response of the OSU analog OBS. geophone response to velocity, V/(CM/S). curve curve 2: hydrophone response to pressure, V/BAR. curve 3: "electronics" response, COUNTS/VOLT. curve geophone plus "electronics" response to velocity, COUNTS! (CM/S). curve 5: hydrophone plus "electronics" response to pressure, COUNTS/BAR. curve 6: geophone plus "electronics" response to displacement, COUNTS/CM. curve 7: hydrophone plus "electronics" response to displacement, COUNTS!(BAR-S) RESPONSE OF OSU ANALOG OBS 1010 108 106 102 101 101 101 100 FREQUENCY (HERTZ) Figure J4 20 The electrical equivalent is then that of point) in the response. an R0 circuit and the frequency response is given by iw H(w)= w +1w 0 the amplitude response with the transduction constant is then H(w) = Gw 22 It has been plotted as curve 2 in Figure II. c) Recording and Playback Recording and playback is essentially done following the idea of Dibble (196!!). It is based on the use of mass-produced tape recorders rebuilt to greatly reduce the tape speed and the recording frequencies and so increase the recording time per tape. Inexpen- sive and reliable components are available for direct recording which also has the advantage of maximum tape economy f or a given bandwidth and dynamic range as compared to FM recording. The electrical signals from the three sensors are routed toward low noise preamplifiers and mixed with a larger and much higher fre- quency AC bias current in a four channel recording head, where slow speed direct analog recording takes place. A bias frequency of 1 kHz is high enough to ensure that its wavelength on the tape is too short to produce a voltage in the head on playback, and improves the fidelity, sensitivity and dynamic range of the recording. 21 The signal frequency limits are very wide in the recording process, extending from DC to the head resonance frequency in principle, however, at short wavelengths (-.0? mm) the pattern on the tape is so short that self demagnetization and penetration losses reduce the dynamic range excessively. order of 10 dB (Dibble, 19611). These losses can be of the However, most of the system limita- tions appear is in the playback process. The voltage from the play- back heads (ring type) is proportional to the differential with respect to time of the flux looped round in the head from the tape. Therefore, the voltage falls with frequency at 6 dB per octave and sinks to amplifier noise level not far below the bottom of the audio frequency range. The lower limit to the recorded frequencies that can be reproduced for a given tape speed is reached when the wave- length on the tape exceeds the effective overall length of the pole pieces of the playback head. For the head used a length of - 11 cm. sets a lower limit of 50 Hz, or approximately that of the audio, for normal tape speeds (-19 cm/s). The upper limit is reached, as the magnetic wavelength on the tape approaches the head gap dimension, since the flux difference reduces to zero, and so too, does the output voltage. The head gap dimension thus defines the shortest wavelengths that can be played back and for usual gaps (-.01 mm) and normal speeds, this upper frequency limit is that of the audio (-20 kHz). Since both the upper and lower limits of the frequencies that can be recorded are determined by the wavelength on the tape, it follows that any frequency below the head resonance frequency can be satisfactorily recorded by using a tape speed that will give a wavelength on the tape within the range of the playback head (50 Hz to 22 20 kHz at normal speeds). Thus, by reducing the tape speed on the recorder several hundreds of times, we can record the frequencies of interest for seismological work (approximately .01 Hz to 100 Hz) with the same wavelengths on the tape. Limitations on the motor design, the need to avoid recording over 30 Hz due to the noise of the motor, the need to speed the playback to obtain good signal to noise ratio, and early playback capabilities (an oscillographic recorder which attenuated playback frequencies above 300 Hz) resulted in a recording speed of .25 mm/sec or approximately a speed 750 times lower than the normal speed. The frequencies that can be recorded in the OSU OBS are thus within the band 0.1 Hz to 26 Hz. The instrument tapes are played back in a commercial four channel tape deck fitted with heads similar to the recorder. The output of the playback head is dependent not only upon the degree of tape magnetization, but also upon the frequency of the recorded signal, since it is proportional to the rate of change of flux. in a 6 dB/octave rising frequency response. It results Also, since the voltage is proportional to frequency, the tapes can not be played at the recording speed, because the signal would be below the amplifier noise. It is therefore necessary to use a tape speed high enough to obtain a good signal-to-noise ratio. Tapes can be played back as low as five times recording speed yielding a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 2:1 (Cranford et al., 1975), and it increases with playback speed. A speed 30 times that of the recording gives a good signal to noise ratio while keeping the played back frequencies in the linear part of the playback response (below 1 kHz), but increases the lower bound of the reproducible recorded signals to 1 .7 Hz. 23 Thus the reliable range of recorded frequencies on the OSU OBS is 2-26 Hz. After being played back the signals are amplified and filtered from 0.5 to 30 Hz and finally digitized at 100 samples per second. In order to obtain the combined frequency response of all the system components, several impulses of voltage with a duration of 1 msec were applied to the system at the point where the geophone conveys the information to the system. The impulses were then re- corded, played back and digitized, using the same settings as for an OBS tape digitization; and finally stacked. The resulting time series was transformed to the frequency domain, and calibrated from sine waves of different frequencies (2-60 Hz) that are routinely recorded on the OBS tapes at the beginning and end of each experiment. The response (Figure I, curve 3) is approximately flat from 5 to 18 Hz (3 dB points) with terminal high-pass slope of -6 dB/octave and terminal low-pass slope of -16 dB/octave. The response falls off at low frequencies, (less than 5 Hz), very quickly due to the combined response of the playback head and playback speed, and, at high frequencies (greater than 18 Hz) principally due to the normal decrease in playback and recording head responses as discussed above. noticed. Around 0 Hz, the noise of the tape recorder can be The frequency response of the sensors and electronics combined is then the product of the corresponding frequency responses (curves 1$ and 5 in Figure ii). Tape oxide thickness also plays an important role in shaping the frequency response: the greater the thickness, the higher the 24 output at any particular speed. But, also, the greater the thick- ness the more effective will be the demagnetization effects on the recorded signal by their own proximity. Demagnetization losses become important when the recorded wavelength ceases to be much greater than the tape coating thickness. The thickness of the coating thus poses a lower limit on the recorded frequencies. How- ever, the tape that we have used covers frequencies from 1O c/sec to 10 kc/sec at normal speed and thus the limits imposed by it to the response are similar to those of the recording and playback system. Another phenomena that needs to be considered when dealing with signals magnetically recorded is that of anticipation. The playback head produces an output voltage on sensing the extreme limits of the flux of the recorded signals. It was specially notorious when we calculated the response of the "electronics". anticipated the true time of the recording. The playback pulse This error (< .02 see) is otherwise negligible when reading travel times. COUPLING As we mentioned before, the ideal seismic instrument is one which provides us with a recorded facsimile of the original ground vibration, and it requires perfect coupling of the instrument to the ground. However, usually most detectors are placed on the surface of the ground. The ground does indeed constitute a spring, and the characteristics of this spring may range from the enormous compliance of the soft sediments to the very small compliance of a basalt (Evenden et al., 1970). The mass of a seismic detector 25 placed on this spring establishes a resonant system. The amplitude and phase responses of this resonant system are therefore inserted between the seismic pulse itself and the detector which transduces it. Overall response is strongly dependent upon the mass and con- figuration of the sensor, and the rigidity and density of the bottom material, resulting in major frequency-selective effects. The existence of the geophone-ground filter on land has long been recognized, and considerable work has been done on methods to reduce its influence (O'Brien, 1965). The simple spring analogy can give us some clues at ways of increasing the coupling. make its natural frequency as high as possible i.e.: We seek to the resonant frequency of this spring must occur at a frequency which is higher than the highest we need to consider. The idea then is that of increasing the stiffness of the spring and/or, to reduce the mass of the detector. Thus, the usual solutions on land work are: first, if possible, care can be taken to emplace the instrument on a relatively rigid spot;' second, complete burial of the sensor into the ground; third, the use of long planting spikes; and, fourth the use of base plates to increase the geophones area of contact with the ground. Various workers have obtained values for the natural frequencies of a range of surface materials, and there is a general agreement that for 1.5 kg geophones, they can be as low as 25 Hz, while for more consolidated materials such as stiff clays, it may typically be of the order of 200 Hz (Evenden et al., 1970). One of the main difficulties of OBS as true recorders of ground motion is the uncertainty of the exact bottom conditions and cou- The response of the instrument can be strongly pling at any site. affected by thick, soft, low velocity sediment. In this case, a description of the interaction of the package with the sea floor must be included in the instrumental response. This is not neces- sary for seismometers resting on hard rock where the instrument moves with the rock to high frequencies. In addition, OBS are em- placed at a boundary between a liquid and a solid, and the effects of buoyancy can strongly affect the observed motion. The boundary also complicates the situation because strong differential motion can occur across it. In June 1978 the OSU marine seismology group met other OBS groups at Lopez Island (Washington) to study the coupling of OBS to soft sediments (-5 m thick) comparable to those of the ocean floor (Sutton et al., 1980). As a result, several researchers (Sutton et al., 1980) have extended the theory of coupling on land to include buoyancy forces. The model developed completely describes the re- sponse through three constants. One is the coupling coefficient, C, which could be determined from the OBS mass, the displaced water and sediment masses, and the equivalent mass of OBS, water and sediment that moves along with the instrument. This equivalent mass is in practice difficult to evaluate, but an upper bound can be found for C. When conditions are such that C = 0 coupling is perfect and the OBS moves exactly with the ocean bottom. Increasing values indicate less coupling but C should be less than unity, reaching this value when the effects of buoyancy and the sediments that move with the instrument are ignored. to be .21 For the OSU OBS the value for C was found (Sutton et al., 1980). 27 The other two constants that determine the response are the frequency and the damping of the OBS-bottoni coupling and they can be calculated by mechanical transient tests applied to each instrument, analogous to the classical weight lift calibration for earthquake seismographs. In the test a float is released electromagnetically from each system, thereby generating a step of force to provide a quantitative estimate of the transfer function between the ocean bottom and the OBS package, including possible cross coupling between horizontal and vertical motion. The theory predicts good responses for frequencies lower than the resonant frequency of the coupling and damping coefficient approximately equal to unity. In the test most of the OBS showed spectral peaks between 9 and 12 Hz (10 Hz for the OSU OBS) for both vertical and horizontal inputs and Sutton et al. (1980) argue that this is a coupling resonance and that the agreement for most of the OBS simply implies that the OBS have roughly equivalent bottom-coupling design parameters. The instrument intercomparison and the model developed led to improvements on the instrument design, to optimize their coupling to the sea floor. It appeared that increasing the surface area in contact with the sediment, increased the coupling frequency and the damping. This effect forces the aBS motion to be closer to that of the sediments and also improves the response to frequencies above the coupling frequency. Also, maximizing base dimensions relative to height of the package appears to reduce cross coupling caused by rocking. Consequently the anchors are now circular concrete plates. Also, the overall density of the OBS has been lowered and the profile smoothed accordingly with the recommendations (Sutton et al., 28 1980). Further tests have been performed with the new design and the result is an increase of the coupling frequency to 1 Hz and a lower coupling constant. The Lopez Island experiment also proved that at least for airguns, the signal source at short distances is the principal influence on the spectra of the recorded waveforms, rather than bottom coupling. The resulting spectra resembles that one expected on a theoretical basis (Johnson, 1981). For our experiment, we deployed the instruments on the Gorda Ridge very near the spreading center, where bottom photographs (Clague et al,, 198!!) indicate the absence of any sediment cover. We believe that for the range of frequencies of interest, the coupling disturbance Is minimal, and this will be tested in Chapter IV by comparing spectra of ignals as detected by geophones, and signals detected by hydrophones that don't have the coupling problem. 29 CHAPTER II. CRUSTAL STRUCTURE THE EXPERIMENT In the summer of 1980, Oregon state University conducted a seismic refraction survey of the northern part of the Gorda Ridge aboard the R/V Wecoma. The ridge is known to have a full spreading rate of approximately 6 cm/yr (Atwater and Mudie, 1973), which is intermediate between that of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (-2 cm/yr) and that of the East Pacific Rise (-12 cm/yr). The spreading axis is characterized by an axial valley which resembles that of the MidAtlantic Ridge, suggesting that its structure may be similar to that of slow spreading ridges. To obtain a first hand knowledge of crustal structures, seismic refraction is one of the most valuable tools. However in a spreading ridge, matters can become quite complicated due to the rough topography, and possible lateral variations and anisotropy effects. To diminish these effects, one can shoot lines parallel to the ridge with the hope that the main trends of the structure will be reasonably uniform along strike. We have done so and to this effect, explosive shots ranging in size from 2 to 55 kg of Tovex were fired along the ridge at ranges up to 65 km from the receivers, with a typical shot spacing of 1 km. Two parallel lines, one on the east flank, and the other over the median valley were run. They were recorded on the OSU OBS described in the previous chapter. The OBS were deployed in a pattern to make them also useful to study the short term seismicity of the ridge. The results of' that study are 30 presented in the next chapter. Shipboard navigation (satellite and/or Loran C) was used to locate the instruments and shot positions (Figure 5). Shot origin times were calculated from observations of arrival times on a streamer towed behind the ship. corrected for shot-streamer traveltime. The arrival times were Shot depths were determined form the bubble oscillation frequency which is dependent on hydrostatic pressure. Corrections were also made for variation of water depth from the receiver depth along the shooting line with sea floor depths calculated from echosounder readings. These water delay corrections assume a constant phase velocity of 5 km/s but they are small (<0.1 sec) so that variation in phase velocity will introduce only very small errors. The shot information combined with the instrument tapes was used to plot reduced time record sections of the data (Figures 6, 7, 9 and 10). The records were filtered from 2 to 25 Hz, since beyond To this range the information from the instrument is unreliable. enhance the information contained in the record sections, we usually present here two types: one autoscaled i.e.: the peak value in each seismogram is plotted at a constant deflection; and the other with amplitudes scaled for range using a gain factor of (Range (km)/20)2, and for charge size by a gain factor of (10/weight (kg) )0.65 No S-waves could be identified on the record sections. It may be due to their interference with earlier codas and to the irregularities in topography, which can cause amplitude variations large enough to destroy the S-wave coherence. Also a poor conversion 31 Figure 5. Shot (stars) and receiver (triangles) location for the refraction experiment. Continuous line marks the 3 km water depth on the ridge. 42.7 42.6 42.5 0 u-i 42.4 a D 42. 42. 42. 42.0 -127.4 ' -127.2 LONGftUDE (DECk) Figure 5 I '-'.'