JOURNAL OFGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL.95,NO.Bll, PAGES 17,661-17,675, OCTOBER 10,1990 Small-ScaleDisequilibriumin a MagmaticInclusionand its More Silicic Host JON P. DAVIDSON1 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan,AnnArbor SHANAKA L. DE SILVA Lunar and PlanetaryInstitute,Houston,Texas PETER HOLDEN1 AND ALEX N. HALLIDAY Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan,AnnArbor Basaltic andesitc inclusions andtheirhostdacitefromthePurico-Chascon complex in northern Chileare isotopically distinct.Texturalcharacteristics of the inclusions are typicalof thoseresulting frommagma mingling. Serialsectioning acrossthe interfaceof an inclusionand its hostdacite,complemented by microdrillsampling anddetailed microprobe work,hasenabled usto examine thescaleof mixingandchemical (isotopicandtraceelement)disequilibrium. The resultsof this workshowthat (1) the composition of the inclusionis relativelyhomogeneous; (2) the dacitehostis generallyhigherin 87Sr/86Srand lower in 143Nd/144Nd thantheenclave, butit is heterogeneous ona smallscale, andprobably a "hybrid"; (3) the isotopiccomposition in themarginalzone,apparently on bothhostandinclusion sidesof the weaklychilled interface, actually shows thehighest 87Sr/86Sr andlowest 143Nd/144Nd; (4) largeplagioclase crystals in the inclusions andhostarexenocrystic, withhigher87Sr/86Sr thananyof theothersamples.Theseobservations are reconciledwith a modelof magmaevolutionin a crustalmagmachamber.In sucha scenariothe mafic magmais overlainby a cap of rhyolite - a partial melt of the daciticignimbriteswhichnow underliethe Purico-Chascon complex. Overturnof sucha magmasystemgivesriseto a hybriddacitecontaining discrete mafie inclusions. 1. LNTRODUCTION magma interactioninclude temperature,latent heat of fusion, Magmatic inclusions more mafic than their host are a commonfeature of silicic volcanic and plutohie rocks. While someare demonstrablyof cumulusorigin [Bacon and Druitt, 1988; Tait, 1988; de Silva, 1989a], and others are interpretedas 'resrite' [Wyborn and Chappell, 1986], the inclusionsdiscussed in this paper belong to the most commongroup: those thought to be the result of magma mingling[Walker and Skelhorn,1966; Eichelberger, 1975; Bacon and Metz, 1984; Bacon, 1986]. The inclusionsare typically spheroidal, are vesicular, have 'cauliform' or crenulatechilled marginswhich are convex towardsthe more composition, water content, and the relative mounts and total volumes of each endmember, as well as the time and length scales of mixing. However, the interaction of marie and silicic magmas at small length scales (thin section to micron scale) is less well documented and understood. Resultsof the few detailedexperimental[e.g., Lesher, 1988] and petrologic studies [Koyaguchi, 1986; Clynne, 1989] indicate complex chemical and physical interactions which are lost in studiesutilizing bulk samples. Here, we presentan investigationof small-scaleisotopic, compositional, and mineralogical variation, by using microsamplingtechniques,acrossthe interface of a basaltic- silicic host, and show crystal morphologies (quench andesitc inclusion and its dacitic host from Cerro Chascon, a textures)consistentwith incorporationin a liquid, or at Holocenedome in northernChile (Figure 1). Earlier work on leastpartially molten state. bulk whole rock samples[Hawkesworthet aI., 1982] showed In general, studies of such inclusions and their hosts that the inclusionsand hosts are isotopically distinct. We havebeen directedtowardsunravelingtheir petrogeneticcontendthat our observationslend further insight into the evolutionusing bulk samples [e.g., Eichelberger, 1975; nature and time and length scales of mafic-silicic magma Grove and DonnelIy-Nolan,1986;Holden et al., 1987] or interactions. modelingthe dynamics of the interaction of marie and silicicmagmas[e.g.,Sparksand Marshall,1986;Frost and 2. GEOLOGICALAND GEOCHEMICALBACKGROUND Mahood,1987]. The physicalandchemicalinteractions of the hostand intrusivemagmaon a medial to large scale The inclusion discussedin this study, P8815 (Figure 2; (handspecimen to magmachamber) arenowreasonably well from Cerro Chascon), is one of a suite collected from two understood.Variables that control the style and amount of domes, Cerro Chascon and Cerro Aspero, located in the Purico complex (67ø45'W, 22ø57'S) in the Central Volcanic Zoneof the Andes(Figure1). The Puricocomplexis a broad a summit complex of cones and domes(Figure la). Earliest activity in the region (from 1.3 1Now atDepartment ofEarth andSpace Sciences, Universityignimbrite shield with ofCalifornia, LosAngeles. to 1.0 Ma) produced the ~80 km3, daciticPuricoignimbrite member [de Silva, 1989b]. Following thesemajor ignimbrite Copyright 1990by the American Geophysical Union. Papernumber90JB00427. 