VOL. 79, NO. 30 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH OCTOBER 20, 1974 Temporal Variability of SuspendedMatter in Astoria Canyon WILLIAM S. PLANK, J. RONALD V. ZANEVELD, AND HASONG PAK Schoolof Oceanography,OregonState University,Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Suspended matter in Astoriacanyonwasmonitoredby meansof an in situnephelometer and by means of light-scatteringand particle concentrationmeasurementsperformed aboard ship on water samples. Nephelometerprofilesobtainedalongthe axis of the canyonin February and April 1973indicatethat the canyonis dividedinto two distinctzones:a nearshorezonein whichthe suspensoid distributionundergoes largechangesand an offshorezonein whichthe distributionvariesto a muchlesserdegree.A 15-hour time seriesof light-scatteringand particleconcentrationprofilesat a depth of 1100m in the canyonshows extensive and rapid changes in suspended matterconcentration at severaldepths.The effectof nonsteady state distributionsof suspendedmatter on calculationsof the coefficientof eddy diffusivity is examined and shown to be an important considerationin a submarinecanyon. The extent to which observed distributions of suspended matter vary with time is important relative to their rolesas indicators of abyssalcirculation and sedimentdispersal,and at the present time, information on the time variability of pended matter within the canyon. A general survey of the bathymetry and geology of the canyon has been done by Carlson[1967]. His studiesof sedimentationin the canyonindicatethat major erosionalactivityhasceasedin the canyonas suspended particulates, especially in the deepocean,islimited. a resultof the increasingdistanceof the canyonheadfrom the In estuariesand on the continentalshelfa greatdeal of work shoreline.The canyon, at present,appearsto be filling up. has been done concerningthe distribution and transport of EXPERIMENTAL METHODS sediments[Swiftet al., 1972].However,observationsof changSeveral different techniqueswere used in our studiesof ing distributionsof suspendedmatter, which are an integral part of the problemof sedimenttransport,havebeenrare. The suspendedmatter. On earlier cruises,water sampleswere responseof suspendedsediment to tidal effects has been collected in plastic National Institute of Oceanography studiedbySchubel [1969,i971], Wasowski [1974],andothers. bottles, and laboratorymeasurements were made of light Overthecohtinental shelf,Rodolfo etal. [1971]haveobserved scattering by usinga Brice-Phoenix light-scattering photomthe responses of suspendedmatter to a hurricane,and Harlett [1972], in a study of sediment transport on the shelf off Oregon, reported severaltime-seriesmeasurementsof light transmissionin depths of 100-200 m. The data presentedin this report resultedfrom our effortsto determinehow the observeddistributionsof suspendedparticulatesrespondto the regimesof wind, surfaceand internal waves, and tides and currentsin deep oceanicwaters. Our initial efforts in this study were to determine.theextent in time and spaceof changesin the concentrationof suspended matter in the nearshore region and to extend these measurements eter and of particle concentration and size distribution by usinga Coultercounter.On later cruises,in situprofilesof light scatteringweremeasuredby usinga nephelometer constructedby the optical oceanography group at OregonState University.The instrument,which hasbeendescribedin detail previously[Planket al., 1972],measures the intensityof light scatteredat 45ø at dept•hsup to 10,000metersand providesa deck readout of the light-scatteringsignal along with temperature and depth signals. A surface-actuatedrosette samplerallowsthe collectionof water samplesat any depth. In addition to the light-scattering and particle measurements, temperature and conductivity were determined It was felt that Astoria canyon would be an advantageous with a Geodyne CTD. site for this study for several reasons.It has been suggested DATA often [Moore, 1969;Lyall et al., 1971]that submarinecanyons Figure I showsthe bathymetry of the Astoria canyon are sitesof 'channelization'of sedimenttransport and perhaps region and the location of the stationsat which measurements of bottom water flow, and there have been numerous studiesof bottom currents in submarine canyons [Fenner et al., 1971; were made. Thesestationsrangedin depth from 500 m, 28 km Shepardand Marshall, 1973;Keller et al., 1973], all of which (15 n. mi.) off the mouth of the Columbia River, to 1900 m, have shownthat bottom currentsof significantmagnitudeex- 