-' tJ t') 33 efficiency at the sea floor might explain their absence. Another possibility would be that of strong attenuation of the shear waves. Even though several causes of heterogeneity can be expected at the ridge, the appearance of the record sections apart from minor details suggested that we could assume lateral homogeneity, and that a velocity model consisting of gradients rather than thick constant To this velocity layers could explain the main features observed. end, preliminary models were obtained using the tau-zeta inversion of Dorman and Jacobson (1981),. which assumes a stack of laterally To homogeneous layers each having a vertical velocity gradient. perform the inversion, we first corrected the travel time-distance data to the sea floor by fitting polynomials to the uncorrected time-distance data and calculating apparent velocities. The correc- tion due to the water path was calculated by ray tracing through the water column using the information of the velocity of the sound in the area (Fleisohbein et al., 1981). For the inversion technique, travel time-range data T(x), corrected to the sea floor, are parameterized into the form X(p) and T(p) (where p = dt/dx is the slow- ness or inverse velocity), by fitting smooth polynomials to the data points, minimizing the RMS deviations of the data from the curve, but also constraining the slowness to decrease with increasing range. The range-apparent slowness X(p) and travel time-apparent slowness T(p) are then reparameterized into the form t(p) (p) = TpX and inverted to velocity depth functions V(z). = T-pX and The method solves for depth of specified slownesses, assuming linear gradients (in velocity) between slowness values, and including as many layers as data points. The specified bounding slownesses of 34 the inversion are the horizontal slownesses of the data points, and the model includes as many layers as data points. Synthetic traveltimes and amplitudes were generated with the model thus obtained, using the WKBJ method (Chapman, 1978) and variations made on the velocity model by trial and error as necessary until a model was reached that generated synthetic seismograms which agreed in travel time and also in amplitude with the original data. The WKBJ method uses only purely elastic models, since it does not accommodate attenuation. In addition the method is only a high frequency approximation and ray theory, rendering the WKBJ seisinograni inaccurate for problems on grazing incidence. Diffraction, tunneling and other frequency dependent effects are not included. The method however is relatively Inexpensive, quick, grossly correct and allows the study of the effects of isolated rays. It is thus justified as an intermediate step. The synthetics presented here are actual seismograms in the sense that the impulse responses generated by the method were convolved with a synthetic source function, and with the receiver function. The synthetics also had the same filter and scaling factors as did the actual data (Figure 8A). To further refine the model, we generated more synthetics using the REFLECTIVITY method of Fuchs and Muller (1971), as extended from its original formulation by Kennet (197'4), Orcutt et al. (1976), and Spudich and Orcutt (1980). The method, although slow and expen- sive, includes the effects of attenuation, and contains all multi- ples within a prescribed range of depths and within a prescribed range of slowness. We have chosen a P wave quality factor of 666, 35 the range of depths was 0 to 20 km, and the range of slowness 0.21 to 0.105. A maximum layer thickness of 200 meters was used in the input model since the frequency range for which accurate results are required is 2 to 25 Hz. Finer layering substantially increases the computation cost while no significant improvement on the accuracy is obtained. Again, the synthetics have source and receiver responses applied and the same scaling factors, (Figure 8B). FLANK STRUCTURE The record sections for the line shot on the east flank as detected through the hydrophones of OBS 1 and OBS 2 are presented in Figures 6 and 7. At first glance, they look quite similar indi- cating that the overall crust might be reasonably uniform. It is only at close ranges (-5 km) that some differences can be noticed. The appearance of the first refracted arrivals at the point of emergence from the water waves tells us that a unit of small thickness between the sea floor and the turning point of the first observed arrivals exists. It corresponds to the uppermost crust, and bottom photographs (Clague et al., 198)4) indicate that it is composed of fractured and porous basalts. Ewing and Purdy (1982) have suggested a method to model this upper part of the crust, using the emergence point and assuming a linear gradient. Although we do not have the desired density of shots for a good constraint, we have tried to model it, since we must introduce the proper delay for deeper phases. Only information from the record sections of OBS 1 and OBS 14 (Figures 6 and 9) at short ranges (less than 5 km) was 36 Figure 6. Record section OBS 1, hydrophone. A) autoscaled seismogram; B) the amplitudes have been scaled for shot size and a range dependent amplification factor has been applied, i.e.: each trace has been multiplied by (R/R)(W/w) where R = shot range, R0 = reference range (10 km); REXP = 2. ; W = shot weight; W0 = reference weight (20 ibs) and WEXP = .65. The topographic correction applied to each shot appears at the top of the figure. c. I tee. p. KH/SJ 7.0 ( T.T. REDUCED KH/S) 7.0 T.T. ADUCED C- I -J C -f 0 -I 0 r: - * N) ( N) 000 i r L DLP C C r. 0 - > fl C r CC C N) 0 0 I-.. 38 Figure 7. Record section for OBS 2, hydrophone. Figure 6. A) and B) as in 0 0 'U £. 11 TOPt. 10 15 15 ID 5 SO 00 07 20 12. 00 0I- 00- 99- 20- 82- 8!- 82- 82- 00- 78- 72- 77- 01- 5 95- 82- 2 99- 01- 5 S 0 201- 100- 8 2 219- 189- 20!- ID?- F 8 I KM/SI 7.0 T.T. AEDUCED Kil/S) 7.0 ( 1.1. RDUCE0 U) II '-7 -y -0 C-) rj U) c a? C, 6 Ct 2?Tj used to constrain the upper crustal velocities. OBS 11 at short ranges is sampling the west flank and both instruments recorded incoming and outgoing shots. The record section of OBS 2 (Figure 7) does not help to constrain the upper crust due to the scarcity of the shots recorded by the instrument at short ranges, to the offset of the OBS from the shooting line, and to the rapidly changing topography near the instrument. Thus, using the iI.4 km/sec phase velocity at the point of emergence from the water waves (Figure 6 and 9) and the method referenced above we have obtained an initial velocity for the uppermost crust of 2.0 km/sec and a gradient of 4.1 sec1 in the first 0.6 km below the sea floor. Beyond 5 km the two record sections for the flank show similar appearance: from 5 km out to ranges of 25 km, first arrivals reach phase velocities around 6.14 km/sec. At ranges greater than 30 km the phase velocity of the first arrival changes to 7.6 km/s, but an interference pattern at these ranges can be seen indicating that the slower phase continues as second arrivals. The latter larger ampli- tude waveform, continues to have an apparent velocity of 7.0 km/s. Beyond 50 km from OBS 1 and 140 km from OBS 2, the first arrival decreases in amplitude and the emergent nature of the wave form, makes picking a first break difficult. More can be learned from the They record sections scaled by shot size and range (Figure 6B, TB). show some similarities in the range dependence of amplitudes. A well developed crust mantle transition is apparent on the two record sections with a crossover point around 27 km range. We can also see that about 15 km range, amplitudes begin to build late in the seis- 41 mograms and reach a maximum at about 27 km, tapering down at -40 km range. From all these observations we can argue that the velocity increases with depth in the crust. From the initially observed refracted arrivals of 4.11 km/sec phase velocities, it changes to km/s very quickly. 6.11 The amplitude of the first arrivals indicate that a small positive velocity gradient is likely to explain the increase in velocity from 6.11 to 7.0 km/sec. The large amplitude later arrivals are then the extrapolation of the 6.11 km/s phase velocity arrivals. The rapid build up in amplitudes at ranges greater than 15 km suggest a triplication caused by a deep steep positive gradient. Although the retrograde branch of this triplica- tion is not clearly defined, and hence their arrivals impossible to pick, the phase velocities of the first arrivals beyond 30 km require that the velocity at the bottom of this gradient region be about 7.6 km/sec. The depth of this interface may be that of the rnoho. A preliminary model was obtained using the travel time-range tau-zeta inversion of Dorman and Jacobson (1981). constant gradient of 2.5 sec floor. It indicates a from 0.6 km to 1.6 km below the sea Beyond 1 .6 km depth the gradient quickly decreases to values around 0.111 sec and extends to a depth of 5.2 km. It is respon- sible for the slight increase in the velocities of arrivals with phase velocities from 6.11 km/s (at 5 km range) to 7.0 km/sec (at 55 km). At 5.2 km, the observed triplication is modelled in the inver- sion as a steep gradient (almost a discontinuity). The model thus obtained was tested by generating synthetic seismograms using the WKBJ method. In general there was a good agreement between the synthetics and the original data, but the triplication was better modelled in the synthetics with a discontinuity from 7.0 to 7.6 km/sec. The synthetic seismogram from the final model exhibits both the travel time and the amplitude behavior of the original data, (Figure 8A). Differences in the appearance of both, the real and the syn- thetic seismograms, are mainly due to the frequency content, since as already mentioned, the synthetics using WKBJ do not include attenuation effects, and due to the fact that we have created the synthetics using only few rays. A better agreement is obtained when the original data is compared to synthetic seismograms generated using the REFLECTIVITY method, (Figure 8B). The synthetic seis- mogram fit observed travel times and amplitudes very well. Our model for the crest of the ridge, is then made up of a km thick upper layer. 1 .6 This upper layer has a sea floor velocity of 2.0 km/sec and an upper zone 0.6 km thick characterized by a linear velocity gradient of LI.0 sec, followed by a zone 1.0 km thick with a gradient of about 2.5 sec1. The lower crustal layer from 1.6 km to 5.2 km depths contains a low velocity gradient of approximately 0.14 sec1 with velocities increasing from 6.4 to 7.0 km/sec and is underlain by a sharp crust-mantle transition zone with an upper mantle velocity of roughly 7.6 km/sec. shown in Figure 11. The final velocity model is 43 Figure 8. Synthetic seismograms for flank velocity structure. A) WKBJ; B) REFLECTIVITY. Both seismograms were obtained through convolution of the impulse response with the source and receiver functions, but only P waves are included. 3'. rn 2 LI (Li In Ar 2 I- LI Iii LI LI -4 tj -. - -, -4 -4 -4 -4 ----4 -t -4 -_4 -4 -4 --4 -c - -1 -t -4,-. -a, 1!N.I- rtI 1F: I W'R I FIgure 8 1 t-1 ' -4 ---4 ---t -4 -- MEDIAN VALLEY STRUCTURE The record section for the line shot on the median valley for the hydrophone of OBS 14 is presented in Figure 9. OBS 3 was de- ployed right in the median valley (see Figure 5) and the record section obtained forms a short split spread profile, and it is shown in Figure 10 as detected through the vertical geophone (the hydrophone record was noisy). The longer side of this profile shows some similarities in the range dependence of both travel times and amplitudes with the profile of OBS 14, indicating that a laterally homo- geneous model may be adequate to fit the observed data, however, the shorter side of the profile of OBS 3 shows delays for travel times between 3 and 15 km ranges, raising questions about this assumption. The cause of this delay must be very local since no delay is observed on the arrivals at OBS 14 for the same shots. It may be explained by the fact that the OBS 3 position is offset from the shooting track. Since we only have echosounder records along the ship's track we can only measure the ray entry depths for the ray paths to OBS 14 which have the same azimuth as that of the shooting track, the rapidly changing topography to the south of OBS 3 thus might account for the observed delay. Otherwise the travel time curves are smooth and look similar on both instruments, and we have pursued our assumption, ignoring the short profile of OBS 3, and derived a model for the median valley. The travel time-distance curves indicate a velocity of 4.6 km/sec near the point of emergence form the water wave; then the slope increases rapidly in the first 10 km range and very slowly Figure 9. Record section for OBS LI, hydrophone channel. as in FIgure 6. A) and B) D FT i-i ( M CM CM N) N) 000 00 O GO Tee. c. REDUCED 1.1. 7.0 KN/3P REDUCED T.T. 1 #0 7.0 101/5) C, I II I 03 C 0 -C 0 9 -v 0 I 0 > 0 UN z :jfl 3 2) C) CM CD 'I' 0 a- m 0 0 0 Cr U- t Figure 10. Record sections for OBS 3, vertical. Figure 6. A) and B) as in 71 71 71 5 220 7- 5- 220 220 0 12- II- 50- 5- 120 2- 10 120 05- 525 II- 3?- 0- 120 1540 II- 71 50 30 4 S 29- 4 71 X 26- 25- CD 25- i_ 50 iS 50 40 21- 50 50 25- 4 60 3D- 0 30 91- 71 30 32- 14 55 45- SI- III- 04- 71 4 0 5 5 C 5 5 5 15 U- 10- II- 45- 44- 227- 45- II- 45- 4 IS 5 5 0 5 4 4 X 0 4 IS I, S 4 5 0 0 S CD - -Ii II a -c C-, 'I, a a a X 4 04- S S T.T. REDUCED 0 ( C, KM/S) 7.0 51 Ill 51- 1.1. REDUCED 0 ( 5 KH/S) 7.0 0 P.1 TWO. 4 C. 50 later, reaching a velocity of 6.9 km/sec that we can follow up to a distance of 50 km range in OBS L and 35 km in OBS 3. No evidence of other phases was detected, but if they are small they could be buried in the noise that characterized these sections. The record sections scaled for shot size and range, do not show any clear sign of buildup of amplitudes. To obtain a velocity model, we then started with the uppermost crust following the same steps that we described for the flank, and obtained a sea floor velocity of 2.0 km/sec and a velocity gradient of 14.0 sec in the uppermost 500 meters of the crust. Again, we know the resolution is very poor, but this unit essentially introduces the necessary delays for deeper phases. Then, we performed a tau-zeta inversion and obtained a gradient of 2.5 sec from the base of the uppermost crust to a depth of 3.0 km below the sea floor, followed by a gradient of .13 seo down to 6.5 km depth. Since no clear pattern of amplitude-range behavior was observed, no attempt was made to generate synthetic seismograms for this line. The velocity model obtained is plotted in Figure 11 along with the one for the flank. The main differences are a thicker upper crust (-3.0 km) and the absence of mantle velocities to depths of 6.5 km. CONCLUSIONS We have developed two models of velocity structure for the Gorda Ridge. The first, for the east flank indicates a 1 .6 km thick upper crust (2.0-6.14 km/sec velocities) and 3.6 kin thick lower crust Figure 11. Flank (A) and Median Valley (B) velocity models. 52 VELOLIi 30 2.0 0.0 I Hi 40 [M.SEL, i liii60 70 50 1.0 2. 0 3.0 4.0 0 uj D 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0 8. 0 Figure 11 ii 80 if r*i (6.14-7.0 km/sec velocities), characterized by a 0.114 sec1 gradient. A sharp mantle transition exists at 5.2 km/sec depth with an upper mantle velocity of 7.6 km/sec. This model is compatible with obser- vations of both travel time and amplitudes of seismic arrivals. The second model developed is for the median valley, and its main features are, a thicker upper crust of 3.0 km (2.0 to 6.5 km/sec velocities) and a lower crust of at least 3.5 km thickness (6.5 6.9 km/sec velocities) with a gradient similar to that of the lower crust of the flank. No upper mantle velocities were detected beneath the median valley. Although small variations detected in the upper crustal velocities may be due to small scale heterogeneities, the large signal to noise ratio and the coherence of the arrivals constrains the phase velocities observed for the lower crust (6.14-7.0 km/sec on the flank and 6.5 to 6.9 km/sec on the median valley) rather tightly, because of the long range interval over which it is a first arrival. A velocity of 6.5 km/sec was also reported by Thrasher (1977) working with sonobuoys, at the ridge from 5-22 km ranges. 54 CHAPTER III. SEISMICITY PREVIOUS STUDIES The Gorda Ridge has long been noticed by its seismic activity. A list of epicenters of earthquakes, located using land station data, has been compiled by Rogers (1980) and includes all events prior to 1978. When the locations are superimposed on the bathymetry of the area, a large number of events parallel the ridge but are displaced roughly 20 to 30 km to the east. A bias in the locations can be suspected since most of the land stations used are to one side of the earthquakes and because of poor knowledge of the velocity structure in the area. Focal depths are generally unknown and sometimes estimated as either 33 km or 15 km which are standard depths reported in the An Earthquake Data Report (1981) when depths cannot be determined. effort was made in the late 1960's to improve the location of earthquakes in the area using hydrophones. Northrop (1968), using T phases, reports a swarm on the ridge near 41 .5 N and 127.6 E. information about focal depths was obtained. No Jones and Johnson (1978) using two arrays of four sonobuoys on the ridge, for a 20 hour interval, with a sonobuoy spacing of approximately 10 km, detected a high level of earthquake activity on the median valley. They located 10 earthquakes on the ridge, and 5 of them yielded hypocentral depths. Two events at !3°N gave 10 km and 1 km depths, the other three at I2.1°N have depths ranging between 6 km to 10 km. However the uncertain sonobuoy location due to their drift, and the 55 uncertainty of S wave arrivals measured on sonobuoys, make these hypocentral calculations uncertain. Later Johnson et al. (1978) deployed eight Ocean Bottom seis- mographs on the Gorda area with a station spacing of approximately 70 km. Fifteen earthquakes were located with most of the events originating from the portion of the Gorda Ridge between Lt1.5°N and 142.2°N. Recently Shoemaker and Sverdrup (19814), using a new algorithm, have relocated most of the Gorda area earthquakes detected by land stations and they found that it reduces the number of events located in the basin, that the earthquakes align more with the ridge and that spatial clustering is a main feature of the seismic activity of the Ridge. Only five focal mechanisms have been reported on or close to the ridge: Tobin and Sykes (1968), Chandra (19714) and Jones and Johnson (1978). Although of strike slip type they all show a com- ponent of normal faulting. However, the quality of the data and the reported accuracies of the locations, makes it difficult to associate them to the small scale features in the area due to the proximity of the Blanco Fracture Zone, the small offsets in the ridge, and intraplate deformation in the Gorda plate. THE EXPERIMENT In the summer of 1980 we deployed two arrays of OBS on the Gorda Ridge. The location and recording time of the instruments are 56 given in Figure 12 and Tables 1 and 2, along with the overall be- havior of the sensors. The site of the first array was chosen after the earthquake activity reported by Johnson et al. (1978) in a reconnaissance survey of the area. The instrument spacing was about 15 km, and the array configuration was a compromise with a refraction experiment to be recorded on them, whose results have already been reported in Chapter II. Instrument locations were taken as the ship position where instruments were deployed which was read from satellite fixes and/or Loran C positioning. Accuracy of these methods in the area are known to be better than 500 meters which was confirmed by the recovery of the instruments within hundreds of meters from where expected. The depth of the instruments was read from echo sounder profiles (3.5-12 kHz) with a precision of ±2 meters. The instrument clocks were set using the time signals emitted by WWV and also checked regularly against an accurate crystal controlled clock on board, before deployment and after recovery. The average drift of the clocks was less than five seconds during the total recording period, we have corrected for it assuming a linear drift between checks. The first array recorded events during a ten day period. While the instruments were on the sea floor, we used sonobuoys to monitor the seismic activity in the region north of the array (Figure 12) at the site where Jones and Johnson (1978) had one of their arrays. The site is characterized by a deep graben and a widening of the ridge. We used several sonobuoys during three days. The activity 57 Figure 12. OBS location for the seismicity study: is indicated with single circles. First OBS array Second OBS array with double circles; the squares indicate the regions monitored with sonobuoys. 