VOL. 78, NO. 33 3OURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH NOVEMBER 20, 1973 TheCromwell Current ontheEastSideoftheGalapagos Islands H•soN• P•: •NI• J. R. V. ZANEVELD Schoolo] Oceanography,OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Observationsmade during Octoberand December1971on the Yaloc 71 Cruise of Oregon State University indicate the presence of the Cromwell Current on the east side of the Galapagos Islands. Light scattering, particle size dist,ribution,nutrients, and standard hydrographic parameters were measured in water samples collected at !54 stations. The distribution of water properties shows that. the extension of the current to the east side of the islands derives primarily, from water flowing around the north side of the islands. This flow consistsof two branchesthat t6nd to merge into one at about 84øW. There was no clear indication of a branch around the south side of the islands within the area of the observations. What happens to the Cromwell Current as it passesthe Galapagos Islands has been a topic of great interest ever since the discovery of the Cromwell Current itself. Montgomery [1962], in a review of the Cromwell Current, concludedthat the Cromwell Current is usually weak or absent on the east side of the GalapagosIslands. Wyrtki [1966] said that the Cromwell Current disintegrateswest of the Galapagos Islands and it splits into north and south branches,with a part of the water extending to the upwellingregionoff Peru. Knauss [1966], in his report on the Swan Song Expedition, the specificpurposeof which was •o study what happens to the Cromwell Current as it moves eastward and beyond the Gala]•agosIslands, showedweak eastwardflow at 87øW centered north of the equator. Using Islands [Knauss, 1966; Stevenson and Ta]t, 1971]. White [1969] describedthe circulation on •he basisof a network of stationsextending to the east of 91ø00'W; however, there were few stations close to the islands. In the presentpaper, the Cromwell Current circulationpattern will be describedir• the vicinity of the GalapagosIslandson the basisof the observationsmade on RV Yaquina during the Yaloc 71 cruise. YALOC 71 CavISg The Yaloc 71 cruise, from October 16, 1971, to December7, 1971, coveredthe area between 3øN and 3øS and between 93øW and 83ø50'W and included observationsat 152 hydrographic stationsshownin Figure 1. Temperature,salin- ity, oxygen,light scattering,particlesizedistri- Alaminoscruisedata, Whit• [1969] demon- .bution,and concentrations of four kinds of strated that the southern branch of the Cromwell Current was present at 84øW at latitudes from 2øS to 4øS on isanosteric surfaces of 120, 160, 200, and 280 cl/ton. The undercurrentwas nutrients (silicate, phosphate,nitrate, and nitrite) weremeasuredat 13 pointsin the upper 600 meters of water at each station. Nine para- chutedroguesset 100 metersdeepweretraced eitherby radar rangingfrom the ship'sposition potential on the isanostericsurface, and was fixedby a satellitenavigationset or by mainalso accompaniedby high values of oxygen. tainingthe ship'spositioncloseto the drogueso inferred from the distribution of acceleratiQn Stevensonand Ta•t [1971] measured an eastward velocity of 37 cm/sec at the maximum that the ship'spositions determined by satellite navigationcouldbe usedas the drogueposi- salinity level at 84øW and near the equatorby tions. The water samples,obtainedby hydroparachutedroguetracked relative to another graphiccastswith plasticNIO bottles,were parachutedrogue310 metersdeep. analyzedfor temperature,salinity,and oxygen. The Cromwell Current has been observed at In addition,light scatteringwasmeasuredwith a few points on the east side of the Galapagos a Brice-Phoenix light-scattering photometer [Briceet al., 1950;Spilhaus, 1965;Pal•, 1970]. Copyright'¸ 1973 by the American GeophysicalUnion. 