JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. C8, PAGES 14,885-14,907, AUGUST 15, 1991 Structure and Dynamics of a Coastal Filament RICHARD K. DEWEY, 1 JAMES N. MOUM, CLAYTON A. PAULSON, DOUGLAS R. CALDWELL, AND STEPHEN D. PIERCE College of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis Repeated microstructure transects across filaments in the coastal transition zone (CTZ) have revealedfundamentalstructureand dynamicsof the complicatedfeatures.The measurements allow detailed momentum and vorticity analyses and provide a possible explanations for structural asymmetry of the fronts. Observations made between July 2 and July 23, 1988, along the central meridional CTZ survey line were used to estimate terms in the meridional momentum equation. The analysisindicatesgeostrophicflow along the axes of the fronts with the acrosg-fr0ntpressuregradient explaining as much as 87% of the variance in the balance. Significant ageostrophicflow in the across-front coordinatewasfound,with the along-frontpressuregradientexplainingonly 7!% of the variance in the momentum balance. The fronts were found to be asymmetric in relative vorticity, with stronger positive vorticity on the cooler side of the front and weaker negative vorticity on the warm side. Mean vertical velocities were estimatedfrom the repeated transectsof acousticDoppler current profiles and the rapid samplingvertical profiler hydrographicand turbulence measurements.Regions of upwelling anddownwelling arelikelyassociated withadjustments in therelativevorticity,resulting in maximum verticalvelocities of 40 m d-l . Asymmetry in thenear-surface temperature andsalinity extremaare explainedby cross-frontalexchang e. This cross-frontalexchangemodifiesthe relative rolesof salinityand temperaturein determiningthe densityaway from the coastalupwellingregion,a dynamically importantcharacteristic not revealedby advancedvery highresolutionradiometer imagery. 1. "Squirtlike" measurements,and hourly meteorologicalmeasurements. The microstructuresurveywas conductedbetweenJuly 2 INTRODUCTION structures extend hundreds of kilometers seawardof the C•iliforniacontinentalshelf. In late spring and July 23, 1988. Results from the microstructure pilot cruises in 1986 (April-June) alongshore southward winds over the Oregon and northern California shelf regions induce coastal upwelling that introduces a significant tilt in the isopycnal indicated that strong turbulent activity is limited to the surface mixing layer, driven by surface wind stresses.For [Mourn et al., 1988]and1987[Dewey andMourn,1990] slopesoverthe continental shelf[Huyerand Kosro,1987]. windspeeds greaterthan6 m s-l , DeweyandMourn[1990] find that the integrateddissipationrates over the surface to as the CaliforniaCurrent.Satelliteimages(e.g., Flarnent mixinglayeraresignificantly correlated withthewindpower The alongshore southward Current that develops is referred et al., 1985; Abbott and Barksdale, this issue; Strub et al., this issue] reveal that the fronts associated with the Califor- nia Current are not confined to the shelf and upwelling region. Between the central •California regions of Cape Mendocino and Point Reyes the fronts undergo large displacements from the continental shelf and often extend hundreds of kilometers seaward of the upwelling region. Processeswithin this transition zone, bounded by the continental slopeand the deep ocean, determinethe exchangeof properties between coastal upwelling and mid-ocean environments. (poU,3).They alsofind a significant trendbetweenthe inefficiencyof wiiid-forcedmixingin raisingthe mixedlayer potentialenergy and the depth of the pycnocline.In both pilot studies,the cool, salinecore of the meanderlikestructures were characterized by a shallow pycnocline that acted to impedethe surface-generatedturbulencefrom penetrating to middepths(>40 m). Near-surface (<200 m) currents were found to be well explained (80%) by the geopotentialanomalies induced by the slopingisopycnals. The dynamics governing the formation, maintenance, and modification of these Complicated features are not completely Understood.The importance of cyclostrophiccontributions and the distribution of relative vorticity are exam- Microstructure measurements were collected along the central "D line" of the coastal transition zone (CTZ) hydrographic survey grid [Huyer et al., this issue], west of Point plesof importantdynamicalprocesses that canbe resolved Arena, California. The grid was made up of six alongshore only by observations densely sampled both in time and lines (A-F) extending from the shelf break to 100 km space. A description of the microstructure observations seaward of the shelf region. Microstructure measurements includedthermistorchain, rapid samplingvertical profiler from July 1988and the analysispresentedhere will attempt to address some of the fundamental questions related to the structure and dynamics of these upwelled filaments. In particular, the following analysis evaluates a full momentum equation for two orientations corresponding to acrossINow at ScienceApplications International Corporation, Belle- filament and along-filamentcoordinates. Estimates are made vue, Washington. of the ageostrophic contributions, with attempts to deterCopyright 1991 by the American Geophysical Union. mine their significanceand the resulting degree of geostrophy. Estimates of the relative vorticity reveal considerable Paper number 91JC00944. 0148-0227/91/91 JC-00944505.00 spatial and temporal variability. (RSVP) and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) profiles, continuous sea surface temperature and conductivity 14,885 14,886 DEWEY ET AL ' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICSOF A COASTALFILAMENT 2. DATA Typical momentumanalysesfrom current meter and hydrographicobservationscompareestimatesof two or three A total of 12 RSVP and 26 shipboardADCP sectionswere terms in the momentum equations[Flament et al., 1985; collected on the R/V Wecorna during July 1988. In addition, Huyer and Kosro, 1987; McWilliarns, 1976; Nishida and four currentmetermooringswere deployedbetweenJune22 White, 1982; Fofonoff and Hall, 1983]. A high correlation and July 23, 1988,2 km east of the D line, centeredaboutthe between the Coriolis acceleration (i.e., fU) and the corre- core of the filament. Two of the moorings were equipped spondingpressuregradient[- 1/poOP/Oy] is often assumedto with upward-projectingADCPs measuringcurrentsin the be sufi%ientin determining the degree of geostrophy. Ageo- upper 110 m. strophiccontributions(i.e., OV/Ot and UOV/Ox) are often omitted because they are assumed to be small and are typically difi%ultto measureand requirerepeatedobservations. Although they are typically smaller than the two "geostrophic" contributions, ageostrophicterms may con-• tribute significantlyto the momentumbalance.To determine the degree of geostrophy, each term in the momentum The RSVP systemprovidesverticalprofilesof temperature T, salinityS, deriveddensityanomaly•rt, and the rate of viscousdissipationof turbulent kinetic energy (e) [Caldwell et al., 1985]. Horizontal profile separationrangedbetween 0.6 and 1.5 kin, with maximum profile depths of 250-160 m, both dependenton the ship speed (1.2-2.5 m s-1). RSVPdatawerecollectedduringthenorthward head- equationsshouldbe estimated.Only when it has been ing transectsonly, while steaminginto the prevailingwinds. establishedthat the ageostrophicterms are in fact insignifi- The shipboard300-kHz ADCP data consistof 15-rainaverageprofilesof U andV in 4-mverticalbinsoverthedepth cant can it be stated that the flow is geostrophic. range15-250m. ShipboardADCP data were recordedwhile Previous studies in the area [Flament et al., 1985; Kosro and Huyer, 1986;Huyer and Kosro, 1987;$trub et al., 1987; steamingboth northward and southwardalong the D line. RSVP temperature,salinity, and •rt data were averaged Mourn et al., 1988;Dewey and Mourn, 1990]find reasonable into profileswith vertical spacingof 2.5 m and horizontal Correlationsbetween geostrophic and measuredvelocities, spacing of 1.8 kin. The shipboardADCP data and the RSVP but synopticityand poor temporal resolutiongive no indication of the magnitude or the net contribution from ageo- dissipationrate (e) measurementswere averagedintø prostrophicdynamics. In the following analysis,the data col- files with vertical and horizontal spacingof 5.0 m and 1.8 kin, lectedalongthe central "D.7,'line of the hydrographicsurvey respectively.Continuoussamplingalongthe D line resulted grid [Huyer et al., this issue]will be used to estimate seven in repeatedtransectsof RSVP data approximatelyevery 2 days and in almost daily ADCP transects (sampledwhile terms in the meridional momentum equation. ADCPobservations, bothshipboard andmoored, areused headingboth northwardand southward).A total of 12RSVP to estimate the relative vorticity at two locations. Temporal changes,tilting and stretchingof vorticity are also estimated in a limited vorticity analysis.Advection of relative vorticity and 24 ADCP transects across the filament were collected during the 21-day cruise. These uniformly spaced,gridded data (U(y, zs, t2), V(y, zs, t2), T(y, z2.5, tl), S(y, z2.5, is found to result in regions within the filament of both tl), err(y, z2.5, tl), and e(y, zs, t•)) are used in the following analysisto estimate terms in the meridionalmoupwelling and downwelling. mentumequation(t• indicatesRSVP data collectedwhile The finely spaced sampling provided by the microstrucheading northward only, a total of 12 transects, and t2 ture profiler reveals an asymmetric structure in the nearindicates ADCP data collected while heading both northsurface temperature and salinity distributionsthat can be ward and southwardfor a total of 26 transects;z 2.5indicates explainedby cross-frontalexchange.Strub et al. [this issue] data averagedinto vertical bins of 2.5 m (T, S, crt), and z5 summarizethe complicatedwater massstructuresfound in indicates 5-m bins (U, V, e)). the surfacelayers acrossa variety of upwelledfilamentsand Four current meter moorings were deployed approxiidentify possiblesourceregionsfor the water masses.Steep mately 2 km east of, and parallel to, the D line. Three of isopycnalslopesin the frontal regionforce cross-frontalflow these moorings contained upward-projecting 300-kHz to have vertical componentsof velocity. This cross-frontal ADCPs. Two ADCP moorings, referred to as D2 (latitude exchange stirstogetherconsiderably differentwatermasses. 