58 0 127° 128° 430 V i(,00 000 PACIFIC PLATE GORDA PLATE 42° 42° 00 I 41° 1 ,i C Q ARRAY 2 At ARRAY 1 (\I 128° 127° Figure 12 126° 41° Table 1. Gorda Ridge Seismicity Study. Date: Summer 1980 First Array Site 1 2 3 II 5 6 Lat Deg p12.256 112.1112 112.297 112.203 112.033 112.183 Long Deg -126.926 -127.000 -127.057 -127.160 -127.335 -127.1133 Depth Deployment Recovery Sensor m 21138 2719 3169 2775 2672 2870 26-JUL-1600 26-JUL-2000 27-JUL-0100 27-JUL-0500 27-JUL-1000 27-JUL-11100 011-AUG-01l00 011-AUG-0700 Oh-AUG--bOO 05-AUG-0l00 05-AUG-0700 Remarks Data Quality vertical good time code difficult to read horizontal bad didn't work hydrophone bad malfunctioned most of the time vertical good horizontal acceptable 2 Hz noise superimposed hydrophone acceptable cross talk with time code vertical good vertical good hydrophone acceptable vertical good horizontal good hydrophone good vertical good vertical good hydrophone bad cross talk with time code malfunctioned all the time LOST th Table 2. Gorda Ridge Selsmicity Study. Date: Summer 1980. Sensor Data Quality Second Array Site Lat Deg 112.1136 2 3 44 112.1485 112.586 142.550 Long Deg Depth m -127.952 31191 -126.7811 -126.833 -126.9614 2288 311I3 2269 Deployment Recovery 07-AUG-0700 13-AIJG-0300 07-AUG-0900 07--AUG-1200 07-AUG-1500 13-AIJG-0500 13-AUG-0800 13-AUG-bOO Remarks vertical good hon zontal bad didn't work hydrophone bad didn't work vertical good vertical good hydrophone bad vertical good hon zontal acceptable HF noise superimposed hydrophone bad didn't work vertical good vertical good hydrophone good too low gain 61 seen on the analog records was high, amounting to several events per hour. We recovered the OBS and while still on board we played back the OBS tapes. Since seismic data recorded on analog magnetic tapes can be played back fast enough to be audible, we detected earthquakes by hearing changes in the level and pitch of the sound, and noted times for each OBS. We cross compared the lists thus obtained and verified the detected earthquakes by displaying the events on a strip chart from which we read arrival times. We then used an LSI-11/23 microcomputer on board and the hypocenter location program HYPOINVERSE (Klein, 1978) and got sixteen preliminary locations. Several of the earthquakes were located around the site where the first array of sonobuoys showed high level of seismicity so it was decided to redeploy the OBS's on that location. Coordinates, sensors and recording times of the instruments are given in Table 2. The instruments recorded events for five days. During this period of time we obtained bathymetric profiles of the ridge and monitored the seismicity south of the OBS arrays (Figure 12) near the site where Northrop (1968) had found a swarm of earthquakes. This site coincides with another offset of the ridge 20 km to the west and the ridge changes from its NNW trend on the north to N-S on the south. Several sonobuoys were deployed during three days and almost no sign of activity was detected in the analog records. OBS and the data collection was finished. We recovered the 62 DATA PROCESSING The amount of data recorded required an automated method for the detection of events. In order to do this, the vertical channel of each OBS tape was played back at 60 times the speed of the OBS recording, band pass filtered (5-10 Hz) and digitized at 30 samples per second of recorded time. Then we used an event detection algorithm similar to that suggested by Ambuter and Solomon (197k) which compares short-term (10 seconds of data) and long term (100 seconds of data) time averages. Preliminary tests showed that for our system a trigger threshold factor of 10 dB minimized the number of spurious events while allowing all real events with an adequate signal-to-noise ratio to be detected. The trigger was inhibited for 60 seconds to avoid multiple triggering on the same event. The number of events so detected at each OBS site and the average in events per hour is shown in Figures 13 and 1I. A cross comparison was made among the files and the number of events detected in at least 3 OBS (and hence inferred to be earthquakes) are plotted in the same figures. From the file thus obtained a scan list was generated by leaving only earthquakes detected in all the instruments for a given array. A final list with 130 and 110 earthquakes for arrays 1 and 2 respectively was acquired and it was used as our earthquake information file for the data processing. The OBS tapes were then played back, the signals amplified, filtered and digitized at a rate of 100 samples per second. The multiplexed 14-channel data were then demultiplexed, resampled, corrected for clock drift and written on 9-track magnetic tape on ROSE format (La Traille and 63 Figure 13. Temporal distribution of events. Array 1. Considerable clustering in time can be seen; four peaks of activity can be correlated in all the aBS. The low activity during day 28 is apparent, because the OBS's were recording surface shots for a refraction experiment running that day almost continuously. by at least three OBS's are also shown. Events recorded 65 Figure lii. Temporal distribution of events. of activity can be seen. three OBS are also shown. Array 2. Four peaks Events recorded by at least ARRAY 2 interval 6 hours OBS 1 7 events/hour avg. 60 OBS 2 3.5 events/hour avg. U) c 40 > 0 20 0 z 0 7 11 9 13 11 60 OBS 3 40 4 events/hour avg. U) OBS 4 > 2 events/hour avg. I.- 0 0 20 z 0L1 7 8 9 10 11 AUGUST 12 7 13 9 8 Earthquakes 30r events recorded by at least 3 OBS's oc [11eventuq. i 10I0 7 8 I I 9 10 I 11 AUGUST Figure 1 12 10 11 AUGUST 13 12 13 67 Dorman 1983). multiplexed. The ROSE tapes obtained for each OBS were later Thus one 9-track magnetic tape contains the infor- mation for each array. The seismograms for each earthquake were then rasterized and computer plotted on a Versatec plotter. Figure 15 shows the seismogram for the first earthquake as recorded by the first array. The appearance of the seismogram gives an idea of the excellent recording conditions encountered on the Gorda Ridge. Many of the seismograms are characterized by very short codas and high frequencies, and suggest that the crustal structure under the ridge may be a simple one. Another general characteristic of the seismogram is the sharp impulsive P arrivals on the vertical channels and their higher amplitudes compared to those on the horizontal. This may result from near vertical incidence of the wave because of the large velocity contrast between the high velocity of both the mantle and lower crust and the low velocity upper crust beneath the instruments. P and S arrivals were picked to an accuracy of .05 seconds. It was impossible to pick travel times from several earthquakes, due to the emergent character of the first arrivals. Special attention was given to the S arrivals, since they are critical to the hypocenter location routines and for an array of our dimensions, many of the events could lie outside of the array. These S arrivals were picked only in the horizontal sensors, on the basis of changes in amplitude, period and wave shape, and only earthquakes that clearly showed these arrivals were located. This left us with almost 90 and 50 earthquakes for arrays 1 and 2 respectively. each earthquake are given in Appendix C. Travel times for 68 Figure 15. Earthquake #1 as recorded by the first array. time: 27-JUL-80 at 1O1 5:21. North, 127° 6.27 East. ERH: 1.67 km. Location: 142° 5.146 Depth: 13.6 km. ERZ: 2.32 km. Origin RMS: .26. 69 f'r,V7 /qO/.CS.70 60072-7 ,' - RWr/? Rj4S.Z5 /3.58 Z'ep7'/i :f I I VflC I I I I I I Mt I I I I Jlj' I I I I .11 I I !1OZ I 'O& t I I I I I L HI I I I I vERr?c AL 'i I i-lrbi OPIAJE H cof 7/l I I I I I I I I I H V) Hot I 20"I I I vrr1 cA L Figure 15 I I 70 EARTHQUAKE LOCATION METHOD We have used the program HYPOINVERSE (Klein, 1978) which is an implementation of the Geiger's least squares method. The program requires a knowledge of the crustal structure and we have used a flat layer model derived from our refraction experiment. It also needs the value of Vp/Vs and we have calculated it from the travel time arrivals by plotting (S14-S2) vs (P-P2), (Figure 16), where P14 and S14 are the arrival times at OBS 14 and P2 and S2 are the arrival times at OBS 2 of the same event. Instruments 2 and 14 were chosen because they were the only ones with horizontal sensors that functioned properly. For a homogeneous medium the slope of the line that fits the data gives the above ratio. As expected the line passes through the origin and we have obtained Vp/Vs = 1.73. Other parameters used when running HYPOINVERSE are given in the location listing of Appendix C. A standard trial hypocenter is used by the program but it can be overridden with an apriori estimate for each event. The standard trial origin time is 2 seconds before the first P arrival, the trial epicenter is near the station with the earliest arrival, and the trial depth is the value set in the parameter statement. The program calculates predicted arrival times of each station (origin time plus travel time from source to station) and travel time residuals. The latter are the differences between the observed arrival times and those predicted. Computationally the program uses a generalized inverse method, specifically, the singular value decomposition technique. It permits eigenvalue truncation which 71 and Lt in ly ones 72 50 2.5 2.0 7 \iTS = 1.725 = -.01 0EFF 1.6 .98 2.0 73 prevents hypocenter adjustments in poorly constrained directions. From studies of the detection ability of our arrays with simulated data, we found an eigenvalue cut off of .005 to be appropriate. The program iteratively adjusts the focal coordinates and origin time so as to minimize the sum of square of the time residuals. focus is treated as a free variable. Depth of Hypoinverse calculates the full 1x1 covariance matrix of the solution and derives from it the error ellipsoid that defines the 32% confidence of the solution to the linearized problem. An error ellipsoid whose major axes are 2.t times the standard errors calculated by the program, has a 95% chance of containing the true hypocenter. The projection of the ellipsoid axes onto horizontal and vertical planes through the hypocenter are also presented in the solution (see Appendix C). For an array of our dimensions with only five stations and only two capable of detecting shear waves unambiguously, further study of the accuracy of our hypocentral calculations had to be pursued. Duschenes (1983) has pointed out that most of the micro- earthquakes surveys carried out at sea lacked the needed resolution to associate them with sea floor tectonics and oceanic crustal formation. He also presents a complete summary of surveys reported with the description of type of instruments used. Sonobuoy surveys are essentially ruled out as hypocentral indicators since they can not detect shear waves. And OBS surveys had lacked the number needed and/or shear wave detectors. The accuracy of our locations has been tested by generation of synthetic travel times from simulated earthquakes in a grid centered on the arrays, with a program that uses essentially the same rou- 74 tines as Hypoinverse. These synthetic travel times are then fed into Hypoinverse and the earthquake locations calculated. In this manner we have established latitude and longitudinal boundaries to the location capability of Hypoinverse due to our array geometry and to the stations capable of P and/or S waves detection. We have fol- lowed these procedures for earthquakes that span depths from 0 to 30 km. S arrivals were only calculated for OBS 2 and 4 in the first array and for OBS 3 in the second, since the horizontal sensor of OBS 1 in both arrays didn't work. The results for earthquakes at 7 km depth are shown in Figures 17 and 18. The diagram in general varies with the depth of the earthquake and the trial depth used in HYPOINVERSE but our figure is a typical one. The epicentral resolution is in general quite good, since it starts degenerating at more than three times the size of our array and more than one for our second array. However, as expected, the hypocentral resolution degenerates more rapidly. Very shallow earthquakes, (less that 2 km) pose a special problem, since epicentral resolution decreases considerably (dotted line in Figures 17 and 18) and conv'ergences are generally acquired only for shallow trial depths. Since this procedure was performed with perfect data, further tests were conducted within the boundaries found with real data. Travel time residuals for a given earthquake were directly computed from travel times generated for a dense grid of points (1 km spacing) surrounding the earthquake. The location that yielded the minimum RMS was within the error ellipsoid given by HYPOINVERSE. Since the convergence process can stop at a local minima, HYPO- 75 Figure 17. Epicentral resolution of the arrays. Stippled zones mark the locii for which the epicenter of simulated earthquakes is not retrieved accurately. The picture is ery dotted 76 EPICENTRAL RESOLUTION 0' 50' Wi 10' O042 50' 30' Z0 Figure 17 70' cc' qo 77 Figure 18. Hypocentral resolution of the arrays. mark the loch Stippled zones for which the hypocenter of simulated earthquakes is not retrieved accurately. 78 1Z7' HYPOCENTRAL RESOLUTION 0' 0' qz ri ,o.qz, 50' 30' 0' Figure 18 10' 00' 50' 79 INVERSE is very sensitive to the trial depth. This makes the selection of different trial depths when running the program important. We have done so and we have chosen the minimum RMS result as yielding the real depth for the earthquakes. These procedures give us complete confidence on the depths presented in our results. THE RESULTS Figures 19 and 20 show the earthquake locations for each array. For most of these epicenters, the formal errors and the study of' the resolution ability of our arrays indicates that most of them are precise within one or two kilometers. Remarkable features on the locations for the first array (Figure 19) are: the big cluster of approximately 'tO earthquakes located around '12.07 N and 127.07 W, where a major offset of the ridge occurs; a second cluster at '12.31 N and 126.58 W with almost 25 earthquakes which is close to a very deep graben. It confirmed the location estimates made on board ship, that made us to choose this site as area for the deployment of the second array. Another small cluster is noted around OBS 3. Low activity was detected south of array 1. Although it agrees with the lack of activity detected by our second array of sonobuoys (Figure 12), it could be due to the bias of our array in that direction, since we did not plot epicenters with dubious locations. Figure 17 suggests poor resolution in that direction. The locations for the second array clearly show an alignment of the earthquakes with the median valley and a concentration of them Figure 19. Earthquake locations for the first array. -126. 000 42. 833 U U 41. 667 127. 500 Figure 19 82 Figure 20. Earthquake locations for the second array. -125.. 833 43. 000 41. 833 -127. 157 Figure 20 84 north of OBS 3. Several earthquakes are located at the place of the cluster at 142.07 N and 127.07 W detected by the first array, but not as many as we could have expected since the majority of the located earthquakes are now slightly to the northeast. Given that the arrays were separated in time for several days, this might be an indication of episodic activity and migration of the earthquakes. Swarm activity was also detected, see an example on Figure 21. The records of most of these events are almost identical implying that they have similar mechanisms and possibly come from a small volume. This suggests repeated movement of the same or adjacent faults, or repeated inflow of magma and buildup of pressure as noted by Lilwall et al. (1977). Some of the events within the swarms appear to have different mechanisms, but first arrivals are sometimes too weak or emergent, to identify compressions or dilatations. For the earthquakes far from the arrays at approximately 142°N and 126°E, a trial epicenter different from the default was needed since the program actually converged toward local minima close to the trial default after throwing away arrivals. A standard trial epicenter for these locations was assumed at 142.00 N and 126.00 W. The results turned out to be insensitive to the trial epicenter as long as they were within approximately a circle centered at this point with a radius of 0.8 degrees. Confidence for the epicentral locations of these distant earthquakes comes from the fact that three of them were actually recorded by land stations as registered in the August 1980 Earthquake Data Report (see Table 3 and their locations in Figure 19, crosses). The seismogram for one of these 85 Figure 21. Swarm activity on the Gorda Ridge. 15. Sensors as in Figure I I EYEN7 fs 80O? Z3O 25.25 f,? I I I : k I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I iii I I I II _ I I I I I I I I I I-I I ri4jLrkLd LJJUtftTh ILI Fft .;'. I I I I .1 I Figure 21 I I Table Earthquakes located by land stations and by the OBS's Array 1. 