0148-0227/90/90JB_00427 $05.00 eruptions, the andesitc to dacite cones and domes of the summit complex formed. Two groupscan be defined on the basisof age and chemistry;the post-ignimbritebut glaciated andesitic Purico group (Cerros Purico sensu stricto, Toco, 17,661 17,662 DAVIDSON ET AL.: SMALL-SCALEHOST-INCLUSIONDISEQUILIBRIUM N ß Fig. la. LandsatThematicMapper image of the Puricocomplex(-45 x 45 km). The complexconsistsof the Purico ignimbritemember,a large dissectedignimbriteshield (light tone) and endogenous dome (D), on which the younger Puricolava memberis built. The latter consistsof the Puricogroup;CerroPuricosensustricto (P), CerroNegro (N), and CerroPutas(PT); and the Chascongroup;CerroChascon(CH), CerroCerrillo(C), and CerroAspero(A). Also shownare the northem extensionof the Miscanti lineament (ML) on which Cerros Chasconand Asperolie and terminal moraines (M) relatedto the Holoceneglaciation(10,000 years B.P.). Image processed and producedat the Lunar and Planetary Institute (Landsat scene 5050614004). Negro, and Putas, none of which is known to contain inclusions)and the post-glacial (Holocene) dacitic Chascon group (Cerros Cerrillo, Chascon, and Aspero), from which inclusions have been collected. The morphology of the constructsof the two groupsalso appearsto be different; the found, and someinclusionsshowa vesicularcore region.In handspecimen, inclusions are aphaniticto microporphyritic in texture, with a rough correlation between groundmass grainsizeand size of inclusion. The inclusionscomposeup to an estimated20% by volumeof someof the Cerro Aspero outcrops.AlthoughHawkesworth et al. Purico group are small andesiticpolygeneticcones,whereas andCerroChascon only one typeof inclusion(theyreferto the Chascongroup are dacitic flow-dome complexes;Cerro [1982] recognized Aspero could be classified as a Pelfan dome. The rocks of them as "xenoliths"),Francis et al. [1984] recognizedtwo with our observations. One the complex are predominantlyhigh-K dacites, with minor types, which is consistent xenoliths" of Franciset al. [1984],has volumesof andesireand rhyolite. Domes and lavas range variety,the "basaltic felty groundmass dominated by skeletal from 56 to 70% SiO2, while the inclusionsanalyzed by a fine-grained, (resorbed or reactedrimsbut freshcores),and Hawkesworthet al. [1982] are basalticandesiresin the range hornblende plagioclase with subordinate smallphenocrysts of olivine 52 to 56% SiO2. and augire.The other variety, the "plutonicxenoliths"of 3. PETROGRAPHYAND MINERAL CHEMISTRY Francis et al. [1984], has a fine-grained porphyritic texture but contains no skeletal crystals and does not contain The inclusionstypically occuras 4 to 25 cm ovoid, sub- hornblende in the groundmass. Preliminary analyses roundedto well-roundedblobswith crenulatemarginsconvex demonstratethat the olivines and augitesin both inclusion towards the host. Well-preservedchilled margins are often types, while different in size, are very similar in DAVIDSON ETAL.'SMAI•-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUILIB• 17,663 70øW PERU ß BOLIVIA AREQU!;A 20øS PACIFIC OCEAN o POTOS! 20øS C^L^M^ •,•,,Figure la. 25øS ..... A• 'TOFAGASTA • -... 25øS Antarctic Phtc ,..... , X.[ .... 70øW Fig. lb. Map showingthe distributionof activevolcanoesin the Central VolcanicZone of the Andes [from Francis and de Silva, 1989]. The locationof Figure la is shown. composition.Inclusion P8815, the subject of this paper, belongsto the secondgroup (i.e., "pintonicxenoliths"of Franciset al. [1984]).Representative mineralanalyses from thisinclusionandits host are givenin Table 1. Basaltic Andesitc Inclusion compositionalevidenceof being xenocrystic.For instance, quartz is highly resorbed and rimmed with clinopyroxene (Figure 3b), while biotites are rimmed with opaques.The core of a large hornblendexenocrystin the analyzedsection has a lower Mg# composition very different from those typical of the host and margin (Figure 4c). The inclusioncontainscrystalsof plagioclase,olivine Selvage (0.5- 8 ram)andaugitc(oftenin clots)in a microcrystalline groundmassof plagioclase microlites and oxides (Timagnetite) up to 0.05 mm with high-Si rhyolite glass.The plagioclases haveresorbed, normallyzonedcores(Figure3a) rangingfrom An47 to An43, anda rim of An63 (Figure4a). The selvage of the basaltic andesitcinclusion is a relatively coarselycrystallinezone with up to 70% crystalsdominated by a groundmassof 0.1 - 0.2 mm plagioclase(65%), the majority of which have compositionswithin the range An74 Another population is represented by plagioclase to An64 (Figure4a), hornblende(30%), and smalleropaques phenocrysts whicharenormallyzonedfromAn78to An57. (5%), defining a hypidiomorphic granular texture set in a Groundmass microlitesare dominantly An72to An65,but matrix of fresh high-Si rhyolite glass (Figure 3c). Larger rangedownto An49 (Figure4a). Olivine (Fo81-82)is fresh crystals set in