JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 93, NO. Cll, PAGES 14,005-14,012, NOVEMBER 15, 1988 A New Method for Estimating the Turbulent Heat Flux at the Bottom of the Daily Mixed Layer SHIROIMAWAKI, 1 PEARNP. NIILER,2 CATHERINE H. GAUTIER, 2 DAVID HALPERN, 3 ROBERT A. KNOX,2 WILLIAMG. LARGE, 4 DOUGLASS. LUTHER, 2 JAMESC. MCWILLIAMS, 4 JAMESN. MOUM,5 AND CLAYTON A. PAULSON5 A new method is presented for estimating the vertical turbulent heat flux at the bottom of the daily mixed layer from the temperature data in the mixed layer and net solar irradiance data at the sea surface. We assume that fluctuations in the divergence of advective heat flux have longer than daily time scales. The method is applied to data from the eastern tropical Pacific, where the daily cycle in the temperature field is confined to the upper 10-25 m. The night-to-day difference of the turbulent heat flux calculated from the data obtained during nine daily cycles in November 1984 agrees well on average with the same quantity estimated from microstructure observations. The night-to-day difference of the turbulent heat flux, estimated at several mooring stations near the equator (an average over 100 to 300 daily cycles), variesfrom 120 to 220 W/m 2 with larger valueson the equator. Equatorial turbulencemeasurements show that the turbulent heat flux is much larger during nighttime than daytime. Therefore the present estimatesgive approximately the nighttime average, which is the major part of the turbulent heat flux. From the daytime heat budget we obtain divergence of the low-frequency horizontal heat advection at 1•30'S, 140-•W; it is governed by equatorial mesoscalefluctuations having a predominant period of 15-20 days. Recent observations of the significant nighttime increase of turbulent dissipation at 140:W longitude on the equator [Gregg et al., 1985; Mourn and Caldwell, 1985] suggest that the formation of the daily thermocline occurs during daytime periods of weak turbulence and its erosion occurs during nighttime periods of strong turbulence. Individual temperature profiles should demonstrate this difference of the vertical transport process. However, the time scale and amplitude of these processesin the open ocean are comparable to the time scales and amplitudes of random internal waves, and thus a description of the daily heat budget or the night-to-day differencesin the temperature profiles requires a large data set. In the Tropic Heat and Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS) programs [Eriksen, 1985; Hayes et al., 1986], highly vertically resolved temperature time series of 6 months and longer together with simultaneous surface heat flux estimatesmake sucha daily heat budgetstudy practicable. During the sunlight hours, the upper 25-40 m of the ocean is heated directly by solar radiation and cooled by latent and sensibleheat fluxes and by longwave radiation. Near the equator a daily thermocline is established on most days because heating is larger than cooling over a significant portion of the afternoon. During nighttime the cooling persists,and so some of the stored heat is given back to the atmosphere almost at the same rate as during the daytime before. But because strong turbulence is found at night, some of the stored heat also mixes vertically. Therefore in a water column of fixed thickness, the change in heat content from sunrise to sunset less the change in heat content from sunset to sunrise should •Geophysical Institute,Kyoto University,Kyoto, Japan. 2Scripps Institutionof Oceanography, La Jolla,California. 3jet PropulsionLaboratory,Pasadena,California. •National Centerfor AtmosphericResearch,Boulder,Colorado. 5Collegeof Oceanography, OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis. Copyright 1988 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 8C0334. 