3. as in the Earthquake Data Report (EDR). LONG. W DEPTHN (deg) km EQ DATE ORIGIN TIME, GMT LAT. N Array 1 1980 hr sec (deg) 99 Aug 2 23 15 lii '11.336±2.145 km 126.031± 6.67 km 15 14.0 115 Aug 3 08 214 02 112.399±3.37 km 125.708± 8.99 km 15 l.5 118 Aug 3 09 OIl 23 '12.3'18±6.18 km 126.197±2'l.97 km 15 145 * Note from the EDR: able seismograms. mm MB Geophysicist restrained the depth at. those values indicated by evidence from avail- 88 events is shown in Figure 22 and its location coincides with that one given by the EDR. These earthquakes suggest that the Gorda plate is currently undergoing deformation. HYPOCENTRAL DEPTHS Hypocentral depths were only accepted for those earthquakes lying within the boundaries marked by Figure 18. they are accurate within ±2 km. We believe that A plot of the number of events found at different depths, combining both arrays is shown in Figure 23. Most of the events have depths between 0 and 11 km (six as an average for each km of depth). However, surprisingly enough, In several of them yielded hypocentral depths from 11 to 20 km. fact the seismogram presented in Figure 15 gave an hypocentral depth of 1 km. EARTHQUAKE SOURCE PARAMETERS The seismic moment is perhaps the most fundamental parameter that we can use to measure the strength of the earthquakes. It is proportional to the level of the spectrum of the far field displacement waveform at low frequencies, where it becomes flat. We have calculated spectra for most of the seismograms obtained from the first array. We have done so by retrieving ten seconds of the digitized data for each sensor starting a few tenths of seconds before the P arrivals. The level and corner frequency estimates of the spectra turned out to be not dependent on the time windows used. S-wave spectra were not used for calculations since we had only one 89 Figure 22. Seismogram of one earthquake located by land stations, as recorded by our first array of OBS. Figure 15. Sensors as in 41/ f2 23 /: w3.O 8coQ2 f4/,r i2 --------- RM ./2 fR/1 2.! ,. ep'4 P , 1 [)\ t - - j 'I 1! (/f \A \[ I I i :-- A.. .1. I I i TC. ti" 0 I I I I I I I I I P I I I I I i.. I I Al 1 55' Ml II j1I ;1 I I.NI!II IIi tA IllII tI!j1!Ji1 I;tIII!, I I I I I I I I I I Figure 22 I (I I 91 Figure 23. Hypocentral depths. Number of events at different depths for both arrays. 92 II * .i- p44. * .* * 14 * *. * 14 -5 .*. * * 16 14 * .* * 14 * 14 ? * * .% * .14 *. 14 14 , 14 * 14 * 14 1 * .* * * * * * I 0 i * * * 16 -15 , * * * * -20 0 14 14 14 14 2 4 6 FiSi ARRA SECOND ARRA 8 10 NUMBER OP EvEN[S Figure 23 12 14 93 horizontal sensor with unknown orientation with respect to the source in two of the instruments. From the time series, the average value was subtracted to deal only with deviations from the average. We then smoothed the begin- ning and end of the data using a Parzen window. The amplitude spectrum of the seismogram was calculated by Fourier transforming the record and correcting for the instrument response as calculated in Chapter I. The program used for the spectra calculation is presented in Appendix D. To evaluate possible spectral effects of noise we have always calculated the spectra of the noise for an equally long record portion before the signal, and compared it to the spectrum of the signal. Since we digitized the seismograms at 100 samples per second, it imposes a maximum of 50 Hertz (Nyquist frequency) for the frequencies that we can recover from the digitized data. Also, the power spectrum of the noise was calculated for several seismograms (see example on Figure 214), and we found that high levels of noise are present below 2 Hz and above 32 Hz, which are caused mainly by the instrument itself. The response of the system to seismic energy outside of this band is small. This fact reduced the useful infor- mation from our spectra to the range 2 to 32 Hz. To make sure that we were not seeing effects due to the coupling of the instruments with the sea floor, we also calculated spectra for the pressure signal as recorded on the hydrophone. know it doesn't have this coupling problem. spectrum is shown on Figure 25. An example of this Spectra for the event shown in We Figure 211. Noise power spectrum for event #1, OBS 11 horizontal channel. It has been corrected for instrument response. Five stacks of 128 samples each were used. The peak at 110 Hz corresponds to noise generated by the tape drive in the instruments. NOISE POWER SPECTRUM. EVENT 24. 1285 STACKS 0 iiJ iog U) 10b0 * 0 LiJ U) 10 0 1012 1014 101 FREQUENCY (HERTZ) Figure 2 Figure 25. Hydrophone amplitude spectral density for event #1 (Figure 15), OBS 2. 97 HYDROPHONE P-WAVE SPECTRUM iD-5 OBS2 EV1 106 U I-u Lt) I iD-7 108 i09 ioo 101 FREQUENCY (HERTZ) Figure 25 102 98 Although there are small Figure 15 is presented on Figure 26. variations among instruments, the spectra are in general the same. An attempt was made to improve the estimates of the low frefollowing the method quency level () and corner frequency suggested by Andrews (1983). The technique is to fit to the amplitude spectral density A(f) a curve of the form A(f) ffl c where n is the exponent of the frequency that best describes the roll off at frequencies higher than f. 1984) that and Andrew has shown (Fehier, could be estimated for n=2 from moments of the data, and Fehier (1984) has pursued the idea for n=3 giving the factors that relate the integrals. Our spectra roll off faster (n='4) as can be seen from Figure 26 so that we have generalized the idea to encompass all these cases and allow for easy handling of the data. Our results are that the integral are given by (see devia- tions in Appendix k): f n c 2 f(fA)"df = (n-n-i) I A df 0 i.e.: the coefficients are 1,5,11,19,... for n=2,3,1,5,... and Figure 26. Spectra for earthquake #1 shown on Figure 15. Saturation of the vertical channel f or OBS 2 prevented the calculation of the spectra for this instrument. = corner frequency; Q = low frequency level; R = source-receiver distance. F0 100 F-WAVE SPECTRUM P-WAVE SPECTRUM 10-a C) LU i0 106 EV EV M 1 o E . iO 1 7 F F L/) U OBS3 0BS1 27 27 OBS4 OBS5 Ev EV 10-8 iO- U Ui 11111 L Y 10-6 F i\ L/) 1 1 7 10 A 4 kf i0 U 108 11R o1.2 R 24 19 A io-9 I 100 I II I 101 Ii I I 100 101 102 FREQUENCy (HERTZ,FREQUENCY (HERTZ) Figure 26 101 n 0 = c-n) n n 11 (. i=i 2n IA df 0 n+i-1 in+1 2n 2 I Anldf 0 i.e.: these coefficients are 1 .6;1.31;1.21;1.16... for n=2,3,14,5,... Fehler 1984 has tested the validity of the fitting for n=3, and found that the finiteness of the range of integration for real data (.5 to 1W Hz in his case), introduces small systematic errors, but In our case this is not so since we that they can be neglected. have an even more reduced range of integration (2 to 32 Hz as mentioned above), and the estimates using the formulas above are not better than visual estimates. Results from the visual estimates are presented on Table LI. Following the models of Aki (1967) and Brune (1970) in the calculation of the seismic moment we have used !IirpRa3Q M= 0 where cz=6.0 km/sec is a representative value for the P wave velocity on the ridge and p=2. g/cm3 the corresponding density to this velo- city according to the work of Ludwig, Nafe and Drake (1970). the radiation pattern factor was taken as 1 since we could not get fault plane solutions for our earthquakes to infer it. 102 Table Event OBS instr. 1 14 7 2 10 2 11 1 13 14 i. Earthquake Source Parameters R f c0(x106) r km Hz cm-sec m M(x1020) dyne-cm 13 10 27 22 16 8 11 2140 1.02 8 2 2140 .39 9 3 7 14 1.59 1.73 7 3 210 270 270 2140 .55 .22 1.61 iLl 4 114 8 2 15 17 18 2 11 9 1 2 141 7 2 14 27 1 21 14 8 7 7 23 2 141 9 2 214 14 9 5 27 28 32 2 13 23 9 7 311 14 35 36 14 43 5 '49 5 55 56 58 63 72 77 80 87 105 111 118 126 126 128 137 NOTE: 5 14 14 3 14 1 1 5 5 14 14 5 5 14 29 26 10 12 10 17 17 22 12 17 32 62 62 38 12 57 62 89 14 214 5 27 79 13 3 2 1 .5 .6 7 10 8 8 8 .16 1.61 1.28 3.17 .29 .31 2140 .20 1 2110 .214 1 2140 .20 270 270 270 270 270 270 630 270 270 170 270 3.35 10 13 1 7 1 7 3 7 3 3 6 7 7 2 ii 53 1 7 7 7 210 270 270 270 210 210 270 270 190 914 .1 3 .7 7 .33 3.03 .214 1.00 1.89 7.32 .12 1.50 .71 .79 14 2 1470 2.414 8 8 13 5 11 9 2140 8.76 1 2140 .147 1 1140 2 170 .53 3.11 2 210 .51 The event numbering follows the sequential order of the phases file in Appendix C; R = distance source-instrument; = low frequency spectral level; = corner frequency; r= source radius; M = se?smic moment. 103 From the corner frequency we have estimated the source radius Cr), assuming the circular fault model of Brune (1970) and following the Trifunac and Brune extension (1970) for P waves through r 1.97 2w f The results are plotted on Figure 27. It relates corner fre- quency and low level amplitude to source radius and seismic moment. Lines of constant stress drops are indicated and calculated from the circular fault plane model of Brune (1970) with a = (7/16)Mo/r3. As already noted by Archuleta (1982), earthquakes with seismic moment less than io21 dyne-cm do not seem to follow the constant stress drop model. Our data indicate a decrease in stress drop with decreasing seismic moment. DISCUSSION The earthquake activity in the Gorda Ridge is much higher than that observed by Lilwall et al.(1977) on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or by Prothero et al. (1976) on the East Pacific Rise. events/hour. It averages 4 Most of the microearthquakes are probably associated with the dynamics of magma intrusion in the center of the median valley. Shallow events might also be associated with hydrothermal springs on the sea bed, volcanism and fracturing. SEAMARC side-scan sonar studies on the median valley by Holmes (1984) reveal the existence of clusters of cones, craters and fractures within the axial 104 Figure 27. Seismic moment versus source radius and their association to low frequency levels and corner frequencies. 105 SOURCE RADIUS (M) io3 _II 102 11c I \ 4. \ * \ ** \ 4* 4 - U LU \ U LU 0 * 1020 0 \ \ LI) 0 4 \*** * I.', * \ - * - 4 i Iu 0 m z * -I \4 \ J a- \o 0 1 7 3 1019 I I I I 101 CORNER FREQUENCY (HERTZ) Figure 27 106 valley. Since the median valley walls are constructed predominantly of normal faults as can be seen from near bottom bathymetric profiles (Atwater and Mudie, 1973), the events are also probably associated with the incipient and ongoing uplift of fault blocks forming the wall. Our hypocentral depths are generally deeper than those reported by other researchers in other midocean ridges (Liwall et al., 1978; Hyndmand and Rogers, 1981; Riedesel et al., 1982) with similar instruments. The existence of earthquakes to depths of 20 km in our area, suggest this value as a measure of the thickness of the brittle zone, making implausible Thrasher's suggestion (1977) of the presence of a large intra-crustal magma chamber at 14 km depth under the Gorda Ridge. A large magma chamber, if it exists, is more likely to be at a depth greater than 20 km. It is worthwhile to compare the thickness of the brittle zone with that for the mid Atlantic Ridge, 10 km (Lilwall, 1978, their Figure 14), and that for the East Pacific Rise, 5 km suggested by Bibee (1979) at 1O°N. Hyndxnan and Rogers (1981) foundhypocentral depths ranging from 3 to 6 km for the Delwood Ridge. They suggest that the thick sediment blanket in the Delwood area would give higher crustal temperature and thus limit earthquakes to shallower depths. Lilwall et al. (1978) have advanced the possibility of an inverse relation between lithospheric thickness and spreading rate, where a thicker lithosphere corresponds to a slower spreading rate. If this is true then in the Gorda Ridge (intermediate spreading rate) we are observing a thickening of the lithosphere. This thickening could be due to the heat loss by conduction in the contact between the young material in 107 the ridge and the old and cold lithosphere of the plates across the Blanco and the Mendocino Fracture Zones and/or to a deeper magma chamber under the ridge. A bias in the seismicity toward the inner scarp of the western wall of the ridge can be noticed in Figures 19 and 20, and we have proven that it is not related to our location techniques. Our computed seismic moments are within one order of magnitude of those reported by Trehu (1983) on the Orozco Fracture Zone and by Fehler (198i) from the Saint Helens volcano. This may be the result of similar instrumentation, which would limit the moment estimates to the earthquakes on scale. Also, it may be due to the fact that we all sampled too short a period of time to detect infrequent occurrences of larger events. The earthquakes occurring at 142°N and 126°W might be associated with intraplate deformation and reorganization of' the stresses in the Gorda Plate. Riddihough (1980) has suggested a breaking of' this plate into smaller ones with one of the fracture zones following the offset of the ridge near our main cluster and continuing through the bathymetric depression that trends southeast. crust at around A thinning of the 2°N and 126°W has also been reported by Cook (1981) and the only focal mechanism presented until today in this area (Chandra, 19714) suggest right lateral motion within the plate in a NW-SE direction. The activity detected by our instruments around this site indicates that this region is a very active one and deserves further investigation. 108 CHAPTER IV. SUMMARY, SYNTHESIS AND SPECULATIONS The understanding of the process of crust generation along mid ocean ridges is one of the major goals of the earth scientist, and considerable effort is being expended in gathering Information on seismic structures at these ridges to establish a coherent picture. Some information already exists in several segments of the world ridges, and although many similarities have been found, each has its own particularities. One of the major disagreements is that of the existence of large magma chambers under the ridges. Seismic evi- dence suggest their existence for fast and intermediate spreading centers on the East Pacific Rise (Orcutt et al., 1976; Rosendahi et al., 1976; Bibee, 1979) and there, the discussion is about intracrustal or Moho depths chambers. However, in the Mid-Atlantic ridge the evidence is against their existence in the upper 10 km of the crust (Nisbet and Fowler, 1978). To addanother piece of informa- tion scientist at OSU have been studying the Gorda Ridge, an intermediate rate spreading center which is a segment of the Pacific ridge-transform system, but whose axial morphology resembles more that of the Atlantic. An attempt was made to obtain seismic in- formation on the ridge using sonobuoys on approximately 20 km long lines (Thrasher, 1977); however, drifting of the sensors and noisy records did not allow a reliable interpretation. Only recently with the development of Ocean Bottom Seismometers have we been able to carry out an experiment to determine the velocity structure of the northern part of the ridge and its seismicity, by studying seismic waves generated by sources ranging from 3 kg of explosives to earth- 109 quakes of magnitude Although the frequency spectra of these sources have a broad band we are restricted by the limitations on our instrumentation, and an understanding of these limits is necessary to know the resolving power of the seismic waves detected by them. We have calculated the instrument response, and we have learned that it essentially acts as a band pass filter f or approxi- mately 3-26 Hz, so that the wave lengths that we have used to study the ridge range from approximately .5 to 2 km. Under these limita- tions then we have developed a geophysical model for the crust and it should be looked at through this "averaging" glass. The know- ledge of the instrument response has also enabled us to correct for the disturbance caused by the sensors, and thus to deduce from spectra, source parameters for the earthquakes. Refraction profiles shot, one along the median valley and the other along the crest, as recorded by the OBSs, have allowed us to develop a velocity model under the assumption of lateral homogeneity. For the flank, a 1.6 km thick layer, in which velocity increases form 2.0 to 6.14 km/sec and velocity gradients are 14.5 sec1 above and 2.5 sec below, overlies a thicker layer with velocities of 6.4 to 7.0 km/sec and gradients of .11 sec. Model- ling of the amplitude pattern of a clear triplication constrains this layer to be about 3.6 km thick. The origin of the triplication Is a sharp transition to 7.6 km/sec velocities, and is associated with the moho. flank crust. Thus our total crustal thickness Is 5.2 km for the The low upper mantle velocity is probably a thermally depressed velocity, but anisotropy Is also likely to contribute since our refraction line is parallel to the ridge and Cook (1981) 110 ha3 reported 8.0 km/sec velocities for the upper mantle from refraction profiles perpendicular to the ridge on the Gorda Basin, not far from our lines. Thus the anistropy observed by Bibee and Shor (1976) would also extend to very young crust. The profile on the median valley, on the other hand, indicate a thicker upper crust (-3.0 km) with gradients of !. and 1. sec1 in the upper and lower part respectively. The lower crust is characterized by a velocity gradient of -.1!! sec1 through most of it, to depths of 6.5 km. No mantle velocities are observed, and the amplitude of the signals rule out the existence of low velocity zones. Both the crest and valley structure display some stratification in the sense that there are regions of shallow high velocity gradient, underlain by regions of lower gradient, but apparently no discontinuities occur between layer 2 and 3. All our refraction lines give data that both in travel time and amplitude are typical of normal oceanic crust. In fact, compila- tions of refraction results by Raitt (1963) established that layer 2 exhibits a wide range of velocities (3.1! to 6.3 km/sec) and has a mean thickness of about 1 .7 km. This agrees with our ridge flank upper crust; however, the lower crust is thinner by more than 1 km than Raitt's averages. The continuous velocity gradients observed, reflect cracking and hydrothermal alterations which may extend through almost the entire crust. In layer 2 the steep velocity gradients are probably controlled dominantly by a downward decrease in porosity. On the sea floor highly cracked, fissured and occasionally poorly consoli- dated flow material with many voids such as hollow pillows have been 111 reported by Clague et al. (1984) and Holmes et al. (198'). Filling of voids and cracks by hydrothermal minerals and possible consolidation due to overburden would tend to increase the seismic velocity with depth, until near the base of layer 2 the seismic velocities are similar to those expected from uncracked basalts (Spudich and Orcutt, 1980). Then and without a discontinuity layer 3 appears, characterized by velocities varying from small gradient of .1I sec1. to 7.0 km/sec and a Finally, a petrologic boundary or possibly a hydrothermal one, the moho, marks the transition to higher velocities. The crust certainly changes thermal structure and possibly mineralogy as it moves away from the intrusion zone. These changes result in velocity changes away from the axis. Our seismic data shows that the formation process results in an increase in the upper crustal velocity with age, even at ages less than 1 My. All our velocity modelling is based on compressional waves, since in all our profiles no clear pattern of shear waves could be detected. This may be due to a poor conversion efficiency at the sea floor, and/or to their small amplitude and poor coherence due to the upper crust irregularities. The seismicity of the ridge during our experiment was higher than that reported on other ridges, with over 2000 events detected, averaging 14 events/hour. Many of the events were too small to be detected through out the arrays but