this groundmass are olivine, augitc, but showsminor resorptionand containsCr-spinel plagioclase,and quartz.The olivines (Fo81-82) are typicalof inclusions. Augitc(Mg# 73-82)rangesfromWo45En40 to those in the inclusion but are rimmed with augitc Wo41En44 (Figure 4b) andhasvariable A1contents (Table (Wo45En44) and sometimeshornblende(Figure 3c). Large 1).Quartz,hornblende, biotite,andsphene (up to 0.2 mm) plagioclasecrystals,up to 0.5 mm, are typically resorbed are also present and show either textural and/or with normallyzonedcores(An59to An56) andmoreAn-rich 17,664 DAVIDSON ETAL' SMALL-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUILIBRIUM Fig.2. Photograph of slabbed sample P8815afterslicing samples (chips labeled A through G, shown in Figure5 and Table2) in a traverse perpendicular to interface.Thecontact between theinclusion andhostis marked by a narrow reaction zone/chill, referred to in thetextas the "selvage". Notethelargeplagioclase xenocryst (labeled"p" and truncated by slicingsubsequent to microdrillsampling(cf. Figure6a) incorporated withintheenclave.Scalebaris 1 cm. rims of An73. The other plagioclases are typicallynormally zoned and define two groups with compositionsranging from An65 to An45 and from An42 to An38 (Figure4a). Resorbedquartz and sphene(titanire)are also presentand show signs of disequilibrium,althoughthe quartz has no reactionrim. Rarehornblendes with low Mg# coresare found (Figure 4c). textural relations and compositionsof augite and olivine indicate that they were originally phenocrystsfrom the inclusion magma, now present as xenocrystsin the more silicic host. Rare low Mg# hornblendes are also found (Figure 4c) and are interpretedas xenocrystsfrom another silicic magma. This mixed crystal population and the presence of small fragments of inclusion indicates that the host dacite is a "hybrid". Disequilibrium mineralassemblages andtexturesoccurin both inclusionand host, indicatingthat phenocrysts from The host dacite containsphenocrystsof plagioclasewith both magmatypeshave beenexchanged, at leaston a local complex zoning, rounded quartz, fresh hornblende and scale.For instance, the association of Mg-richolivinewith biotite, abundant euhedral sphene (both as inclusions in quartz,reactionrimson quartz(Figure3b), augireandolivine biotite or discretemicrophenocrysts) set in a fine-grained rimmed by hornblende,and the complexcompositional groundmassof plagioclase microlites, opaques,and fresh zonationsin the plagioclases(see below) are all common high-Si rhyolite glass (Figure 3d). The plagioclase indicators of boththermalandchemical disequilibrium [e.g., phenocrystsdefine two distinct populations; the first are Baconand Metz, 1984].Texturalevidence suggests thatthe normally zoned (Normal, type N) with compositionsin the mafic magmawas at (or below) the liquidus,crystallizing range An78 to An67 (core to rim), while the second are olivine, augire and plagioclaseprior to being included. reverselyzoned (Reverse, type R) over a small range from Interactionbetweenthe two magmascan be examinedat a An41 to An45. The plagioclasemicrolites generally have higher resolution by considering the plagioclase compositions rangingfrom An41 to An49 similarto the type compositionsin more detail. Two broad populationsof R plagioclases (Figure 4a). Hornblende and biotite plagioclasecan be recognized;those with compositions plagioclases of boththe phenocrystsare unzoned and have restricted compositions. An>60 definedby the groundmass Quartz is sub-rounded. Augiresand rare olivinesshowing inclusionand its selvage,and thosewith An<60 typicalof Dacite Host resorptionor mantling by hornblendeare also common.The groundmassplagioclases(microlites)in the host. Thesetwo DAVIDSON ETAL.:SMALL-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUILIBRIUM 17,665 •• 'o•o,-¬•o•d ß . c• •. o o', o c:',o,--, • o • or--. o • o-, • • o o o o • o o o •..•, o ,--, o • o •D c• • 0 0 0 00 • o o ,•. • o • 0 • o,-4•c•c5 •,-•o•o• o•o ,.--'• Ox DAVIDSON ETAL.'SMALL-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUIZ!B• 17,667 ..TABLE lc. Representative Microprobe Analyses ofMi.nerals: Host Plag'i'•clase Biotite' Hornblende C R Augitc Glass Groundma ss --SiO2 TiO2 A1203 FeO •0 51.13 48.7'0 •"•.44 56.88 55.76 56.71 41.87 43.13 0.07 30.64 0.02 32.41 0.00 26.64 0.00 27.39 0.02 27.02 4.23 14.35 2.27 12.58 1.39 9.39 0.60 0.00 0.53 0.0 • 0.18 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.07 16.03 0.20 11.75 o. • 4 16.68 0.48 8.02 1.03 0.29 0.02 50.19 .... 78./)1 0.37 0.29 2.65 12.50 MgO 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.01 10.08 14.22 14.08 11.28 16.60 0.31 CaO 14.69 15.46 8.31 9.22 7.40 0.01 11.53 11.75 19.40 0.81 Na20 K20 •2os 1.95 0.53 0.05 2.57 0.15 0.00 6.16 0.56 0.0 • 5.86 0.49 o.00 4.78 0.54 0.05 0.63 9.33 0.00 1.92 0.67 0.04 1.37 1.18 0.02 0.18 1.55 0.01 2.65 0.01 0.03 SrO 0.11 0.17 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.08 0.00 Cr203 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.00 98.52 97.91 Total 99.87 100.07 99.46 100.17 99.07 95.75 96.92 96.71 ,, Formula Units perindicated Number ofOx7•ens Plagi0clase (8O's) C Bi (22 O's) R , .... 