0148-0227/88/008 C-0334505.00 reflect, principally, the sum of the shortwave radiation absorbed in the column during daytime and the heat transported out of the bottom of the column during nighttime. Such a simple balance, of course, assumesthat persistent and significant night-to-day differencesin divergenceof advection or surface cooling do not occur (we show later that night-to-day differencesin surfacecooling rates are not significant). It is the purpose of this paper to demonstrate, from observations of ensemble averages of daily heat content changes and surface radiation budgets, that the upper 25 m of broad areas of the equatorial Pacific loses significantly more heat during nighttime than during daytime. Becauseno significant night-to-day bias is found in atmosphericcooling, the implication is that an increase of nighttime mixing occurs over broad areas of the equatorial Pacific in all seasons.This phenomenon was discovered by detailed turbulence measurements over a few days at 140øW. 2. METHOD The equations governing the conservation of heat in the daily mixed layer during daytime and nighttime are i.•tD -- QSO1 -- D -- Qsurf -- D -- (Jadv D -- Qturb o (1) i•t N -- -- Qsurf - N - (Jadv N -- (Jturb N (2) respectively (see Figure 1). Here H is the heat content of a water column with a unit area and constant thickness h and is calculated fromH = •_høpcrdz,wherepc is thespecific heat capacity per unit volume, T is the temperature, and z is the vertical coordinate. The subscript t denotes the local rate of change in time. Qsolis the net solar irradiance (heating) at the sea surface,and Qsurfis the surfacecooling term, which consists of the net outgoing longwave radiation, latent heat flux, and sensibleheat flux. The principal component to Qadvis expectedto be the vertically integrated divergenceof advective heat flux in the horizontal direction' Qturbis the vertical turbulent heat flux at the bottom of the column. The divergence of horizontal turbulent heat flux as well as the divergence of vertical advective heat flux are both additional components of 14,005 14,006 IMAWAKIETAL.' NEW METHODFORTURBULENT HEATFLUX ESTIMATION DAYTIME Osolar NIGHTTIME litI ¸surf I Qsurf dv adv I I Fig. 1. depthit is 30 W/m2 at noon and 240 W/m2 at midnight. Thereforewe anticipatethat the night-to-day differenceof the turbulentheat flux is almostequalto the nighttimeaverage,or Ht Qturb Direct measurementsof turbulent activity and estimatesof turbulentflux near the equatorat 140øW[Gregget al., 1985] show that the turbulent heat flux in the upper layer is much larger during night than during the day. For example,at 25-m Qturb Schematicdiagram of heat balancein the daily mixed layer during {left)daytime and (right) nighttime. the major contribution to this flux. With the assumptionthat the divergenceof advectiveheat flux varieswith a time scalemuchlongerthan the daily cycle, the daily meandivergence of advectiveheat flux (Q•av)is estimated by (Jadv -- -- I-•tD-I-C)sol D-- (Jsurf D (4) Here we neglect the turbulent heat flux during daytime appearing in the right-hand side of (1) becauseit is much smaller than other terms(or any sum terms).The divergenceof advec- tive heat flux is related to the spatial mean velocity(u, v, w) gradient(Tx, T.v,T•)as the divergence of advective heatflux (Qaav). Expressions andtemperature and Q'• meanthe daytime(from0600 through1800local Qadv--pC (urx + vTy+ wT0 dz + horizontaldiffusion meantime) averageand the nighttime(from 1800through h 0600thenextmorning)averageof Q, respectively. In the presentpaper,we are interested in the daily cycle, (5) andin thebeginning, we assume that the divergence of advective heat flux varieswith a time scalemuchlongerthan the In the present case, the divergenceof vertical advective heat to be smallbecause the bottomof the layer daily cycle; the average divergenceof advectiveheat flux flux is considered is closeto the sea surface,vertical velocity is small, and the ((jaav N)duringnighttime is assumed to beequalto that(Qadv) -o duringdaytime.Of course,internalwavesdo advectheat,but their contributionto the day-to-nightdifferencesin the divergenceshouldaverageout over severaldaily cycles.There is a daily accelerationof currentsin the upper oceanas stratificationbuildsup duringthe day in the surfacelayer and momentum flux from the wind becomes distributed over shallow- vertical gradient of temperatureis also small in the layer. Horizontal "diffusion"is due to those spaceand time scales which are not resolved.Here we simply neglectthis contri- bution. Therefore an approximation to (5) is Q•av= Apch(uTx + vTy) (6) er mixedlayerdepths.We havetriedto computethe night-to- wherethe horizontalvelocitiesand temperaturegradientsare day differencein the divergenceof