38.1873,longitude125.0442)and D3 (latitude 37.8323,longi- As part of the momentumanalysis,the mean vertical veloc- tude 124.7781), sampled the upper 110 m (15 to 110 m ity structurewithin the filament is estimated,and the implied depths).The mooredADCP data consideredin the following divergencesand convergencesprovide a possibleexplana- analysesconsistsof 10-min-averagedprofiles with 4-m vertion for the observed temperature-salinity structure. tical bins. Both shipboardand mooredADCP velocitycomThe microstructure measurements were collected along a ponents have been rotated 30ø counterclockwise into singlemeridionalsurvey line (D line). The filamentbisecting "along" (V) and "across" (U) componentsrelative to the the D line in July 1988 underwent a considerablereorienta- hydrographicsurvey grid. tion between two stable and almost perpendicular aligned Errors in the ADCP measurements come from a number of phases. During the first phase (phase 1, July 2-16, 1988; sources[Kosro, 1985]. The three most significantsourcesof Figure l a) the filament axis (as determinedby the maximum error are the near-random fluctuations in the velocity estiADCP velocity vectors) crossed the D line at nearly fight mates between individual acoustic transmissions caused by angles.After the reorientation (which occurredduring strong varying levels in the acousticbackscatterintensity, varianortherly winds between July 16 and 19), the filament axis tions due to rapid accelerationsof the ship (e.g., as a result was directed southward, crossing the D line at approxi- of surface waves) and errors in the estimated mean ship mately 30ø (phase 2, July 20-23, 1988; Figure lb). Micro- velocity. The moored data are subject to only the first of structure measurements were made during both filament these errors. Temporal averaging of consecutiveprofiles reduces the errors caused by backscatter intensity fluctuaphases. DEWEY ET AL.' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS 128 ø 127 ø i i 126 ø i OF A COASTAL FILAMENT 14 887 12 4 ø 125 ø i 12 3 o I ! ß '"ß.: 41 ø + + 1 6-.Tu 1--,_-,"",-,"" _ '.•'::4 ,.-"'-"' _._ ,.' + + + 1ø 16 -I'e rnpe t-',_•.t. u t--e 1-'4 Cape Mendocino 1¸ 1L.--'1 40 ø + + + i_! :: .: 39 ø -+ + + -' Pt Arena ,.,. , '.', ß ß ß .- , :•:.:.: Pt Reyes •8 ø + + + ß i. 37 ø + + + .. + Fig. la. Advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) satellite image taken on July 16, 1988, showing the sea surface temperature gradients east of the California coast. The cooler, upwelled water is represented by the lighter shading. The central D line along which the microstructure data were collected is shown, at an angle of 30øfrom north to south. The maximum current vectors associated with the offshore flow of the filament crossed the D line at right anglesfor a period of nearly two weeks (July 2-16, 1988).Also shown are the two ADCP mooring locations, D2 to the north and D3 to the south. tions and waves. Errors in the ship velocity are minimized by careful examination of the navigation data. For this study, LORAN-C navigation was used, lane jumping being the largest source of navigation error. Verification with periodic GPS coverage provided a cross-reference which indicated no major errors or "jumps" had permeated through the analysis. Uncertainty in the 15-min-averaged semidiurnalM 2 tides. Tidal (M2) ellipseswere alignedin the alongshore(D line) direction with major and minor axes of shipboardADCP velocitiesis estimatedto be +-8cm s-l. leading the northern (D2) by approximately 30øin the surface values (over a separation of 46 km). This phase shift decreased with depth. The results of the tidal analysis agree with the findings of Munk et al., [1970]. Local accelerations (i.e., OV/Ot) have been calculated by Uncertainty in the 10-min-averaged moored ADCP velocities is estimated to be +-5 cm s -l. Tidal analysis of the moored ADCP data, using the programs of Foreman [1978], indicates significant signal in the approximately 9 and 5 cm s-l respectively. This wasthe only tidal component with associated velocity vectors larger than the estimated uncertainty in the ADCP measurements. The precessionof the M 2 tidal vector was clockwise, with a slight phase shift in latitude, the southern mooring (D3) 14,888 DEWEY ET AL.: STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT 128 ø I 127 ø 12B ø I 125 ø I 124 ø I 12• ø I . .:.: I .. •i-- • -"' 41 ø + ._1 '•%- ::•. + + - ,.-'4 '4Z + ... 1_ .?.. •:•i ']'e rC•F, e t-'o.t:.u t-'e •"•' ß 14 Cape Mendocino 1'2 10 40 ø + + + 39 ø + + + + .,,'•' ";'" PtArena ?? :-.?-.-- .'{ -.•::: r .... •i'.-•: , ..... ß • .:... •.. , .... .?.•...:.: • .•:.'..-.•. •::: •, • .•• .• -.if,''-: 'Pt Reyes .... • ,.• . ..•.:.. ..- . i. 37 ø + + + •;• v • . . - -..'•.¾:,:,-: .,. . Fig. Ib. AVHRR satellite image taken on July 23, 1988, showing the sea surface temperature gradients east of the California coast. The cooler, upwelled water is represented by the light shading. The central D line along which the microstructure data were collected is shown at an angle of 30øfrom north to south. During this orientation, the current at the D line is due south (July 19-23, 1988). taking first differences between consecutive transects of the shipboardADCP velocity estimates(Appendix A). The M2 tidal componentof the flow was removedfrom the shipboard ADCP before the differencing in order to reduce the effects of aliasingand tidal accelerations.This was accomplishedby linear extrapolation of the tidal ellipses along the entire D line. The local tidal vectors (both in time and space) were then predicted and subtractedfrom the ship ADCP observations. Maximum tidal velocities were of the order of 10 cm s-1 with approximate uncertainties of +5 cm s-1 Had these components not been removed, tidal accelerationsas large as one-fifth the Coriolis acceleration would have contaminated the local acceleration estimates. Apart from a regional tidal model [Foreman and Freeland, 1991], the authors are unaware of other attempts to remove tides from shipboard ADCP data. The multiple transects of microstructure and shipboard ADCP measurements represent a time series of the acrossfilament structure. The measurements indicate two reason- ably stable filament orientations. During phase 1 (July 2-16, 1988)the velocity vectors were approximately perpendicular to the ship tracks (Figure 2a). Eight complete RSVP transects, one partial RSVP transect, and 18 shipboard ADCP transects were made across the filament during this phase. On or about July 18 the filament underwent a rapid, barotropic reorientation. During the second phase (July DEWEY ET AL ' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICSOF A COASTALFILAMENT 16 km Vector cm/s Average "along" the ship track, the 60øveering of the current will be consideredsufficientto investigatethe relative importanceof meridionalgeostrophybetween the two phases. Shown in Figures 3a and 3b are the temperature, salinity, %, and U (perpendicularto the D line) valuesat 25 and 125m depth, respectively,duringphase 1. The surface(25 m) structure is less stationarythan the deeper (125 m) structure.The northernsurfacesignatureof the filamentgraduallyprogresses southwardduring the 2-week observationperiod (July 2-16, 1988). Shown in Figures 4a and 4b are the temperature, salinity,%, and U valuesat 25 and 125m depthfor phase2. Temporalaveragesof temperature,salinity, %, U, and V for Phase 1 are shown in Figure 5. The averagesfor Phase 1 were calculated from nine RSVP (northward heading only) and eighteen ADCP (northward and southward heading) 25.0 m Latitude Fig. 2. Average velocity vectorsfrom the shipboardADCP, for the periods(a) July 2-16 and (b) July 20-23, 1988.The shiptrack (D line) is orientedat 30ø from true north. Approximately18 transects (not all were completefrom end to end) were averagedduringPhase 1, and six transects were averaged for Phase 2. The locations of the two ADCP mooringsare also shown, displacedapproximately4 km to the northeast of the D line. The latitude scalefor all figuresis the projection of latitude onto the D line, with 1ø = 128 km. 20-23, 1988) the maximum velocity vectors associatedwith the filament were due south(Figure 2b). Three RSVP and six ADCP transects were made during the phase 2 orientation. Although the current vectors duringphase2 are not exactly / ......... ..- ..:,:"V'<'---:.':. •'.-.r' ............... :................... •::..':.::.. .'_..'.•V ......... ' (averagedfrom three RSVP and six ADCP transects,respectively). The average sectionsfor Phase 2 have larger variances, as they are constructed from fewer observations. The effects of small-scale fluctuations, such as internal waves, have not been as greatly reduced in the phase 2 averages. During the entire period of the microstructure cruise the location of the two ADCP current meter mooringsbounded the core of the velocity jet (Figure 2). The northern mooring (D2) remained within the negative relative vorticity, and the southernmooring (D3) remainedwithin the positive relative vorticity. The ship tracks (along the D line) passed the ,,,..-..::•:::.,. • ",. '":'.::::'•.'.-,:, ,,. , ß • transects. Figure 6 shows the same fields for Phase 2 ,.:•.'tj:'........ ;:?'-',:•.::::'-.::?::, ..... ". .::?::,,,-......., ...,'.'.•.,'•q:.,':' ........:, ,,•..... ....'.'"':•:•::-d':;..'•.:'i,f,'--:':::' .......-,,.i/ ........ , --:,............ , 14,889 ...... ',, '•:. '".,"., "k.•.:: ....... .,. © ..,..... .(---.::,?,,,,,,:,, ........... ,,,'-,, ....'...... i'......... ::•,k•::?.?.'..:•:'":'.-c-....... •--.•-•-'-••:•:•.-.•!111:!:•!!::::: ................... i 37,2 :37,:3 :37.4 :37•$ 37.• :37.7 i i :37.8 :37.9 i :38.0 :38.1 i 38.• La[i[ude i :38.:3 :38.4 :38.,5 38.• :38,7 :38.8 :38,9 :39.0 Depth: 25 m Fig. 3a Fig. 3. Temperature,salinity,%, and U at (a) 25 m and(b) 125m depthfrom eachtransectrepresenting phase1 (July 2-16, 1988). Maximum variabilityis near the surfaceand the northernsignatureof the front. With depth, variability is reduced, and the front becomes more "one sided." 14,890 DEWEYETAL ' STRUCTURE ANDDYNAMICS OFA COASTAL FILAMENT [ ! i , , [ [ i [ ! ! • • ! i ! x• • ! .<l'•/• [ • • / v i 37.Z 37.3 37.4 i 37.5 37.6 i 37.7 37.8 37.9 ! i 38.0 i 38.1 38.Z 38.3 38.4 38.5 i 38.6 38.7 38.8 Latitude 38.9 39.0 Depth: 125 m Fig. 3b mooringsat between 2 and 8 km to the southwest.This av •+ combinationof ship and moored ADCP data allows an at analysisof vorticity at two locationseither sideof thejet. In the followinganalyses,verticalgradientsare estimated by differencingthe griddeddata over 10 m. Althoughdifferencingunderestimatesa differential, we make no attemptto av u•+ ax av v•+ ay av w•+ fu 1 oP 1 az --•Po •+ •Po •7'Wy i + //•72V, (lb) ay correct for this underestimate in our calculations. The RSVP wherethe termsrepresentlocal acceleration,rate of change data (T, S, o't, and e) are independentat vertical length of momentum due to advection, Coriolis acceleration, presscales shorter than 10 m, while our ADCP estimates of U sure gradient, submesoscale flux divergence(where the and V are independentat separationsof 16m. This is a result stressfor eachcomponent n is •'ni= (•'nx,•'ny,•nz)),and of the acousticpulselength,the gatingand filteringusedin viscous diffusion. The central two terms for each component processingthe ADCP data. As a result, 12-m (three bin) representthe well-knowngeostrophicequations.For this separationsin the originalADCP data are nearly indepen- reasonthe termsfU and(- 1/po)(OP/Oy) will be referredto as dent, and 16-m (four bin) separationsare completelyinde- the geostrophicterms, without implyingthat the flow is pendent. purely "geostrophic."Data collectedalong the "northsouth" D line can be used to estimate terms in the meridional 3. MOMENTUM momentumequations(lb) only. Apart from the viscous term, which is very small and can be omitted from the BALANCE The primitivezonal and meridionalmomentumequations analysiswithoutconsequence, we have been able to esti- can be written [Pedlosky, 1978], au --+ at au au u--+v--+w---fv ax ay mate the remaining seventerms in (lb). Details on the estimation of each term in the meridional au momentumequation(lb) from the measuredquantitiesare presentedin AppendixA. The technicaldetails of the az 1 aP P0 ax 1 F• V.'rxi + uV2U, P0 (la) calculationshave been separatedfrom the present discussionof dynamicsin orderto keep the focuson the physics. The dominantterms in (lb) are the two geostrophicterms. DEWEYET AL.' STRUCTURE ANDDYNAMICS OFA COASTAL FILAMENT 14,891 ß,........ ::,•,:,, .....,,:::•.::::::?..• .......... i i i i i i i i i i i 37,23 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 38.0 38.1 38.E 38.3 38.4 38.5 38.6 38.7 38.8 38,9 39,0 Latitude Depth: 25rn Fig. 4a Fig. 4. Temperature, salinity,o-t andU at (a) 25m and(b) 125m depthfromeachtransect representing Phase2 (July20-23,1988).Maximumvariability is nearthe surface andthe northernsignature of the front.With depth variability is reduced, and the front becomes more "one-sided." The Coriolisterm is simplythe zonalvelocityU asmeasured zero at the 95% confidencelevel (summed confidenceinterby the ADCP, multipliedby the localmeanCorioliscompo- vals) along the entire D line. • nent of rotationf(=8.98 x 10-5 s-I). The meridional A linear regressionbetween the two geostrophicterms pressuregradient-(1/p0)0P/0y was calculatedfrom horizon- (Figure8) indicates an.offset.of-.6.3 (cms-i), a regression tal differences in the geopotential anomalyf g 8dp,where8 coefficientof 1.03, 'ahda correlation coefficient of r = 0.94 is the specific volume anomaly determined from RSVP witha 95%bootstrap confidence.interval of 0,02' (The95% profilesof T, S, andp. A level (pressure)of knownmotion confidence interval foreach coefficient i•si•dicated inFigure wastakento be 150m, the geopotential anomalygradientset 8.)Fromthecombined ninetransect% a totaiof89indepenequal to the ADCP-measuredCoriolis term (fU) at this dentobservations are estimated,by dividingthe total record depth.Measurement errorsin ADCP velocityestimatesby the observedintegrallengthscaleas determinedfrom the increasewith depthbelow 150 m. By settingtheseterms autocorrelation.Thereforebasedon the numberof indepenequal at 150 m depth, we recover only differencesin mea- dent observations, a correlationIr > 0.21 is significantly sured and geostrophicshear between 150 rn and the surface different fromzeroat the95%confidence level[Bendatand and thereforedo not recoverall of the ageostrophy in the Piersol,1986].Theresidual difference [PrieStley, 1989]beflow. Velocitieswithin the jet are still considerableat 150m tween the geostrophic terms (Figure 7b) indicates that (---20-30 cms-I), andageostrophy remains unresolved. (o-.• U - o'i½s)/O'fu 2 2 = 89% of the observedVariancein the Coriolis acceleration •r•uis explained by thegeopotential Shownin Figure 7a are the mean geostrophictermsfor phase 1 (July 2-16), (fU) (solid) and (-(1/po)OP/Oy) anomaly. (dashed),eachscaledby 100/f,sothe valuesare equivalent Withoutestimatingageostrophic contributions,one might to zonal flow in centimetersper second.The anglebrackets concludethat the residualof the geostrophic terms,with a represent a temporal average from consecutive transects. variance of O'r2es •' 66cm2 s-2, represents thefullcontribu- The geostrophicresidualis shownin Figure7b. Each mean tion from ageostrophic dynamics,plus any noisein the two valuein the momentumanalysishas alsobeendepthaver- geostrophicestimates,representingonly 5.6% of the accuagedbetween20 and 30 m. Confidenceintervals(95%)have mulated variance. It ispossible, ontheotherhand,thatlocal beenestimatedusinga bootstrap(Monte Carlo)technique accelerations (oV/ot) are balancedentirelyby cyclostrophic [Efron, 1987].The residualis not significantly differentfrom adjustments (UOV/Ox, VOV/Oy). In sucha case,determining 14,892 DEWEYET AL.' STRUCTURE ANDDYNAMICS OFA COASTAL FILAMENT i :87.• 87.8 87.4 87.$ 87.8 87.? 87.B 87,9 i 8B.O i 8B.• i 8B.• :lB.8 i i i i :]8.4 8B.$ 8B.8 8B.? i 8B.B :SB.• J 89.0 Fig. 4b a balancebetweenfU and -(1/po)OP/Oywould be insuffi- Coriolis accelerationfU is explained by the meridional cientforassessing thegeostrophic character oftheflow.A gradientof the geopotentialanomaly(Figure9). The linear betweenthe two geostrophic terms(Figure 10) geostrophicflow must have insignificantageostrophic con- regression tributions, regardlessof the correlation between the two indicates a correlation of r = 0.87, with a 95% bootstrap "geostrophic" terms. Any conclusionon the degree of confidence interval of 0.05. From the combined three geostrophymust includean evaluationof the ageostrophic transectsof phase2, a total of 24 independentobservations terms. During phase 1, mean current vectors (Figure 2a) were perpendicular to the D line. The mean density section therefore resolved the maximum pressuregradient and thus representsa good test for geostrophy.Simple scalingargumentspredict [Pond and Pickard, 1978]a maximum degree of geostrophy across a strong mean current. Similarly, geostrophyis not expectedto be as dominantin the momentum component aligned parallel to the axis of a strong current. Although a very high degreeof correlationis found between the geostrciphicterms, there is no a priori reasonto expect each ageostrophicterm to be negligible,althoughwe may expect them to have a small net contributionto the are estimated,and thereforea correlationIrl > 0.41 is significantly differentfrom zero at the 95% confidencelevel. The linearregressionbetweenthe two geostrophictermsfor phase 2 (Figure 10)indicates anoffset of0.33(cms-1)anda regressioncoefficientof 1.05. Again, if the geostrophic residual, witha variance of O're 2s= 76cm2 S-2, representsall the ageostrophic dynamicsplusany noisein the geostrophic terms,the ageostrophic varianceaccountsfor a maximumof 13% of the total meridional momentum variance. The difference between the "geostrophic" correlation coefficients for phase1 andphase2 is Ar = 0.07 with a 95% uncertaintyof ___0.05. The differenceis significantlydifferent from zero, and the correlationsare therefore significantly balancesincethe unexplained residualis alreadysmall. different at the 95% confidencelevel. Although the correlaDuring phase 2, mean current vectors crossedthe D line much more obliquely, at 30ø from meridional (Figure 2b). These observationsprovide a reasonabletest of the hypothesis that the ageostrophic components of the momentum equationwill have increasedimportancealongthe axis of the tion for phase2 suggests a lower degreeof geostrophy,the confidenceintervals are larger owing to the much lower number of obõervations (three versus nine RSVP transects, and 24 versus89 independent"observations"). At this stage of the analysisit is not clearwhethera true decreasein the meridionalgeostrophyhasbeenrevealed,and in particular, Duringphase2, only76%of the observedvariancein the what physicsmay be causingthe ageostrophy,or whether "jet." DEWEY E'• AL.' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTALFILAMENT 0 i "' ! 1,1'.,]'•/.' ! \ ! o J.•.4 14,893 ...... .,-..' ..... !•!•!•i•!!•i•' ,•.••'-'60" ' I •' ' ";•.:•a• '• A::::%i::•:•i•?•:•:• I',:', •'-,",., ,"':• : ...•a•i• i ======================== • t • - • ß • • • ....:::-•-'•- aoo - / TEMPERATURE •• •• • •- (C)• , • 250 • , 0 . .. .:::•;•:';:':•:;•';:' :.. .••• ............. .. •5ok'/ _.• ••:•••• • 250 OaPCLER V•LOCIT• U O , , ,oo •5o 200 250/ - • O • -* • • .•• 5o • 250 242 •7.50 37.7558.O058.2538.5058.75•9.• L•TITUDE (degrees) Fig. 5. (continued) consecutive transects during phase 1 will provide some ,oo indicationof the variability due to the decreasein the number of observationsand therefore thi• apparent "signal C 250 37.50 3 75 38.00 38.25 38.50 38.75 39.00 LATITUDE (degrees) Fig. 5. Contourplots of the average(a) temperature,(b) salinity, and (c) o-t structureas revealed by RSVP measurementsand of the averageADCP velocity structure(d) U and (e) V alongthe D to noise" during phase 2, Since the momei•tum equations are always obeyed, the goal is to show that our observationsand calculations represent significant estimates of both the geostrophie and ageostrophiccontributions. The details of estimating each ageostrophicterm detract somewhat from the present discussion, and therefore have been relegated to Appendix A. In arriving at an estimate of the mean vertical advection of meridional momentum, W(OV/Oz), a calculation for mean vertical velocities W is presentedin Appendix B. Duringphase1, no ageostrophic contributionwas significantlydifferentfrom zero at the 95-%confidencelevel. Zonal km resolutionin the horizontaland verticaldirections,respectively. advection.southOf the filamentcore was the largestage0- linefoi•July2-17, 1988.The datain Figures5a, 5b, and5chavebeen averaged ontoa fixedlatiiudegridwithapproximately 1.8kmby2.5 A total of nine RSVP transectsmake up the averages,with fewer Samplesnear the northern;southern,and deeperboundaries.Maxi- mumisopiethdisplacement acrossthe frontis --•100m. The daiain strophie component during phase 1, with a magnitude (scaledby 100/f)of (U/f)oV/Ox = 10 cm s-•. Despitethis Figures5d and 5e have been averagedonto a fixed latitudegrid with relatively large mean contribution, considerablevariability approximately 1.8 km by 5 m resolutionin the horizontalandvertical in UOV/Ox resultsin a large confidenceinterval, rendering directions, respectively. Thecoordinate system isrotated30øfromtrue the mean insignificantly(at 95%) different from zero. During north;u istherefore periaendicular totheD lineandV isparallel tothe phase2, both the acceleration(0 V/Ot) and meridional advection (VOV/Oy) terms indicate regionssignificantlydifferent D line. A total of 18ADCP transectsmakeup the ave?hges, with fewer samplesnear the northern,southern,and deeperboundaries. from zero, with scaled magnitudes as large as 5 and 10 cm s-i respectively. thereis simplya reducedsignalto noiselevelduringphase2. After adding the estimated ageostrophic terms to the Estimationof the ageostrophic termsin (lb) will attemptto geostrophic residual, we can reevaluate the total level of addressthesepointsand determinewhethertrue balances geostrophy of the meridional momentum balances. During have been obtained. Also, a momentum balance from three phase 1 the mean pressuregradient -(1/po)OP/Oy explained 14,894 DEWEYETAL.' STRUCTURE ANDDYNAMICS OFA COASTAL FILAMENT o ß . /•6 ' /4.7.. 