'Hb(23 Q's) .. Aug 6 O's) Groundma ss ..... 2.'•356..... 2.2337 si 0.0023 Ti 0.000s 2.5905 ..... 2.5527 2.4757 5.5125 6.2144 6.5810 1.9026 0.0001 0.0007 0.4778 0.2530 0.1596 0.0105 0.0000 A1 1.6496 1.7519 1.4164 1.4488 1.4141 2.5400 2.2005 1.6864 0.1185 Fe 0.0230 0.0204 0.0068 0.0082 0.0000 2.0128 1.4580 2.1270 0.2543 Mn 0.0001 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0026 0.0258 0.0174 0.0616 0.0093 Mg 0.0062 0.0045 0.0003 0.0004 0.6672 3.1828 3.1153 2.5643 0.9378 Ca 0.7189 0.7597 0.4014 0.4436 0.3552 0.0018 1.8334 1.9193 0.7878 Na 0.1723 0.2286 0.5388 0.5099 0.4115 0.1843 0.5538 0.4050 0.0132 K 0.0311 0.0089 0.0322 0.0283 0.0306 1.7876 0.1273 0.2291 0.0003 55.62 Mg# An 77.95 76.18 41.28 45.18 Ab 18.69 22.93 55.41 51.94 Or 3.37 0.89 3.31 2.88 58.60 60.33 88.78 44.55 51.61 3.84 , , , C,core; I, intermediate andR,rim'.' groupsare believed to reflect crystallization from mafic further later, was most likely an ignimbriteprecursorto the (An>60)and silicic (An<60) endmembersand on this basis presentdacitehost. Most of the crystalsin the hostare true thefollowinginterpretations canbe made: phenocrysts; i.e., they crystallizedfrom the hybrid dacite, 1. Microlite compositions in host and inclusionare but they crystallized after interaction andmixingwith a distinctand reflect crystallization within eachrespectivemafic component (inclusionprecursor).This is required system (hostandinclusion) aftertheyhadformed. because the hornblende crystallized on rims of xenocrystic 2. Thecoresof thetypeN andR plagioclases of thehost augitcin the host has the samecomposition as the represent phenocrysts whichwerein equilibrium withmafic phenocrysts in thedacite(Figure4c): thiswouldnotbe the andsilicicendmember magmas, respectively.The rim caseif thehornblende phenocrysts hadbeenpresent in the compostions reflectre-equilibration with a new "hybrid"dacite before interaction withthemaficmagma. meltenvironmentresultingfrom interactionwith the mafic magma.Notethatthe (hypothetical) maficandsilicic endmember componentsare not strictly equivalentto the inclusion and host, as someinteraction has takenplace between themduringinclusion formation. 3. The type N plagioclaseof the host indicatethat phenocrysts crystallizingin the mafic magmaweremixed intothe silicic magma;which is also borneout by the 4.SMALL-SCALE ISOTOPIC RESULTS SampleP8815wasslabbed (1 cm thick),anda detailed traverse wasmade(Figure2) by cuttingsevenchipsovera distanceof 5-7 cm perpendicularto the inclusion-host interface(chipslabeledA to G in the diagrams). The inclusion,not recoveredwhole, is estimatedto have a presence of ubiquitousdiscreteolivine and augitcxenocrysts diameterof about5 to 10 cm. The chipswere dissolvedand in thehost. analyzed for Sr, Nd, andPb isotopic composition (Table2 4. The normally zoned resorbed cores of large andFigure58). Pb isotopevariationswerenot very large, plagioclases in the inclusionare capturedplagioclasebut overall206Pb/204pbmirrors87Sr/86Sr (Table 2). phenoprysts from the silicic endmember whichwere then AlthoughPb isotopes will forman importantpart of future resorbed andovergrown by a moreAn-richrim in equilibriumwork,we will not discuss thePb datafurtherhere. Aliquots withtheinclusion magma. were also spiked for determination of Sr, Nd and Pb A groupof xenocrysts foreignto bothinclusionandhost elemental concentrations (Table2 andFigure5b). arepresent - a few largehornblendes havelowerMg#'sthan Before sectioning,eight sites were sampledwith a hornblendes in thepresent hostandmargin(Figure 4c). This microdrill to determine Sr isotopic variationon thesmallest suggests that thesexenocrystic hornblendes, andprobably scale(Figure5c). The microdrill siteson sample P8815and some of thequartzandplagioclase, arederivedfromanotheran additional host-inclusion sample, P8823,areillustrated in (lowertemperature) silicicmagma,which,as we developFigure6. Somesimscomprised multipledrillholes(threeto 17,668 DAVIDSON ET AL.: SMALL-SCALE HOST-LNCLUSIONDISEQUILIBRIUM o , / & *, ß Core AI o Intermediate I Zoned Phenocrysts o Rim x GroundMass(unzoned) Inclusion An Ab Margin Host El Wo ß Inclusion ß Margin ß Host Opensymbols indicate rim analyses of zoned crystals Rim of an Olivine Cl 3.40 3.20 •::ß_•x. •..-'.-'i'•:...:;•':... ?.-:•¾.... '•l•i¾.?.:.-.::'!.•.'.-'::•i•;•-'.: 3.00 2.80 ß•.... ................ ..............•............•••••......:¾... Mg (0=-23) 2.60 .....Cor6':.'•..•".-_:.i. j-".':. 'j.;-'..':'.;::•:... 2.40 2.20 2.00 , 1.00 1.20 i t ! 