north-south advection of estimated at 10-m depth, h is 25 m, and A is a coefficientof heat on 150-kmspatialscaleand find it to be a very noisy order unity (to be determinedusinga least squaresmethod). Sincewe do not totally resolvev in z and T in y, A is a of later that this assumptionmakessense.As we shall seelater, coefficientwhichmodelsreplacing(5) by (6). The divergence signal.In our paper we assumeit to be small ab initio and find the contributionof motionswith a time scaleof severaldays advectiveheat flux estimatedfrom the heat budget on the right-hand side of (4) will be compared with that estimated kinematically from (6). Strong vertical velocities have been will estimateit also.We proceed,however,with the assumption that thereis no night-to-daybiasin the divergence of the measuredon the equator [Bryden and Brady, 1985] with a to the divergenceof advectiveheat flux is important,and we horizontaladvection.With this assumption,the subtractionof mean over a seasonof about v½= 1 x 10-5 m/s, at 25-m (2) from (1) gives depth. The variations about the mean are the same size. Be- /•,• -- /•,• : {j,o,• -- (Qsurf - • -Q,u,• - • )+ (C)turb N- IC)turb (3) cause a vertical temperature gradient builds up during the daytime, the daytime average of the divergenceof vertical advectionis about pch½• ø (about 20 W/m2). Again, this The day-to-night difference (/7tD-/7t N)of thelocalheatcon- term is much smallerthan thosekept in (3) or (4) tentchangeis givenby the verticalintegralof theday-to-night difference of temperature change as'pcI_hø(A TD-- AT•) dz/At, where A T• is the temperature differencebetween 0600 and 1800, A T• is the temperature difference between 1800 and 3. DATA Three general data sets from the Tropic Heat and EPOCS 0600thenextmorning,andAt isthetimedifference of 0.5day. programs are used in this study. The air-sea interaction data Therefore,using (3), measurements of the temperature come from R/V Wecoma shipboard hourly observations of changesin the upper layer, the net solar irradiance,and the bulk meteorological parameters and measurements of net night-to-daydifferenceof the seasurfacecooling,we can esti- shortwave and longwave fluxes at (0ø, 140ø10'W) from Nomate the night-to-day differenceof turbulent heat flux at the vember 19 to December1, 1984 (Figure 2). Also, 15-min baseof thelayer.From thelimitedhourlymeteorological time averagetime seriesof wind,air temperature, humidity,and sea serieswe have near the equator at 140øW,it is found that the surfacetemperature(SST) were recordedat mooringstation term {Jsurf D-Qs,rf -- N in (3) is not only small in comparison TH10 (1ø30'S, 140ø30'W) from December 1984 to June 1985 withQ-•ol t•(seesection 4),butis alsosmallin comparison with [Payne, 1988]. Latent and sensibleheat fluxes were estimated the sum of all other estimated terms. So we assume this to be from theseobservations by bulk methods(for methodology, thecaseoverotherareasof theeasterntropicalPacific. see Large and Pond [1982] for Wecoma observationsand Ste- IMAWAKI ET AL.' NEW METHOD FORTURBULENTHEAT FLUX ESTIMATION IOøN • I • • a period from November 19 to December 1, 1984, from R/V Wecoma. From these data the vertical profile of the daytime and nighttime averageturbulent heat fluxesis estimatedin the upper layer (0- to 100-m depth) for 12 days' the techniqueis describedby J. N. Moum et al. (Processesin the equatorial mixed layer, submitted to Journal of GeophysicalResearch, • _ - 140, WECOMA 125 I10 ß TH I0 ©TH II _ iOoS 150 øW Fig. 2. -- I 140 ø I I I;50 ø 120 ø I I10ø I 14,007 1988,hereinafter,Moum et al., 1988).Daily valuesof /•t N are alsocalculatedfrom hourly averagedprofiledata obtained by the RSVP. The RSVP station, or Wecoma station, was about 1 n. mi (1.9 km) east of mooring station 140. I00' Locations of ship observation (R/V Wecoma) and mooring 4. stations. RESULTS The turbulent heat flux at 25-m depth estimated from mooring station 140 temperaturedata and Wecomaheat flux obseryenson[1982] for mooring station THI0). At mooring station vations is first compared with that estimated from the RSVP TH10 the net longwave budget was considered to vary only measurementsduring the period of November 19 to December becauseof the change in humidity and SST, and it was esti- 1, 1984. Figure 3 shows vertical profiles of