7845 PAl{ AND ZANEVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT 7846 92' 075 90' o,o. % % oo o/ 077 07• 0•o 0•0• 0• 0• 0• 0•o• • • 88' 86' 84' i • 2/ ø A44 0•o • O• ".2 • 0•o A 091 A 94' A45 A46 $$ 0•0• 092 0 93 -- o 0• 2ß • 4ß 0•4 Oz• 0•• %• 027 01 033 03002902e I 92' I 90ø I 88 ø A32 I 86 ø •ig. 1. ¾•]oc 71 c•u•e stations with b•thymetric contoursi• kilometers. Particle size distributions were determined with were launched.In spite of the uncertainty of • Coulter Counter equipped with a 100-pm geostrophiccalculationsin the equatorialregion, aperture [Carder, 1970], and nutrients were measured current directionsare in good agreement with dynamic topography, except at one measuredwith an autoanalyzer. station just south of Isabela Island (the largest of the GalapagosIslands). This agreementlends Observed results are presented to describe credenceto the complicatedflow pattern shown the circulationpattern of the Cromwell Current in dynamictopography.The 100-dbsurfacewas I•ESULTS in the regionof the Galapagos Islandsandto the east of the islandsby (1•) dynamictopography and drogueobservations,(2) distribution of hydrographicproperties,and (3) distribution of suspendedparticles. Dynamic topography at 100 db and 600 db and drogue data. In order to present the Cromwell Current in the region of the Galapagos Islands and to the east of the islands, dynamic topographyof the 100-db surfacerelative to the 600 db is shownin Figure 2. Nine pa.rachute droguesset 100 metersdeep are also indicated in the same figure by arrows correspondingto their velocity vectors,and the tails of the arrows are at the stationswhere drogues chosenbecausedrogueswereplacedat this level. Accordingto Figure 2, the general flow pattern on the east side of the GalapagosIslands showseastwardzonal flow separatedby trains of eddies approximalely 50 km in diameter. This patternof flow hasa resemblance to a Von Karmancompound vortexstreetlike that describedby White [1973]. A detailedflow pattern of the Cromwell Current is described accordingto the dynamictopography,because we find it presentsthe basicpicture of the flow pattern. All the other data are presentedand described in reference to that framework. A general picture of the flow pattern was neces- sary to describesmall-scaleflows (branches) PAX AND ZANEVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT 7847 in terms of several different parameters. The velocity field is not completelydescribedby the geostrophicapproximation.Other lines of evidencetend to conflictwith the picture resulting from the geostrophiccalculations,and these the southerncoast of Isabela Island to merge are discussed later. the south of 03ø00'S. The location of this branch On the basis of the dynamic topographyof the 100-db surface relative to 600 db, broken of the equatorial undercurrent' reported by streamlines are drawn to indicate the flow pattern without any consideration of speedof the flows (Figure 3). At about 92ø0ffW, just west of Isabela Island, the Cromwell Current into the branch C on the east side of the same island. There is another eastward flow at about 03ø0ifs startingfrom about 90ø0ifs that may be fed by branch S after branch S extendsto (S-1) is similar to that of the 'southern branch White [1969.] We cannot, however, verify White's south branch by our data, since our observationsextendedonly to 03ø00'S. In between the zonal streams of eastward apparentlysplitsinto threebranches;onehead- flow, we find zonal bands flowing toward the ing north (N), the secondextendingeastaround west; one is along the equator (SEQ-1) bethe northern coast of Isabela Island (C), and tween the branchesN-1 and C, and the other the third heading south off the west coast (SEQ-2) betweenthe branchesC and S-1. The of the sameisland (S). From branch N another branch SEQ-1 is much wider than the other branch (N-l) splits off and turns at about branches,and observedcurrent velocity there 02ø0fiN, 91ø3ffW. Branch C extends to the is about 10-30 cm/secto the west at 100-meter eastalongabout02ø00'Safter it passes through depth. Observedcurrent velocity of the branch the islands. SEQ-2 is about 20 cm/sec to the west at the Branch S heads to the south on the west side of Isabela Island beyond 03ø0ifS, the southern limit of our