for approximately 150 earthquakes, epicentral coordinates were determined with more than 80 yielding reliable depths. The refraction data collected in the region yielded the necessary model for the earthquake location, and 112 confidence of the locations indicate that most of the epicenters are precise to within at least 1 kin, with errors on the depths slightly larger. Most of the earthquakes lie within the median valley and the epicenters show spatial clustering, with the biggest cluster at the central portion of the ridge where a small offset occurs. The orientation and spreading rate of the ridge change here also, suggesting a region with complex stress regime. Other clusters are not clearly associated with particular topographic features. The seismic activity must be associated with the uplift that created the valley walls, but focal mechanisms studies that can support this inference can not be done with the small number of instruments that we have. Intraplate seismicity was also detected in the Gorda Basin with three of the earthquakes big enough (magnitudes -I.2) to be detected by land stations; they suggest that the Gorda plate is currently undergoing deformation. To understand the process of ocean crust formation it is important to know if steady state magma chambers exist in the crust under ridge axes, and perhaps the most conclusive test of the presence of any partially molten zone can be provided by shear waves since when they cross such zones they should either be greatly attenuated or absorbed. The earthquakes on the Gorda Ridge recorded by the OBSs all show large amplitude shear waves and they show no indication of any large crustal absorptive zone. Moreover, we have been able to obtain an estimate of the Vp/Vs ratio from tP-S and obtained a value of 1.725, which is similar to that found for continental rocks. The shear wave evidence thus strongly suggests that 113 no large magma chamber can be present beneath the median valley in the upper 15 km. Small pockets of melt of the order of up to per- haps 2 km in diameter can not be excluded, since they can not be resolved with our experiment. But a magma chamber, the width of the median valley can not easily be reconciled with the seismic evidence. The earthquakes occurring in the mantle below the axis of spreading with hypocentral depth up to 20 km suggest that on parts of the ridge even the upper mantle is of sufficiently low tempera- ture to allow stress to be relieved by brittle fracture. Good control over the focal depth is possible for events occurring within the ridge, and there, the seismic activity appears to be pervasive throughout the upper 20 km of the ridge, suggesting that the brittle lithosphere is at least this thick under the median valley, and precluding the possiblity of a large magma chamber above this depth. Our estimated brittle fracture thickness is consistent with the thermal model of slow spreading ridges for a low temperature upper The predicted viscosity for the upper mantle of Lewis (1983). mantle is sufficiently high to allow brittle fracture to depths of 20 km. Also, as already noted by Lewis (1983), these high viscosi- ties could also be reponsible for the existence of the axial valley at slow spreading ridges. Constraints from gravity and topography (Cochran, 1979) also indicate that the best fitting elastic thickness to explain gravity and bathymetry at slow spreading ridges is in the range 7-13 km. This elastic thickness can be assumed to represent the depth to the 14500 isotherm (Cochran, 1979). 114 Knowledge of the state of stress in the lithosphere is fundamental to the physical understanding of a wide variety of important geological and geophysical phenomena. The physical processes involved in crustal accretion at the Gorda Ridge are dependent on the state of stress and material properties. Several arguments may be used to bound the magnitudes of shear stress in the lithosphere. Heat flow measurements across the San Andreas fault place an upper limit of about a hundred bars on shear stress across the fault (Brune et al., 1969). Laboratory measurements of shear stresses required to fracture rocks or to initiate rupture on a preexisting break are on the order of several kilobars (Stesky et a).., 1971!). If such measurements can be extrapolated to fault dimensions stresses of up to several kilobars may exist along active faults and presumably within the lithosphere. Our seismic obervations reveal stress drops in the Gorda Ridge from .5 to 10 bars. They represent a measure of some fraction of the shear stress acting during an earthquake, since Madariaga (1977) has shown that stress drops obtained from seismic observations are a lower bound to the actual dynamic stress drops on a fault. Moments of the well constrained events derived from the spectra of the waveforms recorded by the OBSs are of the order io20 dyne-cm. Since several of them have hypocentral depths down to 20 km, it also requires that the rock at these depths be cool enough to generate earthquakes with moments of this order. The average fault width determined from the seismic moment is 0.3 km, but this estimate may be in error by up to a factor of two. 115 It therefore appears that the refraction data is consistent with the earthquake results, since the former also indicate that a large steady state magma chamber containing low velocity melt, underlying the axis of spreading does not at present exist at shallow depths, (though of course it may have existed in the past). Thus, any present large magma chamber will have to be placed at sub-moho depths below 20 km. The occurrence of earthquakes to at least depths of 15 km suggest that perhaps the entire column of oceanic crust has been cooled to temperatures within the brittle zone, and also, nearly all the evidence from dredges collected on the Gorda Ridge (Clague et al., 198)4) indicates rather low temperature hydrothermal activity. These two facts then must be the result of a lower geothermal gradient caused by a deep or absent magma chamber. However, a lowering of the isotherm may also be expected due to the heat lost by the contact of the young and hot crest of the ridge with the old and cold plates across the nearby fracture zones. The conflict between our seismic model which indicates that no large crustal magma chamber can exist above 15 km, and on the other hand, the petrological evidence presented by Clague et al. (198)4) which stress the importance of such a chamber can be resolved with the following model depicted in Figure 28, and after ideas of Nisbet and Fowler (1978) and Lewis (1983). Mantle material rising from depth begins to melt at about 60 km and rises in equilibrium with its melt to about 15-20 km below the sea floor. At this level basaltic melt segregates and being lighter, migrates through the viscous mantle and rises rapidly to the base of the crust. Injec- 116 Figure 28. A model of the process of ocean crust generation on the Gorda Ridge. The indicated velocities (V) are encountered at those particular depths on the diagram. Gradients (G) are also indicated. x = earthquakes intrusive dykes with small pocket of magma chamber. GOIZVA C/ES1 60eM 4FO/AN VALLEY 5 0 10 cgisr SHEETED VYLES 6 1.1 S1 LOWER G qos 6; .1'S Ctfl'WL471 ddaeOs v:V.Of5 \V69/s '' V8o (a41o/fopfc) ? ii l*4 to )/ (\ EArNa cm A' It x x H1611 wscoFry L,rwosp,/Eez Figure 28 '3ASM/ 118 tion above this level takes place by a process of crack propagation and/or by inflow of magma into short lived small chambers (less than 2 km in diameter) with subsequent flow of magma into elongated fissures. The melt reaches the surface episodically forming lava ponds and pillow lavas on the median valley. The activity of the fissure jumps across the median valley allowing crustal accretion over a relatively broad zone. Small scale constructional features are then emplaced in the valley walls and frozen into oceanic crust to be carried away from the spreading center. These injections are accompanied by earthquake swarms and possibly also by volcanic eruptions. Hydrothermal circulation rapidly cools the rock mass by the propagation of cracks associated with thermal contraction down to the znoho where hydrothermal alteration of the ultramafics to a lower density and velocity is facilitated by continual strain imparted by the diverging plates. In conclusion, the combination of our two independent data sets: earthquakes and seismic refraction lead us to state that the crust along the northern part of the Gorda Ridge does not include a large low velocity zone in the upper 20 km, and that it satisfies a model which is similar to normal oceanic crustal structure on the flank but with a thinner lower crust and low upper mantle velocities at 5.2 km depth. This low velocity upper mantle can be the result of thermal depression and anisotropy. The crust at the ridge axis is thicker with no upper mantle velocities detected to 6.5 km. 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C C ----- SUBROUTINES NEEDED: FOUR1 .FTN ARIEL SOLANO 18-JAN-8 C C= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = C DIMENSION PULSE( 1 O2) COMPLEX CPULSE(1 0214) 50 C C DATA DT/.O1/,CAL/1.E+O6/,PI/3.14159/,N/512/ DATA G/.913/,FN/3./,RL/J4300/,RC/1J48O/,B/.7/ DATA G2/25.1/,FN2/3.18/ C WRITE(1O,50) FRESVG EFRES HFRES GFRES FORMAT(' FREQ FRESDH',/, FRESVH FRESDG ' HERTZ V/(CM/S) V/BAR CNT/VOLT CNT/(CM/S) CNT/CM 'CNT/BAR CNT/(BAR-S)') .' ***** ***** ELECTRONICS FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VOLTAGE PROCES.+PLAYBACK AMP.+FILTER+A/D C ----- ELECTRONICS=PREAMP+TAPE REC. C ----- CONVERSION. C C ----- PULSE IS THE TIME SERIES (COUNTS/(VOLT-SEC)) OF THE DIGITIZED C ----- IMPULSE RECORDED IN THE OBS TAPE; 100 SAMPLES; DT=.O1 SEC C ----- CAL=CALIBRATION FACTOR FOR THE PULSE SIZE C C ----- FIND FOURIER SPECTRUM OF THE PULSE DO 100 1=1,100 READ(6,*) PULSE(I) 100 CPULSE(I) = CMPLX(PULSE(I),0.) C ----- EXTEND PULSE TO N POINTS DO 110 I=1O1,N 110 CPULSE(I) = CMPLX(0.,O.) CLOSE (UNIT=6) CALL FOtJRI (CPULSE, INTS(N) ,INTS(-T)) C C ----- NFREQ FREQUENCIES CALCULATED WITH THE MAXIMUN AT THE NYQUIST C ----- FREQUENCY 1/(2*DT); FREQUENCY INTERVAL=1/(N*DT) NFREQ = N/2 DO 200 1=1, NFREQ FREQ = I/(N*DT) C EFRES = CABS(CPULSE(I))*DT*CAL C ----- EFRES=ELECTRONICS FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VOLTAGE (COUNTS/VOLT) C C C ****** GEOPHONE FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VELOCITY ***** C ----- G=TRANSDUCTION CONSTANT(VOLTS/(CM/S)); FN=NATURAL FREQUENCY C ----- (HERTZ); RL=LOAD RESISTANCE(OHMS); RC=COIL RESISTANCE(OHMS) C ----- B=TOTAL DAMPING. FR=FREQ/FN GFRES=G*FR**2*(RL/(RLRC))/SQRT((1_FR**2)**2+14.*B**2*FR**2) C ----- GFRES=GEOPHONE FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VELOCITY (VOLTS/(CM/SEC)) C 128 ***** GEOPHONE + ELECTRONICS FREQUENCY RESPONSE C--------FRESVG= RESPONSE TO VELOCITY (GEOPHONE) (COUNTS/(CM/SEC)) FRESVG = EFRES * GFRES C ----- FRESDG= RESPONSE TO DISPLACEMENT (GEOPHONE) (COUNTS/CM) FRESDG = FRESVG * 2*PI*FREQ HYDROPHONE FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VELOCITY C C C ****** ***** C ----- G2=TRANSDUCTION CONSTANT(VOLTS/BAR); FN2=NATURAL FREQUENCY C FR2 = FREQ/FN2 HFRES = G2*FR2/SQRT(1+FR2**2) C ----- HFRES=HYDROPHONE FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VELOCITY (VOLTS/BAR) HYDROPHONE + ELECTRONICS FREQUENCY RESPONSE C C C ----- FRESVH= RESPONSE TO VELOCITY (HYDROPHONE) (COUNTS/BAR) FRESVH = EFRES * HFRES C ----- FRESDH= RESPONSE TO DISPLACEMENT (HYDROPHONE) ***** C ----- (COUNTS/(BAR-SEC)) 180 200 FRESDH = FRESVH * 2*PI*FREQ WRITE( 10,1 80)FREQ,GFRES,HFRES,EFREs,FRESVG,FRESDG,FRESVH,FRESDH FORMAT(8G10.3) CONTINUE STOP END CCC C SUBROUTINE FOUR1 (DATA,N,ISIGN) C THE COOLEY-TUKEY FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM IN USASI BASIC FORTRAN. C PROGRAM SO LONG AS THE FORTRAN COMPILER USED STORES REAL AND C IMAGINARY PARTS ADJACENTLY IN STORAGE. C TRANSFORM(K) = SUM(DATA(J)*EXP(ISIGN*2*PI*SQRT(_1)*(J_1)*(K_1)/N)), -D9M552I6 A3 C COMPLEX ARRAY (I.E., THE REAL AND IMAGINARY PARTS ARE ADJACENT IN C (IF NEEDED, APPEND ZEROES TO THE DATA). ISIGN IS +1 OR -1. IF A -1 C TRANSFORM IS FOLLOWED BY A +1 ONE (OR VICE VERSA) THE ORIGINAL DATA C ,PLACING THE INPUT. THE TIME IS PROPORTIONAL TO N*2LOG2(N), C RATHER THAN THE NAIVE N**2. ACCURACY IS ALSO GREATELY IMPROVED, THE C RMS RELATIVE ERROR BEING BOUNDED BY 6*SQRT(2)*LOG2(N)*2**(_B), C WHERE B IS THE NUMBER OF BITS IN THE FLOATING POINT FRACTION. C WRITTEN BY NORMAN RENNER OF MIT LINCOLN LABORATORY, JULY 1967, THIS C IS THE SHORTEST FOURT EXIST THAT OPERATE ON ARBITRARILY SIZED C MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAYS SEE-- IEEE AUDIO TRANSACTIONS (JUNE 1967), C SPECIAL ISSUE ON FFT. DIMENSION DATA(1) IPO=2 IP3=IPO*N I3REV=1 DO 50 I3=1,IP3,IPO IF(13-I3REV)1 0,20,20 10 TEMPR=DATA(13) TEMPI=DATA(I3+1) DATA(I3)=DATA( I3REV) DATA(I31 )=DATA(I3REV+1) DATA(I3REV)=TEMPR DATA( I3REV+1 )-TEMPI 129 20 IP1=1P3/2 30 IF(I3REV-IP1 )50,50,140 140 I3REV=I3REV-IP1 IP1 =IP1 /2 IF(IP1-IPO)50,30,30 50 I3REV=I3REV+IP1 Ipi =IPO 60 IF(IP1-1P3) 70,100,100 70 1P2=IP1*2 THETA=6 .2831 85307/FLOAT( ISIGN*1P2/IPO) SINTH=SIN(THETA/2.) WSTPR=-2. *SINTH*SINTH WSTPI=SIN(THETA) WR=1. wI=0. DO 90 I1=1,IP1,IPO DO 80 13=I1,1P3,1P2 12A=13 12B=12A + IP1 TEMPR=WR*DATA( 12B)_WI*DATA( 128+1) TEMPI=WR*DATA(12B+1 )+WI*DATA(12B) DATA(128)=DATA(12A)-TEMPR DATA(128+1 )=DATA(12A1 )-TEMPI DATA( 12A)=DATA(12A)+TEMPR 80 DATA(12A+1 )=DATA(12A+1 )+TEMPI TEMPR=WR .J*WSTpRWI *WSTPIWR 90 WI=WI*WSTPR+TEMPR*WSTPI+WI IP1 =1P2 GO TO 60 100 RETURN END 130 APPENDIX B. RECORD SECTIONS 131 Figure 29. Record section for OBS 1, vertical. 1< 120 05- 230 56- 120 5!- 120 01- 0 0 0 80 10 80 80 10 77- 71- 71- 70- 70- 72- 70- 120 70- 120 88- 120 00- X 0 0 0 60 70- 57 0 60 70- 120 0 60 I X 80 5 I 5 5 88- 87- 00- II- 88- 80- 01- 10 96- 88- 1 15 5 07- SI- 5 aU- 5 S 15 S lao- 81- S 101100- 11 0 00 6 108- 08- S tot- 15 S 000- S 0 no- 000- 200- 1 5 S 50- OV TOPO. 00 a a dR. -JW'.r'A 7.0 1.1. REDUCED -w_w_ KillS) - U U- UI KillS) 7.0 T.T. REDUCED (D '.0 t 0'E Lfl II 'U -8 C .-f II C -u -C -f e C C, 133 Figure 30. Record 8ectlon for OBS 2, vertical. IsO 1' S S C. P09 T6PO. 05- _ f 'Jv /J/ I - .----------- ------------ -- --- ---- \ V I \ V - - _/ "\' \I U Pf!v\ - VV I ----,- ----- - - -t-- -'-...-.---U ,'.'-,--. t.---,-- J - iii: -----' .__----------------.___-_j\_/ !\fV' , (IA k/ )rJ .w II (-AIi-'\/' V I/ V V II A Vv. /\ \j "A -j _'___'.J\. 7____.._ ifr- tJ\-J&AJyVvf\J -- \--j - 7.0 Kil/S) ( 1.1. REDUCED ---------------------------.----------------- -------------.,---'-,----,.'.---------'---,_-'.--- ---'AWWV /\ -____--_____. -.------- - F?- 100 SO- 1 ---( 00- 12- 05- 9*- ¼-''- 59- 10 10 7%- 75- :0 5 7?- 5. 50 90- '- O 81- :5 15 02 90- °- SO 15 - top- 9%- 9*- 92 5 29 0 S p 909- 100- io.- 5 5 n- '°% S 10%- 109 5 2*0- 5 S 1 \ \/\ V 'j J\ V -- i' -, -' '- \/ 'vI \ -. ' -t\ _" - \i ; -----5/ - - - -'- - - -- . - - \/ -' _-J j- - - J\/- i _/--- - 'i- --'f \ -- A-'-- '-][ ! -A' '/ Ii 'A TjAY i J' \ \r\r./' \! )\. \lr1 i1f vr iiJj%I '': X A/\ ijir -\(\A/ y ic T.T. REDUCED iJ V"JV,J\)\J\\f VV KI/S) 7.0 - - - 7- '-I, -4 0 0 "1 -v ( -1 0 F') 0 0 0 C, 0 CD pz 135 Figure 31. Record section for OBS 2, horizontal. ::i 120 66- 020 67- 60- o 00 Y 120 66- X x 120 75- 0 SO 50 00 50 71. 0% 70- 72- 71- so- 0 X 00 0 0 II- 7?- 02 00 30 01- 70 00 00- $0 II 5 so- 00- 05 70- Is 01- ° so- aUISO- 5 ios- 100. 'a'- s Ia- 5 3 lOB. 100 a 5 S S a 5 60 11 0 TQ 00 0 x CII. -'' ---I- ,-------. - - - - - iix:ii .--.--_.--------------.--._--------------------- - ,-__- -------_----------------v---r-_-'-__._--_------\_--__---.-_ 0--_-.._--..l ----.-----------.-------'-\--'----- ---.---------------.- - ( - T.T. REU!JCEO - ---.---- -- _-.------....------------.--------\.A,-f\..\A/\At.4 JvVVV ---' ---.' 7.0 -KillS) Vf\\f/. Jv"1\JV''/ ____ '\Iy 1vSp_. ' " 'ArJ vv1 '1VVy°V J-'o i\rY ( ''- A0P d'-1VL/ -' Vwi-- T.T. REDUCED //A-7N II( ( If/\j J 0iiijpiciI1Y I f fv R -\ KM/5) 7.0 - CD A) T 9E s-n -4 0 C-) -0 C-. -4 -0 0 I') 0) 0 0 0 C) 137 Figure 32. Record section for OBS 3, hydrophone. d O O 0< 0 O * 0 0 0 11 -" 0 00 -00 -0 0 -1 o. co 0 00 000 0 * * 09 0 1* -It 46 -99. X 09 - 09 09 09 -0 -40 O - -29 00 0 GO 091 -w SI -19. - O 01 09. 9 00 -00, 00 SI 09. -II 0 0 19 0 S 0 0 X O - -Os 95 0 0< 9 * 0< 3d PAJ C AIV VVfV' 0- - - \f\r_.-- '[ '\_'_,__/-__---- - - Aj'\fof: ---.-_ .J'..J\J LJ - P V- 1.1 Q3ia W' -1V JW:-J'- J\._f1Vf 9/NM 0L (S/NM OL I L1 033(1038 .5-I bO a) cn ('4 138 I- 01 U, C 139 Figure 33. Record section for OBS 4, vertical. X '1 I S 0 S 5 0 S , 0 5- ' Ni---I 5 - ----- III SD- IS- 25- SO SI- 9 5. 55- 55- 5?- I -.-.r\ -OJ! ---------- -- ---.-. -- -. .------- - -- -.---. _--.- --- -. ---- - - -- - - -- ----- - --- -- ----- - - - - - -------- - RD.CED - - -- - ------- - - ---- ---.---- -------------------------- - - --------- __ ----------------- - --,--.----,--- , \1f. -.-.--.------------'----,---- .r__-\--_.-\.w--._,- --.- -- - -- -- ---- -- -. -.-------'- ---------rv\/\tv---'.-Jv. ---- .-__-.-,- _-._.:\,IArv\Af/\. r--. --..--------------', A P fv\/--\ I -,,_..'Jt---, /V-- -j_r-; 'JV - ,------------i1 10 ii- 10 Or 02- ----- 59 95- 25- i- 15 S 15 fl 50 :5- 51- '- 35- 3'- 3s SI- 09 5 S I? 35- 39- I? IS S? 5 51 55- 5)- I? 5 5?- S S 5% ES- sS- 5 S T.T. ------1 ----5. (p K?fS) 7.0 - iit !:1it! I \t ,_(f._._ --j.1f 1\ _,\i\ j ,I \/ :\ -, -- -1j \ 1.1. .- : ,._._/ -- - F-: Iv f. F .--- \AL - EEl -- I'E REDJCD -._ir -- _JI --- Ti - - _-.\tJJ; Rt y1I g ( _' K/5) 7.0 ..! CD LA) U.) I-. C- (J D 141 Figure 3!L. Record section for OBS 4, hydrophone. S 5 5 S ii x S 6 S S S S - I IS- ?- 2%- '- 37 IS 3'- 35 3%- 3?- - 55- 5%- S.- 6 S 6 s - 5 75 91-IS iS 55-75 Si si- .50-50 SO SOS TOPOC. ------- -- ----- --- . - -----.- - -. .----- liii - -- ii -- -- / I :. I .-cJi-.. :J' 7 J( Ii j7,, i ( 7 .. Ar17J\ t\J ..\J/\ ' ----'V! W; --.--. .- .f. -t.-_.. vV ------------- -------------- -.- -- -- - - T11 --------- ----------''-----.----'.'-- -'AAfVv - --- --- --____ ----.. -------. ------------.----,-.----- (7.0KM/SI REOUCEDT.T. . i (I -- ' _ ,L.-.. . .. '. I : ., .-- --.--------. \ : CD-' - - tT - -. -...-.-,. H W 143 APPENDIX C. EARTHQUAKE DATA 144 PHASES FIRST OBS1 IP 8007271 1401 09.60 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8007271140107.65 OBS14IP OBS5IP 8007271140108.00 8007271140108.75 OBS1 IP 800728021 720.75 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800728021719.55 OBS14IP OBS5 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 800728021719.20 800728021700.00 800728023028.30 800728023026.95 800728023027.85 800728023026.65 800728023029.05 800728231851.50 800728231852.65 80072902191 7.25 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800729021919.10 OBS14 800729021900.00 OBS5 800729021 900.00 OBS1 8007290914500.