a half of the daymated by the bulk method [Stevenson,1982]; at the Wecoma time minus nighttime temperature change [(ATD --ATN)/2] station it was directly measured by radiometers. The net from mooring station 140. This is equivalent to the average hourly shortwave budget was measured directly at the amplitude of daytime and nighttime temperature changesbeWecoma station. The net shortwave budget was also com- cause the nighttime temperature change is usually negative, puted from GOES 6 satellite irradianceson a daily basis at while the daytime value is positive. The individual daily promooring stations 140, 125, and THI0 [Gautier et al., 1986]; file variability is quite large, especiallybelow 20-m depth. This the shortwave data were sampled on 14 x 14 km pixels and is probably due to the advection associated with highaveragedover 42 x 42 km2 areasaroundeachlocation.Com- frequency internal waves or small-scale fronts which exists parison of Wecomadata with the remotely sensedshortwave even in the daily thermocline.The ensembleaverageover the irradiance data at station 140 over a 12-day average yields a observation of 10 daily cycles, however, yields a significant -6 W/m2 biasand a 12 W/m2 rmsdifference. amplitude only in the upper 20- to 30-m layer. (The profile on The temperature and velocity data come from vector year day 328 is excludedfrom the averagebecauseof its extreme value but is shown in Figure 3.) Below, the error of the averaging current meters, or VACMs (for technique see Halpern [1987]), and temperature recorderson surfacemoorings mean is as large as the ensemblemean. We note that the from various periodsin 1984 and 1985. Table 1 lists the moor- average depth of the surface mixed layer during nighttime ing locations and periods of data used. Typically, data were observedby the RSVP is about 25 m (Moum et al., 1988). recorded every 15 min on moorings and arithmetically Figure 4 displays an intercomparisonof the time seriesof averagedhourly values are used here. The nominal depths of several terms appearing in (3) during the Wecoma observaupper ocean temperature data are 1, 10, 25, and 45 m; cur- tions,computedfrom the mooringstationdata (sparsevertical rents were measured at 10, 25 and 45 m. Moorings T44, T46, samplingand continuoustime sampling)and the RSVP data and T50 have additional temperature sensorsat 35-m depth. (continuousvertical samplingand sparsetime sampling).The The velocity and temperaturedata usedin estimationof daily day-to-nightdifference (/7tD-/7t •) of the local heat content mean advective heat flux divergence were further processed change is calculated by the integration of the day-to-night through a Godin filter with bandwidth of 71 hours [Godin, differenceof temperaturechangeshownin Figure 3 from the 1972] to eliminate the high-frequencyfluctuations, and were sea surfaceto 25-m depth. These separateestimatesagree very subsampledonce a day. The daily cycleof advectionwas thus well except on year days 328 and 329, when the upper layer also filtered. temperaturesat mooring station 140 were unusually low at The third data set was obtained from the rapid sampling sunset(328) and those at the RSVP station were unusually vertical profiler, or RSVP [Caldwell et al., 1985]. Vertical pro- low at the next sunrise (329). A small-scalefront must have files of temperature and turbulent dissipation rates were mea- existedbetween 140 and the RSVP station. Comparison of the sured on the equator at 140ø10'W, 5-10 times in an hour over continuous profile estimatesfrom the RSVP with the discrete TABLE 1. Location and Duration of Temperature and Velocity Data From Mooring Stations Station Mooring Program TH10 THll 140 125 TH10 THll T44 T40 T46 T50 T38 T42 T47 T51 Tropic Heat Tropic Heat EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS EPOCS 110 Location - lø30'N, -3ø10'N, -0ø02'N, -0ø02'N, -0ø01'N, -0ø01'N, 0ø00'N, 0ø03'N, 0ø04'N, 0ø06'N, 140ø30'W 140ø23'W 140ø09'W 124ø33'W 124ø34'W 124ø35'W 109ø13'W 109ø51'W 110ø04'W 110ø01'W Data Period Dec. 6, 1984, to June 13, 1985 Dec. 9, 1984, to April 30, 1985 Oct. 26, 1984, to April 28, 1985 April 22 to Sept. 26, 1984 Oct. 20, 1984, to May 5, 1985 May 5 to Oct. 5, 1985 Nov. 2, 1983, to April 17, 1984 April 18 to Oct. 16, 1984 Oct. 17 to Nov. 29, 1984 May 9 to Sept. 17, 1985 14,008 IMAWAKI ET AL.' NEW METHOD FORTURBULENTHEAT FLUX ESTIMATION sured on board R/V I'Vecoma. It is fairly steady with an averageof 535 _+10 W/me over 11 days of daylighthours. Also shown is the day-to-night difference of the turbulent and longwaveheatfluxcomponents throughthe seasurface, -Q,,a •. The l 1-dailycycleaveragevalueof Q•a is quite -"- significant,havinga daytimeaverageof 135 + 14 W/m e, and nighttimeaverageof 160 + 13 W/m:. However,its day-tonightdifferenceis small,havingan averageof -25 + 6 W/m :. 