observations. There is a small branch that turns to the east by goingaround same depth. Unfortunately, we do not have any direct current measurements of the Cromwell Current on the east side of the GalapagosIslands. On o,s 4.N! •dloW , o ' 4ON "sped c/sec 2- --0 0---' -i 2' 4'S Fig. 2. I 92 , , i 90 i 88 I 86 , i, ,, 84øW , 4•S Dynamic topography in dynamic centimeters relative to 600 db and velocity of current determinedby parachutedroguesset out 100meters deep. 7848 PAK AND ZANEVELD: CROMWELLCURRENT the west side of the islands (station 84 at 00ø00', 93'00'W), an eastwardvelocity of 50 Islands. The core of the Cromwell Current could not be definedbecausethere were no cm//secwas observedat 100-meterdepth, and distributionof temperature(Figure 4)in the direct measurementsof the velocity profile. However, we can qualitatively estimate the meridional section at 93ø00'W shows that the core of the Cromwell Current is below 100meter depth. Both branchesSEQ-1 and SEQ-2 turn toward the poles:the first toward the north and the second toward the south, near Isabela Island (at about 92ø00'W). It can be seen depth of the core by the shape and location of the well-mixed layer indicated in the various parametersof water properties.Such a crude approximation may not be of any value in determining the absolute depth, but it still gives some indication of vertical variation of the current from one meridianto another. The CromwellCurrent,with its high-velocity clearlyin Figures3 and 5 that a part of SEQ-2 goes around the southwestcoast of Isabela core,is characterized by intenseverticalmixing. Island and then extendsto the north along the west coastof the island.There is a droguemeasurementat station 5-42 (southwestof Isabela For example, above the Cromwell Current the vertical distribution of temperature is characterizedby a minimum and below the Crom- Island) which supportsthe northwardflow on well Current it is characterized by a maximum. the west side of Isabela Island. The core is located at the thermocline. Accord- Distributions of hydrographic properties. Results of the Yaloc 71 cruisedata, primarily the, distribution of water properties,are presented to show the extensionof the Cromwell Current to the east side of the Galapagos ingly, the lines of constant(rt and isothermsin the meridionalsections(Figure 4) bulgeupward (ridge) above the thermoclineand bend down- 4ON ! 92 90 ward (trough) below the thermocline,and the core of the Cromwell Current coincideswith the 8t6 86 84.øW 4ON O' q.•-- •------ ..(-..% 2:- 4os 94øW 92 I 90 I 88 t 86 t 840W I Fig. 3. Streamlines 100 meters deep inferred from dynamic topography (Figure 2) with the axes of the Cromwell Current (heavy lines) determined by the equatorial thermostad. 4o$ PAl<AND ZANEVELD'CROMWELLCURRENT 7849 _• • q., ) i - .) {w} (w) HJ.d•Q HJ.d•a (w) HJ. d3a (Ell)K,Ld•Q PAK AND ZANEVELD.' CROMWELL CURRENT 785O 4ON'4øW 92 90 Ot • , 88 86 4øN O' 2- 4øS94ow I 92 90 • • 86 , 84øW ,4os Fig. 5. Thickness (meters) between two isanosteric surfaces; from i• --- 170 to 190 cl/ton with the axes of the Cromwell Current (heavy lines) determined by the dynamic topography. Owingto the intensemixingwithin the Cromlevel isanostereor isotherm [Cromwell et 1954; WoosterandJennings,1955; Montgomery well Current, the current is also identified by a relatively thicker layer of water with temperaand Stroup, 1962]. ture or density closeto that of the core of the The changesin the Cromwell Current as it passesthe islands and extends to the east are current [Wooster and Cromwell, 1958; Knauss, shownin distributionof hydrographicproper- 1960; Montgomery and Stroup, 1962], $eitz ties in the meridional sections. Vertical distribu[1967] proposedthe use of the word 'thermotion of temperature in eight meridionalsections stad' to indicate a layer of water with a minifrom 93ø00'Wto 85ø30'Ware presented in Fig- mum vertical temperaturegradient,and White ure 4. The Cromwell Current is indicatedby [1969] showeda map of the thicknessbetween the layer of relatively well-mixedwater (maxi- isanosteric