50 150 200 TEMPERATURE (C)I I i 250 i I I a 0 5O 5O • •oo E I- •_ 15o 200 200 - 250 t SALINITY (psu) I i i I _ b • DOPPLER VELOCITY V (cm/s) :'; 250 39.00 LATITUDE (degrees) Fig. 6. (continued) •oo tion, was not significantlydifferent from zero. Therefore 1.50 geostrophic balanceto withinthe accuracyof the present during phase 1 thezonalor along-filament current wasin measurements and the observed noise variance. Phase2, representing an approximation to across-filament dynamics,indicatesa significantdecreasein the level of geostrophy. Themeanmeridional pressure gradientexplains 200 250 76% of the variancein (fU), and 70% of the variancein the total balance.The ageostrophiccomponentswere occasion- 37150 LATITUDE (degrees) ally significantly differentfrom zero at the 95% level; however,theyfail to reducetherelativevarianceaccumulated in Fig. 6. Contourplotsof the average(a) temperature,(b) salinity, and(c) •rt structureasrevealedby the RSVP andof the average ADCP velocity structure(d) U and (e) V alongthe D line for July 20-23, 1988.The data in Figures6a, 6b, and 6c havebeenaveraged onto a fixed latitude grid with approximately 1.8 km by 2.5 m the residual,indicatingseparateregionsof coherentincrease resolution in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. A total of three RSVP transects make up the averages, with fewer 2 than in the perpendicularcaserepresentedby phase1. and decrease in the balance residual. Nonetheless, the mean pressuregradient,the secondlargestterm in the balance, contributes 9% less to the momentum balance during phase In order to estimate the relative change in the signal to samplesnear the northern,southern,and deeperboundaries.The noiselevel duringphase2, introducedby the fewer number data in Figures6d and 6e have beenaveragedonto a fixed latitude gridwith approximately1.8 km by 5 m resolutionin the horizontal of observations, a series of three consecutive transects and vertical directions, respectively, and rotated through 30ø into duringphase1 are analyzed.It will be assumedthat noise the D line coordinates. A total of six ADCP transects make up the averages,with fewer samplesnear the northern, southern,and deeper boundaries. sourcesduringthe two phasesare similarand that a change in the signalto noiserepresents a decreasein the signal.This may not be the case, but our observationsprovide no indicationthat the noise (e.g., internal wave displacements of isopycnals)is differentbetweenphases1 and 2. The geostrophic momentumtermsfor thisthree:transect phase1 strophiccontributions wereneversignificantly differentfrom balanceare shown in Figure 11. During this 4-day period zero and show little coherent structure. Even the mean zonal (July10-13)the meanpressure gradientaccounts for 88%of 89% of the variancein (fU) and 87% of the variancefrom all contributions to the meridional momentum equation. Ageo- advectionterm (UOV/Ox), the largestageostrophiccontribu- the variancein the observedvelocityfield, and an unchanged DEWEYET AL ' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICSOF A COASTALFILAMENT 14,895 -2] On-shore r=0.94 ,./.--...-'...' ',. ,../.,,. x',, +/-0.02 .. .-,...x-• ............... .. o "" .....,.' ..... ß'/'"' ' • ,,., g) ' 5;/ .,.' ';,".......................... ",,, x 5':::::-,.,..,...... ?' .•'?" ", ": • .-•• %*,•_-•.-':'-' ' •..;- - V • -'...... ." '.._."' ..'2 ..... •'.X".. ., Off-shore ."-,,----"• ,,, ,,, ..,' ß '•,._ T.].:: ......., % I ,,., \ ....... ''........... L"' / 609.1 Geostrophic 511.1 66.3 b) r • + + •J'7.2 3'•.33'•.43'•,53'•.63'•.73'•.83'•.93d.O3d.13d.23d.33•.4 3d.53d,63d.73d.83d.93c•.0 LATITUDE DEPTH 25 rn Fig. 7. (a) Temporalaverages of the ADCP zonalvelocityU (solidline) andthe negativegeostrophic velocity (1/fpo)OP/Oy (longed-line dash)in centimeters per secondfor the firstfilamentorientation(phase1), eachshownwith 95% confidence intervals.A 10-mverticalaveragehasalsobeenapplied,centeredat a depthof 25 m. A total of 500 bootstrapiterationswere performed,with 95% confidencelimits calculatedfrom the resultingdistributions.The correlationbetweentheobserved(ADCP)andthegeostrophic currentsis r = 0.94 with a bootstrapconfidence interval (95%)of0.02.To therightofthelabelsarethevariances ofthetwoseries (incm2 s-2). (b)The"geostrophic" residual in centimetersper second,simplythe differencebetweenthe seriesshownin Figure7a. The confidence intervalis the sumof the two individual95%intervals.The varianceof the residualis indicatedat the right.The two symbolsat the bottom indicate the location of the moored ADCPs. 88% of the variance in the total balance. The correlation coefficientbetweenthe geostrophicterms is r = 0.94 with a (We have also assumedhere that the viscousterms in (1) can be ignored.)After somealgebrathe vorticity equationcanbe 95% confidence interval of 0.02. Based on the number of written, independentobservations(15), a coefficientIrl > 0.51 is significantlydifferent from zero at the 95% confidencelevel. These results are nearly identical to the total balance for phase 1 estimated by including all nine transects. The 0• --+ Ot 0• U--+ Ox 0• V--+ Oy 0• W-- Oz + V/3 cos (30ø) + U/3 sin (30ø) variances of the estimated ageostrophiccomponentsare below the noise levels, and the final residual indicates that ageostrophydoes not significantlycontribute to the balance. The increased variability in the ageostrophicterms and reducedcorrelationbetweenthe two geostrophicterms for phase 2 is therefore not due to the analysis of fewer observationsbut likely representsa true decreasein the level of geostrophy. 4. VORTICITY -f-j-if- SC•x + r/--•-y + •' (2) where the velocity componentsare in the D line coordinates. (This coordinatetransformationresultsin both components of flow in the D line systemcontributingto the advectionof planetary vorticity, thus the /3 cos and /3 sin in (2).) The three-dimensionalrelative vorticity is given by ANALYSIS The location of the ADCP mooringsis such that between July 2 and 16 the northern mooring (D2) remained north of thejet core and the southernmooring(D3) remainedsouthof the jet core (Figure 2). Across a uniform jet the relative =0, OU [= (•, rl,i')= • . Oz'Oz Ox'Ox 3• ' (3) Terms in the vorticity equation (2) represent the rate of changeof relative vorticity, advectionof relative vorticity, vorticity changesfrom positiveto negative.The following advection of planetary vorticity, stretching of planetary analysisis intendedto reveal the magnitude,structure,and vorticity, and tilting and stretchingof relative vorticity. variability of the vorticity field acrossthe observedfilament. At each mooringlocation (D2 -• 38.27øand D3 = 37.9ø)the The vorticity equation is derived by simply cross differ- total relative vorticity • was estimatedby first differencing entiating and subtractingthe linear momentumequations ADCP velocity estimates between the mooring and ship (la) and (lb), thus eliminatingthe pressuregradientterms. track locations and along the ship track. For differences DEWEY 14,896 ET AL.' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS I OF A COASTAL FILAMENT Both northward and southward transects were used, the ship // speeddoubling (ranging from1.2-2.5m s- • to 4.0-6.0m s- •) between northward- and southward-heading transects, respectively. The averagingperiod varied similarly, from --•1.5 '•"•r ,' / hours for the northward (slower) transects to -<1 hour for the • o.•4 (+/- o.o• ) • '•.• southward (faster) transects. _ .................. - _. The zonal gradient in relative vorticity (O•'/Ox)cannot be estimated from our meridional transects, and 0•/0y can be evaluated only between the two mooring sites, acrossthe jet. Temporal changescan be estimated from the time seriesof • • // ' , provided by the repeated transects. All other terms are estimated directly from the ADCP-measured U and V ve, locities and W estimated from the first term in (B4). Figure 12 showsthe relative vorticity at a depth of 25 m for / both the northern (D2) and southern (D3) locations (scaled •I // •' by I/f). The large negative value during Julian day 190 (D2, July 8, 1988), • = -0.95f, is the result of significantOV/Ox • / shear between the ship and moored ADCP data at D2. Poor •-80 •0 -40 -•0 0 •0• ',•, • • 4•0 ship navigation is believed to have caused this "error," although there is not discernible reason for rejecting the navigation data used (P.M. Kosro, personal communica•ig. 8. An [inea• •eg•es•ion (solid line) between the average ADC• zonal cu•ent (U) and the scaled average pressuregradient tion, 1990) and the subsequentship velocity vectors. None(l//•o)•P/• duffng •hase I. •he uncertainty for each regression theless, this vorticity value is in question. Such large negacoe•cient is tive vorticities are unlikely, since instabilities in potential vorticity dynamics (proportional to [1/(f + •)]) act to between the mooring locations and the ship track velocities, diffuse momentum in regions of strong negative vorticity the shipboardADCP data were averagedinto 12-kin bins and [Hoskins, 1974, 1982].The large positive vorticity duringday the mooring data were averaged temporally for periods 188 (D3, July 6) is believed to be real, indicating relative equivalent to the spatial averages based on the ship speed. vorticity equal to planetary vorticity. / / -2] On-shore r=0.87 --- Off-shore +/-0.05 Doppler 316.1 Geostrophic 219.7 75.9 b) • + + 137.23'•.3 3'•.4 3'•.5 3'•.6 3'•.? 3'•.8 3'•.9 3•.0 38.1 3•.2 31•.331•.431•.53•.6 3•.7 3•.8 3•.9 •TITUDE DEPTH 25. m Fig. 9. (a) Temporal averages of the ADCP zonal velocity U (solid line) and the negative geostrophic velocity (l/fpo)OP/Oy (long-dashed line)in centimeters per secondfor phase2, eachshownwith 95%confidence intervals.The values have also been vertically averagedover 10 m, centeredat a depth of 25 m. The correlationbetween the observed(ADCP) and the geostrophiccurrentsis r = 0.87 with a bootstrapconfidenceinterval(95%) of 0.05. To the right of the labelsare the variances of thetwoseries (incm2 s-:). (b)The"geostrophic" residual in centimeters persecond, simplythedifference betweenthe seriesshownin Figure9a. The confidenceintervalis the sumof the two individual95% intervals.The variance of the residual is indicated at the right. The two symbolsat the bottom indicate the location of the moored ADCPs. DEWEY ET AL.: STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF n COASTAL FILAMENT 14,897 error bars of 1 standard deviation. The temporal mean relative vorticities are approximately (•) = -0.16f and (•) = 0.25f for the northern and southernmooring locations, respectively (not including the erroneous low value on Julian day 1990). This assymetry in the shear can be seen in the mean current vectors (Figure 2a). Considerable asymmetry o was also observed by Kosro and Huyer [ 1986] during a 1982 survey of a similar filament. As was indicated above, instabilities that work preferentially in regions of large negative relative vorticity act to "diffuse" momentum (vorticity), thus spreading the shear and perhaps contributing to the current asymmetry observed [Hoskins, 1974; Haidvogel et al., this issue; Huyer et al., this issue]. Not all terms in (2) can be estimated, and a vorticity balance will not be attempted, although the available terms can be compared in a limited vorticity analysis. Shown in Figure 13 are the significanttime series and temporal means for four terms in the vorticity equations (scaled by 1//3) at 1-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 both mooring locations (D2 in Figure 13a, D3 in Figure 13b) • O• •___•0 [ms-2 ] and the residual (plot 5) of the six estimated terms. The Fig. 10. A linear regression (solid line) between the average dominant terms are the observed temporal changes (O•/Ot) ADCP zonal current (U) and the scaled average pressure gradient (plot 1) and the stretchingof planetary vorticity (fOW/Oz) (1/fpo)OP/Oyduring phase 2. The uncertaintyfor each regression (plot 3). Tilting and stretching of relative vorticity (plot 4) coefficient is 95%. contributes significantly only during a 1-day period at location D2 (Figure 13b; July 14; Julian day 196). Advection of The northern mooring location is a site of consistent planetary vorticity is smaller than all other terms by more negative relative vorticity and the southern mooring a loca- than 2 orders of magnitude (not shown). Vertical advection tion of positive vorticity (Figure 12). The time-averaged of relative vorticity is never significantly different from zero means for the two periods are also shown (Figure 12) with (plot 2). At times the residuals(plot 5) are considerable, and / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ß Meridional Momentum Balance (X1--•}[!TZ $-2] On-shore r--0.94 +/-0.02 Doppler 610.4 Geostrophic 501.4 Off-shore 70.9 b) ? •7.2 3'•.3 3'•.4 3'•.5 3'•.6 3'•.7 3'•.8 3'•.9 31•.031•.131•.231•.331•.431•.531•.63fi.7 3fi.8 31•.93•.0 LATITUDE DEPTH 25. m Fig. 11. (a) Mean zonal velocitiesand estimatedmeridionalpressuregradient(geostrophicvelocities)from three consecutive transects (between July 10 and 14) during Phase 1 indicating the possible ageostrophy implied by a reduction in the number of observations. The mean ADCP velocity U (solid line) and the negative "geostrophic" velocity -U = (1/fpo)OP/Oy(long-dashedline) are each shownwith 95% confidenceintervals. (b) The geostrophic residual(differenceof seriesin Figure 1la) with the summed95% confidenceinterval. The correlationis r = 0.94 with a 95%confidence intervalof 0.02.An estimated15independent observations implya correlationIrl > 0.51, significantly different fromzeroat the95%level.At therightof thelabelsandtheresidual aretheseries variances in cm2 s-2. 