2O From thesequantitieswe can now estimatethe night-to-day difference of theturbulentheatflux(•t,•t,• - •t•t,/9)(triangles in Figure 4) using (3). An estimate over a single day does not make sense because both weak negative and large positive values occur, mostly due to the high-frequency fluctuation of the day-to-night difference of the local heat content change. Apparently, internal waves or small-scaleadvective features are presentin the daily thermocline.The averageof (Q-t•t, • -D -- Qturt,) averageover nine daily cyclesfrom mooringstation - 0.5 0 TEMPERATURE 0.5 DIFFERENCE (øC) 140 is 131 + 74 W/m2; the averagefrom WecornaRSVP temperatureprofilesis 87 + 77 W/m 2. during the 11 daily cyclesof Wecornaobservation. Solid lines are for Estimatesof vertical heat flux due to turbulent mixing were also made from RSVP dissipation measurements.The nighttime mean of the turbulent heat flux at 25-m depth is 112 individual daily profiles,and the dotted line is for the 10 daily cycle average.The dashedline is the extremevalue omitted(year day 328). W/m: on an averageover 9 daily cycles(with year days 328 and 329, excluded,and the daytimeone is 47 W/m :, the latter Fig. 3. Vertical profilesof a half of the daytime minus nighttime temperaturechange[(ATo -- ATN)/2] observedat mooringstation140 occurs mostly from 0600 to 1000 local time (Moum et al., 1988). Therefore the night-to-day difference of the turbulent profile estimatesfrom the mooring data, showsthat the mooring data at discretedepthsare adequatefor the presentanaly- heat flux is 65 W/m e. The aboveestimatesbasedon the heat sis. The day-to-night difference of the local heat content change averaged over nine daily cycles(with the 328 and 329 with this value within budget from temperature and net solar irradiance data agree estimated errors. A similar analysis is now done at the mooring stations in year daysexcluded)is 691 _ 81 W/m 2 from the mooringdata the easterntropical Pacific, which have sufficientresolution of and 644 -i- 87 W/m2 from the RSVP data.If all 11 dailycycles temperature in the upper ocean. Here the day-to-night differ- are included,the mooring data yields 592 q- 137 W/m 2 and the RSVP yields670 -i- 127W/m e. Figure4 alsodisplaysthe net solarirradiance(•so•/9) mea- ence(Q•a -Q•,• ) of the net surfaceheat flux is neglected everywhere,becauseit is small where the data exist to estimate this quantity. Figure 5 showsthe time seriesof daytime mean -- D (Qsua)andnighttimemean(Q,•a•) of thenetsurface heatflux 1500 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I at mooring station TH10. Fluctuations of these two are strongly correlated, having a correlation coefficient of 0.92. The day-to-nightdifferenceis very small;it is --6 W/m: on an averagewith the rmsfluctuationof 23 W/m :. 0 The monthly ensembleaveragesof a half of the daytime I000 4OO E 5OO 300 ß, 0 . j ':'i 2OO -- ß I00 _ 500' 5,?.5 330 YEAR Fig. 4. 335 DAY OF 1984 Heat budget estimated during the I'Vecomaobservation. Theday-to-night difference (/•tD-/•t N,dots)of thelocalheatcontent change, thenetsolarirradiance(•so•D,solidline),andtheday-to-night difference ({]surf a - {].•,aN,dashedline)of thenetsurface heatfluxare shown.The trianglesare the night-to-daydifference (•tu•bs- •tu•ba) 50 I00 150 YEAR DAY OF 1985 of the turbulent heat flux calculatedfrom thesequantities (solid symbols are from meeting station data). Open circlesare the day-to-night difference of the local heat content change calculated from the RSVP -- D, top solid line), and Fig. 5. Time seriesof daytimemean Qsua nighttimemean (Q.