106 km (57 n. mi.) off the coast. The shalloweststation was ist in canyons and that flow reversals are common. One locatednearthe beginningof the canyon,whererelief between offshore. floorandthenearbyshelfwasabout200m. The wouldthusexpectthat con•litions wouldbe favorable for thecanyon deepeststationwas locatednear the point wherethe canyon reachesthe Astoria fan and becomesa deepseafan valley.The Astoria canyon is located off the mouth of the Columbia stationswere intendedto be locatedalong the axisof the canRiver, a sourceof large amounts of particulate matter [Gross yon, however,the strongsurfacecurrentsin the area and the and Nelson, 1966; Pak et al., 1970; Conomosand Gross, 1972]. narrownessof the canyonfloor (as little as 0.6 km) made it Also, storm activity and large wavesare not uncommon,a fact difficultto consistentlyachievethis aim. Thesedifficultiesacin depthsat stationsof well known to oceanographersand others in this area. count for the lack of correspondence the same number on different cruises. All these factors seemedto indicate a high probability of The data presentedhere were collectedon three different measurable short-term changes in the distribution of susresuspensionand advective and diffusive transport of par- ticulates. cruises in 1972 and 1973. In November Copyright¸ 1974by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. , 4536 1972 a 15-hour time seriesof light scatteringand particlecontentwasobtainedin a PLANK ET AL.: SUSPENDEDMATTER IN THE OCEAN $0' 20' 4537 125• 00' $0' / ß-- 124•00' 20' 5 COLUMB RIVER I 6 4 :3 2: '/ • IO {• 12 II oo' 9 o•KILOMETERS •o 2o I ß I ß 40' 40' :50' 125e00' ::50' 124e00 ' Fig. 1. Bathymetryand station locationsin the vicinity of Astoria canyonafter Carlson[1967]. terestingin severalrespects.We can seethat, especiallyfor the stationsnearer shore,there is a great deal of variation between the profilestaken in February and thosetaken in April. Some of the more pronounceddifferencesincludethe light-scattering maximums at 200-350 m at stations 5, 6, and 7 in February closest to the bottom. The date and time each station was octhat do not appear in April and the intense maximum at cupiedare shownbelow the profilesso that the degreeof non- 100-200 m at stations1, 3, 4, and 5 in April, which is presentto synopticityof the data can be evaluated.The profilesrepresent someextent at stations2 and 3 in February but is not nearly as the relative magnitude of the logarithm of the value of the well defined then. At the majority of the stationsthe intensity volume-scatteringfunction fi at 45ø from the forward direc- of light scatteringincreasesas we approach the bottom, but tion. Although the instrumentcalibrationdid not changefrom the magnitudeof the increase,as well as the depthrangeover station to station, it was not calibrated in absolute values of which the increasetakes place, varies a great deal. The most fi(45), so that we can really only comparethe shapesof the striking differenceis at station 7 where in February there is acurves. 350-m-thick layer of high-intensityscatteringadjacent to the Figures 3 and 4 present the results of the time-series bottom but in April the layer is only about 50 m thick and the measurementof light scatteringand particle content. These vertical gradient of light scatteringis extremely high. These measurements were made between stations 7 and 8 as close to observed differencesbetween the February and April disthe axis of the canyonas possiblein approximately1100m of tributions of light scatteringare indicationsof the nonsteady water. During the time seriesof 6 nephelometerlowerings, state nature of the regimesof advectiveand diffusiveenergy which lasted from 0730 and 2230 on November 20, 1972, the which, along with particle settling and the strengthof the ship drifted 3.9 km (2.1 n. mi.) in a westerlydirection,which various particle sources, determines the distribution of drift accountsfor the increasingdepth during the time on sta- suspendedmatter. It seemslikely that the pronouncedmaximumsat depths tion. Figure 3 showsthe profilesof fi(45) as determinedby in vitro measurementswith the Brice-Phoenix light-scattering between 100 and 350 m, as noted above, are related to erosion photometeron water samplescollectedby hydrographiccasts and near-bottomtransporton the shelf,which in this area exand also correspondingprofiles of the total number of par- tendsoffshoreabout 56 km (30 n. mi.) and lies at a depth of ticles per milliliter greater than 2.2 •tm as determined by about 180 m near the shelf break. The light-scatteringmaximumsat