14,898 DEWEY ET AL.' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT 1.00 • = -0.4f), but the rate of change O•/Otis no larger than that observed at other times (Figure 13b; July 5, Julian day 187). Despite the density of observations resulting from the repeated transects (estimatesevery 1-2 days), the variability in the vorticity appears to be undersampled (Figure 13b, plot 1). Within the core of the filament, maximum surface speeds D3South (37.9 ø) 0 75 40.50 • 0.00 ........ •,_c • ....... wereof theorderof 1m s-1 or --•80kmd-1 whichsuggests • -0.50 0 • -0.75 - 1.00 , • i D2North (38.27 ø) i Time (Julian day) Fig. 12. Time series of the relative vorticity • calculated from the ship and moored ADCP velocity vectors and scaledby 1/f. The northern location (D2, dashed line) shows consistent negative vorticity, the southern location (D3, solid line) shows consistentpositive vorticity. The very large negativevalue duringJulian day 190 at D2 is believed to be a result of poor ship navigation. Averages for each location and filament orientation intervals of 1 standard deviation. tions, we are unable to close the balance or estimate our "noise" residual. Even without the two advection terms, the variability in the observed contributionsresults in temporal mean and residuals insignificantly different from zero. During the transition from phase 1 to phase 2 (on or about (-+2 days) July 18, Julian Day 200) the relative vorticity south (D2) of the filament core (Figure 12) remained near • = 0.5f. North (D3) of the core the vorticity decreased(from • = 0 to / 15o• at 5Oql / / 5. DISCUSSION are shown with confidence the horizontal advection terms (UO•/Ox), (VO•/Oy), not estimated, are expected to contribute significantly to the dynamics in reducing this residual. Without these contribu- as0q •_• that mesoscale structures could easily have been advected by the observation sites between transects, aliasing the daily estimates. Drifter data provide a Lagrangian perspective of vorticity [Paduan and Niiler, 1990; M. Swenson et al., Drifter observations of the dynamical and thermodynamical structures in a cold filament off Point Arena, California, in July 1988, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, 1990, hereinafter referred to as Swenson et al., submitted) that at first seemsmore stable, but drifter groups are selected subjectively and tend to accumulate in regions of convergence, again aliasing the vorticity field. The analysis of the meridional component of momentum indicates two levels of geostrophy, corresponding to two components in the filament coordinates (across and approximately along filament). During phase 1 the hydrographic sections resolved the maximum pressure gradient. The average meridional momentum field was found to be highly geostrophic. Ageostrophic contributions to the momentum balance were determined to be below the noise level of the measurements, with only 6.5% of the variance in the meridional momentum equation unexplained. The meridional momentum analysisduring phase2, representingapproximately the along-filament component, indicates a significant increase in the level of ageostrophy. The residual during phase 2 represents 15% of the total variance. 25oa-1• 15o--[•t, ..... •-250•2 • aso 3 0W -250 •50 -250J 2 • • • -so -150 --• •250 150 . .......... 150 50 •50 -150 -250 Residual • .......... - 250 -•5o•, •.VW -250 4 •o _ 50 250• 150q -50 -150 •____ - __ --• 50 5 -50 -50• -250 -50 L_250 4 -150 I50 250•-• -250 --250150• Residual • • Time (Julian day) Fig. 13a Da(38.a7 ø) Time (Julian day) D3(37.9 •) Fig. 13b Fig. 13. Estimatedterms in the vorticity equationscaledby 1//3for (a) the northernlocation (D2) and (b) the southernlocation (D3). In order, they are (1) the observedrate of changeO•/Ot,(2) vertical advection WO•/Oz, (3) the stretchingof planetaryvorticityf0 W/Oz, (4) the tiltingand stretchingof relativevorticity (•OW/Ox+ •qO W/Oy+ •0 W/Oz), and (5) the sumof all estimatedtermsrepresentingthe residual(lessthe meanhorizontaladvectionof relative vorticity). Also shownare two temporal averagesof the residualterm for phases1 and 2 with uncertaintiesof 1 standarddeviation. DEWEY ET AL ' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT CTZ 1988 14,899 W Phase 1 LATITUDE (degrees) 37.25 37 50 37 75 38.00 38.25 38.50 38.75 39 O0 1::-,,',, :,")'",,, ,,•,',,",, .... ,',,,• • •g [:'.',,, E• ',,:' • , •g : ',,,, , ', o o • Vertical Velocity W (m/day) Fig. 14. Mean vertical velocities(in metersper day) duringphase1 calculatedusing(B4). Solid contoursindicate positive(upward) velocities,dashedcontoursnegative(downward)velocities.Maximum ve•ical velocitiesare •40 m d-• . The surfaceregionnorthof 38.4ølatitudehasbeenblankedbecause of the deepsurfacemixedlayerthatexists there,resulting in verylowbuoyancy frequencies (N2) andinaccurate W estimates. Uncertainties derivedfromthe variationsin individualcontributionsto W are of the order of • 10 m d -• . The only significant feature revealed by the vorticity analysis is the persistent asymmetry of the filament. Ship and moored ADCP observations were used to estimate the total relative vorticity on either side of the filament core. Larger (magnitude) positive relative vorticity was consistently observed on the south (cool) side of the front. An interesting result of the momentum analysis is the estimation of the mean vertical velocity section across the filament (Appendix B). Because of their small magnitude, vertical velocitiesare difficult to measureand estimate, yet may play important roles in many aspectsof the physicsand biology associatedwith fronts. The subductionof nutrient rich coastal water (recently upwelled), along the filament [Washburn et al., this issue; B. Jones et al., Chemical and biological structure of a cool filament observed off northern California in July 1986, submitted to Journal and Geophysical Research, 1990) and the divergence and convergence implied by drifter groups (Swenson et al., submitted) are examplesof studiesdirectly dependenton the distribution of vertical velocities within the filament. The estimated vertical motions were mostly driven by adjustmentsin the relative vorticity (Appendix B) and simply represent the vertical component of near-geostrophic flow along sloping isopycnal surfaces. Within the central region of the filament, where the data density (temporal) is highest and the estimates are significantly different from zero, three dominant regions of W exist (Figure 14). Coinciding with a horizontal velocity maximum (Figure 5d, 38.1ø) in the filament models [e.g., Walstad et al., this issue; Haidvogel et al., this issue], but poor spatial resolution in the models limits a direct comparison with our estimates. Individualwater packetsdo not remain in these high vertical velocity regionsfor long periods and only "slide" up (or down) for several hours, resulting in vertical excursions of perhaps10-20m (D. Haidvogel,personalcommunication, 1990). These regions of vertical motion are typically tens of meters (20-100 m) thick and tens of kilometers wide. They appear consistentlyin the repeated sections (although they vary in magnitudeand shape), indicating persistentunderlying recirCulations,due mostly to adjustmentsin vorticity. Individual sections of W, T, and S often have high correlations between interleaving temperature-salinity intrusions and implied regionsof upwelling and downwelling, an inde- pendent indication that (B4) predicts real vertical velocity structure. A separate study of the intrusive activity will follow in a future paper. One feature revealed by the multiple transects across the filament is the position of the surface temperature minimum relative to the salinity minimum and maximum. During phase 1 the maximum mean zonal velocity at a depth of 25 m occurredat approximately 38.1ølatitude (Figure 15a), with a magnitude of =-65 cm s-•. This locationcorresponds exactly with the maximum meridional density gradient, in accordance with geostrophy. On closer inspection, the po- sitionand relativeshapeof the temperature and salinity extrema reveal important characteristics that can be exis a regionof upwelling(10-40m d-i), boundedon either plained through cross-frontal exchange. The salinity maximum is slightly offset to the south of the side (and below) by regions of downwelling. Broad regions of relativelyhighverticalvelocities (40m d-1) arepredicted velocity core, a region between 37.75ø and 38.0ø latitude 14,900 DEWEYET AL ' STRUCTURE ANDDYNAMICS OFA COASTAL FILAMENT b) ........... :'................... t• :".................' •--" .... ,'....'.., ...... ','""?•--/ .,/' I ""• .,,/'"'/ •-' • Temperature •x '", ...... \ '"',,., t \ Maximum /• ". T \ ........ \ ......'......... \ .....,, -....... .......' ......... / 38,8 38.9 ...... i i ! 