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800729091451414.20 OBS14IP 800729091451414.145 OBS5IP 800729091451414.35 OBS1 IP OBSI4IP 8007291 33750.85 8007291337149.00 8007291 33700.00 8007291337149.25 OBS5IF 8007291 337149.95 OBS1 8007291140600.00 8007291140609.50 OBS14IP OBSSIP 10.25ES 21.O5ES 20.145ES 28.55ES 28.O5ES 56.00ES 800728231 850.25 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IF 09.55ES 800728021720.140 OBS5 OBS2IP OBS3 ARRAY 8007271 140108.65 800728231851.85 800728231800.00 OBS14IP FILE 514.65ES 00.00 80072902191 6.90 22.3OES 146.'45E3 80072909145146.05 146.5OES 50.85ES 51.3OES 11.60ES 8007291140610.145 8007291140609.85 8007291140610.00 12.25ES 145 OBS1 8007291 52100.00 OBS2IF OBS3IP 800729152128.05 OBS14IP 800729152128.80 OBS5IP 8007291 521 26.75 OBS1 800729153900.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8007291539140.65 32.65ES 8007291 521 30.65 33.75ES 00.00 8007291539141 .60 OBS14IP 800729153939.25 OBS5IP 8007291 53937.25 OBS1 IF 8007291 55509.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800729155507.00 142.85ES 10.8OES 8007291 55508.95 10.75ES OBS14IP 800729155507.00 OBS5IP 8007291 555014.80 OBS1 IF 8007291 61206.05 OBS2IP 08S3 800729161205.90 00.00 OBS14IP 8007291 61200.00 8007291612014.75 06.3OES OBS5IP 800729161205.25 OBS1 IF 8007291 83027.05 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800729183028.75 OBS14IP 800729183028.60 OBS5 8007291 83000.00 OBS1 IF 8007300121459.80 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800730012500.35 03.00ES OBS14IP 80073001 21458.30 8007300121459.145 61.25ES OBS5IP 80073001 2502.95 OBS1 IF 8007300141 9014.50 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP 8007300141902.20 8007300141903.00 8007300141902.05 OBS5IP 8007300141901.145 33.00ES 8007291 83026.50 33.2OES 014.35ES 014.65Es OBS1 IF 800730195229.90 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800730195230.145 33.3OES 800730195228.35 800730195229.80 800730195200.00 32.O5ES OBS14IP OBS5 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5IP 8007310014630.85 8007310014630.60 8007310014629.85 8007310014629.50 8007310014632.70 00.00 30.85ES T LO dl OtLEOLLOO9 dI?O ?LOLLOO8 OOOOGOLLOO9 dItiSO dIO OS?OLLOO9 ???LOLELOO9 OEO LSO dl LELOO8 dIESO 0L600LLO09 LELOO9 6OGO S6 dItiSO OOLSOLELOO dIO LLOO9 LSO dl OliE9OLELOO OoOO9OLLOO dl O6J19OLLOO LELOO8 9S?tiO O O9ti9OLOO dItrSO LELOO9 O0t0 00 O6tr9OLLOO dISO LLOO9 99tT9O LSO dl OOGL6OLLOO9 LLOSL6OLLOO9 dIESO LL009 dItiSBO OZLOL6OLLOO2 dIcsO L6OLLOO9 LSO dl dISO dlt?S80 L9?6OLLOO9 dIS2O £LOO 9t1g9Z60 LSEO dl LOh6OLLOO9 dIS8O OtOti6OLLOO9 dIESaO dIiiSO I.ELOO8 SOt6O dISO ooOt6OLOO2 dItySO S2L9 S2O9 I. L o O6Ot6OlELOO9 LtTEOOLJLOO9 L S6OO1.LLOO I.ELOO9 I. LLOO9 OOtOOL LO dl LgLOO9 L 0000 OOtrEOO O6OOtLLOO dIGO dI?S80 dIESBO dItrSO S2OOO O £sO dIS8O dIS9O S3O8O OLOS t960 LOO2 0000 06 L60 SVti9?6OLLO09 LELOO8 O096O 00 dILS8O 0000 S2S6ITtT 11t1E9OLELOO9 dISO dI0 2OtL Ot9OLELOO9 sgo dItiSO LSO S3O6L 0O00EO dISO dISO 0000 S3OLOt I. OLELLI.ELOO9 LLOO SL9 L L 6'9?EELLLELOO8 0000 9 147 OBS5IP 800731113328.10 OBS1 iP 800731113826.50 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8007311138214.75 OBS14IP 8007311138214.30 OBS5IP 800731113825.35 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 8007311114139.20 8007311114137.35 OBS14IP 8007311114136.95 8007311114137.95 OBS5IP OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3 OBS14IP OBS5IP 800731113827.30 800731195130.65 800731195128.80 800731195100.00 800731195128.35 800731195129.30 OBS14IP OBS5IP 8007312113314.55 OBS1 IF 800801 00514142.25 OBS2IP OBS3IP 80080100514143.70 80080100514141.60 80080100514142.70 80080100514145.30 OBS14IP OBS5IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 26.15ES 00.00 80073111141140.15 800731211335.55 800731211333.85 800731211335.10 800731211333.35 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 26.85ES 800801011201.20 800801011159.15 38.75ES 00.00 30.2OES 35.9OES 35.1OES 56.3OES 514.35ES 60.75E5 800801011201 .35 OBS14IP 800801011159.30 OBS5IP 800801011200.145 OBS1 IF 800801 0145839.50 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS5IP 8008010145837.70 8008010145839.30 8008010145837.85 8008010145839.20 OBS1 IF 800801050652.30 OBS2IP OBS3 800801050650.140 00.00 OBS'41P 800801050600.00 800801050650.60 52.140ES OBS5IP 800801050651 .70 OBS1 IF 800801060828.30 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008010608214.55 OBS14IP 800801060826.60 61.15ES 00.00 39.6OES 00.00 148 OBS14IP OBSSIP 800801060826.65 800801060827.85 800801073117.145 OBS1IF 800801073115.55 OBS2IP OBS3IP 2 800801073116.85 800801073115.65 OBS14IP 800801073116.90 OBS5IF OBS1 IF OBS2IF OBS3IP 800801080523.65 800801080521.70 OBS5IF 800801 080522.90 800801080521 .95 800801 080523.10 OBS1 IF 800801 090701 .1 5 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800801090700.05 OBS)4IP 800801090700.05 OBS5IF 800801090659.140 OBSI4IP 28.6OES 00.00 17.65ES 00.00 23.9OES 00.00 800801090701 .80 800801151655.85 800801151654.05 OBS2IP OBS3IP 2 800801151654.)45 800801151654.15 OBS14IP 800801151653.25 OBS5IP 02.55ES OBS1 IF 00.00 56.1OES OBS)4IP 800801181133.85 800801181132.60 800801181133.20 800801181132.05 OBS5IP 80080118113'4.65 OBS1 iP 80080118)4502.85 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800801184501.70 00.00 02.Z4OES OBS5IP 8008011814502.30 80080118)4501.15 8008011814503.80 OBS1 iP 800801213638.50 OBS2IP OBS3IF 8008012136'40.10 00.00ES OBS14IP 800801213637.85 800801213639.75 1414.1OES OBS5IP 8008012136142.80 OBS1 IF 8008012114206.15 8008012114207.65 8008012114205.35 OBS1IF OBS2IF OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS2IP OBS3IF OBS14IP OBS5IP 800801214207.35 800801214210.35 314.2OES 33.25ES 00.00 11.5OES 142 3000127 0000 OBS1 IP OBS2IP 800801220829.95 800801220832.10 00.00 149 OBS14IP 800801220829.30 800801220831.10 OBS5 800801 220800.00 OBS1 IF 8008012221157.70 8008012221456.10 OBS3IP OBS2IP OBS3 8008012221155.20 8008012221456.35 OBS1 IF 80080200561 0.25 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP 800802005612.85 800802005610.10 800802005612.50 OBS5IP 80080200561 7.85 OBS1 IF 800802010333.65 800802010335.15 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IF OBS5IP 00.00 800801 2221100.00 OBS5IP OBS14IF 35.25ES 80080201 0332.95 8008020103314.85 80080201 0337.95 80080201 3253.00 8008020132514.55 56.8OES 00.00 19.3OES 38.95ES 00.00 800802013252.50 8008020132514.30 80080201 3257.25 142 3000127 0000 58.35ES OBS5 800802030836.50 800802030838.15 800802030835.60 800802030837.70 800802030800.00 OBS1 IF 8008020331 27.05 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800802033125.10 OBSI4IP 800802033125.50 OBS5IP 8008020331 23.60 OBS1 IF 8008020141 0314.145 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800802041036.15 40.SOES 8008020141033.75 8008020141035.75 8008020141000.00 140.1OES OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS14IF OBS5 00.00 111 .80 28.55ES 8008020331 27. 15 29.30E5 OBS1 800802050600.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008020506314.05 37.14OES 39.O5ES OBS5IP 800802050637.00 800802050635.00 800802050632.65 OBS1 800802052300.00 OBS11IP 150 OBS5IP 800802052336.95 800802052300.00 800802052337.80 800802052335.55 OBS1 IF 8008020601 28.60 OBS2IP OBS3IF 800802060129.20 OBS2IP 08S3 OBS14IF OBS5 8008020601 27.05 8008020601 28.25 8008020601 00.00 OBS1 IF 800802061 626.20 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800802061626.55 OBS11IP 800802061625.55 OBS5 800802061 600.00 OBS1 800802075800.00 800802075809.30 OBS14IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 141 .65ES 113.65ES 31.8OES 28.95ES 800802061 6211.75 27.3OES 11.8OES 800802075808. 20 OBS14IP 800802075809.30 OBS5IP 80080207581 3.20 OBS1 IF OBS2IF OBS3IP OBS4IP 03S5 800802080159.50 800802080201.05 800802080157.85 800802080200.80 800802080200.00 11.25ES 05.6OES 05.2OES OBS1 IF 800802081 71 4.60 OBS2IF OBS3IP 800802081717.50 OBS1IIP 800802081715.95 OBS5 800802081 700.00 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008021011200.00 8008021011206.60 8008021011205.20 09.20E3 OBSI4IP 8008021011206.110 00.00 OBS5 8008021011200.00 OBS1 8008021 511300.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800802151131411.70 119.00ES OBSI4IP 80080215113112.110 800802151131114.30 148.115ES OBS5IP 80080215143117.55 OBS1 8008021511800.00 8008021514830.65 8008021511828.65 8008021514829.75 8008021511800.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IF OBS5 00.00 8008020817111.60 20.35ES 33.2OES 31.65ES 151 OBS2IP 03S3 8008021 73759.75 8008021 73757.85 8008021 73700.00 59. 5OES OBS14IP 8008021 73757. 145 58. 95ES OBS5IP 800802173759.30 OBS1 IP 800802181006.85 800802181005.05 800802181000.00 800802181005.15 800802181 006.30 OBS1 IF OBS2IF OBS3 OBS14IP OBS5IF 06.65ES 00.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008021 905149.70 800802190551.140 8008021 905148.90 00.00 OBS14IP 8008021 90550.85 55.00ES OBS5IP 8008021905514.140 OBS1 1P 80080221 481 2.90 8008022114815.30 8008022114812.65 00.00 OBSI4IP OBS5 80080221148114.15 18.25ES OBS1 IF 800802215655.85 800802215658.55 800802215656.50 800802215657.90 800802215600.00 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5 OBS1 IP OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3 OBS14IP OBS5IP 8008022114800.00 800802231 555.50 800802231 555.55 800802231556.80 800802231557.50 800802231 558.60 41 5016126 186 80080223141427.60 80080223141425.65 80080223141400.00 80080223141425.90 80080223141427.05 00.00 62.1OES 00.00 67.7OES 00.00 27.85ES 8008030152114.15 80080301 521 2.25 8008030152114.00 00.00 OBSI4 800803015200.00 00.00 OBS5IP 80080301 521 3.55 OBS1 IF 8008030200146.20 OBS2 800803020000.00 800803020046. 10 00.00 OBS3IP OBSI4IP 80080302001414.50 146. 145ES OBS5IP 8008030200'45.70 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 152 OBS1 IF 800803031930.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800803031931.140 00.00 800803031929.05 800803031931.00 800803031933.95 34.75ES 08S141P OBS5IP 142 3000127 0000 OBS1 IF 8008030621431 .95 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS5 8008030621433.70 8008030621431 . 1 5 8008030621433.10 8008030621400.00 OBS1 IP 8008030614606.95 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008030614609.145 00.00 8008030614607.00 8008030614608.95 8008030614600.00 13.00ES OBSI4IP OBS14IP OBS5 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008030614633.50 8008030614632.60 0B5141P 8008030614632.75 80080306146314.00 OBS1 IP OBS14IP 800803070733.95 800803070732.15 800803070733.70 800803070732.30 OBS5IP 800803070733.140 OBS1 IF 8008030711214.80 800803071126.140 OBS2IP OBS3IP 0BS4IP 08S5 800803071123.85 800803071125.90 800803071100.00 OBS1 IF 8008030721 36.85 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800803072138.30 800803072137.80 OBS5IP 8008030721140.90 142 3000127 0000 OBS1 IF 800803081039.65 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008030810142.145 OBS14IP 800803081039.95 800803081000.00 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBSI4IP 00.00 314.7OES 00.00 3'I.3OES 00.00 29.85ES 00.00 8008030721 35.55 OBS14IP OBS5 37.2OES 80080306146314.140 OBS5IP OBS2IP OBS3IF 00.00 142.00ES 00.00 800803081 038.75 800803082057.85 800803082056.10 800803082057.60 800803082056.20 '411.65ES 00.00 58.15ES 153 OBS5IF 800803082057.50 OBS1 IP OBS11IP 8008030821409.00 8008030821410.10 8008030821410.20 8008030821411.50 OBS5IP 800803082111 3.90 OBS2IP OBS3IP 00.00 20.25ES 142 23914125 112148 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS5 800803083805.90 800803083807.50 800803083805.00 800803083806.90 800803083800.00 11.9OES 10.90E3 OBS5IP 8008030901435.05 8008030901436.00 8008030901136.30 8008030901437.65 8008030901439.80 OBS1 800803105100.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800803105101.110 03.15ES OBS14IP 800803105102.05 800803105101.60 03.5OES OBS5IP 8008031 05102.70 OBS1 IF 8008031114020.00 8008031111021.10 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS11IP OBS5IP 1114.35ES 146.65ES 28.75ES 8008031114020. 15 8008031114022.70 8008031111027.80 31.145ES OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008031 35039.35 800803135039.140 8008031 35038.05 143.2OES OBS11IP 800803135039.90 00.00 OBS5IP 8008031 35037. 140 OBS1 IF 8008031141157.60 8008031111200.20 8008031111155.80 8008031141159.75 8008031111100.00 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBSI4IP OBS5 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 80080311111300.00 8008031.1414302.95 OBS5IP 80080311111305.90 80080311114307.30 8008031 1111308.90 OBS1 iF 8008031 7271 5.35 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800803172713.140 OBSI4IP 800803172715.55 00.00 63.65ES 00.00 15.95ES 17.6OES 154 OBS14IP 8OO803172714.25 OBS5IP 8008031 7271 2.00 19.2OES OBS1 800803181600.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008031 81 635.30 37.1 OES OBS14IP 800803181637.15 800803181635.60 37.7OES OBS5IP 800803181 636.05 OBS1 1P OBS2IP OBS3IP 800803201 952.35 800803201950.145 800803201951 .90 52.15ES OBSI1IP 800803201950.70 52. 75 ES OBS5 800803201 900.00 OBS1 8008032051400.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 80080320514514.55 8008032051451 .95 57.75ES OBS14IP 8008032051453.70 56. 55ES OBS5IP 800803205456.85 OBS1 IF 8008014011209.145 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBSI4IP 8008014011210.60 8008014011210.65 8008014011211.90 OBS5IP 80080140112114.140 :si.w.isj iTsAIII 155 Table 5. Event 1 7 8 10 13 14 15 17 23 214 25 27 33 36 37 39 Data for the Vp/Vs Ratio P14-p2 s14-s2 * .35 .35 .30 .80 .25 .25 .35 .75 .15 .90 .15 .65 1.30 .70 .60 .50 1.35 .15 .145 .65 1.10 .20 1.75 .30 1.25 2.40 149 .50 .80 .55 .75 .70 .80 52 53 68 80 82 85 92 93 1.00 1.95 .15 .55 .140 914 .140 .55 116 123 125 130 132 137 139 .60 .20 1.00 1.60 2.60 1.60 1414 *NOTE: .55 .140 .50 .145 .140 .95 1.00 .95 .75 1.65 1.65 .140 .55 .90 1.55 .65 .30 .25 .85 The subscripts 14 and 2 refer to the instruments. .35 .60 .60 1.20 156 PHASES SECOND OBS1 IF 8008071 514930.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008071 514928.140 OBS14IP 8008071 514930.60 OBS1 IF 142 0000127 0000 8008071 55359.70 800807155358.145 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008071514929.55 800807155359.75 OBS14IP 8008071551400.35 142 0000127 0000 OBS1 1P 800807155951.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008071559149.145 OBS'41P 800807155950.50 OBS1 I? 800807155951 .55 142 0000127 0000 8008071 82202.55 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800807182201.20 800807182159.85 OBS14IP 8008071 82201 .15 OBS1 IF 8008080142332.145 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008080142329.65 8008080142329.05 OBS14IP 8008080'42330. 1W OBS1 IF 8008081021423.00 8008081021422.80 8008081021421.15 8008081021421.20 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IF OBS1IIP OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 0BS4IP FILE ARRAY 38.15ES 68.3OES 59.O5ES 62.2OES 30.95ES 23.115ES 8008081 35506.25 8008081 35503.70 800808135506.65 114.35E3 8008081 35506.80 112 0000127 0000 800808151158.145 800808151156.90 800808151158.95 800808151159.05 66.55ES 142 0000127 0000 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008081 914702.60 8008081914702.140 8008081914700.70 8008081914700.80 8008081914925.70 8008081914923.70 8008081914922.50 03.O5ES 26.9OES 157 OBS14IF 8008081 94 923. 65 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 800808195)401.15 OBS14IF 800808195359.75 OBS1 ip 800808200657.140 800808200655.140 OBS2IP OBS3IP 0BS4IP 8008081 95I 00.05 8008081 95358.140 800808200653.70 800808200655.05 OBS1 IF 800808211650.145 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800808211 6149.25 0BS141F 800808211 6147.50 800808211 6)48.90 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800808231414146.10 800808231414143.90 800808231414143.35 OBS14IP 8008082314414J4.70 0851 IF 800809003722.145 800809003721 .10 OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS4IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP 800809003720.05 800809003720.90 80080900)40143.35 80080900140)414.20 OBS1 800809005500.00 800809005552.50 800809005551.140 OBS14IP 800809005552.35 OBS1 IP 800809010555.50 OBS2IP OBS3IP 80080901055)4.70 OBS14IP 8008090105514.55 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 80080902371414.140 OBS14IP 800809010553.70 8008090237140.55 8008090237142.00 OBS14IP OBS1 IF 80080903)4339.25 OBS2IP OBS3IP 149. 1OES 145 145ES 21 .3OES )4'L6OES 52.65ES 5t.90ES 8008090237)41 .20 800809032500.00 800809032528.85 800809032527.95 800809032528.80 OBS1 55.35ES 80080900140145. 10 80080900)401414.30 OBS)4IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 60.00ES 41 .55ES 29. 25ES 158 OBS2IP OBS3IP 0BS4IF 8008090314338.55 8008090314337.65 OBS1 IF OBS14IF 800809060200.00 800809060200.00 800809060158.95 800809060159.80 OBS1 IF 800809070253.95 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008090702514.90 OBS14IP 8008090702514.30 OBS1 IF 800809113330.95 800809113329.75 800809113328.20 800809113329.50 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS2IP OBS3IF 0BS4IP OBS1 IF 8008090314338.140 800809070255.05 80081001141453.145 OBS14IP 80081001141453.145 OBS1 IF 142 0000127 0000 8008100214805.60 OBS14IP OBS1 IF 800810061 658.85 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800810061700.60 800810061700.70 OBSIIIP 80081 0061 700.00 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008101014619.95 8008101014621.05 8008101014620.60 142 0000127 0000 OBS1 800810155000.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008101550145.90 8008101550145.95 OBS14IP 80081015501414.85 OBS1 80081 01 62700.00 80081016271414.05 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 08S141P 29.7OES 62.2OES 11.3OES 03.00ES 8008101014618.145 OBSI4IP OBS14IP 57.140ES 80081 00214807.60 8008100214807.95 8008100214806.80 OBS2IP OBS3IP 60.25ES 80081001141452.80 80081001141450.30 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS2IP OBS3IF 38.85ES 8008101627142.20 8008101627143.65 8008110214900.00 8008110214936.35 8008110214936.50 8008110214935.35 28.05ES 48.75Es 143.25ES 39.65ES 159 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IF OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP OBSI4IP 8008110142600.00 8008110142605.70 8008110142605.85 8008110142605.85 800811110252.10 800811110250.65 800811110249.35 800811110251 .05 OBS1 IF 8008111 22604. 14Q OBS2IP OBS3IP 800811122602.85 800811122601 .30 OBS11IP 800811122602.140 OBS1 IF 800811135050.140 8008111350148.80 8008111350147.60 8008111350149.35 OBS2IP OBS3IP 0BS4IP OBS1 IF OBS2IP OBS3IP OBS14IP 8008111145333.85 8008111145330.75 8008111145330.15 8008111145331 .90 OBS1IP OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008111501114.30 OBS14IF 8008111501114.85 112 0000127 0000 OBS1 800811203300.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008112033142.55 OBS14IP 8008112033143.05 OBS1 800811213000.00 OBS2IP OBS3IF OBSIIIP 800811 21 3037.90 OBS1 800812163300.00 800812163357.85 8008121 63356.55 800812163357.80 OBS2IP OBS3IP OBSI4IP OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800811150112.75 800811150113.75 8008112033141.140 800811213036.25 800811213037.95 51 .55ES 011. 85ES 119. 75 ES 32.1OES 22.3OES !13.1OES 38. O5ES 57. 145ES 800812163600.00 800812163630.65 80081 21 63629.50 OBS11IP 800812163630.65 OBS1 IF 8008120701435.20 8008120701433.55 OBS2IP 07. 55ES 30. 