depthsequal to or lessthan the surroundingshelf Coulter counter measurementson the same samples. In Figure 4 the valuesof particlecount havebeencontoured depth may representsedimenterodednearbyor further into presenta temporal crosssectionof suspendedparticulate shoreat shallowerdepthsand then transportedinto the axisof variation. The cross section is also to some extent spatial the canyonby offshoreor longshore currents.The maximums at depthsgreaterthan the surroundingshelfdepthmay repbecauseof the drift of the ship during the experiment. resent material similarly eroded and transported but of depthof 1100m on the canyonaxis,and in February and April 1973 light-scattering profiles were obtained at a series of stationsalong the canyon axis. Figure 2 showsthis seriesof light-scatteringprofiles. The relative geographicposition of eachprofileis indicatedby the point at whichthe profilecomes , DISCUSSION ß The two sets of nephelometerprofiles in Figure 2 are in- sufficient size to have settled somewhat trapped in the canyon. and thus become 4538 PLANK ET AL..' SUSPENDEDMATTER IN THE OCEAN o o • 0 o -' I o o E oo x o 0 i I o. '•H o 'Hld30 ,•. o o. - ßtull ' H.Ld':i0 u"!. - o. PLANK ET AL.' SUSPENDED MATTER IN THE OCEAN LIGHT SCATTERING,/• (45), (m-ster)-I x I0 -s o o 5 I0 15 ! ! ! 0 5 I0 ! i 15 0 4539 PARTICLE COUNT, (ml)-' x 102 5 I0 15 5 I0 15 i ! ! 0 ' 5 I0 [ ! 15 0 5 I0 15 ! i i 0.5 05 ,) E ~ LiJ 1.0 0730 PST I0 bj -- 1030 1525 1650 1925 2230 -- LIGHT ---- SCATTERING PARTICLE CRUISE COUNT Y7211C NOV 15- 20, 1.5 I 1972 I Fig.3. Profiles ofthevolume-scattering function/5(45) in(msr) -• X 10-3andthenumber ot'particles permilliliter larger than 2.2tzm atthe time-seriesstation in Astoria canyon. The variationsin the shapeof the light-scattering profileat station7 are undoubtedlya resultof thechangingnatureof the fieldsof diffusiveand advectiveenergywithinthe canyon.The near-bottomthick layerof high-intensity light scatteringpresent in the Februaryprofilemay be a resultof high-energy vertical diffusionin the lower part of the water column.On the other hand, the thin layerwith alarge verticalgradientat this same location may indicate bottom currents of sufficient TIME o ooo I OF ,oo velocity to erode sedimentsbut vertical diffusion that is insufficientto transport the material upward. Along with the February to April variationsin the profiles at stationsI through 8, another strikingthing we noticeabout thesedata is the lack of temporal variation in overall shape betweenthe profilestaken at stations9-12. Although there are small-scale differences, light scattering appears to have changed very little between February and April and, in OBSERVATION 1600 •_ ............................................. _...!, ........... ,............................................. i ..2000 _ 0.2 0.4 , '.-.....:.:.:.:.:.-.'.- ß• 0.6 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.'.'...... a. 0.8 ...........ß•.ßß•'ßßß••ßß• ßß ::::::::::::::::::::: "'.•.ßo. ==================================== .... ß.'.'.':'.'.':':':':':':':-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:-:.'.'.'" : ...'.,. ß ..'',:',::,::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.0 _ 1.2 Fig. 4. Contoursof particlecountdata from Figure3 duringtime-series measurement in Astoriacanyon.Arrowsindicatetimesof nephelometerlowerings. PLANK ETAL.:SUSPENDE[• MATTER INTHEOCEAN 454O general, it seemsthat the incr6asein light scatteringnear the bottom seems less marked than in the stations closer to shore. As a result,it appearsreasonableto divide the canyoninto two distinct regionsthat reflect the observedlight-scatteringdistribution and the probable regimesof advectionand mixing. Zone I (between•tations I and 9). This is a zone of high temporalvariability in the processes of advectionand diffusion leading to large spatial and temporal gradientsin suspended matter. Bottom erosion and near-bottom turbulent transport are likely. Flow is probably channelizedto a large extent. Zone 2 (beyondstation 9). This is a 'quieter' zone where propertiesare more stable.Erosion of bottom sedimentsis less likely in this zone, althoughthere is still somevariability in the suspensoidsresulting from nonsteady state advection and horizontal and vertical mixing. By examining the bathymetry of the canyon we can find a possibleexplanationfor this division. Shorewardof station 9, bathymetric profiles acrossthe canyon show a deep(up to 500 m) canyon with steep sides. Water motions here would be restricted laterally and the likelihood of strong horizontal