1.40 1.60 1.80 , I I I 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 Fe (O = 23) Fig. 4. Variationdiagramscomparing mineralchemistry from inclusion,marginand hostof sampleP8815 (datafrom Table1). (a)Plagioclase,(b)augite compositions, and (c) hornblende compositions (inclusion,solidsquares; margin, solidcircles;host,opencircles;and rims to augirexenocrysts in host,crosses.)Stippledfields in Figures4a and4c representthe rangeof compositions in daciticignimbritesin the region(datafrom de Silva [1987]). 17,670 DAVIDSONETAL.' SMALL-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUII3BRIUM TABLE2. Elemental andIsotopic Compositions ofChipsCutinTraverse (Figure 2) Section , A B C D E F G Sr Nd Pb (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 470.7 523.8 500.2 495.0 755.1 214.5 418.1 15.3 16.2 16.7 17.3 33.3 9.1 17.0 8.76 9.33 9.36 9.36 14.26 14.05 13.71 87Sr 143Nd 86Sr 144N d 0.706113 + 0.706209 + 0.706110 + 0.706129 + 0.706735 + 0.706650 + 0.706432 + 15 14 12 16 13 13 15 0.7068 0.512430 + 8 0.512428 + 9 0.512436+7 0.512441 + 8 0.512359 + 9 0.512373 + 10 0.512395 + 15 206pb ENd 204p b -4.1 -4.1 -3.9 -3.8 -5.4 -5.2 -4.7 18.86 18.85 18.84 18.85 18.88 18.86 18.89 207pb 204pb 208pb 204pb 15.70 15.68 15.67 15.68 15.70 I5.68 15.70 38.91 38.86 38.16 38.84 38.97 38.89 38.96 six) but a set of single holes, some of which can be seenon Host Inclusion the photographs (Figures2 and 6), were drilledin thehost, inclusion, selvage, and one of the large plagioclase 6St 0.7066 xenocrysts.Massestimates basedon the volumeof sample recoveredfor a drill diameterof 0.5 mm and comparable hole depth suggestthat about 1 mg of samplewas obtained.The EN d 0.7064- !•Nd smallsamplesizeandthe difficultiesinherentin determining precise sampleweights precludeddeterminationof elemental concentrations through isotope dilution, and causedSr isotopic ratios to be less precisely measuredthan wouldbe 0.7062- possibleon large samples. Nevertheless,the total rangein A, 0.7060 • -4 i B E CD F G -5.0 4 80 bx5 60- 40- Nd 20' Sr isotope ratios is far greater than analytical error, and these data can be used to place important constraintson the evolution of the magma system. Analysis of Nd isotopic ratios on the microsamples was largely unsuccessfulbut shouldbe possiblewith improvementof mass spectrometric technique. Isotopic analyses were made on a VG Sector mass spectrometer at the University of Michigan, using a multidynamic (peak-hopping)collection routine. Analysis of the small Sr sampleswas facilitated by loading in a Ta oxide slurry to improve the Sr signal. A total processSr blank of 70 pg was measured(amounting•o lessthan0.02% of the Sr analyzedin t_hemicrosamples).The micro&illbit (after total dissolutionof the bit) was found to contain400 pg (St) and 130 pg (Nd). However, no significant degradationof the bit was observedafter each hole was drilled. 0.7068 The main points of note from Figures 5 and 6 are as ' follows: 0.7066- 1. Nd and Sr isotopedata on the finest scale(micro&ill samples)exhibit more variability in the host than in the 0.7064 - inclusion-host interface(chipE; Figure2). 87Sr/86Sr is inclusion. 2. Trace element concentrations reach a maximum at the I Fragmentof inclusion 0.7062 - highest,and143Nd/144Nd lowest,alsoat the interface, both on the hostside (chip E) and,apparently, on the inclusion sideof the weakchill (seethesetof threemicrodrillsites in the selvageanalyzedat 87Sr/86Sr= 0.706671+ 54 Figure 6a). 0.7060 ' -4 ' , , " Distance from interface (cm) 0 3. The presence of smallchilledfragments of inclusion within the host with disequilibrated isotopiccompositions (Figure 5c) suggeststhat solid-statechemicaland tracer diffusion was insignificant. The microdrilledsamplesfrom the coresof the largest (>2 mm) plagioclase crystalsin bothinclusions and host Figure 2; datain Table2). (a) $7Sr/86Sr ratios andend determined (for two samples:P8815 and P8823 (Figure 6))are onchips,(b) elemental concentrations of St, Nd, andPb determined by consistently higher 87Sr/86Srratios on chips,and(c)8?Sr/$6Srresultsfor finestscale(microdrill) characterized with crystallization sampling (sites shown in Figure 6a). Drilling locations are (>0.708). This cannotbe reconciled -- 0.7068)andsuggests that expressedin terms of distance normal to the inclusion-host fromthehostdacite(87Sr/86Sr froma interface. Some of the drillholes can be seen by closeinspection theselarge crystalswere originallyphenocrysts magmawith a greater crustalSr component, and are of Figures2 or 6a. Fig. 5. Resultsof traversefrom inclusionto host (slicesas in DAVIDSON ETAL: SMALL-SCAI•HOST-INCLUSION DISEQLIIZBRIUM 17,671 P8823b i HOST .o [ •lagxenocryst [0.708224 + 75 .. ..o Fig.6. (a)Microdrill sites and87Sr/86Sr results fromrecovered material onsample P8815.Thesingle holedrillsitein thehost actually sampled a tinychilled fragment ofmafic inclusion disseminated inthehost (thisisvisable onhigh resolution large photographs oftheslab), andthus gives alow87Sr/86Sr, relative tothemultiple drillsite(upper left) andthechips ofthehost.Photograph taken prior tocutting chips (cf.Figure 2). (b)and(c)Microdrill sites andresults ' fortwoslabs fromsample P8823.Notethehigh 87Sr/86Sr forthelarge plagioclase crystals inbothinclusion (Figure 6b) andhost(Figure6c), indicative of a xenocrystic origin. 