Mathematics366 Midterm t (100points) Points(leaveblank) 2 I 3 4 5 x tr )il;-, CfrPtu Youcanwork on the problemsin anyorderyou like. showyour work! All problemscarry the same weight. Calculationstepsandexplanationfor statements madearea crucialpart of a solution.partial credit will be givensparingly- rathercompleteoneproblemthan start two onlypartially. t) Find an integersolutionx for the equation 23x mod89 = 4 g.r( ( Lnr s") ! 3 87 = 3'23 + tO a 2'o = ffi " 2 3 3 ' 23 - 7o e3 * | r c + 3 2' 70- 65 &0 c . 68 + < 3- Z 3 = - l 2+ ^ [ ) l= = )l:3-?s 3-"Or-6s .= + - ( e< - z o) - z o = - 8 G< ) * g 3 t ? 3 axs?-sl= =? =) ?j-t=zl (vtel llk = 3y Cu.<sll 23 - s ( s I 2) Determine(with explanation)the units and zerodivisorsin the ringzn. h q*(to1) * X*tLto,3J:S*,/Crpt*l *fr"*(({o,tl* I kt [], = ,* ,ti a ' , 'c u, '& t =3"s z s = q ' < e6 &r*,st| /L,.*( *Lq*"4 zQ C**a ro) $J q"< bte oLuw*, e,*-*L< haw ,lr,r*r*,l &,n *Je) %-{ \ l4^"c{,€ .t q q*."e 3) Constructthe multiplicationtablefor the field with 4 elementsby usingpolynomialarithmetic modulo2andmodulox2+ x +I. In thisfield,calcutarc ft,where cl \r+{ p I t T" 6t*"^11' 1'*e*7te v&Q*44 =frt, 4 v*/ \ Y c0 o t, s t Y a is theelement represented bl thepolynomial x. XZ= *xt-l t*,gc,tV\x*/J I E x.,-I U*1 27 x hli X (rdl = tLr. = -((x2* uttl 3 d (z) v cola."t& q& *W wll =,) 9' *. 4*r 3 q*{ V -f Xrt r*.k lb \*l * ; a+l =-Kvl x- (rc.{)=-l =r*, * * x,x=_t F"",Wif*l Wt 4\ LetR = Q[r] andletA= {/. R | /(1) = 0}. a) Showthat A is a subringof R. b) Showthat A is an idealin R. c) Letg = {f e n | /(t) = l}. ShowthatB is not a subringofR. ql Wffiq cr.-k\et '? o*o:.; '.rro^' kql tr)=d{,}+q1(lJ: t)/q*4 6 * '){q ,# *'{ e'4 f{,f,r *:{{r ) '-frs-d) I t, ' S'";'{* \ nrt # q ;C rl *fdrJtfr )= Oo=-o [l {U) AE t_. tl , U 4 e A , t e& ^ fl "\[+S J (r)* dC t lq { r } *!froot, U e-'ir : C fl trlv' o) odq s A UA/ r{d*x flq dele l3 n''{ rL, (q *1A) qAo A er\ * {U+ {[r] =-l* l; c.# t T1'.eM & (& ta-*nt*A*p* bl VI a l, tr r{l lizfvl lt \,- Y t- r l- tl \ t lt I +-Dt t 5) Let R be a commutative ring with one,in which R and consider the onry ideals.For 0 .r e theidear qenerated {0} R l z{ = R' conclude tf,at r mustry"lrr,i.r,i. 1 =r:iu: iiTr; -.r. il;#Jn-Tio have*-tn*rru and ti"refore ";-;..that R is a fierd"l {0}andthus conclude consistsof full ;Hit"should ti o +Ked- "i,.*.r. (It is not *m.*", a-J ,4j 4 ={x% +("" ( h %,q/b^) A*& IL" t{t* 4rr|{ td*/e Ld4 &Jd, \J rL A*f.,|, ,A- 4ee 4 - <K7n { Q,jf,*. ,\+ -(* t^e tL s * " 4e= x-r U- to simprypoinr to Iecture or home_ t4 q. . IL, (ec,*-**-+.){ li q ,*-- r& o"^ q^% 7 t u'r.L-"( q. L"*o{$ -{A "'I rf q cr"4'4#, 'e-r-*i s