surfaces of 170 to 190 cl/ton to mum spreading of isotherms), and we can demonstrate that the equatorial thermostad identify the extent of the current, changesin correspondsto the equatorial undercurrent. The distribution of the equatorialthermostad depth, and width of the current as it extends east from the distributionof the mixed layer. determinedby the Yaloc 71 cruisedata is shown The eastward extension of the Cromwell Curin Figure 5. Arrows indicating the Cromwell rent is clear as far as 86ø30'W. The depth of Current (from Figure 3), as determinedby the on the the Cromwell Current core, estimatedby the dynamictopography,are superimposed depth of the most level isotherm, increases equatorialthermostadto indicatethe agreement slightly as it approachesthe islandsand then between the two sets of data. The axis of the decreasesas it extendseastward,contrary to Cromwell Current determined by connecting the report by Knauss [1966]. The width of the the equatorialthermostadis drawn in Figure 3 current is also decreased as it extends to the for the samepurpose.Locationsof the branch east from the islands. N-1 and C in Figure 5 show a fair agreement, PAKANDZANEVELD; CRO1?IWELL CURRENT 7851 but theyarenotin exactagreement. For ex- strophic calculations neartheequator, theagreeample,the thermostad is slightlysouthof mentbetween Figures 3 and5 seems to suggest branchN-1 and slightlynorthof branchC. that the Cromwell Currentcanbe approxi- Fromlocations of branches N-1andC in Fig- mated by geostrophic flowaswasreported by ures3 and 5, we canseegoodagreement be- Montgomery and $troup [1962] and Knauss tween geostrophicflow and the equatorial [1960]. thermostad. Considering thelimitations of geo4.N! ,,.w • • • a? ß , 'Nd; ........... ' : ' ( ' . . '• . • The Cromwell Currentis alsoclearlyindi- •'w 4.,, 4.,•-w •,2 • 0.• o.• ,•.'w •.. . /z.• •,••' •- ß ....... _ : H::.•••. • •,,•' ß • •,• ß I ' : ::.... 4'$94,W T•. • 4'N' Oxygen 4'S94, W 912 •0 88 86 4'N I•'W • 2 84'W 4øS • • I•l,•i ,,.• .... ", ./• I•,,w 4øN • .... 2 • 2 . . 4., ,w . • •• • •e . • Silicate •.w 4.s Fi•. 6. Horizontal distribution •t 250me•ers depthof •emper•ture (de•rees Centigrade), s•]inity(per mi]), oxygen(mi]]i]iters per liter), ]i•h• sca•e•n• (1/m s•er),•nd silica• (microgramsper liter). 7852 :PAKANDZANEVELD'CROMWELLCURRENT cated in Figure 6 by a maximum in tempera- ture, salinity,oxygen,and light scatteringand by a minimum in silicatein the 250-meter surface. These define the Cromwell Current, at least its lower part, very clearly on the east B and C in the same figures.For example, branch S-1 is not supportedby oxygen:and thermostad distributions, but it is indicated somewhatby temperature, salinity, and silicate distributions. Since branch S-1 is on the border side'of the Galapagos Islandsin two ,branches, of our observations,our confidencein it may be N-1 and C. These indications Of the Cromwell low. Distribution o/s•spen.dedparticles. Vertical distributionsof suspendedparticlesin the tropiwith the geostrophicflow. The two branches cal waters normally show a relative maximum Current at a depth of 250 meters showa better agreementwith the equatorialthermostadthan separate just north of Isabela•!sland. The separationmay occursimplyfrom blockingof at the sea surface and another maximum, nor- mally larger than the surfacemaximum,at the the Cromwell Current by 'the islands Isabela, Pinta, and Marchena (Pinta and Marchena are thermocline.Below the thermocline,particle about 40 miles northeast of the northern to coast of Isabela). Since the w•dth of the Cromwell Current is larger than the longitudinalspan of the blocking islands, such separation is likely concentration rapidly decreases with depth a broad minimum that extends over most of the water column. Near the bottom the particle concentrationoften increases.The two maximums• in the surface layer can be to occur. While branches N and C are indicated merged into one broad maximum and become clearly in Figures 5 and 6 and are in good indistinguishablewhen the thermoclineis shalagreementwith the