37.2 37.3 J, 37.4 i 37.5 i 37.6 37.7 i 37.8 i 37.9 i 38,0 i 38.1 i t 38.2 Latitude 38.3 i 38.4 i 38.5 i 38.6 i 38.7 Depth: 39.0 75 m Fig. 15. Spatialseriesof the averagetemperature (T), salinity(S), •rt, andthe zonalvelocity(U) at (a) 25 m and (b) 75 m depthsfor phaseI (July2-16, 1988)• alongtheD line.Thetemperature andsalinityscales havebeenchosen tø representequalcontributions to variations in the density(or •rt). Of specialinterestare the relativepositions and shapesof the salinitymaximumandtemperature minimumto the southand the salinityminimumjust northof the maximum zonal velocity. (Figure15a).Similarly, thetemperature minimum issouth of smalltemperaturemaximumwithin the northernextremeof the maximum current, but sigtlificantly broader (37.75ø to 38.1ølatitude) than the salinity maximum. To the north of the current maximum there is a local salinity minimum, between the offshore flow (38.4ø to 38.6ø latitude). Coastalupwellingis believedto be the main sourceof potential energy for thesefilaments, bringing cool,saline 38.1øand 38.45ø latitude.Fresher•urfacewa•eris therefore water to the surface over the continental shelf. Once sepabeing transportedon the north (negativerelative vorticity) side of the filament, while the colder, more saline surface water is confinedto the south (positive vorticity) side of the filament. This asymmetricstructureappearsto be a persistent feature of the upwelled fronts in this region and is discussedfurther by $trub et al [this issue]. rated from the shelf, coastal (Ekman) upwelling ceases. During coastal upwelling, temperature-salinityextrema are highlycorrelated[Huyer and Kosro, 1987],asthey are in the mean structure at 125 m (Figure 3b). The near-surface distributionof temperature and salinity (Figure 15a) has apparently undergone a transformation sincethewaterwas The mean structureat 75 m depth (Figure 15b) is signifi- upwellednearthe coast.The salinitymaximum,southof the cantly different than the surface structure, and the three current maximum, is considerably narrower than the assolocal extrerna are less identifiable; yet the overall range of ciated temperatureminimum (Figure 15a), indicatingthe temperature, salinity, and trt across the filament remain mixing of different water masses. Local upwelling/ is a candidatefor similar(Figure 15a). In the deepersection(Figure 15b)the downwelling(divergence/convergence) only anomalousfeature distinct from the main front is a bringing different water masses together (stirring); near- DEWEY ET AL ' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT 14,901 LATITUDE (degrees) 37 25 37 50 37 75 38 O0 38.25 38.50 38.75 39.00 ß $IGMA-t Fig. 16. Contours of the mean density (as in Figure 5c) during phase I (July 2-16, 1988) along the D line. Superimposedare vectorsrepresentingthe possible"isopycnal" flow suggestedby the meridionalADCP velocity sections and the estimated vertical velocities (Figure 14). The vectors have been drawn parallel to the isopycnal surfaces and scaled so that the vertical component representsthe daily vertical displacement centered at the mark on each vector. surface, wind-driven turbulence is likely the only available mechanism for the mixing [Mourn et al., 1988; Dewey and Mourn• 1990]. The estimatedmean vertical velocity W (Figure 14) and the implied cross-frontal circulation, can explain some of the structure in the observed surface distributions. The mean crt structure for phase 1 is shown in Figure 16. Superimposedare conceptualvelocity vectors showingflow the mixing of the cooler (subsurface)part of the fresh pool from the north side, with the shallower water found on the upwelled side (south) of the filament. Observations(Figure 15a, also Hayward and Mantyla [ 1990] and Strub et al., [this issue])indicatethe presenceof a pool of fresher,cool water on the seawardside of upwelledfronts alongthe California coast. This po01 is typically confined to the upper 60 m and is 20-30 km wide. It is believed this fresher water may alongisppycnalsurfaces• as indicatedby the meanestimates originate at the Columbia river mouth (some 1000 km to the of V a.nd W (Figures 5e and 14 respectively). The arrows north), where it is ejected onto the continental shelf and then (Figure 16) were not measured directly, but are estimates flows southward, remaining on the outer edge of the upscaledso tha.tthe verticalcomponentrepresentsthe daily welling (divergent) region and the subsequentfront that is vertical displacement. formed by the upwelling. Zonal isopycnal slopes (not resolved by the meridional If the internal upwelling region near the zonal velocity transects) may contribute significantlyto W, and the regions maximumin Figure 16were to bringfresherand cooler water of estimatedupwelling(downwelling)havebeeninterpreted from the north, up along isopycnals to the surface on the simply as flow along the resolvedisopycnalsurfaces(Figure south side of the velocity maximum, wind-induced turbulent 16). Nonetheless, for a descriptive explanation we require mixing could then produce the observed temperatureonlya conceptual pictureof the possible flow. In the depth salinity distributions. Observed turbulent dissipation rates range 25-100 m, three regions of upwelling are evident havebeenlow withintheseupwelled filaments, belowthe (Figure16).Nearthecentralregionof thefront(50-125m, wind driven surface layer [Mourn et al., 1988; Dewey and 37.90-38.3ølatitude) is a downwelling region, narrower at 50 Mourn, 1990]. The only persistentturbulentregion is the m, expanding to a wider region at depth (100 m, Figures I4 near surface mixing layer driven by wind stresses. The and 16). A second, s.maller dOwnwelling region is evident fresher water found at the surface, north of the velocity north of the strongest upwelling. The central upwelling maximum (Figure 15a) may be maintained by the converregion (Figure 16) implies cross-frontal flow from the north genceimplied by the region of local down-welling(Figure 14) sideof thevelocitymaximum(38.1ølatitude)alongisopycnal between 38.3ø and 38.4ø latitude. The local temperature surfacestowards the uplifted dense core of the filament to maximumat depth(75 m, Figure 15b)may originatenearer the south (37.85o-38.0ø) the surface on the south side of the velocity maximum, A possible mechanism responsible for causing the ob- where it is then advecteddownwardalongi•opycnalsin the served asymmetric temperature minimum and salinity max- downwelling regionind, icatedin Figures14and16. imum on the south side of the filament core (Figure 15a) is The asymmetryin the temperature-salinity distributions ß 14,902 DEWEY ET AL..' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT north and southof the current maximum indicatethat temperature measurementsalone are insufficientin determiningthe density structure. Salinity variations play a crucial role in determining the local density structure and therefore the dynamicheightfields.Thermal satelliteimages,revealingonly the surfacetemperaturestructure, may be less representativeof the density structure away from the coastalupwelling region, where internal circulations within the filament-current system can redistributeand mix water types, modifying the relative rolesof temperatureand salinityin governingthe local density. 6. CONCLUSIONS narrow, near surface (<50 m) salinity maximum embedded in a broader temperature minimum, both confined to the region south of the current maximum. Confined to a region north of the current maximum was a "pool" of less saline water. The influence of the observed salinity structure on the density field (and therefore the pressure and dynamic height fields) cannot be revealed by thermal remote sensing (advanced very high resolution radiometer). APPENDIX A: CALCULATIONS FOR MOMENTUM ANALYSIS Our coordinate system is right-hand Cartesian, aligned with the hydrographic survey grid. It is a simple rotation of standard linear Earth coordinates (x = east, y = north) by 30ø counterclockwise. In this system, x = east-northeast, perpendicularto the D line, and y - north-northwest, along During July 2-23, 1988, a significantupwelled filament was observed in two substantially different orientations. The observations during each filament orientation have been from measured "Earth" used to estimate average terms in the meridional momentum the D line. The transformation coordinate velocities (Ue, Ve) is then balance. During phase 1 the current componentperpendicular to the transect line was found to be in geostrophic U = Ue cos (30ø) + Ve sin (30ø), (Ala) balance. During phase 2 the meridional data closely represent a coordinate system along the axis of the filament, and V- Ve cos (30ø) - Ue sin (30ø). (Alb) the meridional momentum balance was found to be significantly more ageostrophic. Observed acceleration and cy- Under this transformation, the momentum equations (1) are unchanged, and "meridional" will now refer to the new y clostrophic contributions to the momentum balance (i.e., OV/Ot and VOVG/Oy) were significantlyabove the estimated direction. As a result of this rotation, D line latitude is slightly stretched from normal latitude such that 1.0 ø "latitude" = 128 noise levels at a number of locations during phase 2. Although it appears that a considerableeffort has been km. During phase 1 the orientation of the filament is suchthat exerted to show the near-surface (< 150 m) currents associated water "north" of the velocity maximum representswarmer, with thesefronts are highly geostrophic,the resultsare by no offshore,nonupwelledwater, and water "south" of the velocmeans serendipitous.The strongcurrents, narrow structure, ity maximum representscooler, coastal upwelled water. To minimize and quantify errors, the repeated transects relatively large Rossby number (U/Lf = 0.3), and temporal variability of these upwelled fronts suggeststhat quasi- during each phasewere used to provide multiple estimatesof geostrophicdynamicsmay play a significantrole. Despitethese each momentum term from which mean values were calcustructural characteristics, the present analysis indicates a lated. Simple statistical analysis was used to estimate the highly geostrophicflow. The measurementsanalyzed here variabilities and uncertainties. The estimated mean of each representa uniqueset of observations,ideal for examiningthe term for each filament phase is bounded by an uncertainty dynamics of fronts. To our knowledge, the present analysis derived from the variability of the individual estimates. A also representsa unique attempt to complete a momentum full meridional momentum balance [i.e., (lb)] can be estibalance. mated from a minimum of two transects (in order to estimate Mean vertical velocities are estimated from the multiple OV/Ot); however, no statistical confidence can be assignedto transects using ship ADCP and RSVP hydrographic and the terms in a two-transect balance. Including more turbulence data (Appendix B). The calculation is made transectsin the analysisincreasesthe co.nfidence,at the possible by the temporal resolution of observations in a expense of resolving variability on short time scales. near-geostrophicflow field. Previous estimates of W utilized Since the number of independent observationsis limited, only moored current measurements. The estimated vertical error statistics are calculated using a bootstrap technique velocities from the ship observationsare in agreementwith [Efron and Gong, 1983, Elton, 1987]. The procedure simply model predictions. calculatesthe mean of n estimatesof the appropriatestatistic Relative vorticity is estimated from moored and ship (i.e., mean, variance, or correlation coefficient) calculated ADCP measurements.During the microstructure survey, the from i random selections from the original ensemble of i northern mooring location is found to remain in the negative estimates. A bootstrap iteration of 500 was found to give relative vorticity shear:of the filament, while the southern stable results. In other words, to estimate the confidence mooringremains in the positive relative vorticity. The mean interval for the mean of a quantity at a fixed location from i magnitude of the positive vorticity (0.25f) is larger than the transects, 500 (=n estimates of the mean were calculated mean magnitude of the negative vorticity (-0.16f), a possi- from 500 ensemblesof i random selectionsfrom the original ble consequenceof instabilities that work preferentially in i estimates. The final mean is then the mean of the 500 regions of negative vorticity. estimated means (insignificantly different from the sample Finally, the repeat.edtransects of high-resolutionhydrog- mean), and confidence limits (95%) can be selected directly raphy reveal temperature and salinity distributions that from the bootstrap distribution of means. suggest considerable recirculation within and across the When estimating statistics for terms in the momentum filament. Local adjustments in the relative vorticity may balance from multiple transects it is assumed that the dycause submesoscaledivergences and convergences that re- namics are reasonably stationary during that period and that sult in upwellingand downwellingalongisopycnalsurfaces. the variability of the estimates reflects natural uncertainty The resulting redistribution of water massesmay form the rather than a trend about the mean. To test the validity of DEWEY ET AL.' