Nurmatov Baiysh Kyrgyz Republic

Nurmatov Baiysh
Kyrgyz Republic
Nurmatov Baiysh, date of birth 1947, is a deputy director of National Communications
Agency of Kyrgyz Republic, has a higher education, graduated in 1970 Moscow electrotechnical
institute of communication on "radio engineering" specialty, PhD.
Has a great experience in national spectrum usage management, takes an active part in
activities of Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications and International
Telecommunication Union (ITU). As a senior expert participated in a number of seminars,
organized by ITU.
Participated in:
- ITU plenipotentiary conferences from 1998;
- world radio conferences from 1995;
- world telecommunication development conferences from 1998;
- regional radio conferences RRC-04, RRC-06.
In 2006 on RRC-06 was selected as a member of Radioregulations Board.