earlier interpretationsof low and mixing is intensein the surfacelayer. the Cromwell Current made on the basis of the The main sourceof the suspendedparticles in dyna•mictopography(Figures2 and 3), indica- the open ocean is biologicalproduction,which tions of branch S are not as clear as branches is dependenton the penetrationof the sunlight. ,4oW 92 90 :,_ 0--' 125 4"S94"W I 92 I 90 , I 88 I 86 I 84øW Fig. 7. Total particle volume contained in the layer from 100 to 300 m in ppm/cm •. ,4'$ PAK AND ZANEVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT The high density gradient associatedwith the thermoclineslows the particles settling from the surfacelayer, causingthe particle maximum usually observed at this depth. The surface layer thus providesa sourceof suspendedparticles. The intense vertical mixing associated with the Cromwell Current leads to an increased 3 and 5, passesby the islandswhere the particle distribution developsa pronouncedmaximum (Figure 7). It is located to the south of the particle maximum zone, on the east side of San ChristobalIsland (easternmostisland). We cannot find any explanation for this devia.tion, but we suggestthat it is associated with a smallscale phenomenonin time and space not well defined by our observations.The increase in suspendedparticlesis probably causedboth by terrigenousparticlesinjected into the water by downwardtransport of particles,similar to the downward transport of other properties (e.g., heat, dissolvedoxygen). The effects of this downward transport are evident at 250 meters which is below the core depth of the current. Data on light scattering (Figure 6d), which is related to the suspendedparticles, show branch C of the Cromwell Current by bands of a slight relative maximum250 meters deep. the interaction The indicated same results are observed in the total suspendedparticle volume in the layer between 100 and 300 meters (Figure 7). Introduction of particlesfrom the islandsand subsequentdownstream transport are alsoindicatedby the maximum light scattering in a meridional section through IsabelaIsland and 90ø00'W (Figure 8). In Figure 8, we can identify the branchesN-1 by another maximum in light scattering, and SEQ-1 and SEQ-2 by minimum light scattering. These maximums in suspendedparticles are probably related to the Cromwell Current through both intense mixing and turbulent interaction with the islands,resultingin entrainment of particles.Branch C, shownin Figures 7853 of currents with the islands and by an increasein biogenousmaterial contributed by the increasedsupply of nutrients resulting from the upwelling processassociatedwith the Cromwell Current. Such upwelling is clearly in the horizontal distribution of tem- perature at 50-meter depth (Figure 9). The index of refraction of suspendedparticles is calculated by light scattering and particle size distribution as describedby Zaneveld and Pak [1973]. The method appliesan approximation of a constant linear relation between the total scatteringcoefficientand volumescattering function at 45ø and resultsin a singlevalue of index of refraction for a given water sample. It is assumedthat terrigenousparticles have a higher index of refraction than biogenousparticles. High values of index of refraction were observedin the Cromwell Current (branch C) and in the generalarea surroundingthe islands 91-15 90- O0 W W IOO I00 •ioo !i••* ioo • 20 200 - 200 200 _ :500 •oc t LATITUBE S $ 2_ I LAT TUBE Fig. 8. Vertical distribution of fi(45) (1/m ster) at 91ø15'W a.nd 90øO(FW meridians. PAI< AND ZANEVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT 7854 4ON94øW 92 90 88 I I I 86 840W I 4ON _ O• 2- 4øS94oW I i I i 92 90 88 86 i 840W 4os :Fig.9. Temperature distribution at 50 meters depth. (Figure 10). Such a distribution of index of refraction suggeststhat at least a part of the increase in suspendedparticles in the Cromwell Current is contributedby terrigenousparticles, and that the GalapagosIslands are the most likely sourceof theseparticles. On the other hand, high values of index of south with