•ua, dottedline) of the net surfaceheat flux at mooringstationTH10, and also their difference(Q•ua - a -- Q•ua - s, data. bottom solid line). -- N IMAWAKIET AL.' NEW METHOD FORTURBULENTHEAT FLUX ESTIMATION TH I0 140 included in the November 1984 value at mooring station 140 (Figure 6a). At 140øW (Figure 6a) the daily fluctuation of temperature is restricted to the upper 25-m layer on average, and the amplitude of sea surface(1-m depth) temperaturefluctuation is 0.2ø-0.4øC. (Resultsfrom mooring station TH11 are not shown here becausethe sea surface temperature data are missing,but amplitudes at 10-m and 25-m depths are similar in amplitude to those at mooring stations 140 and TH10.) Moving to the east, the situation becomes different. At 110øW (Figure 6c) there seemsto be a seasonalchange of the upper ocean temperature cycle. In January through April, the daily fluctuation does not penetrates deeper than 10-m depth and the amplitude of the sea surface temperature is as large as 0.7ø-0.8øCßthis is the period of warming sea surface temperature and weakening wind. In July through October, wind strength increases,the daily cycle penetrate deeper than 10-m depth, and the sea surface temperature change is reduced to 0.2ø-0.5øC. At 110øW the fluctuations at 25-m depth, which are reflected in the estimated errors, are larger than these at 0.6 0.4 .,.-..,. 0.2 lorn n,- 0.4 • 0.2 uJ 0 n 0.4 •- 0.2 25m • -O2 ii 12 i 2 1984 3 121 4 - 2545 1984 1985 1985 Fig. 6a 125 0.6 Jm 140øW because at 110øW 0.2 o I I 0 I • I I I 25m 0.2 --0.2 • I I I I i I I I I I I I I II 12 I 2 • 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 56789 1985 1984 Fig. 6b II0 io Jrn 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o 10rn 0.4 I o 0.4_ 0.2- defined 0 -0.2 -0.4 I II I I 12 I 1983 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I I0 I II I I 56789 I I 1985 1984 Fig. 6c Fig. 6. The monthly mean of a half of the daytime minus nighttime temperaturechange[(,&To - ,&TN)/2 ] observedat three depths(1, 10, and 25 m) at mooring stations (a) 140 and TH10, (b) 125, and (c) 110 (see Figure 2 for locations).The bars are the errors of the mean. The abscissa is time in months from the main thermocline is closer to the surface, and internal waves are larger at a shallower depth. It is interesting to note that a warming of the deeper levels at night occurs both at 125øW and 110øW (Figures 6b and 6c) when maximum heating occurs during the day in the upper layers. This could conceivably be explained by the coincidence that the sensorswere in that part of the upper layers which were warmed at night by vertical mixing. The monthly mean day-to-night differenceof the local heat content change is calculated from the temperature change difference to 25 m (Figure 6) and is shown in Figure 7. Results are not shown for mooring station 110, partly because it is apparent that vertical resolution of the temperature data available is not sufficient to resolve the shallower daily cycle, and partly becausethe net solar irradiance data are not available at that longitude. In Figure 7 the monthly mean net solar irradiance, as estimated from satellite data, is also shown. It is quite uniform in time and spaceover the moored array. From these two quantities we calculate the monthly mean night-to-day difference of the turbulent heat flux at the bottom of the layer by use of (3), neglecting the net surface heat flux terms. At mooring station 125, even monthly ensemble means fluctuate, mostly owing to the large temperature fluctuation at the sea surface (Figure 6b)' there a seasonal signal is not evident in the present data. The record length averages of the terms in (3) are tabulated in Table 2. A 6-month mean is well I I I 0.4 0.4 14,009 1983 to 1985. minus nighttime temperature changes at the upper three depths(1, 10,and 25 m) are shownin Figure6 (theva]ues which lie outside 3 standard deviationsof the original data set are excluded).The data during the Wecoma observationsare at each station because the error of the mean is much smaller than the mean. The night-to-day difference of the turbulent heat flux is smaller at mooring station TH10, which is off the equator, than at equatorial stations. We resist the temptation to infer a quantitative seasonalcycle, based on less than 2 years of data. Nevertheless,it is suggestedqualitatively and might be resolved with longer records especially at 110øW. The daily mean divergenceof advective heat flux (Qadv)is calculated at mooring station TH10 (at 1ø30'S)by use of