currents and vertical mixing greater. Beyond station 9 the shapeof the canyonchanges.The heightof the canyonwallsis less(<300 m) and the slope of the walls more graqlual.The effectis to allow more lateral spreading,whichmay reducethe velocityof axial currentsand decreasethe intensityof vertical gradients within the canyon. The characteristics of the suspended sediment distribution in zone I are also undoubtedly related to the nearnessof sedimentsources(Columbia River, surf zone) and the greater intensityof surfacewave effects. We can get someidea of the magnitude and rapidity of the changesin the distribution of suspendedmatter by examining the resultsof the time-seriesmeasurementsof light scattering and particle count in Figures 3 and 4. During a time period of 15 hours the measurementsof both of these properties increasedby a factor of about 1.9 near the bottom, and it can be seenthat a turbid layer about 300 m in thicknessadjacentto the bottom has appeared in this short time. Also an intermediatemaximum at 800-900 m depth has completelydisappeared,and a maximum at 300-400 m depth hasdiminished greatly in intensity. Previousinvestigators have indicatedrelationshipsbetween suspended matter and canyon bottom currents or meteorologicalconditions [Rodolfoet al., 1971; Shepardand Marshall, 1973].Shipboardrecordsof wind and seastateshow that there was a fairly rapid rise in wind speed(from 5 to 10 m/s in about 18 hours)and in waveheight(from about 1.3 to 2.7 m) about 60 hours prior to the beginningof the time series.These strong winds blew for about 36 hours and then decreased to less than 2.5 m/s. At the time the measurements about 1.8 cm/s. It seemsunlikely thereforethat our observed rise in particle concentration near the bottom is the direct result of the meteorological conditionsobservedduringthe cruise.It is possible,of course,that we couldbe observing the resultsof somepreviousstorm,however,considering the lack of spatial coherencein the canyon bottom currentsobserved by Shepardand Marshall [1973] and the time variabilitywe have observedin suspensoid distributions,it is probablyunrealisticto think of 'patches'of sedimenttravelingdown the lengthof a canyon,and we shouldrather think of a continuous processof erosion,mixing, advection,redeposition,etc. What weseethenat a depthof 1000m (35 n. mi.) offthecoastmay be poorly correlatedwith recentmeteorologicalevents. Measurementsof temperatureand salinitymadecoincident with measurements of light scatteringand particlecountgave no indication of the changestaking place below the surface layers. Severalauthorshaveusedobservedprofilesof light scattering or particleconcentrationto computecoefficients of vertical eddydiffusivity[Ichiye,1966;EittreimandEwing,1972;Ichiye et al., 1972],and it hasbeennecessary becauseof a lack of data on temporalvariabilityto assumesteadystatein thesecases. Given the time serieswe have observedwe can attemptto determine the effect of the time-dependentnature of the observed distributions. Since in this case we lack data on the horizontaldistributionof suspended matter and the velocity field,we•hallassume thatonlyverticalprocesses areat work. If we disregard the effectsof horizontal advection and diffu- sion,we will obtainan upperlimit on the magnitudeof vertical eddy diffusivity.We may then useas the diffusionequation 0-• A,•z- -- •zz[wP]- Ot where P is the concentrationof a property. In this casewe use light-scatteringvaluesthat are assumedto be proportionalto the concentration of suspendedmatter. There is some experimental justification for this assumption [Beardsleyet al., 1970].In this case,w will refer only to the settlingvelocityof the particles;we assumevertical advection, which is included in this term to be negligible.Also, sincew varieswith particle size and density,we will choosea singlesettlingvelocityfor a particle of averagesizeand representativedensity.The effect of the useof the completeparticlesizedistributionin solutions to the diffusion equation has been consideredby Zaneveld [1972],and it seemslikelythat the useof a singleaverageparticle size is adequatefor our purposeshere. In order to determine the effect of the time-dependent nature of the particledistributionwe first assumesteadystate. The diffusion equation then becomes were taken the wind was againin the processof increasingto W/Az = 1/P OP/Oz above 10 m/s. It is possiblethat the increasein suspended matter adjacentto the bottom is the resultof sedimenterosion In ordertocalculate Azweassume a settling velocity of 1.8X in shallowwater and subsequent