respectto the kind and amount of particlesthey supplyto the surroundingwaters. In either case,the distributionof suspended particles showssome indicationsof the Cromwell Current. We made an estimate of the total mass of suspendedparticles contained in the layer between 100 and 300 meters deep by refraction were not observed in the other assumingan average density of 2.0 g/cc for all branches of the Cromwell Current at 250-meter the particles counted (Figure 7). If the lowest depth (Figure 10). High valueswere, however, observedvalue of particle massis assumedto observedin thosebranchesat shallowerdepths: be the background value, then the mass of 50, 75, and 100 meters. Such vertical and hori- suspended particlesintroducedby the Cromwell zontal variations may be regarded as a result Current is of the order of I g/m 2 in the layer of the complexnature of spatial and temporal between 100 and 300 meters deep and 1.6 g/m • variations in the interactions between the Cromin the layer between50 and 250 meters deep. well Current and the GalapagosIslands. The DISCUSSION GalapagosIslands platform extendsfarther to The Cromwell Current, on the west side of the south of the equator than to the north. Thus one would expect the flow patterns of the GalapagosIslands, has been reported to the CromwellCurrent, whichis symmetricabout be located at the e%uator[Knauss, 1960, 1966]. the equator as it approachesthe islands,to be Isabela Island extendsroughlyfrom the equator different to the north and south as the current to 1ø30'S latitude. Becauseof the asymmetric branches and flows around the islands. In addi- location of Isabela Island relative to the equa- tion, the island group may vary from north to tor, the major part of the Cromwell Current PAK AND ZANEVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT 4*N 94øW 92 90 8,8 I 7855 86 8,4-W 2- 40N -2 ß L ß H ß O' --0 2- -2 4øS9•PW I I I I 92 90 88 86 I 40S 84øW Fig. 10. Distribution of index of refraction at 250 metersdepth. appearst.o passaround the northern side of it (Figures5 and 6). A similarresultwasreported by Knauss [1966]. Knauss [1960] reported that, based on the Dolphin Expedition, the Cromwell Current can be accountedfor by geostrophicflow. In his later report, K•auss [1966] found that the Cromwell Current was not in geostrophicbalance based on the data from the Swan Song Expedition. 93-00 ! , , , w , , , IOO IOO According to the data presentedhere, the geostrophic flowpatternwasin goodagreementg with the flow determined by droguesand the distribution of tracers. We found many suspi- ciousvaluesin geostrophiccurrent speed,and we thus feel that thesedata may not be reliable. The distribution of temperature at 93ø00'W, 92ø00'W, and 91ø40'W (Figure 4) and the distribution of oxygen at 93ø00'W (Figure 11) indicate that the axis of the Cromwell 200 200 . 500 500 Current •N on the west side of the GalapagosIslands may be slightlydisplacedto the southof the equator. On the other hand,the fact that the Cromwell Fig. Current doesnot seemto extenddirectly around LATITUDE 11. Vertical distribution 93ø00'W meridian. of oxygen at 7856 PArcAND ZANEVELD.'CROMWELLCURRENT the southernside of Isabela Island, located near the equator, and it is quite possiblethat the 01ø00'S, seemsto contradict such displacement. locations of the brancheseithervary seasonally In regard to this problem, we may have to or as a result of other large-scaledynamic,conconsider the idea that the Cromwell Current is causingstrong mixing to generatesuch a wellmixed layer, but the mixed water can be deflected away from the main stream when a proper deflectoris available.There is actually a proper deflector,Isabela Island, and the Cromwell Current (branch S) is deflected to the south of it accordingly.Before branch S reaches the southern coast of Isabela Island, it loses the eastwardvelocity, and it runs into the south equatorial current (branch SEQ-2), which flows to the west. All the observed data indicate that the south equatorial current (SEQ-2) is present ditions. We could not detect the Cromwell