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT this presumption for phase 1 (July 2-16), three momentum analyses were performed on successive groups of four consecutive transects. No trend was found, and the inclu- sion of all nine transects in a single momentum analysis was deemed justifiable. One final note about the analysis to follow. Some of the terms in the momentum equation (lb) were calculated using both RSVP (hydrographic) and ADCP (velocity) data (WOV/Ozand(1/O0)Vß•yi), onetermfromRSVPdataonly (-(1/po)OP/Oy), and some terms from ADCP data only (OV/Ot, UOV/Ox, VOV/Oy, fU). Therefore althoughwe have nearly twice the density (in time) of ADCP observations to RSVP observations (northward and southward transects as opposed to northward only), we use only coincident data (collected simultaneously during the northward-heading transects). This assures that the estimated contributions to the momentum balance represent observations of the same 14,903 easily differenced to estimate 0V/Oy. Estimates of the mean gradient across both three and five consecutive 15-minaverage profiles were compared and the gradient across three was used, as it was insignificantly different from the broader gradient estimate. The flux divergence term represents turbulentlike (eddy) processes that act to redistribute momentum. Here it is parameterized through the gradient of the Reynolds stressx. This is an important term when wind forcing directly influences the near-surface flow, as the surface stress (momentum flux) is translated to the flow through turbulent diffusion. This term also represents the momentum flux from submesoscaleeddies. Although such contributions may be significant, we have no means of accurately estimating them for the limited period of our measurements. A useful parameterization of Reynolds stresses is to assume that the momentum flux at turbulent scales acts like "field." molecular diffusion, and the stress components can be There were 10 northward heading RSVP/ADCP transects approximated by eddy viscosities working on local velocity attempted during Phase 1 (July 2-16). Of these, one was gradients. As a consequence of this parameterization, the aborted prematurely (transect4, after only 30 km) and during horizontal eddy viscositiesare much larger than the vertical the eighthtransect, instrumentproblemskept the RSVP out of equivalent because of the much weaker horizontal shears. the water. Therefore in the momentumanalysis,eightcomplete Although oceanic models often require adjustable horizontal transectsand one shorttransectmake up the data duringphase viscositiesto match observed flux rates, applicable parameterizations for measuredoceanic shears(horizontal) have yet 1; three completetransectsmake up phase2 (July 20-23). The first ageostrophicterm in (lb) is the net acceleration, to be verified and are typically ignored [Gregg, 1987]. OV/Ot. By repeating transects every -•1-2 days we estimate Parameterizing a vertical eddy viscosity is more common, the acceleration by first-differencingADCP estimatesof V at wherethe verticalturbulentmomentum flux(•yz -pv'w') is each position (y) between consecutivetransects(•it). During approximatedby pKm(OV/Oz), where K m is the vertical the northward-heading transects, when both RSVP and eddy viscosity and the angle brackets denote an appropriate ADCP data were collected, the ship speed ranged between averagingprocessthat eliminatesshort time scalefluctuations 2.5 and 5 knots(-1.2-2.5 m s-l). At thesespeeds,the in the mean shear (internal waves, noise) but not general averaged (gridded) ADCP profiles have separations of 1.8 trends. An estimateof K m is obtained from the steady state km horizontally and are equivalent to 15-min averages. turbulent kinetic energy equation, where turbulence producAlthough the estimateduncertainty in 15-minADCP velocity tion is assumedto be balancedby viscousdissipation[Osborn, averages is about8 cm s-1 first-differencing thesevelocity 1980; Crawford, 1982;Dillon et al., 1989], estimates over periods of 1-2 days results in relatively larger uncertainties in the acceleration (small differences between large quantities). The errors are reduced by averaging several estimates, each obtained from a first difference between 2 + (OV/Oz) 2 is the totalvertical consecutive transects. Of the nine transects during Phase 1, where(0U/0z)2 = (OU/Oz) eight were complete, resulting in seven estimates of 0V/Ot at shear variance. Dissipation rate estimates from the RSVP each location (both in y and z). Had the M2 tide not been profiles and shear estimates from the ADCP measurements removed from the shipboard ADCP data, aliasing would are combined to give estimates of the ve•ical eddy viscosity. The full flux divergence in (lb) is approximated by the have contributed fictitious accelerations (tidal) as large as ve•ical flux divergence of small-scale meridional momentum (OV/Ot)/f-• 10cm s-• . The second ageostrophic term in (lb) represents zonal given by advection of meridional momentum (UO V/Ox). The meridional transectsdo not provide direct information on the zonal gradients. Only at the two ADCP mooring locations do we Po Po have zonal gradient information on U and V. Therefore for each transect and each mooring location, an estimate of This formulation has been used in the analysis of equatorial UOV/Ox is made from the mean U between mooringand the dynamics, where the flow is not constrained by Coriolis ship track and the first-difference gradient OV/Ox between accelerations [Crawford, 1982; Gregg et al., 1985; Dillon et the two locations. The moored ADCP velocities were averal., 1989]. Here, the individual sections of e and ADCP shear aged over 1.5-hour periods centered when the ship passed are combined and the flux divergence estimated. The final ageostrophic term in the meridional momentum the y location of the mooring. The spatial (ship) ADCP data was averaged over the same interval, representing approxi- equation (lb) to be estimated is the vertical advection of mately - 12 km of ship track. The averageminimum distance mefidional momentum, (W) (OV/Oz). The ve•ical shear in V is obtained by d•erencing the ADCP measurements, as was between the ship track and the moorings was -•4.6 km. The ageostrophiccomponentof the meridionalmomentum described above The ve•ical velocity W is not measured, balance VOV/Oy is estimated directly from the shipboard but a mean value can be estimated using both the RSVP ADCP measurements.Measured V along the ship track (y) is hydrographic data [•z)] and the ADCP velocity (U, V) m• c)Z / • (E), 1 - (t2) 10•yz 0( (•)(OV/Oz) ). - 14,904 DEWEY ET AL.' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT Meridional Momentum Balance X•- ] 0.8 i o d) :a,., • ...... v' "' ...... "'""...... '--• .......:'"" """"': • •_ .... • /'• "" .......' •" ! \ •, --- 104 ' e):• iJ ../ ........ ..... ...•....... ---}'-'-"----'-"'-":-.... •-"-' .... •--•r•'.-•X - :':,,,,•,,• '"""" •......" '""...... "'+- LATITUDE '".+ ,'" "',,. ,,.....v"",,,'", :' ß • 104 DEPTH 25. m Fig. 17. Temporallyaveragedageostrophic contributions(in centimetersper second)to the meridionalmomentum balance at 25m duringphase1, with95%bootstrap confidence limits.To therightaretheseriesvariances (incm2 s-2). (a) The averageaccelerationOV/Ot,not significantly differentfrom zero. (b) MeridionaladvectionVOV/Oy,showing narrowregionsof significance. (c) VerticaladvectionWOV/Oz,with two regionsof highvariability,but insignificantly differentfrom zero. (d) Vertical mixing,almostalwayspositive(deceleration),yet never significantly differentfrom zero. (e) "Geostrophic"residual(solid)from Figure7b, and total residual(dashed)after includingthe ageostrophic contributions.Shown above the two mooringlocationsare the estimatesof zonal advection UOV/Ox, with 95% confidence intervals.At bothlocationsthezonaladvection actsto reducethefinalresidual.Alsoshownat the rightare the rms values for the geostrophicand final residuals. measurements. Since this calculation has not been verified the error variance for any particular measurement will by in situ measurements of W and may not be universally simply be (re 2 = (e/2)2 wheree is anestimate of measureaccepted(or known), AppendixB is dedicatedto a thorough ment uncertainty. For example, given that the ship ADCP description of the formulation and calculation. Unique in the presentanalysisof the meridionalmomentum terms, the vertical advection term is calculated once for each filamentorientation.This is due to the temporalmean required in estimatingreliable vertical velocities. The temporal means, (W) and (OV/Oz), are then multiplied and confidencelimits are determinedfrom the uncertaintyof individualconstituentsleadingto the final product. It is acknowledgedthat (W)(OV/Oz) is not equivalentto (W(OV/ Oz)). Becauseof the temporalaveragingrequiredto estimate reliablevertical velocities(AppendixB), the productof the mean values is deemed a reasonableapproximationto the meanof the productin light of the stationarycharacterof the filament duringthe two phases. Before looking at the estimatedageostrophiccontributions, we shouldestablishthe expectederror level for each term due simplyto measurementuncertainty.Assumingthat measurement errors are random and normally distributed, velocitieshave a uncertaintyof _+8cm s-• the error variancefor U is approximately 16cm2 s-2. Therefore,an estimated variancelessthan--16 cm2 s-2 for a scaled fU term is at or below the expected measurementnoise level. The multiple transects and observations are treated as an ensemble and an uncertainty in a mean estimate from N transects willbereduced by(N - 1)- •/2.Forcertainproduct terms(i.e., UOV/Ox),the errorscanbe assumedto be independent and the error variance is then the sum of the individual variances divided by 22/2.Consequently, theestimated variance noise levels for the remaining meridional momentum terms are(afterscaling by 1001f) 12cm2 s-2 for-(1/p0)OP/Oy, 18cm2 s-2 for