35E5 160 OBS3IP 8OO81207O432.40 OBS14IP 8008120701433.60 OBS1 IP 80081 21 709143 .00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 8008121709140.90 OBSJ4IP 800812170939.70 800812170940.90 OBS14IP 800812171500.00 800812171510.90 800812171509.85 800812171510.95 OBS1 800812172200.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800812172206.95 OBS14IP 80081 2172208. 35 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 800812183900.00 800812183913.55 800812183913.25 OBS14IP 8008121839114.55 OBS1 80081 2223600.00 OBS2IP OBS3IP 80081 222361 0.75 OBS14IP 80081 2223609. 140 OBS1 OBS2IP OBS3IP 33.3OES 40.60ES 10.75ES 80081 21 72207.140 800812223610.60 07.90E5 114.O5ES 13.1OES 161 EARTHQUAKELOCATIONS ARRAY FIRST JUN 78) RUN ON 03/29/814 AT 10141: 6 PROGRAM HYPINV (V ERSION 1 STATIONS 5.00 DLYAZ= 0.00 DLYWD= 0.00 CENTER 142. 10.00 127. PDLY1 SDLY1 PDLY2 SDLY2 FMC XMC WT MDL LON' I NAME LAT' OBS1 42. 15.33 126. 55.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 2 OBS2 42. 8.50 127. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 3.140 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 3 OBS3 142. 17.80 127. 9.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 OBS14 142. 12.15 127. 2.00 127. 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 5 08S5 142. 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 CRUST MODEL: LAYER VEL 2.000 1 2 14.1400 3 6.1400 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7.000 7.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 1 DEPTH 0.000 0.220 1.130 3.890 THICK 0.220 0.910 2.760 1.350 5.2140999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 VEL 2.000 14.790 5.9140 6.610 6.890 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 THICK 0.270 1.120 1.080 2.1470 0.890 3.360999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 DEPTH 0.000 0.270 1.390 VEL 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 DEPTH 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 THICK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TEST PARAMETERS 'ITERATION AND C0NVERGENCE 'WEIGHTING, ERRORS, TRIAL DEPTH 0. 5000=RMSCUT 300. 0000=DISCUT 0. 9000=DAMP 20=ITRLIM 0.01400=DQUIT 0.001 0=DRQT 1 .0000=DISW1 1 .5000=RMSW1 7.0000=DXFIX O.0050=EIGTOL 0.0100=RBACK 0.6000=BACFAC 3.0000=DISW2 1 .0000=SWT 3.0000=RMSW2 0.0500=RDERR 7.0000=ZTR 1 .0000=ERCOF 1 2.0000=DZMAX O.5000=DZAIR YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 8o' 727 14 1 5.21 142 5.146 127 6.27 13.68 0.26 1.67 2.32 196 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.26 10.3 13 0 7 - _____________________e___ ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 7'28 217 17.514 142 9.11 127 7.16 8.10 0.00 0.714 0.39 2314 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 2 0.00 6.5 6 0 162 -. a-. ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 8O' 7'28 230 25.25 42 9.87 127 6.28 7.27 0.10 0.58 0.92 127 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR MWS REMK 2 0.10 6.2 0 7 )4 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 8O" 7'28 2318 148.110 L12 23.08 127 3.63 3.99 0.06 1.O4 1.29 300 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 6 0 0.06 9.8 12 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80' 7'-29 219 13.83 142 27.16 126 57.50 6.20 0.07 2.53 21.37 322 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 114 0 0.07 19.1 II 1 ERZ GAP ERH RMS 80- 7'-29 9'15 '41.70 '12 3.211 127 8.97 6.59 0.09 0.65 14.51 211 YR MO DA LAT N ORIGIN LON W DEPTH LON W DEPTH RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.0915.3 YR MO DA 6 0 6 2 LAT N ORIGIN RMS ERH ERZ GAP 80'- 7'-29 1337 '46.83 142 11.75 127 7.08 8.60 0.08 0.514 1.63 201 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.0811.9 6 0 6 2 '- "- -"------ -.--YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 7'-29 14 6 6.21 £ ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 4.I5 127 5.98 18.69 0.114 1.21 1.50 210 '42 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.11111.1 6 2 8 0 _____________________. _________a_________________ ____e__ YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 7-'29 1521 22.32 141 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 117.77 127 9.77 7.014 0.17 2.18 38.36 313 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1729.9 5 0 6 2 ________________________________________________ ---------------YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 7-29 1539 35.31 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LAT N LON W )42 2.25 127 211.50 10.714 0.20 5.07 2.95 312 163 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.20 6.2 5 7 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 57.52 127 22.75 19.83 0.29 3.88 2.86 328 80- 7'-29 1555 1.58 141 YR MO DA ORIGIN RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0 0.29 9.1 7 7 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 8O- 7'-29 1612 1.65 142 12.30 127 15.81 16.75 O.24 6.146 2.114 241 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.214 8.5 6 0 5 1 t.e.t. .. £. ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80-. 7'-29 1830 22.65 142 30.05 126 52.55 7.00 0.18 2.36 38.00 333 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1827.1 5 0 6 2 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W ORIGIN LAT N 80'- 7'-30 121! 57.35 142 18.17 127 5.19 14.11 0.12 1.11 0.95 251 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.12 2.5 0 5 7 4. 4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.t. 4.4..&4..C. . ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80-. 730 1418 58.90 142 1.81 127 10.53 10.18 0.38 2.91 6.35 223 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.3813.0 6 0 7 2 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80-. 7'-30 1952 27.08 142 20.29 127 14.59 6.15 0.13 1.18 2.23 281 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 14 2 0.13 14.9 0 6 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 731 0146 28.18 142 114.38 127 6.58 6.78 0.08 0.69 0.98 169 8O RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 0 0.08 5.8 '4 1 164 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LJAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80 731 531 20.97 141 58.68 127 16.23 '4.69 0.28 114.78 20.814 270 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 8.0 19 0 0.76 14 YR MO DA 8O ORIGIN 1 LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 7"31 535 6.614 142 114.214 126 148.81 5.13 0.03 0.59 0.69 307 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.03 9.5 13 0 6 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 8O' 7'31 833 141.89 '42 6.87 127 7.67 5.014 0.25 1.314 3.15 170 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 16 0 0.25 10.1 5 1 '-'-. ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80' 731 842 53.75 142 5.714 127 9.23 0.31 0.12 0.99 2.17 178 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.12 11.8 22 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN UT N 7-31 9114 59.140 '42 6.71 127 8.90 0.01 0.26 1.11 0.50 167 8O RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.26 10.1 12 2 0 7 ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS 80' 7-31 926 30.55 '42 10.27 127 7.71 19.90 0.23 2.27 1.58 121 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.23 14.3 6 0 6 2 YR MO DA 80'- 7'-31 ORIGIN 9140 21.11 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 142 6.13 127 9.149 2.17 0.13 0.59 1.18 172 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMI( 2 0.13 11.1 8 0 7 YR MO DA 80'- 7'-31 ERZ GAP ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERI-i 10 3 37.114 142 6.11 127 9.05 3.51 0.16 1.78 2.914 174 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK '- 165 0.25 11.2 23 0 6 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80'- 7'-31 1133 25.15 142 6.28 127 9.11 3.20 0.11 0.57 0.98 172 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 6 8 0.11 10.8 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80'- 7'.31 1138 22.68 142 5.78 127 9.147 5.21 0.38 1.86 9.39 177 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.41 11.8 22 0 7 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 314.82 142 6.17 127 9.01 0.38 0.13 0.83 1.89 1714 YR MO DA 80'. 7'-31 11141 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 1 21 0 0.25 11.1 5 YR MO DA 80'- 7'-31 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 1951 26.30 142 6.03 127 9.16 0.51 0.09 0.76 1.72 1714 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.09 11.3 22 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80'- 7'-31 2113 31.60 42 7.03 127 9.57 8.05 0.12 0.61 1.66 160 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0 0.12 9.14 7 7 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERZ GAP ERI-I DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 0514 27.19 143 13.55 127 12.78 7.00 0.08 13.03 9.11 3142 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.081014.1 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 6 0 7 2 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 111 57.39 142 5.60 127 7.02 5.15 0.23 1.22 5.90 190 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.2311.0 YR MO DA 8 ORIGIN 0 7 2 LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 166 80'- 8'- 1 1458 35.86 142 6.32 127 6.145 3.95 0.06 0.37 1.30 182 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 6 0 0.06 9.7 1 L. Z.h YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N LON W 5 6 148.53 142 5.83 127 6.76 5.35 0.09 0.55 20.89 188 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.0910.5 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 6 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 6 8 23.22 142 6.'48 126 57.86 6.14)4 0.16 1.38 2.149 27'4 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.37 '4.8 0 5 5 1 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 731 13.59 142 5.73 127 6.68 3.52 0.114 0.61 1.29 190 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.114 10.5 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 10 0 6 1 LAT N ORIGIN 8 5 19.66 '42 6.141 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W 127 6.117 10.57 0.21 1.22 3.11 181 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.21 9.6 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 6 0 6 1 ORIGIN DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LAT N LON W 9 6 56.66 42 1.30 127 9.20 11.36 0.22 2.11 6.30 233 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.22 114.9 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 10 0 6 1 ERH ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERZ GAP 1516 51.09 142 2.59 127 11.03 51414 0.10 3.145 95.75 212 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.11! 12.14 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 16 0 5 1 LON W DEPTH RMS ERH LAT N ORIGIN ERZ GAP 1811 30.82 142 10.60 127 6.66 6.33 0.09 0.53 0.88 117 RMS1T DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.09 149 2 0 5 7 167 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS L.ON W LAT N ORIGIN 181411 59.93 42 10.53 127 6.18 5.73 0.09 0.51 1.29 118 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 1 0 6 0.09 5.5 5 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERZ GAP ERU DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 2136 33.82 142 31.86 126 57.26 5.60 0.07 12.65 8.85 325 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2.14027.14 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 7 0 6 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N 21142 1.60 142 31.11 126 58.02 5.60 0.11 2.11 50.00 323 RMSW DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 6 0 0.11 25.7 1 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N ORIGIN 22 8 25.53 142 31.1414 127 0.56 7.00 0.21 5.11 1414.96 327 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 8 0 0.21 25.6 5 1 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LION W LAT N ORIGIN 22214 53.56 42 6.88 127 10.314 2.50 0.08 0.146 1.11 158 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.08 9.8 6 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N 80'- 8'- 2 056 2.811 142 143.73 126 145.63 7.18 0.33 12.01 98.96 3145 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.511 53.8 YR MO DA 80'- 8'- 2 1 7 0 5 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LIAT N LION W ORIGIN 3 29.09 112 31.37 126 58.148 5.60 0.10 1.26 147.68 323 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.10 26.0 13 0 2 7 LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80'- 8'- 2 132 118.72 42 29.96 126 57.33 10.11 0.05 1.16 3.91 323 168 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 1 0 6 0.05214.0 8 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80'- 8'- 2 3 8 314.31 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 142 20.81 127 0.82 1.69 0.01 2.03 6.29 287 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.01 6.6 YR MO DA 7 0 14 0 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W 51.58 127 9.51 6.143 0.17 1.714 35.146 301 LAT N ORIGIN 80'- 8'- 2 331 20.00 111 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.17214.1 2 8 0 7 YR MO DA LAT N ORIGIN LON W 80'- 8'- 2 410 30.00 142 30.76 126 56.31 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 6.1414 0.13 1.82 140.03 329 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0 6 0.13 25.9 10 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 5 6 29.143 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 51.99 127 9.98 6.66 0.146 5.014 75.85 300 141 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 20 0.146 23.1 0 6 2 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 143.21 127 5.98 7.00 0.23 3.61 98.914 322 80- 8- 2 523 29.97 141 RMSWT DMIN ITH NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0 0.23 39.8 16 5 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 6 25.81 142 19.60 127 5.1414 6.12 0.10 0.88 1.614 277 1 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.10 1414 0 6 14 YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 80- 8- 2 616 23.1414 112 17.914 127 6.29 7.20 0.07 0.54 1.29 251 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 6 0 4.0 6 0.07 169 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 758 7.16 142 15.70 127 1.82 0.73 0.27 1.28 2.714 198 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 2 0.27 14.14 20 6 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 55.08 142 30.61 126 55.53 7.00 0.08 1.03 21.83 331 80- 8- 2 8 1 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1928.3 5 0 5 2 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LAT N LION W ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 2 817 10.62 142 31.17 126 59.114 6.143 0.143 9.91 98.95 327 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.14325.5 0 9 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 10142 3.13 142 19.26 127 0.39 12.82 0.00 0.91 0.72 301 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 14.9 6 0 14 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 15143 38.82 142 29.81 126 56.37 6.1414 0.10 1.58 23.62 335 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.10 214.3 13 0 6 2 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LION W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 2 15148 27.23 142 19.214 127 5.49 7.824 0.00 0.37 0.81 289 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0 0.00 3.9 5 5 YR MO DA LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 1737 55.86 142 7.141 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS 127 8.30 0.96 0.21 0.75 1.82 160 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.21 8.9 12 0 6 2 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 1810 3.10 142 6.30 127 7.240 3.57 0.03 0.39 0.52 178 170 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 11 0 0.03 10.9 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N '48.29 323 80- 8- 2 19 5 45.65 42 29.31 126 57.04 6.01 0.21 3.81 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.21 23.0 18 0 6 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W 80- 8- 2 2148 8.99 )42 29.97 126 59.35 6.143 0.27 6.12 6)4.92 325 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.27 23.2 15 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 2 2156 52.82 42 26.77 126 52.33 5.92 0.31 6.02 98.77 329 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 1 0.31 21.7 11 0 5 ERI-I ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS 80- 8- 2 2315 43.70 141 53.26 126 1.65 6.99 0.08 2.52 30.43 3140 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.08814.7 0 6 1 5 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 2 23141! 23.81 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N 142 5.63 127 6.38 5.32 0.12 0.70 38.79 193 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1210.2 7 0 5 1 YR MO DA ORIGIN DEPTH RMS ERI-! LON W LAT N ERZ GAP 80- 8- 3 152 10.30 42 6.13 127 7.22 2.41 0.00 1.29 1.11 181 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 10.8 18 14 0 0 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 2 0 142.51 DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W ERH ERZ GAP 142 5.814 127 6.82 5.35 0.11 2.33 614.63 208 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.11 12.3 6 0 5 1 171 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LIAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 319 25.77 142 29.146 127 0.27 5.60 0.11 1.88 37.614 317 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.11 22.0 6 0 7 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80-8- 3 6214 27.'42 42 31.29 126 59.63 6.99 0.12 3.08 27.06 327 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1225.5 8 0 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 3 6'46 3.113 142 28.63 126 514.10 6.143 0.214 5.19 56.141 330 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.21423.8 0 5 9 1 YR MO DA ORIGIN LIAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 80- 8- 3 6146 30.241 142 6.21 127 5.00 10.141 0.27 1.61 3.99 192 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 0 6 0.27 8.0 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 3 7 7 30.114 142 5.65 127 6.53 7.71 0.10 0.63 2.39 192 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1010.14 6 6 0 1 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LON W 80- 8-3 711 20.29 142 30.89 127 0.27 6.143 0.114 3.143 141.25 326 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.111 214.6 10 0 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 721 32.01 5 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W LAT N 42 31.78 126 59.79 6.78 0.214 14.20 51.53 322 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.21426.1! 