Current with six parachutedroguesset 100metersdeepon the east side of the Galapagos Islands (Figure 2). Had we not made observations over a grid of hydrographicstationsas well, we wouldhave reportedthat the Cromwell Current does not extend to the east side of the GalapagosIslands at all. Distributionsof water propertiesin the level surfacesor isanostericsurfacesin depthsless than about 100 meters show a somewhat more complicatedpicture than in the deeperwater. Sucha complicated distributionof water prop- as a zonal band to the south of about 01ø30'S erties is believed to be the result of intense and to the east of 91ø00'W. mixing causedby the strong internal inter- The northwestern edge of the SEQ-2 reachesthe southern coast of Isabela Island, which effectively blocks off eastward turning of the Cromwell Current (Figures 2, 3, 5, and 7). A branch of westward flow just south of Isabela Island was shownin White's [1969] data, although his picture was based on only a few observationsand he did not specificallydescribethe flow. In this case we can still observe a layer well mixed in temperature and oxygen as indicated in Figure 11, even though the Cromwell Current is not displacedto the south of the equator. An ambiguity of this kind may be one of the weakn.essesof studying a current by the distribution of water properties without direct measurement of velocity. action between the surface water and the Crom- well Current water flowing in the opposite direction,thus creatinga large velocityshear, and the interruption of the flow by the Galapagos Islands causing eddies of various sizes. This intense mixing takes place in an area where there is a convergenceof the surface water from both hemispheres,which have distinctive water mass characteristics and often form a front. The equatorialfront, the boundarybetween the surfacewater of the south equatorial current characterizedby low temperatureand high salinity (temperature less than 20øC and salinity greater than 34.0%) and the surface water from the northern hemisphere(probably As the CromwellCurrent is blockedby Isa- from the equatorial counter current) characbela Island and by the southern equatorial terized by higher temperature and lower salincurrent (the branch SEQ-2), the water carried ity, is shown in Figure 12. The front contains by the CromwellCurrent tendsto pile up on perturbationsof varioussizes.These perturba- the west side of the island. The Cromwell Cur- tions can be described as intrusions of one water rent then may be affectedin a way that causes it to split into northern and southern branches at some point farther upstream. If this is the case,the southernbranch might extend to the east through the region to the south of 03ø00•S until it reaches to about 90ø00'W, where it type into the other. This perturbation effect will be superimposed on the effectsof the Cromwell Current, and it may be dit•cult to resolve the two. Water below the core of the Cromwell Cur- rent, on the other hand, is more homogeneous. shows as branch S-1. In this case branch The will conform with White's [1969] report of a tribution of water properties either as a horizontal maximum in temperature, salinity, oxygen, and light scatteringor minimum in silicate with little confusionfrom other effects (Fig- southern branch of the Cromwell Current be- tween 02000 ' and 04ø00'S as far east as the coast of Peru. Cromwell Current is reflected in the dis- On the east side of the GalapagosIslands, ure 6). the current was observed in two narrow chan- nels. Their locationsare not symmetricabout The interaction between the islands and the currentsmay createisland wakesof terrigenous 7857 PAX A:NDZA:NEVEL]:)'CROMWELL CURRENT l•,'W 40N:=-'---• 4'N ß 0 "'- ø ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß Salinity I 405940 w I 92 ß ß I 90 ß ß ß -e ß I 88 ß ß I 86 ß ß ß ß ,4es 84'W ß ß ß ß ß ß _ • ß ß ß ß ß •' '" '-- ß ß ß ß • 0 ß ß ß ß '-- 2, Temp. 4-S94. W • 92I ! 