17,672 DAVIDSONET AL.' SMALL-SCALEHOST-INCLUSIONDISEQUII•BRIUM accordinglynow most appropriatelydescribedas xenocrysts. compositions of the xenocrystic plagioclase andhornblende The interface of the inclusion also has generally higher cores(Table 1) are alsotypicalof thosein the ignimbrites 87Sr/86Srthanthe"bulk"hostdacite.Theinterface appears(Figures4a and4c). We thereforesuggest thata reasonable to havea 87Sr/86Srratio of about0.7067 (chipE on the candidatefor the silicicendmemberis a typicalignirnbrite host side of margingives 87Sr/86Sr - 0.706735ñ 13: (or subvolcanic plutonicequivalents) from this region microdrill sites on the inclusion side of the margin shown in (Figure7). This couldeitherbe residualmagmaleft over Figure 6a are87Sr/86Sr- 0.706671+ 54 and0.706450ñ from an ignimbrite eruption or a melt of pre-existing 24), whilethehostdaciteis characterized by a 87Sr/86Sr• ignimbrite. For two main reasonswe prefer the latter 0.7064 (chip G, furthest into the host dacite from the scenario; first,we consider it unlikelythatresidual magma interfacegives87Sr/86Sr= 0.706432+ 15, consistent with from the last ignimbrite eruption (-1 Ms) would have the multi-site microdrill result of 87Sr/86Sr - 0.706437 + 14 shown in Figure 6a), so binary mixing between the inclusion and the dacite host cannot explain the isotopic or concentrationdata at the inclusion-hostinterface. The high surviveduntil the Holocene(but see data of Hallidayet al. [1989] for the still active2.1 Ma Long Valley system). Second,to producethe characteristics of the "hybrid"host and the marginal zone, the mafic magma had to interact Srppmand87Sr/86Sr ratiosobserved in chipE mightbe due with a high-silica melt enriched in incompatibleelements to incorporation of a larger amount of xenocrystic (i.e., Nd). The most likely composition for a residual plagioclase; however, this is not consistent with the ignimbrite magmain thisregionwouldbe a dacitewithSiO 2 observation that this slice also has the highest Nd -64 - 68%, which is too low for the silica-rich endmember concentration andthelowest143Nd/144Nd ratio (plagioclaserequiredto producea mixedhybridwith up to 70% SiO2 (see typically containsvery little Nd, and would not control the S iO 2 data of Hawkesworth et al. [1982]), but more Nd isotopiccompositionof the sample). important, such a magma would not have the enrichment in Nd that is required. However, a partial melt of suchan 5. DISCUSSION ignimbrite, would not only have a cutecftc composition,but also would be enrichedin incompatibleelementssuchasNch Our observations indicate that inclusion P8815 resulted from the mingling of a mafic magma with a silicic magma. However, the microsampling techniques used here have unraveled a set of characteristics of host and inclusion and therefore would be a more suitable endmember. 0.5125 P8815 which require a complex interaction to account for ß ChipsA to G (Fig 3) them. For instance, the fact thatthe highest87Sr/86Srand lowest143Nd/144Nd ratiosareobserved at themargincannot A Purlco Chascon Dacites [] Puricoignimbrite (basement) be reconciledwith the simple injection of marie magma into an existing daeitic chamber.Further, if the marginal zone of the inclusion (either side of the weak chill defined by the selvage to the inclusion indicated on Figure 6a and a few mil!imetersinto the host, representedby chip E in Figure 2) formedduringinteractionof the mafic and silicic magmaand its isotopic compositionreflects mixing between these two isotopicallydistinctreservoirs,then a third, now completely ß 0.5124 A Bulk mixing 0.5123 A irradicated silica-rich, high 87Sr/86Sr, endmember hasto be postulated.The involvementof this third componentis also supportedby the "hybrid" characterof the host dacite [cf. Kouchi and Sunagawa, 1985], as evidencedby its mixed crystal population and the presence of fragments with A 0.5122 0.707 0.709 0.710 87Sr/86Sr 87Sr/86Srindistinguishable fromthe bulk inclusion withinit (Figures5 and 6). The only clues as to the possible composition of the precursorsilicic endmembercome from (1) the coresof both the large plagioclasexenocrystsin the inclusion and those of R-type plagioclases in the host and (2) the core 0.708 A Fig.7. 