OV/Ot, 24cm2 s-2 for UOV/Ox, 30for VOV/Oy (this variance, and others with similar products, is larger because V andOVaredependent andnotrandom), 26cm2 s-2 forWOV/Oz, and24cm2s-2for(1/po)O•yz/OZ. Surprisingly, the ageostrophicterms do not have significantlylarger measurement error variancethan the geostrophicterms; however, no DEWEY ET AL.' STRUCTUREAND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT 14,905 1.9 b) 16.2 Fig. 18. Temporally averagedageostrophiccontributions(in centimetersper second)to the meridional momentum balance at 25m duringphase2, with95%bootstrap confidence limits.To therightaretheseriesvariances (incm2 s-2). (a) The averageaccelerationOV/Ot, now with a singleregion significantlydifferent from zero. (b) Meridional advection VOV/Oy, showing narrow regions of significanceand a greatly increased variability. (c) Vertical advection WOV/Oz, nowhere significantly different from zero. (d) Vertical mixing, clearly a very small ageostrophic component, insignificantlydifferent from zero. (e) "Geostrophic" residual (solid line) from Figure 9b, and total residual (dashed) after including the ageostrophiccontributions. Shown above the two mooring locations are the estimates of zonal advection UOV/Ox, with 95% confidenceintervals. During phase 2 the zonal advection contributesvery little to the meridional momentum balance. Also shown at the right are the rms values for the geostrophic and final residuals, showinga significantincreasein the variability, a result of the fewer observationsduring phase2 as well as the influence of more variable ageostrophiccontributions. additionalerror has been added for the assumptionsused in arriving at the terms. Bootstrappingmultipletransectsof each term also providesconfidencelimits representingthe variability in the observations. Mean values for the five ageostrophicterms for phase 1 (July 2-16) are shown in Figure 17. The stationarity of the filament over this two week period is reflected by the low estimatesin the mean accelerationOV/Ot (Figure 17a). The highest variability (widest confidence interval) occurs near the center of the jet. The meridional advection term (Figure 17b) VOV/Oy is rarely significantlydifferent from zero, with maximum magnitudeswithin the core of the jet. (Note that at the endsof certain momentumcontributions(e.g., VOWay), the bootstrap confidence intervals collapse, indicating regions sampled only once.) Both vertical advection and turbulent diffusion (Figures 17c and 17d, respectively) are negligible over most of the region, with maximum magnitudes to the north. This is a result of the deep mixed layer in the northern extent of the sections (Figure 5c). Large temporal changes in density (Op/Ot)and weak stratification (low N 2) resultin larger estimates of W and e. Below 50 m, within the pycnocline, these terms are negligible. At both mooring locations the mean contributions from UOV/Ox are positive but are not significantly different from zero at a 95% level. Root-mean-square values for the geostrophic and total residuals respectively are shown to the right in Figure 17e. The variance and rms for the geostrophic residual are 66.3 (cm2 s-2) and10.4(cms-•), respectively, andthevariance andrmsforthetotalresidualare78.3(cm2s-2) and10.4(cm s-•), respectively. The additional four completeandtwo mooring location ageostrophic terms have not reduced the variance or rms of the momentum balance residual. The fact that the rms values are larger than the square root of the variances indicates a nonzero mean. If the individual ageostrophic terms represent random noise, the total variance would simply be the sum of the individual variances (66.3 + 9.8 = 76.1 cm2 s-2). The total residualvariance(78.3cm2 14,906 DEWEY ET AL.: STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT S-2)is insignificantly different fromthesumof theindividual variances that are below the estimated noise levels, indicating that the ageostrophic contributions to the meridional momentum equation are indistinguishable from random noise and below the noise level of calculation (measurement). Some variance (perhaps a considerable amount) is omitted by estimating the zonal advection at only two locations, although the indication (Figure 17e) is that this contribution may still be insufficient to balance the "noise" summed in the final residual. Mean values for the five ageostrophic terms for phase 2 (July 20-23) are shown in Figure 18. During phase 2, the meridional advection term has considerably more variance (Figure 18b), a result of the filament turning more northsouth and increased V (Figure 2b). The total residual (Figure Rearranging the terms in (B 1) and assumingthat we can approximateO(pe)/Oz -• pOe/Oz,we get an equation for W, Op/Ox Op/Oy I •-•/•zz Op/Op 0.2 0e W=- (UOp/Oz Op/Oz/ N 20z + V - + . (B3) The three main componentsof (B3) represent horizontal flow along sloping isopycnal surfaces, vertical displacement of isopycnals, and diapycnal mixing. From the RSVP and ADCP sections we can directly estimate all terms in (B3) except the zonal density gradient Op/Ox.To this end, we use the thermal wind equations to equate horizontal isopycnal slopes in terms of vertical velocity gradients. The multiple transects result in temporal resolution sufficient to recover the mean flow and justify the use of the thermal wind 18e)hasa variance of 99.4cm2 s-2, againnearlyequalto the approximation.Upon substitution((#/po)Op/Ox= -f OV/Oz, sum of the individual ageostrophic variances. The increase in residual variance is greater than the sum of the individual noise variances, indicating that certain ageostrophicterms are contributing significant variance but not consistently reducing the rms of the final residual. Both the mean acceleration(Figure 18a) and the meridional advection (Figure 18b) have regions significantly different from zero at the 95% level, and yet they are not always of the right sign to reduce the residual. In particular, the magnitude of the total residual is smaller than the geostrophic residual in the southern section (37.9ø-38.15ø) but larger to the north (38.2ø38.4ø).The variance of the final residual now represents 18% of the observed variance. Again, the total variance is still missing some contributions from the zonal advection, sampled only at two locations. APPENDIX B: ESTIMATING VERTICAL VELOCITY THE MEAN W The following technique for estimating the mean vertical velocity W was first reported by Bryden [1976] and was subsequentlyused in vorticity analyses by Bryden [1980], Hall [1986], and Freeland and Mcintosh [1989]. The formulation is extended here by including contributions to the mean vertical velocity due to vertical mixing. Vertical velocities can be estimated by considering the conservation of mass in an Eulerian reference frame. The conservation of mass can be written, (g/po)Op/Oy= fOU/Oz), we find f OV Op +N20z' W=-•-• UOzV•' _Op Ot/Oz where the thermal wind substitution (B4) assumes that the mean velocity estimates U and V are in near geostrophicbalance. We have already found that the mean zonal velocity field is reasonablyexplained by a simple geostrophicbalance (for phase1), and that the combinedthermal wind approximations probablyintroduce a maximum error of only ---30% in W. In the Bryden [1980] derivation a transformation of coor- dinates is made, and the current components (U, V) are representedin polar coordinates, say, R for current speed and 0 for current direction. The first term in (B4) is then rewrittenas -(f/N2)R200/Oz,whereR is theaveragecurrent speed over the depth interval Oz. Thus W is shown to be proportional to current veering with depth. Brydens' notation is no more intuitive than that shown in (B3) and (B4), component flow along appropriate isopycnal slope. In fact the present notation (B4) shows directly that the vertical velocities are a consequence of adjustments in the local vorticity field. The vertical shears OV/Oz and OU/Oz are the major contributionsto the horizontal componentsof vorticity, sc = (OW/Oy - OV/Oz)and r/ = (OU/Oz - OW/Ox) respectively. Therefore, the vertical velocities represented by the first term in (B4) result from horizontal advection of relative vorticity, namely (UOV/Oz - VOU/Oz) = -(U• + Vr/), if IoU/ozl >> IoW/oxl and Iov/ozl >> IoW/oyl. A similar result is obtained by consideringpotential vorticity OpOpOpOp 0( O•_Zp ) --+ Ot U--+ Ox V m+ Oy W--=-K Oz Oz P ' (B1) dynamics [Levine et al., 1986]. The second and third terms in (B4) represent vertical displacement of isopycnals and the net vertical velocity where p is the densityand turbulentdiffusionhasbeenapproxresultingfrom turbulent diapycnal mixing. Vertical displaceimated by the divergenceof the local vertical turbulent diffuments of isopycnal surfacesmay compensatefor horizontal sioncoefficientworkingon the local verticaldensitygradient. advection of tilted isopycnals but also represents locally Following Osborn [1980], we approximate an upper limit forced upwelling and downwelling. The diapycnal mixing to the turbulent diffusion coefficient by term does not model vertical turbulent velocities (w'), but 0.2e representsthe net raising of potential energy accomplished Kp-<N2, (B2) by turbulent mixing. Both of these contributions to W are estimatedfrom the RSVP sections.The contribution(OtYOt)/ whereN 2 = -(9/po)Op/Oz andtheconstant 0.2isa resultof (OtiOz)is estimatedby first-differencingthe density sections a constant fluxRichardson number Rif = O.15in thesteady betweenconsecutivetransects,thereforeobtainingsevenand state turbulent kinetic energy equation where production is two estimatesfor phases1 and 2, respectively.The diapycnal balanced by dissipation and buoyancy flux. Rohr and Van mixingtermis estimated for eachRSVPsectionof e andN 2. Atta [1987] indicate that laboratory studies show 0.2 is a The first term in (B4) is calculated directly from the resonable approximation in stratified flows with Richardson individualRSVP and ADCP sections of N 2, U, V, OU/Oz, numbersRi • 0.1. and OV/Oz. Averaging this contribution over several realiza- DEWEY ET AL..' STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A COASTAL FILAMENT tions (transects) justifies the use of the thermal wind equations. Instantaneous estimates of W using (B4) have large nongeostrophic contributions to U and V resulting from noise like processes(e.g., inertial waves). Shown in Figure 14 is the mean W structure (in meters per day) for phase 1, formed by summing the three mean contributions. On average, the final contributions to (W) are represented by 8090% from the flow along sloping isopycnals, 10-20% from isopycnaldisplacements and0-10% from diapycnalmixing. Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank all those who assisted in data acquisition: Mike Neeley-Brown, Jose Baer, Ray Kreth, Terry Sullivan, Mark Willis, Pat Collier, Jane Huyer and Rich Schramm. Mike Kosro processedthe shipboard ADCP data, Mark Abbott processed the AVHRR images, and Dave Reinert drafted several figures.The mooringdata was provided courtesyof Bob Smith and Mike Kosro. Fruitful discussions with Dave Hebert, Jane Huyer, Mike Kosro, and Bob Smith greatly assistedin formulating ideas. 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