90 I 88 • 86 ' 84'W 4'S Fig. 12. Horizontaldistribution of salinity(top) and temperature (bottom)at 25 meters depth. PAK AND ZAI•'EVELD' CROMWELL CURRENT 7858 94øW 4ON 92 90 88 86 84øW ,4ON 4os 4os 94øW 4*N94'W 92 90 oo 98 8,8 96 84øW 86 98 4øN 0o ß 2 ,- ß ß ß ß ß ß ---'0 ß ß ß ß ß ß -2 ß ß ß S, lOOm 4os 94øW I 92 I 90 i 88 ! 8_6 840W 4os Fig. 13. Horizontal distribution of salinity at 50 meters (top) and 100 meters (bottom) depth. PAx ANDZANEVELD:CROMWELL CURRENT 7859 REFERENCES particlessuspendedin the water on the lee side of the island. We observeda high concentra- Brice, B. A., M. Halwer, and R. Speiser, Phototion of particulate matter and high values in electric light scattering photometer for delight scattering in the Cromwell Current on termining high molecular weights,J. Opt. Soc. the east side of the GalapagosIslands. High valuesof index of refractionin the regionwhere the Cromwell Current is located support the idea of islandwakesof particles,sincethe index of refraction of the terrigenous particles is larger than that of biologicalparticles. While the Cromwell Current is identified by a temperature and salinity maximum on..the 250-meter surface (Figure 6), the salinity distributions at 50 and 100 meters (Figur• 13) do not seemto indicate the Cromwell Current by a salinity maximumas was suggested by Stevenson and Ta[t [1971]. Instead it is indicatedby a temperature minimum in the 100-meter surface (not shown), which suggeststhe Cromwell Current core is located below 100 meters. Amer., •0, 768-778, 1950. Carder, K. L., Particles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Their distribution and effect upon optical parameters, Ph.D. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 140 pp., 1970. Cromwell, T., R. B. Montgomery, and E. D. Stroup, Equatorial under-current in Pacific Ocean revealed by new methods, Science, 119, 648-649, 1954. Knauss, J. A., Measurements of the Cromwell Current, Deep Sea Res., 6, 265-286, 1960. Knauss, J. A., Further measurements and observations on the Cromwell Current, J. Mar. Res., 2•, 206-239, 1966. Montgomery, R. B., Equatorial undercurrent in review, J. Oceanogr.Soc. Jap., 20th Ann. Vol., 487-498, 1962. Montgomery, R. B., and E. D. Stroup, Equatorial waters and currents at 150øW in July-August 1952, Oceanogr. Stud., vol. 1, 68 pp., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md., 1962. Pak, H., The Columbia River as a source of CONCLUSIONS marine light scattering particles, Ph.D. thesis, OregonState University, Corvallis,110pp., 1970. 1. The Cromwell Current was observed as Seitz, R. C., Thermostad,the antonym of therfar as 86ø30'Wand was split aroundthe islands. mocline, J. Mar. Res., 25, 203, 1967. More water seemedto be flowingon the north- Spilhaus,A. F., Observationsof light scattering in seawater,Ph.D. thesis, MassachusettsInstiern side of the islands in two branches (N-1 tute of Technology, Cambridge, 242 pp., 1965. and C), and a southern branch flowed to the Stevenson,M. R., and B. A. Taft, New evidence east after a considerable detour to the south of the equatorial undercurrent east of the (probably beyond3ø00'S). 2. The Cromwell Current deepenedslightly as it approachedthe GalapagosIslands,and it roseto a shallowerdepth on the eastsideof the islands. 3. The flow pattern determinedby dynamic topographyat 100 db relative to 600 db is in good agreementwith that determinedby the distribution of the distance between 170 and 190 cl/ton isanostericsurfaces,with the movement of nine droguesset 100 meters deep, and with the distribution of other properties (light scattering, temperature, salinity, oxygen, and silicate). 4. Island wakesof suspendedparticleswere observedin the vicinity of the Cromwell Current on the east side of the GalapagosIslands. Acknowledgment. The nutrients and chemical data were analyzed by Mr. J. Anderson and Mr. R. Olund, University of Washington personnel supervisedby J. J. Anderson. This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research through contract N000 14-67-A0369-0007 under project NR 083-102. GalapagosIslands, J. Mar. Res., 29(2), 103115, 1971. White, W. 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