8 0 6 1 LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 3 810 22.29 142 3.35 127 8.39 5.37 0.36 51.50 36.36 305 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 172 0.36 114.9 22 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N LON W YR MO DA 80- 8- 3 810 33.75 142 35.28 127 8.03 7.06 0.05 1.52 29.20 332 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.36 33.0 13 0 14 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LION W LIAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 820 514.17 42 6.20 127 6.36 7.80 0.10 0.62 2.17 185 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.10 9.7 6 0 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LION W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 3 823 59.90 142 19.75 126 9.31 6.98 0.06 2.53 30.77 31414 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.06 63.9 6 6 0 1 ERZ GAP ERH LION W DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 3 838 1.145 142 30.72 127 0.147 6.1414 0.10 1.141 28.70 326 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.10214.3 6 0 7 ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N 14 25.21 '12 19.50 126 5.21 7.05 0.12 3.86 147.08 3145 80- 8- 3 9 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1269.14 2 0 9 7 LION W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA ORIGIN LJAT N 80- 8- 3 1050 58.68 '12 8.22 127 5.06 16.33 0.11 0.78 0.92 156 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.11 6.9 10 0 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 11140 10.51 6 2 LION W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP UT N 142 27.141 126 10.85 6.99 0.39 12.17 98.97 3146 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.14765.2 2 6 0 7 YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N LION W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 173 80- 8- 3 1350 33.36 142 15.82 127 26.37 5.77 0.19 2.00 75.18 282 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.14327.0 0 5 9 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 3 11411 511.69 142 26.17 126 52.91 6.614 0.29 7.07 58.83 329 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.69 20.14 16 0 II 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 3 1442 55.10 112 9514 126 6.98 6.99 0.17 8.08 98.67 341 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.6378.9 8 0 14 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 1727 7.53 141 117.614 127 8.111 7.01 0.16 2.17 37.32 311 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1631.1 9 0 7 2 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 3 1816 32.7k 142 2.80 127 5.77 9.93 0.11 0.88 2.13 230 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 2 0.11 13.2 6 0 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LAT N [1ON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 2019 118.08 42 11.02 127 7.146 7.39 0.12 2.06 3.88 299 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 2 0.12 13.1 10 0 6 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 3 20514 50.11 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 42 23.18 127 3.141 2.76 0.014 0.78 0.145 319 RMSWT DMIN ITH NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.011 10.0 YR MO DA 10 ORIGIN 80- 8- 14 112 5.69 0 6 2 ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS ERH LAT N I2 16.87 126 140.1414 15.33 0.03 13.77 5.314 327 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0 0.03 20.9 12 5 174 EARTHQUAKELOCATIONS ARRAY SECOND PROGRAM HYPINV (v: RSION 1- JUN 78) RUN ON 014/15/814 AT 1036: 0 STATIONS CENTER 142. 30.00 126. 52.00 DLYAZ= 0.00 DLYWD= 0.00 I NAME ---LAT---- -----LON---- PDLY1 SDLY1 PDLY2 SDLY2 FMC XMC WT MDL OBS1 112. 26.13 126. 57.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 1 2 OBS2 112. 29.09 126. 147.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 3 OBS3 112. 35.19 126. 14997 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 08S14 142. 33.01 126. 57.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 1 1 1 14 1 CRUST MODEL: LAYER VEL 2.000 1 2 14.1100 3 6.1100 7.000 7.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 1 VEL 2.000 THICK 0.220 0.910 2.760 1.350 DEPTH 0.000 0.220 1.130 3.890 11.790 5.9140 6.610 6.890 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.2140999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 DEPTH 0.000 0.270 3 THICK 0.270 1.120 1.080 0.890 3.360999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.390 2.1170 VEL 5.070 6.690 8.130 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 DEPTH THICK 0.000 1.710 1.710 11.860 6.570999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TEST PARAMETERS -ITERATION AND CONVERGENCE- -WEIGHTING, ERRORS, TRIAL DEPTH0. 5000=RMSCUT 300.0000=DISCUT 0. 9000=DAMP 20=ITRLIM 1 .5000=RMSW1 1 .0000=DISW1 0.001 0=DRQT 0 .01400=DQUIT 3.0000=RMSW2 3.0000=DISW2 O.0050=EIGTOL 7. 0000=DXFIX 0.0500=RDERR 1 .0000=SWT 0.01 00=RBACK 2.0000=DZMAX . 0000=ERCOF 0.6000=BACFAC 7. 0000=ZTR 0. 5000=DZAIR 1 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 7 15149 18.02 142 15.03 125 55.83 7.00 0.03 2.80 98.97 3147 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.03 711.8 111 0 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 7 1553 118.19 112 7.'48 126 2.49 7.00 0.10 5.20 98.97 3146 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.1073.0 8 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W ORIGIN LAT N YR MO DA 80- 8- 7 1559 39.06 142 16.06 125 55.67 7.00 0.02 2.66 98.97 3147 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.02 714.14 7 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 7 1821 56.89 42 1414.26 126 1414.00 5.75 0.05 1.27 15.314 326 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.05 18.7 13 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 423 26.98 142 39.17 126 141 .214 6.67 0.50 10.149 30.914 320 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.50 14.0 16 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH LON W DEPTH RMS ORIGIN LAT N YR MO DA 80- 8- 8 10214 18.20 142 143.19 126 57.95 5.27 0.05 10.143 7.314 324 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.05 18.4 11 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 13514 56.01 142 5.314 126 12.82 6.99 0.22 7.97 98.96 3145 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.14671.9 8 0 1 14 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 1511 148.08 142 5.21 126 12.43 6.98 0.25 10.82 98.97 3145 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.25 614.9 7 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 19146 57.73 142 113.56 126 57.82 5.25 0.07 11.69 8.23 324 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.07 18.8 15 5 1 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 19149 15.91 ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS ERH LAT N 42 58.28 126 36.20 15.45 0.142 15.66 49.11 3143 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 176 0.51 146.7' 23 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8- 8 1953 56.28 142 '41.42 126 147.77 2.118 0.01 0.67 0.71 315 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.01 11.9 11 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 8O-- 8 20 6 52.00 142 141.01 126 146.56 6.15 0.145 9.85 26.59 315 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.145 11.7 15 0 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 2116 145.91 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 42 40.14 126 148.33 5.29 0.114 2.82 37.95 310 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK O.14 9.LI 0 5 9 1 YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 8 231411 140.31 142 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W 140.314 126 37.23 6.25 0.30 6.88 57.25 328 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.30 19.8 18 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS 80- 8- 9 037 18.09 112 39.214 126 148.21 8.711 0.13 3.13 1.30 306 YR MO DA LAT N ORIGIN LON W RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.13 7.9 6 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8- 9 O4O 141.76 142 35.76 126 149.914 10.140 0.03 1.16 0.65 277 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.03 1.0 0 6 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N 112 37.27 126 149.22 9.96 0.01 1.41 0.141 291 80- 8- 9 055 119.7)4 YR MO DA ORIGIN RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.01 )4Q YR MO DA 6 ORIGIN 0 14 1 LAT N LON W DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP 177 80-8- 9 1 5 52.16 '42 35.90 126 50.08 9.90 0.03 1.11 0.58 277 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.03 1.3 0 9 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W ORIGIN LAT N YR MO DA 80- 8- 9 237 39.22 142 314.76 126 '45.86 5.10 0.00 1.26 0.37 271 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.142 5.7 7 0 14 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8- 9 325 26.22 142 36.26 126 149.29 11.07 0.00 1.30 0.38 28'4 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.00 2.2 7 14 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 9 3143 36.13 142 35.08 126 50.60 9.89 0.014 1.114 0.88 189 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.014 0.8 7 0 5 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 9 6 1 57.63 142 33.53 126 51.76 8.614 0.25 3.76 5.69 134 RMSWT DMIN ITH NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.25 3.9 5 7 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8- 9 7 2 51.99 142 28.23 126 57.98 12.44 0.02 0.59 1.13 199 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.02 4.O 0 5 7 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH YR MO DA ORIGIN LON W LAT N 80- 8- 9 1133 26.16 142 140.96 126 '47.67 3.06 0.014 0.87 0.80 313 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.0)4 11.1 YR MO DA 11 0 5 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LON W LAT N 58.147 126 11.72 6.99 0.23 11.54 98.97 3147 ORIGIN 80- 8-10 1)414 '41.39 1 41 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.14980.7 8 1 0 14 178 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8-10 2118 3.611 142 23.78 127 11.10 11.73 0.011 0.85 0.89 319 YR MO DA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.01110.5 5 9 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8-10 616 58.13 112 27.90 126 56.67 1.16 0.13 20.27 111.32 160 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.13 3.3 12 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-10 10146 10.36 42 3.01 126 20.02 7.01 0.140 15.79 98.97 3115 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.110 60.9 9 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-10 1550 142.22 142 27.98 127 2.56 13.711 0.00 0.90 1.97 310 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 11.3 12 0 14 1 ERH ERZ GAP LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8-10 1627 110.89 42 38.93 126 119.30 1.37 0.02 0.98 13.63 303 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.02 7.0 11 0 14 LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 1 LON W 80- 8-il 2149 32.30 112 26.51 127 11.21 ERZ GAP RMS ERH 1.14.72 0.00 0.98 2.37 317 DEPTH RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00114.8 6 0 I 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8-11 1426 3.58 142 30.148 126 52.05 12.00 0.00 0.65 1.37 191 RMSWT DMIN ITH NFM NWR NWS REMK 11 0.00 7.3 6 0 1 YR MO DA 80- 8-11 11 DEPTH RMS ERZ GAP LON W ORIGIN ERH LAT N 2 146.86 112 241.65 126 142.22 5.80 0.10 2.57 23.21 322 179 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.10 16.0 114 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-11 1225 56.62 142 52.7)4 126 146.145 10.58 0.32 10.68 39.33 338 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.32 32.9 21 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8-11 1350 145.21 142 140.95 126 141.35 5.51 0.1)4 2.77 141.70 323 YR MO DA RMSI4T DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.114 15.9 21 0 ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8-11 1453 28.11 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH LON W DEPTH RMS LAT N 42 39.11 126 141.55 6.81 0.147 10.29 26.3)4 319 RMSWT DMIN ITH NFM NWR NWS REMK 0 0.51 13.6 22 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8-11 15 2.3)4 142 16.95 125 55.17 7.00 0.02 2.55 98.97 3147 1 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.02 7)4.5 8 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS YR MO DA LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8-11 2033 39.140 42 39.23 126 143.143 5.32 0.07 1.61 140.7)4 315 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 1 0 0.07 11.6 19 Lj ERH DEPTH RMS ERZ GAP LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-11 2130 3)4.55 42 40.53 126 )46.09 5.141 0.19 3.97 38.73 315 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 14 0 0.19 11.2 21 1 DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ GAP LAT N LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-12 1633 55.35 42 36.85 126 48.86 6.18 0.00 1.33 0.35 290 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 3.14 0 5 14 1 180 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN YR MO DA 80- 8-12 1636 28.37 142 35.80 126 149.29 6.51 0.00 1.33 0.33 279 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 1.5 0 5 14 1 LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 30.914 142 37.93 126 47.31 80- 8-12 7 14 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH 14.81 0.17 3.27 1.514 300 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 6 0 0.17 6.2 5 1 ERZ GAP ERH DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N YR MO DA ORIGIN 80- 8-12 17 9 37.86 142 38.79 126 146.92 0.61 0.29 8.79 9.75 306 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.29 7.9 26 0 5 1 ERH ERZ GAP YR MO DA DEPTH RMS LAT N LON W ORIGIN 80- 8-12 1715 8.65 142 35.57 126 149.21 7.15 0.01 1.30 0.1414 277 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.01 1.2 5 0 14 1 ERH ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS LON W LAT N ORIGIN 80- 8-12 1722 5.68 142 33.85 126 146.147 14.72 0.01 1.38 0.39 2148 YR MO IDA RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMI( 0.01 5.14 8 0 14 1 ERZ GAP DEPTH RMS ERH LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N 80- 8-12 1839 12.18 142 32.85 126 147.99 2.20 0.00 0.78 2.914 201 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 5.1 0 8 14 1 DEPTH RMS ERZ GAP LON W YR MO DA ORIGIN LAT N ERH 80- 8-12 2236 7.27 142 29.71 127 2.30 11.08 0.00 0.87 1.65 311 RMSWT DMIN ITR NFM NWR NWS REMK 0.00 8.6 10 0 14 1 181 APPENDIX D. SPECTRA CALCULATIONS 182 PROGRAM SPECTR.F77 C C ----- COMPUTES AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM OF SEISMOGRAMS C ----- ALLOWS CORRECTION FOR INSTRUMENT RESPONSE USING SUBR FRES.F77 SUBS USED: RSEISL.F77 PARZEN.FTN YESNO.F77 FOUR1.FTN C OPENFL.F77 C ARIEL SOLANO 25-JAN-84 C C= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =-==== = = = = C = = C DIMENSION SEIS(1O24),WINDW(1O24),LUN(1O),AMPS(1O2'4),FRESD(1O214) DIMENSION FRESV( 1 0214) INTEGER*14 ITM(7) COMPLEX CSEIS(1O2'4) C C * * * * * RETRIEVE DATA FROM SEISMOGRAM * * * * * * C 1 WRITE(1,1) FORMAT('OPEN SEISMOGRAM FILE') CALL OPENFL(5) WRITE(1 ,2) 2 FORMAT('ENTER # OF SAMPLES FOR WINDOW; MAX 1O24 :') READ(1,*)NWIN DT =.O1 WRITE(1 ,14) 14 FORMAT('ENTER INST. NO., EVENT NO., AND CHANNEL NO.') READ(1 ,*)NINST,NEVT,NCHAN WRITE(1 ,5) 5 FORMAT('ENTER TIME OF BEGINNING OF DATA *( YR , MO , DA ,HR , MN ,S ,MS ) ' ) READ(1,*)ITM(1),ITM(2),ITM(3),ITM4),ITM(5),ITM(6),ITM(7) LUN(1) = 5 CALL RSEIS(NINST,NEVT,NCHAN,ITM,NWIN,SEIS,10214,1 ,1, .LUN ,NST,NTRAN ,IER) CLOSE (UNIT=5) IF(IER.NE.0) THEN WRITE(1,6) IER 6 FORMAT( 'RSEISL. SENSED ERROR: ',I3) CALL EXIT ENDIF C C * * * * * REMOVE OFFSET FROM SEISMOGRAM * * * * * C N1=NST N2=NST+NTRAN-1 SUM = 0. DO 10 I=N1,N2 SUM = SUM + SEIS(I) 10 AVE = SUM/(N2-N1+1) DO 20 I=N1,N2 F = SEIS(I) - AVE SEIS(I) = F 20 C ----- WRITE SEISMOGRAM WITH OFFSET REMOVED TO A FILE WRITE(1O,25) (SEIS(I) ,I=1 ,NWIN) 25 FORMAT(G15.7) CLOSE (UNIT=1O) C C * * * * * SEISMOGRAM SMOOTHING * * * * * 183 C 50 WRITE(1,*)'DO YOU WANT TO SMOOTH THE SEISMOGRAM ?' CALL YESNO(*51,*60,*5O) C ----- CALCULATE WINDOW WEIGHTS 51 CALL PARZEN(WINDW,INTS(NWIN)) DO 55 1=1 ,NWIN 55 SEIS(I) = SEIS(I) * WINDW(I) C C C * * * * * AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM OF SEISMOGRAM * * * * * C C ----- AMPS= AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM OF SEISMOGRAM (COUNTS-SEC) CONTINUE 60 DO 62 I=1,NWIN CSEIS(I) = CMPLX(SEIS(I),0.) 62 IF (NWIN.LE.128) LX=128 IF (NWIN.GT.128) LX=256 IF (NWIN.GT.256) LX=512 IF (NWIN.GT.512) LX=10214 NW=NWIN+ 1 63 DO 63 I=NW,LX CSEIS(I)=CMPLX(O.,0.) CALL FOUR1 (CSEIS,INTS(LX) ,INTS(-1)) NFREQ = LX/2 DO 65 1=1 ,NFREQ 65 AMPS(I) = CABS(CSEIS(I)) * DT C C * * * * * CORRECT FOR INSTRUMENT RESPONSE TO DISPLACEMENT * * * * * C 70 WRITE(1,*)'DO YOU WANT TO CORRECT FOR INSTRUMENT RESPONSE ?' CALL YESNO(*71 ,*80,*70) CALL FRES(LX,FRESD,FRESV) 71 C ----- FRESD=INSTRUMENT FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO DISPLACEMENT (COUNTS/CM) DO 75 1=1 ,NFREQ 75 AMPS(I) = AMPS(I)/FRESD(I) C ----- AMPLITUDE IS NOW IN CM-SEC WRITE(11 ,79) AMPLITUDE',!,' FORMAT( 'FREQUENCY 79 CC * * * * *OUTPUT* * * * * 80 91 90 99 CONTINUE DO 90 1=1 ,NFREQ FREQ = I/(LX*DT) IF (FREQ.LT.2.) GO TO 90 IF (FREQ.GT.32.) GO TO 99 WRITE (11,91) FREQ, AMPS(I) FORMAT (2G12.') CONTINUE CLOSE (UNIT=11) CALL EXIT END HERTZ CM-SEC') 184 C C PROGRAM PSD.F77 C ----- COMPUTES POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY OF NOISE C ----- ALLOWS CORRECTION FOR INSTRUMENT FRESONSE USING SUBR RESP.F77 SUBS USED: RSEISL.F77 PARZEN.FTN ADTIML.F77 C FOUR1 .FTN OPENFL.F77 C C ARIEL SOLANO 28-JAN-84 C= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -====-- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = C DIMENSION SNOIS(1O21),WINDW(1O2l4),PWR(1O2l4),PWRC(1O2) DIMENSION FRESD(1O214),STACK(1O24), LUN(1O),FRESV(1O214) INTEGER*4 ITM(7) COMPLEX CNOIS(1 O24) C C * * * * * RETRIEVE DATA FROM SEISMOGRAM * * * * * * C WRITE(1 ,1) 1 FORMAT('OPEN SEISMOGRAM FILE') CALL OPENFL(5) WRITE(1 ,2) 2 FORMAT('ENTER LENGTH OF WINDOW (128,256,512,1O24)') READ(1 ,*)NWIN DT =.O1 NWIN * DT NFREQ = NWIN/2 T WRITE(1 ,14) 14 FORMAT('ENTER INST. NO., EVENT NO., AND CHANNEL NO.') READ(1 ,*)NINST,NEVT,NCHAN WRITE(1 ,5) 5 FORMAT('ENTER TIME OF BEGINNING OF DATA YR , MO , DA ,HR , MN ,S ,MS ) ' ) READ(1,*)ITM(1),ITM(2),ITM(3),ITM(14),ITM(5),ITM(6),ITM(7) LUN(1) = 5 WRITE(1 ,6) 6. FORMAT('NUMBER OF WINDOWS TO STACK ? ') READ(1 ,*) NSTACK C ----- USE A PARZEN WINDOW TO SMOOTH THE DATA. C ----- CALCULATE WINDOW WEIGTHS. 10 C CALL PARZEN(WINDW,INTS(NWIN)) DO 10 I=1,NWIN STACK(I) = 0. C ----- LOOP OVER WINDOWS TRANSFORMING AND STACKING: C 7 DO 20 I=1,NSTACK CALL RSEIS(NINST,NEVT,NCHAN,ITM,NWIN,SNOIS,10214,1 ,1, .LUN,NST,NTRAN,IER) IF(IER.NE.0) THEN WRITE(1,7) IER FORMAT('RSEISL SENSED ERROR:',I3) CLOSE (UNIT=5) CALL EXIT ENDIF 185 12 DO 12 J=1,NWIN CNOIS(J) = CMPLX(SNOIS(J)*WINDW(J),O.) CONTINUE CALL FOUR1(CNOIS,INTS(NWIN),INTS(-1)) DO 1 14 J=1 ,NWIN 111 20 STACK(J) = STACK(J) + CABS(CNOIS(J))**2 CONTINUE CALL ADTIM(ITM,T/2.) CONTINUE CLOSE (UNIT=5) C C------ PWR= POWER SPECTRUM IN COUNTS**2SEC DO 30 1=1 ,NWIN (STACK(I)/NSTACK) * DT / NWIN 30 PWR(I) C C ----- CORRECT FOR INSTRUMENT RESPONSE C ----- FRESV=INSTRUMENT FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO VELOCITY (COUNTS/(CM/SEC)) C CALL FRES(NWIN , FRESD , FRESV) C DO 140 I=1,NFREQ 110 PWRC(I) = PWR(I)/(FRESV(I)**2) C--CORRECTED POWER IS NOW IN (CM/SEC)**2_SEC C C * * * * *OUTPUT * * * * * C 50 56 511 99 WRITE(10,50) POWER CORR.',/, POWER FORMAT('FREQUENCY CNTS**2-SEC (CM/S)**2_SEC') .' HERTZ DO 511 I=1,NFREQ FREQ = I/(NWIN*DT) WRITE(10,56) FREQ, PWR(I), PWRC(I) FORMAT(3G12.4) CONTINUE CLOSE (UNIT=10) CALL EXIT END