WiMAX Application scenarios, first experiences and evolution Michele Morganti Siemens Communications ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on “Fixed Mobile Convergence and new network architectures for the Arab Region” Tunis, Tunisia, 21-24 November 2005 Communications Exceeding Nomadic Customers’ expectations W-LAN like access: + Anywhere + Anytime + Seamless + Simple + Friendly + Secure Communications 1 Naturally complementing WiFi WLL or WiMAX WiMAX My Personal Hot-Spot WiFi Residential Hot-Spots The Internet Nomadic Hot-Spots Corporate Hot-Spots Public Hot-Spots Communications Providing cellular coverage of urban and rural areas alike Existing MW Links dense urban d = 3km urban, suburban d = 5 km Communications 2 Operating in LOS and NLOS WiMAX technology, solves or mitigates the problems resulting from NLOS conditions by using: • OFDM technology. • Sub-Channelization. • Directional antennas. • Transmit and receive diversity. • Adaptive modulation. • Error correction techniques. • Power control. Full featured cell radii Communications Filling the gap between Fixed and Mobile Mobile Networks (GSM, UMTS, HSPDA, …) BB Wireless (WiMAX 802.16d, 802.16e, …) Vehicle Mobility Fixed Walk Fixed Networks (xDSL, FITL, …) 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 Bandwidth (Mb/s) Communications 3 Easy to integrate with W-LAN access through WIP The Wireless Integration Platform (WIP) is designed to support both Wireless LAN and WiMAX technologies It performs the following functionalities • Authentication – Authorization – Accounting • End user billing \ charging • Access Control • It provides an Interface to 2G - 3G networks (towards HLR and the Billing system) End User Authentication based on the Web portal page Billing \ Charging models • pre-paid (voucher) • post-paid (Credit Card) • SIM card …. Communications Easy to integrate into 2G/3G Mobile Networks #$ % !" ' ( ) * ! , ' ( ) * & # SeCon Installations + " & SIGNALLING UMTS / GPRS TRAFFIC WLAN TRAFFIC GPRS Installations MSM (Mobile Session Manager) = AAA Server Charging@[vantage] = Charging logic, rating, accounting MSP (Mobile Smart Proxy) = WAP/Web Gateway WLAN Installations Communications 4 Fully supporting Internet Mobility standards underway NAP (ASN) R3 R6 UE 3G MNO NSP ASP ASN GW BS CSN Internet PoA@ payload BS@+Tunnel id PoA@ payload Micro-Mobility tunnel NAP: NSP: UE: BS: CoA@ PoA@ payload PoA@ payload Macro-Mobility MIP tunnel Network Access Provider Network Service Provider User Equipment Base Station ASN: GW: CSN: ASP: Access Service Network (ASN) Gateway Connectivity Service Network Application Service Provider Communications Application scenarios and Standards evolution path WiMAX Profile#3 (IEEE 802.16e / 802.16g) WiMAX Profile#2 (IEEE 802.16e) WiMAX Profile#1 (IEEE 802.16-2004) Mobile Portable Nomadic Fixed Wireless DSL Corporate Feeding WiFi Feeding Hot Zone No Handover User authentication in different locations Hot Zone Session continuity within Hot Zones Mobility Seamless Handover Communications 5 A worldwide Broadband Wireless Access standard CPE Price Compliance to standard Standard frequency plan Harmonized licensing schemes Proprietary Standard are all key to achieve: -../ -.0. CPE cost reduction Service interoperability Worldwide roaming Communications License value as a function of intended usage License must fit actual technology potential to avoid overpricing Outdoor and indoor coverage must be guaranteed separately Unlicensed spectrum (5.8 GHz) best fit for private/local usage >2.5 GHz >3.5 GHz >5 GHz >10 GHz Bandwidth Ubiquity Nomadicity Mobility Communications 6 WiMAX: some first conclusions Leading BWA technology, addressing several different user needs Users not adequately served by wired BB access at their home/office Users requiring ubiquitous BB access Offering unprecedented opportunities to operators and governments To reshuffle the TELCO market by fostering liberalization and competition To provide customers and citizens with high quality affordable services To effectively confront the risk of Digital Divide Communications Long-term Digital Divide risk in Italy Areas with inadequate (fiber/copper) wired access capacity Urban 4% Rural 59% Suburban 37% Population: 5,700,000 NorthNorth-East 11% South & Islands 32% Central 25% NorthNorth-West 32% Source: Osservatorio Larga Banda 2005 Communications 7 Early WiMAX trials in Italy Siemens’ WayMAX trial equipment Indoor unit Residential Modem Outdoor unit Antenna Communications Early WiMAX trials in Italy Cassina de’ Pecchi trial architecture Communications 8 Early WiMAX trials in Italy Cassina de’ Pecchi trial layout Sector-1 antenna TS Demo lab Sector 2 Demo lab TS Tower Sector 1 Communications Early WiMAX trials in Italy Cassina de’ Pecchi (MI) trial coverage BS TS 11.1 km NLOS CASSINA DE’ PECCHI (Siemens Plant) BICOCCA (Siemens Headquarter) Communications 9 Early WiMAX trials in Italy Cassina de’ Pecchi – Bicocca NLOS connection View from Bicocca towards Cassina Cassina de’ Pecchi – Bicocca link data Distance: 11.1Km, (NLOS, near LOS) Clutter: urban / suburban BS Antenna (Cassina): 90deg sector, 15dBi; height 45m TS Antenna (Bicocca): 18deg, 18dBi; installed at 6th floor (20-25m ) BS Tx Power: +35dBm Rx level DL (TS): around -65dBm Communications Early WiMAX trials in Italy Combined DVB-T/WiMAX trial in Val d’Ayas Sector 2 Ayas_Crest (BS) Antagnod Sector 1 Communications 10 Early WiMAX trials in Italy All-Wireless CATV concept: broad area coverage DVB / WiMAX Head End DVB-T + WiMAX Communications Early WiMAX trials in Italy All-Wireless CATV concept: last mile/drop solutions DVB-T Signal DVB-T Antenna WiMAX Signal WiMAX Roof-top Antenna DVB Content WiMAX/WiFi Access Point DVB / WiMAX Head End IP IP Network Network Existing TV Signal Distribution (Coax) WiFi Communications 11 WiMAX: further conclusions Best fit for WLAN (and Hot-Spot) feeding in urban areas SDSL alternative in urban and sub-urban areas xDSL alternative in low density and/or geo-morphologically disadvantaged areas xDSL alternative in areas with high seasonal changes in population Direct broadband wireless access in large outdoor areas DVB-T return channel Communications WayMAX: product availability roadmap Internal lab trials until Sep ’05 Public trials with customers since Oct ’05 Commercial availability from Dec ’05 Manufacturing ramp-up 1st Half of ’06 Communications 12