143Nd/144Nd - 87Sr/86Sr isotope diagram summarizing results of traversein comparisonwith bulk analysesof Purico-Chascon dacitespublishedby Hawkesworth et al. [1982], and the Puric0 ignixnbrite [de Silva,1987]. A calculated mixingcurvebetween the basaltic andesitcof the inclusion and the Purico ignimbriteis shown,suggesting that the isotopicdata can be explained by composition of the hornblende xenocryst. The 87Sr/86Sr mixing of the maficliquid into the rhyodaeite, with the maximum ratios of the plagioclasecores (-0.709) arguablyreflect the amountof contamination beingpreserved in themarginal zone(chip composition of thesilicicendmember. This 87Sr/$6Sr ratio E). The marie and silicic magmaswere subsequently mixedto is typical of the 4.2 Ma to -1 Ma dacitic ignimbrites generate the hostdacite. Crosses on the mixingcurvearefor (87Sr/86Sr = 0.708 - 0.711) which form the basementto increments of 10%ignimbrite mixedwiththeinclusion compositi0a Cerro Chascon [de Silva, 1989b]. Furthermore, the (80% and 90% not indicated). Fig. 8. Schematic modelfor generating theobserved relationships in sample P8815.(a) Stage1: Mafiemagma invades theignimbrite beneath thePurico-Chascon complex, partiallymeltingit to forma capof rhyoliticmagmawith"felsic restitc" (particularly plagioclase) characterized bytheisotopic composition (highS7Sr/S6Sr) oftheignimbrite. (b)Stage 2: Further inputsof maficmagmaresultin convection in therhyoliteandbreakdown of themafic/silicie magma interface as marieblobsare entrainedinto the rhyolitethroughviscouscouplingat the interface.Exchangeof crystalphases occurs, producing phases whichareno longerin equilibrium (chemical, isotopic, or textural)withthelocalhost,i.e., xenocrysts. Theinclusions chill witha contaminated marginrepresenting a mixturebetween therhyoliteandinclusion magma. The inclusion-forming magmais chemicallymodifiedto the basalticandesitccomposition that we now observe. (c) Stage3; Morethorough mixingbetween themarieandsiliciemagmas occurs, astheratioof maficto silcic magma increases anddensitystratification completely breaks down,to forma hybriddacite(nowseenasthehost). Inclusions formedin stage2 are chilledandnot significantly affected,although furthercoolingandcrystallization occurs in both host and inclusions. DAVIDSON ETAL.:SMALL-SCALE HOST-INCLUSION DISEQUILIBRIUM 17,673 A Mafic magmainvadesbasementandmeltspre-existingcrust Contaminated margin B i:i:i:i:!:i:i:!:i. ':i"'-i:: ::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:'-::'iiO:'-::i:i:i:i:i:i: :i:i:i:•.-::i: i:i:.-':i:i:!:i:!:: "':':'"'"'"•:•ji• '"''"'"' "'"'•::':•':•••••••.:--'i, Xenocryst 87Sr / 86Sr--0.709 Pillowsof maficmagmaareentrainedin silicicmelt,with exchange of crystalsandcontamination of inclusionmargins . c ., ß lxture 87Sr/ 86Sr--0.7068 Mixingof maficmagmaandsilicicmeltproduces dacitehybrid- -the host in which the inclusions are now found 17,674 DAVIDSON ET AL.: SMALL-SCALEHOST-INCLUSIONDISEQU!LIB•M During the mingling and mixing event, crystals from both the mafic and silicic systemswere exchanged,giving rise to common"xenocrysts"within the host and occasional examplesin the inclusion.Thermal equilibrationwas likely to have been rapid [Sparks and Marshall, 1986; Frost and Mahood, 1987], resulting in moderate degrees of undercooling. Precipitation of overgrowth rims in equilibrium with the new melt environmentin each system, crystallizationof the "hybrid" dacite host, and formationof plagioclasemicrolites (An>60) within the inclusionwould have occurred at this stage. The groundmassof the host representsthe last phase of crystallizationprobably under conditionsof acceleratedcooling and decompressionduring eruption and emplacement. Finally, the similar glass compositionsin host and inclusion indicate that thermal, but not neccesarilychemical, equilibration between the two phases had been reached: these are residual glass Stage2 (Figure8b). As furtherinputsof maficmagma occur,the interfacebreaksdownas smallblobsof themafic magmaare entrainedinto the rhyolitedue to convection and viscouscouplingat the interface.Xenocrystexchange occurs during this process.The marginal zone of the inclusion mingles andmixes withthehigh87Sr/86Sr andincompatible elementenrichedmelt at smalllengthscales,resulting in a hybrid margin compostion.The texture of the groundmass within this marginal zone (i.e., few skeletal crystalsbut large numbersof small crystals(Figure 3d)) suggests that the temperaturedifference between upper rhyolite andthe marie magma was not large, enhancing the likelihoodof moreintimatemixingas theratioof maficto silicicmagma increased[e.g., Sparksand Marshall, 1986]. Stage 3 (Figure 8c). Overturn of the magma chamber causes intimate mixing of mafic magma (basaltic an&site inclusion precursor) with the rhyolite [cf. Sparks and Marshall, 1986], to produce the hybrid host dacitewith compositionsand are the end result of crystallizationfrom during the respectivesystems.Our observations are similarto those inclusionsof basalticandesitc. Limitedexchange from other "mixed" systemssuch as Chaos Crags [Heiken pillowing/chilling and physical exchange of material and Eichelberger, 1980] where