the heat budget equation (4), and its components are shown in Figure8a neglecting about50 W/m2 for Qt,rbD.The dailydata are smoothed by a Gaussian three-point filter with weights (0.25-0.5-0.25) to emphasize the lower-frequency fluctuations. The largest contribution is due to the heat storage change. The divergenceof heat advection has a predominant period of 15-20 days from the beginning of the observation to year day 75. This is primarily north to south movement of the edge of 14,010 IMAWAKI ET AL.' NEW METHOD FORTURBULENTHEAT FLUX ESTIMATION 140 125 TH I0 I000 IOOO 8OO 8oo 6OO 600 4OO 400 200 2OO 2 1984 3 4 12 1985 1984 I 2 3 4 5 7 1985 8 9 I II 12 I I • I I• I I I I I 1984 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1985 Fig. 7a Fig. 7b Fig. 7. Monthlymeanheat budgetestimatedat mooringstations(a) 140 and THI0 and (b) 125.The day-to-night difference (I7tD- iqtN, opencircles)of the localheatcontentchange,the net solarirradiance - D, solid line), and the (Qsol night-to-day difference (qturb N-- (•turb D,crosses) of theturbulentheatfluxareshown.The barsaretheerrorsof themean. The abscissa is time in months from 1984 to 1985. 5. DISCUSSION the cold pool and is related to the equatorial mesoscalefluctuation, which is clearly seen in satellite AVHRR sea surface It should be noted that in the presentheat budget estimates, temperature data [Legeckis, 1977] and moored current meter only relative accuraciesof temperature measurementsare redata [Philander et al., 1985]. quired; systematicbias errors in temperature sensorsdo not The part of the divergenceof advectiveheat flux associated causean error in estimationof the local heat contentchange. withthemeridional velocity,ApchvTy, is estimated fromdaily The estimated error tSH is proportioned to the calibration velocity data at 10-m depth at mooring station THI0 and error7 (in per cent)of sensorsensitivity; namely,tSH= 7(/•tD from daily temperaturedata at 10-m depth at mooringsta- -/•tN). Thereforetemperature sensors havinga 5% accuracy tions 140 and TH11 (Figure 8b). The divergenceof advective giveusableestimates (with an error of 35 W/m2) of the day-toheat flux (Qadv)(Figure 8a) estimated as a residual of heat night difference of the local heat content change (provided budget(equation(4)) and this divergenceof meridionaladvec- that the true valueis some700 W/m2). tive flux (ApchvT•.) are correlatedvery well with eachother The most important issue about the accuracy of the tech(correlationcoefficient0.72). The least squareregressiongives nique is the vertical resolution and number of daily cycles A of 1.3,whichindicates possible underestimation of Ty,from averaged. Let N temperature sensors be deployed evenly moorings 3ø apart. The record length average of the diver- throughout the layer of thickness h, each sensor have a gence of advective heat flux estimated from (4) is 53 + 33 measurementaccuracy of s(øC),and averagesbe made over M W/m2.The recordlengthaverageof dailymeandivergence of daily cycles; then the random error tSH in the estimate of the day-to-night difference of the local heat content change is data and (6) is 48 _+24 W/m2. It comeslargelyfrom the south- given by ward flowing mean meridional velocity t5and the southward (6)x/2pchs increasing mean temperature gradient•; Apcht• = 61 At(NM) •/2 W/m 2. At this longitude it appears that the excessheat at meridional advective heat flux estimated from current meter 1ø30'S is transferred away from the equator by the mean southward flow. The divergence of the eddy heat flux is a smaller quantity. TABLE 2. Number Station 140 TH10 125 125 Note that if the depth is doubled, four times the number of sensorsare required to keep the error the same.For h = 25 m, as in the presentcase,tSH= [4.85 x 103t•/(NH) •/2] W/m2. Average Heat Budget of Observation Period Cycles •,D __•,N 0sol o 0turb m -- 0turb o Oct. 1984to April 1985 Dec. 1984 to June 1985 April-Sept. 1984 Oct. 1984to Oct. 1985 178 185 145 331 705 -+ 32 638 -+ 25 728 _+53 674 -+ 26 523 -+ 4 519 _+4 510 +_4 513 _+4 181 _+32 (149-213) 119 _+25 (94-144) 218 _+53 (165-271) 161 _+26 (135-187) Values are given as mean _ error in wattsper squaremeter. Rangesin parenthesesare mean + error to mean - error. IMAWAKI ETAL.'NEWMETHOD FORTURBULENT HEATFLUXESTIMATION 14,011 --D Qsol 5OO --D Qsurf • ; ..,;2•, , ',,•""•,• Qadv I I -20 I I I 0 I I I I I I 20 I I I I I 40 I I I 60 I I 80 I I I I I00 I I I , 120 !III80 IIIII00 IIII120 -500-20 0 2040i0 YEAR YEAR DAY OF 1985 Fig. 8a DAY OF 1985 Fig. 8b Fig. 8. Timeseriesof dailymeandivergence of advective heatflux((Jaav) at mooringstationTHi0, (a) showntogether with components from whichit is estimatedby useof the heatbudgetequation(4) and (b) shown(thesolidline)together with thedivergence of themeridionaladvective heatflux(dottedline)estimated directlyfromthe velocityandtemperature data by use of (6). Since the calibration errors of the VACM temperature sensors The present resultssuggestthat such a night-to-day difference are 0.02øC (P. Bedard, personal communication, 1987) and of turbulence is prevalent over the entire eastern tropical Pa- N - 3 in the presentcase,the estimatedaccuracyis 56 W/m 2 for daily estimatesand 10 W/m 2 for monthly averages.The cific. There is also a suggestionthat the estimated nighttime turbulent heat flux is a little larger on the equator (mooring station 140) than at 1ø30'S (mooring station TH10). It might be related to the strong vertical shear associated with the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent the upper 25-m layer, the estimatederror is 20 W/m 2 for on the equator. Recently, Newell [1986] has suggestedthat E1 monthly averages,which is also reasonable.It should be kept Nifio conditions in the eastern Pacific can be caused by drain mind, however, that the actual estimatescontain large tem- matic changes of the upper ocean vertical turbulent fluxes poral fluctuations due to high-frequency advective processes, (rather than horizontal heat advection). Our computations at and the error due to those fluctuations is generally much 110øW lend credenceto this hypothesis as they suggesta sealarger than the error due to measurements. sonal cycle in night-to-day differencesin the daily heat storage In the present paper the solar irradiance is assumed to be and a concomitant changein vertical turbulent transports. absorbed completely in the surface mixed layer (to 25-m The most advantageouspoint of this method is that it does depth), but actually some of it penetratesto deeper layers. We not require the net surfaceheat flux data, which requires sevdo not have the measurementsfrom which the water type at eral meteorological measurements at the sea surface. Only the sites can be specified accurately, but 4-11% of the solar hourly-averaged upper layer temperature profiles are required irradiance at the sea surfaceis expected to penetrate to 25 m twice a day (at 0600 and 1800 local time), as well as an accu(the estimate is based on the equation by Paulsonand Simpson rate estimate of the net solar shortwave flux at the sea surface. [1977] and water classifications by $imonot and Le Treut The former can be obtained more easily than the meteorologi[1986]). The net solar irradiance absorbed in the surfacelayer cal data, for example,by drifting or moored thermistor chains, (shown in Table 2 and Figure 7) should be reduced by 4-11%, provided that a sufficient number of sensors with adequate latter seems satisfactory. The sensor number of three is the minimum requirement for the present purpose and should be increasedin future. For example, if a thermistor chain having five sensorswith measured accuracy of 0.05øC is deployed in whichresultsin a 20- to 60-W/m2 increasein the night-to-day accuraciesare installed in the daily thermocline. The latter can difference of the turbulent heat flux. The presentmethod dependsupon the assumptionthat significant and persistentday-to-night differencesof the advective heat flux divergenceand the sea surfacecooling do not exist. If internal wave activity has a day-to-night bias, then our inter- pretationof (t/tø -/-•t N- •solD) as the increaseof nighttime turbulence is flawed. The suggestionto view the moored array data in this manner came, of course, from turbulence measurements during the Wecoma observationswhich showed significant night-to-day differencesin the turbulent dissipation activity [Moum and Caldwell, 1985]; in the Wecoma observa- tions,two thirdsof the verticalflux occurredduringthe night. be obtained from routine satellite observations. Acknowledgments. 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