transportationby advection 10-3 cm/s, which is givenby Gibbset al. [1971] as the settling to the site of the measurements. If we assume that the increase velocity for a particle of diameter 5 tzm and specificgravity in light scatteringnear the bottom is dueto sedimenterodedin 2.65. We obtain valuesfor •9P/Oz and P by assumingthat A, the surf zone by the rapid increasein wind and waveheight and w are constant over a layer 50 m thick. We choosethe and then carrieddownthe canyonby a bottom current,we can profile taken at 1525PST as being representativein shape,and estimatethe speedof this currentat about 25 cm/s (56 km in we determineP at 25 m abovethe bottom. We then useAp/Az 60 hours).We mightcomparethis to the net transportfigures for this layer as •9P/Oz. Note that the unitsof P cancel.Using for bottom currentsin canyonsoff southernCalifornia and valuesthusdeterminedfrom the profile at 1525PST, we obtain Baja Californiareportedby ShepardandMarshall [1973]that A• = 17 cmø'/s. rangedfrom 0 to 123m/h with an averageof only 67 m/h or If we do not assumesteadystatebut we do assumethat A, PLANK ET AL.' SUSPENDEDMATTER IN THE OCEAN and w are constant, the diffusion equation becomes O•P OP A• Off w Oz OP Ot Here •9P/•9t is determinedby plotting valuesof •(45) at 25 m off the bottom versus t for the entire time series and measur- 4541 Gross, G. M., and J. L. Nelson, Sediment movement on the continental shelf near Washington and Oregon, Science,154, 879-885, 1966. Harlett, J. C., Sedimenttransporton the northernOregoncontinental shelf, Ph.D. thesis,Oregon State Uni¾., Corvallis, 1972. lchiye, T., Turbulent diffusionof suspendedparticlesnear the ocean bottom, Deep Sea Res., 13, 679-685, 1966. lchiye, T., N.J. Bassin,and J. E. Harris, Diffusivity of suspended matter in the CaribbeanSea,J. Geophys.Res., 77(33), 6576-6588, ing the slopeof the tangentto this curve at 1525 PST. Then 1972. •9P/3z and •92P/•9z 2 are againmeasuredfrom the 1525profile Keller, G. H., D. Lambert, G. Rowe, and N. Staresinic, Bottom currentsin the Hudson Canyon, Science,180(4082), 181-183, 1973. for the layer 50 m abovethe bottom,and w is againassumedto be 1.8 X 10-8 cm/s. In the nonsteadystatecasethen, Az = 500 Lyall, A. K., D. J. Stanley,H.,N. Giles,and A. Fisher,Jr., Suspended sediment and transport at the shelf-break and on the slope, Mar. Technol.Soc. J., 5(1), 15-27, 1971. one order of magnitude would have been incurred by an Moore, D. G., Reflectionprofiling studiesof the California continental borderland: Structure and quarternary turbidity basins,Geol. assumptionof steady state. Soc. Amer. Special Pap. 107, 142, 1969. Our evidenceof the time-dependentnature of the distribution of suspendedsediment indicates that assumptionsof Pak, H., G. F. Beardsley,Jr., and P. K. Park, The Columbia River as a source of marine light-scattering particles, J. Geophys. Res., steadystatefor the purposeof inferringdeep-oceancirculation 75(24), 4570-4577, 1970. are unrealisticin the type of environmentwe haveinvestigated. Plank, W. S., H. Pak, and J. R. V. Zaneveld, Light scatteringand suspendedmatter in nepheloid layers, J. Geophys.Res., 77(9), Our work indicatesa need for similar studiesin other deep- cmUs, and we can see that in this case an error of more than ocean en•iironments that have often been assumed to be in steady state. Acknowledgment.This investigationhas been supportedby contract N 00014-67-A-0369-0007underprojectNR 083-102 with Oregon State University. 1689-1694, 1972. Rodolfo, K. S., B. A. Buss,and O. H. Pilkey, Suspendedsedimentincreasedue to hurricane Gerda in continental shelf waters off Cape Lookout, N. C., J. Sediment.Petrology,4•(4), 1121-1125, !971. Schubel, J. R., Size distributions of the suspendedparticles of the ChesapeakeBay turbidity maximum, Neth. J. Sea Res., 4(3), 283-309, 1969. REFERENCES Schubel,J. R., Tidal variations of the size distribution of suspended sedimentat a station in the ChesapeakeBay turbidity maximum, Beardsley,G. F., H. Pak, K. Carder, and B. Lundgren,Light scatterNeth. J. Sea Res., 5(2), 252-266, 1971. ing and suspended particlesin the easternequatorialPacificOcean, Shepard, F. P., and N. F. Marshall, Currents along floors of subJ. Geophys.Res., 75, 2837, 1970. marinecanyons, Amer.Ass.Petrol.Geol.Bull.,57(2),244-264, Carlson, P. R., Marine geologyof Astoria submarinecanyon, Ph.D. 1973. thesis,259 pp., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, 1967. Swift, D. J.P., D. B. Duane, and O. H. Pilkey (Eds.), Shelf Sediment Conomos,J. T., and M. G. 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