abundant evidence for (crystals) between host and inclusionsproducesthe basaltic disequilbriumis found in the cores of large crystals. In andesitc inclusion compositionfrom an initially more rnafic these systems,similar glass compositionsand different rim magma, as discussedby Sparks and Marshall [1986]. The and microlite compositions in host and inclusion are dacite contains both "xenocrysts"from the basaltic an&site and "felsicrestitc"(largehigh87Sr/86Srplagioclase, and believedto indicatethermal, but not chemical,equilibrium. Mg poor hornblendes)from the ignimbrite precursor. The microlite compositionssuggestthat they crystallizedwithin 6. PETR()GENETIC MODEL their respective sub-systems late in the crystallization The presence of mafic inclusions argues for the sequence,during which time resorptionof xenocrystsand interactionof a mafic magma with a more silicic one, and the subsequentovergrowthwould have occurred. The tiny the juxtapositionof crystalsderivedfrom the two reservoirs fragmentsof inclusion identified in the dacite may have within a hybrid dacite requires that the mixing event was resulted from disruption of larger inclusions due to vigorous.Further,the formationof a "hybrid"requiresthat a vesiculation. Unlike at Lassen Peak [e.g., Clynne, 1989], significantvolumeratio of mafic magmawouldhaveto have wholesale disruption of inclusions after microlite formation interacted with the silicie magma [Sparks and Marshall, is not indicated. Emplacement of the domes may have 1986; Frost and Mahood, 1987]. Our crude bulk mixing followed closely after the mixing event due to an increase in model (Figure 7) suggeststhat between40 and 20% mafic fluid pressure. magma (represented by the inclusions)was mixed into the silicic melt to producethe hybrid host (the Purico-Chascon 7. IMPLICATIONS dacitesshown in Figure 7). These estimatesare maxima, as theoriginal maficmagma mayhavehadhigher143Nd/144Nd One of the main contributions of this work is to andlower 87Sr/86Srthan the basalticandesitcinclusionnow demonstrate the value of fine-scale determinations of trace in geologicalmaterials, preserved. End-memberdynamicmodelsmay be envisaged elementand isotopecharacteristics ion as either the direct injection of the mafic magma into an an area which the new generationof high-resolution community in the existingfelsic magmareservoiror the overturnof a density probesshouldopenup to the geosciences in and compositionallystratified chamber.Both mechanisms next few years. This type of micro-sampling, detailedpetrographic wouldbe expectedto yield a hybridhost on a local scale. conjunctionwith more conventional of However, at this stagewe lean towardsthe latter scenario,as and microprobework, allows a gre.aterresolution processes. Althoughwe interprettheresults from a two stageprocesswhere the silicic endmemberis first magmatic we believethatthistypeof produced by partialmeltingof ignimbriteand theninteracts thisinitialstudywith caution, in with the mafic magma is prefered. Figure 8 shows a data is a very neccesaryadjunctto broaderstudies modelsof magmatic processes andmayprovide schematicmodel for the origin of the host and inclusions. constraining models. Further The details are neccesarilyspeculative,but the model can be the fine tuningto alreadyestablished measurements of this type on other inclusion-host paixsaxe regardedas a good workinghypothesisconstrained by the mineralogicaland isotopic data. in progress andwill help increase our understanding of Stage1 (Figure8a). Mafic magma,likely somewhat more mafic-felsic magma interactions. magnesianthan the presentinclusioncompositions, invades Acknowledgments. J.P.DandS.d.SthankTimDruitt, ignimbritein the sub-Puricocomplex crust. The mafic WOrner, MikeClynne, andCharlie Bacon forfruitful magmapondsand cools, crystallizingolivine, augitc, and Gerhard discussions duringtheIAVCEI congress in plagioclase (An>60). Partial melting of the ignimbrite andinstructive for loanof hisLandRover and results,producinga melt with a eutecticcomposition with SantaFe, andPeterFrancis to takeon the Puricoproject.TheTurner enrichedincompatible elementsand with the sameisotopic encouragement of theUniversity of Michigan (I.P.D)andthe compositionas the ignimbrite. Some of the phenocrysts Foundation of London (S.d.S)supported thefieldwork. from the ignimbritewill remainunmelted(i.e., large high RoyalSociety 87Sr/86Srplagioclases, low Mg# hornblendes andpossibly Isotopic analysisat the University of Michiganwas byNSFgrantEAR8720564. Charlie DeWolf is biotite and quartz) and will provide a record for the supported forproviding Pbisotope analyses. We thank Tom involvementof the ignimbrite component.These may be thanked termed "restitc"in the manner of Wyborn and Chappell [1986], although"felsicrestitc"may be moreappropriate. 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